Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Playing with Fire (Tomb Raider)

Playing with Fire (Tomb Raider)

A/N: Playing with Fire was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in March of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: For someone like Lara Croft, even masturbation is an adventure fraught with peril...

Themes: Anal Sex, Bimbofication, Bondage


When you were someone like Lara Croft, you didn't tend to DO normal. Even when she wasn't out on the latest expedition, even when she wasn't roughing it in the jungle or dodging bullet fire from asshole mercenaries, or navigating terrifying traps in ancient ruins, she wouldn't call her life normal. After all, she was born to a Lord and Lady, and thus lived in a mansion, when she wasn't out in the world making a name for herself.

Frankly, after all of the things Lara had lived through, she was more afraid of the sense of normalcy than any of the dangers she subjected herself to on a daily basis. She didn't get burnt out on adventure, she got freaked out by the boring minutiae that came with NOT currently being on an adventure. Luckily, there were ways to take her mind off such things.

Working out was one such way. She had to keep her body trained and conditioned for the next trip, after all. It wouldn't do for her to go soft between expeditions. Her flexibility, her strength, her speed… all of it was pretty damn critical in keeping her alive. The number of scrapes she'd barely made it out of with her life intact and wouldn't have survived if she'd been just a second too slow or barely not strong enough was… incredible.

But you could really only workout so many hours of each day. And even with the planning for the next expedition, and the workouts, Lara ended up with too much damn time on her hands most evenings. Luckily, she had a way of handling that as well.

Stepping into a specially made room deep in the bowels of her mansion, Lara watches the door close shut behind her, sealing with a hiss. Taking a moment to set the security, she nods before making her way further into the sex dungeon, because that's precisely what it is. Of course, it's not JUST a sex dungeon. It's also a laboratory of sorts, where Lara conducts… experiments.

Though, neither a sex dungeon or a laboratory would normally have a security system tied up in random logic puzzles and IQ tests. Yes, if Lara wanted to get out of here, she would have to solve no fewer than ten such questions before the door would open for her again. There was a reason for this… a very good reason indeed.

Making her way over to a table, Lara bites her lower lip, as she reaches out and wraps her hand around the base of a thick, fat dildo. Not just any normal dildo however, the thing is made of solid gold and weighs a metric fuck ton. Still, she's not some weakling. She can lift it up, and with the mounting attached to the bottom of it, she can move over and affix it to the piston that she has mounted to a wall, facing a lounge chair.

Experimentally, just for old times sake, Lara lowers the dildo to her crotch, bringing the tip of the golden artifact towards her pussy. Like always, it veers away, moving towards her ass instead, prompting a chuckle from the busty brunette tomb raider. Of course, heh.

Your average archeologist would call it an unknown artifact likely used in ancient fertility rituals. They'd be right, though there was always, ALWAYS more to the story. The dildo, made of gold and inlaid with runic carvings all over that gave it an… interesting texture when it was inside of someone, was a minor cursed item, from what Lara had been able to suss out.

Moving over to gather up the requisite rope, Lara reflects on her experiences with the damn thing. Fuck she'd come close to losing agency of herself more than once. It was the reason behind all of these precautions, in fact.

Moving over to the lounge chair, Lara strips down to just her top, and begins expertly tying herself up. It's not easy, performing rope bondage on yourself. But she's very good at tying knots and turning that skill towards tying herself up actually hadn't been as difficult as one would expect. It was all about order of operations and making sure you had a way out when all was said and done. With the dildo in play, it was about making sure you had a way out that was reasonably complex enough to only be solved by someone with an IQ over a hundred.

This was because of what the dildo did to you, once it started fucking you. Something Lara was already anticipating, if she was being honest. For all that she hated it… she also loved it.

With the bondage in place, Lara looks to the machine. Before she'd started truly restraining herself, she'd set the machine to begin its program in twenty minutes. By the time she's done getting into position, completely and utterly restrained and not going anywhere for a while, there's about three minutes left.

She contents herself, in that time, with moving her crotch around in gyrating circles, trying to trick the dildo into fucking her cunt instead of her ass, just this one. Not that Lara minded getting butt fucked by the ancient magical artifact… but it would be quite the triumph, if she could get the thing to plug up her needy pussy for once instead.

Alas, the dildo was made to assist with fertility rituals, which meant it could only go in one hole. If it was in the pussy, how was a real man's cock supposed to get inside to deliver the payload and knock her up? So yes, with less than ten seconds left before the machine begins its program, Lara positions herself properly so the tip of the lubricated dildo is up against her sphincter. A moment later, it begins.

It starts off slow, both literally and figuratively. The program is designed to ease her into it, so to speak, and Lara lets out an enjoyable groan as it slowly penetrates her ass, before beginning to dive in and out of her at a rather sedate pace. Meanwhile, the magical dildo's curse starts in almost immediately, but takes a while to activate in earnest.

At first, it's just more pleasure, what she's already expecting to feel. The dildo feels SOOOO good after all, so is it any wonder that it begins to feel even better? Lara's plush lips part and her tongue licks out to taste the air, as her eyes roll back in her head a bit.

Things don't start getting… noticeable until the first time she cums. As her pussy juices squirt out of her unoccupied quim, impacting all over the weathered 'face' of the pistoning machine and also back onto her abdomen, Lara gasps and her body undulates. Not that she's going anywhere, stuck in all of this rope as she is. Though, she could get free still, if she wanted to. She also knows why she doesn't want to, still.

This state of affairs doesn't last long. Another orgasm, and Lara is no longer sure why she's tied up like this. Like… isn't it really getting in the way of her having more fun? She could be fingering herself right now! She could be playing with her titties, while some big, strong, strapping lad fucked her properly! Tee-hee!

A-Ah, there it was. The fraying remnants of Lara's sane mind note that she's starting to lose the battle, just like she always does. But to be fair, it's not a battle with the dildo, per say… it's more insidious then that. This is a battle with herself, with another version of her that wants nothing more than to be fucked and knocked up and used like some worthless cum rag for the rest of her life.

The machine is starting to pick up speed now, and so are Lara's orgasms. The more she cums from the dildo butt fucking her, the harder it is to focus on anything but the pleasure… and wanting more of it, no matter what it might take to get it. As Lara's eyes roll around in her skull, she starts jerking against her bondage, she starts fighting it with all her heart. She needs… she needs to get FREE! She'll take the dildo with her, keep it lodged in her tight little asshole, and she'll find a man. A man who will let her serve him, a man who will breed her and fuck her and enjoy her beautiful body to the fullest!

The next moan from Lara comes through noticeably more pillowy lips. On top of that, her top is beginning to strain as her already prodigious bust grows another size. Her hips are widening, her thighs thickening. She looks like a total bimbo… and she's thinking like one too. Her body shudders and jerks and shakes, as Lara looks through bleary eyes at her restraints.

Ugh, she's like… tots stuck. It's not fair! Her other self always gets to set the stage for when she comes out to play! She's always trapped like this! She's just… gotta like, figure out how to get free!

Even Bimbofied, Lara knows that she's left herself some way of escaping her current state of bondage. Or else, she would just straight up die down here, in a BDSM accident gone wrong. She's still smart enough to make that connection, to understand that link. But for the life of her, looking around at the ropes restraining her wrists and ankles, her legs spread nice and wide in either direction and her arms stretched over her head… she just can't see it.

Sometimes she can. Once in a while, she gets free. But then she always gets stuck at the door, annoyingly enough. S'not fair. Other Lara is a total BITCH. Bimbo Lara is the True Lara!

Moaning throatily, eyes rolling around in her skull, the bimbofied version of Lara Croft stops struggling after a while and just stares down lovingly at the golden dildo pumping in and out of her anus. She's cum countless times from the powerful anal plowing she's received at this point. The magic of the dildo makes sure that not only does she become the perfect receptacle for the seed of men, but she also enjoys every last second of it all.

It makes for the perfect sex toy, if one ignores the downsides of it turning her mind into mush and making her a bimbo every time she uses it. Not that Lara thinks of those as downsides right now. In fact, she LIKES being like this. She PREFERS it.

Crying out in ecstasy, Lara and her bimbofied body positively shudder through yet another explosive, squirting climax. The piston's program is reaching it's crescendo now. The dildo fucking her anus is jackhammering in and out of her with higher and higher speeds. Unable to contain her voice, Lara squeals at the top of her lungs.


Of course, even that goes away a bit later, as the climaxes keep rolling in and her mind truly does become nothing more than a vacant receptacle. She knows how to breathe and how to cum and how to feel pleasure and obey instructions, and that's it. Unfortunately, there's no one around to give her instructions, so she just does the first three until the program finally ends, and the pistoning machine pulls the dildo back out of her ass.

With a whimpering cry, Lara tries to get it back inside of her. This is always the worst part, the loss of her friend. As the dildo hovers less than half an inch out of reach of her, she feels nothing but hatred and loathing for her other self, for the so-called 'intelligent' Lara Croft. Bah! If that other Lara was so smart, she'd spend less time raiding tombs, and more time getting HER womb raided! Dumb bitch didn't know how good they could have it!

Alas, Bimbo Lara doesn't last much longer, before the exhaustion catches up with her. The dildo, so long as it's impaled in her ass, keeps her going and energizes her beyond her usual limits, but with it gone, she's feeling the effects of triple digit orgasms in short order, and her eyes are beginning to lull shut.

Not… fair… could have… s-so much more fun…


The next time Lara wakes up, she's in her right mind, as evidenced by the way she's able to deftly flick a single finger and completely unravel the complex rope bondage she performed upon herself. Slowly sitting up, the beautiful young woman looks at the dildo for a long moment, before pulling it off of the machine and placing it back on the table.

It was great when she wanted to really stretch out her anus and get absolutely ruined for a night. Even better than going on an alcohol-driven bender, in her experience. But she always had to be very, very careful. She'd only needed to come to her senses in an unfamiliar place with a collar around her neck and a man's cock down the back of her throat one time to know she couldn't ever be too careful with this particular magical artifact.

Cleaning up the place, putting the rope back where it went, Lara heads over to the door and begins working her way through logic puzzles to prove her IQ. The door test was one of her better ideas. Couldn't go and sell herself into slavery, if she couldn't get out of this room, after all.

If not for the guy she'd sold herself to removing the dildo so HE could fuck her in the ass before making her clean his cock off with her mouth without putting it back in afterwards, Lara might still be his live-in sex slave, and likely knocked up by this point besides. As it was, she'd managed to escape that situation relatively unscathed. No baby, and the guy was… neutralized.

… But she'd brought the dildo home with her. Oh sure, she could make excuses all she wanted about how it was important to keep it out of the hands of unknowing bystanders. Certainly, this wasn't the kind of thing she'd ever give to a museum.

At the same time, the truth was, Lara just liked how good it made her feel. And with surefire ways of avoiding the consequences, of avoiding the change being permanent… she didn't mind spending a few nights as a bimbofied version of herself, tied up and getting butt fucked by a piston machine.

Lara Croft was, if nothing else, a woman who lived on the edge. She was a woman who loved danger. She got off on it, in fact. And what better way to get off for someone like her, then a dangerous sex toy?

Finishing up at the door, Lara smiles as it unseals and swishes open. Stepping through, she takes one last look back into her sex dungeon, at the golden artifact on its table, before the door swishes shut.


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