Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Nilou’s Bad End (Genshin Impact)

Nilou’s Bad End (Genshin Impact)


Themes: Mind Control, Master/Slave, Breeding

Summary: In which Grand Sage Azar doesn't stop at cancelling the Festival, he goes ahead and makes Nilou his via the Akasha System.


“T-Thank you Grand Sage for agreeing to meet with me alone like this! I can only beg of you to please change your mind and let the Sabzeruz Festival go ahead after all!”
Sitting in the Grand Sage Azar’s office, Nilou bows her head, clutching at her skirts with both hands. Red haired and fair skinned, Nilou was known all throughout Sumeru as a great beauty and a great joy. Her attire, a blue and white belly dancer’s outfit, goes perfectly with her graceful dancing. Unfortunately, Sumeru was the kind of place where knowledge and reason won out over creativity and feeling.
Still, even with that, Nilou could hardly believe she’d been so thoroughly dressed down out on the stage the other day. She could only latch onto the fact that the Grand Sage had said only a few words, and it had mostly been the woman with him who had humiliated her. In the end, what other choice did someone like Nilou have except to beg for an audience with Grand Sage Azar and see if she could perhaps convince him privately to reverse his decision?
“Hm. I see in you quite a lot of potential. Wasted potential.”
Nilou jolts at that, as Azar looks at her reproachfully from behind his monocle. The bearded Grand Sage leans back in his chair for a moment before shaking his head.
“In the end, there is only one option. Rather than let you change my mind… shouldn’t it be you who should open your mind to me?”
Blinking in confusion, Nilou tilts her head to the side before bowing it again just as quickly.
“Y-You are the Grand S-Sage, sir… so of course… I will always have an open mind when the Grand Sage speaks.”
“Excellent. Then I shall send the knowledge straight to your Akasha Terminal.”
Nilou opens her mouth to ask if that’s really necessary, but it’s too late. The Grand Sage has already done it. The Akasha Terminal was a unique technology utilized in Sumeru. On the surface level, it was capable of granting its users any sort of knowledge that they desired to know, so long as they have the required credentials. Of course, someone like Grand Sage Azar had all the required credentials that both he AND Nilou would ever need.
That said, while the Akasha Terminal and the Akasha System it worked off of were phenomenal advancements that had improved life across all of Sumeru, leading to most of its citizens using them, there were two downsides to using the Akasha System as it currently stood.
Number one, the knowledge that the Akasha System granted ALWAYS asserted itself as the truth, no matter whether it was in fact wrong or not. This made it hard for the users of Akasha Terminals to correct their thinking if they were discovered to be incorrect about something they learned from it.
Number two, excessive use of the Akasha System diminished one’s ability to think for themselves. The more you used your Akasha Terminal, the harder it was to actually try and problem solve on your own. After all, with such an excellent and vast repository of undeniably factual knowledge at your fingertips, was there any point in remembering things yourself?
Of course, these two downsides came only from prolonged usage of the Akasha System… normally. Nilou in particular barely ever used her Akasha Terminal as it was, so she should have been in no danger of suffering from either of those two negative side effects. Unless, that is, she trusted the wrong man. Unless a certain Grand Sage had discovered a way to turn those negative downsides… into positive upsides for his purposes.
Grand Sage Azar Is Always Right.
The words hammer themselves into Nilou’s psyche, transmitted over her Akasha Terminal not once, but ten thousand times in under a second. The Grand Sage has abused his authority to effectively transmit the same information from ten thousand different angles. Poor Nilou never stands a chance, the red head gasping and panting as she doubles over in her chair, eyes wide and glazed over.
There’s a moment of silence, before the Grand Sage calls out to her.
“Nilou? Are you feeling well?”
Slowly, Nilou straightens back up, looking down at herself in confusion. What just happened? What was she just thinking? Besides of course, that the Grand Sage was always right. She knew that. She knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. There was no way that the man could be WRONG. This was absolute fact.
“I-I’m sorry Grand Sage… I don’t know what came over me there. Please, let us continue. As I was saying, I hoped to convince you to change your mind about the Festival. If not for my sake, then for all the others who have put so much work into it!”
Scoffing, Azar shakes his head.
“Still going on about that damn festival, girl? Surely you realize by now… it’s simply not important.”
Not… important? Nilou’s eyes blink rapidly as she takes in this new knowledge. Grand Sage Azar is ALWAYS right, so if he says it, it must be… must be… m-must be true? A single exhale of air leaves her lips, as her shoulders slump, her entire world view turning on its head.
“Of course, sir… you’re right. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. The Sabzeruz Festival is… not important.”
A broad smile spreads across the Grand Sage’s face.
“It makes me so happy to hear you say that, young one. I’m glad to know that you can still be taught, that it’s not too late for you.”
Again, Nilou blinks, though far less than last time. Not too late for her? No… it wasn’t. The Grand Sage was right.
“Please Grand Sage… I require your wisdom.”
Nodding as though this was to be expected, Azar taps his desk for a moment before speaking.
“You were led astray by frivolous pursuits dear girl, but no longer. That body of yours… you convinced yourself that it was made to be shared with everyone. That you were meant to dance and pursue the arts to bring joy to all. But what you failed to understand was this was simply not the case. That body of yours was made for one thing and one thing only.”
Nilou leans forward, listening with bated breath as the Grand Sage pauses. Despite the outrageous things he was saying about her and her greatest joys in life, Nilou doesn’t hesitate to believe him. After all, Grand Sage Azar is always right. More than that… thinking was hard. It was so much easier to just listen to what HE had to say, especially since she knew he would be correct. He always was.
“You and your beautiful body… were made to serve me.”
… Oh. O-Oh, that made so much more sense. A slow smile spreads across the red head’s face as it all becomes so… obvious.”
“… You’re right, sir. I’m so sorry I didn’t understand before.”
Chuckling, the Grand Sage waves his hand dismissively.
“It’s quite alright. So long as you understand where you erred and work to correct your mistake in the future, everything will be fine.”
Leaping on that, Nilou leans forward, eyes wide and excited.
“How, Grand Sage? How might I correct my mistake?”
Here, Azar pushes back from his desk and stands up, moving around the piece of furniture until he’s standing right in front of her. Leaning back against the front of his desk, the Grand Sage flicks open his robes.
“Through service, girl, how else? Your body is mine now. Show me your chest.”
For half a heartbeat, Nilou twitches. Should she really do that? But the moment passes and before she can second guess herself, she obeys. Reaching up, she pulls off her crop top with ease, letting her soft, full, pale breasts bounce free. Looking up at the Grand Sage guilelessly, the young woman exposes herself to him without any further hesitation.
“Like this, sir?”
“Exactly like that. Now take out my phallus.”
Nilou blushes hard at the order, but this time doesn’t hesitate. The Grand Sage is always right, and this is how she’s supposed to correct her mistake. With her tits exposed, the red head leans forward and works open Azar’s pants, reaching in and… and wrapping her hand around his cock. She pulls it from its confines and stares at it for a moment, her nose wrinkling a little bit. She’s never seen a man’s cock before. Are they all so… ugly?
“It’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, isn’t it Nilou?”
… It really is. Nilou’s nose straightens out and she coos over the Grand Sage’s phallus, moaning as she looks at it happily.
“It’s so wonderful, sir. What should I do next?”
“Pleasure me in whatever way makes the most sense to you.”
Nilou’s eyes widen at that. The command is rather open-ended. Pleasure him in whatever way makes the most sense to her? If he’d opened with that, she would probably have started dancing. But he’s already told her that all of that dancing garbage was just frivolous bullshit, and that her only real purpose in life was to serve him.
With that in mind, Nilou… experiments. She feels oddly drawn to wrap her tits around the Grand Sage’s cock, and so that’s what she does, sliding her pale breasts up and down his length as it grows bigger and thicker and longer right before her eyes. Nilou gapes at this, her mouth open as Azar’s member begins to push up from between her tits and starts to hit her lower lip.
Startled, she realizes she could do more… and so she does. Leaning forward, she takes his cock into her mouth right there on the spot, gurgling a little as his shaft fills her small mouth just a bit. The majority of his phallus remains between her soft breasts however, his throbbing length pulsating along with her rapidly beating heart.
A hand falls upon the top of her head, grasping at one of the black and gold horns adorning her headpiece. Nilou glances up into the Grand Sage’s eyes then, to see him giving her a wide smile.
“Good girl. Keep it up.”

The positive affirmation is all Nilou needs to keep going. Bobbing up and down on the top of the Grand Sage’s cock enthusiastically, sliding her breasts along the rest of his shaft… it all feels so right. So fulfilling. But then, as she now knows, her purpose is to serve the Grand Sage. In this way, she’s doing exactly that.
Finally, the older man lets out a low groan and throws his head back. It’s the only warning Nilou gets, and needless to say it’s not nearly enough. As he begins to cum, she’s taken by surprise and rears back, her headpiece coming away in his hand as his hold was only on the horn, not on her actual head itself. As a result, his seed ends up all over Nilou’s face and chest, rather than in her mouth. He cums and cums, and all the red head can do is sit there in wide-eyed stupefaction, having never experienced such a thing before.
Once he’s finished, the Grand Sage looks down at her with a frown and shakes his head.
“Look at this mess you’ve made of yourself. Clean it up.”
He tosses her veil back to her, and Nilou catches it even as she flushes in shame. She HAD made this mess, hadn’t she? After all, the Grand Sage was always right. Using her veil and her discarded crop top, the pretty pale red head goes about wiping herself down and cleaning herself off. When she’s done, she’s thoroughly ruined the two garments, and sits there with them in her hands, looking up at Azar as if to ask what to do next.
“… Stand up and bend over the desk. Leave those there.”
Nilou does as she’s told without complaint. It feels good to follow the Grand Sage’s instructions. After all, Azar knows best. He knows what she needs to do in order to best serve him, so it just makes sense to always obey him when he’s always right anyways.
That said, she’s still taken by surprise when he suddenly pushes a hand into the center of her bared back, pressing her tits and face down into the wood of his desk. She’s equally surprised when his other hand reaches down below and grabs hold of her skirt, pulling it up over her bottom. The red head squeaks as she feels the Grand Sage’s cock slap up against her undercarriage, rubbing against her underwear.
“I’m going to fuck you now, Nilou. This is one of the best ways you can serve me. Your body will be for my personal use from now on. No more dancing. No more frivolous pursuits of the arts. Understood?”
Nodding her head, Nilou looks back over her shoulder as best she can.
“Y-Yes Grand Sage, sir… please… please be gentle. It’s my first t-time.”
He pauses at that, before tearing her undergarments off of her.
“Hm. You’ve been a good girl so far. So I suppose I can be generous. Nilou… my phallus is the most amazing thing you will ever experience. You will love having me inside of you.”
No sooner have those words settled into Nilou’s psyche, established as absolute fact due to coming from the Grand Sage himself… then he thrusts in. There’s a sharp pain as he takes her virginity, but her cry is aborted by a wanton moan as… well, as his words come true. His cock IS the most amazing thing she’s ever experienced. She DOES love having him inside of her.
Moaning up a storm, Nilou claws at the desk beneath her as the Grand Sage begins to rail her atop it. He fucks her vigorously, without fail, and all she can do is hang on for dear life as the pleasure assaults her mind. In no time at all, her eyes are rolling up in her head. Her tongue is lolling out of her mouth. It’s so good. Too good, even.
Her pussy walls flex and clench around his cock as she orgasms explosively all over his member. She cries out in a lewd manner, her back arching. In response, the Grand Sage grunts and picks up the pace, fucking her even harder. As he does so, some of Azar’s true nature leaks through.
“You sure gave me a lot of trouble, you dumb bitch. Forcing me to go this far for just one measly dancer… hmph, I suppose its to be expected though.”
Of course, Nilou is too far gone to be upset by his words. Instead, she internalizes them. She IS a dumb bitch. The Grand Sage says so. All she’s good for is being his dumb bitch. Moaning some more, her legs quivering as he continues to slam into her from behind, Nilou lets go of it all… this is where she’s meant to be. This is what she’s meant to be doing…
“N-Nilou? What… what are you wearing?”
It’s the next day, and Nilou has spent much of it walking along behind the Grand Sage, following in his footsteps. Not many have acknowledged her presence beyond maybe a cursory glance. Many don’t seem to even recognize her as a matter of fact. But as a familiar voice calls out to her in particular, both Nilou and the Grand Sage come to a stop, turning to look in the direction said voice has come from.
Dunyarzad Homayani stands there looking abjectly confused by Nilou’s appearance. But then to be fair, Nilou has gotten rid of her old dancer’s outfit, and replaced it with something far more concealing. Given to her by the Grand Sage himself, her new robes match with Azar’s, and on top of that her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, rather than flowing down to her shoulders from beneath that old veil she used to wear.
Smiling softly at Dunyarzad, Nilou inclines her head.
“I am wearing the robes of my station. I have found my true calling… as the Grand Sage’s secretary.”
Dunyarzad’s eyes widen in shock and dismay at that and Nilou actually feels a small pang of pity at the heart wrenching tone the other young woman takes.
“B-But… what about the Festival?!”
Chuckling easily, Nilou just shakes her head.
“The Festival isn’t important. Whether it happens or not is the will of the Grand Sage… but my place is not there. My place is here, at his side.”
Before the other young woman can say anything else, an arm wraps around Nilou’s waist… the arm of the Grand Sage. Azar fixes Dunyarzad with a single glance before looking down at Nilou with a soft, fatherly smile.
“Well said, young one. Come now, we have work to do.”
“Of course, sir.”
And with that they leave Dunyarzad behind in the streets, looking lost. It’s a shame… perhaps if the Grand Sage saw fit to share the knowledge he’d imparted on Nilou with the brunette, she could be made to understand. After all, it was so much easier to understand the way the world worked once Nilou understood the plain and simple truth that Grand Sage Azar was ALWAYS right.
Becoming his secretary and wearing these more concealing and restrictive clothes had been easy decisions to make. Mostly because she hadn’t had to make any decisions at all, really. In the end, Grand Sage Azar had told her she would be his secretary from now on. He had told her she would wear these clothes from now on. And so Nilou had.
Did she miss dancing? Perhaps a little bit. Her new attire was so restrictive and restraining that she couldn’t do much more than walk with a straight back in it. She certainly couldn’t dance like she used to. She couldn’t share her beautiful body and graceful movements with anyone anymore. But that was just fine by Nilou, because she understood that all of those things had been frivolous pursuits. In the end, her only true value… was in service to the Grand Sage.
Nilou blinks, as he grabs her by the arm and yanks her down a hall. Suddenly, they’re in a bedroom… HIS bedroom. The red head blushes a bit at that, a little surprised. She had thought they were returning to his office, but instead they’ve come here. She can’t help but wonder why before relaxing a moment later. After all, if she was supposed to know why, Grand Sage Azar would tell her why. She didn’t need to wonder anything anymore.
Obeying without question, Nilou watches as the Grand Sage does the same. He’s an older gentleman, but in decent enough shape. Of course, his cock is the most beautiful thing in the world to the young red head. As she exposes herself to him, stripping down and removing her hair tie so her red curls can once again cascade down her shoulders, her eyes are fixated on his crotch, staring at his cock as it comes into view.
Noticing her looking, Azar chuckles and reaches down, taking hold of his member.
“Is this what you want, bitch? Is this what you desire?”
Nilou blushes and slowly nods, before lowering her gaze.
“A-Apologies sir… I should only want what you want, of course. My purpose is to serve you. But… yes… I want… y-your phallus.”
“Hmph. Such a filthy girl. But at least you know you’ve erred. Come and apologize properly by wrapping those lips around my length.”
Happily doing as she’s told, Nilou also files away the new truth she’s just learned. That apologizing properly to the Grand Sage involves wrapping her mouth around his cock. Kneeling down before him, the former dancer takes him in her mouth. She doesn’t try to use her tits this time… he hasn’t told her to. Instead, they swing back and forth beneath her as she begins to bob up and down the Grand Sage’s shaft.
She’s overstepping just a tad. He’d only told her to wrap her lips around his length, and already she’s beginning to fellate him, taking him deeper and deeper into her mouth. And yet, the Grand Sage does not reprimand her, so Nilou continues on, positively gagging herself on his cock. She can’t help it… after all, having the Grand Sage inside of her, no matter the hole, is the best experience of Nilou’s life. She LOVES having him inside of her.
To that end, she tries to take him even further, only to gag as his cockhead hits the back of her throat. She instinctively goes to pull back, but he places a hand atop her head and grunts.
It’s as much permission as it is a command. Nilou’s eyes widen and then brighten with purpose. Further… if he says she can go further, than it must be possible. And so Nilou dives even further down the Grand Sage’s cock. His tip tickles the back of her throat again and again, until finally she manages to take him even further. She chokes, but she needs to keep going. She needs for her lips to reach the base of his cock, or else how can she say she’s truly wrapped them around his length?
A flimsy justification to be sure, but one that works for Nilou all the same.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
She’s soon violently gagging herself upon the Grand Sage’s cock but needs must. Her lips grow ever closer to her goal… until finally, she meets it. As she wraps her lips around the base of Azar’s phallus for a single moment, Nilou feels fulfilled… but also, this isn’t all. They aren’t done. Not until she brings true pleasure to the Grand Sage.
“Good. Keep going.”
Azar seems to agree with her, because his grip on her hair suddenly tightens. On top of his order, he begins to force her further down his cock with his own hand. He thrusts forward into her throat too, even as he holds her in place. Nilou does her best to obey, does her best to continue throating his member, but she’s no longer in control.
… Not that she ever was. Even as involuntary tears form in her eyes and eventually drip down her face, Nilou is half-moaning between choking on the Grand Sage’s dick. It feels as good as it does painful. Physically, there’s a great deal of discomfort in having her throat ravaged like this. But mentally, she’s so very happy to be used by the Grand Sage in this manner. Serving him and making him happy… those are the only things that matter to the former dancer anymore.
Finally, he lets out a hoarse groan just like yesterday. Unlike yesterday however, Nilou doesn’t try to pull back as he begins cumming. She does her level best to swallow instead, for else she will drown and asphyxiate on his seed. She gulps down as much of the Grand Sage’s ejaculation as possible, trembling and shuddering on her knees before him. Her naked flesh jiggles all over the place, quivering really as Nilou swallows to the best of her ability.
Some of it still manages to dribble out of her mouth though, and when the Grand Sage pulls his cock from her lips, he grabs her by the jaw and growls.
“Show me.”
Her cheeks are stuffed with what she hasn’t managed to swallow yet, and so Nilou opens her mouth and rolls out her tongue, showing him what’s left. She’s afraid he’ll be displeased with her, but instead he nods in satisfaction.
“Good. Swallow it.”
Using her fingers to scoop up what dribbled free of the sides of her mouth, Nilou quickly cleans herself up and swallows the rest of his load. She feels warm once she’s done so. Her belly is nice and full of the Grand Sage’s seed, and she’s done so well in satisfying his orders so far.
“Get on the bed.”
Scrambling up, Nilou climbs onto the bed, laying back and staring at the Grand Sage. He was going to use her again. He was going to fuck her, just like yesterday. She couldn’t wait.
And yet, today he hesitates, climbing up onto the bed between her legs and slapping his cock against her sopping wet cunt rather than just thrusting into her. The former dancer can’t help but mewl pathetically. She wants him inside of her so badly. She loves having him inside of her. She loves his cock.
“P-Please sir… please fuck me.”
He looks at her then and she immediately feels ashamed for letting her desires overtake her duties. He’s not here to serve her, she’s here to serve him. Nilou opens her mouth to apologize, but before she can, he reaches out and grabs one of her breasts. His fingers give it a good hard squeeze, before completing the action with a harsh pinch of her nipple. Yelping, the red head shivers under his touch.
“I will. Though if we keep doing this… you’ll get pregnant, you know.”
Nilou’s eyes widen at that. Pregnant? With the Grand Sage’s child? Nilou, shockingly enough, doesn’t know how to feel about that. It takes her a moment to realize why she doesn’t know how to feel about that. Put simply… she doesn’t know how the Grand Sage feels about it.
“Is that… what you want, sir?”
Azar looks at her for a long moment, his grey beard twitching as he smirks. Finally, he gives her the direction she needs.
“… It is. Your body, which you’ve spent all these years wasting on dancing… it belongs to me now, does it not?”
Nilou quickly nods her head.
“Yes Grand Sage, sir!”
“Then it only seems fitting that your purpose be fulfilled by carrying my children and furthering my line. My intelligence must be passed on to the next generation. You will ensure that.”
He’s right, of course. It’s all so much clearer now that the Grand Sage has explained everything! He’s told her what to think and how to feel, and so a broad smile spreads across Nilou’s face as she looks up into his eyes.
“Then please, sir… please breed this worthless dumb bitch with your seed. Use my body to further your line. It would be my greatest pleasure!”
Azar’s smirk turns into a full blown grin as he lines up… and thrusts in. Beginning to fuck her once more, the Grand Sage lets out a quiet chuckle.
“It would, wouldn’t it? I should have done this ages ago. So many irritating little gnats getting in the way. So many foolish women wasting their potential. Perhaps I was a fool to avoid using the Akasha Terminals in this way for so long. But now I know better. Now I know the value in… taking control.”
Nilou doesn’t quite understand what the Grand Sage is talking about. It’s also gotten MUCH harder to think with his cock inside of her thrusting away, and she’s already having a hard time thinking for herself even without that. Still, what he says… it sounds right. It all sounds right to her. And so, as he fucks her into the bed, Nilou lets out a wanton moan and nods her head.
“Y-Yes sir! You know better now! T-Take control! You deserve it! You deserve everything and everyone to know what I know!”
Azar looks at her then, humming as he enjoys groping her tits for a moment before tilting his head to the side. All the while, he continues to fuck her tight, clenching cunny hard and fast.
“Oh? And what do you know, you dumb bitch? Not much, not anymore…”
He’s right, of course. Nilou giggles, her eyes going crossed for a moment as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm her. Funnily enough, she keeps her wits about her by focusing on the only things she DOES know to be true now. Looking up into the Grand Sage’s eyes, she smiles dopily as she explains.
“I know that the Grand Sage is always right. I know that his cock is the most beautiful thing in the world. And I know that there’s nothing more I love than having the Grand Sage inside of me while I serve him with my body.”
Her words have quite the effect on Azar, as he grunts in mild surprise and his member suddenly surges inside of her. A moment later and he spills his seed deep in her womb, filling her to the brim in the same way he filled her belly. Now she’s the receptacle of two of the Grand Sage’s loads, and Nilou couldn’t be happier about that. She feels so, so good now that she’s no longer so preoccupied with that silly, stupid Festival or dancing anymore.
She’s the Grand Sage’s secretary and also his broodmare and that’s all she really needs to be. Anything else is beyond her half-melted mind anyways. The Akasha System has made sure of that. As she drools there on the bed, eyes rolled back in her head and insensate, the Grand Sage looks down at her.
“… I never imagined this would work quite as well as it did. But I suppose now that I know it’s successful… I shouldn’t hold back anymore.”
As he casually fondles one of Nilou’s breasts, Azar chuckles darkly.
“Thank you for being my test subject, brat. With this success… yes, I think I will do as you’ve suggested. It’s time to take complete control.”
The old Nilou would have been horrified by the thought that she’d persuaded the Grand Sage to go beyond even his original plans of just taking her for himself. She would have been terrified by the wide, wicked grin on his face and the evil glint in his eyes.
But the old Nilou was gone. The new Nilou just giggles like the fucked silly dumb bitch she is, already eager for her next chance to serve the Grand Sage.


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