Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Glynda Gets Grimm’d (RWBY)

Glynda Gets Grimm’d (RWBY)


Themes: Bad End, Monster Sex, Breeding

Summary: After the Fall of Beacon, Glynda is stretched thin but still trying to do her best to hold everything together. Until one evening, while patrolling the city, she runs into a situation she's ill-prepared for.


In the wake of great calamity, tears were shed for the dead but never really for those left behind. Even as the rest of the world moved on, Glynda Goodwitch found herself shouldering the responsibility of cleaning up the mess left behind by the Fall of Beacon. Not only did she have to see to transferring their remaining students to one of the other remaining Hunter Academies, but she was also expected to take care of Ozpin’s affairs as well as keep an eye out for his next reincarnation.
And even though no one else seemed to expect it of her, Glynda was also using what time she had remaining to herself each day to work on helping repair Vale and save the people who were still suffering from the massive Grimm Attack orchestrated by the villains who destroyed Beacon. At the end of the day, Vale had lost too many of its defenders in far too short of a period of time. Those that were left needed to step up and do their part.
So that was what Glynda was doing. As she flicks her riding crop out to the side, she steps away from the dissipating remains of a Beowulf who tried to get frisky with her. The Grimm Creature hadn’t survived the ensuing battle, if the three seconds it had taken Glynda to remove him from play could even be called such.
Then again… it should have taken less than a second for her to kill a single Beowulf. Eyes narrowing, Glynda growls under her breath.
“Tch. Getting sloppy.”
She wasn’t an idiot. She could feel a bone-deep weariness settling into her. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept… but then, sleep was for the dead and Glynda wasn’t quite dead yet. No, so long as there were people who still needed her help, she had to use every last moment of every day to work towards their benefit. It was the least she could do, given her failure to stop the Fall of Beacon and the attack on Vale in the first place.
That said, she was definitely beginning to experience the effects of Sleep Deprivation. She’d probably have to get at least a little shuteye later tonight, once she was done with her patrols and-
Glynda’s head twitches to the side as she hears a noise from off in the distance. Immediately, the blonde Deputy Headmistress of the now defunct Beacon Academy makes her way in the direction of that noise, putting any thoughts of rest or sleep out of her head. Walking with purpose at first, she listens carefully… and frowns. The noise doesn’t go away… but instead continues and is joined by other noises.
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh and of moans fill the air and Glynda’s grasp tightens around the handle of her riding crop. It sounded, to her shock and incredulity, as though a large group had decided to have an orgy in the middle of the city. Maybe she was more tired than she thought. Maybe she was hallucinating. Or maybe some idiotic cult had decided that because Grimm were drawn by negative emotions, they could be pushed away by positive emotions.
It wouldn’t be the first time idiots got that sort of idea in their head. Not that it worked like that. Yes, Grimm were pulled in by negativity… but once they were there, the only way to put them down was through pure, physical violence. They’d just as happily slaughter a bunch of idiots engaging in an orgy as they would a pack of villagers running scared.
As she turns the corner towards where all of the lewd, lurid noises are coming from, Glynda opens her mouth, fully ready to give the morons she’s coming up on a piece of her mind. Only to stop dead in her tracks at the vision of horror she bears witness to instead.
“What in the name of the Brother Gods…”
It’s not an orgy by some idiots trying to push the Grimm away through the power of their love. No, it’s so much worse than that. Because the ‘males’ involved in this orgy ARE Grimm one and all… and the human women that they’re fucking, that they’re raping, cannot possibly be consenting to this. No human would ever fuck a Grimm willingly… they’re literally monsters borne of humanity’s nightmares!
But then, it makes sense once Glynda identifies the type of Grimm that are currently engaging in this gangrape.
Her grip tightens around her riding crop and her teeth grind together as glowing red eyes turn towards her. As a veteran huntress, Glynda was fully aware of what Apathy Grimm were and more importantly, what they were capable of. Even as they open their mouths to scream, she’s already steeling herself and beginning to step forward.
The Apathy were an insidious type of Grimm, designed to drain willpower from their victims, slowly robbing even the strongest hunters of the ability to fight back. Without their Will to Fight, what were they? Nothing more than victims.
But Glynda was more than ready to harden herself against Apathy and their roars. She focuses herself on holding onto her willpower at all costs, even as she moves forward to begin slaying them rapidly.
The roar erupts from half a dozen of the Grimm, and Glynda… Glynda is not prepared. But then, it’s not entirely her fault. She was operating on… faulty information. See, while these Grimm WERE based around the Apathy that she knew of… they had been modified. Experimented with. And altered.
And while the women who Glynda had happened upon being fucked by these modified Apathy were indeed not entirely willing when all of this started… it wasn’t for lack of willpower that they were allowing themselves to be fucked now. Indeed, right before the roars hit Glynda’s ears, she finally catches sight of the expression on one of the victims. An expression not of apathetic disinterest… but of pure, indulgent, fully engaged lust and arousal.
The modified Apathy hit Glynda with their roars and the Deputy Headmistress chokes on her own spit as she doubles over as though punched in the gut. Albeit the most pleasurable gut punch that the beautiful, bespectacled blonde has ever experienced. Rather than sap her willpower, the roars make her unbelievably horny, her entire body suddenly more sensitive and aroused than it’s ever been before in her entire life.
Her nipples grow hard against the inside of her bra, scraping back and forth as every simple movement becomes impossible to ignore. And her cunt becomes slippery and sopping in its wetness, as though she’s been toyed and teased with by a handsome lover for a good half hour of foreplay.
Glynda was ready to defend against a feeling of apathy. She was not ready to defend against this. In the end, she barely manages to keep her feet under her, her legs trembling as she’s reduced from one of the strongest huntresses that Vale has ever known to… to just another horny bitch in heat.
“Wha-… this… I-I…”
Sputtering and stammering, Glynda can’t even form a fully coherent thought as one of the modified Apathy strides forward. The emaciated, humanoid-looking Grimm reaches out with a set of claw-like fingers… and snatches Glynda’s riding crop right from her hands. She squawks at being disarmed, eyes widening as she makes an abortive attempt at reaching for the weapon. Only, just that much movement makes her quiver and shake as her sensitive body feels the tightness of her clothes.
Gods, why did she wear s-such tight clothes. Oh f-fuck…
Another of the Grimm steps forward as the first one moves away… and forces Glynda down to her knees. A squeak leaves the Deputy Headmistress’ lips, followed by a wanton groan as he slaps her across the face with his dick. For the briefest of moments, her lips part and she prepares herself to indulge… before coming back to her senses at least somewhat.
“N-No! No, I will not! You… you monster, I am Glynda Goodwitch and I-!”
Whatever she was going to say, she never gets it out. The Apathy roars directly into her face and Glynda’s eyes go crossed as her tongue sticks straight out in an incredibly stupid expression. When his clawed hand on the back of her head forces her forward, the modified lust-inducing Grimm experiences no further resistance from the lustful blonde.
Moaning and mewling now, Glynda opens wide and takes the Grimm’s cock right into her mouth and down the back of her throat. At the same time, her nostrils flare and she breathes in the musky stench that her Grimm and all of the other Grimm are giving off. Her eyes roll back in her head even before the lack of clean air gets to her, and her hips buck as she experiences a nakedly explosive orgasm right then and there on the spot.
Of course, the Apathy proves… apathetic to her plight. Even as she’s cumming her brains out from the forced arousal and pleasure that the modified Grimm roars are inducing in her, her current… dance partner is forcing himself into her throat, thrusting back and forth and choking her on his massive inhuman cock.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
The monstrous creature provides no quarter as he forces her to give him a long and sloppy blowjob… but truth be told, Glynda doesn’t care. She loves it, much to the chagrin of a vanishingly small part of her. She absolutely loves what’s happening. She doesn’t want it to stop. A voice in the back of her head says she has to fight it, that this isn’t her… but who cares? Even if this isn’t her… it’s who she wants to be.
Rather than trying to use her semblance to free herself, or her hands to fight the Grimm fucking her face off of her… Glynda Goodwitch reaches up and fondles the Apathy’s balls with one hand, while reaching down under her skirt and fingering her cunt with the other. She lets out muffled moans amidst the gagging and choking on his dick as he fucks her face with reckless, wild abandon.
The Grimm doesn’t care about her, Glynda blearily realizes. He’s just using her for his own pleasure. If she died here, asphyxiating on his cock, then it wouldn’t matter one bit. That shouldn’t turn her on all the more… but it does. Aroused beyond belief, eyes rolling around in her head, Glynda loses track of everything save for the feel of this horrifying monster forcing himself upon her… and her loving every last bit of it.
Finally, with no warning, the modified Apathy pulls back and unleashes his load all across her face. The Grimm Monster cums on her, covering her in his seed. Glynda moans, basking in the baptism she receives, tongue tracing out to lick what she can from around her mouth. Then, gripping her by the hair, the Grimm forces her to her feet and roars directly in her face again.
Hips bucking, eyes rolling, tongue waving deliriously, Glynda Goodwitch, Vale’s strongest remaining defender and toughest huntress, proceeds to climax messily from nothing more than the roar alone. Her body, dangling in the Grimm’s grasp, shakes and spasms and shudders, her limbs flopping all over the place like she’s some living doll.
She might as well be to the Apathy who’s chosen her as his plaything anyways. No sooner had he roared and made her climax in such a humiliating, degrading manner, then his claws come up and shred her clothing off of her. He rips her blouse and skirt to shreds and her bra and panties don’t last any longer. With just a couple swipes, he strips her completely naked, leaving her as nude as the rest of the victims all around them.
Claws suddenly wrap around her throat, and Glynda finds herself forced against the nearest wall. The Apathy doesn’t hesitate as it hisses in her face… the very same cock that she’d just been sucking, that had cum all over her features… forces its way up into her pussy right there on the spot. Not that ‘forcing’ is very necessary at this point. Her cunt is sopping wet and positively drooling by now, and there’s not an ounce of fight left in Glynda Goodwitch. The Deputy Headmistress has been reduced to a mewling, moaning cum dump for her new Grimm Masters.
Of course, she’s not just mewling and moaning once the modified Apathy is inside of her. She’s squealing and screaming and shrieking along with the rest of them. Her cries fill the night air, her body little more than a toy for her current lover to fuck and use to his heart’s content. And Glynda… Glynda loves it. She cums again and again for him once he’s inside of her. He fucks her soundly against the wall, and despite all of her training and all of her power, Glynda can do nothing but take it. She wants nothing more than this.
Distantly, vaguely… she hears the sound of more people coming to investigate. It makes sense, after all. You don’t automatically think ‘Grimm Attack’ when you hear the sounds of women moaning and squealing, and flesh slapping against flesh. It was truly a most insidious honey trap. Those who came looking died fast to the Grimm if they were male… and were brought into the orgy if they were female, adding to the cacophony of pleasured voices and the volume of noise, further increasing the power of the trap.
And all along, in the midst of it is Glynda herself, cumming her brains out and orgasming all over her new Master’s cock as the Grimm fucks her until at long last… he cums inside.
Glynda shudders, orgasming and seizing up from the sheer pleasure of being used and filled by the monstrous Grimm. But of course, he doesn’t care about her pleasure. He doesn’t care about her at all. Now that he’s done with her, the modified Apathy pulls out and steps away, leaving Glynda to fall forward face first to the ground.
It takes her a few moments, but slowly she manages to get her hands under her and begin pushing herself up. In those few moments alone with her own thoughts, she even starts to snap out of it. What… what was she doing? Surrendering to the Grimm? Letting lust drive her thoughts? What would Ozpin think of her, if he could see her now?
A small surge of strength wells up inside of Beacon’s Deputy Headmistress. She has a chance now to… to escape, if not fight back. If she can get away and recover from this experience, then she can return with allies and now that she’s aware of what these Grimm can do, she can defend against it. She can-
Glynda lifts her head and her jaw drops at the sight of another modified Apathy’s massive Grimm Cock mere inches away from her face. In her moment of introspection, another of the creatures had stepped forward and was standing right in front of her, staring down at her. He doesn’t even have to roar. Glynda’s moment of rebellious thought is wiped away in an instant and replaced by the thought of more Grimm Cock to satisfy her new urges.
Breaking in a single second, cum drunk to high heavens, Glynda pushes herself forward… but not in a bid to escape. She pushes herself up onto her hands and knees and crawls the few inches it takes her to reach the Grimm Cock, rather than trying to run away from it. Moaning like the wanton little slut that she’s become, the bespectacled blonde wraps her lips around the inhuman schlong and begins to eagerly suck on it with all her might.
Her eyes are already rolling up in her head just from that, but then to make things even better, two more of the Apathy come up behind her, moving into position behind her kneeling form. On her hands and knees like the bitch in heat she’s become, Glynda is in no position to stop them from DPing her… nor would she even if she could. Their massive Grimm dicks punch into her pussy and ass respectively without hesitation and without mercy.
When it comes to her ass, only the fluids of that one’s previous victims provide any sort of lubrication as he slams himself home into her bowels. The other fucks her cunt with reckless abandon, pistoning in and out of her once-creampied pussy. But Glynda… Glynda doesn’t mind one bit. She doesn’t hate the pain. She doesn’t mind the discomfort. And she LOVES the pleasure of being used by her Grimm Masters.
Once and for all, she lets go of her previous self. That small voice in the back of her mind telling her to fight all this time lets out one last strangled cry of anguish and heartbreak… before being silenced forever. Meanwhile, Glynda gurgles as the cocks in her lower orifices push her to take the one in her mouth even deeper. She chokes on Grimm cock as she’s stuffed in all three holes, made airtight by the modified Apathy making use of her shuddering, quivering body.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Eyes rolling back in her head yet again, Glynda cums and cums from being so thoroughly fucked and used by these monstrous creatures. These are not men. These are more then men. These are better than men. Glynda can’t believe she wasted her entire life up until this point trying to protect the Kingdoms of Humanity. She no longer cares that Ozpin would be disappointed in her for falling this way. Screw Ozpin. She’s found something better.
Finally, the Grimm blow their loads. Glynda ends up with a belly of Grimm seed as well as a twice-creamed cunt and a freshly stuffed anus. As they pull away from her, she makes no effort to escape… the thought doesn’t even pass her mind either. Instead…
“M-More… mooooooore… please, moooore~”
She begs for it. She begs for further degradation, further humiliation, and further defilement. She wants to be used and abused some more. Luckily, they don’t fully abandon her. A new Apathy strides up and grabs her by her head, his claws sliding along her scalp and skull. Before, Glynda would have been horrified by such a hold, and fought like a hellcat to try and escape it.
Now? Now Glynda Goodwitch just moans, going limp in her Grimm Master’s grasp as he begins to drag her away by the head. Her limbs dangle and her body slides across the ground, because even though she’s still conscious… she knows that she’ll be fucked again all the sooner if she doesn’t resist. All she has to do is give in and go limp and her Masters will bring her wherever they want to bring her before fucking her again.
The other women, who had been relying upon Glynda as their last and best hope of saving them… are brought along as well. None fight it. None want to. All they want is more Grimm cock. All they want is to continue to be aroused and as lustful as they are right now… for the rest of their pathetic lives.
Moans fill the air. Flesh slaps against flesh. A few months have passed and the City of Vale is no longer a warzone. The Grimm have been pushed back at long last, and the Kingdom of Vale just might recover after all. But it’s not likely. For you see, unbeknownst to Vale and its Council, there’s a threat brewing in their midst. A threat that’s only growing by the day. With the shortage of hunters that Vale is currently suffering, they can only spare enough manpower to keep the more aggressive Grimm at bay.
There are no expeditions to clear out the forests in the Kingdom of any of the more passive Grimm. Nor is anyone looking for a certain missing Deputy Headmistress, or the women she failed to save. All are assumed to be casualties of the Fall of Beacon and the chaos that followed by this point.
And they are casualties… just still living ones. Glynda Goodwitch bounces up and down on her Master’s cock with a happy, dopy grin on her lips. Her face is etched in a permanently fucked stupid expression, even as she lets out a wanton moan and cums for the Grimm she’s currently riding right now.
All around her, the other women can be seen in varying stages of pregnancy. Some are heavily pregnant; others aren’t quite showing yet. Glynda herself is only lightly pregnant at the moment… and covered in strange markings that no human could understand. For the Grimm however, the body paint marks her as the top whore of their little nest. And not just because she’s the most powerful bitch they defeated.
No… see, Glynda was proving instrumental in helping the modified Apathy spread their seed. Her awakened aura meant she could awaken the other women as well, making them more durable and more appropriate seedbeds for their Grimm Masters. On top of that… aura could be used to speed up the pregnancy process quite a bit. And Glynda and her fellow Grimm whores were all too willing to use up the Light of their Souls in order to give birth to more of the modified Apathy faster.
After all, it was what their Masters wanted… and they lived to serve their Masters. Already, the number of Grimm had tripled in size in the few months since Glynda and her fellow women had gone missing. And sooner rather than later, the Grimm Nest would explode outwards. Vale was unlikely to be prepared for such a thing. The Kingdom, already on shaky ground as it was, would undoubtedly fall.
But Glynda didn’t care about that. All she cared about was making her Masters happy and serving them with every fiber of her being. She was more content like this than she’d ever been in her old life. She didn’t have to worry anymore. She had no responsibilities, no duty to anyone but her Masters. Everything… was so much simpler now.


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