Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Taming a Demon (DC Universe)

Taming a Demon (DC Universe)

Poll Winner (Parts 1-2)

Themes: Rough Sex, Fucked Silly, Big Dick

Summary: Raven's demonic side is running rampant and the half-demon heroine doesn't know what to do about it. In the end, there's only one solution...


Part 1:


“You liking that, bitch? Oh yeah baby~”
“Nnngh! S-Stop it! D-Damn you, let me g-go!”
This was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most humiliated Raven had ever been. Deep in her mindscape, the half-demon heroine finds herself in a battle of wills, a contest of inner strength against her own inner demon. Since they’re in her head and she’s asleep, it’s become a literal wrestling match, and she’s not winning.
No, far from it in fact, what with how her head is currently trapped between her demon half’s thicc red thighs as the four-eyed bitch cackles down at her.
“What’re you gonna do about it, huh slut? Just give in already. Surrender to the inevitable. We took care of dear ole daddy together, but now it’s time for my turn to shine. I’m gonna step out into the spotlight and have some FUN~”
This… this was so much worse than Raven’s fight against Trigon. While her demonic father had certainly not been a pushover, at least she and her friends had been able to stand up to him together, with Raven ultimately breaking free of his control and sending him back where she belonged. This situation was much different, namely because she wasn’t fighting her father here… she was fighting herself.
Her demon half, as much as it pained the heroine to admit it, was just as much Raven as she was. They were two sides of the same whole, and yet, her demon half represented a part of her that Raven had done her best to fight and repress all her life. Unfortunately, breaking free of Trigon’s control had involved all of herself being in harmony. She’d been lucky that her demon side was just as eager to break free and remain independent as the rest of her was.
Still, calling upon her demon half during that fight had been the start of all of this. It had been the start of Raven’s nightly battle against her own inner desires and lewd impulses, the demonic part of her wanting nothing more than to take the reins and have some fun, just as she said.
“Oh boo-hoo, listen to yourself. Don’t be an idiot, you really think handling daddy dearest was what did it? I am inevitable, you prudish cunt. You’ve finally reached an appropriate age… and deep down inside, you want me in control as much as I want it.”
N-No, that couldn’t be true! Raven whimpers, struggling against the thighs she finds her head trapped between. Her demon half just snickers and squeezes down all the harder, barely a step away from shoving Raven’s face into her cunt and forcing her to eat her out right there in their mindscape. But of course, she can’t do that yet and they both know it. Not until Raven gives in ‘voluntarily’ and submits to her. Which… isn’t as far off from happening as the heroine would have preferred.
“Face it, slut. We both want to explore our sexuality. We could fuck that Starfire chick, maybe. Or perhaps the aptly named Beast Boy. I wouldn’t suggest playing with Robin though, I’m pretty sure we’d break him. Mm, and Cyborg… more machine than man, isn’t he? Such a shame, he seems like he would have had a big… black… cock before-!”
“S-Shut up! JUST SHUT UP!”
For a moment, Raven’s eyes glow with her black magic and so do her hands as the mental images that her demon half is forcing upon her cause an emotional spike which ALMOST allows her to wrench the red-skinned bitch’s thighs apart. But only almost. With a laugh, the demonic part of her simply clenches her thighs together again, once more squeezing Raven’s metaphysical head so hard she’s afraid that it’ll pop.
“Nice try~”
The worst part is, Raven knows that her other half is right. It’s why she hasn’t gone to any of the other Titans for help yet on this. Because she’s afraid of what she might do to them, of what her demonic side might do to them. She’s not sure any of them, not Star, not Beast Boy, not Robin nor Cyborg, are properly equipped to deal with her over-sexualized horny self.
“Hmm, you’re right. They’re all weak. Ugh, don’t you know anyone who would be fun? Oh, what’s this?”
At the query, a mental image comes unbidden to Raven’s thoughts. Her demon half pauses and then chortles as she wiggles her hips back and forth with Raven’s head still trapped between her thighs.
“Oh-ho, now there’s an idea. Tell you what, be a good little bitch and give in, and I’ll go to him first as soon as I take the wheel. We’ll see if he can handle me as well as you think he can~”
… She doesn’t really have a choice, does she? It’s either give in willingly now, or give in ‘willingly’ later, once her own lust and desire have overcome what little sense she has remaining. Looking up the length of her demon half’s voluptuous body from where her head is trapped between the red-skinned bitch’s thighs… Raven lowers her gaze and leans forward, submitting and licking at the cunt that’s been right in front of her this entire time.
“Oh yeah, bitch. That’s fucking it…”
Connor Kent, aka Superboy, blinks when he senses someone flying in overhead. As they land on the balcony of his apartment, he rises from his couch and turns to face the sliding glass door, which opens a moment later under magical power to reveal… Raven of the Teen Titans?
Except, that’s not Raven. He’s pretty sure Raven isn’t supposed to have white hair, red skin, and four blazing gold eyes. His own eyes narrowing, Connor clenches his hands into fists and tenses up.
Cackling, the scantily dressed demonic figure smacks her hands down on her impressive hips as she saunters forward.
“Guess again, stud. Let me make this real simple for you. I’m still Raven… I’m just her better half. The half of her that wants to have FUN.”
… He was aware that Raven was half-demon. Was this a thing that could happen? But then, why was she here? Almost as if reading his mind, the demonic woman answers him.
“I’m here because my pathetic human half thought of you when it came to… mm, acceptable sexual partners for me. See, I’m not a weak little bitch like my other side. I know what I want, and I know what I need. I’d be more likely to break most of the so-called Titans in half… but you, you’re a bit tougher, aren’t you?”
Wait, was he being propositioned? Before Connor can decide one way or the other, Demon-Raven struts up to him… and grabs his crotch in one red hand, giving him a hefty squeeze and a grope that causes him to grunt as he freezes in place. Her four eyes widen briefly in abject shock, before she quickly schools her features into a smug smirk once more.
“Oooh, packing some heat there, stud. Maybe the little bitch was onto something. What do you say? Willing to do the self-sacrificing thing and stop me before I can go on a ‘murderous rampage’?”
Clenching his hands into fists, setting his jaw, Connor frowns.
“Doesn’t sound like I have much of a choice.”
Snickering, the red-skinned beauty shakes her head.
“There’s always a choice~ That’s the best part about being free of daddy dearest. But if you aren’t going to stop me… then I’m going to have some fun.”

With that said, she drops into a crouch right then and there in front of him. Dropping her booty low, spreading her legs wide, her tits bouncing and jiggling in the black tube top she’s wearing as it struggles to contain them, Demon-Raven licks her lips and focuses on his crotch. Connor, meanwhile, simply stands there as he watches her carefully peel away his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them first, and then dragging them down his legs.
His boxers follow, leading to his half-hard cock flopping out of its confines… and smacking her right in the face. The red-skinned woman gasps, her breath hitching as she once again gets a look of amazement on her face before quickly recovering. Except, Connor is half-Kryptonian, and his senses are good enough to notice the minute details in her facial expression that she’s trying to hide.
… Demon-Raven isn’t nearly as confident as she’s pretending to be. All of this is probably just an act, a way for her to be the badass femme fatale. If she truly is merely another facet of Raven, then it’s possible she’s never done this before. Connor might not know the half-demon’s sex life, but if she’s a virgin…
Reaching out, he plants a hand atop her head, causing all four of her golden eyes to snap up to him.
“You going to keep gawking, or are you going to suck it? You were talking a big game before.”
His calm and blunt words cause her to shiver before she scowls at him and takes his dick in his hands.
“I’m… I’m going to suck it?”
Smiling ever so slightly, Connor lifts an eyebrow.
“Are you asking me, or telling?”
“T-Telling! Definitely telling!”
Yeah, she was still Raven. Connor refrains from laughing in Demon-Raven’s face, even as she has to finally put her money where her mouth is… or rather, put her mouth on his dick. He groans as she tries to inhale more of him than she’s really ready for, grunting as she takes him too deep and immediately starts gagging. And yet, even as she’s choking and gurgling on her cock, she refuses to let herself stop, clearly desperate to take control.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
The result is something incredibly sloppy and slutty, but Connor can’t say he doesn’t enjoy it. Staring down at her as she throats his cock, he stays pretty much entirely still, getting a feel for her… durability. As a half-Kryptonian, he’s not as strong as Superman. But also, as a half-Kryptonian, he’s stronger than most of the people on the planet. He had to be very careful to regulate his strength with normal human women.
But as his cock drills down her throat and doesn’t explode out of the back of her neck despite Demon-Raven’s insistence on positively throwing herself on his member, impaling herself again and again metaphorically speaking, Connor gets the impression that she can handle it. She can handle him. At least, for a time.
Which is why eventually he yanks her back off of his cock and lifts her up into the air before she can even respond. A yelp emits from the red-skinned woman’s lips, but he’s already spun her around, facing her away from him as he folds her up into a humiliating full nelson hold. By the time he’s got her gushing wet cunt inches above his big fat cock, she’s finally able to speak up.
“W-What are you doing?”
“Hm? Giving you what you wanted. Or did you not want to fuck me?”
“I… I do! I just… you-! D-damn it!”
Snorting derisively at how easily it’s proven to tease and completely turn the tables on Raven’s demon half, Connor grips her tightly… and drops her down on his dick. The answering squeal is music to his ears as he punches up into her cunt, her pussy walls splitting open around his massive cock. His huge schlong fills her insides but no more than that, her demonic attributes proving to be enough to handle him for the time being.
Of course, he’s only using about half of his full strength. Which is why it’s amusing when Demon-Raven tries to smack talk him from her degrading full nelson.
“S-S’that all you g-got? That… t-there’s no way you’re gonna… gonna satisfy my p-pussy with j-just that much…”
As she slurs, Connor rolls his eyes, well aware that her belly is literally distending from his sheer size. Still, if she wants more… he’ll give her more. Upping his strength by another ten percent proves to do it, and as he bounces her up and down on his cock, he doesn’t hear any more back talk from Raven’s demon half. Instead, she’s reduced to squeals and moans and screams of ecstasy as he plows her silly, pounding up into her from below.
Her massive titties bounce all over the place, and her voluptuous body is fully at his mercy. Though he can’t see it, he can hear it in her wanton moaning voice and knows that her mouth is continuously open, and her tongue is lolling out of it, waggling around constantly. She didn’t know what she was in for, she had no idea what was going to happen when she came to him.
Still, Connor is always happy to help a friend. And to be fair, Raven has always been smoking hot… she’s only gotten hotter recently, what with her curves filling out even more and her entire body just… well, begging for it. Of course, Connor never expected her demon half to show up and LITERALLY beg for it, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Still, as he fucks Raven upon his cock, he’s gratified to see the red start receding. Her white hair turns back to its normal color, and her red skin also changes back to gray. The more he fucks her, the less control that her demon half seems to have, until finally, one last explosive orgasm on Raven’s part sends him over the edge.
Pulling out at the last second, Connor groans as he cums upwards in a geyser, most of his seed coming back down to land on Raven herself, coating the heroine’s front from her face to her tits, all the way down to her clit. She shakes and trembles, her pussy still clenching and squeezing despite there not being anything occupying it any further.
Slowly, Connor lays her down, unfolding her from the full nelson and putting her cum-soaked form on his couch. Standing over her as she stares up at him, he raises an eyebrow.
“Hope we’re good. Your… other half didn’t seem to be willing to take no for an answer.”
Blushing darkly, Raven nods her head quickly, her eyes constantly darting to his cock.
“W-We’re good. We… I… I knew if anyone could handle her, it would be you. She didn’t believe me… but she’s a believer now. We… we’ve come to an agreement.”
Connor cocks his head to the side, about to ask what that meant, when Raven suddenly lunged forward, closing the foot of distance between them and taking his messy cock back in her mouth as she half-hangs off of his couch to do so. Groaning in enjoyment, he places his hand back atop her head, this time lacing his fingers through midnight-purple hair as Raven goes to town on him.
… He’d ask about the agreement later. For now, it seemed like his night with the half-demon heroine had just begun…


Part 2: 


This time around, it’s Connor who has to go to Raven. The half-Kryptonian Clone finds himself flying over to Raven’s apartment after the half-demon sent him a somewhat urgent text begging for his assistance.
Ever since that… night together, the two of them had been meeting together weekly for a couple months now. He fucked her silly, and her demon side was kept at bay, apparently. That was the agreement Raven and her demon half had made. A good hard dicking from a real stud like him once a week was the bare minimum that her demon side would accept.
Well, while that had worked for the last couple of months, shit wasn’t always so simple. They were both superheroes, after all, and the two of them had very busy schedules for that matter. The threats that the two of them faced on a regular basis weren’t likely to take a day off just to make sure their adversaries could get some proper nookie.
So yeah, they’d missed a week. Connor hadn’t really thought anything of it. He and Raven had simply made plans to get together next week. And then they’d missed that too, through no real fault of either one of them. It was a mutual level of busy all around. Unfortunately, that seemed to be two weeks too many, because Raven’s text to him had made it clear she was struggling.
Arriving at her apartment, Connor enters through the unlocked balcony and finds Raven waiting for him in her living room. Laid out on her couch, the grey-skinned heroine is stripped down to just her leotard, and even that is currently… displaced, with her big fat tits out of the top and the crotch pulled aside to expose her slit.

The half-demon superheroine is fingering herself rather viciously when he enters, her face turning and twisting as a hint of red appears in her complexion.
“S-Stop! He’ll BE here y-you damn demonic slut!”
“That’s what you said LAST week! I’m not willing to wait any longer, damn it! I’ll go find him myself, if I have to!”
As Raven speaks both of those lines, Connor can see that the situation, while not as dire as their first time together, is looking pretty iffy. Floating forward, he calls out to the half-demon heroine, making his presence known.
“I’m here.”
Raven’s eyes widen and for a moment her demon half surges forward, a snarl on her lips as her hair flickers white and her skin flickers red.
But then, Raven is able to wrestle back control, and it seems that her demon side is willing to give it to her now that he’s there, the white and red receding almost immediately and the superheroine finally able to tear her fingers away from her exceedingly sloppy cunt. Blushing profusely, a sweat-covered Raven sits up on the couch, a hand to her forehead.
“T-Thank you for coming… I… this really can’t go on like this…”
For a moment, Connor feels hurt, wondering if he’s being rejected… and also how Raven is going to handle her demonic half without him. But that’s not actually what she means, as it turns out.
“We need… we need to be able to live our lives without dancing to HER tune. I have an idea, if you’re willing to help me…”
As she looks at him imploringly, Connor can do nothing but nod. It’s why he’s here. Even if he wasn’t trying to be a hero with every fiber of his being, him and Raven were too close now for him to ever not come to her aid when she was clearly in need. Still, his nod causes abject relief to spread across Raven’s face, and she hurriedly pushes off the couch and gets down on her hands and knees on the floor, starting to draw a ritual circle of sorts with her finger.
As glowing runes fill the space, Connor watches her create twin circles, a sort of Infinity Symbol if he had to describe it. When she sits down cross-legged in one of them and gestures for him to do the same facing her, Connor shrugs and flies forward, settling himself into place.
“This spell will allow you to join me in my mind. Together… together we’ll see what we can do to put my demonic half in her place, once and for all.”
Silently cocking his head to the side, wondering why said demonic half wasn’t currently getting angry again and speaking up, as it were, Connor ultimately nods once more, seeing no problem with the idea. A moment later, Raven’s eyes are glowing with dark energy as she begins chanting the spell… and then the entire world seems to become that black glow as the apartment falls away and everything rushes at him all at once.
Connor maintains his cool and keeps calm and collected, even as he finds himself suddenly in a very… gothic, demonic sort of bedroom. An angered cry draws his attention to the bed, where he sees not one but two Ravens tussling there. There’s the normal Raven, with violet hair, gray skin, and two eyes… and then there’s the demon version of her that he was originally acquainted with, with white hair, red skin, and four eyes.
The demon half seems to be winning at the moment, likely attacking Raven just as her concentration was fully focused on the spell… but strangely enough, not fast enough to keep her from getting him here. The reason for that becomes obvious a moment later when Raven’s demon half looks back over her shoulder at him and grins wickedly as she pins Raven down and covers her mouth with one hand, muffling her angry shouts.
“There you are stud. Look, I know this brat thinks that she’s got you all figured out… but I know better. I know the primal beast that lies within you better than she ever could. Rather than side with her to ‘put me in my place’, you should side with ME to put her in hers~ Just imagine it, hunk. You and me, all the time in the world to have fun… no more of those pesky scheduling conflicts, because I’ll be waiting for you any time you wanna fuck your sex kitten silly.”
Connor would be lying if he said the idea wasn’t tempting for all of a moment. But… no. He was a hero, or at least trying to be one. Temptation was a fact of life; one he’d had to learn as he’d become Superboy and found himself having to exercise restraint in a world filled with people weaker than him. And while it was true that Raven’s demon half was… fun… he would never choose her over the actual Raven. Not because one or the other of them were more enjoyable to fuck, but because Demon Raven represented evil (even if it was a lazy, lustful evil.) and the actual Raven was a heroine, just like him.
In the end, it’s not really a choice. The temptation passes and Connor surges forward, finding himself just as strong and fast in this dreamscape as he would be outside in the real world. Raven’s demon half has all of one second to go wide-eyed before he’s upon her, grabbing her by her arms and yanking them away from the actual Raven, pulling the red-skinned demon off of her and locking her arms behind her back.
As she howls and struggles violently, her tits bouncing all over the place, Raven slowly pushes herself up off of the bed beneath her, looking past her demonic side to gaze at him with gratitude in her eyes. Before she can say anything sappy or cheesy, Connor just meets her gaze with his own resolved, determined expression and gives her a solid nod to let her know she isn’t alone.
Smiling at him and nodding back, Raven then turns her attention to the struggling, screeching demon in his grasp, her smile becoming rather wicked as her hands glow with dark power.
“Two on one now, bitch… but don’t worry, we’re both here to give you EXACTLY what you want. Just remember what humans say… be careful what you wish for~”
Without anything or more specifically anyone to distract her, Raven is able to cast a spell that thoroughly locks down her demon half, restraining her arms behind her back most securely with bands of glowing black energy. Then, she lifts her legs into the air and proceeds to wrap those thicc grey thighs of hers around her demon side’s head, pulling her down to the bed and forcing her into a downward doggy position.
“Remember this position, cunt? You’re going to be spending a LOT of time between my thighs from now on, instead of the other way around~”
“You bi-mmph!”
The demonic version of Raven’s muffled cries fill the room, even as Raven cuts her off with a leg behind her head, effectively locking her in place. Then, she gives him a nod and Connor realizes he’s completely naked in this dreamscape place, with his cock growing rock hard as Demon-Raven’s fat red ass pushes back into it. He’s all but hot-dogging her ass cheeks right now in fact, and with a grunt, Connor reaches out and grabs her big fat bubble butt, sliding his cock down to her cunt and slamming home into her gushing wet pussy.
It’s just like Raven said… they’re going to give her demon side EXACTLY what she wanted. It might not be in the form that she wanted it, but maybe she shouldn’t have been such a bitch about it. As Connor plunges into Demon-Raven’s pussy again and again, deeper and deeper, the satisfied and heavily lidded look on Raven’s face makes it clear that the superheroine is enjoying dominating her other half and that her demonic side has taken to licking at Raven’s cunt like the good little trapped bitch that she is.
Making eye contact with him over her demon side’s convulsing, rippling form, Raven licks her lips and grins.
“Time is all relative here in my mind. A day could pass in here, and only a minute would have passed in the real world. So, if you’re up for it… I figure we make sure that my demon side is REALLY satiated before ending this spell. Fucking her silly for a month straight of mind time should be enough, wouldn’t you say?”
Connor cocks his head to the side, trying to imagine it. Funnily enough, Raven was basically offering him the same thing that her demon half had, just in a different way. Rather than either of them having to give up heroing… they could really spend a month of relative time in here, while only half an hour or so passed outside? That sounded phenomenal, especially for someone of Connor’s immense stamina.
Digging his fingers, a bit more harshly into Demon-Raven’s tushy, he gives the actual Raven a vicious grin and a sharp nod, making her grin back just as viciously as they begin to really lay into the trapped red-skinned babe between them.
His cock plunders Demon-Raven’s cunt for a good long while, what may have been hours before he finally cums the first time. Then, under Raven’s direction, he immediately switches it up to the red-skinned demoness’ asshole, plunging into her back door next and making her squeal like a stuck pig. Raven, for her part, rides her demon side’s face for a good long time, before eventually pulling away and lifting Demon-Raven’s head up by her white hair. Spitting in her face, fondling and squeezing and mauling her breasts… with the demonic bitch all tied up and restrained, Raven can take out a LOT of unresolved anger and issues on her.
… In the end, they don’t actually spend the full month of ‘mind time’ as Raven had called it. Ultimately, Demon-Raven doesn’t last that long. For all her talk, for all her big mouth, she’s begging for a break by the end of the first week, and completely catatonic by the end of the second. As they both stand over the broken, twitching, cum-covered and filled demoness, the actual Raven lets out a breathless laugh, shaking her head.
“Can’t… can’t believe it. My mind is so much fucking clearer, for the first time in… forever.”
Raising a hand, she reaches out and works over Demon-Raven with more and more of those glowing black bands of restraint, until the demoness is all but mummified, looking like an extreme BDSM fetishist. Then, for good measure, Raven stuffs her demon half in an Iron Maiden looking construct, sealing it shut with more locks than Connor can imagine.
Her other hand, meanwhile, is holding onto his own, their fingers interlaced together as she works. Turns out, two weeks of breaking a demon bitch together was enough to bring them closer together than ever before. Connor gives Raven’s hand a comforting squeeze and she gives him a wide smile, eyes twinkling.
“Well, didn’t need the full thirty minutes… but no reason to end the spell just yet, is there? Why don’t we have a little vacation of our own, now that our little shared nuisance has been taken care of? I can show you just how… truly and utterly grateful I am for all your help, Connor~”
The half-Kryptonian blinks and then chuckles as Raven turns to face him and runs her free hand down his naked chest, over his pectorals and chiseled abdomen. She licks her lips in a way that makes it clear she still very much wants what they’ve been doing these past couple months to continue. It’s nice to be wanted… really, nice, in fact.
“Sure, I’d like that.”
Brightening up, Raven snaps her fingers and the bedroom they’ve ‘trashed’ instantly transforms into a large, opulent bathroom. Still gothic and demonic out the ass but knowing that Raven’s demon side is well and truly locked away for the time being and too exhausted to do anything about it makes it fine. As Connor sinks into the perfect temperature bubbly bathwater, Raven sinks in with him and eagerly swings a leg over his side, sliding down into his lap and grinding her cunt against his cock as she gets him hard all over again for another round.
Gripping her by her hips as her arms wrap around his neck, Connor looks Raven in the eye and the half-demon licks her lips as she stares right back at him. No words are exchange between the two of them, even as she sinks down his length a moment later. They don’t need to talk… they already know what the other is thinking, truth be told.
Being an outcast, an outsider… it’s something they’re both intimately familiar with. Being half of something good and half of something bad, is also something they’re both intimately familiar with.
But… as long as they have each other, they know everything will be okay.


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