Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Journey Before Destination (Pokemon)

Journey Before Destination (Pokemon)

A/N: Journey Before Destination was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in June of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which an older trainer named Kane comes across Hilda shortly after she fails to become Pokemon Champion. They travel together for a time, until he finally realizes her feelings for him. Two days after they become lovers, one of Hilda's friends from her home town shows up...

Themes: Loving Sex, Rough Sex, Threesome


It takes him a while to figure it out. He likes to think he's pretty smart and not completely oblivious, but it still takes time for him to catch on to what's happening right in front of him. And… it probably meant he had to do something about it at this point. After all, he didn't want her to think that he was leading her on or something, that he was stringing her along.

His name was Kane. Kane was a semi-retired Pokémon Trainer. In his mid-thirties, tall with tanned skin, short brown hair, and a perfectly well-kept beard, Kane had had what most would consider a fairly successful journey as a Pokémon Trainer. He'd traveled across the land, searching far and wide. He'd come to understand his Pokémon on a deep, instinctive level, one by one. He'd gathered up badges from different regions again and again, and he'd taken part in multiple Pokémon Leagues and Tournaments in his younger years.

He'd finished in the top five of many of those League Tournaments, but he'd never managed to place first. He'd always been knocked out before he could secure the title of Champion. But honestly? That was okay. Kane had never been looking to win. He wasn't aiming for glory or victory above all else or anything like that. In the end, what Kane had wanted was to go on an adventurer, meet lots of awesome Pokémon, befriend as many as he could, and see what there was to see, all across the world.

He'd gotten his wish in the end and had a pretty strong career as a Pokémon Trainer to boot. In the end however, he wasn't the sort of person who wanted to be a Professional Pokémon Trainer for the rest of his life. Most people weren't, even though most people still had Pokémon to call on, and what not. Kane was quite happy becoming one of those, quite happy to just… retire and no longer partake in the Pokémon Leagues and Tournaments that were constantly taking place, all across the globe.

He hadn't stopped traveling though, of course. Even if his journey as a Pokémon Trainer had come to it's inevitable end, Kane couldn't see himself just settling down somewhere. There was still so much to see, and adventurers to be had alongside the Pokémon who'd become his best friends throughout their journey together.

So yeah, he'd kept on journeying about… that was how he'd run into Hilda. It'd been on a stop in Nimbasa City that Kane had come across the young woman. She'd seemed almost sullen when he'd first encountered her, and it showed in how she was mercilessly defeating trainer after trainer who challenged her. She was taking on all comers, but by the time Kane had arrived, most had already walked away, beaten or fully aware that they would be beaten if they tried to take on the ridiculously powerful Pokémon Trainer.

Kane only got to watch her last battle, but she certainly was pretty skilled for her age. However, upon realizing that there was no one else around once she'd trounced her final challenger, Hilda had been the one to challenge him. Whatever she was working through, she hadn't gotten it out of her system yet, that much was obvious.

So, he'd gone ahead and agreed to her challenge. He hadn't seen any harm in it, and honestly, she had some serious potential as a Pokémon Trainer, potential he didn't want to see wasted because of whatever was eating her up inside. Because of Hilda's previous showing, no one at all was left by the time they had their battle. Which meant no one got to see the female Pokémon Trainer finally lose.

Not that it was a stomp, or anything like that. From the way Hilda had collapsed to her knees afterwards and began sobbing, you'd think it was, but when Kane had gone to her side and tried to comfort her, she'd explained to him that they were happy tears, even thanking him for defeating her. That was when Kane had learned Hilda's story, and how similar they were to one another.

Hilda had gotten pretty far in her Pokémon journey, especially for her age, but she'd effectively tripped at the finish line, as she'd put it. She hadn't been able to secure the win, hadn't been able to become Champion, and it'd been eating her up, ever since. Apparently, she'd tried to secure an apprenticeship with one of the Elite Four, or even the Champion himself… but they'd refused her requests, leaving her adrift in the wind.

What Kane had stumbled upon was Hilda looking for validation, or something. She honestly couldn't say for sure, but she was able to confidently state that before he'd come along, she was just digging herself into a deeper and deeper hole of self-loathing and despair with every victory she managed to accrue against the trainers of Nimbasa City.

It was only having him beat her that helped Hilda overcome her inner turmoil, oddly enough. Given the young woman's heartfelt confession, what was Kane supposed to do? He'd gone ahead and told her about himself in turn. He'd explained just who he was and told her how his journey was somewhat similar to hers, only elongated and stretched over the span of a couple of decades, instead of a couple of years.

Hilda had listened raptly as Kane had tried to put into words his philosophy on Pokémon and being a trainer. It wasn't about winning, in his opinion. It was about the bonds you made along the way, about the adventurers you had with the Pokémon that you befriended. He told Hilda about every single defeat he'd ever suffered at the height of those Pokémon Leagues and Tournaments, how he'd come so close time and time again, only to 'trip and fall' just like she had.

And then he'd told her how little that mattered, because in the end, when it came to Pokémon and really, the world in general, it was the journey that ultimately mattered, not the destination. Part of him had worried he might be alienating the poor girl. He tried his best to avoid making it seem like he was making light of her failures, instead trying to reshape and mold Hilda's perspective so she could see that it wasn't a failure at all, but instead a triumph that she managed to get as far as she did in the first place.

That was about when Hilda had asked him to teach her. After hearing everything he had to say, after wiping away her tears, the young woman had asked Kane if she could accompany him on his journey and learn more about his philosophy towards Pokémon. He supposed he should have seen it coming, given the way she'd mentioned trying to get lessons from other accomplished trainers, but in the end Kane has to admit, he's still a little surprised and a whole lot flattered.

So, he says yes. He really does see potential in Hilda, not just as a Pokémon Trainer, but as a person, a human being on the road of life. He wants her to see that potential too and has no desire to kick a young woman when she's already down. Letting her come with him for a time is easy enough really, especially since Hilda can more than pay her own way with how much she was winning before his arrival.

All in all, Kane had expected the young woman to follow him for maybe a month before moving on. She was after all, around half his age, in the end. He was more than willing to teach her his philosophy, but also fully believed she wasn't really ready for his lifestyle, quite yet. He might not have put down roots or anything like that, he was still very nomadic, but Kane didn't go out of his way to seek out towns with gyms in them in order to collect badges, and he didn't even really go out of his way to challenge trainers he met out in the wild either.

He still got challenged quite often though, which was pretty much how he made enough money to continue funding his journey, so he always accepted, and always won as well. Still, his was more of a passive route, and Hilda was young, so she would probably start getting the itch to become more active again soon enough.

Instead, days had turned into weeks, and weeks had become months. As in multiple, much to Kane's mild surprise. Hilda was all too happy to continue learning from him, as he found out, and she stayed by his side far longer than he'd thought she would. But then, by now the retired trainer had come to realize he'd misjudged the young woman. He'd thought he knew who she was simply because of her age and their heart to heart, but the truth was, he'd not realized that she was growing and changing by the day.

When she'd first started acting rather strangely, he hadn't known what to think. It seemed like she was getting clumsy, truth be told. From brushing against him so very often despite them usually having plenty of room to move around one another, and invading his personal space a lot in general, and regularly dropping things and bending over in front of him in jean shorts…

Look, in hindsight all the signs were obvious. But when it'd all first started, Kane had been of the mistaken impression that he and Hilda could never be a thing for the obvious reason… he was so much older than her. He was old enough to be her father, if said father had her when he was pretty young. At the very least, Kane had assumed himself to be in the big brother mentoring role, than anything more… intimate.

But it was obvious to him now that Hilda had decided differently. Six months into their time together, with the most egregious of tells happening just today, Kane could say without a doubt that Hilda was flirting with him and trying to seduce him. He'd come to this epiphany sat where he was now, on a lounge chair by the side of the pool of the hotel they were currently staying at.

It was kind of funny, because they'd come full circle and were back in Nimbasa City, both of them six months older… and Hilda seemingly with her eye on the prize. It had just taken Kane this long to realize that that prize was him. It'd taken Hilda coming down to the pool in what could only be called a string bikini, and basically asking him to rub sunscreen onto her body for her before she'd gotten into the water.

Kane had tried to be a gentleman about it, but Hilda had been insistent that he get every single spot that wasn't covered by her bikini. And given it was a string bikini… Kane's hands had gotten into some extremely dangerous territory before he'd been done to her satisfaction. Then, like it was no big deal, Hilda had flounced off into the water, where she was currently greatly enjoying herself.

Leaving Kane behind on his lounge chair, finally forced to accept the reality of the situation before him. He… Hilda wanted to be with him. And not just as a student to his teacher, or a traveling companion along their shared journey, but as lovers. And Kane? Kane was having a hard time coming up with reasons to say no, even though she hadn't asked him anything of that nature yet.

Sure, there was the age gap, but Hilda, while younger than him by quite a lot, was effectively a grown-ass woman all the same. She was just coming into her own in fact, her beautiful young body certainly inviting. Meanwhile, it wasn't like he was ugly or anything like that. His lifestyle made it impossible for him to 'let himself go' as it were. Rather, even at his age, he was a chiseled mountain of a man. Tall, tanned, and pretty damn muscular in his humble opinion.

He shouldn't do anything with Hilda… because it would be taking advantage of her, right? There was an inherent power imbalance in their relationship… or something. But that didn't really hold water either. For one, she was the one coming onto him… and from the look of things, she was coming on more and more aggressively now, because he'd been missing all of the signs up till this point.

If he didn't confront her soon, well, Hilda would likely go even further, and one of them could get hurt or something. So yeah, he had to do something. He just… was he really thinking about going through with this? He was, Kane ultimately has to acknowledge. If Hilda wanted to be with him… well, she was a smart, vibrant, and altogether beautiful young lady. Any man, including him, would be lucky to be with her in turn.

He would-

"Hey, silly. Whatcha thinking about?"

And like that, the object of his entire inner monologue stands before him, her body glistening with water in the sun, her string bikini soaked through and plastered to her gorgeous young figure in all the best ways. Kane though, looks Hilda right in the eye and gives her an honest smile.


That, to his pleasure and mild surprise, causes a light blush to spread across Hilda's face, though she too smiles as she plants her hands on her hips, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh yeah? Think about me often, Kane?"

Kane lets out a sigh and then a rueful chuckle as he shakes his head.

"Not often enough, I think. Hilda… have you been flirting with me? Do you have a thing for me?"

Hilda goes still for a moment… and then shrugs her shoulders self-consciously. It's immediately clear from the way her confidence falls away and she becomes a bit more subdued that him just coming out and saying it wasn't exactly what she expected. It also makes it infinitely clear that she only wore this bikini to get his attention, and that it probably wasn't what she'd normally choose, if she weren't trying to draw his eye so hard.

"Maybe… and what if I do? What would you say to that?"

Kane smiles, glad he had time to think this through and come to a decision before this conversation.

"Well… I suppose I'd have to admit that I might just have a thing for you too."

Hilda's eyes light up at that, and a true, honest smile spreads across her face.

"… It sure took you long enough."

Kane just chuckles as he gets up off the lounge chair, offering the young woman his hand. When Hilda takes it, he leads her out of the pool area and back up into the hotel, towards their room. It seemed they had a few months of his obliviousness to make up for.


They don't actually last all the way to the hotel room. In the elevator, Hilda's excitement overcomes her, and the bikini clad young woman practically leaps into his arms, wrapping her own arms around his neck and kissing him heatedly as her barely covered tits press into his chest. She ends up standing on her tip toes just to do it, and unable to help himself, Kane responds by bringing his hands down to her ass, groping and squeezing her buttocks as he pulls her in closer.

Now that he's no longer in denial, he realizes just how much he's come to admire Hilda as well. Not just for her beauty, he's nowhere near that shallow, but for her personality, her perseverance, her willingness to learn and grow and evolve into a newer and better version of herself. She really is something else, and Kane finds himself falling for her quite easily now that he's finally allowing himself to.

They make it to their hotel room without being seen, thankfully, and their bathing suits don't last long after they're safely ensconced in said room. Hilda's string bikini comes off in record time, and so does Kane's swim trunks. Then, the gorgeous young woman eagerly pushes him back onto one of the two beds, and Kane lets her do so, landing on his back, curious to see what she intends.

He sees quite a lot moment later when Hilda positions herself facing the opposite way of him. He's treated to quite the glorious view of her shapely round bubble butt and her gushing wet pussy lips, even as Hilda takes his cock in her hands and begins to stroke it up and down, delivering long, thorough licks and lapping motions to his member that has Kane groaning in pleasure. It's quite obvious what she wants them to do for their first sexual act together, and frankly, Kane loves the idea of mutual pleasure.

Without further ado, he reaches up and grabs Hilda's buttocks, squeezing and groping her ass even as he uses his grip on it to drag her backwards, closing the distance between his mouth and her pussy. As his tongue dives deep into Hilda's folds, the younger woman reciprocates quite readily by swallowing his cockhead in between her lips. As she begins to suck his cock, swirling her own tongue around his tip, Kane is writhing and wiggling his mouth muscle inside of her, working his way in and out of her cunt.

Of the two of them, it quickly becomes clear who the more inexperienced one is, and it's not Kane. But then, to be fair, he was in his mid-thirties, and a traveler besides. To say nothing of the sort of carefree and wild lifestyle he'd had in his youth as an actual Pokémon Trainer running the League circuits, even after he'd retired, he was still traveling alone, with just his Pokémon to keep him company. You learned to take comfort from whoever was willing to give it when you were traveling like that.

Perhaps that should have been the first sign he was reluctantly falling for Hilda, honestly. Because he'd only had sex once with another woman during their six months together, early on in the first month, when he and Hilda had still been booking separate rooms. It'd felt kind of weird, almost wrong in a way, and had left him distinctly unsatisfied, so he hadn't bothered doing so again.

Instead, Hilda had been all the company he needed for these past six months… and now it seemed that the reason for that was becoming readily apparent. Regardless, the bridge between their sexual experience is obvious, and even as he works over her cunt with his tongue, Hilda is left moaning and whimpering around his growing cock.

She does her best to take him as far down as she can, but of course she has no experience deep-throating a member his size. She doesn't really seem to have any oral experience at all. She just might be a virgin… which makes him want to make her first time all the more special. His tongue flicks this way and that, and his fingers move in to play with her clit and her slit as he goes town on her.

In no time at all, Kane is drawing a rather explosive orgasm from the younger woman, one that has Hilda squealing around his cock before ultimately popping off of his length and laying her face down on his thigh as she trembles and shivers and struggles to recover from the mind-blowing climax. It's around that time that Kane takes hold of her by her thighs and lifts her up off of himself.

Hilda yelps, but still recovering, she's not actually able to stop him as he man-handles her into position. Ending up on her back, she reaches for his cock, whining.

"W-Wait! I didn't… I didn't make you cum with my mouth yet!"

She looks distinctly put out by that, literally pouting up at him as he grins down at her. Running his erection against her slit, Kane grabs Hilda by her ankles and pulls her legs up into the air, before bending them back along her body in the beginning stages of a mating press.

"That's alright. I don't want to cum in your mouth… unless…"

Hilda blinks and then furrows her brow.

"Unless what?"

Shrugging, Kane looks down between them, where they could be inches away from being joined in mere moments.

"Well… do you not want me to cum inside?"

It's kind of silly… but he wants to cum inside of her. Maybe he's getting ahead of himself though? He's in his mid-thirties, wanting a family is perfectly normal. Maybe he's overstepping his bounds though, thinking that Hilda, young as she is, already wants to be a mother. Maybe he's crossed the line with this question, and maybe he's ruined every-

"Y-Yes! Yes, I w-want you to cum inside!"

Blinking, Kane refocuses on Hilda's face to see her blushing profusely, but also staring up at him with an intensity that honestly turns him on even more. Grinning in relief that Hilda has once again proved him wrong, Kane draws himself back, until the head of his cock presses against her pussy lips… and then he thrusts forward, filling Hilda on the spot with his cock.

As expected, Hilda was in fact a virgin. But given how wet she was, Kane decided to just get it over with rather than taking it nice and slow, like ripping off a bandage all at once, instead of peeling it back and only prolonging the pain. A sharp cry leaves Hilda's lips as Kane leans forward, pressing their bodies together and holding himself for a long few moments, giving her a chance to adjust.

Then, when she nods, he begins to move, thrusting slowly at first, in and out of her rhythmically, and then faster and harder as she moans throatily and grows louder and louder in vocalizing her enjoyment of his cock. Given how sopping wet she was from their oral foreplay, his bout of cunnilingus leaving her prepared for him, Kane finds it all too easy to fuck his young lover there on the bed. Having take her virginity, he now considers it his duty to bring her as much pleasure and satisfaction as he can.

So, that's what he does. Despite the fact that he hasn't cum even once yet, Kane holds on. He's got a lot of experience with holding back his orgasms, and he wants to make sure that Hilda is satisfied before he even thinks about cumming, especially after she gave him permission to finish inside of her. The thought of creampieing this beautiful, vivacious young woman is almost enough to send him over the edge all on its own, to say nothing of everything else bombarding his senses… but Kane refuses, making use of an ironclad will that hides right beneath the surface of his deceptive laidback personality.

He might be the kind of guy that puts the journey before the destination, but that doesn't mean the destination shouldn't be abso-fucking-lutely spectacular. And so, Kane fucks Hilda through orgasm after orgasm, pounding into her in the mating press until his hands slip free of her ankles and come down to rest on either side of her head.

In response, Hilda wraps her limbs around him like a monkey, locking her arms behind his neck and her ankles behind his back as she clings to him for dear life, pulling him down into a deep, passionate, soul-searing kiss. They makeout like that, and Kane is sure to swallow up every last one of Hilda's orgasmic moans, her ecstatic cries, her euphoric mewls. He takes every noise she makes and claims it for his own, even as his member continues to piston in and out of her gloriously slick cunt again and again.

It's only when Hilda's eyes roll back in her head and she's all but passed out from the pleasure, nearly insensate, that Kane finally lets himself cum inside of her. Being creampied brings new life to the young woman though, and Hilda is kissing him hard all over again as she orgasms one last time in response to his seed filling her womb, painting her insides white, and leaving her stuffed to the brim.

As they both come down from their respective pleasure highs, Kane slumps down onto his side, but Hilda follows, continuing to cling to him like a spider-monkey, and refusing to let go as they end up tangled in one another's limbs. But he finds he doesn't mind it, and happily cuddles with the gorgeous young woman as they lay there in the ruined bed, taking simple comfort in one another's arms and company.

This is the beginning of something new between the two of them, that much is for sure… and Kane is confident that just like him, Hilda can't wait to see where it goes.


Really, with all that happened two days ago, and the new dynamic between him and his companion-turned-lover, Kane thought he had everything figured out now. It's a couple days later, and the two of them are relaxing together in a park. They'd basically had a picnic, and after feeding each other and being quite cute with one another, they were lounging under the shade of the tree they'd found, simply enjoying each other's company.

With his back against the tree and Hilda held in his arms and half-asleep, Kane is the one who sees the girl approaching at first. Funnily enough, she looks a little like Hilda. Not quite, she's a little younger and her hairstyle and fashion sense is pretty different, but she has some of the same colors to her, and as she approaches her eyes are focused on his snoozing lover, almost as if she knows her.


Blinking awake, Hilda lifts herself up and Kane helps her, curious to exactly who this might be. The moment that his young lover lays eyes on the other woman, she's up in a flash and squealing her excitement as she runs over and hugs the girl that's called out to her. Kane just chuckles and eases himself up off the ground, making his way over at a more sedate pace and waiting patiently for the two young women to get done greeting one another so that Hilda can introduce her friend.

Turning towards him after a few seconds of doing just that, Hilda beams as she presents the slightly younger woman to him.

"Kane! I'd like you to meet Rosa, probably my best friend growing up. We knew each other back in my home town! Rosa, this is Kane… my boyfriend."

Well now, Kane hadn't been sure if Hilda wanted to put labels on it, so he hadn't been using the G word yet, even in his own thoughts. Still, now that she'd used the B word, he supposed there was no harm in doing so. Hilda wasn't just his lover, it seemed… she was his girlfriend. He grins a little loopily at that, even as he gives Rosa a nod.

"Pleasure to meet you, Rosa."

Rosa blushes at that and smiles bashfully as she twists and turns a little bit.

"U-Um, you too…"

"Oh! I know, you should join us at the beach tomorrow, Rosa!"

Kane lifts an eyebrow at that, even as Rosa goes even redder still, looking over at her friend in wide-eyed surprise. It was indeed true that Hilda and he had been planning to head over to the beach in the morning. He'd been looking forward to Hilda wearing that string bikini again if he were being honest. She'd even made some comments about what sort of fun they could get up to on the beach, just the two of them.

But… Kane could see how seeing her friend would be more important. Especially since he and Hilda had a lot of time together going forward, while Rosa just might not stick around. It was definitely better to focus on the younger woman for now, Kane had to agree. So, he nods, backing his girlfriend up.

"That sounds like a great idea. We'd be happy to have you join us. Unless you had plans already?"

At seeing her beet-red face, Kane tosses in that last bit to give her an out if she wanted one. He didn't want the poor girl to feel forced into going to the beach with them when she didn't want to. Of course, before Rosa can reply, Hilda is leaning in close to her friend and whispering in her ear. Rosa goes wide-eyed as she looks at him really quick, and Kane just lifts an eyebrow questioningly. No answers are forthcoming however, even as the girls have a back-and-forth whispered conversation with each other, one that results in Hilda snickering and Rosa giggling along nervously.

In the end, seeming to work up the courage and steel herself, Rosa looks at him and nods.

"I-I would like that very much!"

And with that, it was settled. Though Kane had a sinking suspicion of what his girlfriend was planning. He wasn't quite so oblivious to the things around him now that he'd stopped fooling himself when it came to Hilda. He definitely wasn't an idiot… but if what he thought was going on WAS going on… well, he certainly wasn't against it. So, he'd not let on that he knew too early. He'd let it play out, and they'd see what came of it all, in the end.


Even though he's expecting it, he's still pretty much unable to contain his reaction when the two beautiful young ladies come out of the bathroom at the beach the next day, having changed into matching string bikinis. It's one thing to see his beautiful girlfriend in such an ensemble, he knows how gorgeous Hilda is already, he's been with her multiple times over the last three days now, after all.

But seeing young Rosa standing right next to Hilda in a matching white string bikini, her own gorgeous curves fully on display as she smiles shyly and blushes prettily under his gaze… that's something else. Hilda, of course, asks him what he thinks, and Kane, under the policy of honesty, tells them both they look absolutely gorgeous.

This definitely goes over well, but what follows is still just a tad torturous for the older man at the end of the day. As it turns out, they're able to find a stretch of beach that's mostly empty, so it ends up being just the three of them. Just like it was supposed to be just the two of them, before Rosa had shown up the day before. However, it's obvious Hilda has changed her plans with Rosa's presence. Instead of them getting naughty in a semi-public location like the beach, Hilda has gone back to teasing and flirting with him… with Rosa right alongside her.

Kane certainly appreciates the two of them and their gorgeous bodies. And if Hilda wants to help Rosa seduce him into a threesome, well, the retired trainer is all too willing to let them both do exactly that. When the day finally begins to come to a close, the sun starting to set over on the horizon, Kane gives both young women a dry smile, very carefully not looking below their neckline, to where their swimsuits are plastered across their absolutely stunning feminine figures in interesting ways.

"Well ladies… would you both like to retire to the hotel room for the day?"

Rosa gasps at that and blushes all over again, while Hilda giggles and wraps her arms around her friend, whispering in her ear, though this time it's loud enough for Kane to hear, likely by design.

"Told you he'd understand~"

With that, the two girls drag him back to his and Hilda's hotel room, with things playing out similarly in the elevator, though this time it involves Hilda cupping Rosa's bikini-clad breasts from behind and telling Kane to give the beautiful young woman a kiss already. Which of course, he did, leaving Rosa squirming in both embarrassment and delight between their bodies, trapped as she is.

The whole 'trapped' theme continues in the hotel room itself, where Hilda strips both herself and Rosa down, while Kane is pulling his swim trunks off of his body and revealing his cock. Then, his girlfriend eagerly drags Rosa over to the bed and pins her down, gesturing for Kane to join them. Ultimately, Hilda kneels right above Rosa's head and together, both girls watch as Kane brings the head of his sizable cock to Rosa's glistening wet twat.

The younger woman isn't quite as wet as Hilda was for HER first time, given he'd eaten her out to climax before penetrating her, but she's still more than wet enough that Kane does the same thing with Rosa that he did with Hilda, thrusting in all at once and getting it over with as he takes her virginity. In turn, Rosa doesn't even get much of a chance to cry out in pain, because just as he penetrates her, Hilda moves her hips forward and plops herself right down on Rosa's face, forcing the other girl to eat her out on the spot.

Judging by the way Hilda's face contorts in pleasure a moment later, Rosa is all too happy to do so. Laid out on her back in the missionary position, she happily spreads her legs for Kane as he begins to fuck her, while at the same time she tongues at Hilda's cunt, making his girlfriend moan as she begins to hump her friend's face, riding Rosa harder and faster by the moment.

Not wanting the poor girl to suffocate beneath his lover, Kane decides it's in all of their best interests if he distracts Hilda, at least a little bit. Reaching out, he grabs hold of the young woman by her gorgeous brunette mane and pulls her in close, kissing her right then and there and lifting her off of Rosa's face, ever so slightly. Not enough to stop the other girl from continuing to eat his girlfriend out, but enough to give Rosa some room to breathe, even as Hilda moans into his mouth quite vocally.

The three of them last for a while like that, with him and Hilda taking their pleasure from Rosa, and Rosa happily giving and receiving. Hilda's moans ratchet up in intensity more than a few times as they kiss, and Kane can tell each time his girlfriend cums, as she seizes up atop Rosa's face and squirts her fluids all over her friend's features. In turn, Rosa is cumming quite frequently as well, mewling and moaning and squealing into Hilda's cunt lips down below, as he fucks her with greater and greater intensity.

Rosa's pussy walls clench and cling around his cock, squeezing down quite hard as she orgasms time and time again. In the end, Kane is well aware that he's basically the one who decides when they move onto whatever they're going to do next. Once again, just like with Hilda, he holds out until both girls have had their full and are nearing exhaustion, with Hilda's eyes going crossed right before him and Rosa's cunt walls growing more and more sporadic in their tightening and gripping of his thrusting, pistoning prick.

Finally, Kane lets himself let loose, cumming deep inside of his girlfriend's childhood friend. He fills Rosa to the brim, only to belatedly realize he hasn't even asked this time. But then, Hilda hadn't even let him ask, hadn't given him a chance to ask with how she was occupying Rosa's mouth. Hm, had that been Hilda's plan from the beginning? Such audacity deserved at least some punishment.

As such, when Kane pulls out of Rosa, he takes Hilda with him, dragging her off of the other girl's mouth and tongue by the hold he has on her voluminous hair. Pulling Hilda over to him, still kissing her for a moment, he then spins her around and bends her over, putting her on her hands and knees. Hilda doesn't fight him when he presses her face into Rosa's cream-filled quim to make her return the favor, which only serves to confirm that she knows she's been naughty and is willing to accept this mild punishment.

As he pushes into Hilda from behind, beginning to fuck her doggystyle, Kane makes eye contact with Rosa over Hilda's gorgeous figure, giving her a reassuring smile as the flustered, pussy juice splattered young woman freezes up under his gaze, blushing heavily.

"I already know what Hilda wants from this, Rosa. But before we go any further… what do YOU want out of all of this?"

Rosa bites her lower lip and squirms a little under Hilda's tongue, which is still questing around and slurping out his seed. Meanwhile, despite Kane striking up a conversation with the young woman, he's still fucking his girlfriend from behind, and driving Hilda deeper into Rosa's creampied quim as a result.

"M-Me? W-Well, um… Hilda has told me a-all about y-you and your p-philosophy… I-I think you're right… a-and if you'd have me, I-I'd like to join you both on your travels… a-as your student?"

She doesn't sound very sure of herself at the end there. Chuckling, Kane delivers a stinging spanking to Hilda's gorgeous ass as he continues to fuck her, drawing a squeak from his girlfriend even as she pulls up a little, looking back at him with a pout. He raises an eyebrow at her, and she lets out a sigh before looking to Rosa with a smile, her face half-covered in cum and pussy juices at this point.

"We would be happy if you joined our relationship, Rosa. You could be mine and Kane's girlfriend, and he could be yours and my boyfriend… if you wanted."

Yeah, as Kane figured, Hilda would have kept beating around the bush if he didn't make her come out and say it. Certainly, the gobsmacked expression on Rosa's face makes it clear that regardless of what Hilda HAD told her the night before, this was the first she was hearing of any three-way sexual relationships beyond just this encounter. For a moment, Rosa sits there with her eyes wide… and then she grins and places her hands in Hilda's hair, dragging her back down into her crotch as she makes eye contact with Kane.

"I would love that…"

And like that, they settle down to enjoy Hilda between the two of them, just like he and Hilda had enjoyed Rosa minutes before. Grunting, Kane fucks Hilda extra long and extra hard for trying to be subtle and toying with not just him but Rosa for so long. Meanwhile, Rosa cums her little brains out as Hilda eats her sopping wet quim down below, slurping up every last bit of his seed, as well as copious amounts of pussy juices.

And when Kane finally cums inside of Hilda and they all come down from their respective pleasure highs, he finds himself cuddling once again. This time not with just one beautiful young woman, but two, Hilda and Rosa curled into either of his sides as he lies back between them, drifting off to sleep. With his arms wrapped around the gorgeous girls, Kane smiles and lets his eyes close as they do the same.


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