Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Will of Darkseid (DC Animated)

The Will of Darkseid (DC Animated)

A/N: The Will of Darkseid was a commissioned one shot originally written back in July of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Based off of . Kara ends up in service to Darkseid. The young woman may not be fully prepared for what exactly that means. But she's happy to give it all she's got for her new Lord.

Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Breeding


"You may feel powerless now, but soon you will watch the fear in men's eyes. As Captain of my Furies, your fame will spread throughout the universe. You will see the fiercest warriors flee your presence, armies brought to your knees, entire nations crumbling at the mere mention of your name. You will know power you would never have known on Earth. Never again will you be lost. From now on, you will be at my side. Forever mine. Forever… Darkseid's."

So… that was a lot. Hands bound behind her back, collar weakening her powerful Kryptonian physiology and leaving her defenseless, Kara Zor-El can do nothing but back away and listen as the biggest Tyrant the galaxy over stalks towards her, monologuing about all his plans for her. When Granny Goodness captured her, she knew she was in trouble. But she'd had no idea that Darkseid himself would want a piece of her. Honestly… it was a little flattering. It was a LOT terrifying though.

And yet, as she hits her back against the wall and the New God looms over her, she has to admit… she's a little surprised as she processes his intentions for her. He wants to make her his? He's trying to convert her into one of his Furies? And not just one of his Furies… but the Captain of his Furies. Given that she'd been expecting torture to be on the table, this was more than a little surprising for Kara Zor-El, truth be told. The young woman known to many back on Earth as Supergirl wasn't going to just go down without a fight, however.

"N-No… I won't… I won't join you."

Stiff upper lip, jaw clenched, chin jutting out in defiance. Kara glares up at Darkseid, practically daring the tyrant to hurt her for daring to backtalk him. It's what she expects, and even what she hopes for, in a way. After all, pain is an old friend for Supergirl. She knows she can resist this; knows she can hold out against his torture until Clark comes for her. She just has to endure…

"Is that so?"

And yet, Darkseid is the one showing an over-abundance of patience. Far from the pain she's expecting, the Ruler of Apokolips seems intent on continuing their conversation. Staring down at her with those ominous red eyes of hers, Darkseid chuckles in a deep, dark tone.

"Your defiance is expected, little Kryptonian. But if you think to manipulate Darkseid, you will have to try harder than that."

Kara grits her teeth at that, glaring up at him angrily, righteous fury welling up in her heart.

"I'm not trying to manipulate ANYTHING! I will NEVER join you, Darkseid! Get that through your thick grey head!"

Another insult… left unanswered. Darkseid has a smirk on his face, as terrifying as that is. His massive hands are planted on his waist as he looms over her. Kara doesn't bother trying to get out from between him and the wall, with her hands tied behind her back and the door closed, where would she even go?

"Then you will not mind making a wager with me, young Kryptonian."

That gets a blink from Kara, her anger fizzling for just a moment before coming back in full force, along with a healthy dose of suspicion as she narrows her eyes at him.

"… What kind of wager?"

Seeming perfectly at ease, the tyrant stares right back down at her, utterly unperturbed.

"I have no intention of torturing you, Kara Zor-El. You will join me of your own free will. Do not resist as I show you what pleasure can be had in serving me, and if you do not succumb to that pleasure by the time I'm done with you, I'll let you leave this place without a fight."

It's very… 'Darkseid', the way he says all of that. But Kara is a smart girl, she can parse what he's saying just fine.

"You want me to… to have sex with you in exchange for my freedom?!"

Darkseid's face contorts into an evil sort of smile as the New God leans forward just a tad, invading Kara's space.

"Assuming that you do not enjoy what I do to you… yes. I assure you, by the time that we move on to copulation, it will be you who initiates matters, not I."

A challenge… Kara has always been a competitive sort, truth be told. Even if this is… a bit disgusting. The greatest evil in the galaxy wants to fuck her. Which, not surprising, she's as sexy as she is a badass, and Kara knows that full well. Supergirl is the subject of men's sexual fantasies all across Earth, something that both embarrasses and arouses her sometimes, especially when she's out on patrol and can't help the fact that her super-hearing routinely picks up cries for Supergirl that have nothing to do with victims of crimes needing help…

She'd long since come to terms with the first few times she'd flown up on a cry of her name, only to discover it was men of all different ages in the safety of their own homes, jacking off to pictures of her on the news. She'd even gotten rather good at differentiating between those kinds of cries, and the cries of people who actually needed her.

At the end of the day, was this not her best shot at getting off of Apokolips here and now, without having to wait for Clark or the rest of the Justice League to come save her? If she rejected Darkseid's offer, the torture would no doubt begin… and would likely involve rape or sexual humiliation of some sort anyways. So, wasn't it better to skip the pain, and let him waste his time on trying to make her enjoy the pleasure?

There was no way a man like Darkseid could possibly know a damn thing about a woman's pleasure, after all. His boast about her initiating the actual intercourse had to be just that, a boast. And so, with a light sneer on her face, her lips curling as she glares at Darkseid, Kara nods her head.

"Fine… I accept your wager, Darkseid."

She has all of a moment to register the way his sinister grin widens before he's upon her. She jolts and squirms a little as his massive hands close around her slender arms, but truth be told, it's not like there's anything she could have done to stop him anyways. She's as weak as a kitten right now… and he seems to know it. His grip is firm, but shockingly gentle for a man known to many as the worst tyrant in the entire galaxy.

His kissing on the other hand is… phenomenal. Grabbing her by the arms, lifting her up just a bit even as he leans forward, the New God presses his lips against Kara's, and to her shock and surprise… it's good. It's way too good, far better than she ever could have imagined, even in her wildest nightmares. His lips, his tongue as it begins questing against HER lips, seeking entry into her mouth.

Before she knows what she's even doing, she's opening her own lips and allowing him that access. His tongue slips into her mouth and intertwines with her own, even as Kara lets out a confused, muffled little moan while squirming in his grasp. Why? Why, why, why? This was Darkseid, for fuck's sake! This was the Ruler of Apokolips, a dark god, a monster who had killed so many innocent people.

And yet, she was enjoying his kiss more than she cared to admit. Her body was responding to the tyrant's touch too, warming up where he was holding her arms. It was… really, in the end it was rather simple, not that Kara understood anything as her mind grew fuzzier and fuzzier, feeling like she was overheating.

Darkseid was manipulating her, of course. She was unaware of it, even though she'd thought she was prepared for it. The New God was in Kara's head, lightly manipulating her mind to succumb to him… but at the same time, that really wasn't all of it. He wanted her to truly fall to him, without too much of his influence. Too much influence, and she could be snapped out of it. She could be 'brought back'.

But just a smidgen of influence, just a little light manipulation, and Kara would believe she was succumbing all on her own. She would break and then remake herself for his sake, all on her own. And that was what was beginning to happen already, right then and there as he kissed her in that dingy, dark cell.

Because while Darkseid WAS in Kara's head, influencing her in minor, small ways, there was no denying the simple truth… Kara Zor-El was turned on by his strength. Physically, the young blonde had spent her entire time on Earth having to regulate her strength and tightly control what she could do. Much like her cousin's moniker, Man of Steel, Kara was a Woman of Steel… and humans were made of tissue paper in comparison.

She'd had a few boyfriends here and there, a few dates. She'd even developed some deeply romantic relationships with some of those men, and even to this day, loved them with all her heart. But none of those relationships had ultimately lasted. It was Kara's fault, even if it were the decision of each and every one of the human men she'd dated to break it off.

Not a single one of them could get her off. Oh sure, they'd had sex, but no matter how hard a human tried, there was no pleasing a Kryptonian woman with a weak cock accompanied by weak thrusts. Even when her boyfriends tried to use toys or their tongue on her… it just didn't do it. Kara had had to go to great lengths to get a few sex toys that would actually get off a Kryptonian, but when wielded by a human, even they weren't good enough.

This emasculated and humiliated the men she'd been with, even though Kara did everything in her power to make them happy, to make it clear that her love for them had nothing to do with their prowess in bed. And so, Kara was constantly alone, left without companionship as the only male Kryptonian was her older cousin, who would never lay a hand on her, not in a million years.

Darkseid though, was not Clark. Darkseid was no human man. He was a dark god, and he had the strength of one too. Strength he was using now to make her feel more helpless and powerless than she ever had before… and combined with his incredibly light influence, that helpless, powerless feeling was turning into arousal as Kara got to feel like the cavewoman being beaten over the head and taken back to the cave of the caveman for the first time in her life.

There was one hold up though, one thing holding her back from truly accepting Darkseid's supremacy over here. Her bondage, the power-nullifying collar… these were things that kept her from flexing her true might and left her with that niggling of doubt that she might just be able to fight Darkseid off, if not for her hands being quite literally tied behind her back, and her powers being restrained.

Seeing this obvious barrier forming in her mind, something that just might stop her from truly succumbing to the Will of Darkseid, the tyrant pulls back from his kiss with Kara for a moment, looking down at her as the dazed blonde stares up at him, her eyes slightly glazed over, her lips still parted, her head leaned forward and up, as if she wants him to kiss her more. She blinks in confusion, even as his hands let go of her arms and instead reach for two other things.

"You won't be needing these anymore."

And with contemptuous ease, the Ruler of Apokolips tears away the collar around her neck with one hand, even as he frees her hands from behind her back with the other. Like that, Kara is free… free to continue kissing Darkseid, as he once again gathers her up in his arms and lays his lips upon hers, his tongue pushing back into her mouth and past her pliable lips without hesitation.

Kara moans into his mouth despite herself, even as she squirms in his renewed grasp. This time, she's testing him, and they both know it. Her strength as a Kryptonian who's lived for years under a yellow star is certainly immense… but he is Darkseid, and so very much stronger. The truth of that, the fact that she couldn't possibly beat him, even at her absolute best… it shatters the barrier that had been building up within Kara's mind, that would have stymied Darkseid's influence, given how light of a hand he was using in mentally manipulating her.

In no time at all, Kara is succumbing to her basest impulses, giving in to the strong male who might finally be able to give him the pleasure she deserved, that she NEEDED. As he continues to kiss her, Kara melts into his embrace, even flinging her arms around his neck one he releases his hold on them as the resistance fades from her.

Leaping off the ground, Kara wraps her legs around Darkseid's torso as well, riding pretty high up on his chest as a result given their difference in size. The tyrant continues to kiss her, and Kara continues to let herself be kissed while kissing back, moaning into his mouth with her eyes heavily lidded. As such, she's not paying much mind to where they're going, even as Darkseid carries her out of the dark prison cell and down the hall to a much more accommodating room.

Setting Kara down, Darkseid ends their kiss and reaches out to contemptuously tear the white tunic that Granny Goodness and the others stuck her in after her capture and cleaning from her body. Kara gasps as she's exposed to those glowing red eyes… and yet, having her body fully on display before the worst evil in the universe doesn't… it doesn't bother her as much as it should, not anymore. Instead, Kara finds herself blushing profusely, biting her lower lip and squirming as she waits for Darkseid's next move.

There isn't one… or at least, not one that Kara notices. Darkseid sits down in a large chair, and all of the sudden his massive, grey, alien cock is standing straight up from betwixt his legs right in front of Kara's eyes. With the lightest mental nudge from Darkseid, Kara's base impulses take over once again, and she ends up in his lap, climbing aboard without a single care in the world as she gives in to her desires.

And they truly are HER desires. The blonde wants this, she wants to be fucked by a powerful male, she wants to actually FEEL it for once, and maybe even get off to the coupling. Of course, in her right mind, Kara would push down such desire in favor of her responsibility to Earth and the Justice League… but the poor blonde is not in her right mind right now. Even if Darkseid's influence has been light, he's managed to awaken something inside of her that's leaving her frazzled and needy and delirious with pleasure.

It's doubtful Kara even realizes she's already succumbed to Darkseid, as she takes hold of his cock with both hands and places her dripping wet twat up against the massive bulbous head. A dark chuckle sounds out from the seated tyrant, making Kara blush profusely, but it doesn't stop her from slowly impaling herself on his cock, a look of utter concentration and determination on her face.

Inch by inch, she penetrates herself with the tyrant's member, groaning, panting, and moaning in equal measure under the onslaught of sensations coursing through her. He's bigger than any man she's ever been with, but then of course he is. Physically, he towers over every human that has ever lived. That his cock would be proportionately larger as well just made sense.

But just because she should have logically known what she was in for when she agreed to this little wager, didn't mean Kara was mentally prepared for it. As a matter of fact, she really and truly wasn't, and it was showing now as her already frazzled mind grew more and more… static-y under the glorious effects of Darkseid's big fat cock slowly being swallowed up by her hungry, slutty twat.

It just feels too damn good, and before she even knows it, she's bouncing herself up and down on his lap, loving how he stretches her out, loving having him inside of her. Despite her initially scoffing at the notion of falling for him, despite her earlier defiance… Kara has indeed initiated sexual intercourse with one of the most evil beings in the entire galaxy… and frankly, she just can't get enough.

Eyes rolling around in her head, it's not long before the blonde is cumming upon Darkseid's cock. Her explosive orgasm wracks her slender body, causing her to moan and wiggle and shake atop the tyrant's shaft as she gyrates across his lap. But when he suddenly grabs her around the waist and begins to fuck her himself, that's when the orgasms really start coming. Again, and again she climaxes along his member, her cunt walls clenching and squeezing down as hard as they can around his dick.

For the first time in her life, Kara is having sex with someone stronger than her. For the first time in her life, she doesn't have to hold back. Her impressive Kryptonian physiology is nothing against Darkseid's strength. He manhandles her with ease, and no matter how powerful her orgasms, there's no chance of her flexing, cumming cunt hurting his massive cock as he continues to slam up into her from below, as he continues to slam her DOWN onto his cock from above.

In the end, all Kara's flexing pussy walls can really do is what they were designed to do in the first place… milk the male currently fucking her of his seed. Of course, while Kara has had boyfriends cum inside of her before… she's never had a true man cum inside of her before. Those pitiful cum shots weren't even enough for her to feel, let alone take pleasure from.

Darkseid's however, is something else. His seed explodes up into her womb in a torrent, inflating her belly for just a moment. Kara's eyes widen, and then subsequently roll back in her head as she blacks out from the pleasure of being filled with his jizz. Shaking and trembling and spasming upon his cock, Kara eventually goes limp, her spine bending backwards as she falls halfway away from Darkseid, his powerful large hands on the small of her back, as well as his cock that she's still impaled upon, keeping her from going any further.

Looking down at the female Kryptonian passed out in his grasp, Darkseid lets out a deep, sinister chuckle.

"Don't be so quick to rest, Kara Zor-El… I'm just getting started."

His words go unheard by the currently insensate heroine, but his following actions do not go unfelt, and soon enough Kara is conscious once more and squealing and screaming her way through orgasm after orgasm on Darkseid's cock yet again.


It's been several days, but Darkseid has not let up. And while Kara has yet to admit that she's fallen, the young woman still hasn't tried to leave Darkseid's lair, hasn't even made an attempt at claiming that she hadn't succumbed to his pleasure.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

At the moment, in fact, the young heroine is on her knees before Darkseid's throne, bobbing up and down on his glorious cock. Her jaw is stretching somewhat painfully for this action, especially as she willingly forces him partway down her throat, but Kara doesn't care. She needs to do this, needs to… to keep things equal! Yeah, that's why she's doing it, that's why she's on her knees, 'thanking' Darkseid for all the pleasure he's shown her by fellating him with all her might and vigor.

She's performed oral sex on past boyfriends before, of course. But she always had to be extremely careful and move very slowly, because while a normal human woman's teeth might graze against a man's sensitive cock while she's blowing him… Kara's were a different story. Her Kryptonian physiology meant that a 'graze' from her teeth could quite literally skin a human man's cock, if she weren't incredibly careful and in control of herself.

And that was half the reason it was so easy for Darkseid to worm his way into her heart. For all her time on Earth, Kara had had to be in control. She'd had to be good. She'd had to be nice and kind… and most importantly of all, she'd had to be fundamentally selfless, because she was living in a world made of cotton candy, inhabited by people made of tissue paper.

Going all out, letting herself lose control, it meant people lost their lives. And so, Kara had to keep her true strength, her true abilities, wholly under wrap. Even when she was out as Supergirl and fighting crime, she had to be exceedingly careful. Even when she was fighting enemies like Darkseid himself who could take a hit from her and keep on coming, that just meant she had to be fully aware of her surroundings while also trying to take them down, because as villains, they certainly didn't have to.

With Darkseid however, Kara could just give in. She could give the dark god a sloppy as fuck blowjob, she could fuck her own face on his fat, delicious cock and slurp and suck at his member for all she was worth. She could grip tightly at his knees without fearing she was going to accidentally tear a knee cap off and destroy a leg. She could give her all to the simple act of providing Darkseid of all people with as much pleasure as she'd provided him.

The New God doesn't bother warning her when he finally cums from her over-eager and utterly enthusiastic ministrations. Of course not, he's the Ruler of Apokolips, and she's his prisoner, after all. His seed explodes down her throat, and Kara is forced to swallow. Swallow she does, nearly managing to get every last drop, even with the lack of warning.

A little bit of his seed does manage to leak out of the side of her mouth as her cheeks chipmunk outwards trying to hold in his cum, however. When she's done swallowing his load and is finally able to pull back off of his cock with a pop, Kara is quick to bring a thumb up and swipe that trail of cum back into her mouth, sucking her thumb clean quite seductively as she looks up into those gorgeous red eyes with an almost adoring expression.

Shivering, knowing deep down inside that she's lost, even if she hasn't admitted it yet… Kara decides it's finally time to smell the roses. Darkseid is still hard of course, her new Master's cock still at full mast and waiting for her to attend to him further. Rising to her feet, the naked young Kryptonian, not having been given a stich of clothing since their first coupling together, turns herself around… and sits her ass down on Darkseid's lap.

Impaling her twat on his cock reverse cowgirl, Kara spreads her legs wide, draping them over Darkseid's own powerful, thick legs as he remains seated on his throne. Her hands go to his arms and she grips at them for leverage, even as she lifts herself up and begins to ride him, bouncing up and down on his cock. Once she's got a good rhythm going, Kara looks back and brings one hand around to caress the side of her new Master's face as she looks at him.

"Y-You win… you were right… I needed this… I needed you. I… I want more… I submit…"

The words tumble out of her lips in between moans and gasps as she continues to bounce up and down on his cock the entire while. Darkseid remains silent for a moment, before suddenly reaching up and grabbing her by the hair, gathering her blonde locks into a makeshift ponytail that he grips tightly as he forces her to continue looking him in the eye.

"Then make it true. Pledge yourself to me… pledge yourself to Darkseid."

A shudder of pleasure runs through Kara, even though she knows she should be horrified and disgusted. She just can't bring herself to care anymore. She spent so much time being good, so much time being selfless… she finally has something she wants for herself, and all it takes is pledging her loyalty to the evilest being in the universe.

Licking her lips to wet them, Kara speaks slowly and with certainty, only stopped by her own moans as her cunt flexes around Darkseid's invading member.

"Y-Yes… I, mm, pledge myself to you, Darkseid. I pledge my mind, ooh, my body, hah, and my soul to you… I will be the C-Captain of your Furies, so long as you continue to allow me to grace your bed!"

His hand on her hair suddenly yanks her head back further, leaving her body splayed across his as he leans forward. She doesn't get to see it being done, but she certainly feels it when he seals her vows for her by burning his Omega symbol into the flesh of her womb with his eye beam, before proceeding to cum explosively inside of her, in turn triggering a mind-blowing final orgasm for her as well.

As they come down from their high, with Kara finally able to look down and take in the womb tattoo that's now etched across her abdomen and marks her as Darkseid's property, Darkseid himself can't help but reflect and muse at how little he truly had to actually use his mind-manipulating powers on her. All he'd really done was fuck her aggressively, and the blonde Kryptonian had fallen for him.

Obviously, she'd been mightily repressed and utterly deprived in her time on Earth. Now though, now she would be the Captain of his Furies, and never have to worry about controlling herself ever again. After all, she was Darkseid's now… which meant she was his to control, his to command, and his to use however he decided.

With that in mind, the dark tyrant grabs Kara by her hips once more and proceeds to continue bouncing her up and down on his cock. In response, his newest conquest moans happily and turns her head to begin greedily kissing and licking at his neck and face, moaning as she nuzzles into him even while he's pumping up into her already-creampied womb with renewed vigor.

She's with her Master now, and she's never been happier.


As the doors to his massive throne room are thrown open by Kryptonian might, Darkseid doesn't so much as twitch. The man they called Superman, Earth's Mightiest Protector to some, strides down the hall with all the assurance that a man who's dressed in pajamas and a cape would have to have as he glares up at the Ruler of Apokolips quite angrily.

"Darkseid! Kara leaves with me."

It's been months since Kara Zor-El was captured and brought before Darkseid. Months since the New God had transformed the heroine into his new pet. Seated there upon his throne, the dark tyrant doesn't so much as rise, physically or emotionally as Superman stands at the foot of his dais.

"She's… free to leave. If that is her wish."

Stepping out from behind Darkseid's throne, Kara has a truly wicked smile on her face, one matched by her Master as she watches the surprise and shock cross her cousin's face at her changed appearance. Her new outfit is positively scandalous to be sure, a bikini top leaving much of her torso exposed, a collar around her neck to remind her of her loyalty to her Master, and a pair of leggings that accentuate her long legs, finished off by a pair of platform boots.

"… Kara?"

She certainly looks the part of a Female Fury, but that's not all, and it's leaving Kal-El completely off balance. As she expected she would. After all, it's his fault, all of this. From her conversion to her new look… to the fact that her bikini top is being overflowed by her ever-growing tits, and her belly swells with the babe she's conceived with Darkseid, her womb tattoo glowing and on full display thanks to her new uniform.

He's failed her, and in that moment, they both know it. The look of dismay and horror in Kal's eyes brings Kara no end of pleasure. Not because she hates what she's become, but because she despised what Kal tried to turn her into. In the end, yes Darkseid had made her what she was now… but he never would have been able to do so with such ease if it weren't for all the restrictions that she had to under go as a Kryptonian on Earth.

A look of determination finally appears on her cousin's face, and he floats up the staircase to meet her halfway.

"… I'm sorry for what he's done to you, Kara, but the nightmare is over now… you're safe."

Behind her, Darkseid still hasn't moved from his throne, knowing that he doesn't need to, knowing that she'll do what needs to be done. But he still speaks up, his deep baritone undeniably smug as he agrees with Superman while taking the male Kryptonian's words out of context.

"You're right. She is safe now."

Clark ignores the tyrant and instead holds out a hand to Kara, looking at her with beseeching eyes, practically begging her to take it.

"Let's go home."

Did he really think that was going to work? Kara almost wants to laugh in her face, but instead she feels an indignation welling up in her breast at the way her cousin ignores her Master. Did he think it would be that easy? Truly? Gritting her teeth, Kara can't help as her face contorts into an angry snarl.

"That's just it cousin… I'm already home."

When Clark has the audacity to reach out for her, Kara responds immediately and instinctively, her protective instincts rearing up as her eyes glow red. However, what she ends up blasting Clark away with isn't her normal Heat Vision, not by a long shot. Rather, instead it's like a combination of Kryptonian Heat Vision and Darkseid's own omega beams.

The power almost certainly comes from the baby growing in Kara's belly. Either way, the combined power doesn't just throw Kal El back… it tosses him out of the throne room altogether, back through the massive doors he'd banged open, and down off of Darkseid's palace, into the multitude of Parademons waiting down below.

As the feeding frenzy begins, Kara turns her back on the last thing holding her to her old life, uncaring of whether she'd killed her cousin with that blast or not. What matters is Clark is down for the count, and not getting back up any time soon. After ridding them both of her meddlesome cousin, Kara floats back up to Darkseid upon his throne and proceeds to straddle her baby daddy, her beloved Master.

In response, the dark tyrant proceeds to pull off her top and take one of her full, milk-laden tits in hand, bringing it to his mouth and drinking long and deep from her breast. Her super-powered breastmilk in turn enhances Darkseid's own powers, making him stronger and stronger. Kara smiles at helping her Master and leans forward, murmuring under her breath into his ear.

"Thank you for claiming me as your own, Master. Thank you for breeding me. I am yours… I am Darkseid's."

She would be his baby mama for as long as he wished it of her, and truth be told, was looking forward to making many more kids well into the future. She would feed both them and her lover on her breastmilk, acting as a power battery for Darkseid and his spawn for the rest of her life. This was the fate of Kara Zor-El, Last Daughter of Krypton.

And truth be told, she couldn't be happier.


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