Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Peter Griffin, Master of Chaldea (Family Guy/FGO)

Peter Griffin, Master of Chaldea (Family Guy/FGO)

A/N: Peter Griffin, Master of Chaldea, was a commissioned one shot originally written in March of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Peter Griffin ends up in Chaldea and after learning a little bit about himself and his true nature, takes it by storm.

Themes: Fat Bastard, Slutty Sex, Parody


"This thing on yet?"

"Uh, not quite sir. Audio is running loud and clear but video- aha! Got it!"

As the camera suddenly turns on, the only thing visible at first is a singular eyeball, framed behind one half of a pair of glasses. At hearing that the camera is now recording however, the owner of said eyeball slowly walks back, and is fully revealed as the scene comes into frame.

Standing at a Chad-like six feet straight, wearing a white button up shirt and a pair of green slacks held up by a belt around his waist, the brown-haired man is noticeably one thing right off the bat. A total, complete fat ass.

His obesity and all around morbidity is immediately juxtaposed by the woman he steps back to stand beside, a beautiful blonde wearing a skimpy, somewhat exposed red dress. Shorter than the fat ass by around half a foot, she looks completely at ease, and even happy to be in such a disgusting creature's company, despite her regality when compared to his… lack thereof.

Even when he slaps a meaty paw down onto her hip, wrapping his arm around her waist, she just giggles and wiggles closer into his side… which isn't even, given the aforementioned belly that the man is sporting.

Peter Griffin looks into the recording camera with Nero Claudius, Emperor of Roses at his side, and grins lecherously.

"Hiya, gang! Or maybe it's just Lois watching this! The eggheads tell me that they've got a way to send this tape back to my home dimension, or something like that, but no clue who's going to pick it up!"

Shrugging, seemingly supremely unperturbed by what he just said, Peter gives Nero a visible squeeze that makes the beautiful buxom blonde coo indulgently, before continuing on.

"Anyways, been here in this new dimension for about six months now! Figured it was high past time to record one of them documentaries of my time here! I've been through a lot since I fell through that wormhole. Learned a lot! Done a lot of growing, even! Found my life's purpose!"

A lecherous leer spreads across Peter's face as his hand slips off of Nero's hip and behind her back. Due to the… skimpiness of the front of her dress, her white panties are on full display. As such, not only does the camera pick up her slight flush and the mewling moan that leaves the Roman Emperor's lips, but it can also see the bulge of a finger as Peter runs his hand down the back of her panties and begins to fingerbang her right then and there.

"Turns out, they got a name for my kind in this part of the world! All this time, hanging out in Quahog with the boys and raising a family with Lois… I haven't been living up to my true potential! Heh, probably should have known something was up, given all of the things I lived through over the years. Apparently, regenerating blown off fingers and healing broken bones in under an hour ain't normal! Who knew?!"

Peter pauses for a moment, before raising his other hand to his face and rubbing his chin.

"Still, you'd think someone would have noticed something was off when I singlehandedly challenged the entirety of a professional NFL team… but I guess my demonstrable strength at the time was downplayed by the fact that I was clearly an idiot."

Smirking, Peter's eyes flash behind his glasses.

"Oh yeah, I know words like demonstrable now. Turns out, I was just being held back all this time. Being in an environment where I could really let my Fat Bastardness run wild has been… real good for the old brain meats. I know just how much of an idiot I was now, heh."

Nero, meanwhile, lets out a throatier moan as Peter's finger is clearly making hard work of her. To see such a beautiful woman being so easily debased by such a fat tub of lard would probably horrify most… and arouse plenty of others.

Shrugging, still speaking to the camera, Peter Griffin just grins.

"Yeah, I miss Quahog and my family a little bit… but really, this Chaldea place is pretty banging. Literally! Let me show ya what I mean~"

Pulling his hand out of Nero's panties and wiping it off on her clothing, Peter grins at the Roman Emperor.

"Hey Nero, I think I popped a stiffy! Care to help calm it down? Nyeheheheh!"

Blushing, the green-eyed blonde brings a hand to her lips to cover her tittering giggle.

"Umu-umu… it would be my pleasure, Master~"

Without hesitation, Nero drops down to her knees right there in front of both Peter and the camera currently recording them. Her fingers make deft work of Peter's belt, and his green slacks are pulled down to reveal his signature tighty whiteys. Yanking those down too, allows his massive, throbbing cock to flop out onto her face.

This is somewhat hidden by his huge fat belly, but not entirely, as Nero moans wantonly and rubs her face all over the underside of his cock and balls, before finally capturing the tip of his bulbous dick in her mouth and swallowing him whole. Bobbing up and down his dick, the Emperor of Roses gets to work on satisfying her beloved Master, even as Peter stands there with a big shit-eating grin on his face, looking down at her.

After a moment, he glances back over to the camera.

"Surprised, Lois? Nyeheheheh, turns out I was only ever so SMALL because I wasn't fulfilling my true purpose in life of NTRing sexy chicks away from their one true loves. That's the fat bastard way, as Nero here explained it to me."

Shrugging, Peter snorts as he places a hand on the back of Nero's head, forcing her further down his cock and choking her on the fat mast of his huge prick. Far from being upset by this, the Roman Emperor grabs Peter by his legs and tries to pull him closer to her in response.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

"Honestly, Nero has been a much better wing-woman than you ever were, Lois. You really held me back by tying me down all those years. Kept me dumb and stupid and small dicked, like the ball and chain you always were. And to think, I was happy with that sort of life! Nyeheheheh!"

Suddenly, Peter throws his head back and groans. Loud gulping fills the video as Nero is forced to swallow down his thick, viscous cum load right there on the spot, him holding her head into his crotch, buried under the rolls of fat that are his belly as he shudders and trembles, going up on his tip toes in the process.

Finally, it's over and he pulls back as Nero lets out a dainty little burp. Slowly standing up, the Roman Emperor leans into Peter and bats her eyelashes as she looks to the camera, a small bit of cum slowly leaking out of the side of her mouth for a moment before her tongue lashes out to lick it up.

"Peter Griffin, our beloved Master here at Chaldea… is the manliest man that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You were a lucky woman to have him, Lois… and you should never have let him go~"

The scene ends on Peter and Nero both sporting shit-eating grins at the camera.


The transition is rather smooth, but there's no denying that they're somewhere else now. For one, Nero is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Peter is sitting on a bed next to a completely new girl, white-haired with amber eyes and wearing… not much at all. Even less than Nero was, in fact.

There's a small jacket that doesn't properly close over her fat tits or even go past her ribs, and then a skimpy black and red bikini. With a pair of gloves and one thigh-high red stocking to complete the ensemble… yeah, she certainly looks like quite the slut.

She's also squirming like quite the slut as well, what with Peter's arm around her shoulders, hugging her tightly to his side as the fat bastard seemingly continues his shit-eating grin from the video's previous scene, his eyes glinting as he looks at the camera.

"Thought I'd show you just how my super powers work, Lois. All this time, I had no idea I was such a lady's man, nyeheheheh!"

"Y-You're… you're not! F-Fat ass!"

Beside him, the white-haired young woman squirms in his grasp, whimpering as she scowls prettily at him. Her face is bright red however, and her gloved hands are locked onto her knees, as if she's afraid of where else they might go if she didn't hold onto said knees for dear life.

Peter's grin doesn't lose a single ounce of its brightness however, as he chuckles at her words.

"This here's Jeanne d'Arc Alter. Turns out, lots o' girls here in Chaldea come with extras of themselves. I've already got the real Jeanne d'Arc eating out of the palm of my hand… and eating my ass, whenever I like!"

"S-Stupid… w-weak-willed… bitch…"

Every word out of Jeanne Alter's mouth is panted, every word seems to take all of her focus to say. Her amber eyes are constantly darting over to Peter's crotch, despite the man being fully clothed once more.

"The Alter here has been resisting my attentions for a while now, nyeheheheh! Some of the gals I've summoned to Chaldea with my magical mojo have a hard time accepting their new found attraction to me, their Master!"

"Who would… who would e-ever be… nngh, a-attracted to a t-tub of lard like… like…"

It's the most words she's managed to say yet, and yet… she can't finish the sentence. Jeanne Alter trails off, her entire body shaking and trembling so hard that her tits are quivering in her bikini top. Her eyes are zeroed in on his crotch, by this point, even hidden as it might be from her angle by Peter's massive belly.

"Oh? Something you want to say, bitch?"

Jeanne Alter's face twists and grimaces… and then, it's like the difference between night and day as she finally breaks, her expression morphing into one of pure, earnest wanton desire as her hands go from her knees to up between her legs and she doubles over them as she whines and whimpers and touches herself needily.

"F-Fine! Fine, you fat bastard! I need it! T-To think, there's something in this world that could match… no, compensate for my hatred! And to think it would be your big fat cock, you lard ass! Fuck, please! Pleasepleaseplease just FUCK ME ALREADY!"

Peter gives Jeanne Alter an indulgent look before grinning at the camera.

"See what I mean?"

Then, looking back to Jeanne Alter, he hums consideringly for a moment.

"What are the magic words? I know you know them, slut~"

Jeanne Alter squirms mightily for one more long moment, as if the final pieces of her trying to fight it are struggling with one last valiant effort… and then she jumps to her feet, pulling herself free of Peter's arms. But not to run away or escape him. Rather, as soon as she's up on her feet, the beautiful white-haired woman grabs her bikini top and bottoms and positively TEARS them from her body.

"I-It's too late for me! I've become… a PETERPHILE!"

The moment stretches briefly, the camera catching every last inch of Jeanne Alter's now naked form as she holds her torn undergarments up in the air above her head, her now naked breasts jiggling from the forceful shredding of her own clothing, her gushing, glistening wet quim fully on display for all to see.

Then, there's a rather harsh jump cut from that delightful display to one of Jeanne Alter buried under Peter Griffin's bulk, as the Master of Chaldea pins his newest fuck toy to the bed in a consummate mating press, her body barely visible as his cock slams into her again and again with loud, squelching, slapping noises as his balls meet her taint over and over.


"Nyeheheheh, if you say so, Ms. Jeanne Alter! How can I do any less, hm?"

The fat man's hips drive downwards, even as Jeanne's long legs try in vain to wrap fully around his incredibly wide waist. Slowly, the camera moves to the side instead of right behind them, and one can see more of Jeanne Alter's body, hopelessly pinned beneath Peter Griffin's immense bulk while he fucks her into the bed with all his considerable might.

The bed shakes and jolts and jars with every motion but manages to remain intact thanks to a metal frame. Necessary, when the Master of Chaldea had superhuman strength and regularly plowed his equally superhuman Servants and Heroic Spirits silly with his big fat cock.

As the camera moves into view of both Peter and Jeanne Alter, it reveals the two of them kissing noisily, Peter's mouth upon Jeanne Alter's and his tongue writhing wildly in what has to be the sloppiest makeout session of the white-haired woman's life. Her amber eyes roll back in her head as Jeanne Alter cums again and again for him, her body pinned beneath his enormous bulk and not going anywhere.

Not that she wants to go anywhere. The tears streaming down Jeanne Alter's face might have been the last vestiges of her true self collapsing under the weight of Peter's fat bastard aura… or they might have been tears of utter joy and unadulterated happiness as the Servant finally snapped and accepted her place as one of the fat Master of Chaldea's cocksleeves.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. The end result is the same. Jeanne Alter has fallen to Peter Griffin's cock, just like so many before her apparently. The white-haired woman shudders and creams herself as Peter's balls slap against her ass crack again and again, his cock pistoning in and out of her puffy pussy lips. Her moans grow in volume, as he finally pulls back from her lips and looks over at the camera with a big wide grin.

"You see what I mean? In the end, it don't matter who you are or where you're from. Spend enough time around me, and everyone in Chaldea becomes a Peterphile eventually! Nyeheheheh!"

To prove his point, the fat ass abruptly pushes back, and subsequently ends up on HIS back on the bed. With his cock lodged deep inside of Jeanne Alter to act as a lever of sorts, the amber-eyed Servant finds herself squeaking as she's sprung up from the bed. Suddenly, she's no longer pinned down by Peter's immense weight anymore, but riding his cock herself, impaled on his dick and bouncing on it as she moans wantonly.

There's perhaps a moment of hesitation, where Peter laces his hands back behind his head and just smirks expectantly. A moment in which, if Jeanne Alter wanted to, she could have gotten away. After all, she was on top now, and Peter's hands weren't anywhere near her. She could have run, if she wanted to.

Instead, she slowly gyrates her hips, and then far less slowly begins to ride the massive, bulky Master of Chaldea, bouncing up and down on his cock with more enthusiasm and energy by the second as she moans wantonly. Her breasts bounce and jiggle all over the place, and her hands grab at Peter's love handles, gripping tightly at the fat man's huge rolls of meat.

"M-More… I need more! Please, Master! Give me more of your big fat cock!"

Snorting derisively, Peter's eyes flash behind his glasses again, as he shakes his head.

"Now, now… you have to earn it, slut! Go on! Prove yourself worthy!"

Whining, whimpering up a storm, Jeanne Alter does her best to do exactly that, riding him to kingdom cum and squealing as she climaxes upon his huge pillar of man meat again and again. Peter, meanwhile, just grins and glances over at the camera again.

"The trick is to make sure that they know who's boss, always. Let em beg and all, but don't let em make any demands of ya! That was my biggest mistake, back in Quahog. I was always letting you make demands of me, Lois! I was always succumbing to your nagging!"

Peter shakes his head and reaches up, grabbing one of Jeanne Alter's bouncing, jiggling tits and giving it a good, hard squeeze.

"You had me by the balls, no doubt about it. I would have done anything to make you happy. I often did, in my own clumsy, idiotic fashion! But I've learned better, in my time here in Chaldea, Nyeheheheh! I've learned that it doesn't matter if the world says YOU'RE right, Lois… so long as I know I'm right, reality itself will bend to accommodate me!"

As if to punctuate his statement, Peter reaches up with his other hand and grabs Jeanne Alter's other breast. He pulls on both of her nipples, dragging her up onto his fat belly, until just the head of his immense cock is still inside of her clenching pussy.

"C'mere, bitch, I want a drink!"

"B-But Master, I'm not-!"

The denial dies on Jeanne Alter's lips, as Peter puts his own statement into practice. Fat Bastardness positively oozing off of the immense tub of lard, reality becomes what he wants it to be, as he leans forward and sucks on one of Jeanne's nipples… and from the way she squeals and wiggles atop him, and the milky substance that trickles out of the sides of his mouth as he gulps and gulps, it becomes obvious that he's drinking her breast milk.

Even if she WASN'T lactating before this moment, she certainly is now… in direct response to her Master's desires and whims.

Jeanne Alter moans and her amber eyes roll back in her head again for a moment, as she quivers there atop his immense bulk. Peter drinks his fill, and then lets go of her tits, allowing her to slide down off of the hill that is his belly and right back onto the cock that had still been prodding just into the entrance of her womb.

Hugging his huge stomach as best she can, Jeanne Alter finds herself giggling into his belly button, even as she's impaled once more on his cock and cums her brains out from the intense experience. Her newly lactating nipples rub against his belly on the way down too, leaving thin lines of milky fluid in their wake.

Finally, Peter reaches down, and grabs Jeanne Alter by the hips, sitting up enough to really take hold of her. Then, he begins driving her up and down his cock, even as she squeals and starts to rag doll, her eyes fully rolling up in her skull from the pleasure. He showcases some of his immense Fat Bastard strength then, pounding her on his dick at a power and speed that he'd never been capable of before coming to Chaldea and awakening his true self.

A few minutes of this harsh, savage fucking, with no words from either Peter or Jeanne Alter, and then he groans and pumps a hot, thick load of seed right up into her womb, filling her to the brim with his cum.

Once he's done, he flashes the camera a wicked grin and shrugs.

"The kids might be happy to know that they're gonna have a bunch of extra-dimensional brothers and sisters, soon. After all, as a Fat Bastard, it's my job to spread my seed. Oh, and heya Chris! If you're watching this, don't let any girl tie you down like your mother did me! Get a ticket to Japan asap and start living the dream! Might not be as awesome for you as it is for me in Chaldea, but hey, an American Fat Bastard in Japan? You're still gonna have loads of fun!"

The scene ends with Peter laughing and Jeanne Alter falling back off of his cock, an ahegaoing expression on her face punctuating his words and seeming to lend great weight to their authenticity.


When the next scene arrives, the camerawork is a little shaky for a moment, but soon stabilizes. At first, its just Peter, sitting there on a mat naked. But once the camera stabilizes, he looks past it and grins his by-now signature shit-eating grin.

"You got it all automated there, Mash?"

"… Y-Yes sir…"

"Then get your sweet little ass over here already, girl!"

"Yes s-sir!"

After a beat, a new girl steps into the frame. Out of all the girls seen so far, this new girl looks… almost normal, spectacularly so, in comparison to Nero Claudius and Jeanne Alter. Wearing rectangular frame glasses, and a gray hoodie that seems way to big for her, from the way her fingers barely poke out of the ends of the arms and it goes all the way down to her knees, the lilac-haired girl also seems the least… horny as she shyly walks over to where a naked Peter is sitting, waiting for her.

Chuckling at her display of seeming embarrassment, the fat Master of Chaldea shakes his head.

"Now, now, Mash… don't you think you're a little over-dressed?"

"Y-Yes sir!"

While Mash eagerly reaches for the zipper of her hoodie, Peter looks at the current stationary camera and grins wickedly.

"This here is Mashu Kyrielight! I call her Mash! Some of the others call her Mashmallow!"

The reason behind that second nickname becomes immediately obvious when Mash unzips her hoodie and shucks it off to reveal she's wearing nothing but a dark purple string-bikini with the smallest of triangles covering her nipples and her sex underneath. Indeed, what had initially seemed like a nerdy young woman who was shy to a fault, is suddenly revealed to be ANOTHER top-heavy slut, with a spectacular body in peak physical condition.

Blushing as she discards her hoodie and glasses, Mash can only squeak as Peter snickers and yanks her down onto the mat with him, letting her sit on one of his fat knees as she instinctively puts one arm up under her tits, as if framing them or presenting them on a platter for his pleasure.

"Mash here is my most loyal and hardest working pet! She's been the camerawoman all day long, and I think we can all agree she's done a great job. If they're showing this documentary in the pub back home, I want you all to give Mash here a big round of applause, nyeheheheh!"

There is no actual applause of course, but Mash nevertheless ducks her head and blushes like there is. Meanwhile, Peter wraps an arm around her and reaches up to grope and fondle one of her tits through the flimsy bikini top she's wearing. The lilac-haired beauty moans at this, wiggling in his grasp.

"Unfortunately, Mash is also a Demi-Servant, thanks to the idiotic mistakes of the last bitch in charge of Chaldea. That means she's sort of stuck between phases… and as a result, needs constant Mana Transfers! And the best way to do those, is directly!"

With his piece said, Peter… flops down on his back on the map, and once again laces his hands behind his head. Mash, blushing but presenting quite the eager, needy, and horny face now that she's no longer dressed and has been exposed as the fervent 'Peterphile' that she truly is, happily climbs aboard the Peter Express, pulling her bikini bottoms aside and crouching over the fat man's massive cock as it stands straight up, pointing unerringly at her quivering cunt.

As she grabs hold of his cock and lines it up with her pussy, Mash moans and looks right at the camera while she slowly but surely impales herself on Peter's cock.

"H-Hey there, M-Mrs. Griffin! Sorry for, um, s-stealing your husband away like that! I-It was me, who summoned h-him from your world after the last Master died! I didn't know what else to do, so I tried to bring s-someone who could… h-help!"

With the word 'help', Mash finally fully fills herself with Peter's cock. Her taut tummy distends with his bulge as she begins to ride him, moaning all the while.

"A-And he has helped! H-He's, oooh, he's helped a l-lot! We're, nngh, w-well on the way to saving our world, thanks to him!"

Mash certainly sounds as if she believes every word she's saying, as if Peter Griffin fucking her and every other woman in Chaldea was somehow helping. Or maybe there was something else going on besides the sex. It didn't really matter in the end, because the lilac-haired demi-servant's credibility was certainly questionable, with how she was moaning up a wanton storm while riding her Master to kingdom cum.

"S-So, nngh, t-thanks for letting us have your husband, M-Mrs. Griffin. But… a-ah, I'm extra s-sorry… because I don't think w-we're going to give him baaaaack~"

Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, the gorgeous demi-servant ahegaos even faster than Jeanne Alter did upon Peter's huge fat cock. The fat bastard chuckles as she shudders and spasms upon his dick, and then suddenly, lurches up.

With another impressive display of his superhuman strength, Peter pushes off the ground with Mash still impaled on his cock. His huge sausage fingers close around her delicate and thin by comparison wrists, and he lunges to his feet. The camera catches it all perfectly, as they both end up standing up. Mash's eyes roll forward again in her head just to get progressively wider, as she suddenly finds herself bent over and getting fucked relentlessly from behind.

Peter's massive ball sack swings up like a pendulum to smack against her clit, while his huge belly rests atop her toned ass. Meanwhile, his cock continues to slam home into Mash's clenching quim, drawing wild squeals and shrieks of ecstasy and pleasure from the once shy and quiet demi-servant. As she creams herself again and again and again upon his cock, Peter just gives the camera a new shit-eating grin.

"Yeah, sorry Lois, sorry gang, sorry whoever's watching this that might care… but nah, I ain't coming home. Hah, why would I?! Quahog was just holding me back! So was my family! I'm a Fat Bastard through and through, and now that I've embraced my true nature, I'm more me than I ever was before!"

Smirking, Peter leans forward, causing Mash's legs to quiver under the increased weight pushing down on her back as he continues to yank her arms back behind her and fuck into her with all his might.

"The idiot you all knew and no doubt secretly despised is dead and gone. I've outgrown him… so it's best if you all moved on and forgot about him. Really… we'll all be happier for it."

With a sense of finality, he elicits one last squealing, gushing climax from Mash, before thrusting into her and filling her sopping wet cunt with his seed right then and there. As direct a Mana Transfer as there's ever been to be sure, and there's even evidence of it, as Mashu Kyrielight positively GLOWS for a moment afterwards, lighting up and absorbing the mana infused in the cum load now filling her womb.

The experience, as it were, makes her eyes roll up in her head all over again, her eyelashes fluttering wildly and her body spasming and jolting. Finally, it's over… and Mash slowly slumps off of Peter's cock, falling face first into the mat beneath her.

Face down and twitching in ecstasy, the camera stays on her and the naked form of Peter Griffin for a long moment as he grins with his arms spread wide. If one were paying attention to his left hand, they might see him snap his fingers. If they weren't, then the camera suddenly panning out would seem like it was completely out of left field.

Regardless, the camera does indeed pan out… revealing that someone has been playing games with perspective. Peter and Mash, far from being alone in some small bedroom, are actually in a huge auditorium that was completely unseen until now. More than that, they're surrounded… surrounded by dozens and dozens of exotic, exquisite-looking women, all of them lounging on pillows and blankets and mats of their own, all surrounding Peter in every growing circles focused on his position in the very center of the room.

Some of them are… indulging themselves already. Some are touching themselves quite visibly, and some are even pleasuring each other, eating one another out, or fingering one another, or scissoring aggressively, their sopping wet cunts grinding against one another.

However, ALL of them have one thing in common. All of them who can do so… have their eyes fixated upon one Peter Griffin, Master of Chaldea, their beloved fat bastard, and the man who has rocked all of their worlds and completely and utterly broken them upon his cock.

The dozens upon dozens of slutty, mind broken female Servants all moan and begin to surge forward as Peter beckons them over with his outstretched hands, grinning as they hungrily climb over one another and Mash to reach him. Like some sort of lewd zombie horde clamoring for the tasty living flesh in their midst.

All of them are just as eager as Mash to get fucked by their Master's big fat cock, but even as they crowd him, Peter showcases his immense strength, shaking several of the more needy and handsy ones off and eventually just reaching out and grabbing one by the hair to shove down his member, choking her on his dick right then and there. He laughs, as they all beg needily, practically drowning each other out in the process.

As this scene, arousing to some and horrifying to others, plays out, the camera focuses one last time on the face of one Peter Griffin, just in time for him to give it a wink before the video ends, Volume One of the pornographic documentary of Peter Griffin, Master of Chaldea, coming to close.


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