Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Mother of Monsters (Worm)

Mother of Monsters (Worm)


Themes: Monster Girl Sex, Foursome, Loving Sex

Summary: Taylor triggers with a very different version of Queen Administrator and avoids using her powers at all costs. But when Leviathan attacks Brockton Bay and heroes start dying, Taylor can't help herself... she brings them back.


“-this time, the Protectorate says they have no new leads on the cape designated ‘Echidna’. However, they also say they have not stopped looking for this cape and will do everything in their power to bring whoever it is to justice. In the meantime, Echidna’s victims have all been released from Master-Stranger Containment, with some decrying the decision as premature while others saying that the time allowed for such protocols has already elapsed. Proponents of the release point to the rather split opinion of the victims on Echidna as evidence that the power used to bring them back to life clearly has no master component to it. Furthermore-!”
With a groan, Taylor Hebert finally finds the strength to turn off the television and sink back into her couch, eyes closed tightly shut. As though if she just kept her eyes shut, then none of it would be real. Nothing would have happened.
But of course, she knew better than that. She knew something had definitely happened. She knew… she knew she’d fucked up massively. After all… the cape they were talking about on the news, this ‘Echidna’ person… that was her. Taylor Hebert WAS Echidna. Mother of Monsters.
It’d all started months ago when Taylor had first triggered with her powers. In her research after the fact, Taylor had found a lot of differing information on cape powers. Some people instinctively understood their abilities and knew how to use them to their fullest potential right off the bat with very little training. Meanwhile, some people were still discovering new things about their powers for YEARS after their initial trigger.
Taylor was one of the first crowd, despite the horrendous complexity of her powers. She wasn’t sure how, but she immediately knew what she could do in full detail… and she was horrified by it. In the nicest manner of describing her abilities, Taylor Hebert was a healer. She could heal people of any illness and any injury… up to and including death.
However, that came with the massive caveat of being one VERY small aspect of her powers. Put bluntly, the healing that Taylor could perform… the resurrections she could perform were just a small part of the true power she held. That being the ability to transform human beings into… well, into monster girls for lack of a better term.
Everyone that Taylor’s power interacted with would become something different. They wouldn’t just be healed; they wouldn’t just be cured. They would be transformed. There was no stopping it. No helping it. More than that, Taylor knew her power would not only transform whoever she used it on, it would also increase their libido.
It wasn’t mind control, even if it felt like it… but all combined, it would prompt anyone who she used her power on to go out and fornicate. To reproduce. To… to h-have sex as much and as often as possible.
Her powers, Taylor knew, were literally designed to replace the human race. She didn’t know HOW she knew that, but it was seared into her mind along with the rest of her eldritch knowledge. They were comparing her to Nilbog on the news, but privately Taylor felt like she was WORSE than Nilbog. More insidious and subtle by far at that.
Of course, when she’d first triggered, Taylor had immediately decided never to use her powers. She’d avoided utilizing them in any way at all costs, shying away from all cape activity and just… avoiding any opportunity where they might come in handy.
One of the few silver linings of her powers were that her own biology was much, MUCH tougher now. She no longer really felt it when Sophia tried to hurt her physically, and while Emma’s words still hurt a lot, Sophia’s inability to bully her with her fists and kicks had actually caused the dark-skinned girl to back off over the past several months. Which had in turn resulted in Emma backing off, mostly.
That was good, because it meant Taylor wasn’t tempted to use her powers on them or anyone else. If she could just isolate herself as much as possible, then maybe no one had to know how dangerous she really was.
… But then Leviathan came. Leviathan came and ruined everything. Of course, that was what Endbringers DID, to be fair. They ruined things. Still, Taylor should have been able to hold herself back as Leviathan arrived in Brockton Bay. Only… she got caught outside of the shelters. She got caught flat-footed, and before she knew it, she was knee deep in water and facing down Leviathan himself.
He couldn’t hurt her. That was the craziest part. He tried… but she was apparently a LOT tougher than she used to be, because even he couldn’t actually mar her skin or rend her flesh. And in that moment, surrounded by dead and dying heroes and villains, realizing that the Endbringer literally couldn’t harm her… Taylor had snapped.
She was pretty sure it was worse because she’d held it back for so long, but she couldn’t say for certain. Still, she’d used her powers for the first time ever… and brought back every single hero and villain that Leviathan had killed. All across the city, Taylor’s abilities had brought them back to life with the caveat that none of them came back as what they were… but rather as Taylor’s power remade them to be.
In the aftermath as the resurrected monster girls had beaten Leviathan back and forced him to retreat, Taylor had run the fuck away. No one knew who she was, thank fucking god. But even still… even still, the Protectorate had rounded up everyone she brought back and stuck them in M/S containment. And only today were they all let out, over a week later.
Taylor didn’t know what to do. Was she supposed to turn herself in? To warn the Protectorate that she’d basically unleashed a humanity replacing race of monster girls onto the world? Was she supposed to stop them… to stop herself? Every fiber of her being screamed not to. But at the same time…
Squeaking, Taylor’s head whips towards the front door as she’s torn from her inner thoughts. For a moment, she waits for her mom’s voice to call out and say she’s getting up to get it. But then she remembers she’s out for the day, down at the University trying to see if she still has a job.
Biting her lower lip, Taylor pushes off the couch and goes over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open.
“C-Can I-eep!”
Her ‘can I help you?’ is lost in an instant as she stares with wide eyes at the three monster girls standing outside of her door. The three RECOGNIZABLE monster girls at that, because despite their changes, despite their new… features, she knows each of them for the heroines they once were.
Victoria Dallon, aka Glory Girl… now a Papillon with huge butterfly wings, calls out Taylor’s new cape name and makes the dark-haired girl freeze in place. Only belatedly does she realize that this gives her away and forces herself to relax.
“U-Um… h-huh?”
Besides the butterfly monster girl, Vicky’s siter Amy Dallon rolls her eyes but also smirks.
“We’ll need to work on your Poker Face, Echidna.”
Brockton Bay’s resident healer has become a Shoggoth, a slimy monster girl with an amorphous body and… and tentacles all over. Sputtering at Amy’s words, Taylor shakes her head.
“M-My name isn’t Echidna… m-my name is Taylor!”
The third monster girl positively squees at that, all but fluttering forward and grabbing Taylor’s hand, pulling it into her sizable bosom. Crystal Pelham, aka Laserdream, grins happily as she wiggles back and forth, now a Thunderbird, a harpy monster girl with truly beautiful wings instead of arms and deadly talons instead of feet.
“Oh! Taylor! That’s such a lovely name… it’s so good to meet you~”
Finally realizing that having the three on her doorstep is most definitely blowing her cover more than having them inside of her house is, Taylor looks up and down the street and then pulls back, taking Crystal with her in the process as the Thunderbird squawks.
“C-Come in! Get off the street before someone sees you, please!”
Vicky and Amy both exchange looks and then come inside as well, following their cousin into the Hebert Home as one of Amy’s tentacles lifts up and closes and locks the front door behind them.
Taylor intends to bring them into the living room, but before she can do that, Vicky grabs her other hand and yanks her towards the stairs.
“C’mon, I want to see your bedroom!”
And just like that, Taylor finds herself dragged up the stairs to her own bedroom. No, more than that… she finds herself bundled into her own BED the moment the four of them are in her room. And suddenly… suddenly she’s being cuddled by three monster girls. Taylor squeaks and squirms a bit, blushing like mad. She KNEW that the monster girls she’d created would have strong libidos but… they were supposed to want to reproduce. Something they couldn’t do with her, given she was a girl.
“W-Why… why are you three here? How did you find me?”
As Vicky and Crystal cuddle in on her on either side, Amy drapes herself over Taylor’s legs and crosses her arms over her chest, the Healer-turned-Shoggoth gazing down at Taylor somewhat imperiously.
“We could feel that you were in trouble, Taylor. So of course we came to help you.”
Blinking, Taylor shakes her head.
“B-But… I’m not in trouble? I was just sitting on my couch watching TV…”
Cooing into her ear, Vicky giggles.
“You might not have been in imminent danger… but you were in trouble here~”
And then the Papillon plants her hand on Taylor’s chest, right over her heart. Taylor flushes, feeling choked up for a moment… and then Vicky turns her touch into a grope, making Taylor ‘eep!’ in response.
“Vicky… we said we’d take it slow. Taylor needs to know she’s not forcing us to do anything.”
The hand leaves as soon as it arrives, with Vicky nodding contritely. Crystal, the eldest of the three, takes over from there.
“Taylor… you saved our lives. All of our lives. You literally brought us back from death. Vicky and I had died earlier… and when Amy heard, she couldn’t take it. She… she killed herself in the healer’s tent. And YOU saved us.”
Taylor’s eyes widen and flick to Amy at that, causing the Shoggoth to huff and look away for a moment.
“… World wasn’t worth living in anymore. Now it is again. End of discussion.”
Crystal continues on from there.
“We don’t hate you, Taylor. And you’re not Mastering us. Yes, we felt your fear and your sadness from across the city and came to help as soon as we could. But that’s because we want to help. Because we’re grateful to you.”
Taylor whimpers at that.
“But… not everyone I brought back is happy are they? Do they k-know where I am too?”
Shaking her head, Crystal smiles.
“I don’t think so. I think in order to be able to connect to you… we have to really care about you.”
“That’s right. And we really, REALLY care about you, Taylor.”
“We do…”
Taylor bites her lower lip as the three monster girls begin moving in on her. They were already cuddling her before… but now she realizes that Amy has dissolved her pants and is doing the same with her top as well. And both Vicky and Crystal are getting handsier and handsier despite the earlier admonishment towards Glory Girl.
… Could Taylor really let this happen? Could she really afford not to? Taylor knew how unhappy she was. She knew how close to snapping she was. The difference was, she didn’t even know HOW to commit suicide at this point. A fucking Endbringer hadn’t been able to kill her. If Taylor snapped with the powers she had… then she didn’t know what would happen. But nothing good.
So maybe it was okay to just… let this happen. For the longest time, it had felt like the only constant in her life was ‘Being Taylor is Suffering’. Like that was just the way the world worked and as Taylor, she just had to suck it up and live with it. But maybe… maybe she didn’t need to. Not anymore. Taylor moans as Vicky’s tongue and lips find her tits. She groans as Crystal’s mouth goes to her neck and begins to suck on it. And she arches her back, shuddering as one of Amy’s tentacles turns much more solid and slowly begins to probe her slit.
The three monster girls all moan and mewl as well, seeming absolutely thrilled that they’re getting to make her happy. But Taylor doesn’t want it to be just about her. So she moves her hands about and eventually finds Vicky and Crystal’s sopping wet quims on either side of her. The two eagerly shift in positions to give her access and let her finger their sexes as they play with her body.
All the while, Amy watches over them from above, the former healer smiling a soft smile as she plays with and toys with Taylor’s folds. She doesn’t quite ever properly fuck her… no, it’s too gentle for that. Too kind. And yet, it’s exactly what Taylor needs. Their tender touches. Their kind words. Their adoring looks…
Before she knows it, Taylor is crying. Sobbing, really. Her whole body shakes and wracks with sobs as the three monster girls who have been brought here by her pain and anguish hold her closely and worship her body. It’s a good sort of crying though. It’s a release that Taylor didn’t even know she needed. In that moment, Taylor Hebert feels all of the love that Vicky, Amy, and Crystal have for her. She knows they wouldn’t have even known who she was if they hadn’t died against Leviathan, but she also feels how grateful they all are that she brought them back.
Maybe using her powers wasn’t such the heinous crime she’d initially thought it was. Maybe there were good ways to use her powers. Maybe… maybe even the end goal of replacing the human race with something new wasn’t… all that bad after all. She’d seen a little bit of the fighting on TV after she brought everyone back and then ran away from the scene. She’d watched her monster girls force Leviathan to retreat and seen just how tough they were, even compared to the average human cape.
In a world on the brink of collapse due to so very many societal problems, what if Taylor and her powers were the answer to everything?
… She could figure that out another time. For now, Taylor lets her eyes drift shut, all cried out as she moans wantonly while Vicky, Amy, and Crystal all go to town on her body. She hadn’t even known she was this sensitive… and yet they all play her like an instrument, making her squeal out in a melody as she cums for them again and again and again…


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