Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Percy Jackson and the Hesperides (Percy Jackson)

Percy Jackson and the Hesperides (Percy Jackson)

A/N: Percy Jackson and the Hesperides was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written in 2018 and posted to HF in 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After the Second Giant War, Percy is left alone with Annabeth having fallen in battle. He sets himself to the task of freeing the peaceful children of the Titans, until only one group remains.

Themes: Moresome, Dom/Sub, Fucked Silly


The Second Giant War had ended. The children of the Titans, the peaceful ones anyways, were to be freed as was promised at the end of the Second Titan War. And wasn't that just a sad state of affairs? Percy had had to fight in two wars when he wasn't even old enough to drive. He'd had to fight battles for Gods, simply because they couldn't fight the battles themselves.

And for what? Annabeth was dead, felled in battle against her mother's destined foe of all people. Percy Jackson is left to carry on as best as he can, per her final wish. Her last words to her. 'Mourn, and then move on. Find others to love and hold close. Live for her.' He couldn't just deny such a final quest. Annabeth had always known him too well.

So then, was it any great wonder that he'd set himself to the task of freeing the peaceful children of the Titans from their prisons? While someone had to do it, no one was exactly stepping up to get the job done. All of them had other things to do first and knowing what he knew after these last few years, Percy wouldn't have been surprised if it was another hundred years before they got around to it, if not a thousand.

So, he took the task for himself, and with his usual efficiency, had every peaceful group freed by year's end, save for one. The final group was one he had a bit more personal experience. And they resided in a place where he had been before. Perhaps that was part of the reason Percy had put things off for so long. He'd traveled with their exiled sister for a while, grown to call her friend.

He wasn't sure how the Hesperides would react to him. But as he stepped into their Garden, into Hera's Garden, he need not have worried. They were waiting for him, oddly enough, the four gorgeous Nymphs. Each nearly identical to their wayward sister, Zoe Nightshade, the now-dead former lieutenant of Artemis.

Their skin was caramel, their black hair was silky and tumbled loose around their shoulders. They were utterly gorgeous, to be sure… but at the same time, they were not human. No more was this clearer then when one looked to their eyes, glassy black things that reminded Percy more of volcanic rock or obsidian than anything else.

Still, he did not shy away from them for their inhuman traits, their absolute beauty. With them standing at the entrance of the Garden ready to welcome him, Percy returns the fours' smiles with his own and bowed respectfully to them all.

"It is good to see you again. I wish it were under better circumstances."

"You have come to free us, have you not?"

One speaks up, and Percy nods hesitantly, causing another to smile and finish her sister's thought.

"Then these are very good circumstances indeed. Come, Percy Jackson. Come and let us care for you. Your journey has been long, but now that you are here you will find yourself in the company of gracious hosts."

Percy lifts an eyebrow at that. Normally, they would be singing right now, would they not? They would be trying to convince him to dance with them under normal circumstances. Instead, they speak and though their words are like honey to his ears, he can feel himself unaffected by their tones. They take hold of him all the same though, and Percy lets them lead him further into the Garden. Key word, 'lets'. He is not forced, neither physically nor mentally. They are gentle as they guide him along through a Garden he has already traversed once before.

In the end, they come to a table. It was not a table Percy remembered from the last time. He likes to think he would recall a large, ornate piece of furniture, laden with a veritable feast of food. Or perhaps the cushioned, high back chair that sits on the far side of the table. It is there that the Hesperides lead him.

"Please, sit."

"We would feed you, Percy Jackson."

"Afterwards, we shall bathe you."

"Then you may free us… but only then. It would not do for the Hesperides to be declared unfit hosts by our savior."

Percy can't help but be a little amused, on top of the bemusement he already feels. His eyes flicker to the trees of the Garden around them. The golden apples hang from stems and Percy is very aware of exactly what said apples are capable of. When he'd first come here, the very fragrance of the apples was enough to entice him towards them.

Now though, even though that fragrance is still quite powerful, Percy finds himself not quite overwhelmed. He has grown since his time in the Garden. He has matured in a way he cannot describe. Perhaps that's why he lets himself be settled gently but firmly into the cushioned, high back chair. Perhaps that's why he lets them feed him pieces of meat and cheese and the like as the Hesperides crowd around him, the gorgeous nymphs all wanting to be part of this great event.

The old Percy would have been impatient to accomplish the task before him. But Percy as he was now felt something like an old man, ready for a rest. The Hesperides preyed on that. He would realize later that they'd recognized his bone-deep weariness and used it against him. But at the same time, he would not be able to blame them.

For the moment though, Percy did not notice anything wrong with the situation at hand. Even as the four nymphs fed him more and more food, even as they gave him drink to quench his thirst with. There was something strange happening, certainly, but Percy… Percy was tired. He was exhausted, the weight of the world set upon his altogether mortal shoulders far too many times.

When they go for his clothing, when they pull at his garments and strip him down, Percy doesn't try to stop them. He's too distracted by a strange feeling building within him. When they pull him from the table and towards a nearby spring, their own Greek chitons falling off their gorgeous, identical, caramel-skinned bodies, Percy still doesn't resist. What would be the point? They mean him no harm.

Harm they might not mean him… but that didn't mean they hadn't pulled one over on him. It's only as all five of them sink into the warm waters of the hot spring that Percy gazes back at the ornate table and realizes what they've done and what is now happening to them. As he stares, the Hesperides cozy up to him, rubbing at his muscular, masculine body with their soft palms, laying kisses across his flesh… which is in turn beginning to glow.

Pieces of golden apple snuck into the bites of meat and cheese. Perhaps the meat had even been cooked with golden apple included in the recipe. The drink they'd given him to quench his thirst had been ambrosia. They had… they were… Percy's mortality burns away slowly as he rests in the spring with the Hesperides clinging to him, cleaning him, bathing him just as they said they would.

And in that moment, even though he should perhaps be upset that they've robbed him of his chance to see Annabeth in the afterlife when he passes over, Percy is more concerned for them then for himself. He focuses through the haze falling over his vision, and even through the indescribable sensation of being so irrevocably and fundamentally changed, the demigod-turned-god manages to speak.

"The gods will not like this…"

Rather than fear as he might have expected, the Hesperides react with giggles and gales of tinkling laughter, even as they rub themselves against his glowing form all the more needily.

"Do not fret, Percy Jackson."

"The gods approve."

"All of this is by the gods' design."

"A final command from Mount Olympus… but not an unwelcome one."

Percy's mind reels as he processes this. He begins to frown harder, as he realizes that the gods used the Hesperides one last time without care for the fact that they'd guaranteed the four nymphs their freedom. But seeing his frown, the Hesperides hasten to override his anger.

"A command it may have been, but this is our desire, Percy Jackson."

"Our sister walked with you. Beside you. We could not acknowledge her."

"She died fighting alongside you. For the world, for our freedom."

"We regret much. But we will not fail her in this."

"You carry her sword, you carry her soul with you even now. Is it no wonder that we should hope to join our sister in her service?"

Percy can't help but flush, especially when the nymphs grow more amorous in their touching. Before they were at least making an effort to appear to be cleaning him. Their hands had not strayed down between his legs. Until now. Now, one of the nymphs disappears beneath the water entirely, and a moment later she's showing off her ability to hold her breath as she takes his hardening prick in between her lips and into her mouth.

As she bobs up and down on his member, the newly made god finds himself with three more nymphs kissing at his chiseled jaw and equally chiseled pecs, their tongues sliding along his skin, along his lips, just barely refraining from kissing him outright… until Percy can't take the teasing anymore, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of silken black locks as he drags one of the nymphs to him, kissing her heatedly and passionately.

She moans as she rests her hands on him. The other two coo with pleasure, their sister's joy being their joy. They will all have their turns after all. It matters not who gets to go first when all of them are ready to become consorts of a god, rather than a mere man. And when that thought suddenly hits Percy, he can't help but freeze up.

Because a god he might be, even if he is an absurdly young god. But he's still Percy Jackson, in the end. So, he pulls back from the lips of the nymph he's captured with his grasp and he draws the nymph whose throat is wrapped around his cock out from beneath the water, so he can gaze at her as well. Four pairs of obsidian eyes stare at him, and for the first time Percy sees worry in the gorgeous faces of the Hesperides.

He hates to see their beauty marred by such fears, but he can't just allow this to continue without asking.

"Are you sure? Are all of you sure?"

Even his voice sounds different now. It reverberates out of his throat in such a way that all four nymphs, both those he's holding onto and those he isn't, shiver and tremble as his words hit their ears and their souls. He gets a round of quick, eager nods from the Hesperides, and in the end, Percy knows he cannot deny them now. The side of him reveling in his new, god-like stature is already eager to enjoy his new consorts. And if they're just as enthusiastic about things…

Percy sighs, and lets them get down to business. He is not a passive bystander in what follows, however. While the original nymph descends beneath the water once more to finish her self-appointed task, another goes with her and a pair of warm lips along with a velvety tongue begin to play with his balls in a way that has Percy hissing in enjoyment.

Meanwhile, the remaining two nymphs slide up to him on either side. The young god pays them equal amounts of attention. When he is kissing one, he is molesting and kneading the perfect, supple, caramel chest of the other. Alternating between the two, Percy enjoys them both for a time… until finally, he can no longer hold back. His godly seed erupts from his lengthy cock, and Percy groans even as the Hesperides with her lips firmly lodged around the base of his member swallows and swallows and swallows some more.

When she pulls back, the one on his balls moves to take her place, but Percy has other ideas. He reaches down and grabs that one by her wet hair, and then he rises from the water, pulling her along with him. She ends up bent over the side of the hot spring, her selfless, reward-less act of suckling and licking at his balls earning her quite the reward after all. She's the first that he fucks, his cock pinning her to the soft grass just on the edge of the hot spring as he thrusts into her from behind, eliciting a melodic cry from her lips.

The others crowd around, greatly enjoying the sight of their sister getting dicked as they touch themselves to the sight. They prepare their perfect bodies for him, make sure that their pussy lips are glistening wet and their insides are nice and tight. And Percy takes them and makes them his one by one. The first cums countless times before he finally seeds her. The second does as well, when he picks her up and drops her on his cock while holding her close and kissing her.

He gives the third the choice of how he will take her, and in the end, she lays back on the grass that he bent the first over, and he makes sweet, sweet love to her before moving onto the last. But the fourth is not truly the last, because after he fucks her on her side with one leg over his shoulder, after he brings her to climax after explosive climax and leaves her full of his cum, Percy moves back to the first and starts the whole process over again.

He is a god, and they are his consorts. The Hesperides have been freed from the control of gods… and then bound themselves to him as surely as they'd been bound to this place that had long been their home. Each of them was virginal at the start, but this barely crosses Percy's mind as he takes them one after the other.

And when he is done and they all rest in a lump of divinity by the side of the spring, Percy finds himself happy, even if perhaps he shouldn't be. He'd never wanted to be a god. He'd even turned it down, more than once. It was obvious now that Mount Olympus had gone out of their way to see him changed here, at the end of his current quest. Did they think he would turn his eyes on them next, once he was done freeing the peaceful children of the titans?

Were they afraid of what the mortal could do, so they made him like them instead? Percy couldn't say for sure. If they'd actually forced this upon the Hesperides, perhaps he would have been more upset. But the four sister nymphs were happy to do this. As a god, he could read their sincerity, as their new liege, he knew their hearts.

Those hearts belonged to him now… and he would treat them well, his beloved new consorts.


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