Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Her Student’s Pet (Mahoromatic)

Her Student’s Pet (Mahoromatic)

A/N: Her Student's Pet was a commissioned one shot originally written back in July of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: With Mahoro and Minawa out of town, Suguru's perverted, depraved teacher Miss Shikijo takes the opportunity presented to her to seduce Suguru. Only for the tables to get turned on her almost accidentally...

Themes: Dom/Sub, Teacher/Student, Rough Sex


As she strides down the sidewalk, Saori Shikijo has just the biggest grin in the world on her first. Brown-haired, bespectacled, and wearing tightly fitted red work attire, the beautiful woman is a teacher… but she's undeniably the worst kind of teacher. She's a teacher who lusts after her students. Or rather, one student in particular. Suguru Misato had drawn his perverted teacher's eyes long ago, but unfortunately, she just couldn't get close to him.

Now though, now was her chance. Thanks to having an ear to the ground and listening to all the gossip that came her way from a number of different sources, Saori knew for a fact that that annoying maid and her sister would be out of Suguru's house for the weekend! A whole two days with which Saori could seduce and take to bed the adorable young man she'd sought for so long. And she would have him, oh yes… one way or another, nobody resisted the wiles of Saori Shikijo…

There was his house now. It was time to claim her prize. Grinning wickedly, the buxom brunette makes her way towards the front door, her high heels clicking against the pavement.


Meanwhile, completely unsuspecting, Suguru Misato stood in his bedroom, pouting powerfully as he stares down at the empty box in his hands. He'd been excited, at first. He'd thought that he'd finally have some time to himself. Don't get him wrong, living with Mahoro and Minawa was great and all, but a man has needs, and even if everyone still thought him a boy, Suguru was plenty old enough to be a man in his mind at this point!

All he'd wanted to do was spent a relaxing afternoon or two blowing his load over some dirty magazines he'd tucked away, while Mahoro and Minawa were away for the weekend. But Mahoro was one step ahead of him! When he'd gone to grab his stash out from under the bed, he'd found nothing but an empty box!

He could practically hear her now. 'Dirty thoughts are bad!' indeed! Maybe he wouldn't have so many dirty thoughts if he weren't constantly being smothered by extremely beautiful women who gave him no chance to unwind or destress. Grumbling, Suguru is left with a bit of a quandary. Tossing the empty box to the side, he moves to the kitchen, where Mahoro had left some money for him to have a pizza delivered for dinner.

Opening the refrigerator up, he considers its contents for a moment… truth be told, the money was more of a back up plan than anything else. There was still plenty of food in the fridge for the two days he'd be gone. It was just a matter of whether or not Suguru wanted pizza or wanted to have to cook for himself.

Obviously, young man that he was, he had a clear preference to the first of those two options. But… Mahoro had forced his hand! Grabbing up the money, Suguru gets a determined glint in his eye as he heads for the door. He was going to have to go and buy some new porn magazines with the money that had been left for food. Honestly, if Mahoro didn't want him to do so, she shouldn't have stolen his stash in the first place!

A man has needs!

With that thought driving young Suguru Misato's actions, he quickly gets ready and comes to his front door, preparing to head out and down to the corner store, where he just knows he can get some delicious replacements on short notice. After all, some of his original magazines had come from that same corner store.

However, as he opens the door, it's to an unwanted surprise. Standing there, having just come up the steps onto the front porch, is his teacher, Miss Saori Shikijo.

"Oh! Suguru, just the boy I wanted to see~"

"… Miss Shikijo? Um, what are you doing here?"

Smiling brightly, the absolutely beautiful teacher strides forward.

"Oh well, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by for a teacher-student visit! Shall we take this inside?"

What, just like that?! Scowling a little, Suguru bites his lower lip as he hops from one foot to the other. He had no desire to let Saori Shikijo into his house. Not because she was a predator… because truth be told, at this point in time Suguru didn't know anything about her lust for him. If he had, he'd probably have been a lot more gung-ho about it. No, right now he's taking her at face value… which of course means he's going to be belligerent and childish.

"But Miss Shikijo, it's the weekend… can't this wait until Monday? I can stay late after school if you still want to talk then…"

Currently, Suguru's was a one track mind. He was going to get to the corner store, he was going to get his porno mags, and he was going to come back and jack off to the scantily and maybe even naked women in said magazines, all night long!

… Alas, his small size and general polite demeanor leaves him ill-equipped to stop his teacher from forcing the issue as Miss Shikijo refuses to take no for an answer and crows him inside.

"No, no! It can't wait, come on, let's go inside! Let's talk, let's talk!"

The over the top energy from the older woman is too much for Suguru, who quickly finds himself dragged along by her firm grip. He's annoyed, but ultimately forced to be seated on the couch in the living room, while his teacher sits in the armchair and drones on and on about school. Sitting there squirming, his attention immediately wandering, the young boy bites his lower lip when his gaze eventually dips… downward.

The way Miss Shikijo is sitting, with one leg over the other… it shows off some seriously luscious thigh-high clad legs and just a bit of her bared thighs under her red skirt. Honestly, the more he stares at her legs, the more she reminds him of one of the women from his dirty magazines, rather than simply his teacher…


As Shikijo talks about this and that, mostly just speaking nonsense because she knows Suguru isn't really listening to her anyways, the teacher grins. She might not have his attention when it comes to school and learning, but she definitely has his FULL attention in the way she wants to have it. Seeing his eyes locked on her crossed legs, Saori moves to strike. Bringing the top leg off of the bottom leg, she flashes Suguru a glimpse of her white satin panties as she places what was the bottom leg over what was the top leg.

The response from the boy is immediate, as a bulge begins to grow in his groin area. Licking her lips, Saori just knows she wants more. She NEEDS more. This is it, her best opportunity she's ever going to get to seduce her young student. How can she possibly resist?


Standing up, the slutty, perverted teacher makes her way from the chair over to the couch, moving to sit right next to Suguru as his eyes follow her legs, before finally flickering up to meet her gaze. Smiling, the busty brunette licks her lips.

"I worry about you, Suguru. A young boy like you, living with two beautiful older women… tell me, they don't… hurt you, do they?"

It's the first thing she's said that he actually processes, and Suguru's brow furrows in confusion, even as he blinks at her, seemingly baffled.

"Hurt me?"

He's just too adorable! Too cute! She HAS to have him! She has to have him NOW! Getting a little ahead of herself, but ultimately just too eager to not move the time table forward a bit, Saori plants a hand on Suguru's thigh as she leans in closer still.

"Do they… touch you? Like… this?"

And then her hand is on his bulge. Finally, she's finally rubbing against his actual cock, even if there is clothing in the way! The lusty teacher's breath hitches as she maps out his length with her soft palm and dexterous fingers. To her surprise, he's much, much bigger than she thought he was.

"Oh my… this thickness… this girth…"

"M-Miss Shikijo?"

The young boy is too stunned to do more than stammer at her touch. Smirking idly, she can imagine just how she's making him feel. After all, Saori Shikijo knows just how hot she is. It's understandable that Suguru has no doubt beaten his meat off to her a few times… and now that some hot teacher he's jacked off to fantasies of is stroking him, albeit with clothing in the way.

Not for long though. Ever eager for more, the perverted teacher unbuttons and unzips Suguru's pants with deft flicks of her fingers, before reaching into his boxers and pulling out his surprisingly massive rod. Her breath hitches all over again when she finally gets to see it out in the open, to lay eyes on his flesh. He's… not a boy down there, not where it counts. This cock is a man's cock… the biggest cock she's ever seen, attached to the cutest boy she's ever had the pleasure of having as a student.

Stunned for a brief moment, the slut of a teacher nevertheless rallies as her lust demands further action. Holding Suguru in her hand and sliding said hand up and down his cock is all well and good… but she wants more. The boy, meanwhile, is blushing profusely as he stares at her. So, Saori gives him a wink and then lowers her head to do one of the things she does best.

Her tongue comes out, and she proceeds to use it and her mouth to worship Suguru's massive member, licking his dick all over before finally, FINALLY taking him into her mouth. A loud groan flies out of her student as the perverted, debauched teacher finally takes her prize. Or at least, Step One of her prize. Sucking Suguru's cock is all well and good, but it's merely the foreplay… she has all weekend with the boy, and she's going to make the most of it, especially now that she knows just how BIG he is.

Sucking and slurping along his length, she quickly discovers that she can only get about a quarter of the way down before he hits the back of her throat and she has to pull back to keep from gagging. A shame, to be sure, but she wouldn't be who she was if she didn't make the most of it. Her one hand remains on Suguru's member, stroking the lower part up and down, while her mouth bobs along the upper bit, her tongue swirling around his bulbous cockhead.

Her other hand is on his thigh to give herself leverage, her thumb swirling soothing circles into his pant leg as she continues to happily suck him off. Slurping, lapping, licking… ah, but what would this seduction be without the appropriate dirty talk? Just as she's preparing to pull back and tease him for being so hard for his teacher, for being naughty… she catches a white glint off of Suguru's glasses.

Faster than she would have thought possible, the boy has his hands in her hair and is forcing his brunette teacher further down onto his cock. A grunt followed by a groan ripples out of her student's throat, while Saori suddenly finds HER throat occupied by several inches of thick, veiny, cock meat. Her eyes widen, even as she chokes and gags on his dick.


"Keep sucking."

The command, spoken in a low childish tone from the child that she'd come here to seduce and make into her plaything, sends a shiver down Saori's spine. And yet, she does as she's told, immensely turned on by how Suguru has so quickly taken control. She never would have thought he had it in him, just as she never would have pegged him for being so well-endowed.

But both of these surprises are undeniably pleasant in nature, and while she does suddenly find herself choking and gagging as he forces her up and down far more of his length than she thought she could handle, there's no denying the experience is pleasurable for the perverted, hot-and-ready teacher.

"Glugkh! Glugkh! Glugkh!"

Suguru keeps his hold on her head tight, even as Saori soon finds her glasses knocked off in the ensuing face fucking. She catches them before they can fall to the floor and carefully sets them on the coffee table, even as her tongue continues to writhe along the underside of Suguru's cock, even as the boy continues to rail her mouth and throat with his big, fat dick.

After several minutes of this, Suguru lets out another loud groan and begins to cum. He doesn't give any warning, and truth be told, the lack of consideration is kind of a turn on for her as well. Still, during the orgasm he lets go of his teacher's head and she ends up releasing his dick from her lips with a pop. This in turn causes the rest of his cum to explode out onto her face and clothing, coating the perverted woman with his seed.

As the young boy who's just brutally face fucked her relaxes back on the couch, Saori is very much on cloud nine. She's in now! There's no way things are going to go back to the way they were before, not when Suguru had just used and abused her throat like an animal, rather than the child he still is. Now that she has an in to help Suguru slake his perpetual teenage lust, no flat-chested maid was going to get the better of her, ever again!

A perverted giggle leaves the hot and ready to trot teacher's lips, even as she considers her charge and what she needs to do next.


Meanwhile, Suguru is busy coming to terms with what he just did. At least if the giggling from his teacher is anything to go off of, Miss Shikijo really didn't mind him getting so… forceful. He was just pent up, really! It'd been so long since he'd had a chance to masturbate, and then Mahoro had taken his porn mags, and Miss Shikijo had shown up on his door step and barged into his house and… and…

"Suguru… I think it'd be best if you went and took a bath after the mess you made of yourself. Don't you agree?"

His teacher's seductive, sultry tone slips right past the panic that Suguru is trying to work through right now. His chance to get back some semblance of self-control slips away as he looks over at Miss Shikijo and all the cum coating her face and top, as well as the couch. It's the couch that REALLY worries him, as he curses to himself, his now-soft-but-still-large member leaking a bit onto the couch cushion between his legs.

"Oh no… how am I going to get the stains off before Mahoro and Minawa get home…"

He doesn't even realize he's said it out loud, until Miss Shikijo giggles and answers him.

"Don't worry a thing, Suguru… I'll handle it. You go and take your bath, alright?"

Slowly nodding, the young man gets up off of the couch, blushing a little at the mess he's made, not able to look Miss Shikijo in the eye, let alone stare at her cum-covered chest. Really, she might have come on to him first… but he'd sort of lost control of himself and taken charge out of nowhere, hadn't he? That… that was rather embarrassing. A bath though… a bath sounded really nice.

As he walks away, he completely fails to notice the evil smile that flashes across his teacher's face. Even if he is beginning to get an idea of what sort of woman Miss Shikijo really is, as well as what she wants from him… Suguru has no clue yet, not really.

… The bath is nice though. Nice and warm, and a calming influence. However, that sense of calm only lasts as long as it takes Suguru to use it to pull himself together. Once he's back in his right mind… he of course starts panicking. If Mahoro found even a hint of Miss Shikijo's visit when she and Minawa returned home, then he was doomed!

What was he going to do? He needed to get Miss Shikijo out of the house, but also she'd said she could take care of the stains on the couch, so he needed to let her stay around at least long enough for that. He needed-

What else Suguru needed goes undiscovered, because his thought process is abruptly cut off by the door to the steam-filled bathroom opening up and the woman in question stepping inside before closing it behind her. Miss Shikijo has a small, seductive smile on her face as she stands there in the bathroom, her face and her blouse still covered in his seed.

"M-Miss Shikijo!"

He knows he probably has no grounds to be embarrassed, given that he'd just gotten done face fucking his teacher on his cock, all the way to completion. But for Suguru at least, there's a big difference between getting sucked off by the older woman in his living room and having her invade the sanctity of the bathroom while he's naked and in the bath!

Unfortunately, Miss Shikijo doesn't seem to get the hint. She just lets out a soft giggle as she steps forward and lifts her hands to the buttons on her top.

"You got me all sticky, Suguru… so I'm going to need a bath as well. And you have such a big bathtub, really, there's no point in us wasting water, now is there?"

Suguru blushes and stammers, reverting to before whatever it was that had taken him over and caused him to dominate their first sexual exchange so thoroughly. He keeps on stammering, as well as some stuttering for good measure as well, as Miss Shikijo begins to give him a bit of a strip show right there in the bathroom.

She does it slowly too, obviously intending to entice him, and more and more Suguru is finally getting an accurate picture of just what kind of woman his teacher is. Miss Shikijo… Miss Shikijo is a pervert! And yet, she's also absolutely gorgeous, and there's no way for a boy like Suguru to keep his eyes off of her body as she lets her unbuttoned, cum-soaked top fall off of her shoulders.

Leaning forward, hand on her chest to make sure Suguru's attention is directed where it belongs, she reaches back with the other and unhooks her bra, even as the boy stares down her cleavage. As the bra comes off, the perverted teacher is inwardly cackling at the way her bouncing breasts very clearly drive the boy further into depravity, if the nosebleed that Suguru is now sporting is anything to go by.

Suguru doesn't even notice the feeling of wetness coming out of his nose. He's too busy staring at the perfectly round orbs that are Miss Shikijo's breasts. The way they bounce and jiggle before coming to a stop after a few moments, the way her nipples are so cute and small, but also rock hard and showcasing her lust and arousal.

Since she's already bent forward, the next thing the slutty teacher does is take hold of her skirt and slowly push it down, along with her panties, and then when she reaches them, her thigh-high stockings. Altogether, she takes all three garments off at the same time, exposing herself to Suguru even further.

Ending it all with letting her hair fall free, she sits down and begins to soap up and clean her body next to the tub, making sure that he can watch every bit of her naked form.

And watch Suguru is. He can do nothing but watch as he sits there in the bathtub with the strongest erection he's ever had standing straight at attention right beneath the surface of the water. He watches as Miss Shikijo spreads soapy suds around her lithe, mature body, and he watches as she moans breathlessly while spending a bit of extra time rubbing at her nipples, giving him quite the erotic show.

Finally, all soaped up, the perverted teacher splashes some water on herself to get rid of most of the soap, giving her body a glistening shine to it in the process as she finally moves to enter the bath with him. As she stands up at her full height, Suguru gets his first real look at her in all her naked glory, his gaze ultimately gravitating down to her shaved pussy, which he stares at for the few moments before she's finally settling down into the warm bath.

Letting out a euphoric moan, Saori leans back, her beautiful, bountiful bust floating just atop the water as if buoyant as she rests there, eyes heavily lidded. At the other end of the tub sits Suguru, trying to compose himself and ultimately failing.

"You know, Suguru… there's no need for you to be so far away. Come closer, my child~"

Leaning back, spreading her legs, and fondling her breasts, she smiles at him quite lecherously as she invites him over in more ways than one. And yet, even with how he'd taken command earlier… the perverted teacher is still a little taken off guard when Suguru snaps again. So is he, truth be told, but he just can't hold back any further. His self-control is shot… and if being in control of his urges means passing up on a chance to be with a beautiful woman like Miss Shikijo, he doesn't want to be in control anyways.

Surging forward, the young boy takes one of Miss Shikijo's nipples into his mouth right on the spot and begins sucking quite loudly and lewdly. In response, his teacher moans as if her wildest fantasies are coming true… which, he's beginning to realize they are. He's really getting a clearer and clearer picture into just what sort of woman Miss Shikijo is.

When the older woman grabs him by the hair and pulls him off of her breast in order to drag him up into a kiss, Suguru allows it. More than that, he leans into it, kissing her as hard as he can, acting more like an animal and beast than a boy or young man or her student. Sure, he's her student, sure, she's his teacher… but right now, they're just a man and a woman, or so Suguru likes to think.

Meanwhile, Miss Shikijo clearly isn't happy with just kissing because her hand is under the water, gripping his hard rod and directing it to her pussy. He misses once or twice due to the sheer slipperiness of the encounter, but that only serves to excite them both as their sexes grind against one another for a brief time.

The third times the charm though, and Suguru thrusts forward as his cockhead finds purchase in Miss Shikijo's needy twat. He groans into her mouth, even as his teacher moans right back into his. In the end, Suguru ends up calling the shots, not because he knows what he's doing, but because his body instinctively seems to know what it wants, and Miss Shikijo is seemingly all too happy to submit to him.

Laying back in the tub, Saori lets her student do as he will to her… which ultimately turns out to be pounding into her sopping wet, needy, lustful twat with all of his lust in turn. Her breasts jiggle and wave about in the sloshing bathtub water, and her pussy is filled again and again as Suguru relies completely on his instincts to take her straight to pound town, to rail her to his heart's content.

When he moves her legs so he can instinctively fuck her in a mating press, the perverted slut of a teacher's pleasure spikes, and she can tell she's quickly approaching her climax. As it gets closer and closer, as Suguru fucks her harder and faster and with reckless abandon, Saori knows what she wants… and she makes sure she gets it, all of it.

As her climax crests and her orgasm hits explosively, as her pussy walls clench and squeeze and proceed to milk an unsuspecting Suguru of his own release, the older woman pulls her young pupil close and locks her legs behind his back, holding him in.

"Inside, Suguru! Cum inside of your naughty teacher and punish her with a baby~"

That does it. Caught up in the height of passion, the young boy with his massive man's cock slams home into her cumming pussy one final time and begins releasing a tidal wave of his seed into her womb. He fills her with his essence, leaving a dopy smile on his teacher's face in the process as she giggles and shudders in post-orgasmic bliss beneath him.

This is only the beginning… and she can hardly wait for more~"


It's the next day, and Suguru has been panicking for most of it, to say the least. After… after the bath the day before, Miss Shikijo had thankfully left. She'd promised that they would see each other again soon though, leaving Suguru both eager and afraid of what that would mean. Sure, they'd see each other for school on Monday, but it almost sounded like she meant even sooner than that!

Regardless, Suguru has spent all of Sunday cleaning up the house. Despite her promises, Miss Shikijo hadn't done ANYTHING at all! She'd lied to him, which truth be told, left him rather annoyed with the woman that he'd lost his virginity to the day before. In the end, he'd had to clean everything up in both the living room and the bathroom.

… He was fairly sure he'd gotten it all. He'd spent hours working on it, and he couldn't see anything that might give him away, but the chances of Mahoro finding even a smidgen of cum and it getting out what had happened were too damn high, so he'd keep cleaning and keep tidying up. He's still doing so when the phone rings.

Moving over to it, he answers just as the doorbell rings.

"Um, hello?"

Distracted by the phone call, Suguru puts the doorbell at the back of his mind for the time being. Whoever it is will just have to wait, especially since it turns out to be Mahoro on the other end.

"Suguru! Hey, sorry but it looks like Minawa and I are going to be one more day. Do you think you'll be alright by yourself?"

His mouth dry as he swallows the answer that he actually hadn't been by himself the day before, Suguru gulps a little before nodding… only to belatedly realize that of course Mahoro can't see his nod, since they're talking over the phone!

"A-Ah, y-yeah! Yeah, I'll be fine, Mahoro! You don't have to worry about me!"

"Oh good! Thanks for being so understanding. I'll make sure to pick up some ingredients for a delicious dinner when we finally get home tomorrow night!"

"O-Okay! See you then!"

"Bye for now~"

As the two say their goodbyes, Suguru hangs up… only to realize the front door is open. More than that, Miss Shikijo is standing right in front of him, glasses glinting dangerously and a wide, depraved smile on her face as she rests her hands on her hips.

"M-Miss Shikijo!"

"Suguru… your front door was unlocked, so I let myself in. I was going to be mad about you leaving your teacher waiting like that, but it turns out you were on an important phone call… hm, is Mahoro not going to be home until tomorrow night now? Is that what I heard?"

Suguru blanches for a moment… before remembering everything that had happened the day before. Sure, Miss Shikijo had been the instigator… but he'd taken charge, hadn't he? He'd been in control when he'd fucked her mouth, he'd been in control when he'd fucked her twat. She might have goaded him on, might have let it all happen… but Suguru was beginning to realize he knew how to deal with Miss Shikijo.

His stammer disappears before it can even get started, and suddenly the sexy, slutty teacher's depraved smile and the glint of her glasses are matched by a determined look on Suguru's face, and a shine to his glasses as well. Miss Shikijo's eyes widen slightly, and her eyebrows raise, but her grin only grows wider as she shudders and wiggles enticingly right in front of him.

"Oooh… that look, Suguru… keep looking down on me with those eyes of yours. I like that look~"

Yeah… yeah, he could work with this. He definitely could.


A little while later, both are in Suguru's bedroom, naked. His teacher's hair is down again, even as she kneels between his legs in supplication, bobbing up and down on his cock. She's getting better at it, though she's still having to use her hands a lot to take care of the part of his dick she can't handle with her mouth, as well as to massage and knead his massive pair of balls.

Running her mouth up to the tip of his cock and swirling her tongue around the head, Miss Shikijo pops off and gives him a simple look full of hunger and avarice.

"You should know something, Suguru… I won't stop now that I've had you. I can't, you understand. Even when Mahoro comes back… I'll find a way into your bed again. B-But… a-at the same time… you own me, you know?"

Suguru lifts an eyebrow at that in question, causing Miss Shikijo to blush a little, though she never stops smiling.

"You could so easily ruin me, Suguru. All you'd have to do would be to tell Mahoro or the proper authorities what we've done together. You wouldn't get in trouble, you're too young… but they'd punish me. I'd be fired… maybe even sent to prison…"

The young man's eyes are wide at that, and inwardly he can't help but wonder why Miss Shikijo is telling him all of this. Because what she's just said… he realizes she's right, that she's telling the truth. He'd been so afraid of what Mahoro would do to him if she found out, but… Mahoro loves him, she cares for him. If she found out that Miss Shikijo had effectively forced her way into the house to take advantage of Suguru while she was gone… yeah, it wouldn't matter that he'd taken charge, would it? He was the young innocent victim of all of this., even if he didn't really feel like one, per say.

"So that's why… I have to beg you to please keep all of this a secret. No one can know what we are to each other… no one can know that I'm yours. O-Okay?"

Suguru hums at that, giving his perverted, depraved teacher a considering look for several long moments. Miss Shikijo goes back to slurping and sucking at his cock quite aggressively and enthusiastically, even as she keeps her eyes on him at all times, clearly awaiting his response. In the end, the young man smiles and slowly nods.

"Sure, Miss Shikijo… I can do that for you… but only on one condition."

Coming off of his cock with a pop, the older woman looks at his throbbing, pulsing erection in her hands and flashes him a grin, able to correctly guess what that condition might be.

"Shall I prove my devotion to you… sir?"

His member jumps a little in her hands at the use of 'sir', and Suguru, not trusting his voice not to crack, just nods his head jerkily in response.

Shifting upwards, his slut of a teacher mounts Suguru right then and there, using her grip on his cock to make sure he's firmly lodged in the entrance of her drooling quim, before dropping down onto his rock hard member. She even moves her hands back behind her head and pulls herself up into a squat, moaning wantonly all the while as she does her best to show off to the young boy who she'd thought she was going to turn into a toy.

Instead, it's she who's found herself becoming the toy for young Suguru. Her student has managed to use his bestial other side, along with his big fat cock, to completely flip the tables on Saori Shikijo. Not that the pervert minds one bit. In fact, she prefers it this way. Riding him, bouncing up and down on his cock, Miss Shikijo really lets herself go, and Suguru can only watch as her breasts bounce and jiggle all over the place, her tongue lolling out of her wide, grinning mouth.

"Yes! Harder sir! Fuck me harder! Go faster! I'll take it all, I'll be your bitch! There won't be anything left for Mahoro! Feel my breasts, sir! Give it to me!"

The dirty talk continues in a similar vein, even as Miss Shikijo just goes absolutely wild on his cock. Not that Suguru is idle or anything during this time either. His hips thrust upwards, ramming every last inch of his massive shaft up into her needy twat. His hands start on her waist, his thumbs digging into her flesh as he holds her harshly… but ultimately, they move up to her breasts.

Miss Shikijo's breasts are just so perfect by Suguru's humble estimation. He loves fondling them and playing with them and slurping at them as aggressively as he can. His tongue swirls around her nipples one after the other, and his teeth soon follow it, gnawing at her teats until Shikijo is shrieking in half-pleasure, half-pain, the masochistic pig slut lying deep inside of her awakened by Suguru's own awakened domineering nature.

Eventually, both of them cum together again, Miss Shikijo's orgasm once more managing to milk his release from his cock. But after that first creampie, Suguru gets a serious glint in his glasses again. Before his teacher can even start recovering from proving her devotion to her student, he's got her down on her back, pushing her onto his bed and forcing her into a mating press once more.

His cock never leaves her slutty mature pussy during this time, and he begins to hammer into her from above, grunting as he starts in on the task of shaping her pussy for his use only.

"Miss Shikijo… listen up! Things are going to change from now on!"

"Y-Yes! We can't go back to the way things were before, I-I know that! Oh, you're so deep inside of me, sir! Please don't stop fucking me-AIIIIEEEE!"

Suguru cuts his depraved teacher off by delivering a harsh SMACK across her fat milk jugs. Glaring down at her, he grabs both of her tits and gives them a harsh squeeze, even as he continues to fuck her with hammer-like strokes into her clenching, squeezing cunt.

"No! Not just that. From now on, you're going to get along with Mahoro!"



"Quiet! Listen!"

And so, Miss Shikijo falls quiet, or as quiet as she can with how he's still taking her to pound town, how he's railing her into his own bed, making her his woman. She whimpers and mewls and moans but keeps as quiet as she can as she stares up into the young boy's blazing eyes and listens to everything he has to say.

"You're going to get along with Mahoro from now on… and you're going to act more dignified when in public! Only I get to see your slutty side from now on! And if I ever find out you're trying to seduce someone else or sleeping with someone else… then all of this will be over."

It might be heart-stopping, having him threaten her life like that. Oh, he wouldn't kill her… but he's basically threatening to tell everyone what they've done together, which would certainly see her life ruined. Perhaps that should have been more concerning for Saori, but in truth… she was the one who'd told him all of that in the first place. She'd given him that ammunition of her own volition, telling him how easily he could ruin her life. She's perfectly okay with him holding it over her head to make her more loyal and obedient… in fact, it's an immense turn on.

No, what the perverted teacher takes issue with is something else that Suguru said. Something that leaves Saori Shikijo sputtering, even though there's not a hint of untruth in his words.

"S-Slutty! I'm not-!"

In the middle of her objection at being called a slut, Suguru just snorts and flexes, managing to knock the head of his cock up against her already-flooded womb. With a shriek, his depraved slut of a teacher cums explosively around his member, all of her comprehension and coherence going right out the door as she stammers and stutters her agreement while her mind becomes putty.

"Y-Yesh! Yesh, I'll do what you say sir! Don't stop fucking me, f-f-fuuuuuck!"

Suguru definitely doesn't plan on stopping until he's done. Gritting, he rams up against Miss Shikijo's womb a few more times, pulling orgasm after orgasm from the overly sensitive older woman, until he's brought his gorgeous sexy teacher to multiple climaxes on his dick. Then, when he can finally hold it in no more, Suguru lets loose another creampie, which is answered by his teacher begging him once again to fill her up.


Once he's done pumping pet teacher full of his seed, Suguru gently pulls out, catching his breath as the adrenaline slowly begins to die down. Only, he makes the mistake of looking down at the woman he's just turned into his bitch. There she is, on her back, as beautiful as ever… nay, even more beautiful than ever before.

Miss Shikijo lays there, out of breath, flustered beyond belief, and face flushed with arousal. She stares up at him with wide, awed eyes, her breasts framed between her arms which have come together as her hands instinctively moved down to her creampied pussy to play with herself. His cum is flowing out of her even now, even as she moans happily and wiggles in quite a lively manner beneath him on the bed.

… He's horny again, his cock growing hard once more as he stares down at such a phenomenal view. Seeing this, Miss Shikijo spreads her legs far apart once more, letting even more of his cum flow out as she beams up at him happily.

"Here you go, sir… it's my job to slake your lusts, and I promise, I'll always be here for you… always be available for you to do whatever you like with."

She keeps her promise that night… again and again and again. Together, the two of them have quite the secret, one that Suguru will do everything to protect so that he can continue railing his sexy, slutty, seductive teacher to his heart's content. He can't say what the future will hold, or whether they even have a future together… but he's willing to try. He wants to fight for it. He'll do what he has to, in order to keep Saori Shikijo by his side…

However, only tomorrow will show what the future will bring, in the end.


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