Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Faerie Knight’s Desire (Fate/Grand Order)

The Faerie Knight’s Desire (Fate/Grand Order)


Themes: Mild Femdom, Rough Sex, Oral Sex

Summary: In which Male!Ritsuka and the Faerie Knight Barghest are out on a mission alone together when something occurs that changes their relationship dynamic forever.


“Hah! Just as I said! What a weak-ass bunch of enemies! They could not handle a Knight of my caliber!”
Ritsuka smiles slightly, even as he wipes the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. As boastful as Barghest was, she had every right to be truth be told. They HAD just handled a pretty tough fight, just the two of them. Admittedly when the Faerie Knight had first demanded that he go out into the field with her alone, the Chaldean Master had been… somewhat uncertain.
Anything could happen in battle after all, and while Barghest clearly wasn’t lacking in self-confidence, Ritsuka had wondered briefly if her boastfulness spoke more of arrogance instead. But… no. She’d certainly proved herself to him just now, tearing through their enemies and stomping them all flat into the ground without a care in the world.
She’d made it look easy and Ritsuka is about to open his mouth and tell his Servant that she’d done a good job when Barghest suddenly turns around to face him. The words die on Ritsuka’s lips and his eyes go wide as his jaw drops open at the state of the Faerie Knight’s armor. He hadn’t… well, it made sense in a way. Barghest wasn’t the type to ever turn her back on battle. She’d gone charging into every stage of the conflict they’d just come out the other end of.
As a result, only now was the Master of Chaldea seeing the state of Barghest’s armor. Specifically, only now was he seeing the damage that the Faerie Knight had taken. The entire front of Barghest’s chestplate is covered in cracks, while her pauldrons are chipped and damaged. Even her gauntlets have seen better days, with rips and tears in the cloth poking out from between the metal.
Seeing the way his smile has dropped and a look of supreme concern has spread across his face, Barghest blinks and then lets out a laugh.
“Aha! Fear not, Master! Whilst my armor might appear to be in quite the state, I assure you-!”
But before she can even finish her sentence… the armor gives up the ghost. All of the cracks and cuts in her chestplate lead to a critical failure, mostly due to exactly WHAT that chestplate… or rather, what that BREASTplate was supposed to be containing.
Ritsuka has to duck to avoid being brained in the head by errant pieces of metal as Barghest’s breastplate explodes off of her body with a loud sound. Underneath that loud sound however is also the sound of cloth ripping and tearing… and when Ritsuka straightens up again, the Chaldean Master goes bright red at what he sees. Because the reason Barghest’s chestplate truly exploded in its weakened, damaged state… was because it could no longer contain her chest.
The Faerie Knight’s massive honking breasts are on full display now, her humungous milk jugs bouncing and jiggling from the sudden release from their confines. At the same time, they defy gravity in a way that shouldn’t even be possible. A pair of tits THAT large would normally HAVE to have significant sag to them. There’s no way you could have boobs as big as Barghest’s and have them also be as perky as the Faerie Knight’s clearly were. Unless, of course, you were a Servant whose very existence defied reality, Ritsuka supposed.
Still, he can’t help but stare. Her exposed tits are just… out. In the open. Each capped off with a big pink nipple as well. They’re amazing. They’re spectacular. They’re… downright stupendous. And they also belong to a very gorgeous blonde Amazonian Lady Knight who can’t help but notice that Ritsuka is staring. Or that he’s also gotten aroused in his staring.
As the Master of Chaldea finds himself mesmerized by and fixated on Barghest’s humungous titties, the Faerie Knight herself flushes and her gaze slowly slides downwards to Ritsuka’s crotch, where he’s rapidly growing hard enough to produce significant movement in his pants, and a rapidly increasing bulge. When the buxom statuesque blonde sees that her Master is getting hard at the sight of her exposed breasts, she in turn starts to get aroused herself. Any embarrassment she might have momentarily felt vanishes in an instant once she sees evidence of her Master’s growing erection.
Starting to breathe heavily, soon panting up a storm, the tall and heavily muscled Servant stalks forward until she’s looming over her Master with a… predatory glint in her eye. Slowly, Ritsuka looks up from Barghest’s breasts, now mere inches from his face, and into the blonde’s hungry-looking eyes.
Barely holding herself back, Barghest has to pause for a moment as she nervously but also eagerly licks her lips.
“M-Master… Master should use a Command Seal to restrain his Knight post-haste… or she might just snap and fuck him into the ground. I’m sorry Master, but I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself for much longer…”
Ritsuka blinks, letting Barghest’s words wash over him. Looking past her tits and past her face, he can see that she means what she says. Her hands are still at her sides, but her fingers are twitching with the desire to reach out and grab hold of him. Likewise, she might still be standing a foot or so away from him, but she’s leaning forward fractions of an inch at a time, clearly barely holding herself back.
Taking all of this in, the Chaldean Master looks up into Barghest’s eyes again and slowly lifts his hand up, showing a glowing Command Seal on the back of it, primed and ready to go. The look on the Faerie Knight’s face becomes one of mixed relief and disappointment, even as he quirks the corner of his mouth up… and then speaks.
“By the power of this Command Seal… I order you to STOP holding yourself back, Barghest.”
There’s a brief moment, and then the Command Seal flashes brightly and vanishes, disappearing from his flesh for the moment. Barghest’s eyes, meanwhile, have widened to the size of dinner plates. For a split second, there’s a tableau of stillness between them… and then the Faerie Knight’s restraint snaps like a twig and she roars lustfully, pounding on him right then and there.
Ritsuka knew what he was getting into of course. He knew precisely what he was signing up for. Still, the Master of Chaldea can’t help yelping as the hulking blonde grabs him up and lifts him into the air with one hand. The other hand goes to his pants and in one simple violent motion…
She tears his pants and boxers right off of him, tossing the tattered remnants aside almost contemptuously as Ritsuka’s rock hard cock comes flying out of its now non-existent confines. He groans as his throbbing erection touches open air, but even that doesn’t last long. She quickly lifts him up so that his erect cock is level with her face and before Ritsuka can even react, she takes him into her mouth and begins sucking him off so damn hard it feels like she’s sucking his fucking soul right out of his body!
Rather than getting on her knees like a normal woman would to suck cock, of course someone like the Faerie Knight would wind up being sexually aggressive even for something like fellatio! Ritsuka can’t do much beyond yelp and groan as he has to curl over the top of Barghest’s head, his legs winding up draped over her shoulders. Leaning forward, his hands go to the ‘horns’ atop her head for something to grab onto.
He'd always wondered about the blonde knight’s horns. They looked quite sharp, but now that he’s all the way up here and holding onto them, they aren’t nearly as dangerous as he first imagined. In fact, they make for quite convenient handholds as Ritsuka clings to them for dear life, panting, moaning, and groaning with pleasure as Barghest gulps down his entire cock without restraint and without hesitation.
She takes it upon herself to suck every last inch of his cock into her gullet. Now, Ritsuka doesn’t think he’s particularly small… in any way, really. He’s of average height for a human being, and above average in terms of cock size. But where Barghest is concerned, absolutely none of that matters. As things currently stand, she would tower over even the tallest human man. And as far as Ritsuka’s cock is concerned, she positively devours his dick, having no issue with deep throating his member time and time again.
As previously mentioned, it feels like she’s sucking his soul out of his damn body! But really, all she’s doing is sucking his seed straight from his balls. Before the young Chaldean Master knows what’s happening, he’s cumming right down Barghest’s throat, groaning as he clings to her horns and cums and cums. In response, the Faerie Knight swallows every last drop, guzzling his seed without issue and without a single choke, gag, or even a gurgle.
Then… she keeps going. And it’s not long before Ritsuka is cumming a second time. This time his eyes cross from the pleasure as his balls tighten up, another load extracted from them. He can’t help but groan even louder, wondering just what Barghest intends to do next. In the end though, he doesn’t really mind. He’d brought this on himself after all. If he wanted her to hold back, he could have asked for that. If he wanted her to show even a modicum of restraint, he could have used his Command Seal very differently.
As it is, he still has more too… but Ritsuka has already decided he’s not going to use them. Not even as the taste of his seed seemingly erodes Barghest’s sanity in real time, her grunts and growls becoming less and less human until finally the big blonde knight tears him off of her face. Up until now, he’s been resting on her massive tits as he draped his legs over her shoulders.
But all of the sudden, Ritsuka finds himself on his back on the ground, looking up just in time to see Barghest straddling his crotch, crouching down and grabbing his cock as she guides his length up into her pussy. Huh, when did she even have time to strip out of the rest of her armor? Had he missed something? Probably, if he’s being honest. But Ritsuka doesn’t have time to worry about that, because his throbbing erection is suddenly enveloped in the hottest, wettest, tightest pussy he’s ever experienced.
Barghest’s cunt is like a velvety vice grip on his dick as she slowly slides down his length, moaning wantonly until finally their crotches properly touch. Ritsuka himself groans in response… before grunting as he feels corded muscle against his legs. In that moment, another tableau of stillness occurs as the Master of Chaldea feels just how muscular and fit the blonde Faerie Knight is. In that moment, Ritsuka realizes what he’s in for as Barghest’s dummy-thicc thighs clamp down and hold him in place.
She lifts herself up and then SMASHES her pelvis into his, making Ritsuka groan and toss his head back in pleasure at the forcefulness. Only, he doesn’t get a chance to groan openly for long before her heavily muscles arms grab hold of his head and bury it in between her huge breasts. The Chaldean Master’s entire skull is swallowed by her cleavage in that moment, even as Barghest lets out a truly wanton moan and begins to properly ride him in earnest.
All Ritsuka can do is lay back and let his blonde knight have her fill of his body. As she bounces up and down on him, riding him cowgirl, there’s no denying that she’s making good on her word. She’d promised that if he didn’t use a Command Seal to stop her, she would snap and fuck him into the ground. And that’s exactly what she does, even as Ritsuka contents himself with reaching up and digging his fingers into her fat chest that occupies the sum total of his vision.
Motorboating her absolutely massive tits is definitely a highlight of the encounter, right up there with how amazing her cunt feels wrapped around his throbbing dick. In the end, her pussy proves to be even better at milking the Chaldean Master of his jizz then her mouth was. While her lips, tongue, and throat were nothing to scoff at, Ritsuka reflects that Barghest’s cunt is second to none. Every inch of her inner walls are paradoxically soft and wet and velvety… and also muscled and tight and toned.
She has complete control over her body too, meaning that he can feel her mind behind every flex, clench, and rhythmic milking of his cock as she slams herself down onto his cock again and again.
Needless to say, Ritsuka finds himself milked of several loads as he loses himself in the Faerie Knight’s massive mammaries. Her absolutely fantastic cow udders become his whole world, even as he empties his balls into her womb over and over and over again. His fingers dig into her titflesh, alternating between pushing parts of her boobs up just enough for him to breathe, and mauling as much of her amazing titties as he possibly can.
All sense of time falls away, replaced by nothing but abject pleasure as Ritsuka cums again and again. Until finally, at long last, Barghest pulls back. She’s still impaled on his cock, but she drags her tits upwards and pulls his head out from between them.
Panting heavily, the Master of Chaldea grins up at the large musclebound woman currently on top of him.
“Fuck, Barghest… you’re amazing. That was amazing. Everything I ever could have hoped.”
His honest, earnest compliments seem to catch the Faerie Knight off-guard for a moment. She blinks and even blushes briefly, before a truly shark-like, predatory, and altogether sharp grin spreads across her face. Directing said toothy grin down at him, Barghest giggles in response.
“Oh… Master~ You say the nicest things. Though, you’re wrong about one thing. We’re not done… not yet! Hehe, after all, you ordered me to stop holding back… so I won’t be finished until I’ve obliterated your pelvis entirely!”
As she puts her words to action, beginning to bounce up and down on his cock once more, Ritsuka just groans in pleasure. Part of his laments the fact that he’ll probably be unable to walk sometime in the near future, but at the same time he can’t really bring himself to care all that much amidst the hip-cracking pleasure that is getting to fuck the gorgeous Amazonian Faerie Knight.
With Barghest intent on riding him into oblivion, Ritsuka just lies back and enjoys the moment. The fact that he won’t be able to use his legs soon… well, that’s Future Ritsuka’s problem, isn’t it?


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