Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Sexual Education (The Magic School Bus)

Sexual Education (The Magic School Bus)

A/N: Sexual Education was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2022. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy!

Themes: Strange Sex, Rough Sex, Breeding


Daniel should have listened to everyone who'd warned him not to TA for Ms. Frizzle. He really should have. But ultimately, he'd blown them all off. His friends, even some of his teachers had cautioned him against taking the TA position under Ms. Frizzle. He hadn't listened to any of them because… well…

Look, it was his Senior Year of High School and all he wanted to do was relax. He was fine, a brilliant young man with a 4.0 GPA and great prospects looking forward into the future. He wasn't slacking off on his grades, he wasn't blowing off assignments or tests. He was still working as hard as ever. But there was an expectation that he work even harder than ever… and get some experience under his belt as a Teacher's Assistant.

Of all of the teachers at the school, only one had very, very lax requirements for their TA. Probably because she'd had the TA opening for years now and it'd never been filled until this point.

Ms. Valerie Frizzle, also known as Professor Valerie Frizzle, PhD, was the wildest, wackiest woman in the whole school. She honestly should have been teaching at college level, and probably would have had tenure by this point, but instead… well, instead she was here. Teaching the same class she'd been teaching since Elementary School.

… No one was brave enough to tell her she couldn't he supposed. Daniel was beginning to suspect that no one had dared to tell Valerie Frizzle no in a very long time.

"Ms. Frizzle, what are you wearing?!"

Case in point… the woman's dress code was all over the place. She almost always HAD a dress on, but it was usually some crazy clue to what wacky, zany adventure she and her class would be going on that day. Today… well, if today was a clue, Daniel didn't know what it meant. He wasn't sure he WANTED to know what it means.

"Wonderful question, Carlos!"

Beaming at her class, Ms. Frizzle reaches down and snaps the straps of her bikini top. Because… that's all she's wearing. A two piece bikini that leaves positively NOTHING to the imagination. Until today, Daniel, despite being a young adult in his own right even if it was his Senior Year, hadn't had a sexual thought in his head about Ms. Frizzle. She always dressed so conservatively, after all, and her mind tended to distract from her body.

Judging by the wide-eyed, red-faced looks on all of her students' faces, they agree with him. None of them saw Ms. Frizzle as a sexual entity before now… but now? Well, her breasts are straining against her bikini top, and her posterior is barely held in by her bikini bottoms. The arm-length gloves covered in moons and the thigh-high stockings clad in stars are cute, but don't actually really cover anything up. Likewise, her planetary earrings are totally in theme for her, but she's still… well, she's still very dressed down.

Clapping her hands in front of her, Ms. Frizzle beams at the class, even as Daniel watches from the side, half-aghast, half-aroused at the way her breasts bounce and jiggle entirely inappropriately from the clap.

"We've all been exploring the wonderful world of science and discovery for a long time now, haven't we children? In fact, we've been doing it for so long that none of you are really children anymore!"

Daniel blinks at that, even as the students look around, blushing for another reason now. Ms. Frizzle never really brought up the fact that she had had the same class of kids since they were elementary school age. Time moved on, but no one knew what was going to happen when her class graduated. There was even a betting pool going on. Some were convinced she was going to roll back time itself and just start over. Others were a bit more realistic and assumed she would just start over with a new class of children.

Privately, having seen how codependent they all were, Daniel suspected that Ms. Frizzle would either find a way to join them all in college… or make a whole new college herself and enroll them all in it by the end of the year. But… that was neither here nor there.

"As your teacher, it is my duty to guide you all through the joys of Sexual Education! I wanted to do this a few years ago, but alas… it's taken me quite a long time to find the appropriate partner for a physical demonstration! And as you all know, I'm not fond of any lecture that doesn't also incorporate a physical demonstration!"

Wait, what? Daniel furrows his brow at that, not quite getting it at first. Then, he realizes the eyes of the entire class have swiveled to him. Sitting off to the side, the TA is normally unobtrusive unless one of Ms. Frizzle's students needs help with their work or something. Usually, his presence goes entirely unnoticed.

… But not anymore. His mouth opens and then closes as he stares back at everyone who is staring at him, baffled. Then he realizes Ms. Frizzle is ALSO staring at him, with a wide, WIDE smile.

"Alright class! It's time for a special field trip to learn about the reproductive system! You know what that means, everyone!"

… No way. Daniel bluescreens for a moment, as Ms. Frizzle gets everyone onto the bus in the personal garage kept adjacent to her classroom (another oddity allowed by the high school because of just how afraid of the woman they all were). As such, he doesn't really register what's happening until Ms. Frizzle steps back into the empty classroom, still wearing her bikini as she walks over to him with her open palm held out.

It LOOKS empty, but looks can be deceiving, as Ms. Frizzle's words confirm when she calls out to someone other than him.

"Alright, Liz! You're in charge, because this time I'm part of the demonstration. The bus is already shrunk down, so you know what to do!"

Daniel just gapes. He's well aware of who Liz is… Ms. Frizzle's crazy lizard. And yes, he fully believes that the lizard is capable of driving her bus… he's seen how intelligent the thing is since becoming Ms. Frizzle's TA.

Too small for the human eye, the Magic School Bus that Ms. Frizzle and her class employs on all of their zany adventures zips off of Ms. Frizzle's palm, something Daniel only knows because she closes her hand a moment later, letting it drift to her side. Then, she gives him a broad smile and drops to her knees before him, reaching for his pants.


Eyes twinkling, Ms. Frizzle looks up at Daniel as she extracts his member from his jeans.

"Thank you very much for agreeing to be my TA this year, Daniel. I must confess, I was starting to grow worried. The students weren't getting any younger, and I knew I needed a dance partner for this demonstration. Not to worry… I'll make sure you enjoy every bit!"

Daniel's mouth opens and closes. That's really not what he's worried about, because despite himself, he already is enjoying every bit. At the same time though…

"Alright, students. Let me tell you all about human reproduction. You should all have made it to Daniel's testicles by this point. Well, that's where it all starts."

Oh god. Daniel half-tunes out Ms. Frizzle's lecture on testicles and sperm and the purpose of both as he realizes… the Magical School Bus is inside of him. Too small to be of concern, but at the same time… having a very tiny bus full of tiny students inside of him would ALWAYS be concerning, no matter what.

At the same time however, Ms. Frizzle's hands are sliding up and down his cock, getting him rock hard as she pleasures him with them. The whole while that she's lecturing her class, no doubt via a video screen and speaker within the Magic School Bus itself, Ms. Frizzle is… is jerking him off. It feels good, that part is undeniable. It also feels fucking surreal.

See, Daniel hadn't gone on most of Ms. Frizzle and her classes' field trips. They were sort of their thing, and he was the outsider, the TA. Usually, Ms. Frizzle left him behind with papers to grade, or some other task to complete, or even sometimes left him to his own devices entirely, with free time on his hands.

Now though… now he was PART of the field trip. He was part of the demonstration, even. And as Ms. Frizzle suddenly pops up from her kneeling position, Daniel knows… they're far from done.

"… Alright class, as you can now see, Daniel is very much ready to go! Always remember, your partner should be primed and ready before you start any reproduction session!"

Daniel blinks, opening his mouth to say something… but whatever it was he might have said is lost when Ms. Frizzle abruptly and very decisively removes her bikini, pulling her top and bottoms off without hesitation. Leaving herself in just her space-themed gloves and stockings, the admittedly gorgeous red head hops up onto her desk with a wide smile still on her face, spreading her legs for him and looking at Daniel expectantly.

"Now Daniel will take his member and insert it into my vagina. It really is that simple, students… Tab A into Slot A!"

Almost mesmerized, Daniel takes a step forward, and then another step. And finally, his hands land upon Ms. Frizzle's thighs, gripping them tightly as he looks down to see his cock nudging against her slit. She's wet… not sopping, but definitely aroused. But then, Daniel wouldn't put it past her to be able to get herself wet on demand. He wouldn't put it past her to always be moist, ready to go.

… Where were thoughts like that even coming from?! No, more than that… was this really okay?

"… Professor, is this really okay?"

Valerie Frizzle gives him something of a pitying look, before chuckling throatily.

"Of course, Daniel. That said, it's perfectly alright to have doubts or second thoughts, class. Daniel, if you don't want to do this, just say so and we'll stop. Consent is VERY important, especially when it comes to sexual reproduction."

It hits him then, what she keeps saying. This isn't just Sexual Education. This is a physical demonstration of REPRODUCTION. She's asking him to… to knock her up. For a long moment, Daniel doesn't know what to say. But the more he thinks about it… the harder it is to say no. He can't help himself.

"… I'm good."

The red head's responding smile is positively brilliant, bright and gleaming as she giggles surprisingly girlishly at him.

"Hear that class? Daniel sure is a trooper! He might be a late addition to our little family, but that doesn't mean he's any less a member! Now… what do we always say, students?"

There's a pause, and then rather humorously, Ms. Frizzle chants right alongside the rest of her class, who Daniel can't hear but has no doubt are chanting with her too.

"Take chances, make mistakes, and GET MESSY!"

Propelled forward by some unseen force, Daniel thrusts into Ms. Frizzle at long last, his cock splitting open her pussy lips and sinking into her depths right there on the spot. It feels… heavenly. Positively amazing, even. She's so wet, but also so tight… if he didn't know any better, he'd say it's been a long, LONG time for the beautiful older woman.

To be fair, DID he know better? When was the last time Ms. Frizzle of all people bothered with sex? She was such a cerebral person… he could easily see her going on a dry spell that lasted decades, for all that she clearly wasn't a virgin.

"Now that Daniel is inside of me, class, you should all be seeing-!"

Blinking, Daniel flushes and has to tune Ms. Frizzle's voice out again. She's continuing her lecture for the students, continuing to explain to them how reproduction works and what's happening as he fucks her. But it's all just so clinical. And more than that, Daniel still can't quite wrap his head around the fact that the Magic School Bus and an entire class of students is… well, floating in his testicles apparently, all under the command of a scarily smart lizard named Liz.

Better to focus on how he's railing Ms. Frizzle on her desk like there's no tomorrow. If you'd told Daniel he would be doing this even a day ago, he would have laughed in your face… and then probably got a disturbed look on HIS. Seriously, there was nothing remotely sexual about the Professor… until she'd walked into class today dressed like she had.

Now though, Daniel could safely admit that Ms. Frizzle was as arousing as she was scary. Scaroused was a good word for what he was feeling, even as he found himself jackhammering in and out of Ms. Frizzle's cunt at top speeds. Still, her bouncing, jiggling breasts are too damn tantalizing for him to ignore forever, so in spite of his fear for the crazy woman, he reaches out and grabs one of them.

When that doesn't immediately result in any sort of rebuke, he goes ahead and grabs the other one too, groping them both for good measure as he fucks Ms. Frizzle as hard as he possibly can. His cock pistons in and out of her cunt, making squelching noises that are in turn drowned out by her lecturing voice.

While she does sound a little breathless, she's able to contain most of her moans, making Daniel feel like he's not doing quite enough… but no matter how hard he fucks her, it seems that it's impossible. Ms. Frizzle is just too cerebral of a woman to be taken off guard by physical pleasure. She's in the zone, so to speak… something Daniel has only seen a couple of times but heard about plenty of others.

When Ms. Frizzle and her class are on a field trip, it doesn't matter what craziness happens. Valerie Frizzle always stays as cool as a cucumber, no matter the circumstances. He probably shouldn't be too beat up about the fact that he's not getting more of a reaction from her. She's doing what she does best… teaching her kids.

"Alright class! G-Get ready! Daniel is going to ejaculate soon, and when he does, you're all going to travel with his sperm into my womb, where you'll see the fertilization of my ovum first hand!"

Daniel blinks, having not been aware himself that he was getting close until Ms. Frizzle said it. And what she just described… he would probably have shriveled up and gone soft in that moment, save for one thing. Ms. Frizzle cums. She spontaneously orgasms, something he'll realize later in hindsight was her cumming on command. In the moment though, after he worked so hard for so long to rail her silly and get a reaction from her, the climax takes him completely by surprise… in a good way.

Her pussy walls flex and rhythmically massage his cock as they clench down tightly, and her juices gush, giving him an ample amount of lubrication that sends him sliding deeper into her. With a loud grunt, Daniel begins to cum as well, Ms. Frizzle's pussy managing to milk him right then and there. He focuses on how good her breasts feel in his hands, and how good her cunt feels wrapped around his cock, rather than the fact that the Magic School Bus and her entire class are apparently riding the sperm he's depositing in her womb.

At least they're no longer inside of him, but even if he can't feel it, it's still weird to have just ejaculated a whole bus worth of students into Ms. Frizzle's womb. Not just that though, he's also cumming buckets. It's gotta be the best orgasm of his life, even with all of the baggage attached. His balls clench and eventually empty, and he pants as he pulls back after a moment, needing to rest on the front row of student desks.

Ms. Frizzle, meanwhile, recovers in record time, staring down at her abdomen with a smile.

"There it is class. Yes Dorothy, it IS amazing, isn't it?"

Daniel flushes as he realizes that Ms. Frizzle's class is currently watching his sperm impregnate her eggs. Oh god, he's just knocked up Ms. Frizzle. He's… he's going to be a father.

As the young TA struggles to adjust to that realization, post-nut clarity slowly settling in, Ms. Frizzle nods her head at seemingly no one.

"Very good! Liz, you can bring them all out now, there you go!"

Daniel's eyes widen, and he quickly pushes off of the student's desk he was leaning on, in order to race around to the back of Ms. Frizzle's desk and hide his… well, nakedness. Not a moment too soon either, because the Magic School Bus is back in the garage and the students are piling back into the classroom a moment later.

None of them can meet Daniel's eye, but then, most of them aren't even trying. The girls… well, the young women are all blushing and trying not to look at his dick, while the guys are trying not to stare at Ms. Frizzle's naked, cum-filled body. Everyone is certainly in quite the state at this point, though their exact emotions aren't something Daniel can truly decipher.

The only one he knows for sure is quite pleased with herself… is Ms. Frizzle, given the way she reaches back with one gloved hand and grasps his cock, giving it a tug.

"That concludes today's lesson on Sexual Reproduction, students. Class is dismissed, and I'll see you all tomorrow for another lesson… and another adventure!"

Daniel blinks as she winks up at him, leaving him wondering what the hell is going through her head. Ms. Frizzle is a woman with her Intelligence Stat at maximum… but her Sanity Stat at zero.

Still, as her class files out of the room, she lolls her head back and begins to suck him off, cleaning his cock with her mouth and tongue from an upside down position. Gasping, Daniel leans forward, planting his hands on her tits again for support.

… Maybe he didn't mind if Ms. Frizzle was crazy. Maybe he didn't mind being adopted into this crazy, wild family that she and her students had going…


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