Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Conflict Resolution (Game of Thrones)

Conflict Resolution (Game of Thrones)

A/N: Conflict Resolution was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in 2019. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: A very pregnant Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, grows tired of the constant political maneuvering of her very ambitious ladies-in-waiting. Luckily she has Jon to help.

Themes: Rough Sex, Threesome, Breeding


Wildfire… Wildfire was a dangerous thing. In a world where Robert Baratheon all of his heirs and the near-entirety of House Lannister save for one snubbed dwarf died to one of the Wildfire Caches hidden beneath King's Landing, the whole of Westeros' surviving Great Houses was slightly at a loss about just what they were supposed to do.

Luckily for one opportunistic Spider, he had not been with the Royal Party that day, when the explosion took place. His counterpart, Littlefinger, had been, but he'd been… absent. As such, Varys was able to start putting out feelers. Ultimately, he was forced to have Viserys Targaryen killed off when it became clear that he had the same insanity as his father and would provide nothing but more instability to the Realm, but his sister, Daenerys Targaryen… now there was an option.

The Lord Paramounts of Westeros might not have liked it, but at the end of the day, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She was not the girl who would have one day gone on to become Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, and Breaker of Chains, however. She had her own lessons and grew up strong to be a good Queen indeed, but she wasn't beset on all sides by the corruption and evil of Essos, so she didn't grow up quite as twisted as her counterpart would have become.

In the end, she was Queen of Westeros, with a loving consort and a baby on the way, and that was enough for her. She had no concept of the wheel upon which the world turned, and no desire to break it. It was this Queen Daenerys, heavily pregnant with her first child and excited to be a mother whether it turned out to be a boy or a girl, that found herself once again listening to her ladies in waiting sniping at one another.

"Perhaps one day I might show you Sunspear, my Queen. It is a beautiful place."

"Hm, from what I've heard, it is hot and sandy. Highgarden on the other hand…"

"Some of us like it hot. As for Highgarden, well, not everyone wishes to be coddled and treated as softly as a rose."

"Roses are only handled so carefully because we have thorns aplenty, I think you'll find."

Daenerys resists the urge to rub the bridge of her nose, as she finally holds up her hand and cuts off both women, stopping Arianna Martell, Princess of Dorne, from responding to Margaery Tyrell, Lady of the Reach. They are both beautiful women. Margaery, with her pretty lady-like features, her pale skin, and her sizable bust along with her curvaceous body and breedable hips. Arianne, with a slightly slimmer figure, but striking eyes and dark, caramel skin that makes her look quite exotic in comparison to much of Westeros.

Of course, for as gorgeous as they both are, neither quite matches up to the beauty that is Daenerys Targaryen. Even pregnant, she positively glows with this inner light, her purple eyes and silver-white hair shining, her face perfectly sculpted with the Targaryen looks. She is perfection made manifest… so it stands to reason that she should have ladies in waiting who are nearly as gorgeous as her.

Of course, beyond looks, Arianne and Margaery come from two very influential houses, both of whom were Targaryen Loyalists during the rebellion that had seen so much of Westeros thrown into chaos. As such, they were good choices to be closest to her… but they just could not leave each other alone.


Daenerys' Queen-like tone sees them both shutting up though, as they turn to her. Arianne is expectant, as if she thinks Daenerys will just forget about the conversation and move past it to answer her initial suggestion of traveling to Sunspear, while Margaery at least has the good grace to look somewhat apologetic, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

But Daenerys shakes her head and repeats herself.

"That is enough. This is precisely why I called you both here today. Jon! Come in now, please."

Both of her ladies in waiting go wide-eyed and slightly flustered at that, even as Daenerys' dour, handsome consort steps into the room. The young man, who had once been falsely named Jon Snow, is just Jon now. Oh sure, both she and he know of his true heritage at this point thanks to Lord Stark finally breaking and coming clean, but Jon doesn't want to be a Targaryen… and truth be told, Daenerys is pretty sure she doesn't want him to be her nephew. Not when she much prefers him as her lover.

These days, he just goes by Jon, and he is the Queen's Consort. Not King, he'd turned that down as well and Daenerys had decreed that she would take no King in response, but he might as well have the power, because she lent him an ear whenever he had something to say, and she was her staunchest supporter in turn… and the father of her coming child.

Still, Daenerys was well aware of how her ladies in waiting felt about her consort. They were enamored with him, to put it succinctly. As he steps into the room, both Margaery and Arianne straighten up almost imperceptibly, jutting out their breasts and stopping just shy of biting their lower lips in outright wanton desire.

Smirking, Daenerys pats the arm of her chair and waits for Jon to come up to her side. Then, once he's there, she reaches out and undoes the laces on his britches, pulling his cock from its confines with ease and exposing him to her ladies in waiting. Both of them gasp in shock, going wide eyed at the Queen's brazen lewdity, but neither says a word, nor makes any move to get up and leave.

Daenerys makes eye contact with Margaery and then Arianne as she strokes Jon's cock with one hand, the member growing bigger and bigger beside her head.

"I've grown tired of your political maneuvering. And I've seen the way you both look at Jon. Let's settle this here and now, shall we? Rather than waiting for one of you to try to seduce my consort away from me, or perform some other ridiculous act that potentially tears the Seven Kingdoms asunder AGAIN… I'm going to have Jon here give you both what you truly want."

Lady Tyrell and Princess Martell are quiet for a moment, before finally, Margaery speaks up.

"And what… what would that be?"

Daenerys just smiles wickedly.

"He's going to breed you both silly, just like he did his Queen."

Their backs go ramrod straight at that… and yet neither of them raises protest, even now. It certainly wasn't conventional for two ladies in waiting to get pregnant out of wedlock while serving the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But then, having a Queen of the Seven Kingdoms ruling over Westeros rather than a King was fairly unconventional as well. Daenerys may not have had delusions about breaking the wheel, but she certainly had designs towards changing things. She almost hoped her firstborn WOULD be a woman, if only so that she could see the looks on the faces of all her Lords when she named her daughter as her first heir anyways, regardless of her gender.

Regardless, when Margaery and Arianne don't protest or try to leave even now, Daenerys just smiles and raises an eyebrow, before gesturing to the bed with the hand that's NOT still stroking Jon's cock.

"Please… prepare yourselves."

Blushing but managing to keep their decorum about them all the same, the two stand up and begin to strip down. As they're doing so, as they're getting onto the bed and arranging themselves as they will, Daenerys looks up at Jon and smiles at her dour consort. He smiles back, though it's a slightly somber smile. He'd prefer that she be the only one he ever lay with… but he's also well aware that her ladies in waiting are out of control, and he's nothing if not his Queen's Leal servant, ready to do whatever she asks of him.

Letting go of his cock, Daenerys nods to the bed. Jon steps past her and stops for a moment to strip out of his own clothing. Then, he strides over to the bed, where both Arianne and Margaery have stripped down to nothing and laid themselves out, awaiting him pensively, all of their bravado and their sniping and their political maneuvering forgotten and set aside in the face of what's about to happen to them.

Though, that doesn't stop them both from trying to entice Jon to fuck them first. From Margaery arching her back and squeezing her pale white breasts in a rather teasing manner, to Arianne straight up spreading her pussy lips apart with her fingers and offering herself to him with a challenging, almost defiant stare.

But Jon isn't there to play their games, he's there to carry out Daenerys' bidding. The pregnant Queen can only smile in delight when he grabs Arianne by the arm and almost nonchalantly throws her over onto Margaery, forcing her atop the Lady Tyrell and turning the two naked women into a sandwich. Before either of them can properly protest or even say anything, Jon thrusts forward into Arianne from behind, taking the Princess of Dorne right then and there on the spot.

And then he pulls out right as she's moaning wantonly into a disappointed Margaery's face, and thrusts his cock into Lady Tyrell as well. Transitioning smoothly back and forth between the two ladies in waiting, Jon fucks both of them in equal measure as they're forced to watch each other's expressions contort in distinctly unladylike pleasure, their eyes widening and then narrowing, their lips parting and moans coming from their mouths. Their faces bright red as their bodies, naked, rock against each other from Jon's constant thrusts.

One moment he's fucking Arianne, the next he's fucking Margaery, and all the while, their wet cunts are grinding against his shaft and each other, their tits are smooshed together, their bodies are writhing along each other's naked, slim forms. Watching this, smiling happily, Daenerys stands up. She cradles her pregnant belly as she walks over to the bed. She climbs up onto it and lounges next to her ladies in waiting as her consort fucks both of them nice and hard.

"Now, my dears… be good girls and kiss and make up for me."

Lost in the throes of passion as they already are, their faces flushed and their eyes glazed over with lust, neither Margaery nor Arianne hesitate to obey their Queen's lewd command. Their lips practically smash together, and Daenerys' smile only grows as the two women begin to kiss each other most passionately, moaning into one another's mouths.

Daenerys slides a hand up under her own dress and begins to touch her wet slit as she observes all of this from her seat on the edge of the bed. Watching Jon fuck the two haughty, snooty bitches, watching him breed her ladies in waiting… it's so fucking hot. Of course, it helps that right now, she's at a point in her pregnancy when he can't actually fuck her for fear of hurting the baby.

That's half the reason that they're doing this, in fact. Daenerys had been concerned that now was when their love was most vulnerable. Now, when she couldn't satisfy Jon's needs with her body, was when her ladies in waiting might try to make their moves and seduce him away from her. Jon of course, had sworn up and down that he wouldn't let that happen, but Daenerys had still concocted this plan to make sure that even if it did happen… at least it was happening on her terms.

With a grunt, followed by a groan, Jon begins to cum. He's currently buried in Margaery Tyrell, but as lost in one another as they both are, Daenerys is pretty sure neither woman even notices at first. And Jon, as soon as he's done seeding Margaery, pulls out and begins to fuck them both again in equal measure, never quite giving Arianne a chance to realize she wasn't 'first'.

Instead, Jon keeps on fucking them until eventually, his second release arrives. He creampies Arianne's womb just like he did Margaery's (just as he had Daenerys' all those months ago) and only then does he pull out, his work done, both of the beautiful noblewomen seeded with his cum. Daenerys beckons him to her, and then pulls him up the length of the bed, allowing him to rest against her as they kiss gently but lovingly.

At the same time, she gestures to Margaery and Arianne, once the two of them have come back to their senses. The Lady Tyrell and the Princess Martell crawl forward at their Queen's behest, and much to Jon's startled surprise, lay down between his legs and take his cock in their mouths, suckling and slurping him clean right then and there on the spot.

Daenerys couldn't be happier. All has gone according to plan… and perhaps finally, the two women will stop jockeying for position so much. After all, they're going to be mothers soon…


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