Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Sam’s New Job (Totally Spies)

Sam’s New Job (Totally Spies)

A/N: Sam's New Job was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Having 'graduated' from WOOHP and struck out on her own as a Freelance Agent, Sam is undercover on her first independent assignment. Let's see how that goes for her.

Themes: Mind Control, Bimbofication, Breeding


Pushing her fake glasses up her nose and giving a little shimmy, Sam makes sure to present a very specific sort of nervous energy as she sits across from the CEO of the company she's applying to, Adam Star. The handsome man is currently looking over her information, nodding to himself and humming, deep in thought.

He'd asked her some questions of course, the usual interview stuff, but then asked her to sit quietly while he looked at her resume for a while longer. Was this in and of itself another test? Was he trying to see if she had the patience to follow orders and not get frustrated just sitting around and waiting for a superior to get back to her?

Well, if he thought she was going to break this easily, he had another thing coming! Because unbeknownst to Mister Star, Sam wasn't just your average cute red-haired coed interviewing for a position at his company. No, rather, Samantha was actually a fully trained super spy! Having been an Agent of WOOHP as a teenager, she'd spent YEARS doing this sort of clandestine undercover work.

This might be her first mission as a Freelance Agent, but Sam was confident she could handle whatever this man could throw at her. She wasn't here to play around, she was here to infiltrate his company, get the information on the illegal things he and his people were no doubt engaged in, and get out!

When compared to THAT, sitting around and being made to wait for a little bit was nothing to someone like Sam. Though of course, she had to keep her cover up, which was why she was making sure to come across as nervous and a little anxious. After all, while Sam didn't necessarily need this job, her cover certainly did.

Finally, though, Mr. Star sets aside her resume and looks up at her with a broad smile, his pearly white teeth stunningly perfect as he laces his hands together in front of him.

"Well, Alice… I can call you Alice, right?"

It was inappropriate, but Sam wasn't here to take him to task on that sort of thing, so she hurriedly nods.

"O-Of course, sir!"

Smiling even wider, Adam Star chuckles.

"Great! We love a go-getter around here, Alice. And you… you check all the boxes. So, I'd like to offer you a job, so long as you can start orientation immediately. How does that sound?"

Sam jolts a bit. That sounded perfect. She hastens to say as much.

"I'd be happy to start orientation immediately, sir!"

"Wonderful! Right this way!"

He leads her out of his office and down the hall, to an empty little room with nothing but a computer in it. Gesturing for her to sit down at the computer, Adam goes through the process of getting it all set up. Sam is a little surprised… normally, she wouldn't expect the CEO of a Fortune Five Hundred Company to go this far for her. Admittedly, this company was on the low-end of the Fortune Five Hundred but considering it hadn't even existed a couple years ago, that was still amazing. And suspicious. HIGHLY suspicious. Which was why Sam was here in the first place.

She just had to get through this orientation and then she'd have the job. From there, she could start making proper AND improper inquiries, and find the information she sought. With things moving THIS fast-paced, why… she could be done with this first mission by the end of the week! Hah, wouldn't that impress everyone back at WOOHP? They'd all thought her ridiculous for wanting to strike out on her own… but Sam was always the brains of her team. If anyone was going to do it, it would be her.

And… she'd show them. She'd show them all just how capable she was!

"Alright! It's all set up, so just press the play button when ready, watch the entire orientation, and take the quiz at the end to confirm you've retained most of it. Then, we'll get you started on your first shift tomorrow. Sound like a plan?"

Smiling up at Adam Star with the same feigned nervous energy as before, Sam nods happily.

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Great! I'll be back to check in on you in just a little bit. Ta-ta for now!"

Hm, he certainly sounded carefree, didn't he? And almost sickeningly sweet. She couldn't help but imagine the sort of things he got up to behind closed doors. Regardless, the CEO leaves and Sam presses the play button as ordered. She couldn't afford to let something as simple as an orientation quiz trip her up, after all!

And so, the genius red-head focuses all of her attention on the orientation, soaking up the information as it comes like a sponge. Unfortunately for her, the actual orientation only plays for about a minute, just long enough for her to be absolutely sucked into it. Then, abruptly, the screen changes, the video turning into a hypnotic spiral.

Sam, who has had experience with hypnosis and mind control in the past, both personally and secondhand via her friends and fellow agents, immediately rears back in surprise and horror, her eyes widening in panic… but it's already too late. It was too late the instant the hypno-swirl began, in truth. Her horror lasts all of a second, before the tension in her shoulders dissipates as they slump. Her wide eyes relax as her pupils dilate. And her lips, open in the beginning of a shout of alarm, stay open, even though no sound comes from them.

It's only five minutes after that, that Adam Star walks back into the room. The handsome CEO smirks as he steps up to Sam's side, waving a hand in front of her face for a moment to no effect. He's wearing a special pair of glasses that he wasn't before now, and as he glances at the screen; it has no effect on him. He chuckles after a moment, before plucking Sam's own fake glasses off of her head and tucking them away in his jacket pocket as a trophy.

"You under, Sam?"

"… Yes… sir…"

Another chuckle, darker and throatier, leaves Adam's mouth as he stares down at the newest 'recruit'.

"Of course. You stupid little bitch. You really thought you could take ME on? I'm Adam motherfucking Star. I'll be a goddamn household name by the end of the decade."

Leaning in close, he whispers right into her ear, knowing that while she can't react, some part of the true Sam is still in there, railing against the injustice of it all… for now, anyways.

"Stupid little girls shouldn't mess with things beyond their understanding. My contact at WOOHP agreed with me on that. Which is why he gave me the heads up, when a certain idiot redhead decided she was going to solo and start off her career by investigating MY meteoric rise to the top. Heh 'Alice'. Cute. But we both know who you really are… and only I know who you're going to become. Let me give you a sneak peek."

Straightening back up, the evil CEO quickly unbuckles his belt and pulls his cock out from the confines of his pants. Holding his rapidly hardening shaft up to the side of Sam's face, he prods her cheek with it for a moment.

"Go on, bitch. Suck my cock like the good little fuck toy you are now."

Her eyes finally leaving the screen, the blank look nevertheless never leaves those eyes, even as Sam turns towards him and mechanically opens her mouth for him to stick his dick in.

"Yes si-mmph."

Adam snorts as he cuts her off, pushing his cock into her mouth and letting her suck at his member. Of course, she's little more than a robot right now. Completely under his control, but without the proper programming to make her truly useful. After a minute of enduring a sloppy, terrible blowjob, Adam just rolls his eyes and grins wickedly.

"Just as shitty at giving head as you are at spying, cunt. We'll work on that, I suppose."

Reaching out, he grabs hold of the hypnotized spy's red hair, gathering it up into a makeshift ponytail that he wraps around his hand before clenching it in a fist. Pulling her hair taut, he holds her steady as he begins to face fuck her as hard and fast as he can.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The hypnotized secret agent's choking and gagging are music to the CEO's ears, and he groans in enjoyment of her hot wet mouth and convulsing throat. It's not long before he cums though, and as he does so, down her throat, he's quick to give another order.

"Swallow it, bitch! Swallow it all!"

In her current state, Sam can at least do that much. She gulps down his seed, even as her cheeks balloon outwards in the process, drinking every last drop of his sticky ejaculate. The real Sam would never have done such a humiliating, disgusting thing. She thought herself something of a feminist and hated the idea of being even slightly subservient to any man. Really, it was the man's duty to cater to HER as the more intelligent mind in the relationship. At least, that was what she'd thought before.

Now? Now she's not thinking much of anything at all, as Adam pulls out of her open mouth and tucks his cock away, zipping himself back up. He chuckles when he looks at her and reaches out to push on the underside of her chin, her mouth clicking shut only thanks to his intervention. Then, he turns her back to the screen.

"Keep looking at this screen, no matter what. It's going to tell you what you're going to be for the rest of your life. And since I know the old you is still in there Sam, know this much bitch… once the true programming is done, you're gone. Erased. The new Sam will be born… and she'll be my tight little cum dumpster for the rest of her life."

Grinning evilly, Adam steps away from the trapped redhead and the computer, leaving it to its work of completely overwriting her personality with one more… accommodating to him and his needs. All's well that end's well. Except for Sam of course. The redhead has unfortunately bitten off more than she can chew, and for the last time.


"And that, my friends, is how we're all going to end up very, very rich. This technology will change human civilization as we know it. No more will people need to spend years or even decades to learn what they need to know to carry out a job. No more will it take a thousand hours to 'master' a skill. No, rather, with this technology, knowledge can be directly downloaded into the minds of our customers… eventually, of course."

Adam grins, as he looks around at the Board of his company, all of them listening with sharp eyes and rapt attention to his presentation.

"If we move too fast with this, the giants towering above us will catch wind of the technology and smack us down, I'm sure. We represent a threat to the status quo, after all, to their way of life. Which is why I've got a ten year plan for how we can introduce this technology in stages. For starters, we'll use it amongst ourselves and our employees, to make our business the best it possibly can be. Only once we're too big to fail, will we start to commercialize it as a consumer product."

Bringing his hands together in front of him, Adam's smirk widens.

"Only when opportunity meets security, will we move. That's my promise to all of you, that no matter what happens, we WILL stand at the top of the world when the dust has settled. You lot believed in my when no one else would, after all. I intend for us all to shoot for the Moon. Even if we fail, we'll land among the stars. But of course, we're not going to fail, are we?"

As he finishes up the presentation, the board members give him a standing ovation, all of them smiling widely. Adam just laughs and waves them all down.

"Thank you, thank you. I'm just as excited as you all are. Which is why I've prepared a bit of a surprise for us all to celebrate our good fortune."

Snapping his fingers, Adam smirks when the door to the conference room slides open and his new 'secretary' strides in. Samantha couldn't possibly look more different than when she first arrived for her interview, save for perhaps a hair color change. But he liked her red hair, and so he'd let her keep it. That's about the only thing he let the undercover agent keep though. That and her pretty face, but even that's been… enhanced.

As she steps up to the table, Adam can see the rest of the Board openly admiring her like the piece of meat she is. Clad in the sluttiest secretary outfit one could imagine without her breasts and cunt just being completely exposed, she's showing off her new assets quite well. On top of reprogramming her mind and filling her head with the sorts of skills and knowledge that Adam considers most valuable to her, he'd also had some body work done on his new property as well.

As such, Samantha is top-heavy and bottom heavy, with a true hourglass figure and an itty bitty waist as her bust nearly comes busting out of her straining top with every step she takes, and her bottom pushes out of her dark black pencil skirt in the same fashion. Even her lips are poutier and more pillowy than before.

She's a total bimbo now, and Adam takes a moment to bask in showing her off to the Board, before he nods to her. Giggling airily, Sam leans forward, showing off her assets as she licks her pouty lips and speaks.

"Hello, everyone. Sir has told me that you all are the most important men in the entire company. As such, my body is yours to do with as you wish for the rest of the night. I'm Sir's bitch but consider this slutty cum dump form as on loan to all of you. Have your way with me… enjoy me to the fullest extent. I'm company property, and it's my deepest, GREATEST desire to be used and abused by the men guiding not just this corporation's future, but the future of the entire world!"

A hint of Sam's old intelligence can be heard in her verbose explanation. She's certainly a wordy bitch, even now, Adam can't help thinking. But everything she's said is precisely as it should be. And so, he chuckles and takes a step back, leaving the room as the board members all take a look at each other… and then stand in unison, loosening their ties and unbuckling their belts and moving towards Sam with single-minded focus.

Sam, with her mind rewritten, eagerly welcomes them with open arms. She giggles as they grab hold of her and pull her in multiple directions, tugging at her slutty attire and half-ripping it off her body. She gasps, as they cause buttons to fly everywhere, her blouse torn open and her tits bouncing free the moment they flip her lacy bra up.

Their hands are all over her fat mammaries, big enough for two men to fondle each of them apiece after her… enhancements. But it's not just that. As they play with her nipples, they discover a fascinating alteration… her breasts have been transformed. Not just enlarged, but completely changed, so that she's not just an innie… but can functionally take digits and appendages into her tits now, via her nipple-holes.

When the board members realize this… well, needless to say, Sam is quickly pushed down to her knees and surrounded by men on all sides. One cock ends up in her mouth, the more conventional hole of the lot, and two more end up in her hands of course. But then there are an extra two that end up penetrating her tits, pushing deep into her nipple-holes and making Sam moan wantonly around the cock in her hand.

The changes done to her body aren't just outward. She's been made into a living sex doll by her beloved Master. EVERY hole on her body, now has the same sensitivity, and gives her the same pleasure, as her cunt does. As such, her mouth-pussy is driving her wild, the tastebuds on her tongue going haywire as it wiggles along the cock pistoning in and out of her throat. But her breast-pussies feel even better than that, and Sam quivers and shakes, her eyes rolling back in her head as she cums again and again without them ever even getting near her snatch just yet.

For a while, the blowbang continues unabated. The members of the board all take their turns fucking her face and her tits, changing out with her hands or their own. They surround her in a circle, stroking their own cocks if they're not currently able to occupy one of her three top holes. A couple of the more enterprising among them grab her sleek, silken red locks and wrap those around their cocks instead, using the friction to eventually coat her in their seed.

Sam gets VERY messy very fast. There's no helping it, they cum on her and in her at a moment's notice, without hesitation. She gets cum down her throat, and in her tits, and all across her face, hair, and chest. By the time they move onto her lower holes, why, Sam is positively drenched and stuffed up top.

Which is why they bend her over the conference table for the next part and proceed to run a train on her. The result is only one dick in one of her lower holes at a time, but Sam doesn't truly mind. The first fucks her cunt, and her eyes are soon rolling back in her head in ecstasy as her tongue lolls out of her mouth and rolls across the table beneath her. Her tits, sloshing with the cum filling her nipples, are smooshed against that same table, with cum squirting out and forming a pool under her that the mind controlled bimbofied super spy is all too happy to lap up.

When the first man eventually creampies her, he's replaced by the next who, to no one's surprise, spreads her ass cheeks wide and takes her back door instead. Of course, this hole has been modified as well. Anal has never felt better for any woman in the history of mankind, then it does for Sam in that moment. Delirious with pleasure, the red haired bimbo giggles and shakes her money maker as she takes it up the ass, a quite vigorous butt pounding indeed.

The train goes on and on from there. The board members say nothing, or if they do speak, Sam is too far gone by that point to hear them. The pleasure is overwhelming, and endless. They fuck her in every hole and then some, and with Sam's body modified as it is to experience pleasure from every which way, the ecstasy and bliss of being used in a raucous gangbang by her Master's closest allies never goes away.

This was what she was made for. This was what her purpose truly was. Even mind controlled and reprogrammed as she had been, Sam had… some minor concept of who she'd been before. Her old self was completely gone and might as well have been a stranger. What little memory remained to make her still functional, felt like something she'd watched on TV.

Rationally, she knew that the girl who had worked as a WOOHP Agent for many years alongside her friends Clover and Alex HAD once occupied this body, albeit an unmodified and unenhanced version of it, but she was so far divorced from that girl that it wasn't even funny. The old Sam wouldn't love Sam's Master the way she did. The old Sam wouldn't love being used as a fuck doll by all these men like she did.

The old Sam was a stupid little bitch who got in over her head, just like Sir had said. New Sam can't help but beam happily, even through the cum still dripping off her face. She's happier like this. Happier to be of use to men better and stronger and smarter than she'll ever be. Hehe, she's just a stupid cum dumpster who's finally learned her place!

The Board continue to fuck her for hours, taking her in every hole, but Sam has no issue handling them all to the very limits of their stamina. She is… in some circles, she would be called a super soldier. Amusingly enough, her endless stamina and immense physical durability have been turned towards making her the perfect sex doll instead, when it all could have been very useful for carrying out the sorts of missions that she'd once carried out.

Though hey… maybe Sir would send her on some missions for him anyways. Sam only wanted to serve her Master, to the absolute best of her ability. Whatever form that service took; she didn't care.

As such, when the board members all finally leave the conference room, satisfied and satiated one and all, Sam is left behind, covered and filled with their cum. And the conference room is quite the mess as well.

There's nothing for it, she supposes. Sir will eventually come back… and so Sam sets to work cleaning up both herself and the conference room with the only tool she has on hand… her tongue.


Hours later, and Adam returns to find the Board have all finished up and left. Sam, meanwhile, is completely naked and on the floor on her hands and knees, cleaning up the mess slowly with her tongue. He just laughs at the sight, even as he strides forward with a collar in his hand and slaps it around her neck.

"With this collar, you are officially my pet and slave, bitch. You belong to me now and forever."

Sam cranes her neck, looking down at her collar with wide, excited eyes before turning her gaze up to him, her Master, her beloved 'Sir'. Adam just grins as he sees the obvious devotion and adoration in her eyes.

"Oooh, yes Sir! I belong to you, Sir! Please, use your worthless s-slave!"

He's going to, heh. That was always the plan. Grabbing her by the hips, Adam grunts as he gets into position behind her and thrusts into her cunt from behind. As he begins to take her pussy, Adam chuckles.

"You know… unlike the Board, stuffy old men that they are, I'm not sterile. None of them want to even risk having some snot-nosed brats at this stage in their lives, but me? I'm more than ready to have a baby. Would you like that, bitch? Would you like for me to knock you up?"

He knows the answer, even as he's asking it. Of COURSE, she would. Sam has literally been programmed to be the perfect love-slave for him. Still, he's all too happy to hear the former super spy joyously cry out and beg as she cums around his cock.


Chuckling, Adam sets about doing precisely that, one thrust into her clenching twat at a time. God, he loved it when a plan came together.


Adam Star lays on his bed, luxuriating in the comfort of some of the most expensive sheets in the world, and watches the morning news, even as he goes over the latest reports. While he COULD rest on his laurels… he really won't be satisfied until he's at the very top. He wants to be the richest man in the world, wants to have his fingers in every pie, wants to have his invisible collars around the throats of every celebrity, every politician, every military general in the world.

Needless to say, that's not going to happen any time soon, but he feels like it's well within his means to do so in his lifetime. And hey, with some of the brilliant minds he's already brought into his organization, Adam is quite confident they can solve the issue of mortality for him before he gets much older as well. Living forever as the veritable God-King of Earth sounds like a fun prospect to him.

But of course, that's all in the future. In the now… he grins, as his slave, secretary, and recently wife, strides into the room, carrying a fresh tray of breakfast that she'd just cooked for him and is now delivering to him.

"Ah, breakfast in bed. What did I ever do to deserve that? Oh, that's right. I simply turned you into my loyal fuck slave by reprogramming your mind into an obedient bitch forever and ever."

As he brags and boasts, Sam doesn't so much as blink a single eyelash. She just smiles at him dotingly, even as she sets the tray up across his lap. Fully naked except for the collar adorning her throat, the red head couldn't possibly look more different than she had before he'd mind controlled her. Once a strong, independent woman and a very capable femme fatale secret agent, Samantha has transformed. Not just in the ways he made her transform, what with her 'enhanced' assets… but also in a way he'd done for her back in that boardroom.

Her belly is distended, and she's quite visibly pregnant as she crawls onto the bed and begins feeding him by hand. Adam opens his mouth and eats what she gives him for a time, while also fondling her breasts and ogling her pregnant body. It's been around half a year, since he knocked her up. Half a year, since he used her as a reward for his board members, to further cement his control over the company and make sure they didn't so much as THINK about trying to cut him out.

Little did any of them know, but Sam's bodily fluids had been enhanced with a bit of a loyalty drug. Loyalty specifically tied to him. By getting their dicks wet, the Board had tied themselves to him all the more effectively.

Meanwhile, Sam herself… he'd finally married her, a few months back when it had been confirmed that she was definitely pregnant with his babies. Adam didn't necessarily consider his paternal instinct all that strong, but he knew one thing for certain, and that was that his kids weren't going to be bastards. At least, his kids with his first broodmare, anyways.

She was far enough along now that he couldn't fuck her properly any more, and for Adam… well, he just didn't see any reason to force himself to go without for the next three months while he waited for her to pop out that bun in the oven. He'd already begun looking into other potential girls to join him for some fun. Super models, celebrities, even some pretty young Senator's daughters… the sky was the limit, for one such as him.

Though… there had been murmurings, of late, that those other two girls from Sam's old team were starting to make noises about going off on their own as well. Apparently, having Sam continue to do freelance work on the side for those first few months after she'd joined him had been enough to make Alex and Clover wonder if they would be better off going solo as well and leaving WOOHP behind.

Maybe he'd snap them up. Ah, but once again, he was getting ahead of himself. Accepting the last morsel from Sam's fingers, he bats her hand away from the plate when she goes back to get him another bite.

"That's enough, bitch. I can still feed myself well enough. For now… the food is delicious. You've more than earned your morning sausage."

Eyes lighting up, the pregnant bimbo's pillowy lips curl into a bright, wide smile.

"Oh! Thank you, sir!"

In moments, she's shuffled her heavily pregnant self down to between his legs and is leaning over to take his cock between those same plump lips. Adam sighs as his slave-wife begins going down on him, the little bell on her collar jingling while she bobs up and down on his knob. Continuing to consume the heavenly breakfast she'd made, Adam Star grins. Needless to say, life was good.

And it was only going to get better from here.


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