Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Master & Apprentice (Star Wars)

Master & Apprentice (Star Wars)

A/N: Master & Apprentice was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2020! Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In an AU where Vader is a little less mechanical and a bit more human under the suit, the two still fight in a crumbling Sith Temple. When Vader wins, he doesn't kill Ahsoka... no, he has other plans for the Togruta.

Themes: Mind Break, Corruption, Master/Slave


"I won't leave you! Not this time!"

She doesn't regret those words, but as the fight goes on, Ahsoka has to admit… she's going to lose. There's no denying it, no chance of victory. That doesn't stop her from fighting, of course, she's always been a piss poor Jedi anyways, so being unable to accept defeat with grace or composure or even the smallest hint of serenity makes perfect sense.

But then, it's Anakin. After all this time, she'd found him. In this degrading, crumbling Sith Temple, as their lightsabers clash with one another again and again, Ahsoka Tano is once again with her Master. She has to believe he's still in there, but it's hard. It's hard to see Anakin, when even the bit of his face that's visible through the damaged mask of Darth Vader shows a yellow eye and severe signs of Dark Side abuse.

She hadn't wanted to believe that Anakin Skywalker was dead, truth be told. She still didn't. But as Ahsoka faces off with Darth Vader, as her dual blades catch against his red saber again and again, she's not sure there's anything left of her Master beneath the surface. Skyguy… Skyguy might truly be gone for good.

The Togruta knows she's going to lose, but what she doesn't quite understand is why it's taking so long. It takes her a bit of time to eventually realize the truth. Vader has been toying with her all along, but right now he's switched it up. He's still toying with her, but in a different way. It comes in the form of that blood-red saber of his getting past her defenses here and there.

Minute blows, ones she's able to turn away at the last moment with great difficulty… or so Ahsoka believes at first. In reality, she eventually figures out that it's not her pushing Vader back at the last second, it's him pulling back. When the harsh plasma of his Sith lightsaber parts her clothing and nears her flesh… Vader is already pulling back, even before she manages to get her own sabers into position to drive him back.

He's not trying to kill her, and that's honestly more terrifying of a realization then the fact that she's got no chance of winning this. The young Togruta hisses as he ruins her clothes strike after strike, his saber even getting dangerously close to her breasts at one point. Vader leaves a light burn across her chest, but the damage he does to her shirt is irreparable, and Ahsoka is distinctly aware of the acrid air of the crumbling temple on one of her tits from that point on.

The fight doesn't last much longer after that bit of exposure. Her clothing is in tatters, shredded by extremely precise lightsaber strikes, ones that Ahsoka wouldn't have thought Darth Vader capable of before now. He seemed all brute strength, but now she sees underneath, she sees the cunning in the masked cyborg, she sees hints of her old Master's cleverness and ingenuity tempered by years of Dark Side corruption shining through.

When Vader decides the battle is over, it's over. His blade goes through the handles of her dual sabers in two flicks and Ahsoka has to drop them as a cry leaves her lips and she falls to her knees before her old master, summarily defeated. Utterly defenseless, she looks up into Vader's eyes, or rather the one visible eye she can see through the damaged portion of his mask. The yellow in the Sith Lord's gaze doesn't so much as flicker this time as he looks down at her hungrily, and Ahsoka can feel hot tears burning in her own eyes as she refuses to look away from him.

"Do it then. Finish it."

There's a pause, brief to say the least but still there before Vader lifts up his free hand and crooks his fingers. Ahsoka's eyes widen as she begins to choke, as she feels her airway closing off. She tries to just let it happen, not wanting to give this monster who's stolen her precious master's body the satisfaction of seeing her squirm… but it's impossible, in the end. As the darkness starts to encroach on the edges of her vision, Ahsoka reaches up, both with her hands and with the force itself, trying in vain to ease his Force Choke, trying to push him away so she can breathe again.

It doesn't work, of course. He's a fully-trained Jedi Knight who then went on to further his knowledge under a Sith Master. Not to mention he's the Chosen One. By comparison, Ahsoka is a failed Jedi Padawan who rejected the order that had rejected her. His power is so far beyond hers its not even funny.

Darkness takes her, and as Ahsoka is choked out, expecting never to wake up again, her only regret is that his face is the last thing she's going to see. Vader looks down at her as her eyes flutter back in her head, his single yellow eye still filled with the same hunger from before. In the end, Ahsoka can only hope that Ezra and the others truly did manage to get away.


She really wasn't expecting to wake up again. Which is why she's so surprised when it happens, startling awake with a deep exhale and immediately attempting to move, to escape, only to find herself floating in place, held within a containment field. Physically, she can't hope to escape, her movements brought to a full stop by the magnetic cuffs around her wrists and ankles.

Meanwhile, the field was disrupting her connection with the Force, leaving Ahsoka feeling altogether light-headed and confused. She couldn't get away and didn't even know where she was… but the worst part was, once she looked past all that, she heard the mechanical, robotic breathing in the background. Mouth turning downwards into a frown, brow furrowing in consternation, the orange-skinned Togruta grits her teeth.

"Vader… I know you're there. Where are we? Show yourself!"

She's very pointedly ignoring the fact that she's naked right now. It wouldn't do her any good to dwell on it after all, but it's true she has been stripped down to nothing. Her alien body on full display, Ahsoka has never felt more exposed, more trapped, more… helpless. But that's clearly exactly what Darth Vader wants of her. That's what he wants her to be feeling, so Ahsoka is fighting with every fiber of her being to remain defiant and strong.

Heavy boots moving across the floor herald Vader's appearance from around her as the tall, cybernetic Sith Lord comes to a stop in front of Ahsoka. His mask is repaired, and he crosses his arms over his chest as he stares her down with that unblinking helmet of his.

"We're on Mustafar, in my personal abode."

He doesn't offer up anything more than that, but if Ahsoka is being honest with herself, she wasn't expecting him to give her even that much, not really. Still, the Togruta can guess at what he might want from her. She is Fulcrum after all, a Rebel Agent of some importance. Knowing now that no trace of Anakin remains within this creature standing before her, Ahsoka can easily reason out why he would have left her alive. Snarling angrily, her hands clenching into fists, she glares down at him from where she's floating within the force-disrupting containment field.

"I won't tell you anything, Vader. The others, the rebellion… one day, they'll defeat you and your Master. Whether I live to see it or not is inconsequential!"

It was true, too. That was the great thing about the rebellion. One cell might fall, but others would rise to take it's place. They had their leaders, sure, and Ahsoka knew her loss would be keenly felt, but others would shoulder her burdens and carry on. Because that was what they did. It was what they had to do.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader is quiet for a long moment, for all that his loud synthetic breathing can be called quiet. Ahsoka finds herself repulsed and disgusted by what's become of her old master as he stands there before her in that suit, more machine than man, breathing with assistance from what looks to be a walking life support system. And then he speaks, and she has to admit, there's a degree of intimidation to said life support system.

"I do not care about your little friends, or your rebellion. I brought you here for your own sake. The Emperor would not be pleased if he were to discover you still lived."

Ahsoka rears back as best she can in the containment field at that, her nose wrinkling in confusion.

"What… what does that even mean? Why would you… what games are you playing at, Vader?"

He reaches out then, and Ahsoka can't evade his grasp no matter how hard he tries. His hand closes around one of her montrals, the hollow horns every Togruta has atop their heads, and immediately, despite said hand being covered in a black glove, she can feel that this is flesh and blood. His last flesh and blood limb, it would seem.

"I have… missed you, Ahsoka."

Despite herself, Ahsoka finds herself leaning in to his touch. Her eyes flutter shut for a moment as he rubs his thumb across the horn he's gently holding onto. Despite herself, the young Togruta finds herself flashing back to a better time, a simpler time. Anakin Skywalker, Skyguy… he…

"… M-Master?"

"Yes, Ahsoka. I am here. Join me, my apprentice. Stand tall by my side once more."

He's trying to be subtle. Honestly, that's what tips Ahsoka off more than anything, because Anakin didn't DO subtle, and Vader has inherited that much from her Master, if not his good looks. Eyes snapping open, Ahsoka realizes finally what Vader is trying to do… he's trying to corrupt her to the Dark Side, trying to turn her. She can actually feel it, now that she's focusing, can feel him not just massaging her montral, but feeding his force energy into her via the touch.

She does her best to jerk out of his hold, face once again contorting in a snarl.

"M-Monster! Let go of me!"

But Vader just tightens his grip on her horn, holding the orange-skinned Togruta much more firmly in place as he goes quiet again, just staring at her while breathing as heavily and robotically as ever.

"You are as obstinate as ever, Ahsoka Tano. But you're right to differentiate me from your old Master. He and I are not the same. But that doesn't mean I don't see the potential he saw in you. Potential I can use once you have submitted to the power of the Dark Side."

And then he's practically crushing her montral in his gloved hand as he pumps far more Dark Side energy into her then before. Ahsoka cries out, screaming as her eyes threaten to roll back in her head. It's pain incarnate to be sure, but it's not just pain, much to Ahsoka's chagrin. There's a certain pleasure to being bombarded with the Dark Side as well, an unwanted reluctant pleasure, but a pleasure all the same. Her naked body seizes up and trembles within the containment field as she gasps and pants for air.

But she refuses to let him win, so she pushes back with all she can, even if her connection to the Force is still muddied by her prison.


And to her surprise, it works. She doesn't exactly succeed in blowing out the containment field or freeing herself, but she does push past whatever's suppressing her connection to the Force for just a moment as she shoves Vader back a step, forcing him to release her montral and stop feeding Dark Side energy into her. It's a triumphant feeling, as he recovers, staring down at him and panting heavily.

Ahsoka focuses on the pain over the pleasure, letting it sharpen her defiance as she glares daggers at her former Master.

"I will never join you, Vader. Never."

There's a pause, and then Vader straightens up and Ahsoka feels a tremor of fear run through her, because he's not as enraged as she was hoping. No, if she's reading his emotions right through the muddied waters of the containment field… he's aroused. That realization hits Ahsoka in the same moment that Darth Vader reaches down and presses a finger into the seam of his codpiece. With a hiss and a pop, that part of the suit comes away.

She can't stop herself from looking down, can't stop herself from gaping as her former Master's cock, whole and healthy, unfurls from within the armor, already growing harder and more rigid by the moment. Vader, despite his losses, despite being half cyborg, is still fully equipped for sexual intimacy it seems, his genitals looking undamaged from whatever it was that put him in his suit.

"You do not understand the power of the Dark Side. But you will."

Those words, said so matter-of-factly, are made all the more terrifying when the Dark Lord of the Sith saying them is also stroking his dick right in front of her. Ahsoka, caught completely off-footed by this whole turn of events, pointedly does NOT keep looking at Vader's cock, instead choosing to stare up into the dark 'eyes' of his mask instead.

"So… what? You're going to rape me into being your apprentice now? You really aren't Anakin if you think that would ever work in a million years."

Vader chuckles, a deep dark baritone laugh that does NOT fill Ahsoka with happiness. He moves back around her then, and the Togruta loses sight of him as she's forced to continue facing forward within the containment field. But then, to her horror, she finds her body being forced to contort and change positions not of her own accord.

Her legs spread and her hips move backwards like they have a mind of their own… or like someone with a mind of HIS own is pulling on them with the Force. Ahsoka is forced into something like a ninety-degree angle, even as a pair of gloved hands, one very human and the other clearly robotic, grab onto her hips and pull her back even further.

Despite herself, a gasp leaves her lips as Vader's cock presses against her exposed, defenseless slit. She struggles as best she can, but her earlier act of defiance, using the Force despite the containment field suppressing her connection, seems to have just about spent whatever reserves she had. She's mentally and physically exhausted, and completely at Vader's mercy. And he knows it too because he doesn't immediately thrust in and begin raping her. Instead, he teases her entrance with the head of his cock and monologues, of all things.

"Anakin Skywalker is dead and gone. Soon, Ahsoka Tano will follow him into the afterlife as whatever you become rises from your ashes. But even if Anakin is gone… I still remember a young Togruta who had a crush the size of a galaxy on her master. Attachments are not the Jedi way, but that didn't stop many, many Jedi from lusting after one another. It's fitting in a way, that I would claim you where Anakin would not."

And THEN he thrusts in, and Ahsoka is crying out as her virginity is lost, fresh tears streaking down her cheeks as Vader… as Vader rapes her, and there's nothing she can do about it. The worst part is, he's right. She did have something of a childhood crush on Anakin, on Skyguy. If he'd… if he'd made a move, there was a time where Ahsoka would have willingly given her virginity to him. Now though, now she was having it forcibly taken by the one who'd stolen his flesh, and that… that was heart-wrenching.

It also felt entirely too good, and it takes Ahsoka a moment to realize what he's doing, to feel the energy he's once again pumping into her, even as he pumps his hips into her as well. His cock is just as flesh and blood as his last remaining limb after all, and now he's not only fucking her, not only raping her, but also pummeling her senses with the Dark Side, forcing all of that pain and pleasure into her from before.

It's just that this time he's penetrating her as well. Ahsoka can't focus on so many things at once. Feeling Vader stretching her virgin insides around his cock is one thing. Having him bombard her with the Force is another. But both at the same time? Ahsoka Tano was never fully trained as a Jedi. She does her best, but it's all in vain as Vader fucks her through her first screaming, reluctant orgasm. She squeals even as she tries to keep her voice in, and her entire body shakes and trembles beneath him as her old master pauses briefly to the sensation of her cunt walls tightening and gripping at his thick, throbbing cock.

Looking down beneath her, Ahsoka's eyes widen as she sees the actual outline of Vader's cock in her stomach. He's so damn big that he's literally stretching her skin, pushing her body to the limits. She's not sure… she's not sure how long she'll be able to hold on, truth be told.

"Now you begin to understand, my apprentice. Now you begin to see the true power of the Dark Side."

"G-Go k-kriff yourself, V-Vader."

She wishes she could give more in the way of defiance, but even that small act of rebellion is met with a harsh stinging smack to her orange backside, causing the Togruta to cry out and arch her back as Vader spanks her ass like she's some naughty little whore and continues to fuck her as he likes. It's not… it's not fair. But then, life rarely is. In the end, Ahsoka tries. She tries so hard to hang on for dear life. But it's so difficult, and in the end she fears for her sanity if this continues.

Ahsoka Tano was ready for a lot of things when she refused to leave her former Master in that crumbling Sith Temple. She was ready to die, first and foremost. But she wasn't ready for all of this. She wasn't ready for Vader to take this route and decide he was going to convert her. And as she tries to suppress both her negative and positive emotions in order to find serenity in the Force, Ahsoka fails, again and again and again.


Time loses all meaning in that prison cell. Vader eventually finishes with her that first time of course, cumming directly inside of her until her belly is bulging and her womb is absolutely stuffed to the brim, and then leaving her full of his seed and with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company for who knew how long. But the silence and the loneliness are far preferable to when he comes back and does it again.

At least, that's how Ahsoka feels at first. Vader returns to rape her, time and time again, and while Ahsoka starts out defiant, it becomes harder and harder to maintain any semblance of strength in the face of his overwhelming power. The Dark Lord of the Sith has chosen her, and there's nothing she can do but take everything he has to dish out.

The Dark Side energy that he sends coursing through her body during each of their 'sessions' leaves Ahsoka's entire being trembling and tingling for hours afterwards. She knows he's corrupting her in more ways than one, but knowing is only half the battle, and it's a battle she's undeniably losing. Time and time again, Vader comes back and makes use of her body. And time and time again, Ahsoka's body betrays her, giving in to the pleasure and pain that he visits upon her, even as the Togruta herself fights against it with all of her might.

But everyone has limits. And Ahsoka soon reaches hers. The defiance fades away, and with its loss, Ahsoka is reduced to pleading, to begging for mercy. She appeals to Vader's nonexistent sense of decency, begs 'Skyguy' to stop, to just kill her already and be done with it. Darth Vader doesn't appreciate any reference to Anakin Skywalker, and for a time Ahsoka has a fluttering hope that she'll piss him off so damn much he'll kill her for bringing his previous name up so often, even as she begs Anakin to leave her be.

But that never happens, and just as the defiance eventually faded, so too does the pleading. Ahsoka can't really say at what point she breaks, or anything like that. But Vader… Vader knows. She knows he knows, because one day the Dark Lord of the Sith takes hold of her montrals and places the head of his cock against her lips, and Ahsoka doesn't even think about biting him. Broken, the Togruta simply opens wide, keeping her sharp teeth out of the way as he thrusts in and out of her mouth, treating it as just another receptacle for his seed.

She doesn't enjoy the taste, at first. But then it happens a second and a third time, and again and again. And every time Vader uses her horns as handlebars with which to fuck her face, he also feeds Dark Side energy into them. He does it with his fucking cock as well. It's one thing for him to be injecting the energy through her hip and her cunt, corrupting her from below. Directly into her head though, into her mind… Ahsoka crumbles even faster than before.

She's not sure when exactly she breaks, but she knows exact moment that she falls. Not to the Dark Side, though of course she embraces that too with little care left in the world. No, Ahsoka Tano… falls for her old master. Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader. She realizes at long last that these are two sides of the same coin. Even if Vader would deny it to the end of the Galaxy, even if he insisted that he'd killed Anakin and was better than the Jedi Knight in every way… he was still her Master. And she was his apprentice.

Finally, the day comes when Vader steps inside of the room and looks upon her for a long moment before declaring that she's ready. Ahsoka feels a tremble of excitement at that, even as the containment field is turned off, letting her fall gracelessly to the floor. She feels the Force come rushing back in, but of course, when she reaches out to greet it, it's the Dark Side that answers her. There is nothing left of the Light in this place… and nothing left of the Light in her either.

The Dark Side is not warm and inviting in the same way the Light is. It's smothering, possessive, and domineering. Ahsoka feels it pressing down upon her, demanding her subservience… and yet, for the first time in who knew how long, she fights back. The Togruta pushes back against the Dark Side's desire to turn her into its instrument and forces it to bow before her will. After all, there's only one Master that little Snips will accept at this point in time.

As she reins it in, as she controls the Dark Side before it can control her, Ahsoka looks up to find her Master looking down at her with approval… his cock out and inches away from her face. Hungrily, the Togruta all but lunges forward as she opens wide and takes her Master's length into her mouth. Sucking him down, her tongue swirls around his shaft, even as she wraps her arms around his thick, armored legs and begins to bob up and down on his length.

She chokes and gags of course, but it's no matter, even if this is the first time Ahsoka is CHOOSING to choke herself on her Master's glorious member. Before, she didn't have the agency to even move her head this much, it was all Vader taking control and doing as he liked with her, and her submitting to his power and authority by not biting down.

Now though, his hands remain on his hips and he stares down at her, leaving her montrals untouched and allowing HER to do all the work for once. Ahsoka refuses to let her Master down, so work she does, bobbing and slurping and sucking aggressively at his shaft, gagging certainly, but never ceasing until she's all but burying her face in his crotch, her eyes watery as they stare up the length of his armored suit.

Vader's mask is admittedly terrifying, and obviously designed that way. It's made to provoke and incite fear, made to intimidate, and dominate. Ahsoka, the new Ahsoka… she loves it. She welcomes the fear and terror that her Master's visage instills in her, she opens herself to it and turns it back around, transforming it into passion to please her Master, to devote herself to him. The Sith Lord standing before him has broken her and is now reshaping her into what he needs most, and Ahsoka is giddy with excitement to see where that goes.

The labored, robotic breathing of her Master doesn't even hitch when he suddenly begins to cum. He gives her no warning, beyond the throbbing and pulsating of his cock. Ahsoka is still ready for it, and she swallows dutifully, drinking down every last drop of his seed right there on the spot. Afterwards, she swirls her tongue all the way back along his way, cleaning every last inch of his member until finally, it pops free from betwixt her lips.

Sitting back on her haunches, Ahsoka smiles as she looks up at her Master with nothing but adoration in her eyes.

"I'm ready, Master. I'm ready to serve as your apprentice."

Silence falls, though it's the silence Ahsoka has grown used to the most, the silence filled with Vader's breathing as he stares down at her for a long moment. Ahsoka begins to fidget, begins to squirm, and she worries she's done something wrong, that she's angered her Master in some way. But no, that's not it… instead, he sounds remarkably even when he replies.

"And why should I take you as my apprentice?"

Ahsoka's eyes widen, the thought that he would reject her now having honestly never crossed her mind. Surely… surely this was what he wanted, right? The Dark Side nudges her then, and Ahsoka prepares to push it back and dominate it once more, when she realizes that it's trying to help. She can… she can feel Vader's desires. Her Master wants something from her. He wants not just her loyalty, but proof of it. He wants an act of complete and utter submission.

Once again, the Dark Side prompts her, and Ahsoka Tano, perverted and corrupted beyond recognition over however long it's been since she was captured, knows instinctively what she needs to do, what she has to offer to her Dark Lord. Licking her lips, the Togruta slowly and carefully turns around and places her face against the cold metal floor of her cell.

Behind her, Vader remains unmoving, watching her as she lifts her hips high into the air. Then, Ahsoka reaches back and with both hands, spreads her ass cheeks wide. The orange-skinned alien exposes her last untouched hole to her Master, and the Dark Side SINGS its encouragement to her as she offers it up as proof of her loyalty and fealty. Hers was a fall born of lust and love and pleasure, of intimate corruption and perverse debauchery.

So, it only makes sense that to become a Sith Apprentice, Ahsoka would have to let her Master complete the trifecta and claim her last virgin orifice. She expects him to move immediately and take her, however, Vader remains still. So, Ahsoka speaks up.

"Please, Master. Even if I am not to be your apprentice… my body, mind, and soul are yours. I am yours. Please, claim me in full and make sure the galaxy knows who I belong to. Finish it, complete your domination over me."

The Togruta speaks in a throaty voice filled with desire and is damn near breathless with wanton need by the time she's done. Her pussy lips are dripping, and she's gushing wet as she wiggles back and forth somewhat unconsciously, shaking her orange alien ass back towards her Master. She means every word she's just said… and at last, Vader moves to claim what is already rightfully his.

The force pulls her to her feet, of course. She should have known better, should have known by now that her Master does not kneel unless he has to. And he certainly doesn't have to kneel for the likes of HER. Instead, she's brought to the same position that her Master had fucked her in so many times over the course of her training and reconditioning. Bent over at a ninety-degree angle, with her lips lifted up just a little higher than normal, Ahsoka lets out a mewling, keening sound as Vader places his cock against her tight little virgin sphincter and begins to spread in.

She'd felt how pleased her Master was over their renewed Force Bond, when she'd begged him previously. So Ahsoka doesn't try to quiet herself for his sake or anything like that when he starts to take her last untouched orifice. Instead, she gets louder, recognizing that her Master LOVES her dirty talk.

"Yesssss~ Do it Master. Claim your little Togruta whore's last hole. Fuck my ass, Master… make me yours, teach me the power of the Dark Side once again!"

Vader chuckles darkly amidst his robotic, labored breathing, and Ahsoka grins a vicious grin, her eyes wide and manic as she feels his approval coursing through her. His cockhead breaches her asshole at least, and he begins to push in, inch by inch. Unable to help herself, Ahsoka reaches out and assists her Master, just a little bit. She uses the Force to open her anus up even further, as if she were shoving in some invisible fingers ahead of his cock.

It makes it all the easier for her Master to fill her bowels with his meat as he claims this final hole of hers, and Ahsoka cries out in euphoric bliss, the agony of being butt fucked for the first time, and the ecstasy of giving all of herself to her Master intertwining together and leaving her absolutely beside herself with emotion. She'd always been taught that emotions were a bad thing… but in that moment, Ahsoka Tano has already decided that if this is a bad thing… she doesn't want to be good, not anymore.

"Fuck me, Master! Fuck me harder! Turn my ass into your cock sheathe and don't stop until you've had your fill of my body, I beg of you!"

In response to her dirty talk, Vader speeds up, seeming tremendously pleased with her, with the progress they've made. Ahsoka is pleased too, even if its her own corruption that she's happy with. She knows she would have been angry before all of this, that she was defiant at the start. But she also knows better now, she knows the touch of the Dark Side, she knows how good it can feel to submit.

Moaning throatily, Ahsoka does just that, submitting to her Master as he fucks her harder, faster, rougher. He pounds into her ass with violent force, and Ahsoka's eyes roll back in her skull from the pleasure. And then he takes it a step further and grabs her sensitive montrals in a crushing grip as he uses them once again as handlebars to fuck her anally from behind, bringing Ahsoka to the true heights of pleasure and passion.

Her tongue wags out of her mouth, and Ahsoka soon finds herself lifted up off the ground. Even with her standing up, Vader was having to angle downwards. But now, his hands on her montrals, his cock in her ass, he's lifting her right off the ground. She's not a kid anymore, she's a full-grown woman now, but all the same, the much smaller Togruta is left hanging off of her Master's dick as he fucks her back and forth along his member, using the Force and his grip on her horns to slide her back and forth along his cock.

She cums again and again, squirting all over the floor of the prison cell, and in that moment, Ahsoka knows she's finally right where she belongs. She never should have left Skyguy alone with all of those old fucks. But it's alright, because they're together now. And Ahsoka wouldn't leave her Master again for anything, not the entire damn galaxy.

As he cums inside of her ass, Ahsoka shudders in orgasmic delight, her entire body spasming and shaking upon his cock. When he pulls out of her and turns her around and forces her to clean him off, the newly minted Sith Apprentice gladly does so, slurping at his member until every last bit is spit-polished with her saliva.

And then, when he tells her his plans for the future… Ahsoka listens, all too happy to be by his side and assist him in any way she can. Together… together, they're going to change the galaxy.


Seated upon his throne in the Imperial Palace, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire sits and considers the last few months. It is not an old and wrinkled man in a dark robe that sits upon the throne, his face ruined by his own lightning being turned back on him by a purple lightsaber. No, the Emperor that sits upon the throne now is much younger… though admittedly, not much more handsome.

Vader allows the corner of his mouth to quirk up a little bit at his attempt at self-deprecating humor. To think, a few months before the thought of his injuries had been what fueled his connection to the Dark Side. His deformed, maimed form had given him the rage he'd needed to stand as the Emperor's Enforcer for so many damn years.

But he was not Sidious' pet any longer. The Apprentice had become the Master, and the Master had been put to pasture. This was the Rule of Two, the Way of the Sith. And yet, now that Vader had taken over the Empire that Palpatine had oh so graciously made for him, he honestly wasn't so inclined to follow the Rule of Two any longer. Even if he DID have his own apprentice to train in the Dark Side now.

Looking down betwixt his legs, the healed Sith Lord watches as his darling apprentice and lover, Darth Chattel, bobs up and down on his cock quite enthusiastically, eagerly giving him a blowjob as he sits upon Palpatine's old throne. The Togruta who had once been Ahsoka Tano, who had once been Anakin Skywalker's padawan learner, is no more. This is quite obvious when you consider the yellow in her eyes, matched by Vader's own yellow.

The two of them are Sith, steeped in the Dark Side, filled with passion and lust and all of those oh-so-delicious emotions that the Jedi had spent so long trying to convince them were a hindrance. The pair know better now, they know the truth… emotions were strength, and if you harnessed them, the Force would set you free.

Of course, it had taken Chattel's assistance to defeat Sidious, once and for all. The previous Emperor had died cursing and mocking Vader for not being able to defeat his old Master on his own. But truth be told, Vader didn't regret using his apprentice as a weapon, not one bit. Darth Chattel had proven to be the perfect tool, obedient and useful and altogether willing to be whatever he needed her to be. Wielding her against Palpatine was the same as wielding his lightsaber. She was simply another weapon to be utilized in full in the task of finally putting his old Master to rest.

After which, he'd finally been able to fix himself. It wasn't like Vader was a moron. The Sith Lord had known from fairly early on that the suit that Palpatine had hastily and greedily stuffed him in was as much a prison as it was anything else. At the Fall of the Republic, Vader had been the more powerful Sith between the two of them. Sidious had had knowledge, knowledge that Vader had needed to save Padme, but one of them was the Chosen One and the other was… not.

Only Obi-Wan's betrayal and the removal of his limbs, combined with the confinement to that damnable suit had been enough to keep Vader on a leash for all these years as Palpatine fed him scraps and didn't even bother being subtle in his search for a new apprentice. Emperor's Hands… hah! Vader always knew the truth. But so long as his master lived, he could do nothing about it.

Now… now what little remains of the suit is nothing more than armor. Darth Vader is restored in full, his body reconstructed with new limbs being cloned and surgically attached. His face is of course still quite visibly corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force, just as his apprentice's is slowly becoming, but the key word there is visibly. He no longer wears the mask… he no longer has to.

Luckily, he's not going to be mistaken for Anakin Skywalker any time soon. With no long mane of brown hair combined with the yellow eyes and grey skin, well, he was as far removed from the Hero With No Fear as possible. At the same time, what little remained of the suit was more for intimidation purposes then life support.

At the end of the day, he would have the best of both worlds, and no one would stop him. They wouldn't dare. He'd already killed Tarkin and shut down the Death Star projects, after all. The rest of Palpatine's toadies had fallen in line soon enough after that. Still, there was one more thing Vader needed to secure the future.

In a way, he had another chance… and he was going to take it and drag it to him kicking and screaming if he had to.

"Darth Chattel."

As a result of him now being mask-less, the only sounds that filled the throne room up until this point were his Togruta apprentice's dutiful sucking and slurping as she bobbed up and down his length. Upon hearing her name from his lips however, she stops and looks up at him.

"Rise. Ride me."

His clipped orders are immediately followed, the gorgeous orange-skinned alien slipping his cock out of her mouth and then climbing up into his lap. Vader takes the opportunity to admire the changes to her body. She's gone from slim but mature, to voluptuous and sensuous. That's the influence of the Dark Side of course, Vader using the Force to push her in the right directions for what is to come.

Where Ahsoka Tano was petite with decently sized breasts but ultimately nothing more than mere handfuls, Darth Chattel has much larger tits… perfect for breast-feeding. Likewise, she has wider hips and a bigger ass then before. Her body is soft, these days, with Vader influencing the changes in this direction from the moment that they'd defeated Palpatine together.

She is simply gorgeous now, the perfect receptacle for what he has planned. A moment after climbing on board, and she's sinking down onto his cock, filling herself with his meat as a throaty, lust-filled moan leaves her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, his lover and apprentice smiles at him, her gaze full of devotion and adoration and soul-deep loyalty.

She would never betray him. Vader knew this for a fact, could feel it through their bond. Said bond was far, FAR deeper than anything he'd had with Sidious, and deeper in fact than anything Anakin Skywalker had had with either Obi-Wan or Ahsoka, back during the Clone Wars. His Sith Apprentice has laid her heart bear to him, and Vader, ever the greedy dragon, had taken up residence there, filling Ahsoka with his essence.

He had more than enough of it with his body restored to him. Losing his limbs had effectively lost him any right to be called the Chosen One, at least where power was concerned. But once he was whole again, Vader had felt all the glorious, unadulterated power he'd had all those years ago, for that short time before Obi-Wan had maimed him. The Force was his to conquer and explore, much as this gorgeous young Togruta currently riding his cock was all his as well.

Placing one hand on a montral, knowing how much Chattel enjoys him molesting her horns, and the other around to the small of her back, Vader gives his apprentice a sharp smile.

"I've come to a decision, Chattel. Tonight… tonight we're going to create life together. I'm going to breed you, and with the Dark Side, ensure that our children grow strong and powerful within your womb."

Yellow eyes widen at that, and the Togruta's face splits into a wide, overjoyed smile.

"Y-Yes, Master! Do it! Fuck me, breed me, knock me up! I want it, I want you to fill me with life again and again!"

Vader chuckles at Chattel's exuberance. He quite enjoys her dirty talk if he's being honest. Ever since she's broken, he's enjoyed it quite a lot indeed. For the moment, he focuses on the task at hand, fucking Chattel and preparing her to receive his seed, to become the receptacle for his power. In that moment, Vader does what Sidious never could, and what Plagueis before him had done.

The Sith Lord uses the Dark Side of the Force to coax conception, as he spills his seed deep inside of his apprentice, lover, and slave's womb. He fills Darth Chattel to the brim, and in turn the Togruta tosses her head back in wanton ecstasy, crying out as she cums explosively from being defiled and the surety of being bred. She has no doubts in her open mind that he can do what he intends to do, which means in this moment she KNOWS she's just been impregnated and bred.

Needless to say, it's something of a spiritual release for her. Vader, meanwhile, is focusing on the task of creating life. He will fix the mistakes of his past. He might not be able to bring Padme or their unborn children back, but Ahso- Chattel will have to do. Later, he'll explain to the Togruta that he intends to break the Rule of Two and raise their children to be Sith. He knows for a fact that she'll be in full agreement, as devoted to him as she is now.

Together, they will create a Galaxy without fear, without pain, without suffering. Together, they will bring order to this mad universe. Darth Vader has plans, plans he intends to see through, no matter what.


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