Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Method Acting (Victorious)

Method Acting (Victorious)


Themes: Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Roleplay

Summary: Tori is a few years out from graduating from Hollywood Arts and has an issue... her co-star is struggling with a scene. So she decides to give him a little push.


Grunts and groans fill the space along with the sounds of humping. A hand pulls on her hair, forcing her back to arch and her head to tilt backwards as Tori Vega moans.
“Fuck… you like that you slut? You like my cock in your ass?”
Eyes fluttering, Tori makes a show of shuddering.
“You… fucker…”
Her gasps, her moans, her groans… frankly, she feels like she’s doing the best she can with what she has. And yet…
There it is. In an instant, the scene comes to a halt and her co-star pulls away from her. The guy is handsome enough to be fair. His name is Anthony, and he’s playing her would-be love interest in this HBO show that she’s managed to land a starring role in. They’re on season two now, with season one having done pretty damn well, not to toot her own horn.
However, in season one, Anthony’s character was a minor villain. The bad boy. By the end of the season, he’d betrayed his former master and joined Tori’s side, leading to his character arc in season two as the anti-hero and Tori’s love interest. Of course, with them being in an enemies-to-lovers situation, the writers had decided that their first time needed to be rough and raunchy… and thus, in a bit of a hate sex situation, their characters’ first time wasn’t normal sex, but anal sex.
Tori didn’t really have any problem with this, to be clear. She loved a good bit of anal as much as the next person. There was just one issue… Anthony had clearly never fucked a girl in the ass before.
To be clear, he still hadn’t. Even as he pulls away from her, there’s no… pulling out. There was never any penetration to begin with. It’s HBO, not fucking porn. So yes, they both have skin-toned ‘crotch-protection’ on. Humping was all they were doing, with him fucking her from behind. The most that was actually happening was that he was reaching around in the scene and playing with her naked chest, toying with a nipple as he pretended to fuck her in the ass.
Unfortunately, Anthony’s lack of experience and all around nice personality meant…
“That’s a wrap for today, I think. We’ll have to come back to this scene tomorrow, hopefully with a fresh perspective. Tori… no notes. You’re doing fine. But Anthony… my man, I need something more from you. I need to really feel like you’re embodying your character. I need to feel like Augustus is enjoying fucking Natasha in the ass, while also feeling the guilt of his past evil actions. You need to straddle the line between pleasure at dominating her and shame at enjoying it so much.”
Shaking his head, the Director sighs.
“All I’m getting right now is the shame. Augustus is still a bad boy; he’s just got a heart of gold now.”
Face scrunching up, Anthony just runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
“Honestly Director… I’m just not sure if it makes sense for things to go this way. Anal sex? I know this is supposed to be hardcore fantasy, but it still feels like too much too fast…”
“I don’t want to hear it, Anthony! Just get your head in the game! Alright everyone, see you tomorrow!”
With that, production begins winding down. Tori stands up, preparing to go to her dressing room, but Anthony stops her with a hand on her arm first, looking at her concerned.
“Hey… you okay?”
It was a fair ask. But it also went back to the exact problem that they were having with this scene. Tori, despite being the woman in this situation, was perfectly fine. It was Anthony who was too good-natured for his own good. Sure, Augustus might be a bad boy anti-hero who had an axe to grind and would get off on fucking Natasha’s tight little ass… but the actor behind the character was too damn nice.
Smiling at him, Tori nods her head and answers completely honestly.
“I’m fine. See you tomorrow.”
“… Yeah. See you tomorrow.”

With that, they part ways. And Tori really has every intention of seeing Anthony tomorrow. But as the sun sets and she finishes dinner, the young actress finds herself considering things. If nothing changes, tomorrow will probably be just as bad as today was. And the Director will ultimately be forced to go with a shoddy take or scrap the scene altogether. And maybe Anthony will be happy with that, but Tori isn’t. Not when it might ruin the episode and be a black spot on an otherwise critically acclaimed show.
This is her big break. Only a few years out from graduating from Hollywood Arts, Tori was THE star in a big HBO show. Maybe not their most popular show yet, but they were good enough to get a second season, and if they could make the second season even better than the first… who knew where they could go in the future?
Something had to be done. And if no one else was going to do it, then it would have to be Tori. Luckily she’s still in her dressing room, allowing her to get back into ‘character’ and dressed as Natasha with relative ease. Then, sneaking out and trying to avoid anyone seeing her, she makes her way to Anthony’s trailer. As far as she knows, she remains undetected until she can knock on the trailer door.
A few moments pass before it opens and Anthony looks at her, blinking. Before he can say anything, Tori pushes him back, brushing past him and into the trailer.
“Augustus. We need to talk.”
“Tori, wha-?!”
She overrides him, scowling and pushing him back against the trailer wall.
“You’ve got a problem with me. I’ve got a problem with you. Let’s hash it out.”
It takes Anthony a second to realize what she’s doing. Running the lines from the scene that they’d been trying to get right all day long. He blinks rapidly for a moment… but in the end, he’s as much an actor as she is an actress. Slipping into character comes relatively easy to him, even if he’s not in costume at the moment.
“Yeah? And how do you suppose we do that, Natasha? I know I’m the bad guy in your mind still. Nothing I ever do will make up for the crimes I committed against you and yours, will it? You’ll always punish me for that peasant boy-!”
She smacks him across the face and she does it for real this time, startling Anthony and making him go bug-eyed at the force of the blow. Snarling, deep in character, ‘Natasha’ leans forward.
“That ‘peasant boy’ was my friend. You might not have dealt the killing blow, but it was your raiders who slaughtered him and the rest of my village on your orders. Why shouldn’t I forget that, huh?”
When Anthony responds… it’s Augustus through and through glaring back at her.
“If I hadn’t given those orders, then the Master would have just executed me for disloyalty and replaced me with someone who did. I betrayed him in the end, didn’t I? I helped you defeat him once and for all. And now I’m helping you with the next great evil! What more do you want from me?!”
Natasha doesn’t hesitate… because Natasha wouldn’t hesitate. Lunging forward as if to attack him, Tori instead slams her lips into Anthony’s. She kisses Augustus as Natasha with violent and bruising force. For a moment, he tenses up… then, he’s kissing her right back, snarling into her mouth as they all but attack each other. From there, he surges off of the trailer wall, using his greater size and physical strength to force her back.
Tori doesn’t hold back either though. Her fingernails claw at him, and she hisses like a wildcat as they fight each other almost as much as they makeout and molest one another. It’s definitely the most violent version of the scene they’ve ever done. But then, without cameras around, they don’t have to hold back. It’s just the two of them… and their characters. All of the anger and rage and reluctant lust that Natasha holds for Augustus up against Augustus’ self-loathing but equally pent-up attraction to Natasha.
Things quickly escalate, as they’re supposed to in this scene. They manage to make it to the trailer’s tiny bed, with parts of Natasha’s leather armor strewn across the floor alongside Anthony’s relaxation attire. It reaches the point where Augustus has Natasha pinned under his greater weight. Looking up into his eyes, ‘Natasha’ sneers and quickly flips over onto her front.
Not to get away though… no, she does it so that she can look back and grit her teeth at him.
“In my ass. Nowhere else, bastard. You don’t deserve anything else.”
Anthony’s cock is out by now. So is Tori’s ass. Her co-star freezes up as his naked dick flops down on her caramel behind. For the first time, there’s no barrier between their genitals. Her crotch is not covered by the flesh-toned underwear, and his cock is completely exposed and rubbing between her ass cheeks. Anthony’s mouth opens and closes as his hands rest on her hips.
“For fuck’s sake, Augustus! Shouting another woman’s name at me?! Do you have no shame?!”
Anthony clams up at that, his face going red as Tori wiggles her hips expectantly. Finally, looking more than a little irritated by her antics, he grabs her ass cheeks properly and yanks them apart. There, nestled between her buttocks… he finds her prepared asshole glistening with lubrication, freshly cleaned and everything. Tori wasn’t an idiot after all. She wasn’t just going to have him go in dry and raw. She’d… prepared ahead of time.
Seeing this, Anthony’s eyes go wide for a moment… and then he seems to steel himself, his jaw clenching as he fits his cockhead against her backdoor.
“I don’t have all day, Augustus. If you’re going to fuck me, fuck me. If you’re not, then get out of my fucking sight.”
Eyes blazing now, Anthony looks at her… and answers with action rather than words. His cock thrusts forward into Tori’s well-lubricated ass, stretching her tight little backdoor nice and wide as she gasps in response. Her back arches involuntarily and her body shudders as she claws at the bedding beneath her hands. Anthony, to his credit, just snarls, really getting into character now.
“You fucking bitch. Always acting so fucking high and mighty!”
Growling, he begins to fuck her at a breakneck pace, pounding into her ass from behind as Tori moans and groans. She’s just as much in character right now as he is. Natasha apparently had a thing for anal, because the script called for lots of moaning, lots of lewd cries. Despite how aggressive and raw and violent Natasha and Augustus’ first time was supposed to be, even going so far as to have it be anal rather than normal… her character was still supposed to reluctantly enjoy it.
But that was fine, because Tori Vega loved anal sex. Honestly, she loved sex in all of its forms, but she couldn’t deny she had a soft spot for anal in particular. As Anthony fucks her, she sinks deeper into the character of Natasha, while also leaning on her own experience.
“F-Fuck you… you fucking bastard. So fucking big… t-think that makes you special? Nngh, it’s not about size… it’s about how you use i-it!”
‘Augustus’ just scoffs and reaches around to her front, as he’s meant to in the script. His hands grab at her tits and Tori moans in surprise as he’s more aggressive and rougher with her then he ever was in their scenes earlier that day. It becomes abundantly clear that in front of cameras, Anthony holds himself back an awful lot. No surprise, really. He doesn’t want to be ‘cancelled’ or have a lynch mob ruin his career just because he pinched a nipple a little too hard.
But right now? With Tori instigating everything? Anthony is all but mauling her tits, and she’s loving every last bit of it. Shuddering, Tori even cums from the rough play, her eyes threatening to roll back in her head as her unoccupied pussy squirts all over Anthony’s sheets.
“Fuck… you really do like this, don’t you Natasha? You like my big fucking cock in your ass…”
It’s not the exact line he’s supposed to be saying, but it has so much more heart to it. Conviction. Belief. Tori moans and shudders, nodding vigorously in place of actual speech. And that’s all Anthony needs. With a loud groan of his own, he thrusts forward and empties his balls straight into her bowels. He fills her backdoor with his seed and leaves Tori shuddering beneath him in response.
As they finish up and he pulls out, Tori takes a moment to collect herself… and then lifts herself up and turns around, staring at Anthony as she lays there on his bed. Her puffy nipples stand out as her caramel tits rise and fall with her panting breath. His cum leaks from her ass, even as she lays there with her knees up but her legs spread.
“Tomorrow… tomorrow, you’ll do the scene just like that. No penetration of course, Director won’t allow it… but you think back to tonight, and you use it.”
For a long moment, Anthony just stares at her. Then, he reaches out and grabs her by the chin, pushing a thumb into her mouth as he moves between her spread legs.
“Scene? Director? The fuck are you talking about, Natasha? Seems I fucked your ass so hard you’re speaking in riddles. Suppose I’ll have to fuck your cunt after all, just to set your mind straight.”
Anthony… no, ‘Augustus’, puts himself between her legs and fits his cock against her slit. Then, he gives her a look, one chance to tell him to cut it out. But Tori… or rather, ‘Natasha’, had spread her legs for a reason. She doesn’t give him a smile, but she does give a single solid nod. A moment later, he’s inside of her, fucking her cunt as she moans and clings to him, holding him to her.
They’ll probably have to have a talk later about what this actually is. Multiple talks in fact, if Anthony wants to make this into a long-term thing. A relationship between co-stars can be the death of a show… but they can also bring it to blazing new heights. It’s all about how they swing it, how they try and sell it. But for now… for now, Tori settles in and enjoys Anthony’s admittedly sizable cock plunging into her cunny just like it plunged into her ass.
There’s not a doubt in the young woman’s mind that tomorrow, he’ll have no issue with their scene together. And with that, she’s made sure her career stays on track.


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