Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Straight Until Wet (RWBY)

Straight Until Wet (RWBY)

A/N: Straight Until Wet was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Jaune makes the fatal mistake of leaving his girlfriend Pyrrha in the hands of his older sister and her wife. 

Themes: NTR, F/F, Mind Break


"T-Thank you for the warm welcome, Mrs. Cotta-Arc. You have a lovely home."

Chuckling, Saphron waves a hand airily as she sits down across from her little brother's girlfriend, smiling kindly at her.

"I appreciate the compliment, Pyrrha. Please, just call me Saphron. We don't stand on ceremony in this household."

Pyrrha blushes but smiles right back and nods as she takes a sip from the tea Saphron had prepared for both of them. Indeed, as far as things went, it probably should have been Saphron who was nervous or awkward. After all, of the two of them, Pyrrha Nikos was by far the more famous. A modern celebrity, the Invincible Girl was known far and wide for her championship wins in Mistral, as well as her crucial role in stopping the attack on Beacon back in her First Year.

Now, just after graduation, she and Jaune were full-fledged hunters and also, much to Pyrrha's overwhelming joy, finally dating. The blond boy was her boyfriend and Pyrrha couldn't be happier about that fact. He was also on a solo mission at the moment however, which was why Pyrrha was here, meeting his sister.

Saphron Cotta-Arc was… she was very pretty, Pyrrha had to admit. So pretty that it was making her question her sexuality. From the moment that they'd sat down together, Pyrrha felt like she'd been squirming self-consciously. She'd taken to sipping her tea down faster as a result, which probably wasn't the best idea… considering it was drugged.

Unbeknownst to Pyrrha or Jaune, Jaune's older sister wasn't as good a woman as they both might have thought. Rather, Saphron and her darling wife had a certain predilection for younger women like Pyrrha… and from the moment she'd found out that her little brother was dating the Invincible Girl, Saphron had known immediately… she was going to steal her away.

Was that wrong of her? Perhaps, but if Jaune couldn't keep Pyrrha satisfied, then who's fault was it? Besides, he was still young. He'd bounce back.

"A-Alright Saphron. Um… I heard you're married? With a child?"

Smiling slightly, Saphron just nods.

"Oh yes. Adrian is at a friend's house for the day, however. Terra, my wife… she's around."

Waving a hand dismissively, Saphron shifts slightly closer to Pyrrha. Hiding behind her cup of tea, Pyrrha takes another sip of the drugged substance, having no clue that it was slowly lowering her inhibitions and making her more and more suggestible. It wasn't exactly perfect, but if there was even a part of her that found Saphron attractive, it would allow the older woman to make her move.

And to be fair, Pyrrha was dating Jaune. In all possible ways, Saphron could be considered the better model. She was effectively an older, more matured, female version of Jaune Arc… truly a catch.

Which was why, after they talked back and forth about various things, Pyrrha couldn't bring herself to push Saphron away when the older woman placed a hand on her leg, dangerously close to her inner thigh.

"Tell me, Pyrrha… what do you think about eventually having children, hm? Should I expect to be an aunt any time soon?"

Blushing as red as her hair, Pyrrha wiggles in place, unsure what to do or say to such a thing, especially given her current attraction towards Jaune's sister. Truly, there must be something wrong with her… and yet, Saphron's thumb is rubbing soothing circles into her flesh just below her skirt now and Pyrrha… Pyrrha is enjoying it very much.

"I-I… it doesn't s-seem all that important right now, really. There's a lot of time to t-think about that sort of thing, r-right?"

Saphron just smiles softly and hums as she cocks her head to the side.

"Hm… I suppose. Is my little brother taking care of all of your needs, Pyrrha? I wouldn't be surprised if he's not… handling you properly."

The sudden jump from talking about children to sex is… well, it's not QUITE a non-sequitur or out of left field, but its still jarring. Pyrrha's eyes are wide as she stares into Saphron's beautiful deep blue irises. The blonde chuckles and leans in ever closer, until her breath is ghosting across Pyrrha's face, their lips mere inches apart.

"I thought so. Little Jaune, we used to call him. Dressed him up in our skirts and dresses. He's… well, he means well, but I know my little brother. I know what he can and cannot be expected to do and managing a girl like you is… hm. Beyond him."

A girl like her? Pyrrha's head swims as she blinks, her eyes glazing over just a bit. Saphron is just so close… what does she mean, a girl like her?

"W-What… what do you mean? I… Jaune is… he's a v-very good boyfriend, I promise you…"

Saphron just smiles condescendingly and nods, making it clear from both her mannerisms and tone that she doesn't believe her.

"I'm sure he is. But… some things require a woman's touch."

Before Pyrrha can formulate a response, Saphron finally goes in for the kill and plants her lips right on the Invincible Girl's mouth. The red head jolts… and then immediately relaxes into the kiss, melting into it as she lets Saphron makeout with her, as she lets the older blonde control the pace of their sudden intimacy entirely.

While the drugs in her tea are certainly loosening Pyrrha up, the truth is, she wouldn't let this happen if she didn't feel something for Jaune's sister. This isn't the first time Saphron has played this game, and it doesn't always work out in her favor. But Pyrrha… Pyrrha is an open book already, and it's obvious that as 'Invincible' as she might be in battle, she's incredibly vulnerable in any other matter, especially social situations like this one.

As their lips press together and Saphron slips her tongue into Pyrrha's clearly inexperienced mouth, easily taking her for a ride, the blonde's hands slip over Pyrrha's body, beginning to unbuckle certain parts of her attire, unbuttoning and unzipping and untying things where applicable. She doesn't actually pull any of Pyrrha's clothing off yet however… she just gets the girl ready for it, until her armor is barely hanging off of her, her corset loosened, and her skirt flipped up.

Slipping a hand between Pyrrha's thighs, Saphron pulls back from the flustered, panting red head's lips just as she's pushing her fingers past Pyrrha's panties and penetrating the Invincible Girl right then and there with her digits. As such, Saphron gets to watch as Pyrrha's eyes widen and her lips form a cute O, followed by a soft exhalation from the gorgeous, incredibly fit huntress.

"You like that, Pyrrha? You like how my fingers feel inside of you."


Letting out a cute little whine, it's clear that Pyrrha does indeed like it, but isn't sure how to put it into words. Unfortunately, Saphron isn't taking nonverbal as an answer. She pushes her fingers into Pyrrha even deeper, while brushing her thumb along the red head's clit in a way that seems to electrify her entire body as it tenses up for a moment.

"I'm waiting for an answer, pet. If I don't get one, I'll assume you don't want this. We can stop right now, if you like."


Pyrrha's instinctual response causes her to go nearly incandescent as she realizes what she's said, while Saphron's smile turns into a positively wicked and incredibly wide grin.



"You like this then?"


"Tell me more."

Pyrrha's nose scrunches up cutely in confusion, and it's clear she doesn't know what to say, doesn't know what to do. Her hips are bucking up into Saphron's hand at this point, and Saphron is pistoning her fingers in and out of the cute girl's wet pussy nice and fast. It's true what they say, women really are like spaghetti. Straight until you get them nice and… wet.

"Tell me what I'm doing to you that you want me to keep doing, Pyrrha. Tell me how good I'm making you feel. Make me want to keep going, sweetling."

With instruction, Pyrrha begins to find her stride and Saphron isn't surprised. It's so obvious the red head is a girl who thrives when she does what she's told. Else, Saphron's little brother would never have been made team leader back at Beacon over this delectable warrior woman.

"I… I like how y-you're inside of me w-with your fingers. I want… I want you to k-keep doing that."

"Uh-huh… keep going…"

"You're, o-oh fuck, you're stirring up my, um, my i-insides? P-Please… please kiss me more?"

Saphron lets out a little laugh at that. It's obvious Pyrrha is trying to keep from having to say anything else… but the way she's going about it is one that Saphron certainly approves of. And so, she leans in and kisses Pyrrha yet again, making out even more aggressively with the mewling moaning Invincible Girl than before. Her fingers, meanwhile, continue to play with Pyrrha's pussy until finally Saphron feels the younger woman tipping over the edge.

With a muffled cry, mostly swallowed by Saphron's own lips, Pyrrha Nikos experiences her first orgasm at the hands of her boyfriend's older sister. Saphron brings her off with nothing more than her fingers and Pyrrha… Pyrrha squeals as she squirts all over Saphron's palm, her entire body shaking and tensing up before collapsing backwards onto the couch, slumping there as she pants from the exertion.

Saphron, meanwhile, slides her digits out of Pyrrha's pussy and slowly brings them up to the red head's parted lips as she stares at her intensely, still smiling.


Rather than balk at the command, Pyrrha does as Saphron expects… she obeys. The red head barely even hesitates too, already showing that she's so very eager to… well, to submit. Saphron can only grin in delight as Pyrrha licks her fingers clean one by one, her beautiful green eyes staring into Saphron's own deep blue gaze with a strange sort of need. Well, not strange to Saphron. She recognizes it quite well, in fact.

Once her fingers are fully cleaned off, Saphron pulls her hand back and then stands up, before offering her other hand to Pyrrha to take.

"There's something I want to show you, sweetheart. Come with me, and I'll make what we did look like the warmup it was."

For a second, just a brief second, Pyrrha hesitates. Her loyalty to Jaune wars with her desire for more and Saphron can see that if not for the drugged tea, she would probably have chosen Jaune in this moment. But in the end, she's just too horny, too aroused… and too suggestible to stop now. She reaches out and lets Saphron take her by the hand, tugging her to her feet.

Of course, what the Invincible Girl isn't expecting is to suddenly be divested of her clothing the moment she stands up. Thanks to Saphron's earlier antics, Pyrrha's armor and garments had only been holding onto her body because she was sat down and supported. But when Saphron gets ahold of her hand, the blonde YANKS her out of her seat… leaving Pyrrha's clothing behind her and the beautiful red head completely naked, save for her boots.

Yelping, Pyrrha goes to cover herself with her free hand, but Saphron smacks her arm away and gives her a lecherous smile.

"You look better naked, pet. Don't hide yourself… not from me."

The sharp tone that the older blonde takes with Pyrrha washes over the red head and she jolts as she hastily keeps her free arm at her side, blushing down to her chest but nevertheless letting Saphron see ALL of her.

Admiring the sight, Saphron hums her approval and nods before pulling Pyrrha along, taking her through the house and towards the door to the basement. Down the stairs they go, with Pyrrha squirming and quivering so very delightfully in nothing but her boots.

Finally, they arrive at the bottom… where of course, Saphron's wife, the gorgeous Terra Cotta-Arc, is waiting for them along with the rest of her and Saphron's toys. The basement is a small but very functional sex dungeon that the married couple have been using for years. Both of them are dominant types, but they can switch when it's called for. Sometimes they use the equipment on each other… but more often then not, they prefer to bring in other girls, younger women, and double-team them together.

Pyrrha isn't just the latest in a long string of conquests though… she might just be their prize jewel for their collection, the Invincible Girl herself, submitting to them.

Glancing over at the red head, Saphron grins at the wide-eyed expression on Pyrrha's face. Whether it's the collection of toys and tools, or the fact that Terra is dressed in all black leather and is holding a riding crop in her gloved hands… well, either way Pyrrha looks decidedly overwhelmed.

"There you are. I was beginning to think you were planning on hogging her all to yourself, beloved."

Chuckling at her dark-skinned bespectacled wife's teasing tone, Saphron shakes her head, moving behind Pyrrha and slowly guiding her forward to where Terra is waiting for them in the middle of the room.

"Of course not. I just had to get young Pyrrha here to loosen up first. She's all ready for us now though. Isn't that right, pet?"

"U-Um… y-yes?"

Pyrrha's uncertainty makes Saphron and Terra exchange a knowing look before closing in on her. It's funny, the red head could easily fight them both off if she wanted to. She's the Invincible Girl after all, a fully trained huntress. Neither Saphron nor Terra have the combat skills she does. And yet, she lets them manhandle her up onto a bench all the same, one that leaves her legs up in stirrups and her arms restrained behind her back with rope.

Already embarrassed as it is from the revealing pose, she suddenly finds herself in, Pyrrha outright sputters in disbelief when Saphron suddenly dips down between her legs, kneeling and placing her mouth against Pyrrha's glistening, sopping wet pussy lips. Dark blue eyes glittering with avarice, the blonde raises an eyebrow questioningly at the younger woman.

"I bet little Jaune has never done this sort of thing for you."

And then she dives in, not even letting Pyrrha find a response, as is rather characteristic of Saphron's method of attack. An all out assault on the senses that Pyrrha, for all her training as a huntress, is ill-prepared to survive. Chuckling throatily as the red head begins to yelp and squeak and moan in equal measure thanks to Saphron's enthusiastic and aggressive technique, Terra leans in close and runs a gloved hand over Pyrrha's front, feeling up her breasts and smiling at her knowingly.

"My beloved certainly loves to play with her food. You're enjoying it though, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes… her tongue… it's so deep…"

Terra just laughs and starts groping Pyrrha's tits more aggressively. Taking hold of both of them in her gloved hands, the bespectacled mocha-skinned woman massages and kneads them to her heart's content, showing off a degree of experience and skill that leaves Pyrrha gasping and moaning and mewling even louder, thrusting her chest up into Terra's hands instinctively as the other half of the Cotta-Arc pair goes to work on her.

Overwhelmed and assaulted from all sides, it's no wonder that Pyrrha can't bring herself to fight back. Part of her knows that all of this is wrong, that she's betraying Jaune, but that part of her is growing vanishingly small. At this point, the drugs' light touch is barely needed… Pyrrha is enjoying herself too much to try and put a stop to this anymore. She's enjoying being treated like… like a sex toy, like a slave. She's enjoying not having any responsibility in this moment.

Unbeknownst to Saphron and Terra, Pyrrha Nikos had very nearly become the Fall Maiden all those years ago, near the end of her first year at Beacon, instead, Cinder had been defeated before Pyrrha needed to become a Maiden at all. The victory at Beacon had secured the safety of the Human Kingdoms for several years, with Salem pushed back and forced to regroup after losing so many of her pawns. Or so Ozpin had told Pyrrha.

Ultimately, she was still one of the only Protectors of Humanity, one of its foremost defenders. It was her duty as a huntress to be ready whenever Salem tried again especially since she was one of the only people who knew the truth about the Grimm, and that… it was a lot of responsibility to put on a young girl like poor Ms. Nikos. Of course, Pyrrha had been long practiced at hiding her insecurities and presenting a calm and confident face. She was so good at deceiving those around her that even Ozpin didn't realize how much she was struggling with the weight he'd nearly thrust upon her shoulders all those years ago.

Saphron and Terra are unaware of just how much they're offering Pyrrha by effectively taking control out of her hands for a time. But they're very aware of just how much of a natural submissive the red head is, and it's not long before Terra is kissing Pyrrha on the lips, dominating her mouth while Saphron eats out the Invincible Girl's other lips downstairs.

The combined efforts of the two experienced, older women proves to be far too much for Pyrrha in relatively short order. While Saphron hadn't given her a chance to answer, it was indeed true… Jaune had never gone down on Pyrrha before like Saphron was now. It wasn't something either half of the young couple had ever even thought about doing.

But now… now Pyrrha isn't sure she'll ever be able to live without it again, as Saphron's incredibly experienced tongue brings her to orgasm not once but twice in short order. By the time the blonde pulls away with a thoroughly messy face and a wicked grin on her lips, Pyrrha is shuddering in pleasure. When Terra pulls away as well, they leave Pyrrha's eyes half-rolled up in her head, and her tongue slightly sticking out of her mouth. She doesn't know what's going on… not until they come back a few minutes later and pull her up off of the bench.

"Time for the main event, pet."

"That's right. You want to feel really good, don't you sweetie?"

Groaning, her head lolling back and forth, Pyrrha just nods as best she can.

"Yessss… wanna feel good…"

Sharing another look, Saphron and Terra grin as they position the Invincible Girl between them… and bring the specially designed strap-ons to bear on her lower orifices. The two strap-ons are actually Terra Cotta-Arc's own private invention. The technician had designed them in her off time and manufactured them at great expense to both her and Saphron… but they were worth it.

Not only were they surprisingly lifelike, but they had a double-sided nature to them, one that slid up into their wearer's cunts and connected to their nervous system. Basically, Terra and Saphron could feel everything that the strap-ons were feeling, as if the fake phalluses were their real genitalia.

As such, even as Pyrrha is squealing from the sudden penetration in both of her holes, both Saphron and Terra are moaning. Terra's strap-on has the easiest pathing, sliding up inside of Pyrrha's gushing quim with ease. Saphron's strap-on… does not go in as easily, but the blonde was ready for that and did provide some of her own lubrication to make sure that she could penetrate Pyrrha's ass.

Cutely enough, the Invincible Girl was trying to shake her head back and forth as she looked back over her shoulder at Saphron beseechingly.

"T-That… that's the wrong hole!"

Letting out a little laugh, Saphron's eyes dance with mirth as she reaches up and grabs Pyrrha by the jaw, stealing another kiss in which she dominates the red head's mouth with her own. Submissive as ever, Pyrrha melts into the kiss, and when they pull apart, she's much more receptive to what Saphron has to tell her.

"It's only the wrong hole if you do it wrong, pet. Let me show you how good it can feel. Let us rock your world and you'll see just what you've been missing out on with my little brother."

Whining and whimpering, Pyrrha nevertheless hangs her head in defeat. Turning back around, she's caught just in time to get another kiss from Terra, the married couple continuing their tag-teaming from earlier as they effectively assault Pyrrha's senses with an 'all-sides onslaught'. Terra's strap-on drills into the Invincible Girl from the front, while Saphron's pushes into her from behind. Neither her ass nor her pussy are safe from their depraved predilections as the married couple fucks her like she's never been fucked before.

After a little while of this, with Terra still kissing Pyrrha, Saphron reaches up and grabs the Invincible Girl by her ponytail, yanking on it hard and leaning forward to whisper in Pyrrha's ear.

"You like this, pet? You want to make this a regular thing? You're going to have to ask for it. You're going to have to beg us. No more waffling about from here on out. No more holding back. You're ours now… now and forever."

As soon as Saphron is done with her little spiel, Terra pulls back, disengaging from Pyrrha's mouth so they can both hear her response. Very rarely do their shared conquests reach this point and then deny them. There's plenty of points before this where they have a chance to back out after all, but admittedly Saphron and Terra are asking for a lot from Pyrrha here. Still, neither of them is surprised when her response is ultimately precisely what they both want to hear.

"Y-Yes! P-Please! Please don't stop. Oh god, oh f-fuck. You're so big! You're so deep inside of me! Y-You were right… a-anal does feel good!"

Sharing a grin over Pyrrha's delirious ramblings, Saphron nods to Terra, who in turn grabs Pyrrha by the jaw and proceeds to spit into the submissive red head's open mouth.

"You're ours then now. Our pet. And we are your Mistresses. Do you understand, sweetheart? Do you get who you belong to now?"

Eyes glazed over and glassy, face bright red, body bouncing and jiggling between the other two women's thrusts, Pyrrha just nods.

"Y-Yes… Yes, Mistress… I understand. I belong to you. I belong t-to both of you!"

Giggling, Terra slides her hand from Pyrrha's face to one of her breasts, giving it a harsh squeeze as she fucks the Invincible Girl even harder with the specially designed strap-on.

"Good girl."

Saphron nods approvingly as well, even as both older women get more and more red-faced themselves. Due to the nature of the specially engineered strap-ons that Terra has made for them, they're both getting quite a lot of pleasure from DPing the gorgeous, fit young red head between them. As such, it's not long before Pyrrha's constant orgasms are joined by one from both Terra and Saphron. The married couple groan in throaty enjoyment and toss their heads back in unison as they orgasm all over the opposite ends of the strap-ons, buried inside of their flexing, clenching cunts.

Pulling out of Pyrrha's holes shortly afterwards, it's obvious both Saphron and Terra need a small break. They're only human after all, and not even aura-awakened humans at that. At the same time, it's equally obvious that Pyrrha Nikos… is still ready for more. She ends up falling to the floor, kneeling at their feet as they pull free of her cunt and ass, but even as she stays where she is, submissive as ever, she's looking at them both expectantly.

Stumbling over to the nearby table of toys, Saphron grabs a dildo at random and tosses it over to between Pyrrha's legs. With her arms still bound behind her back, she can't actually grab it… but that doesn't stop Saphron from giving the order she does all the same.

"Fuck yourself for a bit, pet. I want to see you bouncing up and down on that thing in the next five minutes or there will be punishment."

"Y-Yes Mistress!"

Eyes widening, Pyrrha nods enthusiastically and sets to work getting the toy inside of her. It only takes her a minute of the five that Saphron gave her to do so, and soon enough she's bouncing away, looking absolutely fucking gorgeous with her arms tied behind her back and a dildo disappearing up into her pussy as she rides it on her knees.

Still, both Saphron and Terra exchange a look, each realizing independently of one another… their newest toy is going to be quite the handful. Luckily, Pyrrha is a fully recognized professional huntress, which means she'll have missions of her own to be taking sometime soon, giving them a chance to breathe and recuperate.

For now, though, the two older women know they can't afford to show weakness in this situation, not even physical weakness like being tired or exhausted. Indeed, Pyrrha needs a firm hand if they're going to solidify their hold over the Invincible Girl and keep their places as her new Mistresses. As such, after a brief rest Saphron pulls her own strap-on off and makes her way over to Pyrrha, grabbing the red head by her ponytail and yanking her face into the gushing cunt right in front of her.

"Time for you to return the favor, pet. Show me what that tongue of yours can do~ And don't worry about fucking up, we all have to start somewhere. Your loving Mistresses will make sure to train you nice and- nnngh, p-proper!"

"Yesh Mishtress!"

Saphron's eyes widen as Pyrrha all but attacks her cunt with her tongue. Indeed, the girl is inexperienced… but INCREDIBLY enthusiastic and eager to please. Nearly doubling over Pyrrha's head, Saphron gasps as she begins to instinctively hump the younger woman's face. O-Oh… Saphron could get USED to this.

Of course, her darling wife is not above toying with her beloved spouse. Seeing Saphron faltering, Terra goes ahead and… reinforces the blonde so to speak. Namely by walking up behind Saphron, sticking her strap-on right up the blue-eyed blonde's ass, and hugging her from behind, groping her tits and holding her in place as Pyrrha eats out her cunt.

It's Saphron's turn to be double-teamed by her wife and their newest sex slave, but it won't be long before it's Terra's as well. The married couple are always happy to mess with one another, always happy to fight over who gets to really be on top. After all, at the end of the day, what really matters is who's on bottom… and that, for the time being, is Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl.


A knock on the door a few days later sees Saphron casually walking over to answer it. At seeing her little brother standing on the other side, Saphron smiles easily.

"Oh, hey Jaune. Back from your mission already?"

Letting out a sheepish laugh, Jaune Arc rubs the back of his head and nods.

"Aha, yeah. I uh… I may have messed it up a little. But the more veteran hunters are taking care of things. Uh, is Pyrrha here?"

Keeping a kind smile on her face, Saphron just shakes her head at her little brother's antics. Jaune was never really meant to be a hunter, that much was obvious. Hopefully it wouldn't get him killed any time soon. Regardless, Saphron hums for a moment before answering.

"Unfortunately, you missed her! Terra took her shopping earlier this morning. I can give you the address of the shopping center if you want to go see them."

"O-Oh! That's okay, I can just wait here for her…"

Fixing her little brother with a stern gaze, Saphron crosses her arms over her chest.

"Really, Jaune? You have an opportunity to go surprise your girlfriend with an early return home and you're going to pass on it and wait for her to get back? I thought better of you then that."

The manipulation works like a charm, of course. Jaune's eyes widen, and he hastily waves his hands back and forth in front of him.

"A-Ah! You're totally right! What was that address? I'll go right away!"

And so Jaune heads off a moment later, address to the local shopping district in hand. Saphron watches him go for a moment with a smile on her face… that quickly turns positively evil and downright mean.

Meanwhile, upstairs in the master bedroom, Pyrrha Nikos lays between her other Mistress' legs, eating out Terra Cotta-Arc as the bespectacled mocha-skinned beauty moans in pleasure and encouragement. At the same time, the Invincible Girl has her hands wrapped around the bases of not just one but two hefty, vibrating dildos, both of which she's burying DEEP in her pussy and ass again and again.

As she double-stuffs herself while eating out Terra's cunt, her Mistress coos down at her, nodding her approval.

"That's it. That's a good girl. Keep going you silly little huntress slut. Put that tongue to good use. Ruin those holes of yours for any man who can't compare to my inventions' size. Such a good, good pet."

Terra's crass encouragement only spurs Pyrrha on even further, the beautiful red head completely broken in at this point, and entirely happy with the new arrangement between her and her boyfriend's sister and wife. She's going to have to break it to Jaune gently that she won't be seeing him anymore in a romantic capacity, but truth be told Pyrrha no longer cares about that. All she cares about is submitting to her beloved Mistresses.

Back downstairs, a wickedly grinning Saphron Cotta-Arc closes the door as her little brother walks away, before turning and heading upstairs to let Terra know that she bought her wife another hour or so of play time before Jaune likely came back, having been unable to find his girlfriend at the shopping center.

But then, an hour was more than enough time to have some depraved, debauched fun with their new huntress pet…


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