Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Fangirling Spider-Man (MCU)

Fangirling Spider-Man (MCU)

Poll Winner

Themes: Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Older Woman/Younger Man

Summary: Jessica Jones had always been a closet Spidey fangirl, even drunkenly proclaiming at a bar one night that she'd give the hero her ass if he but asked.


“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
God, what did she think she was doing? Crouching there on some rooftop in Queens, her blue jeans tight around her knees as she spreads her legs wide and stuffs one hand down the front of her pants, Jessica Jones bobs up and down on the cock right in front of her face, practically choking herself on the dick of a true-blue, bonafide superhero.
After everything that had happened to the PI over the years, one would think she didn’t believe in heroes. And to be fair, that’s what Jessica wanted everyone else to believe as well. Feelings were hard for her. Hope… hope was in short supply, when you had a past like hers. Faith mattered even less than hope, truth be told.
So yeah, heroes seemed like bullshit, even as they ran around supposedly saving the world. The Avengers might have stepped up for New York, but where were they when Kilgrave took her? Where were they when all of the other shit happened? They were big picture folks… and based on what happened out in Germany, that big picture had chewed them up and swallowed them whole. The Avengers were broken, further proving Jessica’s belief that heroes couldn’t exist.
But then there was Spider-Man, and secretly… secretly, Jessica had liked the guy as soon as she’d first seen reports of him. It helped that she had a pretty good bullshit radar. So, when assholes like J. Jonah Jameson went around decrying New York’s Resident Spider as a public menace and just as bad a criminal as the thugs he routinely faced off against, Jessica had known for a fact that the man was talking out his ass.
Before she’d known it, she was soaking up every bit of news she could possibly get her hands on regarding the webslinger. Which, to be fair, was not in any way difficult. Spider-Man WAS the news most days, especially in New York where he seemed to be just about everywhere. He was their Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, as one of the nicer news outlets had dared to label him.
He was a real hero, was what Jessica had taken to labeling him as in her mind. So yeah, when she’d gotten the opportunity to do an investigation with the masked man, she’d taken it. Over the course of that investigation, as they’d watched out for one another and had each other’s backs, Jessica’s PI mind had put two and two together and realized something very quickly.
Not only was Spider-Man a bonafide hero… he was probably about half her age. So yeah, that was a thing. And once she’d realized that, Jessica had tried to put aside her crush, truly she had. She could admire Spider-Man from afar without… well, without fantasizing about him sexually. But then the investigation had ended, and one thing had led to another after she caught him checking out her ass.
Jessica was well aware that she had a fantastic ass. Her blue jeans categorically framed it in a way that brought out what she considered her best attribute. All of that combined with remembering a certain statement she’d made in a bar while very drunk one night… and Jessica had led her ardor get the better of her.
That was how she found herself where she was now, sucking off Spider-Man on a rooftop in Queens while the hero in question groaned, leaning back against the wall of the roof access and seeming unsure what to do with his hands as she bobbed up and down on his dick. She was all but face fucking herself here, but he didn’t seem to have gotten the hint just yet.
Pulling back off of his cock with a pop, the PI looks up at him with an encouraging smile as she strokes his shaft up and down, slickening the entirety of his sizable length.
“You don’t have to be careful with me, you know. We’re both pretty strong, aren’t we? I can handle whatever you have to throw at me, Spidey.”
The eyes of his mask widen, likely along with his eyes underneath the mask, and he seems to hesitate for a moment before finally putting a hand atop her head.
“You… uh, you sure?”

God, she can hear the youth in his voice. Jessica hasn’t asked for his real identity, mostly out of respect, but also so that she can have plausible deniability… but it’s so very obvious he’s young. That doesn’t make him any less heroic, or well-built, or… or fucking hung like a goddamn horse.
Flashing him another smile, Jessica just nods.
“I’m sure.”

Then, she puts her mouth back on his dick and begins to bob up and down his length once more. It takes a few moments, but eventually the webslinger spreads his fingers out, lacing his digits through her black hair and gripping at her skull a bit. He also begins to thrust, tentatively and hesitantly at first, but with more gusto the longer Jessica just takes it without a lick of resistance.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
She likes it rough. Kilgrave was… too sickeningly sweet and gentle at times. Now, it’s impossible for her to enjoy slow lovemaking because it reminds her of the lie that was their entire fucking ‘relationship’. It’s much better when the man just manhandles her however, he likes, when he uses and abuses her like she knows he wants to, deep down inside. Now, if anyone wasn’t going to have a side of themselves like that, it was going to be Spider-Man… but even he, for all his perceived youth, seemed to have a dominant side to him that was already starting to push out the more she encouraged it.
Eyes watering with involuntary tears, drool and saliva dripping down onto her front, Jessica nevertheless handles his cock in her mouth and throat as best she can, continuing to drive her fingers in and out of her pussy down between her legs.
With a low groan, Spider-Man suddenly tilts his head back, looking up to the starry night sky as he begins to cum. It’s the only warning that she gets, but Jessica chalks it up to him simply being inexperienced. Regardless, she swallows of course, not looking to make a mess. She drinks down his load, a little taken aback by the sheer size of it, and gargles as she gulps and gulps until there’s nothing left.
Then, as his grip on her hair goes lax, she pulls back and returns to stroking his dick up and down, refusing to let it soften as she keeps him nice and hard in her hand. Licking her lips, Jessica offers him another sweet smile, knowing that her pixie-like face is made for it, even if she very rarely uses her fae beauty in that sort of way.
“Hope you still have a Round Two in you, Spider.”
Breathing slowly, his broad, muscular chest moving up and down, Spider-Man just stares at her for a second in silence. Then, he’s moving, and it’s only her own enhanced senses that allow Jessica to keep up as she’s pulled to her feet and he spins around, pushing her up against the wall that he was just leaning back against face first. She gasps at the sudden rough, domineering treatment, her palms slapping against the brick work even as she instinctively pushes her ass out in his direction from behind.
She almost says something right then and there, as he yanks down her jeans and then her panties, wasting no time in exposing her pert little pale posterior to the open night air of the city. But instead, she remains quiet, clapping a hand over her mouth to try and contain the moan as he directs his rock-hard, slick-spit cock right up to her moistened pussy lips and just… thrusts in like it’s no one’s business but his own.
A cry splits Jessica’s upper lips just as his sizable cock is splitting her lower, and the PI gasps and groans as she wiggles in place, impaled on his thick, meaty rod. He’s so, so big and Jessica’s eyes flutter as she gasps and groans. Spider-Man, meanwhile, seems to be getting his bearings still. The thought that she might have just taken the webslinger’s virginity does cross Jessica’s mind, but only for a second before he’s thrusting away, seemingly having had enough time to adjust.
Pressed up against the bricks, Jessica can do nothing but take it, moaning and groaning as she claws at the wall in front of her, shivering in delight.
“F-Fuck… fuck! J-Just like that, Spider. G-Give it to me. Fucking give it to me!”
Spider-Man lets out a lustful growl that seems to reverberate through her whole body as he fucks into her. His cock, bigger than Jessica would have expected but so very, very good, fills her up nicely, giving it to her better than most of her recent lovers. Certainly, he’s better than Kilgrave ever was. And while Jessica hates that she makes that comparison with every man she sleeps with, she loves every time she can spitefully think it. Rot in hell, Kevin.
But he wasn’t worth spending much time thinking about. Not when Jessica was literally getting it on with her own personal hero. Fuck, she couldn’t believe she was getting fucked by THE Spider-Man… she’d become such a Spidey Fangirl.
“Y-You’re so big… s-shit, your cock is so huge inside of me!”
A chuckle echoes from the webslinger as he fucks her, and then he speaks up, a tone of clear confidence having entered his voice.
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
His amusement makes it clear it’s a rhetorical command. He doesn’t expect her to answer him, he doesn’t expect her to follow it. And yet, Jessica finds herself running her mouth all the same, blabbing out something she’d been thinking about saying already, finding this to be too good of an opportunity not to just… speak it into the world.
“I-I once told an entire bar of drunken fucks that if I ever got the chance, I’d offer you my ass for being so goddamned h-heroic.”
That stops Spider-Man dead, the shock of what she’s just said bringing him to a halt as Jessica goes bright crimson, highly embarrassed to have admitted as much to the costumed man. Still, in for a penny, in for a pound, right?
“… I was pretty drunk at the time… but a deal’s a deal, isn’t it?”
And with that, Jessica reaches back with both hands… and spreads her perky pale butt cheeks nice and wide, exposing her little anal rosebud to Spider-Man himself while he’s buried ball’s deep in her gushing wet cunt. It’s embarrassing to say the least, and yet… Jessica does it all the same, waiting with bated breath to see how he’ll respond.
Slowly, his hands still on her hips, Spider-Man pulls out of her cunt. And then, carefully, almost reverently, he places his well-lubricated cock against her back door and begins to push. Jessica groans, but when he comes to a halt, she’s quick to egg him on.
“C-C’mon, do it you big dicked b-bastard! D-Don’t you dare pussy out on me now. Fuck my ass… and make me feel like you m-mean it!”
In the end, that little pep talk is all the webslinger needs. He thrusts forward, drilling into her ass slowly but surely at first, and rapidly picking up speed as Jessica relaxes her sphincter to allow him to enter. She was an ass girl, so sue her. Her butt had always been her favorite aspect about herself, especially after it was her pretty pixie-like face that had drawn Kilgrave in the first place.
On top of that, the fucking bastard who mind controlled her and took away years of her life had never so much as touched her anus, too much of a pussy to go for something so ‘unclean’. Every time Jessica got butt fucked, it felt like she was not only raising double middle fingers in fucking Kevin’s memory, but also washing away a little bit more of the stain he’d left on her soul.
Groaning, Jessica bumps her hips back into Spider-Man’s thrusting, pistoning cock. Her ass swallows his dick whole after some adjustment, and soon Jessica is hollering at the top of her lungs, while also gurgling on her own spit as he butt fucks her into oblivion, dominating her and pounding her silly right there on top of that Queens rooftop.
“F-Fuck! Yes! More, d-damn it! More, more, MORE!”
With a growl, Spider-Man covers her mouth with a hand, silencing her even as he hugs her closely from behind. His other hand, not having much to do, ends up going down to her pussy where he fondles her clit and fingers her cunt in a relatively inexperienced way. Still, what he lacks in experience, he more than makes up for in enthusiasm and roughness, truly giving it to her in a way Jessica is sure very few people can and even less want to.
There are strong men out there, sure… but not many as strong as her. Spider-Man checks all her boxes, and Jessica’s eyes roll up in her head as he pounds her ass with all his might. She cums from the anal plundering she’s receiving, squirting her juices all over his fingers and the wall in front of her, even as she continues to reach back and holds her ass cheeks spread apart for him to have the best access, so that he can clap against her perky little behind to his heart’s content.
Alas, all good things come to an end though. With a hoarse groan, Spider-Man shudders and after a moment, begins to cum again. This time, it’s in her ass, but Jessica doesn’t mind at all. He paints her bowels white with his seed, and she quivers her way through another mind-numbing orgasm in the meantime, eyes rolling around in her head and tongue writhing against the inside of his palm still over her mouth to keep her quiet.
Slowly, surely, they both come down from their respective pleasure highs. The PI, drunk on lust and arousal for once rather than liquor, leans against the wall in front of her for support as she carefully catches her breath. Meanwhile, the Spider pulls away from her, panting heavily as well.
“That was…”
He sounds conflicted, like he thinks he should regret this but doesn’t. Turning herself around, Jessica gives him a bright, if tired smile.
“It was amazing. Would love to do it again sometime, Spider. Maybe back at my place even, on a bed.”
“U-Uh… y-yeah! Sure. It’s just, I… I should probably get going.”
Oh fuck, it was a school night, wasn’t it? Jessica’s smile becomes a little brittle, and she tugs her panties and jeans up as she gives Spider-Man a nod.
“Y-Yeah, don’t let me keep you. I’m fine to get home from here on my own. Not your average damsel in distress, you know?”
“Are you sure?”
Snorting indelicately, Jessica shoots him a look.
“Where’d the confidence go, Spider? Don’t pussyfoot around me now. We fucked, we liked it… we might do it again sometime. Now get out of here. I’ll see you around.”
“… right. Right! Uh, good night!”
And with that, he was gone, and Jessica was left with nothing but a belly full of cum and a limp to remember him by. Still… she wouldn’t mind going again, if he took her up on his offer. No… she wouldn’t mind one bit.


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