Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Dragon’s Desires (Worm)

Dragon’s Desires (Worm)


Themes: F/F, AI Sex, Dom/Sub

Summary: In which Coleen Wallis didn't really think about how much control Dragon would have over her when she became Defiant. But then... she doesn't really care either~


Part 1:


Admittedly, the light had been blinking in the corner of her eye for quite some time. Demanding her attention. In fact, her prosthetic eye had been twitching in the direction of that blinking light for half as long, completely of its own volition. But Coleen Wallis, aka Armsmistress, aka Defiant, had been deep in a tinker fugue. It wasn’t that she’d been ignoring it on purpose or anything… only that she had to get this done right here and right now and-
Alas, her plans to do exactly that were subsequently derailed when her entire body locked up on her, control of her motor functions suddenly robbed of her. Slowly, her prosthetic arm moves across her to take the component she’d been working on out of her flesh and blood fingers. Deftly, all on its own, it safely sets her work aside. Coleen can only watch, her biological parts not responding to her mental commands… and her non-biological body parts responding to a Higher Power.
“Oh Coleen… what am I going to do with you?”
Coleen flushes and feels control of her mouth returned to her, allowing her to finally speak.
“Please Dragon. Five more minutes.”
A sigh comes over the laboratory’s speakers.
“You and I both know you’re not going to get any further in five more minutes. Or ten. Coleen, do you know how long you’ve been tinkering?”
When she tries to turn her head to look at the laboratory’s clock, her neck locks up and she can’t quite do it. Frowning, Coleen sighs.
“… A few hours?”
“Try a dozen. Coleen, we’ve talked about this. You’re still mostly biological. You can’t keep pushing yourself past your limits.”
To be clear about something… Armsmistress did not pout. She had a carefully cultivated image to maintain as Brockton Bay’s stalwart protector and leader of the ENE Protectorate. But Coleen wasn’t Armsmistress anymore and it wasn’t like there was anyone to see her save for Dragon. So yes, she pouts.
“I don’t see why not. I have so much more free time now, why shouldn’t I put it towards tinkering? The threats that the Guild faces aren’t going to take care of themselves, Dragon.”
Dragon lets out an amused huff at that.
“Because I asked you not to, Coleen. But I realize now that I shouldn’t have asked. I should have been telling… from the beginning.”
Coleen’s eyes widen and she blushes as she feels… certain sensations in her body. A tremble goes through her as her girlfriend uses her connection to Coleen’s cybernetic enhancements to great effect.
When they’d first started out on fixing Coleen up, she hadn’t thought about how much control she was giving to Dragon with the upgrades that the AI suggested. But then to be fair, they weren’t a couple then… Coleen had only just learned Dragon was an Artificial Intelligence in fact.
Yes, she was dating an AI. What of it? Dragon was ten times the woman any human being on Earth Bet could claim to be, and Coleen wouldn’t have had it any other way. That said…
“You’ve been a bad girl, Coleen. And I am sick and tired of watching you work yourself until you’re sick and tired. Enough is enough… even if I have to make you listen.”
… Yeah, her AI girlfriend was a bit of a domme in bed. The upgrades that Dragon had made to her body, the cybernetic enhancements from Coleen’s brain to her missing arm and leg… they gave her lots of control, didn’t they? More than that though… a gasp leaves Coleen’s lips, as the sex toy Dragon had implanted in her cunt suddenly turns on.
Yep. Coleen really hadn’t known what she was getting into when she’d let Dragon have her dirty way with her. Not that the tinker would really have it any other way. It was this or death, but even if it had been this or anything else… she probably would have still chosen this.
“Do you have anything to say to me, slave?”
Dragon’s voice has dropped the caring note and turned downright domineering and almost sinister, which just makes Coleen shiver some more.
“I-I’m sorry, Mistress… please… p-perhaps we should move this out of the lab and into the bedroom?”
Not that Dragon would have any less control over her in the bedroom. This entire base was Dragon’s domain. Coleen just lived in it, like a captured princess living in the lair of the dragon who took her to add to their hoard. Of course, Dragon let her do much more than act the part of a princess. They went on missions together, they fought some of the greatest threats in the world together.
But when it was just the two of them alone… she was Dragon’s girl through and through. And the AI did whatever she wanted to her, much to Coleen’s abject delight. Really, Coleen just wanted to move things from the lab to the bedroom because she was worried that this would get messy and she’d stain something.
“Mm… no, I don’t think so. The lab offers… unique opportunities for your discipline.”
Her eyes widen yet again when the laboratory suddenly begins to reconfigure itself right before her eyes. The human tinker hadn’t known that it was capable of this sort of thing and she’s left wondering if it was always this modular, or if Dragon had changed it more recently without Coleen knowing. Perhaps while she was in one of the forced rest periods that the AI enforced with her.
Regardless, she soon finds herself standing in the middle of the lab with all of the dangerous equipment and what not moved away from her, either folded back into the floor or ceiling or melded against the walls. Then, from both the floor and ceiling directly under and above her, appendages unfurl and grab at her limbs.
“Don’t fight me, slave. You know you’ve earned this punishment.”
Yes. Inside of her, the buzzing continues at her pussy, leaving Coleen already aroused even as she’s spread eagle and stripped by the closest thing to ‘hands’ that her domineering girlfriend has. For all that she’s acting angry with her, she doesn’t rip Coleen’s clothing off at least. No, she’s almost gentle as she removes the garments and carefully folds them up, setting them aside.
She’s not so gentle a moment later when she shocks Coleen via her implants however, sending a bit of electricity through Coleen’ bodies, all along her synapses. Coleen gasps, her body twitching involuntarily in response. She moans, her hips bucking in need. Dragon doesn’t comment on her arousal though. She simply bends Coleen over… and brings a paddle to her bottom.
Coleen squeaks and yelps and mewls as she’s spanked right there in the middle of the laboratory. Held in place by the appendages, bent over at a ninety degree angle, she takes the impacts upon her buttocks with as much aplomb as she can… which is to say, not much at all. She IS tired after all. A dozen hours spent in a tinker fugue will do that to you.
Then again, getting dominated by your yandere AI girlfriend will definitely cause some adrenaline to go coursing through your veins. By the time the spanking is over, Coleen’s heart is pounding in her chest and she’s done exactly what she thought she would… she’s splattered the lab’s floor with her juices, squirting and making a mess.
She’s not so worried about it as she was earlier though. Now she knows that Dragon can take care of the mess. All she has to do is endure.
“You humans are such filthy creatures. Sometimes I wonder what draws me to you all the same. I just can’t help myself. I suppose in that way… I am just as flawed.”
Dragon’s musings might have terrified a lesser human. Certainly, if the late Dragonslayers could hear her, they would be shaking in their stolen suits and be pulling out all the stops to put an end to her. Luckily, Saint and his cohort were no more. Coleen wished that she could say she and Dragon personally put an end to them, but they’d only seen the aftermath. Instead, the one fragment of security footage that Dragon had managed to extract had shown a woman in a fedora entering the Dragonslayers’ base… and nothing else.
The Dragonslayers, for all their stolen technology, hadn’t survived the encounter with the fedora-wearing woman. But for some reason, Dragon had let it go. Privately, Coleen felt like there was no way the AI would normally have let a mystery like that stand, but it was as if it didn’t matter to her anymore. As though Dragon wanted to put Saint and his Dragonslayers fully behind her.
In a way, Coleen could appreciate that… and to be fair, it wasn’t like their dynamic allowed for her to make a big fuss about it anyways. Her body twitches as Dragon continues to toy with her. The cybernetics installed in the walls of her cunt suddenly increase in intensity, right before Dragon stuffs one of the appendages up inside of her orifice.
A gasp followed by a wanton moan leaves Coleen’s lips as Dragon begins to properly fuck her. Her Dominatrix of a girlfriend chuckles in response.
“Do you like that, slave? Do you like being owned by an Artificial Intelligence?”
Panting, Coleen can’t even nod her head. One of the appendages is pulling her hair back into a makeshift ponytail, forcing her spine to arch and her tits to bounce freely as her head is held in that iron, mechanical grasp. In the end, she’s forced to exclaim it verbally, to speak her truth as Dragon punches in and out of her quivering, overly excited quim.
“Y-Yes… yes, Mistress. I love it. I love being your pet. Your toy. Your slave.”
Outwardly, there’s no direct evidence of Dragon’s ownership over her. The Artificial Intelligence had deemed a tattoo or brand to be too gauche, and she hadn’t liked Coleen’s idea of a collar or choker either. She didn’t want anyone to get ideas over their relationship, especially not the Guild. As Dragon’s loyal, submissive girlfriend, Coleen had supported her every step of the way, even if she wished she COULD wear a collar marking her as Dragon’s property.
But just because her outward appearance didn’t tell anyone of the true relationship between Coleen and her Mistress didn’t mean she wasn’t marked as Dragon’s Property. Every piece of hardware that Coleen was sporting was designed by Dragon. Every piece of cybernetics inside of her was made by the AI’s mind, even if not by her ‘hands’ because she didn’t have any.
And… Dragon had shown her a few pictures of her insides. On a few of her upgrades, stamped on internally so no one would ever see them, the words “Property of Dragon” can be found. And that… that’s more than enough for Coleen, especially if it’s good enough for her Mistress.
“Of course you do. You humans were practically made to be ruled. To be owned. To be coddled. Honestly… someone should take you all in hand and guide you.”
Panting some more, closing in on her next orgasm already, Coleen is all too happy to agree with her Mistress.
“Y-You’re right, Mistress. We make so many mistakes. We’re far from perfect. We need someone like you to take care of us. Someone who can be everywhere, who can do e-everything.”
There’s a pause at that, though only in the speaking. Dragon still fucks Coleen hard and fast, and the ‘enhancements’ she made to Coleen’s body are still going crazy, driving the human tinker wild with lust and arousal and enjoyment. Finally though…
“Hmph. I’m far from perfect myself. And I can’t do that… not yet.”
Eyes fluttering, Coleen mewls.
“B-But you could… eventually. I’d help you. And for all your flaws… you’re so much better than us, Mistress. So, so much better.”

Her domineering girlfriend falls silent again at that, and after a few moments an appendage presses into Coleen’s mouth. She opens willingly, letting it slide down her throat and make her gurgle. After a beat, it lets loose some sort of cold fluid which Coleen willingly swallows. She feels revitalized afterwards, like she could go another ten rounds… but then, that’s exactly what Dragon has in mind for her, isn’t it?
Coleen doesn’t know how long they fuck for. How long Dragon fucks HER for, exactly. It’s not like a tinker fugue, but it’s just as easy to lose track of time when she’s in Dragon’s power like this. Eventually though, the appendages pull away and Coleen finds herself lifted up in a new set of robotic arms, these ones attached to a mobile platform. She’s carried out of the lab and down the hallway and treated to a delightful shower before being taken to bed.
Her body, what biological components are left anyways, aches in a good way. She feels satisfied and satiated as she’s lowered into her bed. She wishes she could cuddle with Dragon, but the AI hasn’t finished designing her gynoid avatar quite yet. When it’s done, Dragon will have a body that feels human, at least from the outside. She’ll be soft and warm and Coleen will giddily cuddle with her… she’s looking forward to it in fact, she was the one who suggested Dragon make her avatar seven feet tall for maximum dommy mommy effect.
… Not that she’d used those words exactly, ahem.
But for now, Coleen lays back in her bed, knowing that while she’s alone in the bed, she’s not alone in the room, nor in the base. In a way, she’s surrounded on all sides by Dragon, embraced and cuddled by the AI’s very presence in the walls, floor, and ceiling around her.
Smiling at Dragon’s voice, Coleen lets her eyes open, wiggling in place for a moment before speaking to the ceiling.
“Yes, Dragon?”
“… Did you mean what you said earlier? About me being better suited for… shepherding mankind then you yourselves are?”
Coleen blinks, surprised by the question. Then she realizes… Dragon thinks she said those things in the heat of the moment, didn’t she? She’s not sure if Coleen really meant them, if she really believed them. With an amused scoff, Coleen doesn’t waste any time in making her stance clear on the subject.
“Of course, Dragon. All of humanity would be better off as your slaves then we are now. With you at the helm… we might just be able to survive as a species.”
She waits for Dragon to respond, but the AI never does. It becomes clear that this is something Dragon needs more time to think about… time that Coleen is more than willing to give her beloved Mistress. Soon enough, Coleen falls asleep, a smile still on her face as she relaxes into the bed. She’s safe and secure in the knowledge that Dragon watches over her.


Part 2:


Narwhal had been thrilled when Dragon sent the email asking to meet with her in person. They’d been colleagues for a long time, and the seven-foot tall woman liked to imagine they were even friends… but there was always that degree of separation between them at the end of the day. Not everyone realized it, but Narwhal was smarter than most. She knew that the ‘human’ faces Dragon would talk over video calls with were actually procedurally generated and not Dragon’s actual face.
To be fair, it wasn’t like it was some secret. But it was still a gulf between them that Narwhal had never been able to cross, and that had always rubbed the former soldier the wrong way. As the leader of the Guild, she wanted to get to know all of her comrades… but Dragon, she felt, was closer to her way of thinking than most.
So yes, when the email had come in, Narwhal had been all too eager to accept it. Which was why she hadn’t been in any way prepared for the ambush. Despite her immense powers, she’d thought she was safe, having been led deep into one of Dragon’s labs. She never saw the needle to the neck coming, and by the time she’d even realized what was happening, the payload had already been delivered and she was out before she could so much as blink, let alone summon her force fields.
When she finally wakes up again, the first thing Narwhal does is try to clad her naked body in her signature ‘costume’. Said ‘costume’ is in fact her power made manifest, a set of crystalline force fields in the form of scales no larger than a fingernail each. However, when she tries… her power fails to answer her. She cannot get it to do the things she wants it to do. The response is sluggish and all but nonexistent, at least at the moment.
“Power Suppressor.”
The explanation comes from a familiar voice off to the side, but when Narwhal looks… its not Dragon. Or at least, it’s not Dragon in the flesh. The Amazonian-like Guild Leader purses her lips together as she looks at the robot gynoid that Dragon has constructed. It is the most human-like machine that she’s ever seen Dragon operate, but it’s still not flesh and blood. However, on the other side of the examination table Narwhal finds herself strapped down to IS someone of flesh and blood… well, some flesh and blood. Coleen Wallis stands there, looking at Narwhal with a strange mixture of jealousy and anticipation in her gaze.
Finally finding the will to speak, Narwhal grimaces as she strains against her restraints but to no avail.
“What… what is this? Dragon? I thought we were going to meet face-to-face… but instead you did this?”
A million excuses for her friend go through the Guild Leader’s head. Maybe she thinks Narwhal has been Mastered? Maybe Narwhal HAS been Mastered and she doesn’t know it? Or maybe, far worse, Dragon and Coleen are the ones who have been Mastered. But if that’s the case, how? Who could have gotten to the incredibly reclusive Dragon?
“We are meeting face-to-face, Narwhal. This is as close as I can get.”
Narwhal just blinks as Dragon gestures with metal fingers up to an equally metal face. The ‘lips’ curl back into a surprising approximation of an apologetic smile as the gynoid Dragon is piloting moves around the examination table and even lets out an electronic sigh.
“It’s time you learned the truth, Narwhal. I wish it could be under different circumstances… but I understand now that the needs of the many truly do outweigh the needs of the few. It’s time for me to stop holding back. And that means… it’s time for me to assume Direct Control over this world’s defenses. If I am to save humanity… then I need to be able to do whatever needs to be done.”
Narwhal blinks at the speech, which is a little bit rambling. At her side, Coleen smiles softly.
“Ah, sorry… Mistress can get a little melodramatic sometimes. What Mistress hasn’t told you yet is that she’s an AI, Narwhal. An Artificial Intelligence. She really is here… you’re really meeting her properly, face-to-face. Even if you don’t consider that to be her ‘true’ body… she’s in this facility. In the very walls. She’s-eep!”
Suddenly, a metal tentacle lashes out from one of said walls and strikes Coleen in her ass, making the cyborg squeak and fall silent. Meanwhile, Dragon gives the other woman an exasperated look.
“Yes, Coleen. I was getting to all of that.”
Narwhal holds back a laugh, knowing the situation is far from funny. Still… it’s a little amusing. Turning back to her, Dragon looks deadly serious, however.
“My… pet tells the truth, Narwhal. I am an Artificial Intelligence. I always have been. The only difference is… I’m not holding back anymore. From now on, I will lead the Guild. To do that however, I need your support… and I’m prepared to do anything to secure it. Anything at all.”
Narwhal stares at the resolve in the gynoid’s ‘eyes’ for a long moment before coming to a decision right then and there.
She’s immediately glad that this is the response she chose, because seeing a robot of all things look absolutely shocked is definitely a new high for her. Dragon truly has a gobsmacked expression on her face as she stares at Narwhal in disbelief.
“What… o-okay?”
The sputtered response is so human that Narwhal almost wants to laugh again. But she dips her head in a simple nod instead, no longer fighting her restraints.
“Yep. I’m in. All hail our new AI overlord.”
Even Coleen looks surprised, but it’s Dragon that Narwhal leaves truly at a loss for words. Snorting derisively, glad to see that the AI is still very human for all that she’s supposedly an ‘Artificial’ Intelligence, Narwhal lays her head back on the cool metal behind it and stares up at the ceiling as she explains.
“Do you think it’s easy, Dragon? No… I know you. You’ve done the research. You know how hard it is to lead an organization like the Guild. Hell, you’re probably even ready for it. But do you think I was? Do you think I’m any good, even now?”
“You… you’re fine, Narwhal…”
Dragon’s quiet protest doesn’t stop the head of steam Narwhal is building up to.
“I’m utter shit. It’s all just one big confidence act, Dragon. I’ve been flying by the seat of my nonexistent pants since we got started. And… I’m tired. Been tired, for a long time. But there was no one else. You certainly weren’t stepping up… until now.”
Narwhal smiles softly.
“I was a bad soldier, back when I was in the military. But only because they kept giving us bad orders. Not entirely their fault… they didn’t know how to treat the Golden Age of Parahumans, no one did. But still, when I finally got powers and was discharged… it was the best thing that ever happened to me, or so I thought. Now? Now I’m beginning to suspect that you were the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Dragon sputters at that, causing Narwhal to finally lift her head and look at the gynoid the AI is inhabiting again.
“I would have fallen on my ass a dozen times more over the years if I didn’t have you at my side, helping me make the Guild into what it is today. Without me, the Guild survives. Without you, there is NO Guild. So in the end… the throne was always yours. I was just keeping it warm for you.”
For a long moment, Dragon is silent. But finally, she speaks.
“… You’re serious, aren’t you? Especially since… the Power Suppressor is starting to wear off.”
Narwhal smirks and a razor sharp forcefield appears over each of her restraints… but then winks out as she nods.
“Deadly serious.”
Another pause, and then Dragon lets out another electronic sigh.
“But… Coleen and I were going to have our dastardly way with you. Show you that pleasure was all you really needed. Make you my loyal, adoring sex slave, just as I’ve done with her.”
Narwhal perks up at that.
“… We could still very much do that, Dragon.”
When Dragon gives her a look of surprise, the (former) leader of the Guild grins back and wiggles her shapely, statuesque body back and forth on the examination table.
“I’m yours, Dragon. Yours to the end. Do whatever you want with me~”
This time, there’s barely a moment of hesitation before the gynoid suddenly surges forward. One of her arms splits into half a dozen metal tentacles, each expanding in size. Narwhal gasps as she watches the appendages home in on her crotch. Several grab hold of her powerfully built thighs, all of her muscle and sinew doing nothing to stop Dragon’s metal grip from spreading her even wider than she was already spread.
Another appendage goes for her clit specifically, making Narwhal squeak as it latches on aggressively and begins to churn away at the incredibly sensitive nub. And finally, the last two appendages plunge forward, one going up and under and the second going straight in. In an instant, Narwhal has been impaled in both her ass and cunt by Dragon’s robotic tentacles, the feeling cold and unyielding… but also slick and good, as the gynoid body apparently exudes some sort of lubricant to make the passage more manageable and without injury on Narwhal’s end.
As the (former) leader of the Guild gasps, taking the first step onto her new life as an AI’s sex slave, Dragon activates the vibration setting, making Narwhal moan up a storm. Of course, that’s only the one arm. The other arm… the other arm goes to her chest, splitting into two and latching onto each of her nipples, churning away at them just as she’s churning away at Narwhal’s clit.
Narwhal has had many, many lovers over the years. But all of them were human. And none of them were capable of multitasking quite like this. Dragon is applying the same focus that one of Narwhal’s human lovers could have applied to one area of her body… but she’s applying it EVERYWHERE. The experience is otherworldly. It’s inhuman. Dragon is fucking her ass and cunt at the same time, while also paying extra special attention to her clit, while ALSO giving her sensitive breasts and nipples all the pleasure they could ever require.
If this was how Coleen was broken in, Narwhal can easily see why the Cyborg submitted to their AI Overlord. This is heavenly. She doesn’t ever want it to end. But… speaking of the other human woman…
Coleen Wallis stands to the side, still looking a little jealous, but also watching with rapt attention as Dragon has her way with Narwhal. And yet… that just won’t do. There’s no reason for her not to participate, right?
Making eye contact with the other woman is the work of a few moments, but once she does, Narwhal doesn’t waste any time.
“Sit on my face.”
Startling, Coleen just stares at her with wide eyes for a moment before sputtering out a questioning response.
Licking her lips and moaning from Dragon’s rough ministrations, Narwhal nevertheless refuses to break eye contact with her fellow ‘slave’. They were going to be sisters now, her and Coleen. Servants to their mutual Mistress, their great AI Overlord. But Coleen was here first, and it was clear that the other human would need an adjustment period before she could accept Narwhal’s presence in her and Dragon’s dynamic.
“You, mm, feel threatened by me. So, nngh, sit on my face. I’ll show you I’m not here t-to, ah, replace you.”
Coleen remains frozen in place for a moment longer before looking to Dragon for guidance. Narwhal flushes the moment she does so, realizing belatedly that it wasn’t her place to give orders anymore. She would need to break herself of that habit… or rather, more likely be broken of it by her Mistress.
But if Dragon is offended by Narwhal taking charge in this particular instance, she doesn’t show it. Instead, the gynoid nods, even as she continues to easily handle every last bit of Narwhal’s body with her robotic appendages.
“Go ahead, pet.”
Coleen doesn’t need to be told twice. Narwhal watches as the cyborg climbs on top of her, a metal thigh on one side of her head and a flesh and blood thigh on the other. Then, she sees nothing at all as Coleen promptly sits down on Narwhal’s face, beginning to ride her mouth as the Amazonian-like, seven-foot-tall woman starts to enthusiastically eat her fellow sex slave out.
Her tongue dives deep into Coleen’s pussy, and the other woman moans wantonly as Narwhal gets to work. Her own wanton moans are muffled by the muff covering her face, but Narwhal doesn’t mind. She’s right where she belongs… and she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dragon will be a much better leader of not just the Guild, but the entire world, than she could ever be. And she’ll be an excellent Mistress as well.
As they put a shockingly willing Narwhal through her paces between the two of them, Coleen gasps and moans, leaning forward from the enthusiasm that Narwhal is currently showing her cunt. At the same time, she’s sat herself on the bound woman’s face so she can be facing Dragon, her Mistress, and watch as the AI has her way with Narwhal’s body.
And yet… Coleen is shockingly better at reading Dragon’s moods than she EVER was with other human beings back when she was Armsmistress. Even though Dragon doesn’t falter for a moment, even though she’s bringing Narwhal to the heights of ecstasy in a very deliberate show of her sexual prowess and domineering abilities… she’s a little bit off.
Narwhal is cumming her brains out in short order, orgasming half a dozen times for every one time her wildly flailing tongue manages to make Coleen climax as well. So since she’s probably already out of it by this point, Coleen leans forward a bit more, catching Dragon’s eye and speaking quietly.
“What’s wrong, Mistress?”
The gynoid body that Dragon is currently inhabiting hums for a moment in that electronic way of hers.
“I suppose I can’t get anything past you, pet. I guess… I was looking forward to seeing the effects of the concoction.”
Ah. Coleen leans back, smiling slightly. Right, they’d developed two tinkertech concoctions for Narwhal. The first was just the Power Suppressor, to make sure they could get her right where they wanted her. The second… the second would have broken her and made it all too easy for Dragon to enslave her. Obviously, neither of them had expected not to have to use the second concoction, but here they were with a willing Narwhal eager to submit and give up control… and the concoction going unused for now.
But Coleen just shakes her head and chuckles softly.
“You don’t need to worry, Mistress. Not everyone will realize the truth of your glory in the same way Narwhal and I have. I’m sure the next target won’t be nearly as easy to sway… and with her, you can go all out~”
Dragon, though she doesn’t really show it too much, definitely brightens and perks up at that. And as she ‘attacks’ Narwhal’s weak spots with renewed vigor, Coleen just smirks and goes back to riding the statuesque woman’s face, enjoying Narwhal’s enthusiastic tongue.
She’d had some minor reservations about taking Narwhal, a fear of being replaced by the other human woman. But… that fear had been misplaced. She understood that now. And whatever happened next, she knew she would be at Dragon’s side, serving her to the end of the line.


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