Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Debt (Harry Potter)

The Debt (Harry Potter)

A/N: The Debt was a commissioned two shot that originally ran from March-May of 2020. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people here to enjoy!

Summary: The Weasleys owe a massive amount of gold to one lender, a Harry James Potter. So of course it falls to their wives to pay for them with their bodies. Starting with Hermione and then Fleur.

Themes: NTR, Rough Sex, Breeding


The mood is somber and angry. Everyone has already gotten all of the yelling out of the way, and now they're all just sitting around, not sure what to do, pissed beyond belief. Hermione, truth be told, is more shocked than furious. As she sits there, surrounded by Weasley men and Weasley wives, all of them either trying to avoid their wives' gazes on the part of the men, or outright glaring hatefully at their husbands on the part of the women, Hermione reflects on how they got to this point.

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was shutting down, but that was really just the tip of the iceberg. As it so happened, every single Weasley man had taken out loans over the last decade in order to pay for this or that. They'd all squandered their own paychecks to the point that they were deeply in debt, having found a line of credit… all with the same man.

Which was probably why the only newspaper reporting on their family's misfortune currently was the Quibbler. Luna Potter was the owner of said newspaper after all, and her husband, one Harry James Potter, was the Weasley's primary (and only) lender. No one else in the Wizarding World truly cared what happened to House Weasley, even if a lot of them had received Order of Merlins of varying classes for their willingness to fight Voldemort. The galleons that had come with their Orders of Merlin had of course been spent within a month on family trips and lavish expenses that, in hindsight, really weren't that important.

But to be fair, even Hermione had thought the Weasley Family's fortunes were on the rise in the aftermath of Voldemort's second defeat. After all, the Light was ascendant, the magical world was going to have to change, right? But as much as the magical world HAD changed… the Weasleys had not. And it seemed that when you gave a poor family too much money, they didn't exactly have the skills to save or think ahead on what to do with it.

The Weasley men had spent their entire lives without much, using handy-me-downs and the like. You'd think this would have put them in a position to properly appreciate their sudden windfall, but no. They'd gone through their gold rewards faster then you could blink, and gotten a taste for the high life, leading to them needing to take these loans out from Harry, who was apparently most generous in securing all of his so-called 'family' a line of credit, even if he hadn't married Ginny, much to Molly's continued displeasure.

Of course, there'd been a chance all of this still could have turned around. Hermione, after all, was the only one in the family who had made something of herself. She'd also been saving money away for quite some time, because she was raised to be a financially responsible young woman by her rather well-off parents. Dentistry paid quite well, when you lived in a country with private healthcare. They weren't charging their patients, they were charging their insurance providers, and that meant they got to charge quite a lot indeed.

Unfortunately, when Hermione had brought up their savings and the tentative suggestion that they negotiate a payment plan with the venerable Lord Potter, Ron had confessed. He'd confessed that he and the rest of the Weasley men had actually spent all of his and Hermione's savings on a guys' trip to the last Quidditch Cup, where they'd drank themselves into a stupor, bought new brooms, and seemingly acted like total bell ends.

Hermione had wondered at the time where Ron got the gold for that new FireSweep Six Thousand he'd been carting around this past year, but he'd told her he'd won it in a contest while at the Quidditch Cup and she'd so very foolishly believed in. Silly her.

Regardless, this confession was the straw that broke the camel's back for the wives of the Weasley Family. All of the women who'd married Molly's numerous sons were entirely incensed that they were now stuck in this position. The magical world was somewhat draconian in its laws too. While they COULD file for divorce from their husbands, doing so would take years to accomplish, and in the meantime, the contracts that their idiot husbands had so foolishly signed stipulated that the entire Weasley Family would be turned over to the Gringotts Goblins to be put to work on Potter and Black Estates, if they could not pay.

It wasn't slavery, merely indentured servitude… but it might as well have been the former. Either way, they would be made to pay off their debts. Whether through actual money, or through labor. Thus, the mood in the room was somber as both the men and the women found themselves contemplating their futures and trying to find a way out of this, the Weasley wives having already screamed themselves hoarse laying into their husbands. Save for Molly, who had screamed herself hoarse trying to defend her baby boys from their wives.

Hermione, meanwhile, sits in her chair, more bemused than anything else, waiting for the inevitable.

"Well, hold on just a second…"

And there it is. Her dimwitted husband speaks up, drawing the eyes of every other person in the room to him.

"Harry's my best mate! I'll just go talk to him myself!"

Hermione resists the urge to snort derisively at that, as well as smirk. Hook, line, and sinker. Never mind the fact that Ron is completely failing to remember that his last encounter ended with him trying (and failing miserably) to hex Harry. There's nods all around from the Weasley men at Ron's words, as if he truly is their best ambassador to Harry. The Weasley wives all look far less sure of themselves… and even Molly has a bit more going on in that old skull of hers, because she frowns for a moment before glancing over to Hermione.

"Take Hermione with you, Ronald. The two of you should go see Harry together. Remind him of all the good times you all had."

Ron rolls his eyes dramatically, like bringing Hermione along won't matter at all, while Hermione just smiles and bows her head to Molly.

"As you wish, Matriarch."

All according to plan… Harry's plan, of course.


"Harry, old mate! It's been too-!"

In the middle of his speech, Ron falls silent, whatever else he's saying completely failing to be vocalized, though he's still talking, right up until a flick of Harry's fingers sees Ron tied to the wall.

"Ron, shut up. I know why you're here. I gave you and your family all the time in the world to pay your debts to me, but a decade later and the contracts are finally coming due… with interest."

Rising from behind his desk, Harry gives Ron a condescending smirk as the red head struggles a bit against his bindings before ultimately giving up the struggle and nodding his head. He's still trying to talk, but the silencing spell doesn't let a single noise out of his mouth, even as it opens and closes.

"I'm not going to negotiate with you, Ron. I'm not going to give you any freebies because we were once mates. The contracts stipulate that I can, at any time, have the goblins collect your entire family to work under me. If you want to avoid that happening… then right here, right now, you're going to let me do whatever I want with your wife."

Hermione lets out a light gasp from where she's standing off to the side, raising a hand to her lips as she widens her eyes in faux surprise. Ron's eyes nearly bulge out of his head in comparison, and he begins to get as red in the face as his hair color while shouting in complete silence at Harry. Smirking, Harry just shrugs his shoulders and snaps his fingers.

"Very well then."

Before him in the air, a legal document of sorts forms, along with a quill that he takes ahold of.

"When I sign this and send it off to the goblins, they'll begin collection immediately. All lawful, of course. But then, I would know wouldn't I?"

Ron's anger and rage turns to panic and begging immediately, though once again, it's all in complete silence. Harry pauses all the same, quirking a brow and smiling at Ron questioningly. Slumping, the red head nods his head in agreement to Harry's original terms, made obvious by how he shoots Hermione an apologetic look.

The brunette tries to look betrayed, she really does, as Harry turns to her with a wicked smile on his lips that she so desperately wants to mirror, but can't right now. With a flick of his hands, the powerful wizard strips her half naked, removing her top and bra but leaving her in her skirt and panties as he steps forward. Hermione happily drops into a crouch before him, it's so very hard to act reluctant when his big, fat cock is inches away from her.

She fishes his member out of his pants in record time, all under the gaze of her helpless husband as Harry cuckolds him, but before Hermione can start deep-throating Harry's cock as she so loves to do, Harry stops her, resting a hand atop her head and shaking his head with a smile on his lips.

"I know you've seen the numbers now, Hermione. I think we can both agree that the debt is far too large for one girl to handle."

Hermione blushes but nods, and the moment she does so, the door to Harry's office opens and a slightly older Hermione, freshly showered, steps inside. It's a bit weird, seeing herself by way of time turner, but all it truly means is that this is not set in stone. If she wants to keep time itself from unraveling, then once this is all over and she's had a shower, she HAS to use a time turner to come back in time to this moment and join her slightly younger self before Harry's cock.

That's what Hermione Numero Dos does after all, moving across the room, not even flinching when Harry magics away her top and bra as well, dropping into a crouch next to Hermione and helping her with the big fat wizard cock both of them now have to contend with. The two Hermiones go about pleasuring Harry as their husband watches on from his place bound and silenced on the wall. Sucking Harry's cock, licking his balls, letting him fondle their cunts, tits, and asses with his wandering hands to his heart's content.

This isn't the first time Hermione has given herself to Harry Potter, obviously. But it is the first time her husband actually knows about it, powerless as he always has been to stop it. This is the first time Hermione is cheating on Ron right in front of the Weasley man… and it feels so very good to just give herself over to Harry with an audience.

Both Hermiones bob up and down on Harry's gargantuan member. They suck his cock one after the other, alternating between that and just licking and lapping and bobbing their heads along either side of his throbbing shaft. The two women, who are of course actually the same woman, both love submitting to Harry James Potter. Hermione loves the way he touches her, loves the sensations he causes her to experience as he so thoroughly dominates her.

That's around the moment when Luna steps into Harry's office, a magical camera in hand. She takes a few pictures of Ron's furious visage of abject despair before snapping her fingers. A gaggle of House Elves arrive to escort him out, even as Luna practically skips into the room, a beaming grin on her face. Harry, along with both Hermiones, look up at the interruption.

"Not to worry~ I've had the House Elves escort dear Ronald to an all you can eat buffet. He won't remember any of this, hee-hee!"

Glancing at Harry, Hermione can see that her lover and Master is perfectly happy with this, as he sends an approving nod and smile in his little wife's direction. Which to be fair, makes sense. Hermione and Harry have been doing this for over a decade now, from very shortly after Hermione married Ron Weasley and realized how much of a mistake it was to do so.

As a matter of fact, all of Hermione's children were Harry's, not Ron's. Through some careful application of magic during the pregnancies, Hermione had managed to make all of her babies into girls, and also made them take more after her then either their would-be father, or their actual father. Though, her eldest still had Harry's gorgeous green eyes, and her youngest had his untamable mess of hair, albeit in Hermione's brown hair color rather than Harry's black.

Regardless, Ron was very easily distracted with food, and if Harry wanted to keep memory charming her husband of any memory of him giving her over on a silver platter to the powerful wizard, then that was his prerogative. Hermione was here to serve and serve she would. After all, she was responsible for a lot of Weasley debt, so it was time to get to work, wasn't it?

Luna, meanwhile, isn't going away. The blonde has always been a bit of a cuckquean. She's known about Hermione and Harry from day one, and has encouraged Hermione to pursue her own husband all this time. Hermione may not fully understand the spacy blonde, but then she never truly has, now has she? In all fairness, she doesn't need to understand Luna to be best friends with the other witch. Luna is probably Hermione's closest female friend at this point, and while some might call that sad, Hermione considered Luna to be a boon in her life only secondary to Harry and his big fat cock.

Regardless, stepping forward, Luna hums as she strips naked the normal physical way, easily discarding her clothing one piece at a time until, by the time she's made it to where both Hermiones are continuing to suck Harry's mammoth-sized member, she's completely in the nude, beaming happily, wearing nothing but that smile and her birthday suit.

"Hm… I'm worried that you're going to end up overworked at this rate, husband of mine. Three ladies, nine orifices… but only one cock? It IS a very nice cock, I'll admit, but unless you'd like to use that Cthulhu spell…"

Harry chuckles, even as Hermione shudders in remembered terror as well as anticipation. The Cthulhu spell that Harry had experimented on her and Luna with one time was… savage. Tentacles everywhere, fucking every hole quite brutally, all originating from Harry's transformed cock. It was without a doubt, the most intense experience of Hermione's life, one she wasn't sure if she wanted to repeat.

It'd taken days for her to recover any semblance of sanity after Harry was done with her, days in which they'd had to make excuses to Ron and everyone else for why she had to stay quarantined. That was why it was called the Cthulhu spell, rather than something a bit more mundane like 'tentacle fucking' or something. It quite literally robbed a woman of her sanity.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, Hermione really couldn't say for sure what she would have chosen, given the option, Harry just chuckles and shakes his head.

"That spell won't be necessary… not this time, anyways."

With a snap of his fingers, eight more Harry Potters pop into the office, leaving the witches within wholly, utterly outnumbered. Of course, Hermione is the one here about the Weasley Debt, so she finds herself very quickly in the midst of everything, the focus of an orgy that might as well be labeled a gangbang for how much attention ends up on her.

The original Harry sits down in an armchair and lets Hermione sit on his cock, impaling herself on his member. The other Harrys all crowd around them, as does the second Hermione, though she quickly has two of the Harrys on either side of her distracted as she strokes their cocks and lets them fondle her body. Luna meanwhile, the only one in the room that there's ONE of at this point, happily descends to her knees behind Hermione, right between Harry's legs.

That's the only warning Hermione gets before she's receiving an anal tonguing from the spacy blonde witch. Even as Harry grabs her ass cheeks and spreads her butt wide while bouncing her up and down on his cock, Luna, cuckquean that she is, is all too happy to be regulated to tonguing out Hermione's backdoor. To be fair, it's already perfectly clean because of magic, but all the same, having Luna's tongue writhing around in Hermione's ass is, as ever, an utterly strange feeling. Combined with Harry's cock in her cunt, and Hermione is soon cumming her brains out, quite happily.

Soon after, Luna pulls back and stands up, giggling as she and one of the Harrys in the circle trade places. Soon enough, Luna is doing exactly what Hermione Two is doing, stroking off two of the multitude of Harrys, providing them with a woman's body to grope and feel. The rest of the Harrys are all stroking themselves off, while the Harry that Luna switched with comes up behind Hermione.

Rather than kneeling down to take Hermione's place, he simply crouches a bit until his cock is properly level with Hermione's back door… at which point he thrusts in rather savagely, taking Hermione from behind without warning or notice. And the brunette, while vaguely expecting anal and double penetration at some point, is caught completely unaware all the same, because the original Harry was kissing her and she was kissing him back, moaning into his mouth and all too distracted by his tongue wrestling with hers.

Still, even as Hermione squeals into the original Harry's lips at the sudden anal intrusion, the new arrival begins to fuck her just as hard as she's being fucked in the cunt. The two Harrys DP her between them for as long as they like, ramming into her lower orifices and filling her to the utter brim with man meat in both holes. It's orgasmic, it's ecstasy incarnate… and Hermione happily loses herself in the debauchery that follows.

The Harry in her ass is quick to cum, not even trying to hold back as he fills her back door with his cream frosting. The original Harry, the one she's still bouncing up and down on however, seems more keen on lasting longer. To be fair, it would be such a hassle to have to get off of him if he came too early. Instead, Hermione finds herself spending what feels like an eternity riding his cock, though it's quite the pleasurable eternity.

Meanwhile, the Harry who'd taken her anally is quickly replaced by another Harry, and Hermione soon finds her ass occupied by another thick, identical rod of man meat, filling her to the brim. She can only throw her head back in utter bliss, her eyes rolling around in her skull and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she adopts a truly fucked silly expression. Which to be fair, she's being fucked quite silly indeed as things continue on in a similar fashion.

Each of the Harrys that the original has summoned to have some fun with them eventually get their turn with Hermione. Despite Luna's initial complaint about having nine holes and three girls, and Harry summoning eight more of himself to accommodate those numbers, it's not like they ever actually split off with three Harrys to each woman. Instead, the Hermione from the future and Luna content themselves with acting as fluffers, getting each Harry ready to fuck and cum inside of Hermione's ass while the original Harry continues to enjoy her cunt uninterrupted.

Again and again Hermione is DPed. Again and again, she's filled with Harry's cum, and sometimes even coated in it as the Harrys decide to cum all over her backside and back, rather than in her already full bowels. Eventually, despite having the time of her life and loving every second of it, Hermione is left exhausted by the entire exchange.

Seeming to sense the moment when Hermione goes from having the time of her life, to merely determined to keep up with Harry for as long as he wants to use her, the original Harry chuckles and finally cums inside of her. Hermione weakly protests as she's pulled off of his cock, but she doesn't have any strength left in her body, and soon enough she's laid out on the nearby couch in Harry's office, where Luna happily and greedily fingers her cream-filled ass while tongue-licking Harry's cum out of her.

As Hermione rests, her time turner twin takes her place, the Hermione from just a little bit into the future moaning as she becomes the one being focused on, this time by several of the Harrys at once. One Harry lays down on the ground and she rides him while another fucks her ass. Then, several more Harrys crowd around in front of her, leading the future Hermione to occupy her mouth with two cocks at once, while also stroking two more off, alternating between the last four Harrys with her hands, even as she moans and gags and chokes around the dicks stretching her jaw wide.

The original Hermione can only watch as all eight Harrys go to town on her future self, while the original Harry does the same, lounging back in his chair and simply relaxing for a moment. Luna though pulls Hermione's attention away for a second by drawing back from her cunt and looking at her with a messy sort of smile.

"You'll be pregnant with Harry's child again by the week's end, Hermione~"

Hermione's eyes light up at this, and a wide smile stretches across her own face in turn. She's been begging Harry for another baby for a couple of years now. Hell, if she'd had her way, she would have given birth to a child of Harry's blood every single year for as long as they'd been doing this. But no, he'd ultimately decided against it, and Hermione had merely had to wait and bide her time for when he was ready to give her a third baby girl with brown locks just like her mother.

Now, it seemed that Luna was affirming Harry had finally decided this was the time for it, and honestly, Hermione was beyond thrilled. It made the following tonguing from Luna all the more pleasurable, leaving the original Hermione riding high on sky nine and squirting all over Luna's face again and again, while her future self gets gangbanged by the eight Harrys who are so very eager to get a piece of her.

It's not long before Hermione Two is tuckered out though… or perhaps it is a while, and Hermione just loses all track of time. Luna's tongue really is absolutely magical, if Hermione is being honest. It's one of the reasons she loves the blonde almost as much as she loves Harry. Regardless, after however long her future self spends getting fucked in her throat, cunt, and ass, after however long she spends getting basted in white hot cream and covered and filled with jizz from all angles, Hermione can tell she's just about done, and so can the multitude of Harrys.

So, pushing Luna away, the original article hops to her feet and bounces over, just as the Harrys are setting her completely insensate future self off to the side.

"Ready for Round Two, boys?"

Hermione grins and the Harrys all grin back. Soon enough, she's being lowered down onto the Harry still laid on the floor, once again impaled on her beloved Master's big fat cock. Meanwhile, the original Harry rises to his feet and moves into position, taking her from behind, for the first time penetrating her anally himself since things started.

As the other Harrys' encircle them and stroke their cocks, Hermione expects to have her mouth occupied in short order, but there's a moment's hesitation as the original Harry leans in close and murmurs in her ear.

"You won't have to worry about the debt, of course, Hermione. I know you already know who you belong to. But the other Weasley wives will have to pay all the same. Tell me, do you think if you approached them on my behalf, they would listen to you? Or should I just have the goblins collect them all and put them to work on my properties so I can have my way with them one after the other?"

Hermione hums throatily as she considers that for a moment, before ultimately shaking her head, right before a wanton moan erupts from her throat. As she comes down from the pleasure spike, she answers in a shaky voice.

"I-I'm not sure, s-sir… I'd have to do some research first a-and get back to you."

It's Harry's turn to hum thoughtfully, punctuating that with a spanking to Hermione's gorgeous bubble butt.

"But of course… I know I can always count on you to be a diligent, hard, worker."

He punctuates each of those last three words with a thrust to her ass, before following it up with an ultimatum.

"I'll expect a plan of attack on my desk by Monday morning."

Shuddering at his commanding tone, Hermione nods, though it turns into a sort of loll of her head as she bobs up and down as best she can in agreement.

"Yes, Minister sir…"

Chuckling, the Minister of Magic for more than a decade by popular demand runs his hands across her front.

"This is why you're my favorite Undersecretary, Mrs. Weasley-Granger."

Then, he pulls her up, up off of the cock in her cunt, away from the other Harrys who all step back. Hermione groans as Harry bounces her up and down on his dick, fucking her ass in a standing position for all the cameras hidden throughout his office… throughout the Minister's office. All for Luna's private collection, of course. He did so love to make his cuckquean of a wife as happy as can be…

Hermione, meanwhile, is soon completely out of it as her beloved Master and boss plows her silly seven ways to Sunday. Though even as she's getting fucked into a pleasure coma, her genius mind is already working out just which of the Weasley wives would be amenable to an approach on Harry's behalf. If she plays her cards right… perhaps all of them.

And wouldn't her Master reward her for such a thing, if she could pull it off? Harry had already given her a baby, according to Luna. Maybe though, maybe if she did a very, very good job, he would consent to her using magic to make it twins, or even triplets…

But first, she had to impress him. That was quite alright, Hermione had spent her entire life doing everything in her power to suck up to the people in charge (though Harry was the most fun of those to suck up to). Why stop now?


As they stride through the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic, not a single witch or wizard gets in their way. They pass by the front desk with nary an issue, their gorgeous visages and inhuman beauty turning the man behind it into a blubbering, stuttering mess who doesn't even try to stop them. And then they're in the relative privacy of one of the Ministry of Magic's many magical elevators, heading towards a meeting with the Minister himself.

Once they're alone, Gabrielle Delacour turns to her sister and furrows her brow cutely. When she speaks, her accent is decidedly French in that erotic and sexy sort of way, while her tone is somewhat confused, baffled, and perhaps even a little concerned.

"Fleur… are you sure about this?"

Fleur Delacour-Weasley, Gabrielle's older sister, glances over at her younger sibling and lifts a single eyebrow in question. Flushing a little under Fleur's silent judgment, Gabrielle wiggles a bit in place before finding her voice again.

"It's just… I am happy to help, of course… but do we really need to do this? Shouldn't you just ask Harry for forgiveness? He is a good man, non?"

Fleur just shakes her head and lets out a soft chuckle. Poor Gabby. Her little sister is barely of age, having just graduated from Beauxbatons a few months ago. Despite being a part veela just like Fleur, she's been sheltered, just as Fleur was. As a result, Gabrielle knows nothing about men, while Fleur has spent the last several years learning all there is to know. Men… men were just simple fools that had to be dealt with with a heavy hand, lest they lead you to ruin. The Weasley men were excellent examples of this.

As such, she can't just talk to Harry and ask him to forgive their debts. No, instead she'll have to sneak into his office and steal the loan contracts, making off like a bandit once she's found every last one of them. The fact that this is the Ministry of Magic and Harry has a crew of Undersecretaries led by Hermione doesn't daunt her in the slightest. After all, Hermione should be on Fleur's side, right?

But even if the other Weasley Wife isn't, Fleur's not worried. In fact, she's not even going to rely on Hermione turning a blind eye to her actions. Plausible deniability and all that, Fleur is going to make sure neither Hermione nor Harry ever know she's there.

"Non, Gabrielle. You do not yet understand, but perhaps after today, you will. Still, I thank you for your assistance."

Fleur's condescending tone doesn't go over well with her little sister, but the older part veela doesn't even notice, too busy extracting the Invisibility Cloak they snuck past the Ministry's front desk out from under her dress. As she drapes the cloak over her shoulders and pulls the hood up, fully disappearing herself from view, Fleur does feel a small pang of guilt. While this will undoubtedly go off without a hitch, even a gorgeous femme fatale like Fleur is well aware that she would need some back up… a diversion, if you will.

That's where Gabrielle was going to come in. As it so happened, her little sister did have legitimate business at the Ministry today. Especially important business at that. Gabrielle Delacour was going to see Harry in order to interview to be one of his newest Undersecretaries. In actuality, Fleur had no intention of letting Gabrielle work for a pervert like Harry Potter, but for now, the younger part veela would make an EXCELLENT diversion.

After all, all men were trash, at the end of the day. Gabrielle might not be as sexy as Fleur, but she was still far too much for a normal wizard. The Minister of Magic was just a little boy, like all the rest. He would no doubt be overwhelmed, even just by Gabrielle's presence. As the door to the elevator finally opens on the floor of the Minister of Magic's office, Fleur consoles herself that today should be a wake up call for Gabby. Her little sister has had a massive crush on Harry Potter for far too many years now, and today should go a long way to showing Gabrielle that he's no better than any other wizard.

"Gabrielle! It's so good to see you again! Come on, come along, right this way~"

Hermione is waiting for them on the other side of the elevator doors, making Fleur quite glad she donned her Invisibility Cloak early. She lets Gabby go first, watching her little sister practically prance forward, excitement thrumming through every fiber of her tight, nubile little body. She's going to be so disappointed, so very soon…

Regardless, Fleur follows after the two other women in silence, once Hermione has begun leading Gabby down the hall.

"We got a call from the front desk saying your sister was with you… did she have business on another floor, perhaps?"

Fleur stiffens momentarily, but Gabrielle barely pauses before nodding vigorously, taking the excuse that Hermione has accidentally given them.

"A-Ah, yes! That's it exactly! We only traveled together today because we both had to be at the Ministry at different times for different things…"

Gabrielle trails off, and she almost sounds guilty, like she doesn't like the lie, but honestly, it's not truly a lie… nothing she said was inherently wrong, after all. Hermione just smiles and nods right back, seeming to buy it, hook, line, and sinker. Eventually, the three of them reach the large oak door at the end of the hall, which Hermione throws open with a flourish. Beyond is the Minister of Magic's office, and Harry is in there waiting for them, seated at a large mahogany desk.

"Ah, Hermione. I assume this is our latest applicant?"

Hermione just laughs as she ushers a sudden nervous Gabrielle inside, and Fleur takes the opportunity to slip past as well, being careful not to brush against the brunette as she does.

"Harry~ You know Gabrielle Delacour, I'm sure. At the very least, it's hard to forget pulling her shivering, half-drowned form out of the lake in your fourth year."

Harry just grins, while Gabrielle blushes. Fleur rolls her eyes at the reminder. For a time, she too had been a little bit infatuated with Harry over his heroic actions during the Triwizard Tournament. But then she'd grown up and she'd learned what men were really like. Harry's actions regarding the Weasley Family Debt only proved, in Fleur's humble opinion, that he was no different from any other wizard.

He WAS outwardly handling Gabrielle's allure surprisingly well, of course, but no matter. Fleur had contracts to find and files to steal, and now that she was in the Minister's Office, she could see her objective. To her great delight, the door behind Harry, leading into his own personal filing room… is currently open. Scurrying forward, believing herself to be stealthy when she's actually making something of a racket, Fleur nonetheless makes her way through the open doorway and into the filing room beyond.

Behind her, Gabrielle begins her diversion. They'd discussed the sort of things that the younger part veela could do in order to keep Harry's attention on her. Fleur hadn't put MUCH thought in it, believing Harry would be too tongue-tied and drooling like the man he was for it to matter overly much. But now that Harry was proving more composed then expected, Gabrielle was falling into one of the numerous back up plans she'd brought to Fleur. Namely, the sexy secretary routine.

Cheesy flirtatious lines said in an exotic, erotic French accent sound out behind Fleur as she hurriedly searches through the Minister's files, hunting down those damn contracts. The older French witch tries her best to ignore her sister's excitement as Gabby all but mounts the desk and offers to take dictation. She can smell Gabrielle's juices from here, and once they're done here Fleur is going to have a talk with her little sister about appropriate behavior, because frankly, even if the diversion did call for Gabby to act a little slutty, that didn't mean she had to actually BE a slut and be so turned on Fleur could smell it from all the way in another room.

Regardless, even as she hears her sister giggling behind her, Fleur reaches a safe that she assumes has to hold the more valuable documents. Like say the loan contracts to one of the largest and most powerful families in Magical Britain. Never mind that all of their power was thanks to Harry's money… Fleur refused to be bound to the Minister of Magic for one second longer.

Who knew what he would do to her, after all? Perhaps subject her to a lesbian orgy with all the other Weasley Wives for his own entertainment. O-Or, force her, her mother, her aunts, and her cousins into a wild reverse gangbang with him and his no doubt puny cock at the center. Fleur does her best to put it out of her mind, even as she looks for a way to open the safe discretely, having no luck so far.

Instead, what she finds as Gabby's moans from the other room begin to distract her… are various picture frames. Fleur's eyes widen and her nostrils flare as the haughty part veela takes in the moving magical pictures in front of her. Each one of them is dedicated to a different beautiful British witch. Hermione Weasley, Luna Potter, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass…

In each frame, the witch is half-naked or worse, doing lewd things with Harry or even two Harrys. As Fleur's wide eyes get to the end of the line, a gasp leaves the currently invisible French Witch's lips… at the end there, are two more frames with her and Gabby's names on them. Belatedly, Fleur realizes that Harry isn't quite the overwhelmed little boy she was expecting… no, he's much worse. He's a man-whore, and one resistant to a veela's charms at that! At the very least, her darling little sister is no match for him!

Fleur rushes out of the open filing room behind the Minister's desk, completely oblivious to the fact that she's been making a ton of noise, even though she's been invisible. What she finds awaiting her is worse than she thought! Gabby is currently stuck between TWO Harry Potters, just like in the picture, and is already half-naked and clearly having the time of her life. Gabby's delicate little veela hands are currently wrapped around two long, thick, girthy cocks, and the Harrys are both crowding in close, messing with her cute butt and kissing her breasts.

Shocked by the size of the Minister's tool, knowing that she can't let Gabrielle be broken by such a big… manly… member, Fleur throws off her Invisibility Cloak, revealing herself to the rest of the room's occupants. Of all of them, Gabrielle is the most visibly surprised at Fleur's sudden reveal, but Fleur doesn't even notice, too focused on 'sacrificing herself'.

"Non! Gabby, you are not ready! You cannot take such a pounding!"

Fleur forces herself in between the two Harrys and her sister, trying to push the Minister of Magic duo away from Gabrielle, even as the younger part veela scowls and flushes in indignation.

"Fleur! Stop that! Just because you have a stick up your ass and can't get any does not mean I have to be as prudish as you!"

Fleur's eyes bulge out of her school. To call a veela, even a part veela a prude… it was a grave insult, to say the least. Made all the worse by the fact that Fleur was NOT prudish! She would SHOW her little sister prudish!

What follows is two veela falling all over themselves to prove they're better than the other at providing service to the Minister of Magic, much to his great amusement. Luckily, there's two of him, which means each sister gets a big fat cock as Fleur soon ends up practically naked right alongside Gabrielle, and the both of them drop down into a crouch, one hand trying and failing to close around the considerable girth in front of their faces while the other dips into their panties.

Soon enough, they're doing all they can to one-up each other as they stroke Harry's cocks and then move on to outright sucking his length. It's Gabrielle who eventually gives up on her own pleasure entirely in order to use both of her hands to get Harry off, something Fleur mimics with some reluctance as she realizes he's not going to cum any time soon from just one hand and her mouth.

It's shocking for Fleur Delacour-Weasley to realize… but Harry truly isn't like any man she's met before. Even as she tries to hold on to her belief that he's little more than a perverted man-whore that she has to save her little sister from, Fleur is falling further and further into debauchery, all in an attempt to see one thing and one thing only… Harry Potter cum.

That was the one thing all of the framed magical pictures in the backroom had in common. Whether it was one Harry or two, each of the girls in the pictures were covered in Harry's seed and smiling at the camera, like they'd somehow accomplished some great task. Fleur hadn't thought much of it at the time, besides to think less of the witches that the Minister of Magic had clearly tricked into being his playthings so easily.

But as time goes on and Harry refuses to cum, Fleur begins to get positively desperate. Especially when her slut of a little sister proves to be constantly willing to escalate beyond what Fleur could think up in her wildest dreams. From slurping at and sucking Harry's member, to using her soft tits to wrap around his cock, it feels like Fleur is having to play catch up nonstop to try and keep up with her enthusiastic sister.

Her only consolation is that Gabrielle, while an adult now, is still a year or two shy of being fully matured. Certainly, she's not a mother like Fleur has been. Fleur's body is that of a rocking MILF, the part veela having heavy tits, wide hips, and a gorgeous derriere. She had a sexy fucking body, and she knew it too, always using it along with her allure to get away with anything she wanted.

In comparison, Gabrielle Delacour was nymph-like. She was an ethereal beauty, with a pale, somewhat slim form. Oh sure, she already had her own sizable chest and a decent heart-shaped derriere, but she had NOTHING on her big sister. A fact that Fleur tries to take full advantage of. Gabrielle might be the first to suck Harry's cock down to halfway, but upon seeing her little sister struggling and choking on his member, Fleur proceeds to send her pillowy, pouty lips all the way down his length, gagging herself, but nevertheless managing to deep throat the entirety of Harry's shaft down her esophagus and into her gullet.

When Gabrielle ups the ante again by changing things up and wrapping her bust around Harry's massive member, Fleur follows suit, showing her little sister up (in her mind at least) as she uses her larger, pillowy, lactating tits to completely smother Harry's cock in warmth and softness, fully eclipsing Gabrielle's efforts… at least in her own humble opinion. And Fleur was NEVER wrong.

As such, when Gabrielle suddenly removes a hand from Harry's cock and balls and proceeds to stick it back down her panties, Fleur believes immediately that she's finally won. Her exhilaration at seeing what looks like capitulation from her younger sibling fills the older part veela with jubilation, which in turn translates into further enthusiasm as she forces herself down Harry's cock again and again, so sure that she's going to make him cum any moment now.

But then a squelching noise sounds out, and Fleur glances over to see, in her periphery, that Gabrielle hasn't given up at all… she's merely managed to up the ante AGAIN. It takes Fleur a moment to realize what Gabby is up to. The younger part veela has completely shed her panties at this point, and while she still has her mouth on her copy of Harry's cock… she also has that hand of hers up her cunt. Literally the whole hand, not just a finger of three, but her entire fist.

For a moment, Fleur is ashamed of her sister, and disappointed by Gabrielle seemingly snapping and going full slut. You NEVER went full slut because that way lay mindlessness and silly antics galore. But then Fleur realizes that the Harry Gabrielle is attending to… is getting turned on by the act her little sister is putting on. And only then does Fleur realize just WHY Gabrielle is fisting herself… she's showing off.

Harry's cock is undeniably the biggest member Fleur has ever seen. Luckily for her, she's practiced with sizable toys and other devices, and thus has only some difficulty getting all the way down his length, instead of being unable to do so at all like Gabrielle, who's stuck at halfway. However, even Fleur hadn't begun to imagine what it would be like to have him inside of her. To have him in her cunt… he would wreck her, wouldn't he?

U-Unless she loosened herself up first. That was what Gabrielle was doing, Fleur finally realized. Her slutty little sister had once again managed to ante up and was now showing Harry how much of his cock she would be able to take, using her fist and wrist and lower arm to show off. Fleur quickly follows suit, stripping her own panties off and thrusting her own fist up her cunt. It's not as painful as she's expecting… but then to be fair, by this point she's sopping wet, just like Gabrielle.

Only, upon Gabby noticing what Fleur is doing, the little shit ups the ante AGAIN! Fleur can only widen her eyes in disbelief as she continues sucking on her copy of Harry's cock, as her little sister lets go of Harry with her other hand and settles for standing and bending over at a ninety degree angle, bobbing up and down on his member aggressively… while at the same time fisting not JUST her cunt, but also her ass.

Fleur has to go along with it of course, but she's definitely going to get back at Gabby somehow or someway when they're done here. Her little sister should NOT be this lewd! The competition has reached an impasse though. Even Gabrielle seems to have run out of ideas for how to increase the stakes and one-up Fleur. In a vacuum, this should have meant Fleur was the victor. They were both doing all the same things, but obviously she had the lewder, MILFier body, right?

But Harry still wasn't cumming, and Fleur couldn't figure out why! Was she… was she not good enough? N-No! That couldn't be true! There wasn't a man alive who was better than her, d-damn it!

That's the moment in which the door to the Minister of Magic's office opens up and Hermione steps into the room, only to roll her eyes at the sight of the two part veela in such a ridiculous state, their lips wrapped around Harry's cock and their fists stuck up their own holes in an effort to show him how welcoming they would be to his big fat dick.

"Harry… be nice. You don't want to break up to loving sisters, do you?"

As Hermione pipes up, Luna comes in behind her, and behind Luna, floating magically through the air, are cameras and microphones and all sorts of equipment that Luna and Harry have invented together, a melding of magic and technology that Luna will now use to shoot what will effectively be a porno memory for her own personal files.

Harry grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his head before nodding to the two lovely witches, Hermione his mistress and Luna, his wife. Reaching down, the two Harrys grabs their veela playmates by their hair and drag them back off of their mutual cocks, letting them gasp for air as they look up at him, hazy and glassy eyed.

"Are you both ready to get started for real?"

Neither French woman is in any way, shape, or form able to answer that coherently, but that's alright because Harry isn't waiting for verbal consent. Not when both Gabrielle and Fleur have proven to be complete and utter sluts, desperate for his cock. The Delacour Sisters are his now… they just haven't fully realized it yet.

With a snap of his fingers, Harry easily ends their little competition by summoning two more Harrys into the room. With four Harrys against two veela… well, things quickly become even more debauched then before. With the sisters already bent over at a ninety-degree angle, it's child's play for the two new Harrys to move into position behind Fleur and Gabrielle, extracting their hands from their cunts… and thrusting in, in place of them.

They let the part veelas continue to fist themselves anally, even as the original two Harrys thrust their cocks back into Fleur and Gabrielle's sore jaws and begins to spit-roast them, right then and there. With Harry's cock in both their cunts and their throats, both Fleur and Gabrielle quickly begin to lose all semblance of control.

The veela sisters look positively ridiculous, their plush lips wrapped around magnum dongs, their eyes half-rolled up in their head, their cunts squelching and slurping at the cocks burying themselves again and again inside of the two women. There's no hesitation, no break time, no mercy. Fleur's MILFy body is plowed just as hard as Gabrielle's younger, more nubile form. The two are showed the same exact consideration… that is, practically none, as Harry slams home into their holes from either end again and again, thrusting their needy bodies back and forth between his fat cocks.

Even in the midst of all of this, Fleur is still trying to stay competitive. Some part of her thinks that if only she can make Harry cum first, before Gabby, then she'll have proved her sister wrong about that prudish comment. Gabrielle, meanwhile, is just enjoying being fucked out of her mind. After all, Fleur's little sister has yet to have her mind poisoned by the Wizarding World. And she never would. In all fairness to Fleur, after living such a sheltered life as a Delacour, striking out on her own, finding work at Gringotts, meeting Bill, getting to know what most wizards were like…

It hadn't painted a particularly good picture of men in general, and in the end Fleur Delacour-Weasley had distinctly settled when she'd married Bill and had his daughter. Even if Victoire was the light of her life, a precocious little girl who would likely grow up to be an utter beauty just like her mother… sometimes, in her darker moments, Fleur wondered if her daughter was worth having tied herself to the Weasley Family.

But she couldn't let herself think like that, so instead Fleur had forced down her true feelings about Bill and the rest of the Weasley men, and she'd focused on the good. Namely, her daughter. Her daughter, who would always be half Weasley, while being one-eighth veela. Fleur loved Victoire with all her heart… but funnily enough, getting spit-roasted by Harry James Potter was stripping away all of the lies, the façade, the things she'd told herself to make her lot in life more tolerable.

By the time Harry does finally cum down Fleur's throat and in her cunt, plastering her womb and stomach with his seed and bloating her belly as a direct result… she's not in a state of mind to truly care about the competition anymore. Which is good, because frankly, she would have been beside herself to find out that Gabrielle beat her to the punch and made Harry cum for the first time a full thirty seconds before Fleur did.

As it stands, Gabrielle and Fleur revert back to their base instincts, the parts of them that are veela completely turning towards nothing but mindless pleasure and enjoyment of the big fat cocks that Harry is using to fuck them silly. After cumming in both ends, the four Harrys proceed to DP Fleur and Gabrielle next, holding them up between a pair each and plowing their cunts and asses at the same time.

Neither woman is in any state to do anything but moan and whine and whimper and mewl like the horny whorish sluts that they are. The messy gangbang continues on and on for what feels like forever, both Fleur and Gabrielle losing track of time, even as they lose themselves in the pleasure, letting Harry have his way with them and do whatever he wants.

All the while, Hermione and Luna take the Great Veela Fuckfest for the future, making some excellent memories that will in turn make for a great porno. Luna Potter absolutely adores watching her hunky husband fucking, and is currently in her porn director persona, ordering Hermione about and making sure all of the cameras and lightning are correct throughout the fuck fest.

Hermione is happy to act as Luna's production assistant, as Harry's number two, she's eager to assist Harry's wife in any way she needs. There's no real sense of competition between the two of them… after all, Hermione was the idiot who initially chose Ron, while Harry chose Luna and Luna chose Harry. Hermione knew her place. She might be the second in command here in the Ministry, just under the Minister of Magic himself, but that didn't mean she held a candle to Luna Potter, the woman who'd been there for Harry when Hermione wasn't.

In the end, both Hermione and Luna know they'll get some action with Harry before the night is done. He's not the kind of man that would leave his two favorite ladies hanging, after all. But for now, it's all bout their two new veela pets… and while Gabrielle has DEFINITELY gotten the job and will thus be around quite a bit more often as a result… Fleur… Fleur would be paying off her debts for a long time to come.

Judging by the blissed out of her mind look on the French witch's face, she likely won't mind all that much. But even if she does… well, she no longer has a leg to stand on, after trying to peek through Harry's files under an Invisibility Cloak, only to reveal herself and engage in truly debauched sex with the man instead.

Fleur's time as Harry's cum dumpster, and Gabrielle's time in Harry's harem… both were just getting started.


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