Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Serafall’s Fall (High School DxD)

Serafall’s Fall (High School DxD)

A/N: Serafall's Fall was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Serafall is hearing rumors of a new human magician contracting with multiple female devils across the Underworld. So of course, she investigates.

Themes: Hypnosis, Master/Slave, Rough Sex


Contrary to what some might think, Serafall Leviathan was not an idiot. Oh sure, she put on something of a show with her whole Magical Girl persona and what not. But at the heart of things, she was a Great Satan for a reason. More than that, she was in charge of Foreign Affairs for a reason as well. And sure, part of that reason was that the others were all waaaay less approachable, but at the same time, the other part of that reason was that Serafall knew her stuff!

Which was why she was a little surprised when it took so long for the rumors to start crossing her desk. As the Satan Leviathan in charge of the Underworld's Foreign Affairs, Serafall was usually privy to these things a little sooner! While they didn't keep track of EVERY human magician in the world above, they certainly tried to keep tabs on the ones capable of summoning Devils from the Underworld… and they CERTAINLY kept tabs on the ones who'd sold their souls to Devils as well!

It had become somewhat inaccurate, the old mythos that every Devil wanted a human's soul for whatever deal they wanted done. These days, it was a lot less dire when a transaction between a Devil and a human took place. More often than not, it was just a source of income… as in, literal money. Currency made the world go round after all, and not since the time of the previous Great Satans had the Underworld actually traded in literal souls as currency.

At the same time however, there were always exceptions that proved the rule. Most of the humans up top weren't valuable enough for the Devils down below to want their souls. In the end, the average human soul held barely any value at all and was practically worthless to the Devils powerful enough to even be able to claim such a thing via a deal in the first place.

But when you got into human magic and power, then things became a little… greyer and undefined. The line, so to speak, became a lot wider and a lot blurrier, that was for sure. Powerful Devils and Human Magicians seeking that power… name a more iconic duo.

The point was, most of the Pillars had Human Magicians in their 'employ'. Most of those Human Magicians were under contracts that effectively sold their souls to the Pillars they'd ended up dealing with. It was rare for Devil Society to leave a human who had proven capable of summoning them of his own power alone for long. When you started dabbling in that sort of thing, you were quickly snatched up.

But that, Serafall felt, was where the oddities regarding this particular case began. Because apparently, this latest magician had started summoning Devils of increasing power months ago and hadn't stopped or BEEN stopped. All female, curiously enough. But even curiouser… all of his summons were convinced that THEY owned his soul. Each and every one of them would tell her or her agents, if asked, that as a result of their dealings with this human magician, they personally had claim over his soul.

It was an odd smokescreen to be sure. No one was going after this new magician, because he was already 'claimed'. The problem was, he was 'claimed' by a dozen female Devils, all of them quite powerful. And when certain friends of hers, such as Grayfia Lucifuge and Venelana Gremory, claimed that they too owned this magician's soul, Serafall began to grow… concerned.

That was why she'd gone ahead and done something that, if found out, would likely get her in trouble. Not that she had superiors, she was her own boss and all that, but she had peers, and there would be pressure on them to put pressure on her, if it was found out that she was abusing her authority like this. Still, Serafall had to get to the bottom of this. And so, she'd… tweaked things a bit, in her capacity as the head of Foreign Affairs.

She'd made it so that this human magician's next summoning… would pick her first, above all others. And as she feels the summoning take hold, a smug little smirk spreads across Serafall's face, as she prepares to face off with this mysterious human entity and get to the bottom of things.

Feeling the insistent tugging of the magically enforced summoning, Serafall lets it take her, finding herself forcibly drawn from the Underworld all the way up to Earth. This was the difference between your average human being given a specific summoning contract by their local devil in order to make some deals so the devil can earn some petty cash, and a full-fledged human magician who could pull a devil straight from the Underworld itself.

Of course, Serafall likes to think not even the strongest human magician would try to summon a Great Satan. She can't help the way her smirk grows, as she appears in the summoning circle and takes in the surprised expression on the young summoner's face. Hm, and he is YOUNG. She can tell, he's not some old geezer using magic to make himself appear younger, he's actually almost a child, barely past maturity by human standards.

She's a little surprised herself, because his name… well, his name made him sound old. Or maybe that was just her bias against anything biblical, speaking?

"Hm, are you Ezekiel?"

Ezekiel eyes widen and he jolts as he quickly stands up, staring at her with Mage's Sight, a relatively common human magician spell. Serafall knows how she likely looks under it… the most powerful Devil he's ever summoned, though ladies like Grayfia and Venelana are certainly close seconds and thirds. Maybe that's why the young human recovers so quickly.

"A-Ah, ahem… yes, I am he. And… who might you be, Devil?"

She ponders going full Magical Girl mode for a second, just to seriously fuck with him… but no, Serafall decides she needs to take this seriously if she's going to get to the bottom of this. She can always go visit her little sister and embarrass So-tan in front of her friends by falling into the persona of Satan Pink later on. As it is right now, she needs to be the Satan Leviathan.

"I am Serafall Leviathan, Great Satan of the Underworld… in charge of Foreign Affairs. And you, young man, have been making a bit of a mess of things. Care to tell me how you sold your soul to a dozen Devils without them all tearing you apart for your hubris?"

Ezekiel's eyes have gotten progressively wider as she speaks, and he takes another step back. Seeing the open door to the ritual chamber behind him, Serafall flexes a bit of her Will, and it slams shut in quite the satisfying manner, making him jump.

"A-Ah, u-um… a-aren't such contracts confidential?"


Her succinct answer makes him pause… and then the young human's shoulders slump. It's almost pitiable, Serafall can't help thinking, as he pulls a pocket watch out of his robes.

"I used this to make deals with them. All they had to do was look at it very intently, and my soul was theirs. All of them agreed, I swear!"

As he speaks, he unfurls the pocket watch on its chain and begins swinging it. Serafall's eyes narrow as she stares at the device, trying to suss out its secrets. Obviously, he was lying, but it was such a ridiculous lie that she actually couldn't immediately suss out the truth of it. What the hell was going on here, exactly? How did staring at a pocket watch equate to a human's soul, and how had Ezekiel somehow sold his soul to a dozen female Devils this way without them all getting jealous?

It didn't make sense, and after a moment Serafall tears her gaze away from the oddly hypnotic pocket watch and narrows her eyes at Ezekiel.

"That's a stupid deal. Why would anyone agree to that? And it still doesn't explain how you sold your soul multiple times, human!"

Ezekiel flushes and tucks the pocket watch away, before spreading his hands in a somewhat helpless gesture and hesitantly smiling.

"Ah, well… I should have known the Great Satan Leviathan would see right through my tricks and lies. Perhaps… perhaps the two of us can make another deal? A wager, if you will!"

Serafall frowns but cocks her head to the side.

"… I'm listening."

Beaming, Ezekiel explains.

"It's simple, really! You take off all your clothes, get down on your knees, and suck my cock to the BEST of your ability! If you make me cum, then I win and get to fuck you silly for the rest of the night! If you don't, then I'll answer all your questions truthfully and submit to your judgement!"

Serafall blinks slowly as she processes his words, turning them over in her head. Some might have claimed that the Leviathan was reckless or foolhardy, but that wasn't the case. She'd merely cultivated a reputation for such things in order to lull her enemies into a false sense of security!

Ultimately, she comes to a plain and simple conclusion. That wasn't a fair and equitable trade at all. That wasn't a deal… it was a STEAL!

"I accept!"

Serafall grins triumphantly, as she points a finger at the young human magician.

"You fool! Your secrets are all but forfeit! I'm definitely not going to make you cum, as I suck you off to the best of my abilities!"

Clearing his throat, Ezekiel has a small smile on his face (no doubt to hide how terrified of her he TRULY Is) and nods in agreement (as he should!)

"You have to take all of your clothes off first, remember."

"Hah, of course! Not that it will matter, even if my gorgeous, sexy body is fully on display!"

And with that, Serafall Leviathan, one of the four Great Satans of the Underworld, tears away her Magical Girl Uniform and drops to her knees before the young human magician, as he parts his robes and exposes his rock hard cock.


"Glughk… Glughk… Glughk!"

Ezekiel groans as he throws his head back in arousal. Having THE Serafall Leviathan on her knees, blowing him to the best of her ability? Fuck, his day was made. And it was all thanks to his grandpa's pocket watch. The old man had left it behind along with his journal when he'd passed, saying that it was his greatest work. Finding out that his grandfather was an actual magician had been shocking. Finding out that the old man had sold his soul to a Devil, even more so.

Apparently, his grandfather had been abused by the Devil who held his contract for several long decades. So abused, in fact, that the man had, in his twilight years, decided to take revenge. But not just on the one Devil… no, on as many of them as he possibly could. The result was the pocket watch that had ended up in Ezekiel's possession, at the price of his grandfather consigning his own soul to oblivion.

This, his grandfather's notes had said, was not only necessary, but a 'good thing'. Apparently, an afterlife in the 'care' of the Devil that his grandfather had sold his soul to would be so awful that his grandfather preferred to cease to exist instead. More than that, if the Devil had ever thought to question his grandfather after he died, he might have exposed his plans. And even more than THAT, the pocket watch had needed a hate-filled, spite-filled soul to power it against demonkind… and his grandfather had known no other who hated devils as much as he did.

The end result was that Ezekiel had an item of immense power that would allow him to… well, hypnotize female devils. It didn't work on human women, unfortunately, and Ezekiel HAD tried. It wasn't like the young man WANTED to go about learning the occult so he could summon devils from the Underworld, not after reading what had happened to his grandfather.

Still, he couldn't just let it be. He was a naturally curious soul, in the end… and also a horny young man with a libido a mile long and a hypno fetish a kilometer wide. Yeah, he was always going to end up in this situation, really. Frankly, he'd fucking lucked out.

Staring down into Serafall's slightly glazed over eyes as she continues to gulp down his cock, deep-throating his dick to the best of her ability, Ezekiel just… grins. He hadn't been sure it would work, after all. It had worked on every other Devil he'd summoned so far, and boy had he had fun with all of them. One had been a Devil Maid even, and that had been an enjoyable roleplay! Another was a beautiful, big-breasted Devil Lady, and watching those tits of hers bounce and jiggle as he'd fucked her had been quite the treat.

But this? One of the Great Satans? Thanks to his grandfather, Ezekiel knew how the Underworld was structured. He also knew that there was only one female Devil among the current crop of Great Satans. He'd gotten insanely lucky that it was Serafall who was in charge of Foreign Affairs, and not one of the others. Because the pocket watch… it only worked on female devils.

He'd already taken revenge on his grandfather's original contractor. Was the least he could do for the old man, seeing as his grandpa no longer existed. He'd fucked that bitch of a Devil long and hard and used the heaviest hypnosis from the pocket watch on her to make her his fuck toy and cum dump cunt. He could actually summon her whenever he wanted, and she would do his bidding, just as she'd forced upon his grandfather and who knew how many other humans for decades.

But she… that Devil was small potatoes compared to the others he'd snagged. The weakest of the Seventy-Two Pillars, no doubt. And now, from her… he'd gotten all the way here, to Serafall Leviathan, on her knees under his control, even if she didn't know it.

With a loud groan, Ezekiel decides to stop holding back. There were layers within layers to his little lopsided deal with the Great Leviathan. She could only win if he didn't cum, but they hadn't actually established a time limit… so in truth, she could never win. That was the beauty of the pocket watch though, that she didn't even QUESTION that.

Still, he wanted to get onto the main event already, and that was fucking this gorgeous bitch nice and hard. And so, he lets himself cum.

"Glughk… Glughk… Gluuuuuughk!"

Serafall's eyes widen, as his seed suddenly explodes down her throat without warning. The Great Leviathan rockets back, her mouth open and her tongue sticking out rather cutely as she ends up taking his load all over her face and naked tits. She's not the most endowed Devil he's fucked so far, not by a long shot, but she is the most powerful, and covering her front in his seed is quite the rush in and of itself.

Letting out a disbelieving chuckle at his own good fortune, Ezekiel throws the kneeling Leviathan a lopsided grin as she stares down at herself, seeming to slowly realize… she lost.

"Well, looks like my win, ma'am."

"H-How can this be? I… how did I lose to some lowly human whelp?! You aren't even of age yet!"

Ezekiel would normally get upset at that, and he had the first few times it'd happened. He actually WAS of age, thank you very much. He'd graduated high school and everything and had been taking a gap year so to speak while he figured out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, when his grandfather's journal and pocket watch had arrived at his doorstep.

But by devil standards, he understood that he was still very much a child in their eyes. They lived so much longer that it was hard for them to comprehend that he'd entered adulthood already. Though, according to his grandfather's notes, if he played his cards right, he could live forever. Maybe now that he was at the top of the food chain so to speak for Devil Society, it was time to begin putting those plans into motion?

Licking his lips, Ezekiel stares down at Serafall for a moment.

"Hey… how about a double or nothing deal, yeah?"

Serafall perks up at that, her cum-covered tits jiggling as she straightens her back and looks at him quizzically. Ezekiel just grins.

"I get to fuck you now… but I'll give you another chance. If I don't cum while fucking you… then you can have my soul, for real this time. But if I DO cum while fucking you… then YOUR soul belongs to me."

He's never done this before. Probably because it's absolute bonkers. A human, owning a Devil's soul? It's not like it's never happened in the history of the human race, but it's also not something the Devils ever want to happen again. Still, Serafall is a Great Satan. With her on his side, Ezekiel should be able to get away with it… with claiming her soul for himself, as well as the souls of all the other female devils he's 'contracted' with so far.

All he needs is for her to agree to the deal, but what if this is a step too far? What if this is when the pocket watch fail-

"You're on!"

Suddenly on her feet, sending her tits jiggling about even more, Serafall has her hands planted on her hips and a wide grin on her face.

"You're a foolish young man, aren't you? To so cavalierly bet your own soul on something like this! You could have at least traded it for something instead, but now you're going to lose it to me for nothing! Don't worry though, I'm a kind mistress, you'll see~"

Ezekiel just smiles wanly and nods along with her, his cock already rock hard again, and twitching in anticipation of fucking the Great Satan. Her words are amusing, but it's hard to focus on her silly, ridiculous twisted perspective when he only has eyes for her smoking hot body.

Smirking as if she's somehow already won, when it is in fact impossible for her to win their little lopsided deal, Serafall turns and saunters over to the nearby wall. Planting her hands on it, she bends over and thrusts out her ass, before reaching back with one of those hands to pull one leg up into the air and reveal her naked, glistening wet pussy lips.

"Well? Come on! Come and fuck me already so I can claim your soul when you completely fail to cum inside of my tight, wet pussy!"

… Really, how could he refuse an invitation like that? Stepping forward, Ezekiel places his hands on Serafall Leviathan's ass, marveling in how soft and firm her butt cheeks are at the same time. She clearly works out… on top of being the most powerful female devil in existence, more than likely. But she's also totally a woman, with a woman's softness.

Groaning in appreciation even before he thrusts into her, Ezekiel kneads Serafall's ass for a few moments longer, before finally lining up his cock and shoving his way in. Serafall grunts, and her pussy walls clench and squeeze down around his shaft. He almost cums right then and there, and while it WOULD be his 'win', Ezekiel… Ezekiel holds off.

He wants to savor this moment. He wants to take it in and soak it up for as long as possible. This was for his grandfather, but more than that, this was for all of humanity. As he begins to thrust into Serafall Leviathan from behind, pounding the naked horny devil as hard as he can, uncharitable thoughts flicker through his head.

Fuck Devils for taking advantage of humanity for so damn long!

Fuck them for stealing the best and most magical of humanity and making them into slaves!

Fuck them for trying to hold humanity back, for trying to contain them like sheep in a big fucking pen!

Sure, humanity had ascended via technology all the same! Sure, the species had been fruitful and multiplied, utilizing humanity's strengths in order to cover for its weaknesses! Ezekiel was proud to be human. He was prouder even still to be his grandfather's grandson, and to have this chance to stick it to the devils who had wronged them for so damn long.

As he fucks Serafall, she begins to moan and groan and shift her hips back into his cock subconsciously. He hadn't said she had to try her best this time around, trusting that her hot wet pussy would be more than enough to make him cum whenever he wanted. And yet… Serafall is beginning to join in on the fun all the same, bouncing her big bubble butt backwards as he thrusts into her gushing quim from behind.

Fuck, were all Devils this slutty? Licking his lips, Ezekiel eyes the Great Satan's hair. The twin pigtails she's sporting have had his attention since he first summoned her, to be perfectly honest. And… why not, right? In for a penny, in for a pound!

Reaching forward, the young human grabs the Satan Leviathan's pigtails and yanks them back, causing her to cry out and her back to arch as he uses them like reins and begins to fuck her even harder. Serafall squeals as his cock squelches in and out of her cunt. She shudders, as her pussy walls flex around his dick. And Ezekiel grins, chuckling throatily as he gets closer and closer to the point of no return, where no amount of trying to hold back the rising tide will be enough.

"I'm getting close, o' Great Satan! If I cum, your soul is mine!"

"What?! How can you already be about to cum?! That's not possible!"

"Here it goes!"


Patently ridiculous twisted perspective aside, it's hands down one of the best releases of Ezekiel's young life. But then to be fair, it's the first that results in him having direct ownership of a Devil's Soul. He can feel it, as he cums deep inside of her. The Devils rely on their contract magic for everything. It is the foundation of their entire society. His grandfather's pocket watch undermines the entire system by its very existence, but more than that… it offers a way to insert himself into that system.

Serafall's soul fills him with power. A human magician, with the full might of a devil's magic to call upon. And not just any devil, but the Leviathan's herself. A shuddering breath leaves Ezekiel, as he finishes creampieing his new slave from behind. A shiver runs down his spine, as the ramifications of what he's done hit him.

Slowly pulling out, he watches Serafall slowly slide down the wall, whimpering as his cum gushes from her pussy. She's so much more powerful than him, it's not even funny. Or rather, she was. With her soul at his beck and call, he can do so much more now. He can live forever, for one… or as long as she does anyways. Not that he's going to rely on a single point of favor.

Now that he's claimed Serafall's soul… it's time to do the same with the rest of his thralls. But first…

"I own you now, bitch."

"… Y-Yes, Master…"

"Come on then. And don't walk in my presence, ever. Crawl."

"Yes… Master…"

And so, a downtrodden, defeated, hypnotized Serafall crawls after him, following him out of the ritual chamber, up the stairs into his house. He's got leftovers in the fridge, and he quickly heats them up before heading to his computer room. He might be a magician, but he's also a young man in the twenty-first century, heh.

As he settles into his computer chair, his dick still out, Ezekiel points under the desk.

"Go there. Clean my cock. And then suck it until I say stop."

And the Leviathan… obeys. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep her here forever. He couldn't afford for her male counterparts to notice anything was wrong. Not until he'd bound… at least another dozen powerful female devil's souls to his own. Then, he would be stronger than all of the male devils in the underworld by several factors. Then, he could overtly take over the entire fucking place, if he cared enough to.

But for now, he eats his dinner and browses reddit, while enjoying the triumph coursing through his veins and the sensation of a Great Satan under his desk, blowing his cock.


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