Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

His True Nature (Original Supernatural)

His True Nature (Original Supernatural)

Commission (Parts 1-5)

Themes: Incest, Inhuman Sex, Roleplay

Summary: In which a young man has made the decision to spend Christmas with his Aunt, much to his parents' bafflement. But if they knew the truth, they wouldn't be as surprised.


Part 1: 


Freedom. Or at least, almost freedom. He takes his time setting up his things in the guest room, wanting to stay unobtrusive and out of the way so that his mom doesn’t second guess herself at the last minute.
In his senior year of high school, Arlo has made the decision, perhaps questionably, to spend his Christmas Vacation with his ‘Auntie’ Velma over spending the vacation with his parents. One might argue it wasn’t an easy decision to make. After all, choosing Auntie Velma over his mother and father had left them both quite upset with him.
Though… his parents were ultimately so milquetoast that their version of upset just meant he couldn’t go out or do anything with his friends. His choices were to either spend the ENTIRE Christmas Vacation confined to Auntie Velma’s Winter Retreat Log Cabin out in the woods, or spend the time split between his parents and his friends.
Needless to say, his parents had been shocked when Arlo had still chosen Auntie Velma’s place. Downright flabbergasted. Maybe they should have tried to consider things from his point of view for just once in their life though. Arlo knew full well that that was impossible though. Just as he’d known full well what he was in for if he did choose them over Auntie’s place.
Put simply, it wouldn’t have been an even split between his parents and his friends. Not by a long shot. No, dear old ma and pa would have dragged him off to all sorts of ‘Holiday Parties’, which were actually just stuffy meet and greets filled with their business associates and social peers. To hear them tell it, they were just trying to help him make connections for his ‘future’.
But Arlo had spent far too many years as their trophy child, the prize that they both liked to lug out and show off to everyone. He never felt like he was making ‘connections’ so much as being used as a medal, a way for his parents to say ‘look at us! Look at what we made!’. It was, frankly, exhausting and he had no desire to spend another Christmas making an effort not to scowl or glare at everyone his parents deigned to introduce him to.
On the flipside, there was his Auntie Velma’s Log Cabin. Except, while it WAS out in the woods up the side of a mountain, calling it just a log cabin wasn’t doing it justice. The place was more of a mansion, with a dozen rooms, all of the amenities that you could possibly hope for, and no end of creature comforts. On top of that, it had a great wi-fi connection and up to date technology since Auntie’s daughter was a Streamer, so Arlo knew that he would have no issues gaming to his heart’s content. To say nothing of the other… perks that Auntie’s Log Cabin provided.
He would-
“Arlo! I’m leaving! Last chance to change your mind!”
Arlo jolts as his mother’s voice reaches out from all the way downstairs. His heart pounds in his chest as he carefully formulates his reply.
“Alright mom, love you and have a good Christmas!”
There. Nothing offensive. Nothing adversarial. Nothing sarcastic or caustic. Nothing to give the woman down the stairs a reason to come up and drag him back to the car kicking and screaming. That was one of the reasons his mother had driven him up here herself, after all, rather than letting him drive himself. To give him ample opportunity to change his mind at the very last second. That, and she was ensuring that he stayed put if he didn’t. Without a car of his own, he couldn’t very well leave Auntie’s Log Cabin now could he? Or so his parents though.
A few moments of silence pass as Arlo waits with bated breath, and then finally…
“… Love you too, Arlo!”
And with that, she’s gone. Of course, Arlo immediately moves to the window, careful not to stand directly in view. He doesn’t want to be seen by his mother watching her leave, that might also cause her to come right back inside. Instead, he very carefully peeks out from the corner of the window, watching his mother as she goes out to her car. As expected, she throws several glances back, both to the door and to the second story of the mansion, as though she’s anticipating him calling after her.
In all fairness, for much of his life Arlo HAD been a mama’s boy. It was only in recent years, as he truly grew into his own, that he’d found himself drifting apart from his parents for obvious reasons. Well, obvious to him. If his mother and father knew WHY he’d drifted away from them, they’d be apoplectic with rage and bar him from ever seeing Auntie Velma ever again.
But they didn’t know. They had no clue that he knew everything there was to know about his family and the circumstances of his origins. They just thought he was being a rebellious teenager or something, when in truth… Arlo couldn’t wait to graduate High School and take control of his own life. He couldn’t wait to get to CHOOSE what he did with his adulthood, rather than having it all dictated for him by his parents as it’d been dictated for so long.
Watching his mother pull out of the driveway and begin the long drive back out of the woods, Arlo feels a tension in his chest release that he hadn’t known was still there. Even still, he waits for several more minutes, making sure her car doesn’t come peeling back around the bend. He glances at his phone, knowing that she would be glancing to her own in anticipation of a late text begging her to come and pick him back up.
But he wasn’t going to send that text. And about ten minutes after his mother’s departure, Arlo makes his way out of the guest bedroom of the mansion of a log cabin and finally makes his way downstairs. Auntie Velma awaits him in the large living room, reclining on a big leather couch in a robe while holding her smartphone and humming. A few more moments of silence pass before she gives him a smile.
“She’s gone, Arlo. You can relax now.”
He lets out an explosive sigh at that, causing Velma’s smile to turn… positively wicked.
“Of course, you remember the rules for staying with me, I hope.”
Indeed he does, and truth be told, he’s already reaching for the hem of his shirt before she even mentions that. He’s stripped out of his clothes and is standing naked before his Auntie in less than a minute as she hums, looking him over and shaking her head while tsking to herself.
“Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous.”
Arlo flushes a bit in embarrassment, even though he knows it’s not actually his fault. Still, seeing her glare at his cock and balls like they’ve offended her personally, it never fails to make him feel insecure. He’s of a completely average size when compared to the rest of the human men in North America… but that’s just it. Why should someone like him be limited to what HUMAN men are capable of?
Still lounging on the couch, Auntie Velma’s robe, bra, and panties all fly off of her body as though by magic, revealing her beautiful body… albeit currently gravid with the state of her almost finished pregnancy. She looks drop-dead gorgeous even with her massive globe of a belly, and that’s BEFORE she drops her glamor to reveal her true form of a Succubus with all the ample assets that Succubi are infamous for. As she stretches out her wings and tail, Velma lets out a loud groan of contentment.
“Ooooh, that feels SO much better. Glamor can be… SO confining, can’t it my dear Arlo?”
Flushing, Arlo nods, fidgeting in place as he anticipates what’s going to happen next. Luckily, Velma doesn’t intend to tease him for long. She gestures at him, snapping her fingers. Immediately, it’s like a pressure valve he didn’t even know was there has been released. His dick doubles in length and thickness and his balls go from walnut sized to baseball sized. His body tones up further, going from High School Athlete to Olympian-levels of fitness in just a few seconds. Meanwhile, his libido goes from ‘Holy shit his Auntie is attractive’ to ‘HELLO SUCCUBUS!’ in no time at all.
It's weird, because before she released the spell she put on him, Arlo didn’t feel like he was missing much. In that way, the suppression was almost kind. But after it’s gone… he feels like he was missing EVERYTHING. It was almost the inverse of the old saying ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone’. For Arlo, it was more like ‘you don’t even know what you’re missing until it’s returned’.
“There now… isn’t that better, my most beloved nephew?”
Velma’s eyes twinkle, letting him know that she knows JUST how much better it truly is. Arlo finds he can’t honestly formulate a response with simple words… instead, he’s suddenly standing on the couch over her, his feet on the cushions to either side of her and his dick in her mouth as he lets out a lustful growl. His cock goes right down her throat and his massive ball sack slides back and forth over her huge tits as he grabs hold of her by her horns right then and there and begins thrusting.
Fucking Velma’s throat is quite the treat, especially as her appreciative moaning sends reverberations and vibrations up and down his pistoning cock. She swallows continuously, her gag reflex nonexistent, but that doesn’t mean her throat isn’t the tightest hole that Arlo’s ever been inside. He growls as he stretches her out, her neck bulging. Meanwhile, the beautiful pregnant succubus’ hands come up to grope and grip at his ass, holding him in place while he drives into her esophagus, driven on by the pure need to cum and cum fast. He has so much backed up inside of his churning ball sack… he NEEDS to ejaculate as soon as possible.
Of course, his Auntie has something to say about that. She’s no virgin maiden, to be taken for a ride and used up before she can even blink. Even with his enhancements… she’s still the Succubus in the equation. Using every technique she has, and all of her sexual skills to the fullest of her abilities, Auntie Velma keeps Arlo from cumming too fast, drawing out the ensuing skull fucking to make sure that a sufficiently large load will be unleashed when he DOES finally cum.
The young man finds himself going through a sensation not unsimilar to that of a full bladder and a swollen dick that just won’t release fast enough to drain the tank. He groans, throwing his head back and ultimately redoubling his efforts, but at the end of the day… Velma still controls the pace.
Finally though, he tips over the edge. The rough face fucking and deep-throated blowjob ends with Arlo cumming HARD. His seed goes down her throat like a soft-serve ice cream dispenser, a large quantity of cum he hadn’t even KNOWN was backed up inside of him due to the spell draining into Velma’s stomach. She, of course, drinks down his load like it’s no one’s business but their own, happily and greedily consuming and absorbing his jizz.
Arlo is well aware that his cum won’t last long in his Auntie’s belly. She’s eating for two after all, and she needs all the extra energy and nutrients she can get. As Arlo begins to sag, his strength momentarily spent, Velma is quick to catch him, laying him down across the couch and his head on her stomach, next to her massive, milk-laden breasts.
“Thank you, Auntie…”
“Of course, my darling Arlo. You know I love you. It’s such a shame, what your mother does to you. But… not for much longer, no?”
Smiling slightly, Arlo shakes his head.
“Not for much longer, no. And… I love you too, Auntie.”
Giggling, Velma swats at him a little bit, looking rather abashed by the declaration. But then to be fair, to a Succubus, a truly heartfelt declaration of love is akin to hardcore porn.
“Stop it Arlo, you’re going to make me blush! Now, drink up… you’re still a growing boy after all.”
He doesn’t hesitate to obey his dear ‘Auntie’. Turning his head, he sups from her engorged teat, drinking down her breastmilk right there on the spot. Nursing from her has become second nature to him at this point… her milk is, after all, the key to his future.
This was the truth of his and Auntie Velma’s relationship. The truth that, if his parents knew about it, they would positively freak out. That wasn’t to say they didn’t know about Velma’s true nature, of course. Or rather… his mother knew.
Velma was a Succubus who had made her fortune by turning out her womb to the rich and famous. She was a career surrogate who spent more of her time pregnant than not. On the yearly, she was pretty much always carrying some wealthy donor’s baby to give them that genetic edge of Charisma and Looks that came from a Succubus’ influence on the infant’s growth while in the womb.
Of course, just being born of a Succubus didn’t make you a Succubus or Incubus outright. Rather, you would need to receive additional treatments to develop into a full-on Sex Demon. The transformation took time. Time… and lots of help.
Arlo was in fact a child born of Velma’s womb. In a way, she was his biological mother. For obvious reasons, he did not actually consider her his mother. Her womb might have carried him to term, but his ‘Auntie’ had made it clear from the very beginning when she’d first told him the truth years before that she was not and could never BE his actual mother.
Frankly, that was just fine with Arlo. While he resented his parents for a number of very valid reasons, he still considered them his parents. His father and mother had raised him after all, and they’d done right by him… by their definition of ‘right by him’, of course.
His parents weren’t nearly wealthy enough to pay for Velma’s womb. Rather, Arlo’s creation had been a favor to an old friend, rather than a financial transaction. Back in her younger years, his mother, the woman who had raised him and who Velma had carried him to term for, had been a firebrand of a witch. However, eventually she had decided to settle down. To become ‘normal’ at all costs.
It had become his mother’s obsession, as far as Arlo could see it. She was so stuck on living a ‘normal’ life that she’d fully suppressed her own abilities, and even suppressed his abilities from developing.
Luckily, his very existence meant that, despite Velma and his mom drifting apart, they found themselves pulled back together year after year. Initially, Velma was JUST his ‘Cool Auntie’. Super rich, and of course she loved to spoil him. But eventually, once she realized what his mother was doing to him, be it purposeful or not, she’d been forced to step in.
For a few years now, Arlo had been finding times throughout the year to meet with his Auntie. He lost his virginity to her years ago and had been taught all sorts of important things in the years since. His consumption of her breastmilk had pushed him into a sort of quasi Incubus-lite existence. Normally, to keep his mother and father from finding out, his Auntie sealed that side of him away.
But once he turned eighteen and properly graduated High School, Arlo would be his own man. Not only would he then be able to complete his transformation into Incubus, but he would also be able to learn proper demon magic, like glamor, which would in turn allow him to hide his true nature while he made his way in the world.
Arlo might now know exactly what he wanted to do with himself just yet, but he knew he didn’t want to be some investment banker like his parents wanted for him. College and the corporate ladder would be so fucking confining, and he’d already decided that once he became an Incubus, he would do whatever HE wanted to do.
It wasn’t like he would be hurting for opportunities to make money either. Velma herself was an example of a woman who had turned her entire existence as a Succubus into a full-blown career. She loved being pregnant, and she got to be pregnant practically every day of her life. Meanwhile, Arlo could probably stud himself out to rich and famous women just like Velma did with the men, and he would get paid comparable rates just for dumping his baby batter in their wombs for a few nights to make sure it took.
The sky was the limit and the world was his oyster. He just had to get through these last few months of his Senior Year, graduate High School, and turn eighteen. Then, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted and if his parents wanted to still have a place in his life, they would just have to accept that.
For now though, Arlo is still technically under their control… meaning he has to tread lightly.
“You know, Angelica is streaming right now. If you wanted to go say hi~”
Which is why he balks a little bit at the idea of putting himself on a livestream. But Velma sees the look on his face and giggles, shaking her head in amusement.
“Afraid of being caught out by your parents? Do you really think your mother and father are the types to watch my daughter’s sort of stream?”
Arlo flushes at that. No, he doesn’t. But at the same time…
“I think some of my friends might be. And I think not all of my friends can be trusted to not gossip in a way that will get back to my parents.”
It was just the way the world worked. His parents weren’t insanely wealthy, but they were well-off. And so he went to a private boarding school. Some of his friends were ride or die, but some were just close to him because he was part of the popular clique, a star athlete and a straight A student besides. He tended to generate a certain gravity to himself at school.
Honestly, it was all such a pain in the ass. Once he graduated, he could hardly wait to prune his tree of relationships until only his actual friends remained. For now however, he needed to be very cognizant of the fact that someone watching Velma’s daughter might know him by face.
Humming, Velma nods and snaps her fingers. Arlo feels a ripple spread across his face as he pulls away from her.
“There. Go and see your cousin, Arlo dear. She’s been looking forward to your arrival.”

Standing up from the couch, now wearing a face that isn’t his own, Arlo nevertheless gives his ‘Auntie’ a deadpan stare.
“… She promised her chat a special event again, didn’t she?”
Velma’s coy smirk of a reply is honestly all Arlo needs to actually confirm it. Rolling his eyes, he shakes his head and begins making his way to the other part of the mansion.
It doesn’t take him long to arrive outside Angelica’s door. The irony of a Succubus of all creatures being named ‘Angel’ was not lost on Arlo, and he was quite sure that was why Velma had done it in the first place. Regardless, while he almost knocks… he holds off, instead reaching down and slowly easing the door open. Immediately, the voice of his cousin, technically his half-sister, hits Arlo’s ears.
Angelica is a Streamer, as previously mentioned. She’s also a camgirl. And she’s undeniably the most popular livestream on the X-rated website she hangs out on. There are several reasons for this. One, rather than simply laying back on a bed and fucking herself with sex toys for hours on end, she actually plays games as though it were a SFW livestream.
Two, it definitely wasn’t a SFW livestream, because she played games while in the nude, her tits and cunt on display, with a vibrating wand down between her legs. Connected to the number of tips and subs she got, the wand was currently buzzing away quite furiously… and by all accounts, Angelica was barely feeling it as she made good on her word and managed a Revenge Kill on the bastard who had just shot her dead a few moments earlier.
The third reason was Angelica’s appearance. She was currently wearing her true form… that of a purple skinned, yellow eyed, horned and tailed Succubus. Everyone watching the livestream assumed it was cosplay or CGI or something. But the fact that it was SO realistic kept them coming back all the same, drawn in by the juxtaposition between her ‘angelic’ name and her demonic appearance combined with her caustic attitude. Plus, every once in a while she let them think that their donations actually made her cum, causing her to curse out her chat for making her ‘lose’ a match while they cackled and spammed emojis in response.
Of course, the fourth and final reason that Angelica was so popular… was because of her special events. As Arlo slips into his cousin’s streaming room and slowly begins padding his way across the floor, his enhanced eyesight lets him pick up her chat… who have seen him enter and are watching him approach.
The chat can be separated into two camps. The veterans… and the newbies.
-Holy shit! Big Dick McGee is back!
-Idiot, that’s not his name!
-He doesn’t HAVE a name, so we can call him whatever we want!
-That cock can’t be any more real than Angelica’s horns, let’s be honest.
-Yeah, shit is fucking HUGE!
On the newbie side of things, the messages are rather humorous.
-Wait, who the fuck is that?!
-Omg, someone is in Angelica’s room!
-That cock is HUGE! She’s going to get r@ped!
-Wait, who’s Big Dick McGee?
Ever the consummate actress, Angelica pretends to not be paying attention to chat or her stream as he creeps ever closer. Instead, she’s focused on the game until he’s looming right behind her. Only then does she make a show of glancing at her chat at long last and wrinkling her nose in confusion.
“Huh? What the fuck are you-mmph! GAGKH! GAGKH! GAGKH!”
That’s his cue, so without hesitation, Arlo reaches out, grabs Angelica by her hair, and whips her head around. He makes sure to keep her in full view of her stream, even as he drags her down onto his cock, her purple throat BULGING with his length as he forces her all the way to the base of his humungous, gargantuan shaft.
The chat is going wild, moving too fast now for anyone to be able to keep track of it. Or rather, anyone human. He COULD have kept up with it if he gave it his undivided attention, but right now his focus was on Angelica as he grabs hold of his cousin’s head with his other hand and begins to skull fuck her for thousands of watching perverts.
In the game she’s playing, she rapidly dies and gets tea bagged into oblivion, but that’s not really relevant as Angelica chokes and gags on his dick, not trying to suppress her gag reflex like her mother had.
Even as the stream begins to gain thousands of more viewers, word spreading about another ‘special event’ taking place across all sorts of porn websites and lewd message boards, Arlo is plowing away at the throat of the Succubus in front of him. Finally though, he pulls out of her throat, leaving Angelica gasping for breath as she finds herself bent over her streaming set up, her chair kicked out from behind her to make room for his standing form.
“F-Fuck! Unnngh! L-Looks like another… hah, a-another one of you fucking cocksuckers found out where I, nngh, l-live!”
As Angelica sets the stage, he grabs her by her full hips, amused as her spade tail wraps around his wrist. Then, he plunges into her from behind, filling her up right then and there with his cock. Angelica’s eyes go crossed and she makes a big show of it, though given his size, not all of her contorting facial expression is faked.
“Ooooooh FUCK! He’s even bigger than the last one, guys!”
‘The last one’ was also Arlo, but thanks to Velma’s glamor, he looked like someone completely different. This was the little game they played. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew that Angelica wasn’t actually being tracked down by her fans and raped on the regular. After all, they were called ‘special events’ on her stream for a reason. They were all planned. They were all him too, but her chat didn’t know that.
It didn’t stop quite a few degenerates from trying to hunt her down anyways, but that was par for the course… and never going to happen besides. Angelica was just like her mother… everything was completely under her control.
That’s why he doesn’t bother keeping an eye on her stream or her chat as he fucks her. Instead, Arlo focuses solely on his only purpose here… pounding his cousin so hard and so fast that she makes a few honest expressions for once. Not that most of her chat will ever realize there’s a difference between when she’s faking orgasms for them and actually cumming for HIM, but it’s the pride of the matter, at least as far as Arlo is concerned.
“L-let’s… nngh, get back to the g-game!”
Bringing up her controller, Angelica tries her best to focus on the next round of the FPS she’s currently playing, even as Arlo fucks her so hard and so fast that the sounds of her cheeks clapping fills the room. It’s a rather large division of the porn market these days. The whole ‘fucking a girl while she does something nerdy like playing video games’ genre.

The thing that makes this special is the authenticity. None of those pornos ever featured a real gamer girl. They were all just porn actresses who were tossed a controller and told to pretend. In some egregious cases, the controllers weren’t even plugged in… or they were for the WRONG console!
But there’s no doubt in the minds of any of the tens of thousands of viewers now watching that Angelica is giving it her all. After all, most of them have seen her play games for hours before while lounging back in her chair, completely naked. As far as they were concerned, she even did it in full cosplay wearing purple body paint the entire time.
While she was far from mainstream, given she would be banned off of Twitch or Youtube in a heartbeat, there were still plenty of people on the internet who considered her the hardest working streamer in the world. Heh, if only they knew the truth. She fed off of their adoration, just as much as she got fat and wealthy off of their donations.
Still, Arlo can admit… he’s quite impressed with his cousin. If nothing else, he’s impressed by her vocabulary, even as he fucks her from behind, making sure to time a few of his thrusts in such a way that she’s distracted at a key part of the round and ends up taking a bullet to the brain.
He just chuckles and rears back a hand, giving her ass a very satisfying smack. All the while, Angelica’s numbers continue to go up. The livestream is rapidly turning into another big one, just like these ‘special events’ always do. Arlo doesn’t mind helping her cousin make some dough though… especially when they negotiated a 60/40 split for any stream he was a part of years ago.
That in and of itself had given him a nice little nest egg in a bank account his parents didn’t know about. One he would be using just as soon as he turned eighteen and graduated High School. But for now…
Grunting in a specific pitch, Arlo picks up the pace. Angelica immediately reacts, her face suddenly contorting in a more obviously fake way… at least to him. To all those watching, her ahegaoing expression might actually seem ‘real’, as her yellow eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth.
“Ohhhh fuuuuck! He’s cumming! Oh shit, he’s CUMMING INSIDE OF MEEEEEEE!!!”
He cums a moment later, to the sound of Angelica’s squealing and the rapid scrolling of the chat. Everyone is quite into it, from the look of things. Arlo, meanwhile, plays his role to perfection. Without saying a word, he pulls out of Angelica and gives her purple ass one last hefty SMACK before turning and walking out of the room like that was all he was there for.
Closing the door behind him, he rolls his shoulders and lets a grin spread across his face. It was always fun, helping his cousin out with a stream. They’d probably do a couple more ‘special events’ like that before Christmas Vacation was over too. It’d be great money… and super fun to boot.


Part 2:


There’s nothing quite like spending Christmas Vacation with his Aunt and Cousin. In a normal family household, it probably would have been a lot purer of a situation. After all, there wasn’t anything inherently lewd or crass about a big country breakfast made from scratch, now was there? It was just plain homely on the face of it.
A full-blown meal of biscuits, eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes, alongside pitchers of orange juice and milk. All of it cooked up properly by Auntie Velma in the wee, wee hours of the morning. Honestly, it almost makes Arlo feel a little bad. After all, a woman in Velma’s condition shouldn’t be getting up at 4 A.M. just to have breakfast almost ready for him by 6 A.M.
Unfortunately, just because he was on vacation didn’t mean his internal body clock was at all caught up with that fact. He just couldn’t help but get up at the bright and early time of 6 A.M. every day on the schedule he had outside of vacation, just to start getting ready for the day. Still, waking up that early to such an amazing smell filling his nostrils each time… it was like a dream.
Especially with how busy his actual parents were. Arlo’s mother hadn’t cooked him a proper meal in… well, ever. Both she and his father were corporate cogs through and through these days. They were always on the move, always working as hard as possible, and expecting him to do the same. Most mornings Arlo could get himself a piece of toast and a cup of coffee before he had to be out the door and on his way.
Needless to say, that wouldn’t fly here in his Auntie Velma’s Household. Not only did she have plenty of free time to cook given the freedom her ‘job’ provided, but she also had magic to help her along despite her heavily pregnant state. As well, succubi like Velma didn’t actually need to sleep… especially not when they went to bed the night before with both a belly and cunt full of a half-incubus’ jizz.
On top of all of that, Arlo himself needed the sustenance to be able to keep up with his Aunt and Cousin. He wasn’t a full-blown incubus yet after all, and even being a demi-incubus meant he was still more human than demon. At the end of the day, there wasn’t a world in which he could keep up with Velma OR Angelica, let alone both of them, if he wasn’t given filling meals and managing about four to five thousand calories a day.
Yeah… bit beyond that of a ‘growing boy’, but it was what it was. He wasn’t truly human… not anymore.
But getting back to the original heart of the matter… his Aunt making him a massive country breakfast wasn’t in and of itself a lewd, debauched situation. However, as he steps into the kitchen having followed the delicious smells downstairs, a wide grin spreads across his face. Velma has made the situation lewd and debauched. Just as he’d come to expect from his depraved succubus Aunt.
Indeed, most of the breakfast is already finished. Velma is just finishing up the meat and eggs now, clearly having started cooking them the moment that she heard him wake up. However, she’s not just cooking… she’s ‘sexy cooking’. Wearing literally nothing but an apron that looked like it would have been a size too small even if she wasn’t pregnant, Auntie Velma stands there otherwise naked, her spade tail flicking back and forth in the air and her entire back profile exposed to his eyes.
On top of that, her side profile is plenty exposed as well, the apron doing practically nothing to cover up her side boobs, and utterly failing to hide the globe of her pregnancy.
It was, under normal circumstances, a dangerous way of doing things. After all, she was right next to an incredibly hot stove, cooking things that were happily spitting up at her the entire time. And yet, his Aunt doesn’t even flinch. Probably because she’s immune to the heat and incredibly resistant to fire. Even the burning bacon grease spitting up onto her half-naked body isn’t really affecting her in the slightest as she hums a little tune under her breath.
She acts as if she doesn’t know he’s there, but Arlo knows that she knows. Still, he makes every effort to approach ‘stealthily’, seeing no reason to ruin her fun. Wearing only his boxers to begin with, he goes ahead and shucks them right off, before moving slowly up behind her with one hand on his rapidly hardening cock. By the time Arlo is standing right behind his humming Auntie, he’s already fully erect and ready to go.
Which is why he doesn’t hesitate to grab Velma by the hips and slam into the pregnant succubus’ cunt from behind, filling the entire length of her pussy with his cock in one fell swoop.
“Oh! Arlo, you’re awake~”
Her faux surprise as she pretends to jolt from the strength of his thrust makes him chuckle, even as Arlo continues to hold onto her hips, luxuriating in the feeling of her slippery, wet, but also incredibly tight pussy for a moment before beginning to jackhammer in and out of her.
“Mm, smells delicious Auntie.”
Letting out a breathy sigh, acting like she doesn’t even realize he’s fucking her now; his Aunt gives him a smile.
“I should hope so, I’ve been working on it all morning long~”
Arlo smiles right back at her, leaning forward to rest his chin on her shoulder as he looks past her to the food she’d currently making. All the while, he continues to fuck her hard from behind, resulting in her pregnant globe of a belly pressing up against the hot stove. The apron she’s wearing is nothing but a slip of cloth in her current shape and does nothing to protect her… but as previously mentioned, she doesn’t need it to.
He's pretty sure his Aunt could literally go skinny dipping in lava and come out the other end no worse for wear, though she’s admitted before that the Sun would probably give even the toughest demon some trouble. She’s also explained that not all demons are even heat-resistant… Hell is a big place and not quite ALL fire and brimstone like most people think. It’s got just as many varied and distinct biomes as Earth in fact, or so she’s said.
But Velma does in fact come from a part of Hell where shit is very, VERY hot… hotter than anything on Earth, beyond a shadow of a doubt. And so a little heat coming from a man-made stove isn’t going to hurt her. If anything, his rough treatment turns her on even more as he pounds into her from behind, fucking her as fast as he possibly can.
Her body shaking and jiggling, Velma lets out a lewd moan but otherwise remains unperturbed, still seemingly focused as ever on the cooking in front of her. As he watches her flip the bacon, Arlo licks his lips, the smell deeply tantalizing as it pervades his nostrils.
“It looks amazing too, Auntie. Any chance a deeply beloved nephew can get a quick early bite?”
To sweeten the pot, Arlo moves his hands from Velma’s hips at long last, instead reaching up and slipping underneath her silly apron to grab her massive tits. Popping them free of the cloth, causing the apron to bunch up between them, is the work of half a second at most. Then, Arlo is able to go to town on her titties, groping and squeezing them happily as Velma hums.
“… Oh, very well~ You know I can never say no to you, darling~”
Without a single ounce of discomfort, the succubus picks up a piece of sizzling, freshly cooked bacon for him and brings it to his lips. Arlo doesn’t even hesitate to open up and let her deposit the incredibly hot, amazingly succulent but also just crispy bacon into his mouth. He groans in deep, DEEP satisfaction as he chews the meat.
In a normal human man’s mouth, the bacon wouldn’t have been nearly as appreciated. It was still burning hot after all, quite literally right out of the frying pan. But Arlo wasn’t a normal human man anymore. For all that he might have been more human than incubus still… he would always be born of Velma’s loins at the end of the day. His Auntie, also his Surrogate Mother, had passed on several benefits to him that Arlo had gotten to enjoy even before she’d begun her work on preparing him for a transformation once he reached adulthood.
Being able to heat and drink too-hot substances was one of them, and his heat resistance had only gotten stronger after his Aunt had taken his first time a few years back. As such, he was able to do what almost no other human being on Earth could do… he was able to enjoy bacon at the absolute perfect moment for consumption, right after it’d finished cooking, without it having to spend even a second cooling off.
And on top of all of that, he got to enjoy it while ball’s deep inside of his pregnant Auntie. Needless to say, Arlo just can’t get enough of it. He groans in appreciation, his eyes drifting shut as he continues to jackhammer in and out of Velma while slowly chewing and enjoying every burst of savory flavor from the burning hot freshly cooked bacon in his mouth.
Finally though, he swallows it. Just as he’s opening his mouth to ask for another however, Velma bumps back against him with enough strength that he’s forced to stumble backwards a couple steps.
“Breakfast is finished, darling nephew. Time to take your seat.”
His cock is still rock hard, and he’s half-tempted to keep fucking her… but he knows better than to disobey his Aunt. More than that, he knows better than to think that Auntie Velma is going to just leave him blue balled for no reason. That’s not to say she won’t leave him blue balled; she’s unfortunately had to do so before as part of his slow transformation into an incubus… but she won’t do it for no reason whatsoever.
And so, trusting his Aunt implicitly, Arlo reluctantly pulls back with a sigh and steps over to the table. His plate and utensils are already there, as is most of the food Velma cooked ahead of time. However, he’s quick to notice that the table is only set for one… only for him. Sitting down with a slightly furrowed brow, Arlo watches as Velma finishes plating the rest of the massive country breakfast she’s made for him, putting it all in front of him and giving him a bright, sunny smile.
“Dig in, sweetheart! You’re a growing boy, after all!”
Arlo hesitates only for a moment before beginning to load his plate up with all of the good stuff. There’s no point in second guessing things… he is, after all, going to go back for seconds and thirds and even fourths. Despite the plate being LADEN with breakfast foods and enough of them to serve half a dozen human beings, Arlo doesn’t doubt for a second that pretty much all of it is meant for him and him alone.
As if to confirm that thought, Velma smiles a wicked smile and after a moment of watching him begin to eat, she yanks off her apron, as though to signify she’s done being the cook and is now free to eat. Except pulling off her apron also leaves her beautiful demonic body entirely naked… and rather than eat with him at the table, the gorgeous pregnant succubus drops to her hands and knees and crawls under the table.
Eyes widening in realization, Arlo hastily spreads his legs apart, his cock still hard and bobbing up and down, his balls still churning with need. A moment later, Auntie Velma is taking care of him once again, swallowing his entire length whole as she deep-throats his cock without issue, bobbing up and down his member while easily suppressing her gag reflex.
Arlo groans, both from the good food he’s shoveling into his own mouth, and from the feeling of Velma’s lips, mouth, and throat wrapped around his dick. Yeah, he should have seen this coming. A feast for him… and a feast for her. Both of them were getting their favorite breakfast this way, weren’t they?
He eats and eats, never truly filling up. Every time his plate empties out, he piles things onto it again. Over time, all of the plates in front of him get progressively emptier. Truth be told, if Arlo wanted to, he could probably make a career for himself just as a professional eater. It didn’t used to be that lucrative, but these days you could guarantee millions of views on YouTube just by going around the country or even the world and taking on restaurants’ eating challenges. The eating challenges themselves would usually result in a comped meal and a t shirt at most in reward, but the video, so long as it was high enough production quality, would get TONS of views without fail.
It was an evergreen sort of content on YouTube from what Arlo had seen… but it wasn’t his kind of thing in the end, truth be told. Still, it was a great example of how the sky was the limit once he turned eighteen and his Aunt turned him into a full-blown incubus. He could quite literally do so many things with his life… he definitely didn’t need to live within the tight confines that his parents wanted for him. So… he wouldn’t.
As the massive breakfast he’s consuming comes to an end, every last bite of food eaten and both pitchers of milk and OJ respectively drunk, Arlo lets out a contented sigh as he leans back in his chair… only to then groan a moment later and double over. Not from pain, for even now he wasn’t full… but from pleasure, as Velma sucks his seed from his cock, draining his balls at long last. It’s another massive load that she guzzles down without hesitation, and Arlo’s eyes flutter as he enjoys it to the fullest extent.
Finally, Velma comes up from under the table, giving her dazed nephew a broad smile as she runs a finger along her lips to catch any stray traces of cum. Not that there are any, his Auntie doesn’t spill unless she means to, but the act itself is still deeply erotic and incredibly sexy all the same.
“T-Thank you for breakfast, Auntie…”
“Hehe~ Glad you enjoyed it, Arlo. Now, go and make sure Angelica is awake for me, will you? That girl keeps such weird hours with that stream of hers!”
It’s not even seven o’clock yet by the time Arlo finds himself approaching the door to his cousin’s room once more. Just goes to show how time flies when you’re having fun. Still, he’s not expecting her to be awake when he steps inside. The life of a full time streamer, especially one like Angelica, is not one that offers anything approaching an actual sleep schedule.
Which is why he’s a little surprised to see Angelica already up and on her phone as he slips into her room. Until he realizes… she didn’t just wake up, she’d never gone to bed at all. Her first words to him only confirm it as her yellow eyes flicker up from the screen for a moment before going back down.
“What’s up, cous? Just finished my stream, probably gonna conk out here in a sec.”
Arlo’s brow can’t help rising at that, his eyes widening ever so slightly as he glances at Angelica’s streaming set up before shaking his head.
“You just finished your stream? The stream I left you to finish up over ten hours ago? THAT stream?”
Giving him a uniquely disinterested look, Angelica doesn’t even bother putting in the energy to shrug at him.
“Yeah. What about it?”
Arlo shakes his head some more, a rueful smile developing across his face. His cousin truly was the most degenerate person he knew. And that was saying something, because even at school there were some serious degenerates. They managed to get by with good grades and avoid getting kicked out, but only just barely considering they spent over half of their classes asleep, still trying to recover from the all-night gaming benders they loved to go on.
Angelica had two massive advantages over those normal human degenerates though. One, she was a full-blown succubus. Like her mother, she didn’t actually NEED sleep. It was just nice to have it sometimes. Two, this was her full time job and she wasn’t in school, so going crazy with the binge gaming was in fact ‘good’ for her and her career… technically.
Sighing, Arlo begins making his way over to the bed. He hadn’t bothered getting dressed after leaving the breakfast table, but Angelica pays his naked state pretty much no mind.
“You’re insane, Angelica.”
Rolling her eyes, Angelica doesn’t even look up from her phone this time. She’s still staring at the screen as she responds to him.
“You know how it is, cous. I always get a massive boost when a ‘fan’ manages to track me down and ‘rape’ me on stream. People love that shit, and even when it’s over a fair amount stick around, hoping I’ll cry or it’ll happen again or some degenerate shit like that.”
Arlo snorts in amusement. Of course they would. Angelica really did cater to the lowest common denominator. People who enjoyed watching gaming livestreams weren’t inherently bad people by any stretch of the imagination. Generally lonely and with too much free time on their hands, sure. But they were just living the lives they had, playing the hands they were dealt.
However, the sorts of ‘average viewers’ that Angelica’s live stream attracted were on another level of ‘coomer’ as Arlo had heard it called. You had to be if you were dodging one of the mainstream streaming website in favor of looking for something like Angelica was peddling on her porn site. Sure, the porn site she streamed to was the most popular one around, but that didn’t change the fact that she was still a camgirl.
That said, her content was innovative enough in the sphere that she operated in to make her super popular. Like bringing Harry Potter smut-fiction to a porn website mostly about erotic art a decade after the Harry Potter movies ended. You would think that with every possible avenue of Harry Potter fanfiction being explored in the years prior, it wouldn’t gain much traction. But if you added smut to something seemingly mundane, you could truly make a massive audience off of that sort of thing. Sex sold, in the end.
“Anyways, had to milk it for all it was worth. Also, got some ideas for some extra streams we can do together while you’re here. Don’t worry. It’ll be fun.”
His brow rises again at that before he just shakes his head once more, this time in amusement. Climbing on the bed, he grabs Angelica by her ankles and yanks her towards him, before flipping her over onto her front. The succubus, distracted by the glowing screen inches from her face, squawks indignantly as he palms her purple ass and spreads her cheeks, showing off her puffy pussy lips and puckered anus.
“H-Hey! I told you; I’m going to bed soon!”
Arlo doesn’t stop though; he slides forward and a moment later pushes inside of Angelica. Despite his cousin’s protests, she’s not exactly fighting back. Not even trying to in fact. Her hands are still holding her phone and she doesn’t seem to be willing to look away from whatever she’s reading. As he begins to fuck her, Arlo chuckles and smacks her ass.
“Yeah, well your mother said to make sure you’re awake. Along with the implicit instruction to KEEP you awake. Maybe, if we’re exceptionally lucky, we can even get you on something resembling a normal sleep schedule over the holidays.”
Groaning as he sinks into her depths, her pussy walls clenching and squeezing him in equal measure, Angelica just scoffs at his assertion.
But she also doesn’t stop him from fucking her. Even though they both know a load of his seed will energize her like no one’s business, and ultimately keep her from going to sleep for the next twelve hours at least. Grunting, Arlo leans forward and really starts to prone bone his cousin, plowing the gorgeous succubus nonstop from above.
Her spade tail wraps around his waist as he does so, pulling him in and giving his every thrust a bit of extra ‘oomph’ to it. Beyond that though, she does nothing to encourage or discourage him from fucking her. If it wasn’t for her tail having a mind of its own, he would think he was being ignored entirely for whatever was on her phone. Speaking of which…
“Are you… doom scrolling?”
Angelica stiffens at that, before scoffing a little too quickly.
“What? No!”
Giving the back of his cousin’s head a deadpan stare, Arlo looks at her screen again.
“What else would you call reading back the chatlog of your last stream, cous?”
Growling, Angelica wiggles a moment before grumbling to herself.
“… Research. Duh. I need to know what people liked so I can make the next stream even better.”
… His cousin really was a degenerate. She always acted like she didn’t care, not about her stream or her viewers. She put on this façade and even Arlo had bought into it for a second. But in truth, Angelica was desperate for the attention… just as desperate as any human camgirl or mainstream streamer. She NEEDED it. She LIVED for it.
Well, he wasn’t about to tell her how to live her life. She was happy, or at least seemed happy, so he would just… support her how he could. Grunting as he continues to fuck her from behind, Arlo tilts his head to the side.
“Anything interesting about me in there?”
For a moment Angelica doesn’t answer and he wonders if she’s willfully ignoring her. But then, through the grunts as he continues to fuck her into the bed, the prone succubus speaks.
“Yeah. They liked this time a lot. You were more aggressive. More real. Even the veterans thought it was kind of impressive. They’re all split between praising me for finding a better actor and praising you for your roleplay.”
Arlo perks up at that, rather proud of himself. Especially since they were directly comparing him… to, well, him. It wasn’t that Angelica had found another guy… he was, in fact, the ONLY guy to ever fuck his cousin on her stream. He just looked different every single time. To hear them praising his latest appearance for doing so well was… kind of nice, honestly. Reaffirming, even. Shit, he supposed he was getting a taste of why Angelica was the way she was.
“Huh. That’s nice. Uh… sorry if it feels like I’m taking any of your thunder though. Not my intent, as you well know.”
Another pause, before Angelica scoffs and suddenly pushes back against him, forcing him out and off of her in a split second. Rolling back into her back, she hooks her feet behind his thighs and yanks him back into her, before Arlo can even truly realize he’s not fucking her anymore. As his brain catches up with what happened, he just chuckles and shakes his head at his cousin’s antics, before returning to plowing her silly.
Angelica, meanwhile, wraps her arms around his neck, having finally put down her phone.
“You’ll make it up to me by starring in my stream as many times as we can manage over the holidays.”
Arlo’s eyes widen a little at that, though he doesn’t slow down. He can’t at this point, not with her legs wrapped around his waist, sucking him in.
“… Won’t that cause a hit to your view count when I inevitably have to leave after the holidays are over.”
Shrugging, Angelica offers him a crooked grin.
“Sure. But then once you turn eighteen and mom finishes the job, you’ll be free to do whatever you want whenever you want, won’t you?”
Arlo slowly nods at that.”
“Good. You can come back then and the ‘return’ will be enough to propel me to the moon again. After that, we can negotiate a deal. Weekly or monthly maybe, whatever works with your schedule.”
… Well, at least she’s not demanding he spend ALL of his time after he turns eighteen helping with her stream. In fact, he quite likes the idea of having a semi-regular booty call with his cousin. Though which of them is the booty call in that scenario? Isn’t it him? Rather… does he really mind?
No, no he does not. Grunting, Arlo picks up the pace and a few moments later finally spills his seed inside of his succubus cousin. Angelica groans, taking it and assimilating it almost instantly, the energy causing her to grow more active, any would-be lethargy dropping away as he gives her a smile and a nod.
“Sounds like a plan, cous.”
Her lidded, satisfied expression makes it clear she’s quite happy to hear that. Which is good, because his Christmas Vacation is just getting started, and he has no intention of pissing off one of the only other two people in the house this early on.


Part 3:


Standing there in front of the mirror, Arlo can’t help but grin as he looks over his fully transformed body. He looks damn good as an Incubus. His skin is a darker shade of purple than Angelica’s is, and his horns are bigger atop his head. He’s just bigger in general than the Succubus, in every way that matters. Even his tail isn’t like the whip-thin spade tail that both his Aunt and Cousin have. No, his tail is a big, thick thing that he could probably slap someone’s head clean off their shoulders with.
Flexing and posing in the mirror, Arlo can’t help showing off. He looks really good like this. Better than good, he looks like he was meant to. Ya know, he sort of understood how trans people felt in this moment. He’d never had any questions regarding his gender, but his species? He felt, in his heart of hearts, that he was MEANT to be an Incubus. To be anything less, to be human? It was an affront to his sensibilities. He was-
“Yes, yes. You’re very pretty. I know I do great work, but you can quit strutting about like a flamboyant peacock, sweetie.”
And like that, Arlo’s swelling ego is punctured as Auntie Velma cuts in from off to the side. The beautiful Succubus walks up to him with a flattened stomach, having recently given birth just days after they’d all celebrated Christmas. As a succubus, she didn’t have to go through the rigmarole of nine months of labor like human women did. Even though she tended to be pregnant almost twenty-four-seven, three-hundred and sixty-five days a year anyways, each pregnancy was the span of only a couple of months at most.
She looks just as good without the pregnancy as she does with it though, and Arlo can’t help feasting his eyes on her perfectly sculpted body for a moment. Truth be told, he can’t even remember the day she gave birth all that clearly. It was a little fuzzy for Arlo even now because she’d lost control of her aura and all he could recall was being overwhelmed with lust and fucking Angelica for hours on end.
 He’d plowed his cousin for so long she’d actually missed a stream for once. As in, he’d kept her from starting it because he was too busy fucking her to let her up. It was something that had annoyed her quite a bit, seeing as she could have turned the marathon sex into content. Unfortunately, Velma was in no position to glamor him up.
Humming, Velma looks him over for a moment before reaching up and tweaking his horns a bit more. As she pulls on them, they don’t act like real horns, stretching and elongating at her fingertips. Mostly because they aren’t, unfortunately.
None of this is real… yet. All of this is merely a glamor that his Auntie has crafted for him. It’s a look into the future for once he’s graduated from High School and is finally out from under his parents’ control. Once he can make the choice for himself, he knows Velma will gladly transform him into a full-blown Incubus. Until then, however, she’s not going to do so, not when he’ll have to go back to finish out the rest of his Senior Year in another couple weeks.
As if reading his mind, his Aunt manages to parrot his thoughts back to him.
“Mm. Just a few more months, Arlo. Just a little while longer and this will all be a reality. Ohhh, the things you’ll be able to do with your new body~”
Arlo flushes, his cock rising at Velma’s lilting, sultry tone. She licks her lips for a moment, making Arlo want nothing more than to grab her and throw her down so he can fuck her silly. He knows she would let him do so too, but he holds himself back because he’s expected elsewhere soon enough and he needs her to complete her work first.
“… For now, this will have to do. At the very least, this glamor should more than fool the unwashed masses that my daughter entertains on that livestream of hers.”

Even if he can’t just push her down and fuck her right then and there, Arlo’s eyes are nevertheless tracking the motions that her body is making as she speaks and moves around him. His gaze flicks between the view of her in the flesh and what the mirror shows, depending on whether she’s in front or behind him. His stiff staff flexes and pulses with need for her ample assets.
There’s certainly no doubt about the sort of body type he’s attracted to, though it could be said that that was all his Aunt and Cousin’s fault in the first place. When Succubus Pussy was all you knew, how could you ever even think to downgrade to human twat? Ultimately, Velma and Angelica had absolutely ruined Arlo for any other woman. His standards were just too damned high. And yet, he didn’t mind it all that much. And Velma assured him that once he was an Incubus, he would actually find it easy to lower his standards once more.
As he was now… mostly human still, sex was a treat. It was a delicacy. So of course he would go after the finest, most decadent women in all the land. But once he was an Incubus, sex would stop being a delicacy and start being his primary food source. At that point, he would go from wanting to fuck his Aunt and Cousin as much as he could for the short time he was with them… to NEEDING to fuck every single day in order to stay strong and healthy.
Fucking human women, hopefully for a profit of course, would be like fast food for him. Greasy, cheap, and most importantly… easy.
“Of course, it’s not fair to send you in unarmed against my daughter. She’s a career Gamer after all.”
Blinking, Arlo looks to Velma at that, curious about what she’s talking about. His Auntie is running her hands up and down his chiseled, purple chest and gives him a wicked grin in the mirror.
“… I’m not too bad myself, Auntie…”
Letting out a tinkling laugh, Velma pulls away and steps over to the side, grabbing a jar of something and returning just as quickly as she left.
“Oh, I’m sure you aren’t, my darling nephew. However, there’s no reason I shouldn’t stack the deck in your favor. After all… my daughter’s audience likes to see her lose just as much as they like to see her win.”
… That was true. Arlo watches as Velma uncaps the jar and scoops out a handful of cream. She all but slaps it down onto his chest and begins massaging it onto his body as he stands there in front of the mirror. The smell… its somewhat interesting, though he can’t quite place where he’s smelt it before.
“This is Angelica’s favorite scent, sweetheart.”
Oh. That would explain it. He’s smelt something weaker than this before in Angelica’s room or something. Though never this much of it. Never this strong. Still, Velma has no issue bullying her daughter it would seem. After all, by bullying Angelica, she’s also supporting her. His Auntie is right, Angelica’s viewers would LOVE to see Angelica get her ass handed to her… especially by him, even if they haven’t met him quite yet.
Of course, on top of slathering the cream all over his naked body, Velma is also giving him a professional standing massage. It’s not long before Arlo is groaning as she sexually tortures him with the process. Her hands on him and the proximity of the rest of her body has him desperate for release. By the time his full body is glistening with the oily cream, his dick is damn near ready to explode.
Just who is she trying to stack the deck in favor of here?! If he goes to Angelica like this, he’ll prematurely ejaculate in seconds!
Once again seeming to almost read his mind, Velma giggles as she sets the now empty jar aside. Then, without hesitation, his Auntie drops to her knees before him, taking his utterly massive dick, currently glamoured to look positively demonic, in her hand.
“Not to worry. I have no intention of letting you make a fool of yourself on your official debut, Arlo~ Let’s take care of all that build up before we send you off, shall we?”
Arlo shudders as his Auntie begins to blow him right then and there. She takes him in her mouth and sucks him down like no one’s business. Her cheeks suck in and her throat bulges as she gurgles in a truly obscene fashion. Of course, he knows that she’s not actually struggling to take his cock down her throat, no matter how tight it is. But his Aunt knows how to put on a show nonetheless, and she’s soon got her cheeks puffing out as well, even as she bobs up and down his shaft.
She sucks him like a pro, and Arlo finds himself throwing his head back and groaning in appreciation as he brings a hand down to rest upon the top of Velma’s head. When his gaze slides back down from the ceiling again, it catches on the sight in the mirror. He watches their reflection of a succubus on her knees, blowing an incubus. A glimpse at his future, to say the least.
Needless to say, he cums soon after that, with his Auntie draining his overstuffed balls of not just one but three full loads in rapid succession. She drinks and drinks and drinks, swallowing every last drop of his jizz and taking care of all of his build up just as she’d promised she would.
Then, she sends him on his way with a smack on his ass and a ‘knock em dead, Tiger’.
… He had the best Aunt in the whole wide world.
“That’s right you cunts. Got a really special guest for you all this time around. An invited guest even, for once. Oh? Who is he? Well he’s family, of course. He’s come all the way here for a visit from the South. The DEEP South.”
Yes, there was a reason that Arlo was currently glamoured up to look like an Incubus and no, it wasn’t just because he wanted to get an early feel for what it was going to be like. In truth, this wasn’t anything like what being an Incubus would really be like. The change was currently only skin deep. Sure, he still had his healthy libido and big fat cock, but at his core, he was unfortunately only human.
But Angelica’s viewers didn’t need to know that. Stepping fully into her room after opening the door a crack and hearing her talking him up, Arlo smirks as he comes into view of the cameras. Angelica, who’s still setting up, catches sight of him and doesn’t make any effort to pretend like she doesn’t know he’s there this time around. Instead, straightening up with her spade tail flicking back and forth behind her, she gestures to Arlo.
“Here he is guys! This is my cousin Razgolor!”
Arlo snorts but manages not to roll her eyes at the name. Instead, he looks at the camera and begins to speak in a deep, guttural sounding voice, his words coming out as something that sounds sufficiently demonic. Of course, he barely gets a few syllables in before Angelica smacks him on the arm.
“Hey! None of that now! We speak English on stream, cous! Otherwise you’ll melt the brains of my loyal viewer base and then who will pay for my shit?!”
Now Arlo DOES roll his eyes, playing up the role as he grunts and shakes his head, speaking in decidedly rough English.
“Hah! No danger of that if their brains haven’t already dribbled out of their ears from drooling over your tits!”
Angelica gives him another playful swat and then returns to setting things up for her stream. Arlo, meanwhile, pretends to be the curious creature he is, slipping closer to the Streaming Set-up and looking at Chat. It’s positively flying by of course, as it always does when someone new joins the stream. There are some who are leaving immediately, now that he’s on screen instead of Angelica.
Those that are only here to fantasize about somehow having a relationship with his cousin, despite not having a chance even in hell, are getting out fast. After all, they don’t want to see THEIR ‘precious devil’ being fucked by another guy… or even in the same room as another guy, as is currently the case. However, they’re by far the minority. Even as they throw out disgusted messages and then close the stream, the number of viewers is going up and up.
Arlo watches on in amusement as several of the viewers make comments about his appearance, making their genders, or at least their sexual preferences, obvious. But then to be fair, he’d seen Angelica’s analytics. Thirty percent of her viewers were female. It was an unheard of number even on a more mainstream website like Twitch. Most of the Internet was still male dominated, in fact.
And yet, Angelica drew plenty of female viewers to her livestreams. Bisexuals, Arlo had to assume, because they were all positively freaking out at his appearance, getting just as horny as her male viewers usually did.
While Angelica finishes setting everything up, Arlo takes over answering Chat’s questions. He picks and chooses fun ones, smirking at the camera as his yellow eyes glow with malevolent intent.
“Why do you keep asking whether we are actually demons or not? Is obvious, no? I am Incubus. Cousin is Succubus. We feed on sexual energy.”
More comments, more questions, more viewers. The number is going up and up, and right now Angelica is barely visible… though her ass IS on screen almost one hundred percent of the time, her spade tail swishing back and forth in the air as she bends over to get stuff. Heh, his cousin knows what her viewers like, that’s for sure.
“No, we do not have to kill our meals like you humans do. Death by Snu-Snu is an unfortunate accident when it does happen. After all, is one less cunt or dick to enjoy, no?”
He hums, then grins a positively evil grin.
“Why do I look like this? I look like this because as soon as any mortal gazes upon my genitals, they find themselves on their knees or on their back, well aware that a superior being stands before them.”
He’s enjoying playing the part of a Grade-A Dick. He’s enjoying it quite a lot in fact.
“She looks like that because you pathetically perverted peons wouldn’t take her seriously if she showed up in anything less than her true form. Obviously.”
He’s not giving them the answers they might want, but he doesn’t care. Obviously, he’s not going to tell them the truth. That’s not the point of this.
“Yes, Hell is quite real. It is a varied place, even more so than your pathetic mudball. There are as many different biomes in Hell as there are insects on your up-jumped clod of dirt. And yes, I am counting you humans among those insects. A drop in the bucket perhaps but counted all the same.”
Playing the Heel is so fun. He can see why Angelica likes to do it so much. She treats her Chat like they’re in an abusive relationship… and she’s the abuser. If they didn’t like it so much, they could just stop watching.
“Of course it’s a shithole. But does that mean I prefer your world? Fuck no! I’m not crazy like my cousin. There are a million planets with better aliens to play with than you humans and your stupid ‘earth’.”
He reads for a moment more, before snorting derisively.
“It should be obvious whether each of you are going to hell or not, humans. I’m certainly not about to explain it all to you, but if you have to ask, then you probably are! Most of you insects end up there after all!”
At this point, the questions are slowly beginning to be overtaken by accusations of it all being fake. Which, fair. That was the whole point of Angelica’s livestream. She was a real Succubus pretending to be a fake Succubus as a shtick of sorts. Which obviously made him a fake Incubus as well. But right now, his presence was adding to her view count by a lot and had led to tens of thousands of new viewers tuning in already in the last few minutes.
As such, there were a lot of people commenting who didn’t exactly know what was going on and were eager to call him out on his ‘fake act’, even though obviously that was precisely what it was supposed to be. The Internet truly was a hilarious place in that way. Laughing, Arlo waves a hand airily in the air.
“All of you so quick to deny what is right before your very eyes. Did his Majesty the Devil have to do any work at all before you all stopped believing we existed? Hah! You humans love to stick your heads in the ground of your worthless dirt clod, don’t you?!”
With that, Arlo’s little provocative Q&A session with Chat comes to an abrupt end. He and Angelica are soon sat in a pair of chairs in front of her monitor with the cameras set up in such a way that you can see ALL of both of them. From Angelica’s naked tits and already wet cunt to Arlo’s chiseled abs and fat cock. It’s all on full display as the two of them start a co-op playthrough of Resident Evil Five.
“Hmph, this does seem like something the humans would do to themselves.”
“Nah cous, zombies work down in Hell, but they don’t actually work up here. It’s been scientifically proven.”
“Seriously? How long have you been up here, cousin? ‘It’s been scientifically proven’. Listen to you! You sound like a human, bahahaha!”
Angelica pouts playfully at that, even as they familiarize themselves with the game’s story, characters, and setting, all while bantering back and forth.
“At least the game is fully functional without any problems. Really hate when triple-A studios release utter garbage alongside massive Day One Patches that reveal just how incompetent the game devs were.”
Nodding along with her, Arlo adds his own two cents, continuing to ham it up as ‘Razgolor’.
“Indeed. You all might be happy to learn that there is a special place in the Hells for said game designers. After they die, they suffer through their own incomplete and buggy games for the rest of eternity. And I do not mean playing them. I mean that they live the glitches that THEY themselves allowed to go out to the unsuspecting public. Bahahaha!”
There’s some general disbelief at that comment of course, but by now most of the viewers have apparently accepted that his whole routine is tongue in cheek and very clearly just for fun and not meant to be believable. Instead, the Chat has turned into a mixture of people commenting on the game and a few who are commenting on his and Angelica’s bodies. Which is more than fair, this is a camgirl website they’re streaming on after all.
Though, one comment does fly by that Arlo can’t help responding to.
“Ah, I see someone in chat has stuck around this long while still proclaiming they don’t want to see my magnificent demonic cock any longer. Hm, funny that you’re still here! Alas, you will have to be patient, won’t they, cousin?”
Trying… and failing to focus on the game in front of her, with Velma’s little prank on her daughter having its intended effect of riling Angelica up and driving her a little crazy, the Succubus beside him finally nods.
“Y-Yeah. Part of the… um, surprise coming up. You guys c-can hold out for it… hell knows I am.”
That last bit is said under her breath, and Arlo isn’t sure anyone but him actually heard it. Grinning wickedly, Arlo glances back at the camera as he and Angelica continue to play through the tutorial.
“Besides! Everyone is at least a little gay. You all enjoy watching pornography, don’t you? Do you only watch lesbian porn? No? You like to watch a man and a woman go at it? Hm, do you not care if the man has a micro penis then? Oh? You want it to be a big fucking BITCH BREAKER of a dick, do you?! Hah! I rest my case! Bahahaha!”
Beside him, even Angelica bursts out laughing, causing her naked tits to jiggle all over the place as she busts a gut over her Chat willingly walking right into that one.
Soon enough, the tutorial ends and they start facing actual enemies. As the two of them make their way through the first level however, it becomes increasingly obvious that Angelica is very distracted by Arlo’s presence. Increasingly obvious to everyone BUT Angelica herself. Even her viewers start hazing her about it.
“What? Chat, shut up! I’m not going easy on him because he’s my cousin or something, ugh!”
Arlo just snickers, letting his game play speak for itself. Chat does all of the banter for him, really, insulting Angelica more and more as her performance in the game slips while she’s definitely subconsciously acting more sexually distracted than she usually would during a livestream.
By the time they reach the end of the level, Angelica is visibly sweating, her hips are unconsciously humping the air, and her whole body is undulating. And yet, she still doesn’t really get what’s going on until they’re both graded on their performance in the co-op. When Arlo comes out a full letter grade higher than her, that’s when Angelica’s jaw drops open, her yellow eyes going wide.
“The fuck?!”
As Chat rags on her, she sits there shocked for a moment… and then sniffs at the defeat, trying to play haughty. Only, that sniff turns into some real sniffing as she breathes in the air around her, her nose wiggling. Finally, she turns to him, staring at him blankly for a moment before reaching out and grabbing hold of him. Dragging him over by the wheels of his computer chair, Angelica takes a long, DEEP whiff of him right there on stream… before letting out a snarl.
“Oh FUCK you for using that scent against me! You motherfucker, you practically slathered yourself in it!”
Letting out a laugh, Arlo gives Chat a wink before grinning wickedly in Angelica’s direction.
“Of course I’m a motherfucker, cous. We both are, seeing how your mom taught us how to properly fuck in the first place.”
There’s a moment of stillness before Chat absolutely EXPLODES as it catches up to what Arlo just said. Angelica, meanwhile, also goes still as she realizes her mother definitely had a hand in getting him coated in her favorite scent. Finally realizing what’s happened with her Chat, Angelica settles into a mighty pout.
“… I hate you. I hate you SO much for that.”
Laughing, Arlo plays up his ‘rough’ English again.
“Yes, yes. You hate me LONG time, I’m sure. I still get to pick our position for the next level~”
Chat is forced to wait for a bit as they rearrange things for Arlo’s prize. One might think that winning a co-op game was impossible, but not when every level ended with a grading for both players. By ‘winning’ the first level, Arlo had earned the privilege of getting to choose the position that the two of them would play the second level in. Of course, part of the fun was surprising chat, which was why Angelica, after raging at him for a little while longer than was absolutely necessary in order to put on a show, had sent Chat off to watch about five minutes’ worth of ads.
For those using an adblocker, the stream goes to an Intermission Screen for the duration of the five minutes, so even if they wanted to, none of the viewers can possibly game the system and peek at things ahead of time.
In that time, they relocate Angelica’s bed and reposition all of the cameras into the right spots. Finally, just as the ads are coming to an end, Angelica clicks off the Intermission Screen and brings things back to a state of normalcy. Of course, nothing about their current position is normal anymore.
Angelica is on her back with her head and arms dangling backwards off the bed. Meanwhile, Arlo is on top of her with his controller resting atop her massive breasts. Revealing their position to the viewers results in quite a few incredulous responses from Chat. Seeing one in particular, Arlo lets out a laugh as he responds to it.
“Yes way, Chat. Yes way.”
Angelica, meanwhile, acts the part of disgruntled brat, puffing out her cheeks angrily and staying silent for now as they start up the second level. Just as things are getting underway, Arlo FINALLY thrusts into Angelica down below. They were perfectly positioned for it already of course, and the viewers had been able to see how his massive, ridged, demonic-looking cock was nestled between her thighs.
They now get to watch as he disappears his humungous dick right into his cousin, burying himself to the hilt in her gushing twat. Angelica gasps, her face contorting in pleasure as she immediately cums on the spot, but that doesn’t stop her from managing to get a kill in the opening moments of the level all the same.
Grunting, Arlo is quick to leap into the fray. As nice as his cousin’s twat feels wrapped around his dick, and as nice as her soft tits are under his hands, he’s gotta focus up if he doesn’t want Angelica to have the chance to humiliate him on level three. Truth be told, it’s only a matter of time before she manages to overcome his advantages.
Her mother was right, after all. Angelica was a true Gamer with a capital G. By comparison, Arlo’s gaming time was incredibly limited. His parents preferred him to spend his time doing ‘important’ things like sports or schoolwork. They signed him up for all sorts of activities that Arlo himself would not have chosen if he had the choice in the first place.
Ultimately, it had made him a more well-rounded person. He wasn’t so closeminded that he couldn’t admit that. But even still, it bothered him that it was all shoved down his throat by his parents. His hobbies and interests didn’t really feel like they were truly HIS. Rather, his mom and dad simply had their own hobbies and interests that they’d deemed ‘valuable’ in life and shoved them upon him.
He was lucky he hadn’t been born a girl to be honest, or he’d probably have been in and out of beauty pageants all his life. That was the kind of woman his mom was, after all. Instead, because he was a boy, it was always sports and the like.
So yeah, he wasn’t as much of a gamer as Angelica was. Luckily, his Auntie’s little gambit was paying off beautifully. Having him sitting next to her throughout the first level while covered in what was apparently Angelica-approved catnip had definitely fucked with her mind enough for him to pull out a huge early lead. Now he just had to keep it.
“F-Fuck, this is such a stupid angle. You’re an asshole, Razgolor. Honestly, c-can’t believe you’d play so dirty.”
Indeed, while she might have gotten the first kill, he’s gotten the lion’s share of the last several, as well as had to pick her up after she got downed several times by this point. That’s one of the rules they came up with, if either of them gets downed by an enemy, the other HAS to immediately do everything in their power to get them back up, or else it’s ‘cheating’.
Seeing how he has a massive lead; Arlo has no reason to resort to any such ‘cheating’. Even as he drills his cousin on her bed, he rotates between killing bad guys and getting her back into the fight time and time again. Angelica is doing her best, but obviously her best really isn’t good enough in this case.
Grinning wickedly, Arlo looks at the camera and gives Chat a wink.
“Oh, I think my cous has not seen how dirty I play just yet. Shall I show her, Chat?”
Even though he’d been a complete jackass during the Q&A earlier, Arlo as ‘Razgolor’ has managed to completely win over the Chat by this point. This is clearly because of three things. One, everyone likes a winner and for the time being he’s winning, even if it is by underhanded tactics. And two, everyone is in the aforementioned abusive relationship with Angelica already, so they find it easier to get over his jackassery from earlier. Especially because of the third reason… his assholish behavior is now directed at their tormentor and their favorite target to bully in turn, Angelica herself.
As such, it’s no surprise when the response from Chat to his question is insanely positive. Nine in ten chatters are practically begging him to play even dirtier. Angelica, seeing this, scowls cutely.
“Wow Chat. So much for fair play, you- nnngh!”
In that moment, Arlo strikes. Because he’s resting his controller on top of Angelica’s tits, he has multiple fingers free at the moment. So even as he’s killing bad guys left and right in game, he’s also tweaking Angelica’s nipples and digging fingers into her breasts. On top of that, the vibrations from his controller are buzzing through her tits all the while, leaving Angelica to curse up a storm.
Of course, just because she’s in a disadvantageous position doesn’t mean Angelica is just going to give in. She IS the Succubus here, while he’s still only human under this glamor. Her pussy walls begin to rhythmically flex along his thrusting cock, very purposefully stroking his member in a way that he knows is by intelligent design. But knowing what she’s trying to do doesn’t stop it from being insanely pleasurable.
On top of that, out of sight of the viewers, her spade tail comes up under them both and wraps around his balls, the litheness of her demonic Succubus tail allowing her to stroke and grope and knead his nut sack.
Heh, and none of Chat can even see it either. She’s saying he’s playing dirty, but really, she’s the dirtiest of them both. Still, that doesn’t mean Arlo is going to give up. In game, he quickly finds himself acquiring a shotgun and can’t help but grin the first time he fires off a round. It vibrates his controller much more strongly than his previous weapon did, sending those reverberations right into Angelina’s body.
His cousin shrieks and cums again, her pussy walls tightening around his cock once more. She even does a quick upside down ahegao for her viewers. He knows that it’s purely for her viewers, because at the same time Angelina is adopting that ‘fucked silly’ expression, her fingers execute a deft maneuver with her own controller that blows off the heads of some of the bad guys.
She’s certainly no slouch, but he’d known that going in. All he has to do is keep her on her toes, no matter what. Unfortunately, the more he does to her, the more feedback he gets. In the end, Arlo doesn’t bother holding back his release. He waits for the briefest of breaks in the level, and then lets himself cum, groaning throatily as he unloads inside of his demonic cousin for all he’s worth.
By not trying to hold anything back, Arlo stays ahead, or so he likes to think. Finally, they run into a gimmick boss. Even Arlo, with his limited gaming time, knows about this. The boss can easily be fooled into inserting fallen explosive cannisters into its gooey body, and then lured into a furnace where detonating the cannisters will blow it to pieces. From there, the furnace will kill it as its forced to slowly pull itself back together.
Without exchanging a word, the two of them move in unison to pull exactly this trick over on the boss. They might be competing, but it’s still a co-op game. Working together in concentrated silence… while also still fucking each other for the pleasure of their viewing audience, Arlo and Angelica swiftly defeat the gimmick boss, before reaching the end of the level shortly afterwards.
Only then do both of them stop their movement, tensing up in place to see just who’s come out on top. Has he managed to leverage his early lead into another win? Or has Angelina managed to overcome? Arlo knows full well that he’s not going to like what she has in mind if she does but…
“Fuck! Motherfucker!”
Arlo can’t help it; he crows in victory as Angelina cusses up a storm. Pulling out of her and setting aside his controller, he helps his cousin up from her awkward position, grinning wickedly all the while.
“Looks like it’s my win once again, cous.”
The look Angelina gives him is incredibly malevolent, but Arlo is all smiles as the Chat cheers him on, spamming emotes and what not to celebrate his victory. At the same time, Arlo is already planning out his next position as Angelina moves over to her computer to start the next Stream Intermission and five minute ad break.


Part 4:


“Oooh, that’s it sweetie, that’s the spot.”
Another day, another morning spent with his mouth suctioned down upon Velma’s teat. Not that Arlo really had any other plans for the day. There was that one thing, but that was for later in the evening anyways. Right now, he’s all too happy to be drinking from his Auntie’s overly full breast. Not only is he aware of how much relief he’s giving her, but Succubus Milk is one of the key components of transforming into a full-blown Incubus.
Alone, his Aunt’s breastmilk won’t accidentally transform him, but the more he consumes ahead of time, the stronger he’ll be when he does become a full-fledged Incubus within the next year. As such, there’s literally no downsides to drinking as much as he wants. Aside from the temporary side effect of making him incredibly horny… but then, he was already always incredibly horny anyways when it came to this.
But yes, the baby might be gone, along with gallons and gallons of his Auntie’s breast milk in order to help its early development… but that doesn’t mean Velma’s body is back to normal by any stretch of the imagination. Nor is the pregnancy-obsessed Succubus likely to allow it to get back to normal either. She’ll probably be knocked up again within a couple days of Arlo leaving to return home once his Christmas Vacation is regretfully over. For now though, the Succubus is a new mother without a babe to suckle from her teat.
Arlo is all too happy to fulfill the role. It’s a wonderful morning, filled with wonderfully debauched suckling noises and Velma’s wanton moans. Into this comfortable, cozy space walks a certain someone who could affectionately be described as… grouchy.
“Ugh. Do you two HAVE to do that on the couch? Get a room!”
Angelica’s voice very nearly causes Arlo to pull back, but the tightening of Velma’s grip on his hair keeps him from doing so. As he suckles away at his Auntie’s lactating nipple, he listens with half an ear to her and his cousin’s conversation.
“Oh Angelica, sweetie! You’re up early~”
He can’t see it, but he can hear the scowl in Angelica’s voice, and can almost imagine his succubus cousin standing there with her arms crossed.
“Couldn’t sleep. You know what he’s making me do later, right mother?”
Far from being confused, Auntie Velma just giggles as she runs her fingers through his hair.
“Of course. Honestly, daughter, a little cold isn’t going to kill you.”
“It’s not just about the cold! He’s making me livestream it! I’m a gaming streamer, mom! And besides, I’ll be out of my element! All my viewers will see me in a moment of weakness!”
Humming, Velma has a clear grin on her face as she glances down at Arlo, who in turn looks up at her.
“Well… I’d argue that they saw plenty of moments of weakness yesterday, daughter of mine~”
As Angelica groans, Arlo can’t help but smirk into his Aunt’s teat. Yes, the day before… he’d won. Oh, not cleanly by any means. He wishes he could say it was a clean sweep, but eventually Angelica HAD managed to rally. That said, her mother’s assistance in sabotaging Angelica had been key to his victory. Arlo had managed to stay ahead for the first half of the levels, making Angelica take increasingly humiliating as well as debilitating positions as he did so.
When she’d finally rallied and beaten him, it was more because Arlo was exhausted than anything else. He didn’t have the stamina of a demon like his cousin did, not truly, so at a certain point, the marathon playthrough of Resident Evil Five had finally gotten to him.
That said, he knew he only needed to win one more level from that point on to clutch it. And so, ignoring Chat as they turned on him the moment they smelt weakness, Arlo bid his time and waited. Angelica, of course, was quick to take advantage of her victory to make HIM take the humiliating and difficult positions, but Arlo was expecting as much. He didn’t let it get to him, nor did he let her see what he was planning.
In the end, she’d been her own worse nightmare. She’d been so confident that, for the last level of the game, she’d just had them sit side by side, and made it so they both had to have one hand on the other’s crotch at all times. It was a rather hilarious end to the stream, in which they were forced to both play with only one hand against the game’s hardest enemies and hardest boss, all while fingering and jacking one another off respectively.
Unfortunately for Angelica… Arlo had practiced one-handed play just for this eventuality, believing that his cousin might force him to play with his hand tied behind his back at some point. Angelica… had not.
When they finally beat the final level after over an hour of playing one handed, both of their scores were abysmal. However, Arlo still managed to pull ahead, resulting in it being his victory. Chat had gone absolutely wild, while Angelica had been stunned silent for a moment before raging out as she realized what that meant. And Arlo was pretty sure not all of her ‘rage’ had necessarily been manufactured, heh.
Anyways, yeah… he’d won. Which meant Angelica had to pay a penalty to him live, on stream. And of course, Arlo had already decided exactly what he was going to force his darling cousin to do. It was something plenty of her ‘colleagues’ in her ‘field’ had already done. Something he’d seen her Chat begging for over and over again. Something Angelica had categorically refused to do, amusingly enough.
But she didn’t have a choice anymore. He’d won. Perhaps not fair and square, but he’d still won.
Back in the present, Arlo continues sucking from his Auntie’s teat as his cousin audibly throws her hands into the air.
“Who’s side are you even on, mom?! I know you helped Arlo CHEAT to win yesterday, but you could at least have my back on this!”
Giggling some more, Velma just shakes her head, causing her chest to jiggle a little bit. Arlo occupies one of her teats… but the other is still completely free and open.
“Well, maybe I could be persuaded to your side if you helped mama out a little bit. I’m suffering, daughter of mine. Please, won’t you relieve some of the pressure? Arlo can only help so much, you know that~”
“… Nah-ah. Not happening. I’ve got better things to do with my time than be sucked into your games. Especially since I have to prepare for my asshole cousin’s penalty later.”
Arlo expects to hear Angelica leave the room after that, but before she can, Velma lets out a put-upon groan, planting the back of her hand against her forehead. Acting incredibly over the top and altogether dramatic, she lets out a breathless sigh.
“Oh! Woe is me! My dear daughter, who grew up drinking from my breast for so much of her life, now believes she’s too old to do so! Despite the fact that her cousin, the same age as her, is all too happy to do so!”
Angelica scoffs at that.
“My cousin is a filthy degenerate. It’s not happening.”
Hey! She wasn’t wrong, Arlo couldn’t help thinking, but at the same time… bit of a Pot calling the Kettle black, right? Still, he keeps sucking. He’s almost done with the breast he’s drinking from anyways, and Velma’s hand remains in his hair, keeping him from leaving early even if he wanted to. In the end, he just has to trust that his Auntie knows what she’s doing.
“Truly? Why, I remember your younger days, when you and your cousin would have competitions over who could drink the most from my breasts the fastest. I also remember when he beat you that one time and you cr- oooh~”
Arlo’s eyes widen as he feels the barest gust of wind before his cousin is suddenly at his side, pushing in and forcing him to move over so she can take up residence at her mother’s other nipple. The baleful glare that Angelica gives him and Velma alike demands that neither of them say a word in comment to her decision. Arlo is intensely curious about the embarrassing story that his Auntie was about to tell, but alas, it seems that he won’t be getting to hear it thanks to Angelica folding.
As Angelica sucks away at her mother’s other tit, drinking her full of the older Succubus’ breast milk, Arlo finds himself coming to the end of the road on his side of Velma’s chest. The teat he’s been dutifully sucking from for about half an hour now is finally running dry. Arlo himself is feeling incredibly full… but also way too horny to just collapse backwards and not do anything with all of this… energized libido he’s now dealing with.
Letting out a lustful growl, Arlo pulls off of his Auntie’s breast, something Velma allows him to do with a nod and a smile. Then, he moves behind his cousin. Angelica squawks into her own lactating teat that she’s currently drinking from, but Velma already has a hold on her daughter and isn’t about to let her leave. One of the older Succubus’ hands is curled around one of Angelica’s horns, keeping her head where Velma wants it. The other hand is further down, groping and squeezing the younger Succubus’ full breasts in response.
This leaves Arlo free to move into position behind Angelica, even though the bent over, kneeling Succubus does her best to avoid him. Her spade tail flicks back and forth as if trying to defend her pussy from his aroused state, while her hips sway in an effort to keep him from lining up and thrusting in. Luckily, Arlo knows how to handle his cousin.
He reaches out and grabs her by the base of her tail with one hand, while stroking his member with the other. Angelica, for a split second, can’t help freezing up. The base of their tail is a known weak spot for Succubi everywhere after all, and Angelica simply isn’t in a position to stop him from targeting that weak spot. Of course, she’ll quickly recover if he doesn’t take advantage of it, so that’s exactly what Arlo does.
For that split second, Angelica’s entire body goes ramrod straight, her hips ceasing their movement. And so Arlo thrusts forward, spearing into her cunt right there on the spot without fail. Angelica lets out a shriek of gurgling outrage right into her mother’s lactating teat, causing Velma to moan happily in response. Together, the two of them have Angelica pinned. Spit-roasted, sort of. Of course, one could get technical and say it’s not truly a spit-roast… but there’s certainly no doubt that she’s getting filled from both ends, hah.
Arlo grins at his own internal joke, grabbing Angelica by her hips and really giving it to her. He’s too horny not to, to be fair… and her pussy is as wet and to die for as ever. The young Succubus’ cunt feels absolutely amazing wrapped around his dick, and Arlo can’t get enough of it. He plows into her for what feels like an eternity, but also no time at all.
Angelica, for her part, recovers quickly enough. She might be outraged at first, but she’s nothing if not adaptable. She goes back to drinking her mother’s milk at lightning speed… and also starts manipulating her pussy muscles up and down his length. It rapidly becomes obvious to Arlo that she’s trying to get this over with as fast as possible.
Unfortunately for her, he’s just getting started. His cock slams into Angelica harder and faster by the moment… and after a few more minutes of her purposefully massaging his length with her inner walls, he DOES cum. However, with a belly full of Succubus Milk, one orgasm isn’t going to be nearly enough to keep him down. In fact, his cock is still rock hard as Arlo lets out a low groan and a louder growl, his hands squeezing Angelica’s ass cheeks for a moment.
That said, he’s got time to get back to her. Especially when his Auntie suddenly shifts on the couch, repositioning both herself and her daughter so that their bodies are more… aligned. The result is that Angelica is even more trapped than before, but also, Velma’s cunt is right there, just inches below her daughter’s.
Seeing the invitation for what it is, Arlo pulls out of Angelica’s pussy and slams home into her mother’s instead. His Auntie is much more grateful for the dicking than Angelica was, moaning up a storm and giving both of them a lidded smile as she lays there on the couch. Angelica, meanwhile, is actually infuriated by his switching up who he’s fucking, ironically enough. Sure, she might have wanted to get it over with before… but this was not getting it over with. This was prolonging things.
Chuckling to himself, Arlo fucks his Auntie for a little while, before pulling back out and thrusting right back into his cousin. He alternates between the two of them, even as his cousin is forced to drink down every last drop of her mother’s breast milk while they fuck. This takes quite a while, and at a certain point Velma even transitions Angelica back to the breast that Arlo had originally been drinking from in order to milk it completely dry as well of what excess had built up since he’d stopped.
By that point, Angelica is too far gone to even realize what her mother has done. She just dutifully sucks away, the fight going out of her as she herself gets more and more aroused. Sure, she’s a Succubus as well and so Succubus Milk doesn’t have as much of an effect on her… however, she’s a younger Succubus, and Velma is an older one. There will always be SOME effect due to the gulf between them.
As the three of them fuck the morning away on the couch, Arlo just grins. Christmas Vacation will be over soon enough, but he’s going to enjoy every last moment of the time he has left with his Aunt and cousin. From this… to the fun little livestream he had planned later. Angelica didn’t think she would enjoy it, but Arlo had every intention of proving her wrong. She was in for a treat~
As the livestream comes on, Arlo can only imagine Chat’s reaction. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get to see it due to his current circumstances. Once more wearing the glamor of Razgolor, Arlo sits on a hot tub outside on his Aunt Velma’s deck. This was the funny part about where his Auntie and cousin lived. Their Winter Retreat was a mansion done up in the aesthetic of a log cabin, up the side of a mountain. Which meant it snowed here a lot, especially during the winter months.
And yet, while both were immune to heat and incredibly resistant to fire, the flipside was that Velma and Angelica were more vulnerable to cold. This was one of the reasons that Angelica had never done a ‘hot tub’ stream, despite it becoming the meta even on the big name supposedly Safe-for-Work websites several months back.
When most camgirls saw what the SFW hussies on Twitch were up to, they had of course immediately capitalized on it by performing NSFW hot tub streams of their own. They could go further than the women on Twitch ever could, after all. They could do things that the SFW streaming websites would never allow.
It was precisely Angelica’s ‘business model’ at the end of the day. Doing your average gaming livestream, but with a ton more sexy antics and in some cases, flat out sexual activities. So it should have been a match made in heaven, right? And yet, Angelica had never done it. The primary excuse she gave when Arlo asked her about it was that it was too cold outside and so she didn’t want to use the incredibly expensive, super advanced hot tub out on the deck for such a thing.
But she also worried that doing a hot tub stream, even indoors like most girls did anyways, would potentially ruin her brand as the NSFW Gamer Demon.
All of this was well and good, but Angelica never should have given Arlo such ammunition to use against her. Ultimately, he couldn’t help himself. When he’d won their little competition and earned the right to decide what form her penalty stream would take, he knew what he was going to do. Even with Chat giving a million other suggestions and only a handful even thinking of making her do a hot tub stream, Arlo would not be swayed.
Now, he grins at the camera wickedly, lounging there in the hot tub without a care in the world. Yes, it’s cold out. No, it’s not currently snowing, though there’s still a couple feet of snow all around the residence. Of course, unlike Angelica and Velma, Arlo has no weakness when it comes to cold. Besides, the hot tub is more than enough to warm him up.
“Hello, everyone. Surprised to see me?”
He can’t see Chat, so he has to assume they’re freaking out right now. Not only is THEIR streamer nowhere in frame, but the change in location probably has them going bananas. On the other hand, he should err on the side of caution. Pretending to inspect his sharpened demonic claws, Arlo hums.
“Then again, perhaps not. After all, you all know that today… is my dear cousin’s penalty stream. I’m sure you’ve spent the last twenty-four hours wondering what it could possibly be that I mean for her to do. I’m sure she’s mentioned her aversion to the cold to you all before.”
Grinning wickedly, Arlo looks the camera in the eye.
“As I mentioned before, Hell has more biomes than your puny human brains can possibly comprehend. It so happens that I come from a colder one… this sort of environment is perfectly fine for one such as me. Unfortunately, my cousin is not so lucky. She detests the cold… which makes it the perfect punishment for her failure.”
He pauses for a moment to let Chat do whatever they’re doing, before making an exaggerated glance off to the side.
“Oh! There she is now. Ah, and she’s glaring daggers at me through the sliding glass door, how amusing. Shall I invite her to join us? Yes, I imagine you’re chomping at the bit to see YOUR streamer once more, heh.”
Angelica is indeed glaring daggers at him from the relative warmth of the mansion’s living room. She’s been doing so since the stream began though, rather than just showing up. Giving her a wicked grin, Arlo crooks his finger for all to see, ordering her wordlessly to come out and join him in the hot tub. For a moment, Angelica looks like she won’t do it. A mulish expression spreads across her face. But then, she lets out a sigh and opens the sliding door, stepping out onto the deck.
A positively adorable squeal leaves her lips and she immediately hops back inside, slamming the door shut behind her. Arlo, amused but also a little exasperated, looks at the cameras.
“She just freaked out because her foot touched the deck for one second. This might be harder than I thought. Angelica! Get your ass out here young lady! Don’t make me get your mother!”
But even with her caustic response, the threat works. Steeling herself, Angelica opens the sliding glass door again and takes another step out. Whimpering in discomfort, she finally begins making her way over to the hot tub, one step at a time. She’s positively shivering by the time she reaches him, her entire body shaking in her incredibly skimpy swimsuit. It’s less of a swimsuit and more of a fashion statement though. Technically, it’s a one piece… but in actuality, it’s called a sling bikini. It barely covers more than her nipples and her crotch, and even there it’s doing a terrible job at both.
“H-Hate you. H-Hate you so much.”
Arlo just laughs and gestures to the camera, which Angelica is now standing in full view of.
“Don’t you want to say hi to all your adoring fans, cousin?”
Looking at all of them, Angelica gives them all a baleful glare. Her teeth chatter as she scowls beautifully.
“I have n-never wanted to melt all of your b-brains out of your skulls m-more than in this moment.”
Rolling his eyes, Arlo reaches out and hooks his hands under Angelica’s arms. She barely has the time to squawk and shout ‘what are you dooiiiin-!’ before he lifts her into the air. Still feeling quite energized by his Auntie’s breast milk, Arlo is able to lift her up and plop her down into the hot tub right there on the spot. It’s probably as startling for her Chat as it is for Angelica, because dead lifting someone of even Angelica’s size from a seated position isn’t easy… and yet, Arlo makes it look very easy indeed.
Regardless, he grunts as her sudden landing causes quite the splash, displacing some of the hot tub water. Meanwhile, Angelica just blinks owlishly for a moment, before groaning as she sinks further and further into the hot tub.
The cold is rapidly chased from her bones, and her shivering and chattering teeth quickly subside. Arlo gives the camera in front of them another grin and a shrug of his shoulders.
“Lookie here, Chat. Seems like my cousin isn’t quite as allergic to hot tubs as she claims. Shame that she’s only discovering how good they feel AFTER the meta already ended, but what can ya do, right?”
Angelica glares at him, having descended so that everything below her upper lip is under the bubbling warm water. Finally, she pushes out and sits down properly.
“Fuck you, you bastard. And fuck you all too, Chat. I may not be able to see what you’re typing about me right now, but I can certainly imagine it. Fuckers.”
Arlo just chuckles and reaches out, pulling Angelica to his side and giving her a nice, warm hug. She tenses for a moment, before relaxing with a sigh. Then, she reaches down and grabs hold of his cock under the water, giving it a solid stroke, which of course the stream can all see. This was why there wasn’t a camera pointed at the sliding door for Angelica’s entrance. Because they didn’t have enough cameras, and it was deemed necessary to give Chat a top-down view of the hot tub as well if they wanted it.
Regardless, as Angelica strokes his throbbing erection, she gives him a glare with rapidly diminishing heat. The more she warms up, the more she… well, the more she warms up to HIM as well, heh.
“Alright… you’ve got me out here. What are we going to do first?”
Grinning, Arlo pretends to think about it for a moment before ‘coming to a decision’.
“Hmm… let’s start with you showing Chat how long you can hold your breath, yeah?”
Angelica just rolls her eyes before nodding and slipping down off of the hot tub’s ledge. As she drops to her knees, she goes under the water and moves between his legs. The top down camera gets all of it, with Chat able to switch between it and the other views, or even watch all of the different views at the same time like some sort of bank of security camera monitors.
As Angelica takes his cock in her mouth and begins to deep throat it. Arlo waits a moment… and then crosses one leg over the back of her head with a shit-eating grin, forcing his demon of a cousin to stay down there. She struggles briefly, before just throating his cock like the good little bitch she is. Needless to say, Angelica can hold her breath for far longer than your average human. Hours, if she wanted to.
He’s not worried about that. He IS worried about keeping her distracted, however. For those still watching him, Arlo gives a wink and puts a finger to his lips, as if to shush them. Then, he gestures off camera. From out of their field of view, the sliding glass door opens again, and his Aunt Velma gracefully makes her way out onto the freezing cold deck and over to the hot tub. She’s just as vulnerable to cold as her daughter is, but she’s also the epitome of beauty and grace. As such, when Velma slips into view of the cameras and then into the hot tub itself, she’s not shivering like Angelica, nor are her teeth chattering as she gives the cameras all a megawatt smile.
“Hello again, Chat~”
It wasn’t the first time Angelica’s mom had been on her stream, of course. Angelica needed someone to spice things up sometimes, especially when Arlo wasn’t around to play his role. That said, it WAS the first time all three of them had been on Angelica’s stream at once. She’d always said that she didn’t want to give Chat too much ammunition or something… but privately, Arlo suspected Angelica just didn’t want to have too much of the spotlight taken off of herself. Having too many people on her stream at once diluted the experience, or so she’d claim.
Well, because this was a penalty stream, Arlo got to decide who was on it and what they did. Needless to say, Angelica did NOT know her mother was going to be joining them. However, she definitely felt the displacement of more water as a third body entered the hot tub. Down below, with her head trapped by his leg, the younger succubus gurgles and struggles a bit.
Velma, seeing this, just giggles as she reaches under the water and plays with her daughter’s body.
“Oh Angelica. Always biting off more than you can chew, darling~”
Arlo chuckles at that.
“Now Auntie… don’t give her any ideas.”
Luckily, Angelica can’t hear them under the water right now anyways, so said idea has not reached her ears. Regardless, Arlo can just imagine how much Chat is freaking out right now. The vast majority had probably switched to the top down view to watch Angelica deep-throat him under the water, but then when they all saw Velma enter the shot, they almost certainly scrambled to switch back to see the woman known among their community as the Demon MILF.
Arlo is confident they don’t know WHICH view to watch at this point. It’s all too much for their little coomer brains, too much and too fast. So, he decides to take pity on them and Angelica alike.
Pulling his leg back down, he allows Angelica to finally pop off of his cock and come exploding out of the water with a gasp and an outraged glare.
“D-Damn it! You-!”
“Now Angelica, honey… language~”
“Fuck you too, mom! Did you guys always have this planned?! Conspiring behind my back from the very beginning?!”
Arlo shakes his head with a grin.
“No, actually. Just asked Auntie if she wanted to join us earlier this morning. She said yes.”
Velma beams and nods at that, before pulling aside a part of her own swimsuit and letting a breast bounce free. A lactating breast at that.
“Honey, you seem upset. Would you like a drink? You know mommy’s milk always calmed you down.”
Angelica’s eyes widen in horror, but before she can categorically refuse and probably vacate the bath tub entirely, Arlo cuts in.
“I would just like to remind you, cousin… you are in the middle of a penalty stream. One in which you have promised to obey my every order.”
Angelica’s eyes flicker to the cameras for a moment, and then to Arlo himself. He’s never seen her beg quite so effectively.
“Cousin… please.”
Honestly, that alone is enough for him. He doesn’t want to completely destroy Angelica’s rep, after all. So instead, he pats his leg beneath the water and chuckles.
“Alright. Go ahead and give me a ride, and if I think you’ve done well enough, I’ll spare you the further humiliation.”

Angelica leaps at the chance to avoid the fate of being known as a Mama’s Girl till the end of time. Turning to face the cameras, she eagerly impales herself upon Arlo’s cock.
“Oh, and Angelica? Better make sure Chat knows just how good I am~”
Groaning, Angelica nevertheless plasters a big wide grin on her face as she looks into the cameras and begins to ride him.
“He’s… very good, Chat. S-So good. Better than any of you ever could be in fact. His big fat demon cock is gouging out my insides in a way no human could ever h-hope to do. You all wish you were my cousin. You all wish you were R-Razgolor.”

As she moans, really getting into character the more time goes on, Arlo lets her do her thing. She fondles her own breasts, groping and squeezing them, and bounces up and down on his dick for all to see. Her sling bikini is rapidly shoved aside and becomes more of an adornment than a garment of any kind.
Of course, just because he’s taking mercy on Angelica doesn’t mean he can’t partake himself. As Angelica begins doing her best to ‘convince’ him with her body, Arlo leans over and captures one of Velma’s teats in his mouth once more. If he’s going to survive this stream, he’s going to need all the help he can get, after all.

As he drinks deeply, he feels Angelica tense up in his lap as she realizes what he’s doing. Grinning into her mother’s nipple, he reaches down and grabs his cousin by the hips, letting her know with his upward thrusts that now is not the time to rest.
In fact… they’re just getting started.


Part 5:


Life sucked again. One might think Arlo was overreacting, or even being hyperbolic. But it was the damn truth.
“Arlo! Come over here Arlo, there’s someone I want to meet!”
Resisting the urge to sigh, plastering a smile on his face, Arlo begins making his way over to his father and mother. Winter Break was over. And thus Arlo found himself back in his ‘real life’ living ‘normally’. What that really meant was everything sucking to high heavens. No, that wasn’t because Arlo was an angsty teenager, thank you very much. The cause and effect were actually swapped. He was an angsty teenager BECAUSE everything sucked to high heaven.
Leaving his Auntie behind meant one thing and one thing only. She had to ‘seal’ all of the preparations for his transformation into an Incubus away so that his mother didn’t come to expect anything. If he started acting too different, then she might get suspicious and that would ruin everything. As such, Arlo’s near-inhuman levels of… everything were once more locked away for the time being.
Oh, he was still the cream of the crop in a lot of ways. There was a reason his father and mother had used Auntie Velma as a surrogate for him in the first place. He still had exceptional looks in the utmost percentile of human beauty, he still had perfect health for a human, he still had stamina and strength and agility for days.
He’d lived with these bonuses all his life, finding that he could eat almost anything he wanted within reason and stay abnormally physically fit and beautiful. But at the same time… it was nothing compared to how he got to feel when he was with Aunt Velma and his cousin. The whole world was far less vibrant now, and there was simply no helping it. Until he turned eighteen and got the fuck back to his Auntie, Arlo was trapped.
Which led to where he was now. Winter Break was over, and right off the bat he found himself dragged to the very first event of the year at his father’s business. Their ‘aftermath of the first month of the new year’ conference was pretty popping; Arlo could admit that. It was definitely one of the better meetings he’d been forced to attend as his father’s son. But it didn’t really matter when it paled in comparison to the life he’d gotten to live with his Aunt and Cousin.
Reaching his father’s side, Arlo can’t help feeling listless and disinterested despite the feigned smile on his face. That is, until he finds himself actually making eye contact and fully seeing the man his father wanted him to meet.
“Arlo! This is my boss, Mr. Williams. Mister Williams, this is my son that I told you about, Arlo. He’s smart boy, with a good head and a strong set of shoulders!”
His father pats him on the back with enough strength that some might consider it ‘too hard’, but in reality, it comes from a lifetime of knowing Arlo maintains peak performance. Even with his true strength sealed away right now, he barely feels his father’s parental smack. No, he’s too busy staring at “Mister Williams”.
The pandemic had hit everyone pretty hard, though Arlo was well aware that it hit those at the bottom much harder. Those at the top, like his father, didn’t escape unscathed… but they also didn’t suffer. When his dad got canned from his previous job, it came with several months of severance and glowing recommendations. Those recommendations had in turn led him to joining his current company, under the employ of one “James Williams”.
That had been two years ago, and yet Arlo had still managed to avoid meeting his father’s boss in all that time through a mixture of actually trying to avoid it and pure coincidence. So this truly was the first time he was seeing the man. His first impression of James Williams? Big. The man was huge, but not in a Wall Street Fat Cat way. No, he wore his perfectly tailored suit well, and more than that, it didn’t seem like there was an ounce of blubber on him. If there was, it was hidden.
Instead, Mister Williams appeared to be incredibly fit despite his large size. He was huge in a way that a fucking gorilla was huge. He was huge in a way that a tiger was huge. Maybe a bear, but then again he wasn’t nearly rotund enough to be compared to a bear. The man was simply built like a brick shithouse.
He was also smiling and extending a hand in greetings, causing Arlo to flush and quickly match him for the handshake.
“A pleasure, young Arlo. Your father has indeed sung your praises quite often in my presence. I wonder if there’s any truth to his words about you.”
Flushing even more, Arlo can’t help but be a little amazed by how Mister Williams’ hand engulfs his. And though the bigger man does squeeze down a little bit, it’s not too hard. It’s almost… almost comforting in a way. As though Mister Williams is sympathizing or something. But that’s not possible of course. Arlo must be imagining things.
“I guess we’ll find out once I graduate, Mister Williams.”
He can tell that that’s the right thing to say, even as his father lets out a laugh beside him.
“Haha! That’s my Arlo! Always the joker and humble to a fault!”
But even as his dad unnecessarily runs damage control, Arlo can see from the crinkling of Mister Williams’ eyes that he appreciated the pragmatism in his words. He revises his opinion of his father’s boss upwards, though to be fair, his initial impression had been so unflattering and unfair to the bigger man that the only direction they possibly COULD go was up.
Indeed, the first thing he’d thought when he’d finally processed just what Mister Williams looked like… was that he was the kind of Big Bastard who would totally NTR Arlo’s mom and force his dad to watch like the cuck he was deep down inside.
… Yeah, not exactly a flattering thought for anyone involved, not even Arlo himself. And to be fair, he knew it wasn’t true either. If it was, his mother would have had at least one other kid by now, Arlo was sure of it. Everything about James Williams screamed ‘VIRILE’ at the top of its lungs. On top of that, if his mom were getting NTR’d by this guy, he was pretty sure she would be far more laidback from all of the fucking, instead of super high-strung like she was even tonight. Not that she’d said a word since Arlo had approached, but then that was just how she operated. When men were talking business, women were meant to be seen, not heard. Those were his mother’s own words, not his father’s.
“Well, I just wanted to make sure you and Arlo here finally met, sir. We don’t want to take up any more of your time, of course. It wouldn’t-!”
“Oh? Have you not checked your seating arrangements for the evening yet, Sam? I imagine you and your family will be taking up much more of my time than this.”
Mister Williams’ tone is a mixture of chiding and amused, even as Arlo’s father blinks stupidly. Before he can look even dumber by asking for clarification though, the bigger man takes pity on him.
“We’re sitting together tonight, your family and mine. Come, it’s almost time anyways, I’ll show you where our table is.”
“Y-Yes… of course, Mister Williams.”
Seriously. Arlo didn’t think his father’s boss gave off NTR vibes now that he’d actually spoken to the man, but his father certainly acted like a kicked puppy around him, despite James Williams seeming like an all around nice guy. His mother at least didn’t stare at the bigger man as they were led across the banquet hall.
All in all, Arlo couldn’t help but hear the conversation playing out in his head as they walked, even if he was confident it had never actually happened.
“I’ll need those reports by five, Sam.”
“Of course, sir.”
“Oh and you’ll be picking up the slack on the Modesto Case for me, won’t you?”
“Not a problem, Mister Williams, whatever you say sir.”
“And of course, I’ll be having your wife again tonight as well.”
“Yes sir, of course sir.”
… Okay so maybe it wasn’t fair to his father to be fantasizing about the man’s boss fucking his mother, but it was just… the dynamic was like a platonic version of that, at least on his father’s side. It was… truly a little depressing. Hell, maybe it was only a matter of time before Mister Williams gave in to his own desires and made a move. Arlo’s mom was still quite the looker, even at her age, even having renounced all magic. What was stopping Mister Williams from doing as he pleased? Certainly not Arlo’s father…
“Ah, there you are honey!”
“Darling, I was just collecting Sam and his family. Someone forgot to tell him we were sitting at the same table this evening.”

Arlo blinks, as they finally arrive at their accommodations for the event and he discovers right then and there the primary reason that James Williams wasn’t already fucking his mother. Arlo’s mom, despite her good looks… would have been a massive downgrade from what he already had.
James Williams’ wife was a drop-dead gorgeous blonde with big blue eyes that sweep over Arlo and his family. Maybe it’s a trick of Arlo’s imagination, but he’s pretty sure her gaze lingers on him for a half a second longer than necessary. Not that he thinks she’s looking for anyone else. Not only is Mister Williams clearly man enough for any woman… but his wife is already currently pregnant.
Frankly, she wears pregnancy well. Amazingly well, in fact. Giving them all a bright smile, Mister Williams’ wife inclines her head.
“Ah, of course. Sam, Matilda. A pleasure to see you both again. And you must be young Arlo. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Arlo tries to control the coloring of his face as he goes a little red under her more concentrated gaze. She gives Velma and Angelica a run for their money and that’s saying something. Of course, before he or any of the adults at the table can even begin to formulate a reply, there’s a sudden high-pitched voice right in front of him that forces Arlo to look down.
“Hi! I’m Kimmy and I’m seven!”
Blinking, Arlo looks down at a carbon copy of Mister Williams’ wife… albeit at seven years of age. Blonde with blue eyes, she’s absolutely adorable as she stares at him imperiously. Taken aback, but nevertheless drilled on etiquette from a young age, Arlo drops to a knee and bows his head.
“It’s nice to meet you Kimmy. I’m Arlo. I’m Seventeen.”
He says that last part rather dryly, knowing that the adults will pick up on it and Kimmy likely won’t. And indeed, she nods imperiously as though he’s done exactly what’s necessary, before looking to her mother and father.
“I want to sit next to Arlo tonight!”
… There’s some laughter at that, though it doesn’t quite explain how Arlo ends up sitting between Kimmy AND Mister Williams’ wife, who he learns is named Asha over the course of the dinner and event that follows. Kimmy is much too precious, and before he knows it, he spends the rest of the night with her and her mother, even when his father and mother stand up to go do more schmoozing at a certain point and Mister Williams leaves to attend to his own matters.
Arlo’s parents try to get him to go with them of course, but Kimmy of all people puts her foot down, and his father actually capitulates to her. Her, a seven year old. Of course, Arlo knows his father is actually capitulating to his boss with James’ daughter acting as a proxy, but it’s still hilarious and also completely ridiculous, all at the same time.
Honestly, Arlo doesn’t mind it too much. But maybe that’s the problem. He doesn’t mind it… until long after the event, when he gets home later that night and realizes at some point he agreed to interning at the company in order to take half-school days for the rest of his final year of high school along with accumulating some work credits.
Staring at the suspiciously timely onboarding email he’s received, Arlo opens his mouth… and then closes it again, going back through the conversations of the night and finally realizing just how Kimmy and her mother had tag-teamed him into agreeing. He’d been on the look out for that kind of thing from everyone BUT the precocious seven year old limpet attached to his side. He’d been on guard for both Mister Williams AND his father to try it, but he had never anticipated the seven year old in their midst being the true assassin.
… Nothing for it now, he supposed. It was just an internship at the end of the day, really. He had no intentions of ‘following in his father’s foot steps’ or working a boring nine-to-five for the rest of his days. Even if Mister Williams’ family might have made it all seem so enticing… Arlo had his plan, and he was sticking to it.
For the time being, he’d do the internship… who knows, it might even be better than wasting his time at school for the rest of the year. With a loud sigh, Arlo opens the onboarding email and gets to work, shaking his head rather ruefully with a smile on his face as he considers how massively he got played. Kimmy was going to be a heartbreaker just like her mother once she grew up…
“Thank you for being punctual. Please, have a seat.”
Arlo tries not to openly gawk as he hastily takes his seat. He hadn’t… well, he hadn’t been expecting to run into ANOTHER woman who gave his Auntie a run for her money. Not in just as many days. And yet, here he was on his first day of the internship at his father’s company, sitting down across from a red head that redefined what Arlo knew as ‘gorgeous’.
She’s so hot that it’s incredibly hard not to stare, and that’s saying something given that Arlo likes to think he’s somewhat resistance to feminine wiles after the years he’s spent at the mercy of his Aunt and cousin. But seriously… the red head looks like the epitome of the sexy businesswoman. No, more than that. She looks like the sexy businesswoman made manifest, and then multiplied tenfold.
“Now then… Arlo. Can I call you Arlo?”
Blinking, Arlo nods numbly.
“Uh. Sure. Yeah.”
She flashes him a smile that sends his heart racing in his chest. Holy shit. Was this what true love felt like? Was he seriously-?
“Or maybe Razgolor would be a better moniker, all things considered.”
Like a record scratching in his head, Arlo freezes up. His eyes go wide as the red head snaps her fingers and does what only one entity before her has ever been able to do… she unseals him. In an instant, all of his enhancements, all of the preparations to his body that Auntie Velma has made are abruptly freed from their confines. It was, as usual, that kind of thing where Arlo wasn’t truly aware of what he was missing until it was gone. But at the same time, it was also as if he’d been fully erect in his pants for an hour straight, the confines causing him great pain due to his arousal.
Suddenly, his metaphysical ‘dick’ is flopping free and Arlo feels himself exhaling involuntarily in relief. At the same time though, he quickly realizes that all is not as it seems. With his half-incubus nature fully unsealed, Arlo can suddenly see the truth of the woman in front of him. She too is a Succubus just like his Aunt. Fuck, Asha was one too, wasn’t she? No wonder she was so beautiful.
“Still with me, Arlo? My previous comment was a joke, just so we’re on the same page. I’m not here to ‘get you’ or anything. No need to worry.”
A blush spreads across Arlo’s face at that, because truth be told he HADN’T been worried about that. At least not until now. Now? Now he was wondering just what the fuck he was dealing with here. Was he up against the Succubus Police or something? Had his Auntie broken some laws or-?!
Snap! Snap!
Arlo flinches as the red head snaps her fingers twice. In the silence that had fallen over her office, the sound is impossibly loud. When he looks at her, she just shakes her head, still amused but also a little exasperated.
“I just said I WASN’T here to get you, Arlo. You’re perfectly fine, young man. So are your aunt and her daughter. This isn’t a sting operation. If it was, we would have put a stop to Velma’s antics years ago when she first started preparing you. Do you understand? You have nothing to worry about.”
… Oh. They’d known that long? He… huh, alright. Slowly, Arlo forces himself to relax. It’s hard though, because with his senses unsealed, he can only stare at the gorgeous Succubus in front of him, knowing full well what she is and feeling every bit of her raw sexual power in this moment. Now that he’s not sealed, he can tell he was being drawn in by her beauty. He can even fight it. But it’s not easy.
Giving him a grin, the red head chuckles throatily.
“Good boy. Now, I’m sure you have questions. I’ll answer them later. For now, let’s talk about your future.”
“My… future?”
Nodding, the succubus rises from her seat, walking around the desk and crossing her arms over her substantial but tastefully contained chest as she leans her perfectly sculpted ass back against it.
“Indeed. Truth be told, we have no problem with your Aunt’s plans for you, Arlo. Turning you into an Incubus is fully within her rights as your original blood mother. We do not control her either. She is technically outside of our jurisdiction.”
Oh. That was interesting.
“However, your parents are employees. Which puts you under our notice and makes you our problem. That’s where we felt the need to step in. Velma can turn you into an Incubus once you turn eighteen… so long as you undergo our educational program preparing you for what your life will be like before then.”
… Educational program? Arlo won’t lie. His mind immediately jumps to brainwashing or indoctrination or something. That thought must have shown up on his face, because the red-headed succubus rolls her eyes at him.
“It’s nothing like you’re imagining, I can assure you. Tell me this, Arlo. What were you planning to do once your Aunt turned you into an Incubus?”
Squirming, Arlo isn’t sure how to respond to that if he’s being honest. After a beat, the red head just gives him a wry grin.
“Let me guess. You were going to follow in her footsteps, yes? Go around living it up, maybe impregnating a few rich women here and there for some money?”
Well shit, if she was just going to spell it out like that, there was no point in denying it, was there?
“… Yeah, that was the plan.”
She at least doesn’t immediately tear his head off once he confirms it. Either figuratively or literally. Instead, she just nods as though it was expected and gives him a sympathetic smile.
“Unfortunately, what neither you nor your Aunt understand is the difference between an Incubus and a Succubus going into her… line of work. For a Succubus to act as a surrogate for rich human men, there’s not much potential for disaster. Human men are… simple. Predictable. Easily manipulated.”
Arlo feels a small surge of indignation at that, part of him feeling rather offended on behalf of his fellow men. Sure, he’s planning on leaving his humanity behind, but he’s still grown up human. More than that…
“Are you saying human women aren’t?”
He can’t help but disagree with that sentiment, if that IS what she’s saying. After all, he’d been able to manipulate his mother and father alike into giving him so much alone time with his Aunt Velma these past few years that it wasn’t even funny.
But no, the red-haired succubus just chuckles and shakes her head.
“There’s a difference, Arlo. A man might fuck a succubus and knock her up, but so long as the succubus doesn’t go out of her way to sink her claws into him, he’ll forget all about her soon enough. Or have you not wondered how your father could possibly love your mother after laying with your Aunt in order to conceive you?”
Arlo’s mouth opens… and then closes. It wasn’t the kind of thing he was exactly inclined to think about. Then again, he’d had plenty of sex with Velma over the past few years. It was hard to imagine his mother being better in bed than her, even if he WANTED to imagine such a thing in the first place.
“If your Aunt had wanted to own your father, she could have. If she’d wanted to have any of her many clients put a ring on it, she could have. But because she does not want that, it will not happen. She is but a fleeting wisp of memory in their minds. Nothing for them to concern themselves with beyond the… enjoyable transaction.”
That makes sense, but it still doesn’t explain what the fuck that all has to do with him. Wasn’t Arlo’s plan to be the same? Were they afraid that he would make one of his clients keep him around or something?”
“Incubi do not work the same way. And neither do human women. Put simply, human women are obsessive. Those with the money to acquire your services will likely be even more so. And you… Arlo… as you are now, uneducated and somewhat haphazardly trained, you are likely to ruin every single human woman you lay with. You’ve had sex with nobody but your Aunt and cousin for years now. You will, whether you want it or not, collecting a harem of obsessive, neurotic, stalkers in short order. Each of which will be rich and pregnant with your child, and eager to bring their baby daddy to them.”
Here, the red head smiles as she looks at him with hooded eyes.
“I’m sure you can imagine how that would go. Such an incident would be something our company would have to step in and handle. And it would be quite the large mess. Rather than let that happen and then shackle you to us in the aftermath, it is the decision of the higher ups that we prevent any such incidents from occurring, and work to make you an ally rather than a resentful servant.”
… Huh, when she put it all like that. Arlo sits in the chair, feeling more than a little floored by everything he’s just been told. And yet, he doesn’t think she’s lying to him. In fact, he’s confident she’s telling the truth as she sees it. It even makes sense. Velma had told him flat out that she’s never done anything like she’s trying to do with him before. His Auntie had always seemed so incredibly knowledgeable about… well, everything. But she’d admitted to him that she was flying blind on this.
So yeah, it made sense that Velma might not know the differences between how an incubus and succubus would interact with humanity’s high society. It also made sense that there would be a fundamental difference between a succubus carrying some rich guys’ children for them, and an incubus going around knocking up multiple rich women.
In that regard… Arlo felt like he had dodged a bullet. He didn’t necessarily want to suddenly change his life path, but at the same time…
“Alright. That all makes sense. I will… gratefully accept your company’s offer to educate me.”
The smile on the red head’s face is bright and blinding at that as she uncrosses her arms and giggles. Then, she reaches for the top button of her white blouse.
“You really are a clever boy, Arlo. A good head on your shoulders as well. There were some who thought that you would wail and fight us, but Mister Williams didn’t think so. He said you were smart and quick on the uptake and would understand that we weren’t your enemies. He also said you were good with kids.”
Arlo tries to listen to what she’s saying, he really does. It’s just a little hard when she’s also unbuttoning her blouse as she speaks. The red head pulls open her top, revealing a red lacy bra that he’s confident will be matched by an equally red set of lacy panties down below. Mouth suddenly dry, his cock suddenly growing rapidly in the confines of his pants, Arlo clears his throat as he stares at her chest.
“… Is this part of the education then?”
Smirking, the succubus pulls off her pencil skirt next, revealing that she is indeed wearing a matching set of red lingerie. Then, she climbs right into his lap, looping her arms around his neck.
“Yes. First things first… we need to show you the difference between a working succubus and the more laidback versions that you’re used to.”
Arlo’s eyes widen at that. Laidback? His Aunt and cousin were considered laidback?!
He doesn’t get the chance to question it, because the red head grabs a fistful of his hair and pulls him into a kiss that he immediately reciprocates. Like holy shit, she might be the best kisser he’s had in his entire life. All the while, she’s undulating across his lap, grinding into his crotch. It’s getting mighty uncomfortable down there. Especially since he’s much larger unsealed. His enhancements have his body straining as he groans into her lips.
Unable to contain himself a moment later, Arlo surges up out of the chair and lays the succubus back on her own desk. She lets out a tinkling laugh at that, her eyes dancing with merriment as she looks up at him with a single raised brow.
With that, he all but lunges forward. His hands grab her bra and yank it down, popping her tits free. His mouth falls upon her nipples, suckling hard. She’s lactating within seconds, though he doesn’t think she’s pregnant… it’s just a succubus thing, at the end of the day. As he drinks from her teat, Arlo’s other hand goes down to his pants, working hard to free his cock from the confines of them and his boxers. As he does so, the red head wraps her legs around his waist, moaning as she pulls him close to her all of the sudden.
His freed cock rubs against the silken front of her soaked red panties, sliding back and forth against her covered slit as she gives him a knowing grin. Arlo can’t contain himself. He can’t hold back. But then… it’s obvious she doesn’t want him to. Without missing a beat, he tears her panties off of her body entirely, not just tugging them away like her bra. He rips them to shreds… and hastily pockets them as a trophy, hoping she won’t notice.
He's pretty sure she still does, but Arlo is in too deep to care at that point, or even to feel all that guilty or ashamed of being caught. Right now, he wants one thing and one thing only… to be inside of her.
A moment later, that’s precisely what the half-incubus is doing. He’s buried inside of the red-haired succubus and fucking her hard and fast as she croons beneath him, moaning up a storm and running her fingers through her hair while he continues to suckle at her nipples one after the other. His cock pistons in and out of her pussy and Arlo feels… he feels mad. Like a man possessed. It’s all too much. Too fast. Too fucking good.
With a hoarse groan, Arlo finds himself cumming inside of the red head in record time. And not a record he’s happy to be beating either. He grunts as, against his will, his entire body seizes up and he finds himself emptying his balls inside of her without a second thought. Normally he can hold back, but not with her unfortunately. Normally, he’s able to hold his release at bay for longer than that… but she milks him dry in mere minutes.
Her legs remain wrapped around his waist, even as she does something… and suddenly they’re both on the ground. Arlo finds himself on his back, staring up into the amused eyes of the red head as she begins to slowly ride him, bouncing up and down on his cock. His dick doesn’t even get a chance to go soft before she’s got him back to full mast, throbbing inside of her.
Smirking rather wickedly, the succubus runs her hands up and down his chest.
“Don’t worry, Arlo. You’ll learn a lot from me and the others at the Company. Our educational program might SOUND boring, but it’s anything but. When we’re done with you, you’ll be able to take your Aunt and cousin for a ride they’ll never forget. All you have to do… is go in with an open mind and a can-do attitude.”
It’s amusing, because those sorts of platitudes are the kind Arlo has heard from his father and mother all his life. And yet, he’s confident if they knew what was happening right now, they’d be horrified.
An open mind and a can-do attitude? And in exchange, he’d wind up potentially even better than Velma and Angelica? Reaching up, Arlo grabs hold of his instructor’s tits and gives them a nice, hard squeeze while giving HER a wide, wicked grin.
“Let’s get started then.”


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