Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Inner Demons (Dungeons & Dragons)

Inner Demons (Dungeons & Dragons)


Themes: Dom/Sub, Master/Slave, Mind Break

Summary: In which a Tiefling Paladin is set up by his Aasimar Superior to be sacrificed by a cult. But things don't quite turn out the way she would have preferred.


“Recruit. Go and get us a pair of rooms inside.”
“… Captain, if there is cult activity in this city, do you not think we should stick close together?”
“Excuse me? I gave you an order, Recruit. You will not question me. In fact, once you secure us those rooms, I want you to make sure both are spotless before I enter. You’ll have until such time as I step foot in the inn to impress me… though we both know you’ll fail even at this simple of a cleaning duty.”
“… As you say, Captain.”
Sandira positively seethes as Sobalis bows low at the waist in ‘apology’ and then begins making his way into the inn they’ve stopped outside of, leaving her to handle the horses. Or so he thinks. In truth, Sandira moves to handle something ELSE entirely.
As an Aasimar, Sandira had always taken pride in her half-angel origins. She was a Paladin Captain of the Order of the Rose, an organization of Holy Warriors and Priests who fought to maintain peace and safety across the lands.
… However, not all was well within the Order of the Rose. There was corruption lurking in its heart and Sandira feared it might just go all the way to the top. That corruption was personified in the form of Sobalis, the Paladin Recruit that she’d just sent in to get them some rooms.
By all rights, Sobalis was an exemplary recruit… if one ignored several glaring issues. He was an orphan with no familial ties that had been raised by the Order of the Rose, and at least according to him he had always hoped to join them as a righteous protector of the good and innocent. He was athletic, powerful, and always jumping at carrying out orders assigned to him, no matter how rough the training nor humiliating the task.
… And yet, that was where the positives ended. For you see, Sobalis was a Tiefling. An irredeemable spawn of a devil, at least in Sandira’s eyes. And not just her eyes either. The Tiefling Paladin Recruit had dark blue and purple skin, unnaturally dark blue eyes, and purple horns that curved back along his scalp and then up into a pair of points.
His demonic presence was so powerful that he was known for being unnaturally charismatic. His ability to talk to people, to manage and manipulate social situations and befriend even the most unlikely of folk had not gone unnoticed within the Order of the Rose. He might have claimed he wanted to be a Paladin just like the rest of them, but Sandira and the others saw right through his honeyed lies.
Sobalis was a blight on their order. He was a corruption at their heart. He might have started life as just a pest who should have been smothered in the cradle, but the older he got, the worse it became. Until finally, something truly incomprehensible had come to pass.
The High Cleric of the Order of the Rose, in her infinite wisdom… had granted Sobalis a Blessing on the day of his ascension to the ranks of Paladin Initiates. She had declared that he had a bright future ahead of him and given him not only a very real boon of power, but also her favor… which in and of itself was rather massive.
Needless to say, no one that Sandira knew had been happy about the High Cleric’s decision. Unfortunately, the way the Order of the Rose was structured, the High Cleric sat at the very top of the organization. Even the High Paladin technically answered to the High Cleric, despite the fact that their two sides of the Order were somewhat separate. As a result, no matter how much Sandira KNEW that the High Paladin despised Sobalis just as she did… her superior could do nothing. The High Paladin’s hands were tied so long as the High Cleric wanted things done her way.
Which meant that it was up to Sandira to handle the problem. She couldn’t move against the High Cleric of course. She was just a mere Paladin Captain. But she COULD move to remove the plague that was Sobalis. Watching him rapidly rise through the ranks of Paladin Initiates and become the youngest to ever gain the title of Paladin Recruit within the Order of the Rose had seen Sandira seething. Especially because that honor had previously been HERS.
But it had also given the Aasimar Paladin an opportunity. It had presented her with a chance to kill two birds with one stone. Sobalis wasn’t just a problem for the Order of the Rose, he was a threat. And Sandira had taken oaths to deal with any threats to her Order with EXTREME prejudice.
Fortunately, this mission would prove to be the perfect opportunity for her. There were reports of a cult said to be in this city… not more than a stone’s skip away from the Order of the Rose’s Headquarters even. Truly a travesty, but Sandira had claimed the right to deal with the cult personally… and also snatched up Sobalis as her second on this mission.
The plan was simple, really. While Sobalis was making sure those inn rooms were as clean as possible, Sandira made her way down some back alleys until she found a street urchin.
“Brat. Come here.”
The little street urchin looks terrified, but Sandira pulls out a silver coin.
“I’m hiring you for a job brat. Now come here.”
The silver sees the urchin’s eyes lighting up with greed and though they remain hesitant… they nevertheless approach. It says something about the squalor that they live in that Sandira couldn’t have even told you the urchin’s gender. But ultimately whether they’re boy or girl matters little for the task she has for them. Pulling out a letter along with the silver coin, Sandira pins the urchin with her gaze.
“You will take this letter to this location and make sure it is given to the first woman in robes that you see.”
She rattles off the address and watches the urchin nod slowly, clearly committing it to memory. Though the little cretin’s eyes are still on the silver coin. Growling, Sandira grabs them by the head.
“Focus. If you fail me I will know and I will hunt you down. Am I understood?”
That gets much more rapid nodding and convinced that her directives will be carried out, Sandira lets the urchin go with the letter and the silver coin. Scoffing to herself, the Aasimar turns back towards the inn where she left Sobalis. As mentioned previously, the plan was simple. She already knew where the Cult was located. Her people within the Order of the Rose who agreed with her that Sobalis needed to be dealt with had been sure to keep that information from the rest of their Order, however.
In ‘investigating’ the cult, Sobalis would wind up captured and dead, a result of being overzealous… or something. If this cult managed to sacrifice him for their dark deeds, then oh would that be a tragedy. A happy little tragedy that would then allow Sandira to show up after the fact and use it as a pretext to slaughter them all.
A smile spreads across the Aasimar’s face as she imagines it. Now all that was left was to sit back and wait…
Sobalis was not an idiot. The Tiefling hadn’t gotten to this point by being ignorant of what was going on around him. He knew full well that certain elements within the Order of the Rose despised him. He also knew that Paladin Captain Sandira was one of those elements. The Aasimar Paladin had never made a secret of how disgusted she was by his mere presence.
As such, when she’d claimed the right to oversee his first mission after Sobalis graduated from Paladin Initiate to Paladin Recruit, he’d known something was up. There was absolutely no way she’d had a change of heart and suddenly wanted to take an active part in overseeing his training and development. All of his friends had been of similar minds, convinced that Sandira was going to try something.
Despite the best efforts of Sandira and those like her within the Order of the Rose, Sobalis DID have friends. Plenty of them. His detractors would claim that it was his demonic presence that made him so charismatic, affable, and likable, but plenty of people saw him for who he was… just a guy who was easy to get along with and just as committed to the Order’s ideals as they were.
But while most of his friends had tried to convince him that he should attempt to weasel out of Sandira’s demands, that he shouldn’t go anywhere alone with her… Sobalis had ultimately brushed them all off. After all… his best friend of all, the High Cleric, had been unbothered by Sandira’s machinations. In fact, she had even told him not to worry, that no matter what Sandira did, it would be alright.
… Waking up on a sacrificial altar, Sobalis finds himself wondering if the High Cleric saw this coming. Hating him for being half-infernal was one thing and even almost expected of a half-angel like Sandira. However, never in a million years would Sobalis have thought that the Aasimar Paladin Captain would work WITH the cultists that they’d come to find.
And yet, despite her not being there as he awakens, that’s still the only explanation that Sobalis can possibly come up with. Not only had the Captain ordered him to get them separate rooms… but also someone had clearly drugged his food, because when the cultists had come for him during the night, Sobalis had barely been able to put up a fight.
Still, there HAD been a struggle, one that someone of Sandira’s caliber should have heard and come running to in no time. The fact that she hadn’t, the fact that he’d been knocked unconscious and then brought here with no interference on her end… it all rank of duplicitous intent and betrayal. Sandira had stabbed him in the back, poisoning his food and handing him over to the cult to be sacrificed.
Held down by chains that glow with purple runes, Sobalis nevertheless grits his teeth and tries to break free. But it’s no use and his attempted struggles don’t even cause the cloaked women all around him to stop their unintelligible chanting. Whatever the language that they’re using, Sobalis doesn’t recognize it. It could be infernal, but just because he’s a Tiefling doesn’t mean he knows that sort of thing. For fuck’s sake, he’d been raised by a Paladin Order!
Unfortunately, his worst fears do come to pass. A glowing seal of purple and red appears on the ground in front of the altar that the Paladin Recruit finds himself chained to… and from within the seal, something emerges. The cult summons forth their infernal benefactor, the devil that they’ve likely sold their souls to for power and then sacrificed many innocents to for more scraps.
It’s a Succubus, Sobalis realizes with no small amount of fear and trepidation. Far beyond what a small cult of this size should be capable of summoning forth. With dark red skin, larger horns than his, and a voluptuous body complete with a forked tail, the Succubus saunters out of the summoning circle with a wicked smirk on her lips and a glint in her blazing yellow eyes.
“Oh? What’s this then?”
The thing about succubi was… they didn’t always want power. They didn’t always need a whole lot of worshippers. No, just the right amount of sex and the right amount of sacrifices could keep them happy. So while this cult shouldn’t have been large enough or powerful enough to summon something like this Succubus, the fact that they were all female twinged on Sobalis’ senses and explained quite a lot. Basically, the Succubus had taken pity on them all, hadn’t she?
“Well, well… I must admit girls, your last few sacrifices have been… disappointing.”
The robed women around the altar all stiffen at that, but the Succubus just lets out a lilting giggle and licks her lips with her forked tongue.
“THIS however… this makes me smile. This one is impressive, darlings. I can’t help but wonder how you all captured him… but not enough to actually need to hear the story. No, rather… let’s just get to the fun part, shall we?!”
That proves to be the signal the cultists are waiting for and Sobalis finds himself surrounded by robed, hooded women as they all climb up onto the altar and reach for his body. He struggles of course, trying to fight them as best he can. Snarling at them, hissing at them, and railing against the injustice of this all. But to no avail. The runic chains used to bind him in place are much too powerful for him to break free of, even with all of his considerable might. He’d wondered where a cult of this size had gotten such things but seeing the delighted Succubus looming in the background, he now had his answer.
In short order, the cultists have stripped him of his armor, leaving his chiseled body and flaccid but large cock fully on display. Licking her lips again, the Succubus steps forward as Sobalis glares at her, gritting his teeth.
“I am a Paladin of the Order of the Rose, Fiend. I swear to you, I shall not fall easily.”
Giggling in response, the Succubus’ eyes glow as she reaches down and grabs his flaccid cock with both hands, giving it a good, solid stroke that takes Sobalis’ breath away.
“Won’t you? Oh but a Tiefling Paladin? How absolutely delightful. I love breaking in fools like you who think they can ignore their true nature. You’ll be worshipping my name soon enough, darling.”
Unfortunately, there might be truth to her words… because whatever she does, whatever power or technique she’s just utilized, it makes his flaccid cock grow fully erect in mere moments. Sobalis faintly hears gasps of astonishment and awe from the cultists surrounding them at his size when fully hard. He’s incredibly blessed in that department, extremely well-endowed in fact. Even the Succubus coos over his huge cock as she climbs up onto the altar… and onto him.
Sobalis grits his teeth, straining against his chains with all his might and trying to resist the arousal welling up within him. Alongside that arousal comes something else… something dark. Something that he’s fought all his life for fear of what might be unleashed.
See, Sandira and her conspirators might actually have been on to something with all of their prejudice and discrimination. There was something lurking within Sobalis. Something… powerful.
The Succubus moans as she sinks down onto his cock despite his best efforts to stop her. And then she tilts her head to the side, really looking down at him.
“Oh? That’s interesting~”
Sobalis feels a fresh tendril of fear as the Succubus begins to ride him but at the same time also reaches out to him. Her hands caress his face as though they were lovers rather than him being her prisoner, and her hips rise and slam down onto his crotch with ever-increasing speed and ferocity. But at the same time… involuntarily, against his direct will, Sobalis’ own hips begin rising up to meet her downward pushes, his cock thrusting up into her from below.
You see… most Tieflings were not directly related to the Infernal. Most Tieflings were descendants of fiendish dalliances from hundreds of years and a dozen generations in the distant past of their family trees. The likelihood of running into a Tiefling who had an actual parent directly from the Nine Hells was… very, very rare. Exceedingly so.
But that was precisely the category Sobalis fell under. And though he’d fought against it all his life, doing his absolute best to hold back the darkness that he knew lurked deep within his soul… it doesn’t matter now. Because the Succubus is uniquely positioned to FEEL that darkness… and to want it for herself.
“You truly are a special one. I’m going to enjoy devouring you. I can already tell. But first… let’s see what this is, shall we?”
Sobalis struggles all the harder as she rides him all the faster. But while that’s going on in the real world, the majority of his focus is in his mind’s eye, where the Succubus is also currently reaching. On a metaphysical level, Sobalis is fighting a losing battle against the Succubus’ power. The Paladin Recruit stands alone before a mighty vault door within the depths of his soul, while the Succubus’ power takes the form of an unstoppable tide of lesser fiends like imps and hellhounds.
He clashes with them again and again, but there are too many and eventually the mental representation of Sobalis falls to his knees before that vault door, exhausted. Only then does the Succubus herself saunter up and past him, humming a little melody as she runs a hand across his shoulder and over one of his horns, making him flinch away.
“Let’s find out just how delicious this meal is going to be~”
In the real world, all the cultists see is the Succubus letting out a light tittering laugh as Sobalis suddenly freezes up. In the depths of Sobalis’ soul however, the Succubus has grabbed the massive vault door with both of her clawed hands… and rent it asunder, ripping it clean off of its enormous hinges and tossing it aside. Standing there in the dark entrance, she grins wickedly… for all of a moment before the darkness comes rushing out.
The Succubus’ tittering laughter cuts off in the real world as she sucks in a breath, her eyes widening in surprise and panic. But before she can do or say anything… Sobalis snarls and breaks free of his chains. The female cultists all jolt at seeing this, but none can react in time to do anything… not that any of them were strong enough to do anything even if they wanted to.
With a roar of anger and rage and darkness, Sobalis spins himself and the Succubus over and slams her onto her back atop the altar, right where he was mere moments before. She squirms beneath him and tries to fight him, but just like he could not stop her… she cannot stop him. However, unlike before, he doesn’t have chains binding her in place to help him. No, he holds her down with nothing but his own strength, his own power.
Sandira was right. There was something wrong with him. Something corrupt lurking in the depths of his being. Unfortunately for her, her plan to have him killed had only resulted in waking it up.
Even the Succubus looks afraid of whatever she sees in Sobalis’ pitch-black eyes, quivering in terror under him.
“… H-Help me! Get him off of me! Kill him and you will be richly rewarded!”
As the Succubus calls for her cult to stop Sobalis, the Tiefling Paladin lifts his head and sweeps his gaze across the robed women all standing up now around him. He meets each of their gazes despite their concealing hoods and as he does so, they collapse back to their knees, masturbating furiously and aggressively playing with themselves, one after the other.
The Succubus sees this… and also sees Sobalis’ cock, growing harder and larger and hotter down below. It’d slipped out of her for the moment when he turned the tables on her but now as she looks down between them she sees what’s coming for her… right before he impales her on his shaft.
Sobalis snarls as he fucks the fiend hard and fast atop the altar. His cock throbs with need and so he moves to satisfy those needs. His mind is a swirling mess as the power threatens to overwhelm him. But… he’s still himself. He will not be overcome. He is still a Paladin of the Order of the Rose, damn it!
With a roar, he dominates the Succubus with his power, pounding his cock into her cunt. When he cums, he also unleashes a divine smite on the fiend, making her eyes glow with radiant energy and her entire body shake and spasm as though she’s being electrocuted. And he keeps fucking her like that, keeps shocking her with divine smites while filling her with his seed.
He’s not killing her… he knows that much instinctively. Death is too good for a creature like her. Besides, dying in the mortal plane like this will just result in her being sent back to Hell anyways. No, better to keep her. Better to BREAK her.
Sobalis knows that that’s the darkness talking. Suffer not the Fiend to live. This is one of the Order of the Rose’s basic tenets. However, another one of the Order’s basic tenets is to Stand Tall Alongside Your Brethren. And he has been most grievously betrayed by his brethren… by his so-called sister. He’s only here, breaking this Succubus with his cock and fucking her silly, because of Sandira. The Paladin Captain had sold him out, though Sobalis suspects she didn’t expect something like this to happen.
… Did the High Cleric know? Did she know this would come to pass? Sobalis had no way of knowing, and for now he couldn’t let himself be distracted from the task at hand. His newfound instincts tell him that while he’s well on his way to successfully breaking in the Succubus under him, he’s starting to get diminishing returns from smiting her tight cunny and filling it with his cream.
Given that, Sobalis proceeds to pull out of the fiend’s quivering, creampied quim and flip her over onto her front. A moment later and he’s in the Succubus’ ass, holding her tail by the base and yanking on it quite violently as he fucks her bowels just as hard as he fucked her pussy. He plows into her as she squeals and shrieks and tries in vain to get away. Their roles have been completely reversed in such short order that it’s clear the Fiend is struggling to keep up with what’s even happening to her.
However, after an hour… her attempts to escape have died down. Instead, she’s been reduced to a begging mess of a creature, constantly beseeching him for mercy and forgiveness.
“P-Please Dark One! Please! I had no idea! I’m sorry! Forgive me! Mercy! Please, MERCY!”
For a creature literally built on sex to be begging for mercy from sex… Sobalis snorts derisively, even as he notes her sudden title change for him. ‘Dark One’. Not only did something in him really like the sound of that, but it also sounded quite official. The Succubus knew something about him… about what he’d become.
Given that, he knew he couldn’t kill her now. She was a resource, a source of information that Sobalis would plumb the depths of one way or another. With that in mind, he grabs her by her horn and forces her to look him right in the eye.
“You are mine. Now and forever. I have claimed you. Form a contract with your new Master or die.”
The Succubus, her mind destroyed from pleasure and the radiant energy he’s been forcing upon her, nods as best she can in his grasp, moaning as she does as she’s told. He feels the contract forming between them and then grunts in surprise when she leans in and literally seals the deal with a kiss. The connection is created and Sobalis easily dominates the kiss, allowing him to also dominate the connection and make it wholly one-sided. By contract and by magic, this Succubus is now his pet until the day she dies.
As such, he knows her name now. Lazzarah. Humming, he decides to call her Lazz for short, even as he ends the kiss and lets her fall back onto the altar, truly exhausted and broken.
Pulling out of Lazz, Sobalis straightens up and looks around… and the moment he does so, a cacophony of begging from every side of the room comes his way.
“M-Me next, Master! Please, fuck this worthless bitch!”
“No! Me! I want it! I want to worship your cock!”
“Please have our souls, Master! Please give us just a taste of your big fat DEMONIC DICK!”
More of that comes from every cultist in the room as they all beg for him to claim them just as he claimed Lazzarah. Disheveled and wet, they all certainly look quite appealing. It’s clear that they’ve used their cultist activity and their sacrifices to Lazz in order to enhance their own beauty, making each and every one of them a bodacious bombshell. All his for the taking.
However, before Sobalis can do so… before he can make use of his new pet cultists, the doors to the chamber suddenly burst open and a certain Aasimar Paladin Captain comes charging into the room.
“Vile cultists! You have slain my charge and I shall-!”
Sandira comes to a skidding halt and blinks stupidly at the sight she sees in front of her. It’s obvious just from her words and the look on her face that she was EXPECTING to see a dead Sobalis and several easy to kill cultists. However, what she gets instead is a Succubus laying fucked silly on the altar while a naked Sobalis looms over her and the cult all bow to him in supplication.
“… Aha! I knew it! I knew you were never anything but a fiendish monster, you filthy little cretin! Taste the wrath of the Order of the Rose, bastard!”
With a shout, Sandira lunges forward, aiming to swing her mace right through Sobalis’ head. But before the naked Tiefling can react… before Sandira can even reach him, the Aasimar Paladin freezes in place. Not of her own volition, however. A glance back over his shoulder reveals to Sobalis that Lazz has gone ahead and cast Hold Person on his former superior, using her magic to restrain the Aasimar and holding her in place.
“Mm, Master… she struggles but my magic is too strong for her. You can do whatever you want with her now~”
Sobalis raises an eyebrow. One of the first things all Paladins were trained in was how to resist certain magical effects. They were better at it than most and Sandira as a Paladin Captain was supposed to be even stronger when it came to fighting off magic like this. For Lazzarah to be able to contain Sandira… it meant she was an incredibly powerful spellcaster. Just not while fucking.
Feeling a strange sense of confidence and a certainty in what was going to happen next, Sobalis strides forward to where Sandira stands frozen mid-swing. He disarms her first, pulling the enchanted war mace from her grasp and tossing it into a nearby wall with contemptuous ease.
Then, as her eyes widen in horror, he reaches up and with more strength than he’s ever had before, begins peeling her armor off of her strip by strip. He tears it away from her body, shredding the metal as though it were cloth, and ultimately reducing the plate into nothing more than scrap at her feet, leaving it all completely unusable.
Once Sandira is as naked and weaponless as he is, Sobalis smiles at her.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? This is why you sold me out to these cultists, was it not? Because otherwise… you’ve fucked up, Captain. You’ve unleashed the very evil you sought to defeat.”
Sandira trembles as best she can in her helpless, paralyzed state. After a moment though, Sobalis looks back over his shoulder at Lazz and nods.
“Let her go. No one interferes. This is a fair fight now.”
Of course, they all knew that wasn’t true, Sandira most of all. As Sobalis looks back to Sandira and the Hold Person spell ends, he sees the moment where the Aasimar decides between fight or flight… and chooses flight. Spinning on her heel, she tries to flee. She even manifests wings of radiant light in an attempt to fly back down the corridor from whence she came.
She doesn’t even get out the door. Sobalis’ hands close in the radiant wings protruding from her back and he rips them off of her at the same time that he uses his hold on them to yank her back. Sandira lets out a squeal of fear and surprise as she winds up in his grasp, unable to escape as he proceeds to spin them both around and walk her struggling form over to the altar. Lazzarah gleefully vacates it for him, and Sobalis proceeds to bend the Aasimar Paladin Captain over it, growling as he holds her down with his newfound strength.
“… I’m going to fuck the angel out of you, bitch.”
His cock slams into her cunt a moment later and Sandira squeals like a stuck pig, screaming as he fills her with every last inch of his empowered cock. Dark Power swirls through every inch of his body and Sobalis knows that whatever Lazz had unleashed… there’s no going back at this point. He can’t go home to the Order, even if this was the High Cleric’s plan, even if this was all Sandira’s fault. Ultimately… he’s unmoored from the Order of the Rose.
Which means he doesn’t have to fucking hold back when it comes to the bitch of a Paladin who did this to him. Roaring in anger and heartache, Sobalis fucks Sandira into the altar with even more force than he fucked Lazz. He pounds her hard enough to make it HURT… and then some, uncaring that he’s injuring her, that he’s hurting her. His claws dig into her flesh and draw blood one moment as the half-angel squeals in pain, and the next he’s using his powers as a Paladin to heal her.
… He doesn’t know why he still has his Paladin abilities. Is it simply because he hasn’t broken his Oaths to the High Cleric? Is it because of the High Cleric’s Blessing? Sobalis doesn’t know how he’s still able to access his radiant powers despite feeling the darkness pervading every part of his being, but he knows one thing for sure… he’s more than happy to use them on the bitch before him to really make her hurt.
Even as he heals Sandira of the wounds he’s dealing to her, he fucks into her with such punishing thrusts that he’s able to cast Searing Smite through his cock to REALLY fuck the Aasimar up. He pounds her pussy until it’s literally smoking and then heals her up before pulling out and thrusting into her ass as well. He doesn’t let up for any reason, giving her no respite and no mercy.
She certainly begs for it… and far faster than Lazz did too. It’s funny, Sandira had always acted like such a hardass. She’d always acted like she was so superior, so strong, so independent. Her arrogance was clearly mistaken as confidence, even by Sobalis himself… because in truth, breaking her on his cock was child’s play. Reducing the half-angel to a mewling mess of a bitch was so easy he was almost startled by it. Hell, he half-found himself wondering if she was trying to trick him. Was it all an act of some sort?
But no. Having his new Succubus Pet check for him revealed that Sandira was always this weak. Lazz dips into the Paladin Captain’s mind with ease and happily reports that Sandira is already shattered, that he’s already broken her. She giddily tells Sobalis that the Paladin is nothing but a fuck toy at this point and will happily serve him for the rest of her days.
She even facilitates a binding for him, once Sobalis has finished blowing a load inside of Sandira’s poor, split-open ass.
As he pulls out of her, he yanks the Aasimar off of the altar and onto her knees. He forces her mouth onto his cock and he forces his cock right down the back of her throat.
“Gluuuuuuughk! Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
As he brutally and viciously skull fucks the bitch for selling him out to a bunch of cultists, his new pet Succubus moves into position behind Sandira and gropes the Aasimar Paladin from behind, feeling up her breasts and toying with her pussy.
When Sandira thrusts her chest out into the Succubus’ touch and spreads her legs to give Lazzarah more room… she seals her fate. The submissive compliance is all Lazz needs to strike, and even as Sobalis continues to fuck Sandira’s face, he feels the connection forming between them. Far more viciously this time, he seizes hold of the connection and makes it his own. He now owns Sandira in the same way he owns Lazz, taking hold of the Aasimar’s soul and claiming it for himself.
As he does so, Sobalis feels a burst of power, of strength. Holding dominion over mortal souls… clearly makes him stronger. Is this part of being a Dark One, as Lazz called him?
With zero mercy, Sobalis proceeds to force Sandira down to the base of his massive, empowered cock and fills her gullet and esophagus with his seed. Whether she survives the experience or not, he doesn’t actually care… though in the end, she doesn’t fully asphyxiate on his jizz. She manages to swallow enough to live as he finishes up, yanks her off, and tosses her form up onto the altar. Broken, fucked silly, and now nothing of the confident Paladin Captain she was earlier, Sandira is reduced to his toy.
Sobalis pays her no further mind for the moment however, instead focusing on all of the other women in the room. If he couldn’t go back to the Order of the Rose… then he would have to make do with the resources he had at his disposal. Meaning it was time to bind each of these women to him, taking their souls as his property. Once he’s done that… then he could make further plans.
Reaching for the first, Sobalis grins as the cultist cries out in jubilation and excitement. If nothing else… he could get used to being fawned over, heh.
Elsewhere, watching all of this happen via a crystal ball, two women smile, pleased to see their creation taking his first steps down the path they’d laid out for him.
“He’s certainly quite… enthusiastic.”
Letting out a light laugh, the High Cleric of the Order of the Rose looks over at her ally, a masked figure covered from head to toe in dark clothing.
“You know exactly why that is. He’s what we made him to be, even if he’s fought against it his whole life.”
“Mm… indeed. Using Sandira’s own prejudices to finally get what we wanted was a master stroke though, I must admit.”
“Well, you know what they say. I was simply killing two birds with one stone. Sandira was a blight upon this Order and a pain in my ass. She’ll be much more useful as Sobalis’ fuck toy.”
The masked woman nods at the High Cleric’s words and they both turn back to watch through the crystal ball as Sobalis goes about claiming his new cult one after the other. He goes through them like a scythe through wheat, fucking and then binding their souls to him via his new pet Succubus again and again.
Only time would tell if he would continue to act as they wished him to or if they would need further nudges to keep him on the right path. But for the time being, watching their creation fuck the most beautiful women of the city upon his big fat fiendish cock made for an EXCELLENT watch~


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