Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Weakness Of Goddesses (Family Guy/Konosuba/Danmachi)

The Weakness Of Goddesses (Family Guy/Konosuba/Danmachi)

A/N: The Weakness of Goddesses was a commission written in September of 2022 under the title A Goddess' Weakness. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy.

Summary: Aqua has Hestia over for a visit before her journey down to the mortal world in her universe. They're just chit-chatting, so what could go wrong? Enter Peter Griffin.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Threesome, Master/Slave


"You really do have a lovely place here, Aqua!"

"Mm, but of course Hestia~ this is my domain, after all. Everything here is exactly as I see it!"

A meeting between Goddesses would have probably seemed rare to any mere mortal, but in truth, they weren't as rare as you might think. These Goddesses in particular however, didn't often see each other. Their universes were at quite the remove from one another after all, and so it would be more proper to say they were acquaintances, rather than friends.

One of them was Aqua. With matching light blue hair and eyes, sporting a slender figure with a sizable chest, wide hips, and long legs tastefully curated so that you could only see her thighs between her short skirt and leggings, Aqua was a peerless beauty.

She was also Goddess of Water, as well as a guide for humans who had died and needed to be sent on to their respective afterlives. Worshipped by a human organization in one of the major worlds she oversaw called the Axis Order, Aqua was… to put it simply, quite full of herself. Cheerful and carefree, she rarely thought of anybody but herself, and didn't tend to care about anyone's needs but her own.

To put it bluntly, she was a no good, terrible, useless Goddess by all metrics and estimations.

On the other hand, you had Hestia. Another beautiful Goddess, with a youthful look to her. Raven-black hair tied into twin-tails, blue eyes a shade darker than Aqua's, and a petite but also stacked body with even bigger breasts but decidedly shorter legs and skinnier hips. Her attire, that of a white mini dress, doesn't leave much to the imagination. And yet, she wears it well, and without seemingly any inclination towards sexual antics.

Unlike Aqua, Hestia is a Goddess without a Domain at the moment. In her universe, Gods and Goddesses are organized much like in Aqua's universe. However, there's one key difference. In Hestia's universe, there is a way out. A loophole if you will that allows for a divine being to… skimp out on their duties and go down to the mortal plane to take a break.

Perhaps it wasn't right to call it a loophole. It was a well-defined, entirely legal process. One that Hestia, after thousands of years, had finally been approved for. That was why she didn't have a domain right now. She was sort of in between jobs, to put it in mortal terms. Just going on a little fair well tour and talking with some other Goddesses before she headed down.

A shame, really. Unlike Aqua, Hestia wasn't nearly as useless by most metrics. Terrible, what was about to happen to her.

Smiling softly, Hestia nods her head at Aqua's grandstanding. Aqua, of course, lounges back on her throne, and after a moment, looks at Hestia.

"Honestly, I can't believe you're actually going down to the mortal world. Even if it's another universe's version of a mortal world… you wouldn't catch me dead slumming it with the mortals. They're all so… bleh."

Hestia shakes her head, smile remaining in place.

"Don't you ever get bored, Aqua? Don't you ever get tired of everything being exactly the same, day in and day out?"

"No! Why would I? Everything is exactly how I want it to be, because its my place! And besides, I can always pull fun stuff from the mortal world! That way I can have the good without the bad!"

Nose wrinkling at that response, Hestia just shrugs.

"It sounds nice, but I guess I don't want things to be so… sanitized. Some mortals have a philosophy about that, you know. You can only really appreciate the good if the bad comes along with it. I want to experience everything the mortal world has to offer. Well, my mortal world anyways. Yours sounds a little… iffy."

Aqua scoffs.

"Iffy! Okay sure, there's the Demon Lord and what have you, but at least we don't have a Dungeon! Honestly, why you lot haven't banded together to remove that parasite after all these millennia, I'll never know!"

Whatever Hestia's response would have been, it never comes. It would likely have been quite measured and polite, as well as reserved… but before she can formulate it, something else happens. There's a building sensation in both of their divine senses, and on the far side of the room, a light begins to build. Aqua immediately perks up.

"Oh! Looks like I'm getting another sacrifice!"

Hestia shoots her a look and Aqua blinks, realizing she's got company.

"I-I mean… it would appear another poor soul has ended up in my domain, to be sent on to their eternal rest. Watch and learn Hestia, this is how a TRUE Goddess does it."

The light builds and builds, and Hestia watches on politely… until her brow furrows as she notices something. The human constituting in the center of the bright glow… he looks rather large, doesn't he? An inkling that something is wrong sparks in the back of Hestia's head. But surely not, right? There was no way. The defenses should have kept out such a thing… right?

"Um. Aqua? Is that…"

Aqua, who has straightened up on her throne and is practicing looking imperious, shoots Hestia a confused glance before looking to where the other Goddess is pointing. Belatedly, she sees the same thing Hestia does. Her eyes go wide in horror, as she immediately recognizes it for what it is. Unlike Hestia, who was still in a state of disbelief, Aqua immediately knows for a fact that they're both fucked.

It's all her fault, after all.

For you see, Goddesses are as numerous as universes. To the average mortal, a Goddess might seem like this ineffable, wondrous thing, impossible to understand and incredibly powerful, if not All-powerful. But in truth, while Goddesses did in fact have a lot of power, divine energy coursing through them that made them very, VERY strong… they weren't without weaknesses.

Each and every Goddess had a weakness or two. Some were not as smart as others. Some were weak to addictive substances. Some had a weakness of the heart, being romantics in the biggest sense. All Goddesses had weaknesses… but only ONE weakness was shared between every single Goddess in the whole of Existence. Reality itself had decreed it to be true… each and every Goddess was distinctly vulnerable to one type of man above all others.

The NTR Fat Bastard.

It wasn't just a hentai trope, no sir. In fact, the trope itself could probably trace its own origins back to a Goddess of some sort running afoul of an NTR Fat Bastard long, long ago. Of all the subtypes of mortal men, it was the Fat Bastard that was the most dangerous to your average Goddess. They just couldn't help themselves. They all became giggling, lewd, horny schoolgirls around any Fat Bastard that entered their vicinity.

To be fair, it wasn't as though your average Goddess was unaware of this weakness. They weren't all idiots, and they did in fact have precautions put in place. There were protections built into every Goddess' Domain. And indeed, when a Goddess from Hestia's universe went down to the mortal world, their divinity locked away, the weakness was all but done away with. It was as though it was tied to their power itself. A check on their divine energy, if you will.

But yes, over the eons, Goddesses had banded together and made sure that no Fat Bastard could possibly get to them, save for the most unfortunate and miniscule of circumstances. Normally, any NTR Fat Bastard was kept well away from a Goddess' Domain, because they knew for a fact that a proper Fat Bastard was the biggest threat to their sanity and freedom.

After all, it truly didn't matter how powerful you were. A Goddess was still a woman, and a woman would always be overcome by the need to submit in the presence of a proper NTR Fat Bastard.

All of this was to say… Aqua had turned off the protections to allow Hestia's visit. It should be clarified; she did not have to do so. Indeed, through a few extra steps, maybe fifteen minutes of extra work, she could have allowed Hestia's visit to her Domain while keeping her protections firmly intact.

But as previously stated, Aqua is a useless, worthless, no-good Goddess. In her laziness, she'd taken down the protections to let Hestia stop by for her visit. After all, it was just for a couple hours. What were the chances that anything could possibly happen in that time? Well, as it turned out, the chances… were quite high indeed. And now, in her incompetence, Aqua had doomed them both.

Both Goddesses leap to their feet as the man being summoned into Aqua's unprotected domain fully materializes. Hestia tries to run, Aqua tries to bring back up the protections. They're both too late, however. Instead, they're stopped dead in their tracks a moment later, their eyes caught upon his majestic glory.

Standing before them, with a massive belly covered by a white button shirt, and fat tree-trunk legs clad in green khakis… Peter Griffin plants his fists on his hips and looks around.

"Well jeez louise, what an odd feeling that was! Ehehehehehe!"

In unison, Aqua and Hestia's hearts go tha-thump in their chests. They blush prettily and turn into simpering maidens in the face of the overwhelming masculinity of the Fat Bastard in front of them. They're not Goddesses anymore. No, now they're just meat. Meat for this man to fuck. To use. To abuse. Divine Beings they might be… but their value has become focused solely on how they might best make this wonderful man in front of them happy.

Finally noticing them, Peter Griffin grins cheerily.

"Oh! Howdy there, ladies! What's going on?"

Eager to please, Aqua immediately steps forward, her eyes darting back and forth as she looks up exactly what happened to him.

"Ah, Mr. Griffin, sir… it would appear you d-died. And have come here… to my Domain."

Peter blinks at that, before scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"Well gosh! How'd that happen?"

Again, seeing as she has all the answers, Aqua is the one to explain.

"W-Well, you decided to jump off of a fifty feet diving board over the top of a frozen pool in the middle of January, s-sir. The diving board broke on your first bounce and… you died on impact."

An embarrassing death. Humiliating, even. The kind that would be the result of a bit or a joke, perhaps. Under normal circumstances, if he were a normal human man, Aqua would be laughing in Peter's face. But these aren't normal circumstances… and Peter is anything but a normal human man.

"Oh wow! I guess I didn't look where I was going, ehehehe!"

Despite themselves, both Aqua and Hestia giggle, tittering really as they squirm and wiggle about, waiting for Peter to… well, notice them. It's one thing for him to notice them, but another entirely for him to notice-notice them… as women… as meat. They just want him to treat them like the garbage they are. They want this amazing NTR Fat Bastard to fuck them silly and use them however he wants.

Peter, of course, is a nascent Fat Bastard. Held down by his hag of a wife all his life, the overweight tub of lard has no clue what power he currently has in this situation. Sticking a finger in his ear and wiggling it around a bit, he shrugs.

"Soooo… what happens now?"

Normally, this would be where Aqua would launch into a spiel about the world she presided over, convincing Peter to take a single cheat item and then sending him down to fight the Demon Lord, as she'd done hundreds of times before by this point. But she didn't want to. She didn't want to send him away… neither she nor Hestia wanted him to go anywhere.

The two lust-struck Goddesses exchange a single glance… and in unison, rush forward, wrapping their arms around Peter's arms, pressing their tits into his body.

"W-Whatever you want, sir! This is… your happily ever after. You just say the word, and we'll do what-EVER you want."

"Y-Yes. I'm at your disposal, sir. Whatever you need… just say the word~"

Now, by all accounts… Peter Griffin was an idiot. But that was the living Peter. That was a Peter held back entirely by Lois Griffin's ball and chain routine. The hag he'd married had suppressed all of Peter's better instincts, all of his intellect. He was, effectively, a lobotomized Fat Bastard in life, a family man with three kids and a dog and a nice house in the suburbs.

But that was in life. In death, Peter finds himself in the Domain of a Goddess stupid enough to turn off the protections against his kind. And like all Fat Bastards, he finds himself steadily soaking up the divine energy around him, both from the two Goddesses now hanging off of his arms like a pair of limpets, and from the Domain itself.

An uncharacteristically intelligent and altogether wicked grin spreads across Peter Griffin's face as he looks at both Aqua and Hestia, truly seeing them for the first time. The Goddesses freeze up, not in fear but in pure anticipation. He knows now. He knows they're meat. His meat.

"Well, that sounds like fun. You two are cute, you know that? Cute… but not very sexy~"

Pulling away, Aqua and Hestia look down at themselves, and then at each other. And then, without skipping a beat, they give Peter matching lewd grins.

"We can do sexy, sir."

"Oh yes sir… we can~"

Without missing a beat, the two Goddesses begin to transform. Hestia requires a little help from Aqua, on account of her divinity already being slightly suppressed in preparation for her journey down to the mortal world. But they work together, and in no time at all, they're… much sexier. Mostly, they've amplified their bodies to eleven, and stripped themselves down.

Aqua's dress is completely gone, replaced by a golden sling bikini that covers her pussy lips and her nipples and nothing else. Her breasts, thighs, and ass have all ballooned in size, the Goddess of Water not hesitating to bimbofy herself for Peter Griffin's pleasure.

Hestia is much the same, her dress not entirely gone but definitely no longer able to contain her tits. She's wearing a ruby red bikini top over her own utterly massive milk jugs, with her signature blue ribbon hooked under her nipples as they protrude from the bikini top. Meanwhile, down below she has a heart-shaped, ruby red slip over her cunt, seemingly plastered on, not actually connected to anything but her body.

As soon as the two Goddesses are done transforming themselves for the pleasure of the Fat Bastard in their midst, they drop into matching crouches, their legs bending at the knees and splaying to the sides, and their hands going back behind their heads to properly show off their new lewd bodies, from their jutting tits to their dripping, drooling, barely covered nethers.

Peter soaks this all in… and giggles perversely, more and more of his true nature as an NTR Fat Bastard coming out the longer he's away from Lois and the longer he's soaking up the divine energy all around him.

"Ehehehehe… lookin' good, girls! Lookin' real good!"

Hearts have replaced their pupils by this point, signifying that both Aqua and Hestia are very much past the point of no return. They pant and moan noisily, even as Peter brings his massive hands with their sausage-sized fingers down upon each of their heads. His hands are big enough to splay across their entire skulls, his fingers sliding through their locks as they both moan happily, nuzzling into his palms and touch.

This was what they were made for. This was what all Goddesses were made for. They'd dreaded it, they'd run from it… but in the end, destiny had still arrived, depositing a Fat Bastard on their doorstep to put them in their rightful places.

Unable to hold herself back any longer, Hestia is the first to break properly.

"P-Please Master! Please let me suck your c-cock! I need it! I need your big fat dick in my throat! I want to guzzle your chunky, thick semen!"

Aqua's eyes widen, and not to be out done, she immediately reaches for Peter's pants.

"M-Me too! Me too! I want you to fuck my face, Master! Don't hold back! Use us worthless Goddesses like the trash we are!"

Peter's eyes flash behind his glasses as he looks down at the two overly eager young hussies. Or rather, they look young. In truth, they're so much older than him it's not even funny. Still, he pretends to muse for a moment in true Fat Bastard fashion.

"Mm, I dunno… what's in it for me, huh?"

"E-Everything your heart desires! Everything I am is yours, Master!"

"Take it all! We're your slaves from this moment on!"

Grinning wickedly, Peter snickers.

"… Alright, go ahead!"

Like a pair of ravenous bitches, Aqua and Hestia both lunge forward. Aqua finishes extracting Peter's cock from its confines, his member growing larger by the second. And not just erection-wise, but literally growing larger. As a family man, Peter Griffin's dick had been small, reduced in size by his marriage to Lois and the suppression of his true nature. The poor man had never had a chance.

But now? In a place like this, he was sucking down divine energy by the barrelful, and all of it was going right to his new, massive, Fat Bastard cock.

His dick flops across Aqua's face, and then across Hestia's as well as both stacked, bimbofied Goddesses crowd in. Still crouching there before him, they moan throatily and rub their faces all across his dick, before lolling out their tongues and beginning to slurp and suck away at his massive cock. His belly, meanwhile, looms over them both, and Peter can't actually see them very well as they go to town on his dick.

But that's okay, because he doesn't need to see them to feel how good their mouths feel. Groaning his appreciation, Peter tosses his head back, the man thrusting forward between their lips and tongues as they ultimately take up position on either side of his growing dick.

Eventually, his fat cock stops growing, having become the true epitome of a Fat Bastard's member. Eventually, in the midst of Aqua and Hestia's earnest and enthusiastic worship of his dick, Peter fully comes into his own. An aura of sorts forms around him, a power-up if you will, and he groans before placing his hands back atop both of their heads and taking control.

"You hungry little sluts… you can't get enough of my cock, can ya? Haha!"

With his hands, he forces Aqua to his balls and Hestia onto his cock, using their mouths as his own personal onaholes. Not that either Goddess minds one bit at this point. Aqua gurgles all over his nut sacks, her eyes rolling back in her head in ecstasy and pleasure. Meanwhile, Hestia gags on his dick, having never sucked on such a huge member in her life. In fact, both Goddesses were technically virginal… not that that was stopping either of them.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

It's not long at all before Peter's groans take on a different tone to them. Not long before he's throwing his head back and letting out the loudest groan of them all before cumming. It's the only warning that the two cock-hungry Goddess sluts get, and in the end their inexperience shows even through their enthusiasm. His seed explodes down Hestia's throat, and then comes right back up as she chokes beautifully on it. The Virgin Goddess' eyes roll back in her head.

Meanwhile, down below, Aqua is nearly drowned by the overflow, but that doesn't stop her from keeping her mouth fixed on Peter's balls. For once, the useless no-good Goddess is actually useful and good for something… even if its sucking and slobbering all over a Fat Bastard's nut sack while very nearly drowning in his jizz.

Eventually, Peter stops cumming, but not before he's gushed buckets all over both Hestia and Aqua, the first Goddess having been rocked back on her heels by the explosive finish, resulting in his cock slipping free of her mouth. As such, much of his load ends up on their slutty, bimbofied bodies. Observing this sight, Peter finds it to be quite good indeed… but he's not done yet.

To be fair, neither are Aqua and Hestia. The two Goddesses want nothing more than to continue and in their over-eagerness, they don't even wait for orders. They spin around and bend over, assuming the position of bitches in heat everywhere right then and there. Asses high in the air, faces to the ground, they moan as they reach back and spread their thighs apart, showing off their cunts, still clad in their skimpy coverings as they are.

Peter, now a fully realized Fat Bastard with all that entails, doesn't wait another moment either. His massive hands reach down and grip their skimpy coverings, tearing the patch off of Hestia's cunt and the bikini bottoms off of Aqua's. He exposes their fat, gushing pussy mounds to the open air, before immediately shoving two of his sausage-sized fingers into both of their cunts.

The Virgin Goddesses squeal like the over eager pig sluts they've become, shaking and quivering as they both orgasm on the spot. Snickering to himself some more, Peter jackhammers his fingers in and out of their pussies, really giving it to them until they're positively squirting for him.


Finally though, his cock has grown hard again, and demands satisfaction. Without hesitation, Peter slides into position behind Aqua first. Grabbing her by her hips, he slams into the useless Goddess' cunt without mercy or hesitation, just the way she wants it. She squeals, so very happy to be treated as nothing more than a piece of proper fuck meat by her new Fat Bastard Master.

"Yessss! Harder, Master! P-Please! I need it!"

The loss of her virginity isn't even noticed by either party. She's too wet and Peter is too busy fucking her silly. Laughing at her, the Fat Bastard's massive belly rests on her bimbofied buttocks, even as he thrusts forward, clapping her cheeks with his meaty thighs again and again.


He doesn't even have to spank her. His huge lard ass of a body does that for him, even as the impacts drive Aqua absolutely wild. He's tenderizing her. He's fucking her so hard and so fast she can't see straight! He's-!

Aqua's eyes roll up in her head as she experiences the most explosive orgasm she's had yet. Her whole world goes white, and she gurgles as she spasms and shakes upon Peter's member. When her eyes roll forward again, her heart-shaped pupils have gotten slightly bigger, her love for her Master has grown, and her devotion to him has become total and absolute. She is complete in this moment, with his cock buried inside of her slutty sex. Utterly complete.

Of course, Peter can't last forever. No, more than that… he doesn't want to. He still has another Goddess to fuck, after all. With a victorious roar, the Fat Bastard proceeds to cum inside of Aqua's cunt, filling his lovely blue-haired fuck meat with his seed. As he finishes basting her insides, he pulls out and she slumps down to the ground, prone and splayed out, her limbs going every which way as she twitches there before him.

But Peter barely pays her a second glass. She's not even really worth his time. Hestia on the other hand, is still fresh and ready for action. Reaching around her, his massive belly making it harder but not impossible, Peter molds his huge body to Hestia's frame. The Goddess moans as his hands grab and grope her titties while she rests there on all fours before him.

Meanwhile, his cock finds her cunt and thrusts into it, filling her to the brim with his man meat. In response, the Goddess moans and squeals for him, no longer virginal… no longer planning on going anywhere. The mortal world? Why would Hestia go down to the mortal world, when she had everything she was looking for… right here?

After all, all Hestia truly wanted, deep down inside, was to find love. Maybe she herself didn't even know that. Certainly, she was very convinced of her own little 'experiencing both the good and the bad' spiel. But in truth, Hestia just wanted to make a true connection with a mortal man, having long since decided that Gods were lame.

Well, here she was. She'd made quite the connection with Peter. A very permanent, very final connection, at that. As he fucks her and gropes her at the same time, Hestia's eyes also roll back in her skull, and when they come forward again, her heart-shaped pupils have gotten utterly massive. There's no doubt in her mind that this is where she belongs. This is where she is most complete. This… this is who she is. Peter Griffin's meat. Peter Griffin's fuck toy. Her Master's loyal and devoted Slave Goddess.

Squealing as she's plowed silly, Hestia can only gurgle when her Master moves his hands from her tits and fattened up nipples to her twin tails. As he uses her hair for the handlebars it is, Hestia has never felt more at peace, never felt more complete. Her head is drawn back, her spine forced to arch… and she loves every last minute of it as she cums again and again upon Peter Griffin's majestic, massive cock.


… F-Fuck, Aqua was such an idiot. Watching from the shadows, hidden and unnoticed so far, Eris can hardly believe her Senpai would be such a moron. But the proof was in the pudding, as the humans liked to say. Both Aqua and her guest were currently completely at the mercy of the Fat Bastard that Aqua had so foolishly let into her Domain.

Eris was safe… for now. Perhaps because she was the Goddess of Fortune, she had yet to be noticed by any of the involved parties.

… She should probably go and get help, truth be told. The protections were the first line of defense, but not the only line of defense. This was a massive disaster, and the other Goddesses needed to be told. No, they needed to be warned. It had been eons since a Fat Bastard had collected as much divine energy as Peter Griffin was currently collecting. Siphoning off the divinity of TWO Goddesses meant he was already twice as powerful as your average Goddess.

He was an Apex Predator to them, and only by banding together and striking from afar could they hope to beat him, to destroy him once and for all before he managed to turn them all into his slavering, slavishly loyal pets with just one glance.

Having advance warning of his existence, of his eventual coming, would have been a great boon to the other Goddesses. Eris' warning would have been massively appreciated and could have likely meant the difference between victory and utter defeat.

… There was just one problem with that. Hiding in the shadows, Eris moans as she fondles one of her breasts and pistons three fingers in and out of her cunt. In the center of each pupil is the beginning of a heart as she pants quietly, watching Mast- Peter Griffin fuck Aqua and Hestia silly. Imagining herself in their place, the Goddess of Fortune whimpers and bites her lower lip.

In the end, Eris wasn't far enough away. She wasn't nearly as safe as she thought. In the end… the Fat Bastard that the rest of the Goddesses would eventually face in battle would not have the divine energy of two Goddesses to feast off of… but THREE.


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