Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Shipwrecked (Genshin Impact)

Shipwrecked (Genshin Impact)

A/N: Shipwrecked was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Ningguang should have known better than to ever get aboard Beidou's ship, no matter the Captain's reputation...

Themes: Gangbang, Drugged Sex, Rough Sex


It sounds like the start of a bad joke. The Tianquan, the Yuheng, and the General Secretary of the Liyue Qixing all end up on a boat together. Of course, the actual circumstances in which three of the members of Liyue's ruling committee find themselves, are no laughing matter.


Ningguang is a professional businesswoman first and foremost. She is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing as a close second. As the Mistress of Laws, she is known to be quite meticulous in her work. But then, one might wonder how the fuck she'd gotten where she was now… on the boat of Beidou, Captain of the Crux, facing down one of Inazuma's infamous storms without a full crew.

Indeed, it was just the four of them. Her, Beidou, Keqing, and Ganyu. As Ningguang calls out to Beidou with a snarl, the winds buffet her and her compatriots. They're holding onto the ship's mast for dear life… while Beidou, crazy bitch that she is, stands unafraid with her hands on her hips, laughing uproariously.

"Come, Ningguang! Don't tell me the great Tianquan is scared! Bahahaha, its just a little water!"

Gritting her teeth, the tall red-eyed businesswoman shakes her head. She and Beidou have always had an… adversarial relationship. But this is going too damn far! She wasn't going to just settle for slapping a fine on the Fleet Captain! Not this time! No, she'd be sure to censure her most strongly! As strongly as the Mistress of Laws for the entirety of Liyue possibly could! On her name as Tianquan, she would-!


From behind Ningguang, intruding upon her thoughts of vengeance, comes the altogether shrill voice of Keqing. The Yuheng, otherwise known as the Mistress of Land, Construction, and Real Estate on Liyue's governing committee, sounds altogether panicked as she points past Ningguang to the front of the ship. Looking in the direction the other woman is pointing, Ningguang's eyes widen, and she curses.


Whipping her head around as well, the one-eyed Captain blinks at the sight of a truly massive wave cresting over the ship. Bigger than their boat by several spans, they all only have a moment to react. In Beidou's case, this reaction comes in the form of a paling, as she falters for the first time since their journey began.

"Oh. Oops?"

And then the wave hits, and they all know no more.


Whap! Whap! Whap!

When Ningguang first begins to wake up, she doesn't quite register what the sounds she's hearing actually are, at first. All she feels is pain, everywhere. Her whole body is a damn bruise. She's unused to such discomfort. As the wealthiest woman in all of Teyvat… she's not necessarily pampered or soft, because she refuses to allow herself to be, but she's also not one for undue physical labor… or indeed, any form of physical hardship.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Slowly, it begins to come back to her as she lays there in the sand. The circumstances under which she finds herself barely capable of movement thanks to the pain… they return to her in the form of memories leading up to that massive wave. Damn that Beidou. Damn her and-!

"Waaaaah! It hurts!"

Ningguang jolts, which only causes her further pain. Turning her head just an inch, the Tianquan finds that she's ended up laid out right beside the infamous rule-breaking Captain, purely by chance. Beidou doesn't look any better than she does, to be fair. The eye-patch wearing woman even crying about it, whimpering and acting like a spoilt child instead of the fearsome warrior Ningguang begrudgingly knows her to be.

"Be SILENT! This is all your fault, Beidou! Damn you, we should never have been out there in the first place!"

Beidou just sniffles, and before the other woman can respond, two shadows fall over their bodies. While the reprieve from the sun beating down on their faces is welcome, Ningguang is nevertheless confused. Wait… have they already been rescued?

Except… no. As she focuses her bleary vision on the faces of those standing over her, Ningguang stiffens in shock and dismay. Because even though they have no distinct uniform, the Nobushi, aka the vagrants and ronin of Inazuma, are altogether easy enough to pick out. With their bared arms and chests and their tattoos, along with their wicked grins… it's obvious what their intentions are.

Squelch! Squelch! Squelch!"

Finally, Ningguang manages to turn her head to the other side enough to see what's making all those damn noises. What she finally witnesses makes her heart sink into her stomach. Laid out a few paces away in the sand… are Ganyu and Keqing. Still unconscious, the two women have clearly taken just as much of a beating as her and Beidou, if not more so. But the Nobushi who have found them care not for that.

Stripped naked, their legs forced apart or pushed up into the air, both of the women are currently being fucked while unconscious. The sounds Ningguang hadn't quite been able to distinguish until now were the sounds of thick, fat bandit cocks being drilled deep into the cores of two of the most beautiful, most sought after women in all of Liyue.

It's a horrifying sight, to say the least, but as a pair of powerful, rough hands grab her ankles and begin to pull her across the sound along with Beidou… Ningguang quickly realizes that she's not going to have long to worry about Keqing and Ganyu. She has to worry about herself, first.



"Y-You all, do you not know who I am?! Keep your hands off of me! I won't-!"



Her clothes torn from her body, the beautiful white-haired businesswoman can only gasp as she's backhanded across the face and sent sprawling to the floor, her tits grinding uncomfortably into the wood of the shack she's been pulled into. She barely has a moment to recover, before that same hand grabs her by the hair and yanks her to her knees.

Without the strength to rise up on her own two feet, Ningguang is forced to dangle there, even as the Nobushi in front of her slaps his cock against her cheeks a few times and gives her a leering sneer in response.

"'Course we know who you are, bitch. Biggest fucking catch of the decade, that's what you are. Now suck, if you know what's good for you. Like your friend is doing."

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Ugh, don't remind her. Ningguang's eyes flicker over to the side as best she can, and her nose wrinkles in disgust at what Beidou is up to. The two of them had been dragged in here together, but their reactions to what was happening couldn't possibly be different. Ningguang had resisted at every turn, of course! But Beidou… Beidou had proven all too willing to submit, much to the Tianquan's utter shock.

Even now, the one-eyed Captain is bobbing up and down on the cock put in front of her by one of the other Nobushi. Sucking it almost dutifully, like she was made for it. The great Captain of the Crux… what a joke!

Still, there was no denying the situation was dire. As such, Ningguang looks back to the Nobushi before her and tries a different tact, even as he continues to rub his cock in her face.

"I am quite wealthy. If you see me and my comrades to safety, I can ensure that you are-mmph!"

Cut off mid-word, Ningguang can only look down incredulously at the cock shoved into her mouth. Seriously?!

"Bahaha! I don't give a shit who you were before, bitch. You're my fuck toy now! Now get to sucking, and if you don't want me to knock out all your teeth with a mallet, you won't let me feel a single graze!"

Immediately after his warning, the bandit yanks her down his length by the hair, and Ningguang is forced to scramble to keep her teeth from touching his shaft, even as he begins to face fuck her right then and there.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

She glares up at him imperiously all the while, as it's really the only thing she CAN do in these circumstances. Ganyu and Keqing are down for the count and facing their own problems outside. Beidou, meanwhile, has betrayed her honor and pride and already given into this scum. She's on her own, and with her body still unresponsive and a giant bruise of pain, there's nothing she can do but try to endure for now.

Doesn't mean she likes it, however. Doesn't mean she's enjoying this one damn bit…

"Ah! Please, Master! Please fuck this lowly cunt's face some more! It's so good!"

Beidou's voice reaches Ningguang's ear from a few paces away as she comes off of the cock she's sucking with a gasp. Ningguang can't help wrinkling her nose again. Though, at the same time, her ear twitches a little bit at the… tone Beidou is taking right now. The way the Captain is talking sounds sickeningly sweet. To someone who didn't know the Fleet Captain, they might buy it, but for Ningguang, who knew Beidou quite well… it was plainly obvious she was putting on a show.

"Heh, that's right bitch. Beg for it. Mm, gonna cum soon… sort of want to plaster what's under that eye-patch of yours…"

The Nobushi that Beidou is dealing with is some serious scum. Even Ningguang feels offended for the other woman on her behalf. But Beidou barely even hesitates.

"… If that is what Master wishes!"

"Yeah, damn right it's what I wish!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Ningguang watches as Beidou's eyepatch is lifted and the man begins to thrust up under it. He doesn't get very far, it's not like Beidou's eye socket is empty or anything like that, but he also doesn't seem to care. After a few beats, he lets out a groan and cums right into the divot of her closed, useless eye, coating only that portion of her unprotected face with his seed.

Ningguang thinks she just might see a grimace on Beidou's face as he does so, but before she can say for certain, her attention is forced back around to the cock in HER mouth and the bandit its attached to.

"Oi! Fucking cunt, focus on the damn dick in front of you, you worthless slut!"

With a snarl, he forces himself down her throat at an even faster past, so hard and so fast that Ningguang can't even fully muster up the same defiant glare she had on earlier as he does so. Jarring her with his thrusts, making her exposed tits bounce all over the place, he doesn't let up for even a second. Until finally…


His seed explodes down the Tianquan's throat. One of the most powerful women in all of Liyue, forced to choke on the seed of some lowly ronin. It's a humiliation multiple steps too far. Especially when he forces her further down his shaft, keeping his member locked in her throat and causing the seed to back up and explode out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth as a result.

When he finally pulls back, Ningguang barely has a chance to breathe before she's thrown onto her hands and knees and grabbed from behind.

"My turn with this bitch! You've had your fun!"

"Bah! Fine!"

"N-No… damn you…"

But Ningguang's protests fall on deaf ears as the next Nobushi slams into her from behind without so much as a 'by your leave'. His cock, of a different shape than the first's, is nevertheless still quite sizable. She certainly can't ignore the way it's gouging out her completely dry cunt, causing her no small amount of pain as he rapes her right there on the floor of the dirty shack.


"You've been a good girl! Here, as a treat!"

Glancing over at Beidou, Ningguang half expects the 'treat' to be another humiliation. But in the end, it's only half of one. A Nobushi steps up and grabs Beidou by her chin, tilting her head back and pouring what looks like half a bottle of some strange substance down the other woman's throat. Her neck convulses as she swallows it readily, and a moment later her face flushes and she begins to pant. But at the same time… she squirms, and it's immediately obvious to Ningguang that some of the considerable pain Beidou had to be in has suddenly gone away.

"Ooooh yeah baby… that's the stuff! Thanks, Master~"

The bandits surrounding them just laugh at that, while one of them gets into position behind the Captain of the Crux and grabs her by her hips, slamming into HER from behind as well. But unlike Ningguang, who is definitely not enjoying herself, Beidou clearly is… or at least, is managing to make it seem like she is, moaning up a storm and pushing her hips back into the cock of the Nobushi fucking her.

In comparison, Ningguang just grunts as she's fucked from behind. The Nobushi currently taking such liberties with her is forcing enough friction to prompt SOME lubrication down in her sex, but not nearly enough to take away from the discomfort and pain she's currently experiencing. These damn bastards… she'd kill them all, if she got the chance.

Yanking her head back with one hand in her hair, the bandit's other hand wraps around and gropes at one of her tits. Ningguang snarls at this, the businesswoman weakly batting at the roughly grasping hand with one of her own, though to no effect.

"N-No… g-get off me…"

"Stupid bitch. You think you can make orders to us? Your cunt is ours now, you stupid slut. Stop fighting it and things will go easier for you."

Never! Ningguang tries to growl in outrage, but it comes out more like a whimper, which only prompts more jeering laughter from the men around them. Until suddenly…

"Oi, let's bring the two bitches together. Maybe this one can rub off on that one, yeah?"

Before Ningguang has a chance to protest this, the man currently raping her laughs.

"Not a bad idea!"

With a thrust forward, he begins to force her across the floor of the shack, her knees scraping painfully on the wood as she's jarred forward with every thrust. Meanwhile, Beidou's own journey is significantly nicer. She too is forced to waddle forward, but with the Fleet Captain being more obedient, the man fucking her lets her set the pace instead of forcing her to move faster than she possibly could.


The end result is the same though. Their bodies smack together, their tits squishing against one another, and their faces left inches apart as Beidou reaches up and gropes Ningguang right there on the spot, while the Tianquan is forced to reach up and grab ahold of Beidou for dear life at the same time.

"D-Damn you, Beidou… this is all your fault!"

Beidou… giggles. She giggles like a drunk and even with cum slowly leaking out from under her eyepatch as it dries, she somehow plasters a broad smile across her face.

"Stop fighting it, silly! This is our new life now! As our Masters' slaves!"

Ningguang tries to reel back in disgust, but she's stuck between the cock ramming into her from behind and Beidou's paradoxically hard and soft body, her feminine assets squishing into Ningguang's own, but her muscled frame also rubbing up against Ningguang's abdomen. Before she can stop the other woman, Beidou abruptly leans forward and drags Ningguang into a kiss, something that has the white-haired woman's eyes go wide as she screams into Beidou's lips in protest.

Unfortunately, opening her mouth to scream at the other woman proves to be exactly what Beidou is waiting for. Forcing her tongue into Ningguang's mouth and practically down the back of her throat, the Fleet Captain forces the kiss for several long seconds. In that time, something… syrupy touches upon Ningguang's tongue.

It takes her a moment to realize what's happening… that small bottle that Beidou was given earlier… it was medicine. And the Captain had actually saved some for Ningguang, which she was sharing with the other woman now. Some of the aches and pains from the shipwreck they were both in begin to fade away, and her body no longer feels quite like one huge, aching bruise.

The relief from the agony she's been in since she woke up is intense. So intense, in fact, that Ningguang can't quite help herself. It's a completely involuntary, completely biological in nature… but she finds herself climaxing upon the cock of the Nobushi currently fucking her. Her scream into Beidou's lips turns into a muffled squeal as she bucks and shakes and shudders in between them.


"Bahaha, look at that! It's already working!"

There's more jeering laughter from all around them, and Ningguang… Ningguang has never been more humiliated. Her pride has never taken such a massive hit to it before today. She feels deeply ashamed, and goes quiet, almost… submissive as Beidou finally pulls her tongue back. Their lips remain barely touching, as the Captain speaks to her so quietly that only Ningguang can hear.

"… you need to stop fighting it, Ningguang. Let them think you've given in. Let them think you'll submit."

Ningguang's eyes flicker to meet Beidou's as she receives confirmation of what she already had come to suspect. Beidou was faking it. She wasn't the type to give in so easily, to surrender her pride as a woman and a Captain so swiftly… but they didn't know that. By giving in, she'd made things easier on herself. Still, surely she didn't think Ningguang could do the same? In fact, just hearing Beidou say such things is making her blood boil all over again, her pride once more asserting itself.

"If you don't… they'll kill all of us."

Those words, however, stop Ningguang's thoughts dead in their tracks. Beidou continues to feign kissing her, so that she can continue to murmur for Ningguang's ears only. The two of them are still being fucked from behind, but by different Nobushi at this point. It's a testament to how out of it the Tianquan is that she didn't even notice getting creampied. They'd desecrated her, cumming inside of her without any consideration for her wants or desires, and she hadn't even noticed.

As two more men rape her and Beidou relentlessly, Beidou explains.

"Men like these are little more than beasts. Give them what they want, and they can be tamed. Keep fighting… and you become little more than meat in their eyes."

For the first time, Ningguang looks around as best she can at their attackers. She really looks, at both the dark, evil expressions on their faces, as well as the weapons at their sides. Each and every bandit is armed, of course… but only now does Ningguang consider what that could mean for her and Beidou. They could kill the two of them at any time.

In fact… they were incentivized to do so. If they had even an inkling of who Ningguang, Beidou, Keqing, and Ganyu all were, then they would not keep them around. They would kill them off so that their transgressions against the Liyue Qixing were never discovered by the rest of the members of the committee.

A shiver of real fear runs down Ningguang's spine, and for the first time since she awoke… the businesswoman reluctantly begins to push back against the cock thrusting into her from behind. She even returns Beidou's kiss to let the other woman know that she understands. For a moment, Beidou's one visible eye widens in surprise at Ningguang's seeming submission. Then, it grows lidded, and she kisses her back.

It's a tender kiss that the two of them share for what feels like an eternity, but in truth can only be a few moments. Then, their heads are savagely pulled back by their hair, the two beauties gasping at the unexpected rough treatment.

"Look at the two little lovebirds, bahaha! Looks like they finally understand their new place in life at our feet! Let's give them both a treat, yeah?"

Out comes the bottle of medicine, again. Seeing Beidou loll out her tongue, Ningguang does the same. The medicine, of course, is not administered directly to them. Instead, the rest of the bottle is poured all over both of their upturned faces. As much of the sticky, syrupy substance ends up on their cheeks and sliding down off of their chins as it ends up in their mouths.

But then, that's probably a good thing. The medicine does a wonderful job of relieving the pain, Ningguang absently notes as she swallows down what lands on her tongue. However, it also does TOO good of a job of making her relaxed and altogether pleasantly warm. The medicine… she wonders exactly what is in it. Nothing legal, Ningguang is sure.

A haze is falling over her thoughts now, and judging by the flushed look on Beidou's face, she's feeling the same way. The two of them are abruptly pulled apart, each suddenly expected to handle multiple Nobushi on their own… but neither woman cares all that much. As cocks are slapped into Ningguang's palms and pressed into her lips, she gives in… or at least, pretends to.

Beidou is right. If they don't make it seem like they've surrendered utterly, then their lives will undoubtedly be forfeit before much longer. By… giving in and surrendering to the rapacious whims of these bandits, they prolong their suffering, but also their lives. And maybe, just maybe, they can manage an escape if they last long enough. Or perhaps a rescue will come for them.

In the end, all Ningguang can do is set aside her pride and honor as Liyue's Tianquan and submit utterly to these lowlife bandits as they fuck her every orifice. And she does mean every orifice. After the medicine loosens her up considerably, she's eventually pushed down and spread wide open. Even her ass isn't safe before these bastards and miscreants, and thus does Ningguang experience her first anal plowing by a bunch of monstrous Nobushi in some beachside shack in the middle of nowhere.

It doesn't hurt as much as she expects it too. In fact, to her eternal shame and mortification… it honestly feels quite good.

Eventually, Keqing and Ganyu are brought in as well. Judging by their reddened faces and lazy, drifting eyes, their rapists took a different tact with them. Fucking them while they were still unconscious, and then likely administering large doses of their 'medicine' while they were still incredibly out of it as well.

Neither of the two women look like they're doing all that well, but at least they're not fighting back. For now, all four of them have to be on the same page. They have to submit, if they want to have any hope of surviving this encounter and regaining enough of their strength to break free.

… When that time will be, Ningguang does not know. The businesswoman can only cry out in an ugly manner as she's fucked in her ass and cunt at the same time, the double penetration actually more pleasurable than she expected and bringing her to the latest in an increasing string of explosive orgasms.

As she comes down from that pleasure high, Ningguang does feel a new worry beginning to nestle into her heart. Looking around the shack as best as she possibly can while surrounded by Nobushi cocks, Ningguang stares at the expressions of ecstasy spreading across her friend's faces, ecstasy she knows is likely mirrored on her own face. And she's forced to wonder…

… Where does the deception end, and reality begin?


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