Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Saving Jasmine (Aladdin)

Saving Jasmine (Aladdin)

A/N: Saving Jasmine was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: A handsome Prince arrives in Agrabah intent on keeping the worst from coming to pass. But when everyone, including the haughty Princess Jasmine, assumes he's 'just another suitor'... he finds himself charting a new path.

Themes: Mind Control, Breeding, Loving Sex


"Oh Jasmine, what am I going to do with you? You chase away every man who comes seeking your hand. How are we ever going to find you a good match at this rate?"

"Honestly father, if any of these suitors proved to be even slightly worthy of my affections, I wouldn't have to chase them away. And besides, is my opinion not enough? Clearly, they weren't good matches in the first place!"

Princess Jasmine and her father, the Sultan of Agrabah, sit together in a small room off to the side of the Sultan's Throne Room, after another long, trying day of attempting to pair the Princess off with one of the many eligible bachelors who have come seeking her hand in marriage. The Sultan, at hearing his opinionated and fiery daughter's words, just groans and shakes his head.

"My darling, all of these suitors are handpicked by Jafar himself! If the Royal Vizier's opinion cannot be trusted, then who CAN we trust?"

Jasmine scoffs at that, but before she can really get into exactly what she thinks of Jafar and his opinions, the door to the small room abruptly opens up, much to both of their surprise. Father and daughter turn to watch as a young man, clearly Jasmine's age but also of noble bearing judging by his clothes, slips inside with nary a whisper.

Looking to them, he smiles, relieved.

"Ah, wonderful, I've snuck into the right room. Princess Jasmine and her father the Sultan, I presume?"

Jasmine blinks, while the Sultan, a kind and benevolent man by default, shakes himself a little.

"Aha, well, yes… but… who are you? How did you get past the guards?"

Smiling benignly, the well-dressed young man waves a hand in the air, as if to dismiss the second question.

"Never mind that. My name is Prince Ahil, and I've come to offer my aid. You see, you currently have a sorcerer problem."

That gets a confused jolt from Jasmine, her brow furrowing as she scoffs quietly.

"A sorcerer problem? What tripe! You're another suitor, no doubt. Hmph, not important enough to gain audience during the scheduled time, you now insist on intruding upon me and my father in private?"

Prince Ahil blinks at this, cocking his head to the side as he stares at the haughty princess. Indeed, Jasmine crosses her arms over her chest and makes a distinct 'Hmph!' noise at his staring. But then the Prince directs his attention to the Sultan… who has gone quiet and stands there, looking a little dazed. Finally, Jasmine's father speaks.

"Sorcerer problem? No… no sorcerer problem."

Even Jasmine shoots her father a concerned look at that, while Ahil looks pained for a moment before sighing.

"Great Sultan of Agrabah, perhaps you should go rest. It would be best if your daughter and I continued this conversation of… suitor-ship alone."

While Jasmine bristles at that, the Sultan immediately perks up.

"Oho! A new suitor! Wonderful, wonderful! Yes, Jasmine, make sure to entertain this young man! He seems like your type, don't you think?"


But the diminutive Sultan is already bustling out of the room on his short legs, disappearing through the door before Jasmine can protest. He leaves her all alone with this Prince Ahil, not that Jasmine is all that afraid. She scowls and looks to the Prince with a sneer.

"What's your game then, huh?"

"Princess… I come from a far away land. The same land, in fact, as your so-called Royal Vizier, the man you know as Jafar. Please listen to me carefully… Jafar is more than you know. In my Kingdom, magic is commonplace. Sorcery is thus heavily regulated. Jafar… Jafar was a middling talent, who did not appreciate how his gifts were outshone by his peers."

Shaking his head, Prince Ahil looks regretful.

"He left my Kingdom behind long ago to seek his fortunes elsewhere. This in and of itself would not be a problem… but rumors soon reached the lands I hail from, of Jafar's meteoric rise to power. I feared the worst and came quickly to make sure. Now… now I know it to be true. Your father and even your royal guards, have all been ensorcelled by Jafar. Your Royal Vizier is making a power grab and intends to set himself up as Sultan of Agrabah. You are in grave danger, Princess."

For a long moment, Jasmine stares at Prince Ahil in silence. He looks right back at her, beseechingly, all but begging her with his eyes to believe him. Alas…

"… Pah! Ahaha… Bahahahaha!"

The Princess of Agrabah breaks out into laughter, clearly directed at the young man in front of her. She laughs so hard she almost cries, while his face slowly falls in dismay. Eventually, the young woman gets control of herself, but the way she looks at him makes it clear she thinks he's lying. As does her response.

"You're… utterly ridiculous. The Royal Vizier, a magical sorcerer capable of ensorcelling my father and the guards? And you, from a kingdom of magic? What fairy tales you spout! Hah! I haven't heard such a fantastic tall tale in a long time! But if you think just because I'm a free spirit that I have my head in the clouds and I'm eager to believe every handsome face that comes around… think again!"

Building up a full head of steam now, Jasmine drops the smile and positively scowls at Ahil.

"You've tested my patience long enough! Jafar is a creep, but magic isn't real! Your lies are humorous enough that I won't call upon the guards to cut off your head for sneaking back here! Now get out of my sight!"

It's Prince Ahil's turn to stand in silence for a long moment, before letting out a sigh.

"Of course, Princess. My sincerest apologies for disturbing you. Please, allow me to make recompense with a trinket… a minor trifle, but something from my homelands."

Jasmine opens her mouth, no doubt to tell him off further, but stops in her tracks when Ahil pulls a ring from his vest. A very beautiful ring. A ring that she can't help but stare and gawk at.

"Tis not a wedding ring, I assure you. See how small it is? It is meant for your pinky. Care to try it on?"

Wordlessly Jasmine nods and accepts the gift from Prince Ahil's hands. She places it on her pinky finger, right next to her ring finger where a wedding band WOULD go. Of course, the moment she's done so… it's too late for her.

Jafar was indeed a sorcerer of middling talent, back in Prince Ahil's Kingdom. But the Prince… the Prince was part of the Royal Lineage of said Kingdom, and thus a prodigy at magic. He looks somewhat apologetic, as the spell takes effect and Jasmine's eyes glaze over. But at the same time, the Prince shakes his head, dispelling any lingering doubts from his mind.

"It's clear to me now that the Kingdom of Agrabah is too… kind. Too gentle, to be left alone. If not me, it will be someone else. Someone like Jafar, who will not hesitate to take advantage of you. All of you, in fact. So… I shall have to step in. Princess, can you hear me?"


"I think it would be best that we marry and join our two Kingdoms together in harmony, don't you? That way I can introduce magic to your people, and someone like Jafar can never gain traction in Agrabah, ever again."

"… Y-Yes…"

"Good. Very good."


It wasn't as though he'd come to Agrabah intending to perform a somewhat peaceful takeover of the place. But after seeing just how ensorcelled the Palace Guards and Sultan already were, and just how opinionated the Princess was, Prince Ahil had realized that the only way to stop Jafar… was to beat him at his own game. And put bluntly, Jafar was a thousand years too early to have any hope of beating a TRUE sorcerer.

Still, he can't help feeling a little guilty, as he lays there on the bed. It's his wedding night… but what he had to do to get here DOES weigh on him a little bit. Princess Jasmine is a nice enough girl… when she's not convinced of her own innate superiority, despite all evidence to the contrary.

The door to the bedroom from the baths suddenly opens, and Jasmine enters, clad in a very slutty dancer's outfit. Knowing that she'd had the outfit on under her wedding dress throughout the ceremony that had taken place earlier that day had left Ahil in a semi-permanent state of arousal. Luckily, he'd been able to hide that from the population of Agrabah, most of which had turned up to see their Princess marry the handsome, young foreign prince.

After rejecting so many suitors, everyone (save for Jafar of course) was so happy that Jasmine had finally settled on an option. Even… Jasmine herself.

"Thank you, my Prince, for marrying me. I realize now how happy I am, to be your wife and to have you as my husband."

Ahil swallows thickly at that, as Jasmine bites her eyelashes at him, before immediately jumping into a dance. It's a seductive, beautiful thing, as she bumps her hips to music only she can hear. Her eyes grow lidded, and she shows off her belly dancing skills as she stares at him the entire while. Her arousal is plain to see, and soon enough her clothes start flying.

It begins with her removing her top, a skimpy thing already, but one that had held her breasts in quite spectacularly all the same. No longer, her tanned breasts bounce free, and she gets right back to dancing, this time with her perfectly shaped chest bouncing and jiggling all over the place, her nipples rock hard even as Ahil finds himself mesmerized by the motion.

His cock strains inside of his pants, but still, he does not move. Eventually, Jasmine slips off her skirt as well, and then her undergarments. Completely naked save for the large amount of golden jewelry she'd worn to their wedding and that adorned her beautiful, nubile young body even now, Jasmine finally makes her way over to the bed. The bangles around her wrists and ankles jingle and jangle as she climbs onto the bed, doing a decent imitation of that tiger pet of hers and prowling towards him.

However, when she reaches his crotch, Ahil stops her just as she's going for the waistband of his pants.

"No. Not yet."

Jasmine blinks, her eyes going slightly glazed over at hearing a direct command from her Master.

"First… sit on my face."

"… Of course…"

She mumbles out her agreement, and immediately moves to obey. Ahil lays back and watches as his vision is soon filled with Jasmine's beautiful, naked body, and then further obscured by her dripping pussy lips lowering onto his mouth. Bringing his hands up, the Prince grabs his new wife by her perfectly sculpted backside, absolutely in love with that peach-shaped caramel-skinned ass of hers.

She really is gorgeous, the Princess. Jasmine is everything a man could possibly want in a wife… save for that nasty, haughty attitude of hers. But that was easy enough to take care of, and he'd even been able to leave the vast majority of her feisty, free spirited personality intact in the process. As Ahil drags his tongue across Jasmine's slit and pushes on her clit with his noise, the Prince reflects that it's a lot more than she would have gotten from Jafar.

Indeed, Jafar would certainly have never 'lowered' himself out to a somewhat subservient act like this one now. He would never have been willing to 'submit' himself to such a 'base indignity'. Ahil knew better. He was in complete control of this situation… and frankly, his wife deserved to experience just as much pleasure tonight as he did.

Gripping her tightly by the buttocks, the Prince abruptly spins Jasmine around, so that she's facing the other direction. This leaves her ass in his face, but also results in her falling forward across his chiseled body, her hands landing with two meaty slaps upon his abdomen as she gasps from the sudden change in movement.

Kneeling on either side of his head, Jasmine experiences an orgasm a moment later when he drives his tongue deep into her cunt. Falling forward even further, Jasmine's face ends up right next to the bulge in his crotch. Ahil knows this, because he can feel her hot, panting breath against his covered cock even now.

Lifting her up off of his face for a moment, he chuckles and looks down the length of his and Jasmine's oddly positioned bodies, to see her looking right back at him from betwixt the valley of her dangling breasts.

"Go ahead, Princess. Enjoy yourself."

He makes sure not to tell her exactly what he wants. That will be something Prince Ahil will have to spend the rest of their lives together being careful of. When he gives her an order, Jasmine cannot and will not disobey. She will do everything in her power to follow his commands. But if he keeps things vague… well then, she can come to her own conclusions on how to complete his orders.

Still, she does precisely what he expects after he tells her to enjoy herself. With his tongue driving back into her sexy, sopping wet cunny, the Princess of Agrabah doesn't even hesitate. She yanks down his pants, letting his throbbing erection flop out of its confines. The result of it springing forth is that she gets smacked right into the face, something that causes her to let out a particularly wanton moan as she grabs and squeezes at her own breasts for a moment before latching onto his cock.

"Oooh, I've been wanting a piece of this all day, darling~ Come to mama…"

Ahil can't help but grin from under Jasmine's crotch, even as she takes him in her mouth and begins to suck him off right there on the spot. Yes, once one stripped away the haughty disdain that Jasmine had for seemingly all men save her father, one got a fiercely independent woman… who wasn't afraid to give into her desires. Sure, she would always respect him as her Lord Husband, and in private as her Master… but right now, this decision was ALL hers.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Indeed, it's not long before the Princess is deep-throating his member, fully of her own accord. Ahil can only groan in response and redouble his own pace, his tongue driving as deeply into her pussy as he can possibly get it. Jasmine is an insatiable minx, that much he's learned since she put on the ring. She can't get enough of him or his cock, now that she's no longer got all those pesky hang-ups born from her fear of being tied down by marriage.

Together, the two of them work hard to pleasure one another, only pulling back for air once or twice, though always with something to say as they do.

"My beloved bride… your tongue feels phenomenal, pressed against my balls like that~"

"Oh? Does my husband enjoy when I take him all the way to the root? I shall endeavor to do it more than!"

Again and again, they work over each other's genitals with their mouths, exchanging oral pleasure for what feels like hours but can really only be half an hour at most before finally, neither of them can hold back anymore. No doubt noticing his balls churning with anticipation, Jasmine drives herself all the way back down his length, just as Ahil proceeds to blow his load.

At the same time, he grips firmly at her ass and pulls her into his face, driving his tongue up inside of her and wriggling it about. The result is that they both cum at the same time, with Jasmine gurgling on his seed, some of his jizz shooting right out of her nose as a result. Even as she's guzzling down his load, Ahil is in turn drinking down her pussy juices, finding them to be quite sweet indeed.

As such, when they're both finished and Jasmine has swung around to look down at him and push back against his cock, hot-dogging it between her beautiful ass cheeks, Ahil grins up at her, licking the last stray fluids from his face.

"Quite the exquisite taste, darling~"

Jasmine blushes, but grins right back at her husband, in a carefree manner that completely ignores the fact that he had to ensorcel her himself in order to save her from a life of magical slavery to Jafar. Pushing her ass back into his cock, his new wife moans and mewls needily.

"Mm, you're still hard~"

That he was, and with a nod, Ahil lifts her up by her hips… and promptly impales her upon his cock. Jasmine squeals, as he takes her nice and deep right then and there.

"Go ahead, ride me."

The command is followed instinctively of course, with Jasmine immediately beginning to ride him as ordered. Still, she's enjoying it just as much as he is. Nay… she's enjoying it MORE than he is. Moaning wantonly, face bright red and eyes heavily lidded, the Princess of Agrabah runs one hand through her hair and gropes at a tit with the other, even as she undulates her abdomen and gyrates her hips, riding him in a way similar to the belly dancing she'd been doing just before.

"Fuck, Jasmine… you're so sexy…"

"A-And you're so BIG! Your cock, it's just too damn much! Nngh, don't stop! Please, husband! Please never stop fucking me!"

"… That much, I can promise dear wife."

Ahil grunts as Jasmine cums HARD a moment later. From the way things go, it's like his words alone are what tip her over the edge. She climaxes explosively upon his cock, and after getting himself back under control, he decides to switch things up a bit. Pulling her off of his cock and flipping her over, the Prince soon has his new bride on her hands and knees.

Pulling on her braid, he slams into her from behind before she has a chance to protest, pounding away at her cunt with all his might as she squeals like a stuck pig… or a bitch in heat. He is, after all, fucking her like a dog, using her hair like a leash that he yanks back on with all his might as Jasmine arches her spine and positively SCREAMS in ecstasy.

After a little bit of that tugging, Ahil loosens up and leans forward, instead grabbing at her tits and giving them both a good hard groping. He plays with Jasmine's perfectly shaped breasts to his heart's content, all while enjoying her immensely tight, sopping wet cunt. He's going to cum any second, and they both know it.

"Are you ready to be a mother, Princess?"

Before, Jasmine would have balked at the idea. So stuck in her own head, the Princess had been a bundle of insecurities and doubts about her place in the world. Motherhood had sounded like a shackle to her, just as much as marriage did. But… not anymore.

"YES! Yes, knock me up my beloved! Breed me right here in our marital bed! I want to be a mother! I'm ready!"

Her free spirited personality was still intact, but she was also ready to start a family with the love of her life… him. And hearing those words spring forth from her mouth, Ahil can't help but answer her with a heartfelt groan… and an outpouring of his seed, right into her fertile womb. As he fills her to the brim, Jasmine squeals, shakes, and cums her own brains out in response, shuddering beneath him in ecstasy and bliss at finally feeling so filled… and fulfilled as well.

By all rights, they've finished their wedding night duties now. But Ahil… Ahil is still hard. And his Kingdom has another hole that they like to explore on the wedding night, in the marital bed. While its very important to breed your new bride as quickly as possible… it's also downright frowned upon to not claim every single one of your new bride's orifices as well.

Pulling his well-lubricated cock out of Jasmine's creampied pussy, the Prince grins as he spreads his new bride's ass cheeks nice and wide and begins to nudge the tip of his dick against her untouched sphincter, slowly getting it nice and wet and prodding at it to loosen it up. Jasmine, for her part, yelps and then stiffens in place.

"H-Husband… w-what are you doing?"

Ah, of course. He hadn't broached this particular subject with the Princess just yet, had he? Honestly, he couldn't be bothered to take the time to explain it to her in detail. Instead, Ahil leans forward as he continues to prod her asshole with his lubed-up cock.

"This is more pleasure than you've ever experienced in your life, darling. So long as you're willing to accept it. Beg, darling. Beg me to fuck you in your ass."

"… Please… please fuck me in my ass! Please, I need it! I need you to fuck me in my ass! I want to experience this pleasure!"

Grinning, Prince Ahil obliges, pushing forward into Jasmine slowly but surely from behind. Inch after inch of his glistening cock, coated in a thick layer of her pussy juices mixed with his seed, slides into her anus. As he penetrates her bowels, Jasmine whines at first, shuddering and wiggling at the feel of his length, stretching out her back passage.

But any discomfort is fleeting, and it's not long before she's panting and mewling, shuddering beneath him as she doesn't just get used to having his cock buried in her ass, but eventually starts to enjoy it.

It's at that point that he changes things up again, wanting to watch his new bride's face as he butt fucks her for the first time. The resulting position has him sitting cross-legged on the bed while Jasmine sits in his lap, her own legs crossed behind his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. She's once more impaled upon his cock anally, but there's no rapid fire thrusting or even harsh bouncing, not in a position like this.

Instead, it's slow and sensual and incredibly intimate, as he kisses her deeply and she kisses him right back. For a long while, there are no words exchanged between them. Neither of them says anything to the other, instead merely basking in one another's presence and the feeling of their bodies being joined together so… deeply.

Until finally, neither of them can take it anymore. Deeply intimate, heinously intense, the sexual act comes to a close with him cumming in her bowels and Jasmine squirting all over his abdomen in the process, shrieking at the top of her lungs as she just cums and cums from her first anal experience.

Falling back off of his cock, his new bride lands face down on the bed, panting and mewling and moaning as she claws at the bed sheets. Her body takes a second to calm down, trembling and twitching all over the place before finally, she relaxes and seems to pass out right there on the spot. As she goes still, Ahil gets a nice front row seat to the beginning of his third load beginning to leak out of the anal creampie he gave her, right alongside the seed from his second load already oozing out of her flexing, 'breathing' pussy.

She looks beautiful, with his cum stuffed in both of her holes and coating her crotch. Very beautiful indeed. Grinning, Ahil moves into position to cuddle Jasmine back against his chest as the big spoon to her little spoon. As she nestles into him, he lets out a contented sigh… and falls asleep.


"Mama, mama!"

The Royal Court has just adjourned for the day, so the young Prince of Agrabah receives nothing but fond smiles as he races around both his guards and the court attendants to reach his father and mother up on the dais. Seated upon the throne is the Sultan of Agrabah, once Prince Ahil of a faraway Sorcerer Kingdom.

On paper, that Kingdom and Agrabah were joined together in harmony. In action, magic was slow to come to Agrabah, but they were making steady progress all the same. With Jafar not only removed from power, but removed from the picture entirely, Ahil had been able to handle the slow transition with grace, allowing magic to trickle into Agrabah and its people's every day lives bit by bit.

At the same time, he was now the Ruler of Agrabah, and a father of two besides. While his and Jasmine's firstborn son makes his presence known by running up to them in court, their second child, a daughter, rests in Jasmine's arms.

The Sultan's wife is currently breastfeeding their daughter, when their son runs up and hugs her leg. Such a thing is not an odd sight to see… after all, Jasmine is a mother, and the young Princess' health is imperative to the future of the Kingdom. Still, with court adjourned and no one but their little family close enough to hear them, Ahil can't help but lean over and whisper in his wife's ear.

"The little tyke is certainly demanding a lot from you today. What if I wanted a taste, huh?"

Jasmine giggles as his hot breath ghosts across her ear along with his word, giving her husband a fond smile.

"Perhaps later tonight, darling~"

Their son, meanwhile, wrinkles his nose in confusion, looking between his parents with a blank face that clearly lacks understanding.

"… Mama and Papa are weird sometimes."

Ahil and Jasmine both laugh at that, even as their hands find one another, their fingers intertwining together. The new Sultan of Agrabah runs his finger along the jeweled rings on his wife's hand and smiles as he brushes across both her wedding band and the small ensorcelling pinky band that's been there since they met.

He did not regret what he had done any more. He'd managed to secure Agrabah's future and keep it from falling into the control of a tyrannical, monstrous despot in the form of Jafar. And for all that he'd had to take Jasmine's haughty attitude away to get it done, he would never regret saving her from a far worse fate… nor the family they'd built together.

Not for one single moment.


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