Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Her True Calling (Hyperdimension Neptunia)

Her True Calling (Hyperdimension Neptunia)


Themes: Master/Slave, Dom/Sub, BDSM

Summary: Iris Heart, noticing that her shares are falling, becomes determined to develop an understanding with her subjects. But is that what she REALLY wants, or is it just an excuse to finally give in?


“Alright Plutie! I’m not blind! Something’s going on with you. What’s wrong?”
Plutia, also known as Iris Heart in her Goddess form, the CPU of Ultra Dimension’s Planeptune, stiffens up as her fellow CPU calls her out just like that. Neptune, aka Purple Heart, the CPU of the Hyper Dimension’s own Planeptune, had stopped by for a visit and they’d been chatting for some time now… and yet…
“Tch. For even you to realize something is up with me? I’m really losing my touch, aren’t I?”
Neptune blinks at Plutia’s morose words. But then to be fair, it’s true. Plutia, by and large, was a very laidback individual. Her hobbies literally included making stuffed dolls and taking naps. And yet, despite this, Neptune had noticed that she was all caught up in her own thoughts at the moment. Hopping over, her fellow CPU nudges her.
“So something IS the matter. Well… what is it?! Maybe I can help!”
Plutia frowns for a moment at that, clearly hesitant to reveal whatever it is that’s going on. Finally though, she sighs and nods, deciding to rope Neptune in on what she’s currently dealing with.
“I haven’t been getting enough shares recently…”
This draws another blink from Plutia’s fellow CPU. Neptune slowly tilts her head to the side as she stares at Plutia in disbelief. ‘Shares’, to be clear, were the term used to describe exactly how much influence a CPU and her nation had over a place. They were the currency of their respective dimensions and influenced by how much faith the common people of their dimensions had for their respective CPUs.
Obviously, Neptune had a lot of shares. People loved her as Purple Heart, their trusted Goddess who was always there to watch over them and keep them safe! On the other hand, Plutia was…
“Since when have you cared about that sort of thing, Plutia? You barely ever do your job as CPU anyways! Hell, you’re the one who famously told me ‘I only do my job when I feel like it, which is never.’!”
Plutia flushes a little bit at that, clearly embarrassed and chagrined by her own past self’s words. Which in turn impresses upon Neptune the severity of the situation at hand.
“Unless… you’re saying your shares are getting so low that… you’re at risk?”
It wasn’t something that was known to the general public, but every CPU was aware of the risk. If you had insufficient shares, if the faith of your people went too low… you could be completely incapacitated, unable to do anything. It was sort of a death spiral in fact, because if things got that bad and you wound up in a situation like that, how were you supposed to fix it? To get shares, you had to be seen doing stuff for your people after all. And if you were incapacitated by a lack of said shares, you couldn’t go get more.
Suddenly, Neptune is looking at Plutia with actual concern. Plutia, in response to this, just groans and slumps back in her chair, shaking her head.
“It’s not that bad… yet. Still… I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s never been a problem before. I wonder… am I losing my touch as a Goddess?”
At the mere mention of ‘Goddess’, Neptune shudders and answers without thinking. Her words come from the heart, but she still regrets them the moment they leave her mouth.
“It’s because you’re too scary.”
Plutia stiffens at hearing that, glaring at her fellow CPU for a moment. But then… she sighs, because deep down she thinks that Neptune might be right.
See, while Plutia the CPU might be fairly laidback and lazy, her Goddess form was anything but. As Iris Heart, Goddess of the Ultra Dimension version of Planeptune, she became something more akin to a dominatrix in both appearance and personality. To be fair, Plutia herself was a teensy bit of a sadist when she wasn’t in her Goddess Form. Though it was mostly hidden behind her calm persona.
However, when she was Iris Heart, her sadism all came rushing out at once. She couldn’t contain it… nor did she really try. Plutia had never really thought this was a problem before, but times… and people could change. Was it possible that the denizens of her nation were slowly but surely beginning to find their sadistic dominatrix of a Goddess less and less appealing? Could that be why she was getting less shares?
Begrudgingly, Plutia half-pouts, half-scowls at Neptune from where she’s sitting.
“… You might be right. But then, if it’s because I’m scary… what am I supposed to do about that?”
Neptune hums, taking a moment to ponder the question. She taps her finger against her lips, turning her head this way and that as she considers her answer. Plutia is just starting to get annoyed with how long it’s taking the other CPU to come up with a response when Neptune finally shoots her finger into the air in a ‘eureka!’ moment.
“Aha! I’ve got it! You know what you should do, Plutia? You should spend more time with your citizens! Try out being in their shoes for a while!”
Now, it should be made clear that Neptune was talking about simple things like taking a walk through her nation’s streets, or maybe even trying to do one or two of their jobs for the day or something. She definitely didn’t intend for Plutia to do anything untoward.
However, before Neptune can clarify as much or offer any specific suggestions to her fellow CPU, Plutia does something rather uncharacteristic. She comes to her own conclusion FAST. Thinking about it for just a moment, Plutia’s eyes light up as she remembers something she saw recently, something that her position as a CPU and Goddess gave her access to.
Suddenly leaping out of her seat in a way that surprises Neptune, considering Plutia’s usual movement can be compared to that of a sloth, the CPU of Ultra Dimension’s Planeptune nods decisively.
“I know exactly what I have to do now. Thank you, Neptune.”
Blinking rapidly, caught off guard by her fellow CPU’s sudden resolve, Neptune stands as well.
“Wait, wha-? I mean… that’s good, Plutie. But… what are you going to-?”
Before Neptune can say ‘do’, Plutia abruptly transforms, cutting her off as Iris Heart suddenly takes the CPU’s place. The Goddess sends a shiver down even Neptune’s spine, because despite being a CPU and thus a Goddess in her own right, Neptune knows full well how dangerous Iris Heart can be, both to her enemies and allies alike. She bites her lower lip as cold, heartless eyes land upon her.
“Err… h-hey Sadie…”
At hearing her nickname for Iris Heart, the Goddess just flips her hair over her shoulder and smirks.
“Neptune. I’m going to be gone for a little while. I’ll be expecting you to take care of my godly duties while I’m gone. Do you understand?”
Eyes wide, Neptune can only nod helplessly in response. She knows better than to argue with Iris, despite the pair of them ostensibly being equals.

And with that, Iris Heart leaves the area, zipping off at great speed. Watching her go, Neptune can only gape for a moment before realizing that she’d just been bamboozled.
“Wait a second! Now I have to do the work of two CPUs. Curse you Plutie!!!”
But of course, her words come too late. Iris Heart is already gone, and Neptune has no clue where she’s going. If she did, she might have actually tried to stop the other Goddess as Purple Heart, sadism be damned…
Marcus was nobody special. Or at least, that’s how he saw himself. Unbeknownst to him, he was actually quite special… and he was about to become even more special, in fact.
See, Marcus was a man who knew what he liked and more than that, who liked to spread what he liked to as many other likeminded people as possible. Fortunately, he’d found a home for himself in the R-18 section of Ultra Dimension’s Planeptune, where all sorts of raunchy things were constantly happening. The R-18 section of the nation had actually been growing for quite some time now, though Marcus didn’t know it. As far as he was aware, he was just a small fry.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. See, though Marcus was unaware of it, he was actually part of the reason that Plutia’s shares were on the downturn. Because Marcus made a very specific type of content using his very specific skills. Put simple, he was a domme. He dominated women, both on camera and off camera. He had developed a reputation for it too, for always knowing exactly what each of his subs needed, and for always bringing them to the brink and then right back from the edge.
There’d never been a complaint about his techniques. Everyone had only good things to say about him. Women with even the slightest in submissive tendencies wound up loving BDSM once they were through with him, and men obviously loved putting themselves in his shoes, living vicariously through him.
Marcus knew he was relatively popular, but he didn’t know HOW popular he really was at this point. He certainly had no idea that he was destabilizing the entire nation with his antics. Still, even if he had… would he have stopped? That’s a hard question to answer, all things considered.
For now though, Marcus was enjoying life and currently working on some documentation for one of his next videos. It was important to make sure all of the t’s were crossed and the i’s were dotted on this sort of thing. You never wanted to open yourself up to legal trouble because you didn’t get the right consent forms or didn’t have the contracts all properly figured out ahead of time.
Marcus wasn’t the kind of man who cheated his onscreen talent either. If a woman agreed to be in one of his videos, they got paid for their time, no matter how desperate they seemed, no matter how eager they were for a taste of his special brand of domination.
That was all to say… Marcus was minding his own business when the world itself seemed to suddenly fall down on his head.
Marcus shies away, his arm raised to protect himself. Though if any part of his suddenly destroyed ceiling HAD collapsed on top of him, a single arm wouldn’t have done jack shit. As it is, Marcus’ initial assumption, that the world is coming to an end and the whole building he’s in is collapsing… proves to be incorrect. In the end, there’s just one… relatively small hole in his ceiling, in the shape of a certain individual who now stands in the room with him, hands on her hips and cold eyes staring at him intensely.
Freezing up as he meets the gaze of Iris Heart, Marcus’ jaw drops open. Everyone knows their sadistic Goddess of course. It was impossible to live in this nation and not know exactly who Iris Heart was. But even still, the number of people in the dimension who could say they actually met the sadistic, distant Goddess in the flesh could be counted on less than two hands, Marcus was pretty sure.
Everyone knew what she was like though. The rumors abounded of her cruelty and her sadism. She was a monster through and through. Their monster, some might say… but still a monster. And she dressed like she was in his profession too, albeit on the opposite side so to speak. Indeed, standing before him in a black, one piece body suit that exposes quite a lot of skin, she’s wearing high heels that add several inches to her height, and armlength gloves and thigh-high stockings that glisten in the light.
The only thing that’s really missing is a whip, because other than that she has the look down pat. She even has the ‘look’ as well. She’s staring at him like he’s an insect, like he’s less than nothing. For Marcus, who is also a dominant, it rankles him something fierce. It raises his hackles and puts him on the defensive. Except… not quite how he would have expected.
There’s something off about this whole situation, he quickly realizes in the moments of silence that she’s just standing there staring at him. See, Marcus has encountered the occasional dominatrix before. Female dominants aren’t exactly his bread and butter, but he’s done a few collabs with women who enjoyed demeaning and humiliating men but want to see what it’s like on the other side of the fence for once.
Some of those women were switches who could turn on a dime and be submissive or dominant at the drop of a hat. Marcus had fun with those ones, because they knew how to squeal just as much as any pure submissive did. In one rare case, Marcus and a particular playmate had discovered together that she wasn’t actually a dominant in the slightest and had always been a pure submissive just lying to herself. That had been a particularly wild ride.
That said, some of the women he’d done such collabs with WERE true dominants through and through. They didn’t usually enjoy what he did to them like the switches or subs did, but instead endured it, considering his efforts to be a ‘test’ of their willpower and stamina. When it came to those women, Marcus felt threatened by their very presence. Not in a way that he ever acted upon, but it was like he could detect it. A truly dominant woman was a threat.
And yet, he wasn’t getting that threatening feeling from Iris Heart. Oh, don’t get him wrong, she was certainly threatening in all of the other, nonsexual ways. But he wasn’t getting the instinctive notion that she was in fact a dominant as the rumors about her as well as her appearance would suggest.
“Be calm. I am not here to harm you. You are the one called Marcus, yes? Marcus the Master?”
Marcus slowly blinks, flushing a little bit at his nomenclature being thrown out by the Goddess of all people. Still, he knew better than to ignore her.
“Err… yes. Yes I am.”
Was Iris cracking down on his type of content or something? Was it hurting her brand? Marcus had no way of knowing how right he was… but then, Iris Heart didn’t realize she was standing in front of the source of her woes either. Instead, she nods decisively, having come here for something else entirely. Though… not something completely divorced from the matter at hand.
“Good. I require your particular skills, Marcus. I want to feel closer to my subjects, and I want to be seen as less frightening as well. In order to walk in their shoes and understand them better… I myself must be dominated.”
Marcus’ eyes damn near bulge out of his head at that. Surely she couldn’t be serious, right?
“You… you know that I do sexual domination, yes? As in, I tie girls up and I make them squeal and I torture and torment them until they beg me to fuck them silly?”
He can’t believe he’s saying such things to the Goddess, but Iris, far from being offended by his clarifications, simply nods her head resolutely in response.
Letting out an explosive breath, Marcus slowly rises from his desk, staring right into Iris Heart’s cold, icy eyes.
“… You’re serious. You actually want me to dominate you?”
Frowning, Iris Heart tilts her head to the side.
“Is that a problem, Marcus the Master?”
Hurriedly shaking his own head, Marcus lets out a slight laugh.
“Not a problem, no! Just… hard to believe, as I’m sure you understand. You have a certain… reputation, you know. And now you want me to… what? Change your reputation from that of a dominatrix to a submissive sex pet? You want to make a video collaboration with me, and transmit it to the entirety of Planeptune?”
Iris Heart blinks at that and for the first time looks less cold and more hesitant. Marcus can immediately tell that that was NOT what she had in mind… but the fact that she was even considering it told him more than she probably would have liked. He was beginning to realize that the woman in front of him was just a woman. Sure, they might have called her a Goddess and sure, she might dress like a dominatrix and have a reputation as a sadist… but Marcus is starting to think that there’s much more than meets the eye where Iris Heart is concerned.
“… No. Merely experiencing being dominated will be enough for me. I shall take what lessons I learn from you and use them to become closer to my people. You will not record me, nor will you distribute any video recordings to the denizens of this nation.”
Marcus very deliberately doesn’t look at any of the numerous hidden cameras around the room currently recording this entire conversation. He has no desire to find out first hand just how much of a sadist Iris Heart is. Besides, if he’s right about her… then he’ll be able to get her to agree to anything by the end of this. And if he’s wrong about her and his radar for other dominants is broken for some reason, he’ll have plenty of blackmail saved up to make sure she doesn’t kill him once this is over.
With that all in mind… Marcus has already and made a decision. Still, that doesn’t mean Iris Heart needs to know that.
“… I’m not sure about this. You’ve got a reputation, Goddess. I’m worried this is some sort of trap…”
Iris Heart glares at him for a moment at that, prompting Marcus to freeze in place under the weight of her gaze. But then it softens and her shoulders slump ever so slightly as she lets out a sigh.
“I am well aware of my reputation. I will do whatever you ask of me in order to set you at ease so that we might begin.”
Whatever he asked of her. Right. Marcus considers that for a moment… and then his eyes drift to the fucking hole in his goddamn ceiling.
“… You can start by fixing your entry point, Goddess.”
His dry tone prompts Iris Heart to look behind herself and though she doesn’t blush or look remotely embarrassed, she does tense up for a moment as if just realizing what a mess she’s made. Nodding at him, the Goddess gets to work doing as she’s told. Marcus won’t lie… he definitely watches her for a moment. That beautiful bombshell body with all of that power and might behind it, clad in a dominatrix’s attire… but soon he would be dominating it. He would be dominating HER.
Of course, before he touched her, Marcus wanted it all in writing. So as the Goddess cleans up the room and fixes the ceiling with her powers, Marcus hurries back over to his desk and makes up a quick, no-nonsense contract. He’s already got the boiler-plate legalese of course from all of his other contracts, but he makes sure to add a couple stipulations in to Iris Heart’s.
When he’s finally done, he turns around to find Iris Heart standing mere feet away from him, his place looking pristine… almost like a Goddess had never crashed in through the ceiling in the first place. But she had, because she was right there. Shoving down his nerves, Marcus thrusts the contract and a pen towards her.
“Read it and sign.”
Taking the contract, Iris Heart begins reading it over. Feeling a little self-conscious, Marcus is quick to jump in.
“Most of it is all the normal stuff I have for women who want private sessions with me. But there are two extra things when it comes to you. First and foremost, if at any time you ignore an order from me, we’re immediately done. If you can’t obey, then this can’t happen. You’re just too powerful for that sort of thing. This is for your benefit too. You can effectively end this at any time.”
Left unsaid is the fact that he’d normally have a safe word with normal women. But Iris Heart wasn’t a normal woman. He couldn’t rely on safe words with a Goddess who could literally break him in half in an instant.
“Second, when this is all over, you are not allowed to retaliate against me in any way. Specifically in the manner of bodily harm. Or there will be… consequences.”
Her eyes dart up at that, narrowing as she stares him down.
“What sort of consequences?”
Marcus just shakes his head.
“I can’t tell you that, or you would be able to circumvent them. Please understand Goddess… this contract is a polite legal fiction at best, seeing how I live in YOUR nation. You are the highest power after all. The laws don’t really apply to you. So yes… I will take precautions in the event that you decide to silence me. And you won’t like them if you go that path. If that’s not okay, then you can leave now. But…”
Marcus trails off, mostly because Iris Heart has suddenly begun signing the contract. He watches in silence as she goes through each page, initialing where she needs to initial, and writing out her proper signature where that is asked for. Finally done, she hands it over to him. Marcus can hardly believe it… but then, nothing about this situation is exactly normal, is it?
Slowly tucking the contract away in his desk, Marcus pushes the drawer closed and then straightens up, turning back to face Iris Heart. The Goddess remains where she is, standing there wearing clothing that he’s beginning to think really doesn’t suit her. Maybe she does have some sadist in her… but Marcus doesn’t believe she has ANY dominant in her. Not really.
Well, he would find out soon enough one way or the other, wouldn’t he?
“Strip. Take everything off, bitch.”
The Goddess stiffens at the word ‘bitch’ and Marcus stiffens as well, ready for some form of retaliation. But to his shock, she barely hesitates before doing as she’s told. Reaching down, Iris Heart runs her hands over her body… and her clothing vanishes inch by inch as she does so, disappearing into nothingness as more and more of her gorgeous figure is revealed.
She has to be one of the most beautiful women that Marcus has ever seen, truth be told. Absolutely gorgeous and perfect in ways that a normal woman couldn’t hope to compete with. His eyes feast upon her naked form once she’s finished, gazing at her perky tits. But they’re only one part of her curvaceous, hourglass form. Heh, even if she chose to end it right now… he’s already made out like a bandit.
And yet, she stands in front of him unmoving, waiting for him to approach. Marcus does exactly that, walking forward in almost a daze as he gets right up to her. And then he does the unthinkable. Or at least, he does what he never in a million years thought he would get the chance to do to a Goddess.
Reaching up, Marcus cups Iris Heart’s breasts in his hands. He slowly caresses them for a moment, getting a good feel for their perfectly sculpted state… and he watches as Iris’ breath hitches slightly. She’s clearly unused to sexual contact of any kind if even that much is enough to get her going.
Smirking, Marcus goes for broke and grips down HARD on the Goddess’ tits, squeezing them and mauling them with his fingers. But while she DOES squeak in surprise… she doesn’t fight back or strike out at him.
His smirk develops into a wide, wicked grin and Marcus chuckles darkly.
“… Let’s get started, shall we?”


How… long? Days? Weeks? Iris honestly can’t tell. Not only had Marcus brought her to a dark dungeon with no windows and no clocks, but he’d gone even further beyond that as well. Currently the Goddess is on her knees, chained to a wall with her hands lifted high above her head. On top of that, she has a blindfold covering her eyes and a ball-gag spreading her lips apart, locking her jaw open while also blocking her ability to speak.
Her naked body has definitely seen better days, though her status as a Goddess means that any damage done to her heals pretty rapidly so there’s no long term effects… physically anyways. Mentally is another thing entirely. Still, Iris’ breasts are as perky as ever despite the hefty ball bearing piercings currently trying to drag them down. Her bountiful chest doesn’t sag at all, though the Goddess is still feeling the weight and the constant tugging of the ball bearings on her poor, abused nipples.
Likewise, down below betwixt her thighs there’s a masturbation wand set up right against her clit. Held in place by tape, the nonstop buzzing has very much gotten to her, the high speed vibrations driving her poor clit absolutely crazy even as Marcus completely refused to touch her cunt directly. Indeed, while Iris had no way of knowing exactly how long she’d been in his ‘care’, she knew that much for sure. Her ‘Master’ absolutely refused to play with her pussy, to finger it or fuck it. He had not penetrated her there at all.
At first, Iris had been a little confused by his avoidance of her cunt. Was he doing it out of respect for her? But no, when she questioned him on it he’d just laughed and told her she hadn’t EARNED it yet. That hadn’t made sense to the Goddess at the time… it made a lot more sense to her now.
A lot of things did. Iris Heart, despite her terrifying reputation for traumatizing people and being a sadist, was not that sexual of a creature. Her sadistic tendencies were entirely platonic most of the time and anything that wasn’t was usually unintentional. Now though, all this time in Marcus’ care… she was certainly learning what sex was. More than that, she was learning to submit.
Her initial goal might have been to learn how to relate to her subjects better, but after who knew how long in Marcus’ hands, Iris found herself sticking around to instead learn more about HERSELF. Sure, she could technically break free of her chains at any point. She could snap them with ease and reach down to pluck the ball-bearing piercings from her breasts, or even grab the masturbation wand and shove its vibrating head right into her cunt for some ACTUAL relief.
She doesn’t though. Because then it would be over. Her little deal with Marcus would come to an end and she would… she would be adrift again. Lost in a sea of uncertainty. Confused and… and so dreadfully alone.
It didn’t matter that she had friends like Neptune waiting for her back at home. Marcus… Marcus was the first man to truly see her as she was… as a woman in need of d-discipline. She-
Iris’ train of thought is abruptly cut off by a hand casually coming down on her breast, groping around her pierce nipple and the ball-bearing hanging off of it. The rough, masculine hand is one that’s very familiar to the Goddess at this point. Even as she moans through her ball gag, Iris Heart arches her back into Marcus’ touch, allowing her ‘Master’ to play with her to his heart’s content.
Chuckling softly, Marcus’ voice is deceptively silken in tone as he nonchalantly toys with her tit.
“Mm, and how is my bitch of a goddess doing after her last break, huh? All nice and ready to go again?”
There’s the sound of a shift that Iris knows is Marcus leaning down to check between her legs. She blushes, knowing full well that he’ll find a puddle of pussy juices there as well as her untouched cunt steadily dripping into it.
“Well, well. You certainly look like you’re ready to go some more.”
Iris mewls through her ball gag, still unable to see thanks to the blindfold. She knows what’s coming next. She knows that this will be yet another session of sexual torment and torture. He might whip her. He might clamp further weight onto her nipple piercings or turn her around so he can spank her ass raw again. Thanks to her constitution, none of it leaves any permanent marks on her body. She heals rapidly enough to be blemish free within hours. But while he might not be able to permanently mar her body outside of something like the piercings, he could certainly permanently mar her mind.
Except, this time Marcus pauses. He doesn’t immediately jump into torture, but instead asks her a question with a quizzical tone.
“Did you have something to say, bitch?”
Iris blinks behind her blindfold, before realizing that she HAD been squirming and moaning through her ball gag like she wanted to speak. And that’s when she also realizes that yes, she does have something to say.
Nodding up and down, the bound and gagged Goddess shivers as she feels Marcus’ hands slip under her blindfold and pull it up from over her red eyes. Then, as she’s blinking and adjusting to the thankfully low light of the dungeon, he reaches around back and unbuckles the ball gag, pulling it out from between her legs and setting it aside.
Panting heavily, licking her chapped lips and working her jaw for a moment, Iris doesn’t meet Marcus’ eyes. She keeps her gaze focused on his feet so that she knows where she is but also showcases the correct amount of subservience to her… to her Master.
Her voice, when it finally does come, is raspy from disuse. Or perhaps more accurately, raspy from the wrong type of use. She’s not had much chance to speak since coming into Marcus’ care. The sadistic domineering man had made her squeal and shriek and scream plenty though, leaving her throat hurting just a little bit right now from where it’d mostly healed up after their last session.
“P-Please… please…”
Iris trails off, almost not trusting herself to speak. Or maybe some small part of her is still fighting it. There is a tiny little voice in the back of her head that’s been constantly saying this isn’t what she needs to do. That’s been telling her that this isn’t the best way to come to understand her subjects better. That she’s being a fool.
“Please what, pet? Speak clearly or the ball gag goes back in. I don’t have any use for a bitch who doesn’t know how to answer her Master’s questions. Do you want to stop? Are you begging me to let you go? You don’t have to do that, you know. All you have to do is say the word and this is over. We both know I couldn’t hold you against your will even if I wanted to. We both know that you could leave any time.”
That little voice is drowned out by Marcus’ derisive tone and domineering words. His impromptu speech washes over her like a tidal wave, making her realize with crystalline clarity exactly what she wants from him.
“Please… fuck me…”
Reaching up, Marcus grabs her by her chin and forces Iris to lift her eyes. Even then the Goddess shies away from his gaze until he twists her head, forcing her to look directly up at him. She shouldn’t feel so small before this man… but she does. He’s nothing compared to her power and yet the things he’s done to her, the things he WILL do to her if she gives in… she knows for a fact that she wants it. She wants to be mastered by him. She wants to be USED by him.
“Fuck you? And why would I do that?”
He sounds so… dismissive. So derisive. A shiver runs down Iris’ spine. The once-sadist whimpers at the thought of him not ever actually fucking her. Of her never being worthy.
“After all, you still don’t even know how to address me properly, bitch.”
That makes her freeze in wide-eyed shock as she realizes he’s right.
“A-Apologies, Master. Please fuck me… please use your slave, Master.”
That brings a smile to Marcus’ face. He grins a toothy grin at hearing the title ‘Master’ fall from her lips. She’s said it before of course… but it felt stilted back at the beginning. It felt almost unnatural to her mouth. However… over time, over the course of these sessions, it’s become more and more logical. He owns her. Sure, she could break free, but she doesn’t want to. He owns her and as such… he IS her Master.
“That’s better, my pet goddess. But not good enough for me to fuck you. No, you have to earn that by begging properly first.”
Iris furrows her brow in confusion and opens her mouth to try again.
“Please, Master? I need it. I need your-!”
His backhand shuts her up, even if it doesn’t physically hurt her too much. He doesn’t hit her hard enough to hurt himself either… just enough to silence her and remind her of her place. As Iris averts her gaze in submissive supplication, waiting for her punishment… she hears the sound of a zipper being pulled down and glances up just in time for Marcus’ cock to slap down along her face.
“A proper slave-cunt doesn’t beg with words, bitch. A proper pet goddess doesn’t speak at all unless ordered to. No… when I say you have to earn it by begging properly, you should know exactly what I mean… or else I haven’t taught you a damn thing these past few days.”
As he speaks, he slides his throbbing erection back and forth across her face, smearing precum onto her features and all around making a mockery of her status and her position in the world. Iris shivers and trembles beneath him as he does so, only to freeze up at those last three words.
Past few days. Not weeks as she’d speculated, but just a few days. One might think that hearing such a thing would embolden her… but in truth, learning that she’d ONLY been in his ‘tender’ care for a few days only drives home the point for Iris Heart. She thought she was a sadist. She thought she was an S, full stop. But the truth was… this was always where she was meant to be. On her knees, bound and submitting to her Master.
Fortunately, she’s not an idiot, just slow. His cock rubbing against her face is all Iris needs to know what he REALLY means. Opening her mouth nice and wide, she lolls out her tongue, rolling it out like the red carpet and waiting for him to take the invitation as given. Smiling down at her wickedly, Marcus moves his cockhead into position… and pushes it past the Goddess’ lips, into her waiting maw. Iris shivers as he pushes inch after inch of his cock into her mouth until he hits the back of her throat. She gags a bit then, but Marcus grabs hold of her head by her hair with one hand, growling down at her.
“No teeth, bitch. If I feel even one bit of teeth, there will be severe consequences.”
Whimpering, Iris just does as she’s told, in no position to offer confirmation that she heard his words. She doesn’t even dare nod. All she can do is gag as he stretches her jaw out around his cock, forcing her to open her mouth as wide as she possibly can. Her tongue wiggles and writhes along the underside of his shaft while his dickhead pushes down into the back of her throat, further choking her.
“Gaaaaaaghk! Gluuuuuuughk!”
Marcus tosses his head back in appreciation and groans happily, even as he continues to force inch after inch of his throbbing, massive member down the back of her throat. The domineering man is incredibly well-endowed of course… in his profession, you sort of have to be. There’s only so far that a charismatic personality will take you when you’re the kind of man who dominates women for a living after all. You have to have the proper… equipment to put them in their place.
Finally, Iris finds her lips at the base of her Master’s cock through no work of her own. He pushes her head back against the wall behind her, forcing every last inch of his pulsating mast down her esophagus and into her gullet. She chokes and gurgles along his length, her neck bulging and her nostrils flaring to try to breath in fresh air, only to get lost in his pubic hair.
His balls, his balls rest against her chin, her tongue slobbering all over them completely involuntarily and outside of Iris Heart’s control as the Goddess shudders and quivers on her knees before him. Finally… finally, Marcus pulls back, giving her a chance to breathe. But only for a second. Then, he starts fucking her face more vigorously, pumping in and out of her mouth and throat without warning, without hesitation, and certainly without mercy.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
She takes it, of course. What else can she do? Fight back? And… and lose out on this bliss? On this unthinkable pleasure? Even as Iris’ eyes flutter from lack of oxygen, even as Marcus abuses her throat with his big fat dick… she finds herself in a strange state of nirvana and orgasmic ecstasy. This was satisfaction in its purest form. Just… giving in.
It was funny because it spoke to her on a deeper level than just her state of being as the Goddess Iris Heart. It also spoke to the CPU within her, Plutia. She could just give in and submit to her Master and she wouldn’t have to do anything hard anymore. She wouldn’t have to make the decisions anymore. She wouldn’t have to make the hard choices either.
She just had to obey. And he would do everything for her.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Down below, the ball bearing piercings dangling from her perfectly round tits bounce back and forth from the speed with which her Master is now fucking her face. As he pounds away at her esophagus, her breasts jiggle all over the place, causing the weights hanging from them to do the same and add to her discomfort and pain. But Iris doesn’t mind. It’s just another reminder that she belongs to her Master. That she exists in a state of permanent sexual torment and ecstasy at the whim of her Master and only her Master.
The wand, still buzzing away at her clit and leaving her sopping wet mess of a cunt untouched, is another aspect of this. Taped down, it doesn’t matter how she shifts or flexes or bucks her hips… it never touches her slit. Only her clit gets any stimulation, only her clit has been stimulated for these past few days. Her poor pussy… is so ready to be fucked. But her Master won’t fuck her until she EARNS it.
With that in mind, Iris focuses up. Her tongue which had been writhing along the underside of his cock until this point becomes more intention in its movements. Her lips suction down on his length as she finally gets over her fear of grazing him with his teeth. Her eyes flicker up and watch Marcus’ face for reactions, trying to gauge how good she’s making him feel.
In response… he smiles down at her knowingly.
“There it is. There’s the bitch I expect to see. A good bitch who not only knows her place… but knows how to get what she wants from her Master. Submission, obedience, and impeccable service. That’s how you’ll get my dick inside of that sopping wet cunt of yours. Do you understand, pet?”
Iris nods as best she can while humming up the length of his cock. Marcus groans… and then all of the sudden pulls out of her mouth and throat, leaving her lips behind as his spit-polished rod twitches and throbs mere centimeters from her face. Iris tries to lean towards it to follow it, but he tightens his grip on her hair and holds her in place.
Then, without further ado, Marcus drops to his knees before her. He grabs hold of her legs and forces her out of her kneeling position and onto her ass. Her legs spread out on either side of him as he tears the wand taped to her clit away to give him access to her untouched, drooling quim. Iris bites her lower lip as she looks down the length of her body at herself, her hands still chained to the wall above her head.
She begins to pant as he slowly but surely brings his cock closer and closer to her slit… before viciously slapping it down onto her gushing cunt.
The impact damn near makes Iris cum right then and there. She certainly whites out for a second as her incredibly sensitive pussy, untouched before now, gets the first contact its had in days. Except, while his cock IS now in contact with her cunt… Marcus doesn’t thrust in. Not right away anyways. Instead he rubs his dick tip back and forth until she’s whining needily and staring at him with pleading eyes. Then, he smirks at her.
“You know why I’ve held off on fucking you for so long, bitch? It’s not because of any part of my training. I’ve fucked plenty of my pets on their very first day in my care. But I figured out rather early on that you… you’re special aren’t you? Not because of who you are, not because of your status as a Goddess… but because you’re a virgin.”
Iris Heart freezes, eyes widening as her last secret is laid bare alongside the rest of her. Perhaps it wasn’t a well-kept secret… but it wasn’t exactly something she went around shouting from the rooftops. Marcus just laughs at the look on her face.
“I’m right, aren’t I? I’ve got a nose for this sort of thing, pet. You haven’t ever been with a man… hell, you probably haven’t even ever been with a woman either. Despite your personality, despite this sadistic façade you like to put on… you don’t know the first thing about sex.”
Trembling, Iris whimpers. He’s right of course. About all of it. But she gets the impression that he’s not looking for an answer from her. He’s mostly just listing his observations. And indeed she knows she’s right because he just scoffs and places the thick, bulbous head of his cock against her slit.
“And now? Now you’re going to learn exactly where you belong, my pet goddess.”
With that, her Master thrusts into her. He takes her virginity right then and there, splitting her sopping cunt open on his massive cock and claiming her purity as his own. Iris’ eyes widen and the breath is knocked clean out of her lungs by the initial thrust but Marcus doesn’t stop there. He immediately starts fucking her with fast, deep, penetrating thrusts, pounding into her cunt as she lays back against the wall with her arms chained up above her head.
Squeaks and mewls and moans leave the Goddess’ lips one after the other as he fucks her hard and fast, plowing her with no end in sight. All she can do is cry out in an ugly manner, reduced to nothing more than a bitch in heat as even this causes the piercings on her nipples to bounce all over the place, the hefty ball-bearings only adding to the experience.
He’s right. She knows he’s right. This is where she belongs. Beneath him. As his slave. As his pet Goddess. Screw trying to learn to be more like her subjects. Screw trying to relate to them. Iris doesn’t want to relate to anyone… she just wants to submit to her Master. She wants to be used and abused by this big dicked domineering man day in and day out. She wants to be his property and slave.
In that moment, Iris truly transitions fully into masochism. Sadism was never REALLY her speed in the first place. She was just putting on an act… playing the role that she thought she was supposed to play. But now? Now she knows better. Now she knows that all along, she wasn’t really an S… she was an M. She was always meant to be Marcus’ pet. She was always meant to be his toy.
His throbbing member proves that point as it carves out a place inside of her for itself. The more he fucks her, the more Iris Heart gushes around him, crying out as she cums for her Master again and again. The sexual torment of the last few days is nothing compared to how good this feels. He can torture her, abuse her, and do whatever the fuck he wants to her… so long as he still fucks her at the end of the day. So long as he takes that huge fucking cock of his and impales her on it, railing her slutty, horny, submissive little cunt to his heart’s content.
Suddenly, Marcus reaches out and grabs hold of Iris’ head again, sliding his hand behind her head and through her hair. He pulls her into a kiss, taking the Goddess by surprise. But it’s not a conventional lovey-dovey kiss. No, it’s a soul-searing, claiming sort of kiss. He slams his lips into hers and forces his tongue into her mouth. He dominates her tongue and pushes it firmly down onto the bottom of her mouth as she moans back at him, giving in entirely, submitting completely.
The way he kisses her is a microcosm of his entire conquest of her. He fucks her steadily too throughout the impromptu domineering makeout session, holding her down and fucking her with every last inch of his heavenly dick. Until finally…
With a grunt, he pulls away from her lips, looks her right in the eye… and begins to cum. No further warning than that. No asking for permission. He cums and cums inside of her, dumping his load into her. Then, to add insult to injury, he pulls out at the last second as well and delivers a full forth of his load all over her body. Ropes of sticky seed splash across her face, tits, and abdomen as Iris Heart lays there beneath him, helpless and defeated in ALL the best ways.
Shivering, quivering, and trembling from the experience, Iris moans throatily as she wiggles, luxuriating in the feeling of having her Master’s jizz all over her front. For his part, Marcus chuckles and holds her up by her hair, looking down at her with a smirk.
“Your training is only just beginning, pet.”
That promise fills her with delight… but there is one thing Iris feels like she has to bring up.
“I want… I want to be yours, Master. Forever and ever. B-But you should know… my shares have b-been going down… and if I disappear from the public entirely, I’ll eventually stop getting shares altogether and become… nonfunctional.”
That causes her Master to blink and then narrow his eyes in consideration for a long moment. Finally though, he lets out a laugh and his gaze pans to another part of the dungeon.
“Well… I might just have a solution for that.”
Iris’ gaze follows her Master’s and for the first time she finally notices the hidden camera in the wall across the way. A thrill of trepidation and anticipation rushes through her as she realizes exactly how her Master intends to get her shares up…


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