Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

One Wild Night in Vacuo (RWBY)

One Wild Night in Vacuo (RWBY)

Poll Winner (Originally written May 2021)

Themes: Foursome, Breeding, Loving Sex

Summary: Jaune wakes up the morning after a rather large celebratory party in Vacuo. It was a fun time... only, he doesn't remember the part where he apparently got drunk enough to marry three women.


Man, who could have imagined that Vacuo would have such comfy and soft hotel beds? As Jaune Arc slowly begins to awake, that’s the first thing he notices. He can’t even feel a blanket atop him, but it still seems like he’s surrounded by cushions on all side, almost smothered in them even, but in a good way. The second thing he notices, of course, is his head-splitting hangover.
A low groan leaves the young man’s lips. He tries to bring up a hand to rub against his pounding, aching forehead, only to find his arm trapped within a couple of the cushions. It’s almost like the cushions are holding onto him or something. Slowly, as he manages to creak open his eyes ever so slightly, Jaune starts to remember bits and pieces of the day before.
It’d been a serious celebration, that much he was certain of. They’d won, after all. They’d won, and that had led to an utterly massive party. And Jaune… well, it wasn’t like Jaune was one for drinking very often before, but it was a special occasion. And Pyrrha had been drinking too. So they’d gotten drunk together. At some point after that though, everything gets far, far fuzzier. He… remembered being happy? That was honestly about it.
Staring up at the ceiling of the hotel room, Jaune smacks his lips. He’s got the worst case of dry mouth ever, to go along with his horrid hangover. And his arms… both of them are apparently trapped in the softest of cushions. After tugging on them does nothing but cause weird noises from the cushions at his sides, Jaune finally looks over… and goes absolutely still at what he sees.
Eyes widen, Jaune looks first to his left and then to his right, mouth agape as he stares at Kali Belladonna and Willow Schnee. The two older women are currently asleep… but more than that, they’re both as naked as he is, with their incredibly large breasts wrapped around his arms. Those were the ‘cushions’ he’d been feeling, along with their soft, voluptuous, matronly bodies pressed up against his own.
How… how had this happened? Blake was going to kill him… shit, but not if Weiss caught wind of this first! He was well aware that both women had recently lost their husbands, but that didn’t make this okay! They were both old enough to be his mom! Their daughters were some of his closest friends! And most importantly of all, Pyrrha was the love of his life!”
As if summoned by his thoughts, the door to the hotel room’s bathroom suddenly opens and Pyrrha steps out, having clearly been taking a shower with how she’s drying her red hair. Jaune just stares at her until she notices him and freezes up as well. However, rather than growing furious at what she sees before her… Pyrrha smiles softly after a moment and gives Jaune a little nervous wave. A wave with her left hand, that reveals the ring on her left ring finger.
Jaune doesn’t notice that at first, but she turns her hand around and lets it hang there in the air for a moment until he sees it. At that point, Jaune just wished he had a weaker constitution, because he would love to faint. As it is, his head is pounding too much for that, and he’s… rather confused.
“Ohhh, my head…”
Oh shit, and now things were about to get worse. Whether they were awoken by his jostling and attempts to get free or by Pyrrha coming out of the shower, both Willow and Kali wake up at around the same time, groaning as well and pulling up away from him as they blink owlishly and take in the room. Jaune’s arms are freed, but he’s still the meat in a MILF sandwich, even as their eyes grow progressively wider as they look at him, at each other, and at Pyrrha.
He’s expecting outbursts, he’s expecting righteous fury and anger. After all, he had to have taken advantage of them somehow, right? Before any of that can happen however, Pyrrha titters nervously and steps over to the bed.
“Here, let me help you all out.”
What she does next… Jaune has no idea, except it’s some manipulation of aura akin to what she first did all those years ago when she woke his aura up. In the end, she flares all three of their auras and like that, Jaune’s hangover and dry mouth and all the other side effects from getting black out drunk the night before, are gone. Judging by Kali and Willow’s appreciative gasps, it’s the same for them.
“O-Oh my… you’re going to have to teach me THAT trick, dear.”
“Yes, that was… it’s much easier to think now. My but we did have a wild night last night, didn’t we?”
Willow Schnee seems to almost be hiding a smile as she holds a hand in front of her face, giggling like a maiden. She’s blushing, and though Kali’s skin tone is a little darker, the cat faunus also looks to be blushing as they both rake their eyes up and down Jaune’s body. Jaune flushes himself, trying not to do the same to them… and failing. The two MILFs are gorgeous, after all… though Pyrrha is even better.
Speaking of the Invincible Girl, she smiles nervously and holds up her hand again.
“Ah… little bit more than wild, I guess. We all have one of these on now, and judging by their near-identical nature, I assume you two didn’t have them on at the start of the night.”
Everyone checks, with Jaune blanching as he realizes he somehow married not only Pyrrha, but also Blake and Weiss’ moms last night while black out drunk. Because Pyrrha is right, judging by the blank looks on Kali and Willow’s faces as they stare down at the same shiny wedding bands on their fingers that also sit upon Pyrrha and Jaune’s fingers.
“… No, I was not wearing my wedding band yesterday. I haven’t worn it since my husband died.”
“… Neither have I.”
As Kali and Willow look to each other, Jaune squirms between them. Perhaps this is when they’ll finally realize how upset they should be with him. They certainly seem to be having a silent conversation between one another right now. Only, once again his expectations are shattered as Willow turns a wicked, growing smile upon him.
“Mm, I can work with this. You’re certainly a handsome, virile young man, aren’t you? And while I don’t remember much of last night, judging by how pleasantly sore I am in all the right places, you certainly rocked my world…”
Kali cocks her head to the side, her cat ears twitching atop it, and also adopts a wide smile.
“Perhaps it was fate that brought us all together.”
Before Jaune can muster a response to either of them, Pyrrha lets out an honest-to-god CHEER of all things and hops up onto the bed with the three of them, her towel discarded and forgotten, her naked body glistening from the shower she just took as she blushes at the looks the older women give her, but grins nevertheless in excitement.
Jaune, needless to say, is gobsmacked.
“You… you want this? You ALL want this?”
Pyrrha is the first to reply of course, nodding her head energetically.
“More than anything, Jaune. Maybe it’s easier to say this now that we’re apparently already married, but I’ve been carrying a torch for you since we first met!”
Jaune… sort of knew they had something between them, but sharing him with two older women? Willow Schnee has a sardonic smirk on her face as she suddenly leans forward and grasps his cock in one of her hands, giving it an up and down stroke as Jaune’s breath hitches from the unexpected sexual contact.
“My husband was a bastard. I haven’t mourned him for even a moment since his death. And frankly, you’re bigger than he ever was.”
Well, that was… crass. Unable to help himself, Jaune looks to Kali last to find the cat faunus smiling a bit sadly.
“I, on the other hand, loved my husband very much. But he’s gone now, and I know he would want me to move on if I could, to find happiness where I can. It would seem a chance at happiness has been foisted upon us. Time to see where this takes us, at the very least.”
Very poignant, very deep, very touching and moving words from the cat faunus… though they’re ever so slightly undermined by her diving down upon his cock and taking him in her mouth a moment later. No more words come from any of the three women as they all begin to work over his genitals. Jaune watches in disbelief as Willow Schnee strokes his shaft, Kali Belladonna sucks his cockhead, and Pyrrha Nikos, the love of his life, relegates herself to suckling at his balls, bending over between his legs right there and then and waving her gorgeous heart-shaped ass in the air as high as she can.
“Oh fuuuuck…”

As far as responses go, it’s pretty shitty… but Jaune can’t possibly formulate anything better, not with three women pleasuring him all at once. His eyes go crossed and his hands come down atop Kali and Pyrrha’s heads, even as Willow leans into his side and begins to nibble and lick at his ear tantalizingly and teasingly.
If they’re really all okay with this… if they really want this… who is Jaune to say no, right? Fuck, setting aside all of his initial hang ups about the arrangement, deep down he really wants this all too.
And so, with Pyrrha having cured all of their hangovers, the foursome quickly find themselves devolving into the same activities they almost certainly got up to last night, while all of them had been incredibly drunk. None of them can remember the night before, which is ostensibly supposed to have been their ‘wedding night’, but that’s alright… they can recreate the memories here and now, after all.
Jaune finds himself inside of Kali Belladonna first. The cat faunus is certainly a needy wench, and as he impales her from behind, taking her doggystyle, she squeals and moans loudly, begging for more. Not just more though… but other things too.
“Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Knock me up! Breed me silly!”
Is that a faunus thing? Jaune very nearly stops in the middle of thrusting at the idea of being a father, blushing profusely at just how crass the Belladonna MILF got once she had a long hard dick in her. But of course, Kali’s purring quickly becomes growling when he slows down, so he speeds back up again, taking her hard and fast from behind as she yowls in encouragement, arching her back and begging him to breed her.
In the end, he cums inside… whether or not he’s knocked her up is something they’ll only know with time, but to be perfectly honest, Jaune isn’t entirely opposed to the idea the more that he thinks about it…
After Kali comes Willow. Jaune almost reaches for Pyrrha instead but she gives him the barest shake of his head and directs him towards Willow Schnee instead. As he sinks into Willow’s depths, the Schnee MILF moans, wrapping her long legs around his waist as she looks up at him, her pale breasts each capped with a rock hard nipple and jiggling madly from his initial thrusts.
“My shit-heel husband foisted three brats onto me. You’ve met one of them, I know. Ah, but I’ve still got some gas left in the tank. Feel free to cum inside and knock me up if you want. I’d love it if my fourth child was yours~”
She’s not quite as needy about it, she’s not begging him for a kid… but there’s something about the teasing quality of her voice that eggs Jaune on all the same. And so he fucks her. He fucks her and fucks her, pounding into Willow Schnee until finally, he cums inside of her as well, leaving her with a thick, hot creampie as well. Only after he’s done so does Willow release her hold on his waist, her whole body limp and shuddering in orgasmic ecstasy as she looks up at him with a lidded gaze, pleased and content.
Finally, there’s only Pyrrha left. The two of them spend what feels like minutes making out before he finally penetrates her. Once he’s inside of her however, Jaune simply can’t hold back anymore. Staring into his teammate’s eyes, he feels like he’s finally home, like he’s right where he belongs. Given the way Pyrrha looks back at him, she feels the same way.
As they fuck, Pyrrha speaks quietly.
“Perhaps I would have been okay with it just being the two of us at first… but I also don’t mind sharing. I… I never have.”
Jaune isn’t sure how to answer that, but luckily Pyrrha isn’t done.
“C-Call it what you will… but truth be told, I’ve always appreciated girls more than boys. You’re… you’re the only man who’s ever caught my fancy, J-Jaune.”
Wow. He wasn’t sure how he’d managed that, and he wasn’t going to ask now, he’d ask later when they weren’t fucking, but shit that was a major ego boost.
“I g-guess what I’m saying is, I don’t care how many wives you have, Jaune. All I want is a big family… s-so please, b-be sure to knock me up too.”
… How could a Champion Fighter titled ‘The Invincible Girl’ possibly be this cute? Overwhelmed with his love for Pyrrha, Jaune smashes his lips against hers once more and makes love to his wife, fucking the red-headed warrior for all he’s worth. And when the time finally comes, when his third release arrives, Jaune fills Pyrrha with his seed as well, breeding her just as surely as he’s bred Kali and Willow.
Of course, one creampie does not a certain thing make. And it would seem that his three wives want to make sure Jaune does his duty, because they keep him engaged for the rest of the day in copious amounts of sex. Luckily for Jaune, his semblance is that of an aura battery. Even luckier, he knows how to turn his aura into extra energy for himself as well and prolong his own stamina.
He needs it, to be able to keep up with three gorgeous, vivacious women all day long. But keep up with them he does, and after delivering dozens of creampies, Jaune feels quite accomplished. Day one of his marriage to three beauties ends in the same way that day zero must have… one big cuddle pie, with all three of them curled up against him as he drifts off to sleep.


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