Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Tight Red Shorts (RWBY)

Tight Red Shorts (RWBY)


Themes: Humiliation, Exhibitionism, No Sex

Summary: In which Ruby just wants to be seen. But be careful what you wish for.


It started out innocently enough. Well, relatively innocent. Look, Ruby just wanted to fit in. Or at least be acknowledged. She wasn’t some little kid! Just because she’d gotten into Beacon early didn’t mean she wasn’t supposed to be there with the rest of them! They were all looking down on her just because she was shorter than them.
Well, except for Weiss, but the Schnee Heiress was more than capable of looking down on Ruby in a more metaphorical sense despite being unable to do so in a physical sense. Ultimately, at the end of the day, Ruby Rose just wanted to be appreciated for her body for once. That was it. Things just… didn’t work out as planned.
Everything went well at first. Dressed in a flimsy white top and a very small pair of red shorts, Ruby Rose made her way to one of Beacon’s in-house gyms, intending on getting a good, solid workout. Given Beacon was an Academy for training hunters and huntresses, there were actually several Gyms strewn throughout its campus.
Ruby had, of course, wisely chosen to go to the one furthest from her dorm and class area. This meant she was among third and fourth year students, but that was okay. They were less likely to recognize her. Though for a second, she was afraid that they would call her out as a kid or something. But that was just it… Ruby was very mature for her age! She was just a little short!
Looking around the gym, Ruby had immediately noted two things. One, there were other girls in the gym who were the same height as her, despite being third and fourth year Beacon Students. And two… NONE of them were dressed as scantily as she was. In fact, Ruby was decidedly showing the most skin in the entire gym.
As she made her way over to a treadmill, she could feel eyes on her. It was exactly what she’d wanted, so she wasn’t sure why it made her so nervous. Still, there was nothing for it. Ruby hadn’t come here to be shy about this. She’d come here to make waves. She’d come here to splash about a little bit. Getting on the treadmill, she hears snippets of murmuring around her that make it clear she’s gotten exactly what she wanted.
“-the new girl?”
“Dunno. Haven’t-“
“-little young-?”
“-certainly adventurous!”
She doesn’t fully hear what they’re saying about her, both because they’re too far away and she doesn’t want to give away that she’s listening in by craning to hear… but what she does hear lets Ruby know that she’s definitely got their attention. And only one had even mentioned her age, it seemed!
Holding her head high, the silver-eyed girl gets on the treadmill with a confident grin and starts up a run. She quickly ups the speed until she’s practically sprinting just to keep up with the machine. But then to be fair, her semblance is a speed-based semblance. Just this much really isn’t enough to exhaust her, she’s barely breaking a sweat like this!
Meanwhile, as she starts to run, most people go back to what they were doing before. She’s not exactly showing off like this, is she? She’d kind of been hoping to get more comments, maybe about her form or her speed or something. Any sort of reaffirming words regarding her attributes would have made Ruby feel good in that moment.
Unfortunately, the machine is making a lot of ambient noise now, and on top of that Ruby is just going too fast. Even if there are people still talking about her, she can’t actually hear any of them anymore, seeing how they’re all whispering to each other. Ruby tries not to let the disappointment show on her face, even as she ponders what to do.
… In the end, the treadmill just isn’t giving her what she wants. But of course, she doesn’t want to seem silly, so she keeps running. After fifteen minutes, she’s already run five miles and Ruby figures that’s good enough for a ‘warm up’. So she winds down the machine and steps off of it, grabbing a towel dangling nearby and wiping the sweat from her brow.
This, as it turns out, is Ruby’s first true mistake. Because the towel she grabs isn’t just some towel left around for everyone to grab. In the moment, Ruby isn’t thinking, but if she’d been a bit more aware of her surroundings, she might have realized… that towel belonged to someone. As it is, Ruby is too pumped with the adrenaline of the run as well as showing off her body to notice what she’s done, and as she puts the towel back and turns away, she completely misses the fourth year girl looking back and doing a double take as she realizes that Ruby has used her towel without asking.
Walking confidently over to the next machine, Ruby hops on the stationary bike and begins going to town on it. Not her favorite piece of equipment, but a fun one all the same. Especially as it has the additional side effect of causing her shorts to get bunched up over time. This is also when Ruby becomes aware of the growing group of admirers she’s attracting. They’re being a little subtle about it, not crowding around her or anything, but she can feel them watching her… and can see them moving to machines closer to her out of the corner of her eye.
It’s Beacon, so it’s not like Ruby is afraid of being assaulted or anything like that. The attention is downright intoxicating, and by the time she gets off of the bike, she’s feeling on top of the world. She’s also sweated through her flimsy white top by this point, leaving her rock hard nipples to press through the somewhat soaked fabric. She’s definitely giving off a ‘wet T-shirt’ impression at this point, but Ruby doesn’t look down and thus doesn’t notice… and no one in the gym sees fit to tell her.
The boys are all busy ogling her practically naked body through the sweat-soaked top and bunched up shorts she’s wearing. It might as well be a bikini at this point, and not a very concealing one either. Meanwhile, the girls are all either doing their level best to ignore her at this point or glaring daggers. The first sign that Ruby even gets that something might be wrong is from the next few snippets of conversation she picks up.
The guys… well, the guys are as complimentary as ever.
“-new girl is on FIRE!”
“-got something to prove, maybe?”
“-love how she-!”
“-really nice ass in those-!”
But the female voices…
“-thinks she’s better than us…”
“Fucking bitch can’t even-!”
“-riling up all the guys!”
“Ugh, hate sluts like-!”
Ruby tries not to let it get to her. She resists the urge to flinch or duck her head. The girls… they’re just jealous. It’s not her fault she looks better than them. Right? Finishing with the bike, Ruby moves over to the elliptical machine to finish her cardio workout. She’s not much for strength training, to be honest. She’d do it when she had to, especially so she could keep wielding Crescent Rose to its fullest capabilities, but she was definitely not a weight lifter like her big sister tended to be.
For an excursion like this, Ruby didn’t want to risk making a fool of herself. Instead, she stuck to what she was best at, and what she was best at was speed, agility… and cardio.
The elliptical machine has a similar effect to the bike. Or maybe it would be better to say it had a compounding effect to the bike, seeing how it made her already bunched shorts even more bunched. Eventually, her red bottoms cover essentially nothing at all, so bunched up between her pert little behind that they might as well be a thong.
It’s not actually that uncomfortable, mostly because the shorts were made of such light material that even bunched up, they don’t feel too awkward. Honestly, it feels kind of good with them tightly wedged between her ass cheeks. Until finally… well, she realizes that she’s attracted a full-blown audience. Her admirers aren’t content with just getting on machines close to her anymore. They’re quite literally hanging out around her, encircling her machine and watching her workout with hungry eyes.
Its everything Ruby wanted… but she won’t lie, it makes her really self-conscious. Suddenly, she’s very aware of the old saying ‘be careful what you wish for’. This was… it was a dream come true rapidly turning into a nightmare as her anxiety began to take over. Blushing furiously at having all those eyes on her, Ruby becomes very aware of just how… lewd she’s being at the moment.
It was never her intention to be overly ‘slutty’. She just wanted to be appreciated for her body, to be seen as the young woman she was, rather than the little kid people thought her to be just because she’d gotten into Beacon early. Well, she’d certainly gotten that, hadn’t she? These third and fourth year students didn’t know who she was… but that didn’t mean they didn’t like what they saw.
As Ruby comes off the elliptical machine, she turns and comes face to face with a handsome man wearing a big smile.
“Hey there, sweetheart. I don’t think I know your name… and I know the name of EVERY girl in this gym, usually.”
Blinking her silver eyes rapidly, Ruby begins to stutter and stammer, blushing like mad. All of her previous confidence has dried up in an instant as she finds herself in a desert… a desert of confidence or an ocean of anxiety, pick your poison.
Still, things could have ended on that relatively harmless awkward note… if not for Ruby’s earlier faux pas. The girl who’s towel she’d decided to unthinkingly use hadn’t forgotten. In fact, she’d ultimately been galvanized into action by the harsh words from her fellow women. And so, in that moment, as Ruby is staring at the handsome young man trying to chat her up… the fourth year female student strikes.
“Here, your shorts are all bunched up. Let me fix that for you.”
With a sense of vindictive pleasure, the older girl yanks Ruby’s shorts out of her ass crack. But she doesn’t just stop there. In one single motion, she pulls Ruby’s shorts down entirely, leaving her bottomless. In that moment, not just the man who was flirting with her, but the entire crowd of her admirers… see her naked, sweaty pussy lips on full display as Ruby squawks.
She finally reacts a moment later, panicking and immediately trying to move to fix the situation… but unfortunately, she strips over the shorts now around her ankles and falls to the ground. To his credit, the fourth year male student who’d been chatting her up tries to catch her. He really has no intentions of adding to her humiliation. But that’s not how it ends up looking from Ruby’s point of view, because in the end what he manages to latch onto is her flimsy top, which easily rips right off her body when he pulls up sharply in a failed attempt to keep her on her feet.
As Ruby hits the floor, her naked breasts rub against it and she yelps, realizing she’s now exposed. The only way for her to get to her feet is to kick her shorts off, leaving her in nothing but her workout shoes.

There’s a beat of silence… and then most of the girls and a fair amount of the guys in the gym begin to laugh at her. Not everyone, to be fair. Some are concerned, some even want to help her. But that’s not how it looks from Ruby’s point of view. She’s stepped out of her comfort zone… and ended up in a truly humiliating position born straight out of an anxiety-induced nightmare.
Surrounded on all sides by what feels like a pack of cackling hyenas, Ruby Rose does the only thing she can do in this situation… she runs.
Unfortunately, be it because she’d exhausted herself doing cardio, or simply because she doesn’t think of it, Ruby never even considers using her semblance to pass unseen through Beacon’s halls. No, while she runs very fast indeed, she’s still running at normal human speeds. Well, normal speeds for a human with aura anyways. The thing is, everyone else around her has aura as well… and so they can’t help but see her streaking past them as she runs all the way back to her dorm, completely and utterly nude.
No small number of people recognize her. No small number of people manage to snap pictures as well. In the end, photos of the event make their way around school before dinner even arrives, and Ruby ends up with the nickname ‘The Scarlet Streak’. She’ll never live it down, but at least one thing is for certain… no one is calling her a little girl anymore.
And people are CERTAINLY appreciating her body now…


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