Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Senator’s Downfall (Star Wars)

The Senator’s Downfall (Star Wars)

A/N: The Senator's Downfall was a commissioned one shot originally written in March of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Senator Amidala has survived every assassination attempt made on her. So perhaps it's time to try something a bit more... subtle.

Themes: Mind Break, Breeding, Master/Slave, NTR


Not for the first time in the last several weeks, Senator Padme Amidala lets out a strangled groan as she studies the datapad in front of her. Or rather, tries to study it. Even as she stares down at the words on the pad, her vision swims and a splitting headache causes her to rub her forehead as she whimpers. Why was this so hard? Fuck, she just needed to get through these last few pages before the Senate met tomorrow, but she couldn't get through a single sentence!

"Senator… don't you think it's time for a break?"

Far from jumping in her chair as the deep, husky tones of her Senatorial Aide fill her ears and his hands fall upon her slight shoulders, the Senator from Naboo lets out a low sigh… and relaxes into his hold. She knew she shouldn't, that it was in some small way a betrayal of her secret marriage to Anakin, but… she can't help herself. Lucien has been quite the Force-sent source of assistance, these past few months since she'd hired him on. And these past few weeks… well, they'd been getting closer and closer, hadn't they?

The young man, a Nabooian like Padme herself, had come highly recommended by the current Queen of Naboo, her successor and the one who appointed Padme to the position of Senator in the first place. He was an incredibly competent aide, and honestly, Padme wasn't sure what she would have done without him. With the Clone Wars in full swing, none of her Senatorial Aides had lasted longer than a few months in the position, mostly because of just how dangerous her life had proven to become.

She was a firebrand sort of politician. Always had been, and always would be. The attempts on her life had been taking place long before the Clone Wars started in earnest and had only gotten worse in the time since. Of course, Padme supposed it hadn't helped that she was constantly putting herself in harm's way. But one did not go about helping set the galaxy back to rights by staying behind a desk on Coruscant.

… Unfortunately, these past few months she had been forced to stay planet-side. There was just too much to do, and she could no longer ignore her duties here on Coruscant. Fortunately, this seemed to have the added effect of lessening the attempts on her life. Indeed, the past few months had actually been surprisingly quiet in that regard, resulting in Lucien being her longest lasting Senatorial Aide to date. With no one trying to kill her, there'd been no one to scare him away.

"… You're right, Lucien. Of course. Thank you. Tea, please?"

"Of course, Senator."

As soon as she asks, he brings forth a cup of steaming tea, perfectly prepared to Padme's specifications. He'd had it ready for her, always preempting her requests, always knowing exactly what she wanted at any given time. Except… well, Padme bites her lower lip and hides her flush behind the tea cup as she sips from it greedily. If Lucien truly knew what she wanted from him… he'd likely run for the hills or file a harassment case against her.

It was shameful. Embarrassing. Humiliating, even. But Padme… had been struggling with feelings for her Senatorial Aide for the past few weeks, and she didn't know what to do about them. After all, not only was she a Senator, and he her employee, but she was also a married woman! She loved Anakin with all her heart, truly she did… and yet… and yet…

Padme sighs, a sort of weight lifting off her shoulders as she sips from the tea that Lucien has prepared for her. At the same time, his hands have not actually left her shoulders, nor has she asked him to remove them. Her aide has gotten a bit more… touchy feely in recent weeks, but Padme doesn't mind. In fact, she's encouraged it, much to her eternal mortification.

"Would the Senator appreciate a shoulder massage? You seem quite tense, ma'am."

Lucien's silken tones buffet Padme's good sense. She knows she should refuse, but seeing how she'd invited this kind of behavior in the first place, she couldn't very well reprimand him now, could she? And… more than that…

"Yes, please. G-Go ahead."

Immediately, Lucien gets to work on massaging her shoulders and it takes all of Padme's willpower not to moan in pleasure as her body threatens to melt into a puddle in her chair. He's just so good with his hands. And never, not once, has he used them on her for anything too inappropriate, nothing beyond the shoulder massage… and yet, Padme has found herself fantasizing about him doing so more and more, over the past few weeks.

It's not Lucien's fault, of course. Nor is it Anakin's. Her husband has just been… b-busy. And so has she! For all Padme knows, Anakin might have even stopped by her place, these past few days. She's well aware that he's been back on Coruscant for over a week now, after all. Unfortunately, Padme hasn't gotten to sleep in her own bed once in all that time.

She's just been too damn swamped with work, too busy to leave her office. So instead, she's been here, working hard and sleeping on the couch in her office. Lucien has been staying as well, hard worker that he is, and sleeping in a less comfortable cot in the side room as a result.

But even still, if Anakin wanted to get ahold of her, he need only call. Sure, he couldn't visit her here in the Senate without it looking rather strange and potentially blowing their cover, but he could leave her a message. He hadn't… and in turn, she hadn't bothered to send him one either.

They would eventually reconnect, her husband and her. Once the work was done. Once the dust had settled a little bit more. The Clone Wars were ramping up, and it was an all hands on deck situation. Anakin… Anakin would understand. He would. He-

"Senator Amidala…"

Lucien's voice, soft and whispery next to her head, caresses the inside of her ear and makes her twitch as he continues to massage her shoulders.

"You're thinking about something that's giving you more stress, even as I'm trying to take it away. Please, stop."

His words wash over her, and Padme lets out a breathy sigh as she finds herself relaxing further into his grasp, her head emptying out of any thoughts of her secret husband. Instead, she finds herself thinking about Lucien more. Kind, sweet, handsome Lucien. Hard working, diligent, loyal Lucien. She smiles softly, as he continues to rub her shoulders.

"There we go, Senator. That's better. MUCH better. Is there anything else I can do for you, ma'am? Anything I can get you?"

Padme's mind immediately turns towards her fantasies, the lurid and shameful thoughts that have been filling both her days and nights more and more these past few weeks. She bites her lower lip and quivers, knowing she shouldn't… but… why not? There was a reason, she had a reason. Was it… that she was a Senator, and he was her Aide? Yes, that was it. But then, why did that reason feel so damn flimsy?

And… so long as she did it right, it would be fine, right? Rather… she wouldn't ask anything of him that she wasn't willing to do herself first…

"There is… something, Lucien. Please, go and take a seat on the couch."

"Oh? Very well, Senator."

Pulling his wonderful hands away from her shoulders, Lucien goes and sits down on the couch, looking at her curiously. Padme Amidala rises from behind her desk and slowly makes her way around it, over to him. Hands clasped in front of her in a stately manner, she comes to a stop in front of Lucien… and gracefully descends to her knees.

His eyes go bug-wide, of course, as she brings her hands up to rest on his legs, running them up along his thighs.


Smiling up at him, face red but mind surprisingly clear, Padme has no doubts in her head that this is the right path forward.

"Please… you've done so much for me, Lucien. Allow me to do this little thing for you. And… if it pleases you, call me Padme."

And then, always one to act swiftly when something she wanted was right in front of her, Padme quickly moves in and frees Lucien's cock from its confines, his mast coming up and smacking her right in the face. The beautiful brunette coos, not thinking twice about how erect he already was. So what if giving her a shoulder massage had left him rock hard? It was better this way…

"Senator… we shouldn't. Really…"

Pouting, Padme bats her eyelashes at him, even as she slaps his thick, meaty rod against her face.

"But I want to."

Lucien goes quiet at that for a moment, before letting out a shaky breath.

"I-If this is your wish… Senator…"

It was. It was her wish. Padme makes sure to stare into Lucien's eyes almost challengingly, making sure he KNOWS this is HER will, even as she swallows his cockhead whole and begins to fellate him, right then and there. Her Senatorial Aide is the first to break eye contact, throwing his head back and groaning as she swirls her tongue around his glans and then begins to bob up and down his dick, slurping away rather enthusiastically.

Some small part of her wonders if this IS a mistake. It's like she's forgetting something… or someone. But no matter. She's been so very lonely, recently. Lucien has been the only man in her life for weeks now… so doesn't he deserve this? Doesn't SHE deserve this?

Almost as if she's got to prove it to herself, that yes, she does deserve this, Padme is soon giving her Aide the sloppiest blowjob of her life, throating his cock and choking herself on his sizable phallus as she forces herself to take it deeper and deeper down the back of her throat.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Lucien groans as she does this, clearly appreciating her efforts, even as he looks at her with hooded eyes and speaks in a quiet tone.

"Senator… don't push yourself too hard now."

But his words bely his actions. One of his hands winds through her hair, and though he doesn't actually take control like Padme might have wanted him to, the act makes it abundantly clear he's very much enjoying how hard she's pushing herself. So is Padme, and as she gags on his cock, she reaches down between her legs, slipping a hand under her dress and pulling aside her panties to rub directly at her slit.

The Senator from Naboo lets out a moan through her stuffed mouth, even as her other hand goes up to caress Lucien's balls. The gurgling, squelching, gagging noises coming from her repeatedly bouncing her head up and down her Aide's cock fill the small office, even as the sun sets in the distance, signaling the end of another long day of work.

Not that Padme had gotten much done today. She'd been trying to read that same page of text for hours, and at this point, she despaired of ever getting through the dense legalese. The state of the galaxy really was getting to her. She'd been fine, back when she first took this position. Now, the task of poring over hundreds of pages of documentation had become too much for her.

So why not take a load off? She would… she would get back to it tomorrow. Yes, this was fine. She just needed to relax and recuperate herself. And what better way to do that, then with her beloved, dependable Senatorial Aide? What-

"Padme! I'm cumming!"

Not 'I'm getting close' or 'I'm about to cum' but, 'I'm cumming!'. The warning is a bit too late for Padme to do anything about it, and besides… Lucien's grip on her hair tightens up, instinctively no doubt, but in the end it doesn't matter. The result is the same. Padme chokes as a deluge of Lucien's seed explodes down her throat, before coming right back up and flowing out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth.

She gags mightily on his cum, quivering as she clings to his thighs for dear life, trying to breathe but just producing cum bubbles from her stuffed nostrils. Finally, just as her vision is beginning to dim, he lets go of her hair, allowing her to rock back on her heels. As his cock pops out of her mouth, Padme coughs and hacks and inhales sharply, finally getting some air back in her lungs.

"S-Sorry… sorry…"

Lucien's words cause a jolt to run through Padme. He had nothing to apologize for! She was the one who'd put him up to this, after all! Quickly putting on her best game face, even with his cum making a mockery of it, Padme gives him a stunning smile.

"It's f-fine, Lucien. I'm fine."

He looks at her almost curiously, not fearful per say, but intrigued.

"You're not… mad?"

Padme shakes her head, even as she scoops a bit of cum back into her mouth. It's a curious taste, to be sure. Not… bad though, by any means.

"Ah. Alright then. Well, if it pleases the Senator…"

Blinking, she realizes he's taken his cock in his hand and is wagging it in her face. His still very hard, very erect cock. Padme's jaw drops open in surprise at the sight, and she looks up to see Lucien giving her an apologetic smile. Blushing profusely, the Senator from Naboo realizes… she's started this. So, she has to finish it.

"O-Of course…"

No sooner has Padme given her Aide permission, then she finds herself on her back on the couch, with him on top of her. He's quite fast when he wants to be, Padme distantly reflects, even as Lucien spreads her legs, hikes up her dress, and pulls aside her panties at what feels like breakneck speed, but also not fast enough at all. A throaty moan leaves Padme's lips, when his cock touches her slit for the first time.

"… I'm going to fuck you now, Padme. Because you want me to. Because you NEED me to."

His words wash over her. At first, that first sentence takes her aback, and for a moment Padme wonders if what they're doing is right. But then the second and third sentences hit her, and she realizes… Lucien is completely correct. He's going to fuck her because she wants him to. Because she NEEDS him to. Moaning throatily, the Senator nods her head rapidly, eyes heavily lidded, face flushed with arousal. Her hands go to Lucien's chest, running up and down his front. Not to push him away, but to pull him in. She grabs him by his shirt and drags him into a kiss, right as he finally thrusts forward, penetrating her deeply.

Padme's eyes flutter, threatening to roll back in her head as she cums on the spot. He was right. This was exactly what she needed. After months of loneliness, after weeks of only Lucien's touch, after… after a week of her husband not contacting her, she finally has a man inside of her!

That's what she was forgetting, Padme realizes in a distant haze as Lucien begins fucking her hard and fast, right there on the couch of her office. Anakin. She was forgetting Anakin. But at this point, in this moment, with Lucien buried deep inside of her, that revelation isn't some moment of awareness and realization as it might have otherwise been. She's not suddenly mortified by what she's doing. No, rather… she feels justified in her actions.

Anakin had all week to get ahold of her, even if she WAS busy. The fact that he hadn't, the fact that her husband had been radio silent all this time… it made Padme angry. Lucien, meanwhile, made her happy. As he fucks her, as he plows into her with all his might, Padme arches her back and cries out into his lips, cumming for him again and again.

Yes… yes, yes, YES! Eyes rolling back in her head, she loses track of the pleasure… and by the time Lucien cums again, this time inside of her, filling her womb to the brim, Padme is already too far gone to care or mind one bit. She's not currently using protection, seeing no need for it… but what does it matter, really? She NEEDS Lucien. She needs him so badly…

As Padme Amidala all but passes out on his cock, her Aide looks down at her with a wicked grin on his lips. 'Lucien' can't help the dark chuckle that leaves his mouth, even as he brushes a sweaty lock of his current target's hair out of her beautiful face. She really is gorgeous, Senator Padme Amidala. And soon enough, she'll be all his.

'Lucien' was only here at the behest of his Master, Darth Sidious… but even still, the young man had come to enjoy this particular mission quite a lot. His Sith Master made frequent use of him for his skills of Force Persuasion, the one area with the Force where he truly excelled in spite of his meager Force Sensitivity.

But normally, the missions were to one-and-done type deals, meant to influence weak minds and then continue on his way to the next task Sidious had for him. Padme Amidala, however, was a tougher nut to crack then that. Months as her Aide had led to a breakthrough weeks ago when he'd finally gotten her comfortable with his physical touch. From there, he'd been able to whisper all sorts of sweet nothings into her ear.

Like making her less and less inclined to get her work done for the day, by giving her splitting headaches any time she even tried to focus on doing her duties as a Senator. Of course, Padme's work ethic meant she stuck it out anyways despite the splitting headaches and resulted in her spending her nights sleeping in her office, just to try and get the work that kept slipping through her mental grasp done easier.

Which was good, because the secret Jedi husband had most definitely been seeking Padme out at her home each night for the past week. He'd also been sending her messages, trying to find a time to get in contact with her. Luckily for Lucien, as Padme's trusted Senatorial Aide, he was able to catch those messages before the Senator could and delete them. As far as Padme was concerned, Anakin Skywalker hadn't bothered checking in on her once in the week he'd been on Coruscant… and tomorrow, the Jedi Knight would once again be departing for the frontlines.

Yes, Lucien can't help but think, even as he begins thrusting into the depths of the passed out Senator again, fucking her for fun this time and for his own pleasure as she mewls in her sleep, her pussy walls clenching down unconsciously on his cock. This really was the best assignment he'd ever been given. And it was only going to get better from here…


"W-We really shouldn't, Lucien. What if… oooh, what if s-someone sees us?"

"I don't care. Let them see."

Not for the first time in the past several days, Padme Amidala considers she might just be a little in over her head. As she's bent over the balcony in front of her, Coruscant's ever-present nighttime traffic zipping across the sky overhead, she can only moan when Lucien hikes up her dress, exposing her derriere, clad in a pair of lacy, frilly black panties and nothing more.

It's been a week since she… well, since she gave in to her desires and let her wanton lusts run rampant. She knows she never should have let it happen; she knows she never should have entered into an affair with her Senatorial Aide… but it just feels so good. It was a betrayal of her marriage to Anakin, Padme was well aware of that, and yet she couldn't help herself.

And neither could Lucien. Oooh, it was all her fault. As he tugs her panties aside irreverently, not even bothering to fully remove them before sliding his cock into her from behind and beginning to fuck her on the spot, Padme can only moan in wanton lust. Her body… her body has come to love Lucien's touch, in all of its many forms. The massages are one thing, but having his cock inside of her? It's pure heaven.

She hadn't gotten much work done, this past week. Instead, she'd spent most of her time flagrantly blowing off her duties as Senator, in favor of fucking her Senatorial Aide every possible moment she could. He was insatiable, and frankly… so was she. Their whirlwind romance was even more intense than her romance with Anakin had been. Perhaps that was… perhaps that was why she was wearing what she was wearing right now.

They were at the first Senate function Padme had intended in a while. A party, of course, rather than anything too important or official. She was having such a hard time focusing on her work these days. Reading just gave her splitting headaches, no matter how much she and Lucien fucked. It was just too stressful, being the Senator from Naboo.

But a party was right up Padme's alley. She hadn't had any sort of headache while she was getting ready for it. Instead, she'd let her instincts guide her, and had felt great about her decisions every step of the way. Which was why… she'd broken an old dress out of storage. It was the black, shoulderless dress that she'd been wearing that night when she and Anakin finally realized their love for each other.

Lucien didn't know the significance of this dress, or what her wearing it tonight truly meant. He just commented on how sexy she was, and they'd engaged in a quickie in the taxi on the way to the party, one that Padme had enjoyed very much. Then, they'd spent a little bit of time at the party… before he'd dragged her away to this balcony.

She knows she should be putting her foot down, but instead she's letting him fuck her again, this time in a public venue. And she's… she's loving every last bit of it.

"Oooh, Lucien~"

Reaching forward, one of his hands goes to her chin, while the other wraps around and fondles her chest. Padme can only mewl pathetically, as she bounces her hips back into his thrusting cock.

"Padme… you know I love you, right?"

The Senator's eyes widen, because… no, she didn't know that. It's his first time saying the words. For a moment, it makes her think of Anakin… but as has become more frequent in the past several days, her absentee husband's face and smile is rapidly replaced with that of her Senatorial Aide in her mind's eye instead.

Anakin had had his chance to get in touch with her. A whole week of time. Then, right as she'd fallen into bed with Lucien for the first time, her husband had left Coruscant again, returning to the frontlines to fight in the war he KNEW she hated with all her heart. It wasn't fair of her to be upset at Anakin, part of Padme realized that… but it was a vanishingly small part, in the face of his complete silence. He hadn't even tried to comm her since his departure either. Which was probably for the best, because given how much she and Lucien had been fucking, such a call would have come in the middle of their fornication.

As it is, Padme quivers beneath Lucien, his cock still pistoning in and out of her pussy as his words hang in the air between them. Finally… finally, Padme can hold herself back no longer.

"I… I think I love you t-too."

Chuckling throatily, Lucien hums at that.

"The strong, independent Senator from Naboo only THINKS she loves me? Where is that confidence of yours that I find so attractive, Padme?"

Blushing profusely, Padme quivers and then finally hangs her head.

"L-Lucien… I have a confession to make. I'm… I'm secretly married. T-To Anakin Skywalker."

As she expects, Lucien slows down in fucking her, though to Padme's relief, he doesn't pull out of her entirely. Hastily, she tries to explain herself.

"It was a secret marriage… he and I eloped on Naboo, shortly a-after the start of the Clone Wars. No one could know, because he was a Jedi and they're… they're not supposed to have attachments."

When Lucien finally responds, his tone is emotionless, sending a pang through Padme's heart.

"I see."

"N-No! See, I… I thought I was in love with him all this time. But now I realize the t-truth! I do love you, Lucien! I love you more than Anakin! I want to be with YOU, not him!"

The words, as they fall from her panting lips, feel right and wrong at the same time. Padme's mind is muddled, her thoughts befuddled. She loved Anakin, didn't she? And yet… confessing her true love for Lucien felt so right. Being with him… it was all she longed for. But no, didn't she long to see the Republic survive? Except, did she truly care about the Republic?

"I want to be with you as well, Padme. But I can't live a lie. If we're to be together, I need to know that I am your only priority. That I am the only man who holds your affections."

Lucien's words, normally so silken and quiet, are like sledgehammers to her mind. Padme moans, as he begins fucking her hard again. She tries so very hard to think, to properly examine the situation… but as she attempts even the simplest of critical thinking, a splitting headache disrupts her thoughts, and the pleasure quickly rushes in to overwhelm her mind. Shuddering, her eyes roll back in her head as she cums for Lucien, orgasming all over his cock.

When the dust settles from that climax, Padme's mind is made up. She knows what she has to do.

"I-I'm yours, Lucien. I'm yours, now and forever. I don't care about my husband anymore. I just want to be your woman from n-now on!"

He fucks her even harder for those words, and Padme exults in the ecstasy of being plowed silly right there on the balcony, where all of Coruscant could see them. Not that anyone does, but it's the possibility that counts, and it's one she finds surprisingly arousing as she's railed from behind right then and there.

As he plows her hard and fast, Lucien continues speaking, his words taking back on that silken quality to them, as they worm their way into her ears and make everything so much… clearer.

"That's all well and good, Padme… but can we really afford to stay, if we'll have a Jedi Knight after us? I don't want to see what the Hero With No Fear does when he finds out his wife is cheating on him…"

Padme opens her mouth to defend Anakin, but Lucien's words dredge up old memories she's tried her best to repress.

"I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too."

Her breath hitches as she realizes the darkness in her husband very much could mean Lucien's life, if he found out. But at the same time…

"I-I have a duty… t-to the Republic…"

Growling directly into her ear, Lucien all but mounts her from behind, molding his body to hers as he pins her to the balcony and continues fucking her, making it so very hard to think, so very hard to concentrate or come up with an argument to anything he's saying.

"FUCK the Republic, Padme. All I need is you and your love. Is it not the same for you? All you need is me, right?"

Yes… yes, all she needs is Lucien. All she needs is her beloved. Almost as if a terrible weight has been lifted off of her mind, Padme cries out in exultant pleasure, ignoring the tears streaming down her cheeks as she moans in ecstasy.

"Y-Yes! Yes, all I need is you, Lucien!"

Chuckling throatily, Lucien buries his face in her neck and a moment later begins to cum inside of her once again, filling her womb with his seed.

"Good girl."

Padme, meanwhile, cums right alongside him, her eyes rolling back in her head in ecstasy, the famed Senator from Naboo, a strong independent woman, completely broken upon her Aide's cock.


"We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger! We move forward as one people: the Imperial citizens of the first Galactic Empire! We will prevail. Ten thousand years of peace begins today!"

Lucien watches as his master, Darth Sidious, in his 'guise' as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, takes on the mantle of Emperor. He smiles, even as a beautiful melodic moan drifts into his ear, a certain naked woman bouncing up and down on his cock, riding him while sitting in his lap as he watched the holo of the new Galactic Emperor's speech to the senate. They had already come up with a name for the thing. Declaration of a New Order.

With this, the Republic was done. Out with the old and in with the new. They had an Empire now, one that spanned the galaxy, one that the Emperor had absolute control over. It was a thousand years of Sith planning, come to fruition.

As a mere cog in the machine, Lucien was nevertheless proud of the part he played in it… and pleased that he would likely get to keep playing it, given what had taken place after Darth Sidious had originally made the speech he'd just watched.

Indeed, there'd been some worry on Lucien's part that he would be fed into the meat grinder of Anakin Skywalker's insanity by his master, despite his loyalty. After all, Dooku hadn't gotten what HE wanted, and he was a much greater piece of the puzzle then Lucien. To say nothing of what had been done to the Separatist Leaders on Mustafar as well.

But… before Palpatine could sell him and his pet out to his new apprentice Darth Vader, the newest Sith Apprentice had had an 'unfortunate' run in with his old Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. One that had left Anakin Skywalker a shadow of his former self, confined to a gruesome, horrifying life support suit for the rest of his days.

In becoming the cyborg monster that the rest of the galaxy would quickly come to fear as Darth Vader, the Emperor's Fist, Anakin Skywalker had unknowingly made himself completely harmless to Lucien and Lucien's pet.

Padme's betrayal had played a massive part in Anakin's fall. It would have made sense for Sidious to help Vader find her and Lucien, after the Jedi Order was extinguished. But instead, reduced as he'd been, Vader's value to Sidious suddenly ranked lower than Lucien's and Padme's. After all…

His beloved pet throws her head back and moans wantonly as she reveals her pregnant form to him in all its glory. With a collar and chain around her neck, and a metal bikini covering her body, Padme Amidala looked less like the Senator she'd once been, and more like the pleasure slave she'd willingly become for him.

Indeed, while she'd proven to be a tough nut to crack, in the end, Lucien had used his particular talent with Mind Tricks to remake her and reshape her into HIS woman and nothing else. She no longer bothered with all of that difficult thinking any longer. Grinning, Lucien wraps her chain leash up in his hand and gives it a sharp little tug.

"What did you think of the Emperor's address, pet? Were you even listening?"

As expected, Padme's pretty face scrunches up in confusion, the beginnings of a headache forming behind her brow before she shakes her head vehemently, her expression clearing up. Instead, she gives him a bright, wanton smile, cradling his face in her hands as she continues to ride his cock, gyrating her hips along his throbbing member.

"No, Master. I don't really care about all of that anymore. All that matters is you, Master. All that matters is your pleasure."

Lucien chuckles throatily at that, running his hands up and down Padme's sides, before rubbing them across her pregnant belly as well. Her tits have grown slightly bigger as her belly has distended, and she's quite… mm, quite the treat, at this point in time.

Technically, she belonged to his Master and so did he. Darth Sidious had given him everything, and Lucien owed the Sith Master his eternal loyalty. Not to mention, if he'd truly tried to flee from the newly crowned Emperor, he and Padme would have been rapidly tracked down, and likely handed over to the cyborg Vader after all.

No… Lucien was still in service to his Sith Master, and likely always would be. Still, it was not a hard life, especially not when he had Sidious' favor. The Emperor had tried everything to get rid of Padme Amidala, over the years. While she'd been useful in getting him elected to Supreme Chancellor in the first place, she'd been nothing but a thorn in his side for a decade and a half afterwards.

As such, he'd tried assassins and bounty hunters of all shapes and sizes, in order to end the irritation that Padme posed. All had failed. The Force itself almost seemed to be protecting her. But if it was… it did not protect her from him.

Lucien was Darth Sidious' most successful subordinate. Their last few communications had been downright jovial, with the old Sith Lord taking on an almost paternal tone with Lucien, especially after Anakin's… accident. Lucien himself might not be powerful enough to ever match Darth Vader in a straight fight, even after he'd lost all of his limbs, but at the same time… Lucien and Padme's coming child represented an opportunity for their Master.

And so, Lucien got to keep his slave, and was in turn kept in comfort by Darth Sidious, with plenty of credits to leave them both happy and safe. And all he had to do was keep a pregnant, enslaved Padme Amidala on a short leash and enjoy her nubile body to his heart's content, day after day.

The galaxy itself might be suffering under the yoke of the Emperor and his new Empire all around them, but Lucien didn't care, nor did he feel any guilt for the part he played in bringing it about. Instead, he settles in to enjoy Padme's attentions even further, eventually cumming inside of the pregnant woman, before watching as she crawls down off of his cock and gets onto her knees to suck him clean.

Looking down into the broken Senator's lustful, devoted, adoring eyes, Lucien just smiles and runs a hand through his hair as he holds her leash tight in the other. Yes… everything was exactly as it should be.


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