Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Pining for the Professor (Octopath Traveler)

Pining for the Professor (Octopath Traveler)

A/N: Pining for the Professor was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in 2020! Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Therese decides to go about securing her chance with Professor Albright in a different way.

Themes: Teacher/Student, Rough Sex, Oral Sex


She'd noticed how close the two of them were getting. How could she not? Every time they so much as spoke to one another, Therese felt such pangs of jealousy in her heart that it almost felt like she was going to burst. She hated it, she hated that she felt this way, she hated that she was this way… but she couldn't escape it.

Put simply, Therese was in love with Professor Albright. There was no other way to describe it. This wasn't some silly schoolgirl's crush, even if she was in school, even if she was Cyrus' student. At the end of the day, this was true love, Therese was absolutely certain of it. She just… hadn't managed to get the Professor around to her way of thinking quite yet.

And how could she, when the Princess was taking up all of his damn time? Every day, Princess Mary was always first to answer every question that the Professor gave them, as well as ask questions whenever they popped into her blonde little head! This in turn results in continuous praise and attention from Cyrus. It's not fair. Therese is a shy girl, and thus has a much harder time answering and asking questions in class, surrounded by all of the other students… but that doesn't make her love for Professor Albright any less!

It's obvious that if she's not careful, if she doesn't take drastic action of some sort, then Princess Mary is going to steal Cyrus from her. And sure, Mary is a distant relative and maybe Therese should be happy for her… but in this case, 'should' cannot fight against the passions of the heart. Therese is in love, and she knows she needs to do something fast in order to prevent Cyrus and Mary from getting any closer.

Her first idea had been to place an anonymous report of misconduct between the Professor and the Princess with the head of the Royal Academy. It was her belief, at least at first, that such a thing would result in an investigation. The investigation would turn up nothing, of course, because as far as Therese could tell, it wasn't true YET… but the investigation alone would be enough warning to cause Cyrus to distance himself from Mary, or so had been Therese's hope.

But then she'd spent longer than a day thinking about it, and she'd begun to poke holes in her own plan. For starters, what if it didn't work? What if her report was ignored, or worse, what if it was acted upon strongly because of Princess Mary's standing? What if Cyrus was arrested, or even simply removed from his position and kicked out of the Academy?

Worse still, what if it DID work, but the end result of Therese's scheming was that Professor Albright kept ALL of his students at arm's length from now on because of the investigation? What if, in ruining Mary's chances, she ruined her own as well? Put simply, the more thought Therese had put into her plan, the less confident she'd been of any sort of success, any sort of result where she came out ahead.

Which meant she needed a new plan… a better plan. And she thought she might just have found it. It's late right now, as Therese stalks her prey. Professor Albright is wholly unaware of her presence, even as he makes his way to the Royal Library for some late night research. Therese is quite good at going unnoticed, truth be told, and the shy girl follows after her Professor and love interest with quiet steps and an eagerness that is almost out of character for her. But then, love will make a girl do strange things, to be sure.

She just… she needs to know there's interest. She knows that she loves Cyrus with all her heart, but she has to make sure that he feels something for her back. If there's even an inkling of attraction from him, she's confident that she can nurture that seed into a blossoming flower of love and devotion towards her. She just has to confirm what she already believes is there between the two of them.

Once the Professor is in the library, Therese waits for a bit, allowing him to get set up… and then she walks in as well. She's already holding a couple of books, the sort of advanced stuff that she's probably not ready for yet, but in an effort to impress Cyrus, has been trying her hand at anyways. No reason she can't learn a little something while she works on her romance at the same time, after all.

In the dead of night, Therese strides into the area of the library where Cyrus is currently pouring over texts of his own. She's not trying to hide now, or quiet her steps, and her presence is immediately noticed by the observant Professor.

"Therese. You're up late."

His tone is mildly surprised, even as he blinks at her in confusion. Therese just smiles as she moves to a desk of her own, placing her books upon it and turning on the lamplight there.

"I had some late night research I wished to do, Professor. I'll try to be quiet… unless you'd like me to go."

This was the first test. If he truly despised her, he would have no problem telling her to leave his presence. It would be crushing for him to just discard her like so much trash, but at the very least she would know. Therese's entire body thrums with anticipation of his answer, even as she waits for it with bated breath.

"… No, of course you can stay. I have no right to tell you to leave, after all."

Hm, fairly non-committal in the end. Still, it was a step in the right direction. Giving her Professor a small smile and a nod, Therese turns her focus onto the texts she's brought with her, pouring over the words within, doing her level best to make sense of what she's reading. It's very advanced stuff however, and it's not long before she hits a roadblock. Therese doesn't immediately engage the next phase of her plan, however. She wants to make sure the Professor has grown used to her presence, before she starts pestering him.

So, the young woman waits a good thirty minutes before finally piping up, clearing her throat and lifting her voice as she calls over to Cyrus.

"Ah, Professor Albright… I hate to be a bother, but the lesson this text is trying to impart is currently escaping me. Would it be possible for you to walk me through it, perhaps?"

Looking up from his own work and finding Therese giving him her best puppy dog eyes, the Professor crumbles immediately, something Therese takes as another sign that she's got a chance with him. After all, if he didn't like her, would he be putting his things down and standing from his chair, even now. This entire time, Therese has been stood at the table she's been working at, so she doesn't have to stand up herself.

This is good, because the next phase of her plan is both the most direct and the most delicate. As Professor Albright crowds in behind her and looks over her shoulder, Therese waits until he's deeply engrossed in reading the page she has the book open to in front of her, and then slowly and carefully pushes her ass back into his crotch, rubbing all over it as Cyrus mutters under his breath, his eyes focused on the text.

"This… this is very advanced material, Therese. Are you sure you're ready for it?"

"I'm sure, Professor! I just need a little help with this next step!"

"… Very well…"

And with that, he begins to lecture her. The entire time, Therese continues to rub herself back against his crotch, slowly at first, barely bumping into him so as to not really arouse suspicion, but as things continue on, as he does his best to explain it to her (and his best is actually quite good, despite Therese's focus being split as it is, she's fairly certain she's beginning to comprehend what's on the page in front of her, and it's all thanks to Professor Albright!) Therese begins to speed up, begins to more insistently rub her rump against him.

And then she feels it. His erection… he's actually becoming aroused, right then and there in the library, and it's all thanks to her. Therese's face flushes red with excitement, and a slow smile spreads across her lips. Unfortunately, it's in that moment that the Professor finally seems to realize what's happening. While he's been lecturing, he's subconsciously started rubbing back against her, and the two of them have basically been humping for several minutes now, much to Therese's excitement and utter bliss. All good things come to an end though, and this ends when Cyrus finally draws back, coughing uncomfortably.

"A-Ah, ahem… well, I hope that helps, Therese. Ah, I need to g-get going…"

Therese turns and watches Professor Albright leave with heavily lidded eyes. As soon as he's out of sight, her hand is down betwixt her legs, the heel of her palm grinding against her cunt through her dress, creating a wet spot there as she whimpers needily. Still, she's also over the moon with happiness. He DID feel something for her, a base attraction of the flesh if nothing else.

That was enough, in her opinion. She could work with that, could make him love her with all his heart in time, just like she loved him. Now… now she knew it was possible. There was no stopping her anymore.


She wants to rush into the next phase of her plan, but that's not going to end well, and she knows that. So, as much as it pains Therese to watch Cyrus continuing to give so much attention to the Princess day after day, she waits and bides her time. She gives it a week before she makes her next move, well aware that Cyrus has just finished a small study session with the Princess when she knocks on his door. She knows, because she'd watched the Princess leave and then waited five minutes before approaching.

The door opens, and Therese smiles, holding the book from the other night in one hand… and a bottle of wine in the other.

"Professor! I was hoping we could have a little study session, if you're not too busy. I… also wanted to thank you for your help the other night as well, so even if you are too busy, this is for you."

She thrusts the bottle out towards him, even as Cyrus blinks at her somewhat dumbly. To be fair, Therese knows she's acting out of character. But then, this whole plan of her requires her to finally come out of her shell. It's hard, and she has to fight with herself every day in order to be the girl she knows she has to be for the sake of her love, but in the end, it's working so far, and she refuses to stop now.

On top of that, knowing that Cyrus has just gotten done with a study session with the Princess, Therese is well aware that she's 'unknowingly' guilt tripping her Professor into saying yes to her. In the end, it works exactly as she intended, and Cyrus smiles and nods, stepping back and letting her come inside. Still working off of a confidence that feels fake even as she uses it to drive her every action, Therese decants the bottle of wine before anything else, and grabs a pair of glasses before Cyrus can protest, pouring them both a cup.

She acts like it's the most normal thing in the world, handing him a glass, sipping from her own, and then opening the textbook she's brought with her to a new page, a new problem that's stymied her.

"Here, Professor, this is what I can't wrap my head around this time."

As expected, Professor Albright quickly falls into lecture mode as he looks over the page in question, and in no time at all he's explaining things to her as is his way, and Therese is listening intently, soaking up the knowledge from his brilliant mind like a sponge. She's also plying his brilliant mind with wine however, as Cyrus sips from his glass subconsciously and Therese continually tops it off.

In the end, she has just the one glass of wine. Cyrus Albright drinks the rest of the bottle. Only once he's slurring his words a bit, looking rosy in the cheeks somewhat dazed, does Therese make her move.

"I think I understand it now, Professor. Oh, thank you so much… please, you have to let me repay you."

Cyrus blinks blearily at that and begins to tell her that he doesn't need payment, but before he can even say a word, Therese is slipping out of her chair, and under the table. This is her chance, and she's not going to fuck it up. Kneeling between the drunk man's legs, the young woman reaches up and deftly unties Cyrus' trousers. She hurriedly pulls his cock out, even as he makes a noise of confusion up above.

But then she has him in her mouth, and he's groaning in pleasure as Therese begins to pop up and down on his cock, slurping and sucking and slobbering noisily all over his member. Maybe it's the glass of wine… or maybe it's just the sheer lack of experience. She's never performed fellatio before, after all. But for Cyrus, she's willing to do anything to make him love her, and she read in a book that this was a true expression of love for a wife to do for her husband.

Now, they weren't married quite yet… but hopefully, if all went well, they would be one day! So, what if Therese was jumping the gun a little, she knew what she wanted, and she was willing to do what it took to take it! So, Therese sucked Cyrus' cock, and Cyrus, drunk as he was, couldn't do much more than enjoy it. His hand eventually finds its way to the top of her head, but he doesn't do anything besides gripping a bit tightly at her hair.

Her sloppy blowjob is completely unskilled, and more than once Therese hears a hiss from Cyrus as her teeth graze his cock in just the wrong way, but she makes up for inexperience with as much enthusiasm as she can muster, and it's not long before her Professor's voice changes pitch, before his groans become a little different… and then suddenly, he's cumming. Therese's eyes widen a bit at the sudden onrush of white, hot seed into her mouth, but she recovers nicely all the same, only a little bit escaping out of the corner of her mouth as she drinks and drinks and drinks.

Her neck convulses from all the swallowing, even as Therese takes every last drop down her gullet and into her stomach. It doesn't taste… bad, per say, though it's also not as delicious as she hoped it would. It's a tad salty, a tad sweet… but it's a gift from Cyrus, so that alone makes it all worth it in Therese's humble opinion. She doesn't have to love the taste of his cum, in order to love the man himself, after all.

Slowly pulling back from Cyrus' cock, Therese crawls out from under the table, rising to her feet and brushing any dirt off of her dress, specifically the area surrounding her knees. Perhaps it wasn't appropriate for a young lady of her standing to be kneeling and fellating her Professor, but Therese was far past the point of what was appropriate in her quest for true love.

Smiling at Cyrus, she finds the man looking absolutely gobsmacked, and still very drunk. Reaching up, Therese uses one of her slender feminine fingers to collect the small bit of his cum that escaped her mouth, and slip it back inside, sucking the finger clean quite seductively in the process, if she did say so herself. Then, she gives her Professor a cheeky little grin.

"It was my pleasure to thank you for your time, Professor. I'll see you in class tomorrow."

Then she curtsies and departs. Phase Two was complete, which meant there was only one Phase left before her plan was a success. So far, everything had worked out in her favor, but Therese knew she wasn't out of the woods yet. She had to tread carefully, but also be ready for the end game at any time. All in all, she had to wait for him to come to her now. It was up to the Professor to take the next step…


He wanted to believe it was all just a bad dream (though his 'bad' dreams didn't tend to feel that good) but when Cyrus woke up the next morning, the empty wine bottle, the two used glasses, AND the textbook that Therese had brought with her for the impromptu study session were all still there. Which meant that the sexual activity that had ended their time together had almost certainly happened as well.

It was his fault; he knew that much. It was his conduct that had led to… led to Therese thinking she had to whore herself out to him, for some reason. What other explanation was there, really? The young woman was bright and brilliant, Cyrus was well aware of that, but she was also very shy, sometimes to a fault. As a result, he didn't expect her to answer very many questions in class, even though he knew she almost always knew the answer to them.

She was the introvert, while Princess Mary was the extrovert. Princess Mary… not for the first time since that night in the Royal Library, Cyrus finds himself daydreaming, however temporarily.

"Ah, Professor… I need some help with my studies. I'd be happy to reward you for all you've done for me. Have you ever been with a Princess before?"

Grimacing, even as his cock twitches in his trousers in excitement, the Professor does his best to dispel the images of Princess Mary offering herself up to him, giving herself to him, exposing herself to him. In all fairness, such thoughts were perfectly natural, given the circumstances. He wasn't some old geezer who'd been teaching at the Royal Academy for decades or something. He was a young man in the prime of his life. His students also were not of a young age. Each and every one of them was practically an adult already, nearly in the prime of their lives as well!

That didn't make it okay. It didn't make what he'd done with Therese the night before okay either. And it certainly didn't make his fantasies of Princess Mary alright. Though, ever since that night in the Royal Library where he'd realized that he was practically assaulting his shy young charge, his daydreams of Mary had become interspersed with mental images of Therese as well. It was even worse, now that the young woman had given him a blowjob. Having the actual experience to rely upon was making his fantasies so much more… vivid.

But it couldn't happen. It could never happen. He was their Professor, they were his students, and at the end of the day, that had to mean something, didn't it? He was the one in a position of authority here, which meant only he could nip this in the bud before it got any worse. Luckily, he and Mary hadn't d-done anything like that yet, so he just had to make sure he was more professional with her in the future. That meant an end to these study sessions he'd been inviting her to his private quarters for.

She'd be disappointed, but in the cold light of day with a drunken blowjob delivered by a shy student who probably felt pressured into it behind him, Cyrus knew he had to make a change. Unfortunately, while it would be easy enough to begin distancing himself from Mary so that he kept their Teacher-Student relationship purely professional, things with Therese were a fair bit more complicated.

To start with, he needed to apologize to the shy young woman. And then, he needed to make sure that she knew they couldn't do anything more like that, under ANY circumstances. No matter how good her mouth had felt around his cock, or how good her derriere had felt rubbing up against his crotch, Cyrus could not be both her Professor and her lover.

It was completely out of the question. He had to be strong. He had to nip this in the bud right now. Which was why, as he walked into his classroom to begin the day's lesson, he made his way over to Therese's desk to set the forgotten textbook down on it, leaning in close to whisper to her.

"Please come by my study tonight so we can talk, Therese."

The shy girl freezes up for a moment, face going red and eyes going wide. Cyrus hates making her anxious like this, but he can't exactly tell her things are through in front of everyone else, now can he? He'll let the Princess know after class today that they can no longer have one on one study sessions, unfortunately, but with Therese, he'll need to speak to her in private about cutting things off before they escalate any further.

Tonight, was the night he would put things back to right and fix it all.


Therese arrives at precisely seven on the dot, and when her knock comes at his door, Cyrus hastens over to answer it and usher her inside before she can be seen. It's funny, until his wholly inappropriate behavior the night before, he'd not really thought of the ramifications of having young women seen going in and out of his private quarters at odd hours.

Needless to say, Princess Mary had not taken his words well, when he'd had to tell her that he wouldn't be able to meet with her any longer. After THAT conversation, to say Cyrus was dreading this conversation would be an understatement. But… it had to happen. He had to explain that what he'd made Therese feel like she had to do the night before was wrong, and that they couldn't let anything like that happen ever again.

"Therese… thank you for coming."

"Of course, Professor!"

He's momentarily taken aback by how… chipper she sounds. As a matter of fact, wasn't she somewhat forward the night before as well? To be fair, so much of last night is a blur to him. All he knows is that Therese sucked him off under the table as thanks for helping her study, and he'd let her. That made him the bad guy, certainly… but right now, where was the shy young woman he'd been teaching for so long?

Shaking his head to try and clear his thoughts, Cyrus grimaces, the Professor focusing on the matter at hand.

"About last night, Therese… we need to talk about what happened."

"Are you sure you want to talk, Professor? Or do you just want to get down to business?"

And then, just like that, right before his eyes… the young woman reaches down, grabs the hem of her dress in both hands, and yanks it up over her head, stripping out of the garment and exposing the fact that she's completely naked underneath, all in one fell swoop. Cyrus Albright's eyes widen and bulge out of his head as Therese flushes under his gaze, biting her lower lip and fidgeting a bit, squirming really, now that she's utterly exposed to him.

But she doesn't make any move to cover herself up, and Cyrus is having a very hard time tearing his eyes off of her nubile young form, especially after spending all day long alternating between fantasizing about Princess Mary and Therese respectively. Now he doesn't need to fantasize about one of them anymore. Now he has her right before him, in his private quarters, utterly and entirely nude.


Slowly, the young woman approaches him. He would never have expected this from her. In fact, he would have said this would be more Mary's speed, if the Princess was the kind of girl to engage in such activities. Which, truth be told, she wasn't. For all his fantasizing about the Princess, Mary was too studious to care much for the pleasures of the flesh. She didn't have any sort of crush on him, Cyrus knew that to be true, she was just a very diligent, very eager student, soaking up every bit of knowledge that he passed along to her.

Therese, on the other hand…

"Yes, Professor?"

Reaching him, Therese reaches out and places a hand on Cyrus' chest, running it across the front of his shirt before bringing it up to caress his cheek.

"Do you like what you see, Professor?"

Suddenly, a lot of things become a lot clearer for Cyrus. At the same time, his trousers are becoming a lot tighter, as his cock grows harder and thicker and longer by the moment from the proximity to this gorgeous young woman.

"Therese… did you get me drunk on purpose last night in order to seduce me?"

For a moment, Therese goes stock still, and really that's all he needs to know that he was right. She had indeed plied him with that bottle of wine last night in order to lower his inhibitions so he wouldn't think to stop her, when she crawled under the table and gave him that blowjob. Not that this absolved Cyrus of all guilt, or anything like that. He was still owed some share of the blame, for allowing it to happen as it'd happened… but at least now he knew, it was Therese's intentions that had driven things all along.

Regardless, Therese freezes up and Cyrus begins trying to figure out how to properly reprimand his student while also apologizing to her for his own misconduct. However, before he can think up a way of doing so, a wicked sort of grin spreads across Therese's face, and she's leaning in closer, her next words spoken in a breathless, so very wanton tone.

"Did you not enjoy it, Professor? Did you not like my lips, wrapped around your cock? Would you not like it… if it happened again?"

… Cyrus Albright was not a weak man by any means. He was actually rather strong in a number of areas. But in this area, perhaps he was not the strongest he could be. Perhaps, in moral fortitude, he had a weakness when it came to pretty naked young women pressing themselves up against him and offering themselves to him.

When Therese's lips are suddenly on his own and she's kissing him urgently and passionately, Cyrus breaks. Or more accurately, he snaps as his self-control breaks. In a moment, the Professor's arms are around Therese and he's gathering her up into a crushing embrace as he kisses her right back. She lets out a quiet 'eep!' into his lips at the suddenness of his actions, but Cyrus doesn't care… he wants her, and he's going to have her.

Therese has no complaints on that front, that's for sure. Even as he holds her close, the once shy young woman wraps her arms around his neck, and then her legs around his waist. Cyrus has to quickly grab onto her delightfully soft and jiggly bottom in order to keep from falling over as he adjusts to carry her weight while continuing to kiss her as her tits smoosh against his chest.

Slowly, the Professor walks Therese over to the bed and lays her down. She lets him go for a moment then, but her eyes are hooded and filled with obvious desire. She knows what she wants, and she's ready for him. Cyrus can hardly get out of his pants and shirt fast enough, practically tearing them off of him and stripping down before climbing onto the bed.

With Therese's legs splayed open, her wet pussy is fully on display, but perhaps some part of Cyrus is still ashamed… or perhaps the beast awakened within him prefers it in a different manner. Regardless, he grabs the young woman by the hips and flips her over onto her front, before sliding into her from above and behind, taking her as she lays there prone. A wanton moan leaves Therese's lips as he claims her virginity, as her one true love takes her as only a man can take a woman.

Clutching at the sheets beneath her, wiggling and writhing all over the place, Therese's cunt walls clench and cling and squeeze around Cyrus' pistoning prick, even as he plants his hands, molded into fists, on the bed on either side of her head and begins to thrust away at her, fucking her hard, fucking her fast, pinning her down to the bed and having his way with her.

His grunts and groans are mixed with her moans and cries of passion and pleasure, though he quickly puts a stop to the latter, wrapping a hand around Therese's face and covering her mouth to stifle the noise she's making. They can't have anyone wearing the sounds of a woman's pleasure coming from his quarters, after all. There would be questions, then.

Of course, some part of Cyrus acknowledges that he's doing the exact opposite of what he intended to do tonight. He's not about to be able to put the cat back in the bag now, is he? Not when he's buried ball's deep in a hot, young, nubile pussy that just won't quit. Tossing his head back in another groan, Cyrus feels the exact moment Therese experiences her first orgasm at the end of his cock. Her inner walls tighten even further than before, and pussy juices squirt down the length of his member, slicking her passage all the more.

He goes harder and faster as a result and doesn't even consider slowing down in the process. No, he needs this, he wants this… he WILL have this. Besides, Therese is perfectly willing. She wants it just as much as he does, the little minx. It's always the quiet ones, hadn't Cyrus heard that said before in some tavern somewhere? He'd not really put much stock in the phrase… until now. It really was always the quiet ones. His more outgoing student, Princess Mary, was entirely focused on her studies and had no interest in him, even as he secretly fantasized about her.

Meanwhile Therese had apparently been lusting after him for a while now. It'd started with her overtures in the library, which Cyrus now recognized was also an event entirely of her doing. And then she'd escalated to the blowjob, and now here they were, neither of them drunk, perfectly sober in fact… and he was fucking her into the bed like a wild man, savagely taking her as she mewls and moaned and squealed into his hand, creaming herself around his cock time and time again.

All good things come to an end though. With a hoarse shout, Cyrus Albright finally cums, the Professor filling his student with a thick, hot load of his seed. He considers pulling out at the last second, but before he can decide if it's a good idea or not, Therese's legs, which are currently pressed together in the prone position he's fucking her in, come up and the heels of her feet press into his back, jolting him forward all the deeper into her just as he begins to cum.

He pumps the white, viscous cum deep inside of Therese, and then he pulls out, collapsing onto his back beside her on the bed, panting heavily and catching his breath, slowly but surely. Therese, for her part, also has to catch her breath for a moment, recovering from the rough fucking, her entire body covered in a thin sheen of sweat and shaking a little with small aftershocks as she continues to have a few mini-orgasms even though he's no longer inside of her.

Eventually, she calms down and is able to roll onto her side. She doesn't say anything… she just curls up against him, cuddling in close. Cyrus blinks, but wraps an arm around the beautiful young woman all the same. He's probably going to hell for this, or at the very least going to face some sort of punishment from the Academy if they ever find out… and yet, he can't really bring himself to care. It happened, and Therese clearly didn't have any regrets, so neither would he.

Perhaps they would see how they both felt in the light of day when the morning came, but for now, Cyrus was all too content to drift off to sleep with Therese in his arms. Therese, meanwhile, was over the moon as she slowly fell to sleep in her true love's warm embrace. She had everything she wanted… now she just had to make sure she got to keep it.


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