Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Three Generations (Star Wars)

Three Generations (Star Wars)

A/N: Three Generations was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Padme Amidala, Leia Organa, and Jaina Solo all find themselves waking up in a mysterious location, each in the prime of their lives.

Themes: Clones, Master/Slave, Dom/Sub


As she wakes up, Padme Amidala blinks. She's not entirely sure where… where she is at first. Which is a bad thing… right? Slowly, she sits up on the bed and looks around the strange room, before glancing down at herself. She's wearing a somewhat risqué black dress, shoulderless and showing off more skin than she would normally. And yet, its undeniably Nabooian in style, so she supposes it's something she might wear.

The last thing she remembers is… celebrating her appointment as Senator to Naboo by the new Queen. But that was… she'd only had a couple of drinks, really. And all of this was so very odd. Where WAS she? Swinging her legs off of the bed, Padme rises to her feet and begins making her way across the room. First things first, she tries the door. When it opens without issue, the young Senator is mildly surprised.

She's far MORE surprised by what she finds waiting for her out in the corridor… or rather, WHO she finds waiting for her. The two brunettes who step out of their own respective rooms at the same time as she does look oddly familiar but are also total strangers to her. They look left and right and then startle badly when they lay eyes on each other and her.

One of them is clad in a white gown with her hair done up in buns on either side of her head. She looks Alderaani, if Padme had to place her. That fashion style is one hundred percent in line with her friend Bail Organa's homeworld. The other of them is wearing a lot less, and a lot more at the same time. A tight shirt and some shorts, she's got on some basic armor in the form of armguards and shinguards, and she looks… well, she looks like a warrior.

The most… fighting fit of them, a strong and stalwart looking young woman with a powerful build, has the strongest reaction to the other two of them. Her jaw drops open and her eyes go wide, and then… the strangest words come out of her mouth.


Padme rears back, and is gratified when the other brunette, the one dressed in white, does the exact same thing. And yet, as surprised as the one dressed in white clearly is, she still can't seem to tear her eyes off of Padme… and indeed, when she finally speaks, her voice quiet but mystified, she has something just as strange to say.

"… Mother?"

Padme is more than mystified, she's outright flabbergasted. What in heavens name is going on here?! These two women, both of whom appear to be her age, are throwing around words like mom and grandma and mother like… she doesn't know what, but she's dreadfully confused!

"Ah good, you're all awake. Please, proceed down the hallway and enter the door you find there. All will be explained soon."

The voice that suddenly comes crackling over the corridor's comms startles Padme, but at the same time… relaxes her. Her shoulders slump, and a small smile spreads across her face as she turns and begins to head down the hallway. She feels right, about following this instruction. At her back, she can sense the two behind her following, albeit more hesitantly.

"W-Wait, we should… be ready for anything. I don't know what's going on here, but I don't think it's anything good. Maybe we should stop for a moment and make a plan?"

"… That might not be a bad idea."

Reaching the door, Padme turns and fixes the other two with an incredulous stare.

"What are you talking about? All will be explained, just as soon as we step through this door."

Certain of this, as well as herself, the young Senator from Naboo opens the door and steps on through. On the other side, she finds a room… and more importantly, a man dressed in all black. The moment her eyes alight upon this man, Padme is… relieved. This right here… this is her Master. She's finally right where she belongs.

"Nngh… f-fuck… n-no! What… what have you done to us?"

Their Master, for if he is her Master, the other women must belong to him as well, chuckles darkly.

"Ah, Jaina Solo… always so very strong-willed. Still, come in, you three. Kneel."

Padme immediately moves to obey, and the one in white follows after a moment later, only passingly reluctant. It's the one their Master calls Jaina Solo that takes the longest, but in the end, she too kneels.

"Welcome, dear morsels, to the rest of your lives. Introductions might be in order first. I… am Darth Lox. I am also your Master."

He pauses, grinning at their reactions, or in Padme's case, lack thereof. Jaina looks to be struggling though, while the one in white is suddenly afraid, even in her silence.

"You, meanwhile, are three very beautiful, very fierce women from the same family line. Padme Amidala, Queen and Senator of Naboo. Leia Organa, Princess and Senator of Alderaan. And finally, Jaina Solo, Jedi Knight."

Grinning, Darth Lox begins to point, first at Padme and then at the other two.

"You are Leia's mother and Jaina's grandmother. You are Padme's daughter and Jaina's mother. And you are Padme's granddaughter and Leia's daughter. You represent three generations of what came to be known as the Skywalker Dynasty. Your lineage is impeccable, and even if it's the men and their deeds that are more commonly remembered, you three played a massive part in the galaxy we have today."

It all sounded so fantastical… but it was coming from their Master, so it had to be true. Padme beams, happy to know for a fact that she'd done great things with her life. Even Leia seems happy to have learned this, though that undercurrent of fear towards their Master is still there. Only Jaina, Padme's granddaughter, seems to still be struggling.

"Y-You… m-monster. What… w-what have you done?"

Chuckling, Darth Lox shakes his head.

"Nothing too terrible, dear Jedi. In fact, nothing illegal, even. I simply acquired samples of all of your DNA… and cloned you. Yes, that's right. None of you are the original. You are clones that I made with Sith Sorcery, drawing on the Force to give you the memories you should have at this point in your lives. Fret not… you all have been dead for centuries. Your time in this galaxy is long done with. Now, your only purpose in this new existence… is to serve me."

Padme nods along, accepting this quite willingly. It all made plenty of sense to her. And it explained why her granddaughter was struggling so much. Darth Lox had named her Jedi Knight, and then mentioned Sith Sorcery. Young though Padme might be, she was well aware of the bad blood between Jedi and Sith. Hell, it'd boiled over onto her poor homeworld, hadn't it?! There was no doubt in Padme's mind that Master Jinn had lost his life to a Sith… not that it made her any less loyal to her Master, of course.

"Even… even all these centuries l-later, the Sith still exist? D-Damn it all…"

Jaina seems distraught, and Darth Lox laughs as he walks forward, fiddling with his robes.

"So long as there is a Dark Side, there will be those who are drawn to it, my dear. Now, suck."

The sudden change from cordial explanation to sexual congress takes Padme aback somewhat, but luckily, she's only being made to observe. Poor Jaina on the other hand, has no choice but to open her mouth and obey their Master, as he feeds his throbbing erection right past her lips. She continues to glare up at him angrily, but beyond that, the Jedi Knight doesn't seem capable of resistance, as he grabs hold of her by the braid her brunette locks are in and tugs her down his length.

Smiling wickedly, Darth Lox shrugs.

"It was not easy, making sure that I could control a Jedi Knight of your caliber. But I wanted all three of you to be of age. Funny how your grandmother and mother were mere Senators in their early adult years, while you… well, the galaxy was a hard place in your lifetime, wasn't it?"

Jaina just gurgles angrily, continuing to bob up and down on their Master's cock most forcefully. Padme's heart goes out to her. Not for her current struggle, because of course service to their Master is expected and really, Jaina's resistance isn't appreciated. But at the same time, it sounds like her granddaughter lived a harsh life. That was alright though… everything would be better now, as long as they were with Darth Lox.

Even the revelation that they were all clones didn't really matter that much. Padme had already understood her one true purpose was to be Darth Lox's willing love slave. This just made it even easier to accept, because she could take solace in the knowledge that her original self had apparently gone on to live a long and fruitful life.

Abruptly, Darth Lox pulls out of Jaina's mouth and cums all over her face and tits, making quite the mess of the young woman and staining her top in the process. Gasping, panting for air, Jaina is left in a daze, the Jedi Knight swaying drunkenly from side to side. Their Master looks at her for a moment in amusement before giving a simple command.


Then, he turns to her and Leia… her daughter. Padme supposes she should be a little concerned, when he moves on Leia… but he is their Master, so they really don't have room to complain. Pushing the Princess from Alderaan onto her back, Darth Lox grins wickedly as she squirms but doesn't fight it like Jaina was doing.


Leia's voice is quiet, but strong, even as she looks up at him with big, doleful eyes.

"The Empire… the rebellion?"

Darth Lox hums and then laughs, even as he thrusts his cock into her cunt right then and there. From the sudden cry of pain that leaves Leia's lips, she was a virgin until that moment. Padme blushes at the thought of their Master claiming not just Leia's virginity… but her own, as well.

"Your side won, dear Princess. The Emperor lost. The New Republic reigned for a little while, before becoming the Galactic Alliance, which in turn became something new. Nothing in the last few hundred years has lasted as long as the original Republic, unfortunately. Things have been far too hectic for that, alas."

Leia nods, face flushed as she moans under their Master's thrusting cock. She looks happy though, at least, and Padme is happy for her. Though, it sounds like the Republic she'd come to love so much… hadn't survived very much longer, if her daughter was dealing with an Empire that had then become a New Republic. A shame, but luckily for Padme, she didn't have to care about the Republic anymore. All of her love was for her Master now.

As such, when Darth Lox suddenly points at her, she perks up, eager to serve.

"Go and clean your granddaughter's face with that tongue of yours, Senator. I'll be with you shortly.

"Yes, Master!"

Her Master laughs evilly at her obedience, even as Padme hurries over to Jaina. Her granddaughter looks stricken, even as the cum slowly drips down her face.

"G-Grandma, no…"

But Padme just leans forward, doing as she was told and beginning to lick Jaina clean. The Jedi Knight might say no, but she doesn't try and stop her. In fact, before either of them really know what's happening, they're kissing. Their relation matters little to Padme… not in the face of pleasing their Master. And somehow, she knows that kissing her granddaughter like this will be very pleasing to Darth Lox indeed.

A cry from Leia signals a change as Darth Lox groans, expelling his seed into Padme's beautiful brunette daughter. Once their Master is finished filling her up, he pulls out and moves over to Padme and Jaina. Padme finds herself pushed over, until she's taken Jaina to the ground, forcing the young Jedi Knight onto her back.

Jaina squawks, as her legs are forced open none too gently, but Padme is still licking the cum off of her face, even as their Master hikes up the back of her dress. Within moments, both her pussy and her granddaughter's quim are exposed to the open air of the room, and more importantly, to their Master's cock. As he thrusts into her from behind, Padme cries out, feeling her hymen tear but happy to be able to gift her virginity to him, the man who made her, who owned her in her entirety.

Her granddaughter's face is a tortured mixture of horror and lust, as he fucks Padma right on top of her. Darth Lox is none too gentle in his claiming of her, but Padme doesn't mind. Her Master can be as rough as he wants with the body he created. She is his property, and it is her place to serve him in all ways. Moaning wantonly, Padme loses track of how many times she cums upon her Master's cock. All she knows is that eventually, he fills her with his seed like he did her daughter… and then immediately transitions to fucking her granddaughter.

Padme knows one thing for sure… she won't let Jaina remain unhappy forever. So, while Jaina is getting reluctantly fucked by their Master, the Senator from Naboo leans in close, panting heavily as she meets her granddaughter's eyes.

"Don't fight it, Jaina. Just give in. Submit to our Master and join me and your mother in eternal happiness."

Blinking, Jaina sobs as she grits her teeth and shakes her head.

"Y-You don't understand, G-Grandma… he's done this to you. T-Twisted your mind. Made you into his s-slave. I can't… I won't let him get away with it!"

"So what?"

Padme's answer floors Jaina, who stares at her with wide eyes. Beaming, Padme runs her hands along her granddaughter's cheeks, caressing them and cradling her face in her palms.

"Our Master owns us, Jaina. He created us from his Sith Sorceries, made us wholesale for his pleasure and amusement. If he wants to corrupt our minds, if he wants to make us loyal… that is his right. We're just clones. We don't matter. We never will. So, stop fighting, dear granddaughter. And accept your place by mine and your mother's sides."

In that moment, Darth Lox thrusts particularly deep into Jaina's cunt, and Padme gets to watch her granddaughter experience her first orgasm upon their Master's cock. As the Jedi Knight lets out a keening wail, Padme grins, able to tell that in that moment, Jaina has already begun to shatter. She won't fight on for much longer. Sooner, rather than later, she will join them in loyal adoring and devoted service to their Master.

Some time after Jaina begins to break down, their Master fills her with his seed as well. All three of them have been creampied, and as they're sent off to get cleaned up, the clone of Padme Amidala couldn't be happier. She was exactly where she belonged, after all.


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