Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Kemomimi Virus (Original Modern)

The Kemomimi Virus (Original Modern)


Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Transformation

Summary: In which a young man takes his cat to the vet. Little did he know he would be Ground Zero for the Kemomimi Virus.


Sitting in the Veterinary Office, Adam grimaces as he runs a hand along the top of the cat carrier next to him.
“Mrow… mroooow… mrooooow…”
Within, his adorable cat Mittens is currently shaking the carrier back and forth with her… movements. Ever since a day or so ago, Mittens has been dry humping stuff like crazy and Adam doesn’t know what to do with her. He only moved out of the city and into the boonies six months ago, and he’d brought Mittens with him. So far, he’s enjoyed having his cabin-in-the-woods experience, with his so-called ‘cabin’ actually being a two story, fully furnished, fully equipped house with all of the modern amenities he could possibly ask for.
But he doesn’t know what’s wrong with Mittens, which is why he’s here, at this rural veterinary clinic. The place is tiny and the only veterinary clinic for hundreds of miles, but despite that it’s completely empty save for him and his housecat. Adam figures that the majority of people who live this far out know how to take care of their animals on their own. Or they have farm animals that require house calls.
Honestly, he’s just glad that the vet was able to pencil him in for this early morning appointment. He doesn’t know what’s going on with Mittens, but he does know that if he lost her, he’d be beside himself. She’s basically his only friend out here after the move, and he’s definitely been leaning on her company a lot for support. He-
“Adam and… Mittens?”
Blinking, Adam looks up and is struck silent for a moment by the vision of beauty in front of him. She has to be the veterinarian of course, not only because she’s wearing a lab coat and what not, but also because this place seems entirely dead and is clearly a one-man operation. Or rather, one-woman operation, because the brunette standing before him is very much ALL woman.
“Uh… ahem, y-yes, that’s us.”
Smiling a disarming smile and batting her eyelashes at him, the doctor giggles.
“I’m Doctor Evelyn Pryde. I see that this is your first time here. You must be new to the area… come on back right this way and bring Mittens with you, I’ll get her checked out.”
Swallowing thickly, Adam just nods, getting to his feet and grabbing Mittens’ carrier as he follows the beautiful brunette doctor into the back of her tiny clinic, to what seems to be the place’s sole examination room. As he does so, he can’t help but ‘examine’ Dr. Pryde’s body from behind, his eyes drawn down to the sway of her wide ass and the sashay of her hips as she walks.
She’s got a bombshell body in every possible definition of the word. Curves for days, and an hourglass figure that just won’t quit. Honestly, he’s shocked that a woman as beautiful as her is out here in the boonies operating a tiny place like this. She’s got the sort of body that any number of rich men would put a ring on if they could… and yet, a surreptitious check of her fingers shows not a ring in sight.
“Put Mittens carrier up on the counter, please. What seems to be the problem?”
Grimacing, Adam focuses his attention back on his beloved pet. As cute as Dr. Pryde was, he could definitely wait until after they were done figuring out what was wrong with Mittens to worry about flirting with her. Was it even right for him to try to ask her out? In the end, it didn’t matter. Focus.
As the vet puts on a pair of sterile blue latex gloves and Adam sets the carrier down on the examination table, he explains the situation. To her credit, Dr. Pryde is ALL business, listening intently with a serious look on her pretty face. She nods as he tells her about how weird Mittens has been acting for the past day, how off she’s been, and how she’s never done this sort of thing before.
Finally, Dr. Pryde opens the carrier and reaches in to pull Mittens out, the cat meowing and growling as it loses access to the towel it’d been humping all this time.
“Well, from the sound of things Mittens is probably in heat.”
Adam’s eyes widen at that, even as the veterinarian collects Mittens to her bosom with practiced ease, holding the cat close and slowly stroking between her ears to try and calm Mittens down. She’s clearly an old hand at this, and her voice speaks with a tone of authority that Adam can’t help but listen to.
“Sometimes changes in environment can be the cause as well. In this case, while it might have been six months ago for you… animals can be a little slower on the uptake. It sounds like Mittens has just come to terms with the fact that this move to the woods is permanent, which is prompting some biological changes for her.”
Slowly nodding, Adam does his best to absorb this information, even as Dr. Pryde reaches for a cotton swab.
“She probably just needs her genitals stimulated for a few more days, but just in case I’ll collect some saliva and run a few tes-ow!”
Adam blinks and then blanches as he realizes Mittens just bit the vet. The cat doesn’t hold on at least, but when Evelyn Pryde pulls back her gloved hand, it’s obvious that Mitten’s teeth went through it, because blood is already starting to well up from the wound.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”
Visions of the doctor blowing a gasket and demanding that they put down his cat fly through Adam’s head for a brief moment before the brunette… laughs it off and waves her uninjured hand.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. Hazards of the job to be honest. I just need to go and disinfect this; I’ll be right back.”
Right… yeah, that made sense. Adam bobs his head and watches the veterinarian go for a moment before looking back to Mittens with a groan.
“Seriously, Mittens? What were you thinking?”
To his mild shock… Mittens just sits there on the examination table, seemingly unperturbed.
“Er… Mittens?”
His treasured pet and animal companion looks at him, suddenly as placid as one could possibly be.
Slowly, he reaches out and pets her… and she nuzzles into his hand, her eyes closing shut. She’s completely calmed down.
“The fuck…”
Mittens has gone from irate and seemingly in heat… to completely calm and happy in mere moments. She just sits there, letting him pet her as they wait for the doctor to return. Adam shrugs, chalking it up to one of those things he doesn’t know, and figures he’ll just ask Dr. Pryde about it when she comes back from disinfecting the bite.
But as time draws on, he has to admit to being a little bored. One thing leads to another and he finds himself one-handing his phone and navigating to YouTube as he continues absentmindedly petting his now-sedate cat.
Furrowing his brow, Adam scrolls through his YouTube ‘front page’ and lets out a little laugh.
“Man, I really fucked up my algorithm for you Mittens.”
Because in his worry, he had of course done what any Twenty-First Century Millennial would do. He’d gone on YouTube and searched such embarrassing things as ‘cat humping all over the place, what do I do?’ and ‘can’t get my cat to calm down, what could be wrong?’.
As a result, his search results have apparently infected his YouTube home page, because literally every result he’s getting is of animals going crazy and humping shit from the look of things. Shaking his head in amusement, Adam sighs as he scrolls and scrolls, trying to find something that ISN’T about animals. Finally, he just starts clicking ‘Don’t Recommend’ on each video… though in doing so, he starts to notice the videos aren’t years or months old like one would expect.
In fact, every single video is hours or even minutes old. Which is weird. What the heck is going on? Still, Adam doesn’t think much of it, rather than that it’s an oddity. No… he’s much more concerned about Evelyn. The veterinarian STILL hasn’t come back and it’s been something like twenty minutes by this point. Frowning, Adam finally removes his hand from Mittens, looking to the open door of the examination room.
“Mittens… stay here.”
Obviously, she doesn’t look like she wants to go anywhere. In fact, right in front of his eyes, she curls into a ball there on the table. He doesn’t have the heart to stick her back in her carrier at this point, so Adam settles for making sure the door to the room is securely closed behind him. Then, he starts looking for Evelyn Pryde.
“Dr. Pryde? Dr. Pryde, are you alright?”
He doesn’t have to go far. As previously mentioned, Evelyn’s veterinary clinic is positively tiny. There’s the lobby, where he started, and then the examination room that he just came from… and then the back room. As Adam steps into said back room, his eyes go to the floor… where Doctor Evelyn Pride is sprawled, twitching and groaning.
“Dr. Pryde!”
Rushing forward, Adam drops to his knees beside the insensate brunette doctor, eyes widening in horror as he grabs her by the shoulder with one hand and quickly moves to dial Nine-One-One with the other.
“Oh fuck! Oh shit, what’s wrong? Are you alright? I-mmph!”
Before he can do much more than start to panic… and more importantly, before he can dial more than the Nine on his phone, the veterinarian suddenly surges up from the ground, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and pulling him in to a tongue-filled, deep kiss. Adam’s eyes widen as Evelyn’s large bust presses against his chest. He can feel rock hard nipples through her top and bra pushing into his pecs. More than that, he can feel her tongue pushing into his mouth exploratorily as the brunette bombshell of a woman moans wantonly, her face hot and red.
The kissing soon devolves into a full-blown makeout session with quite a lot of tongue and spit-swapping as Adam’s phone drops to the ground through nerveless fingers. Before he knows what he’s doing, his hands are on her body, resting on her hips as they kiss right there on the floor. He’s never felt such an animalistic connection with anyone before, but in that moment the two of them are like… like beasts as they tongue-wrestle for what feels like an eternity.
It's not an eternity though, because they both still need to breathe and eventually that’s exactly what happens. They pull apart for air and Adam comes back to himself, staring down at the flustered doctor beneath him for a moment.
“D-Dr. Pryde… are you alright?!”
Blushing up a storm, her beautiful chocolate eyes slide up and down his figure.
“C-Call me Eve. And… I don’t… I don’t know. I feel… I feel like my whole body is on fire. F-Fuck. I need it. I need your h-help Adam. Please… please help me.”
She’s humping her crotch up into his, still clinging to his shirt for dear life as she all but moans out her request. Meanwhile… Adam is starting to get it. Or at least, he’s starting to put two and two together. Mittens had been acting really fucking weird. Evelyn had said it was probably ‘heat’. As in, mating heat. And then Mittens had bitten the vet and suddenly calmed down.
Ergo… his housecat had somehow transferred her mating heat over to the gorgeous brunette bombshell currently sprawled out beneath him?
“Pleeeease… Oooooh f-fuck… please fuck me…”
It’s obvious what he has to do. Even if part of him feels guilty, or like he’s taking advantage of her in some way… they can deal with that later. Whatever comes next, Adam knows in this moment that he has to help Eve.
“… Okay.”
Her eyes light up and she’s kissing him again a moment later. However, this time around, she’s not just kissing him… no, she’s getting very handsy, very quickly. His own hands are still attached to her hips at first, but as she begins unbuckling her belt and tearing at his pants, Adam lets himself go a little bit and responds.
While Eve is busy extracting his cock from its confines, Adam pulls her lab coat fully open and gets it off her shoulders. Then, he tears her top down, letting her bountiful chest bounce free. As she’s stroking his cock with both hands, getting him nice and hard for penetration, Adam finds himself feasting upon her tits, grabbing and squeezing them around the middle and putting his mouth on one and then the other.
“Ooooh f-fuck… that feels soooo good. Nngh, m-my nipples have never been this sensitive before. D-Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”
He has no intention of stopping, obviously. And even if he did, he’s pretty sure Eve would hound him to the ends of the earth until he did as she wanted. The brunette bombshell is certainly eager to get going. Her legs spread wide and she hikes up her skirt, not even bothering to take it off. Nor her panties for that matter. They just get shoved to the side by the over-eager veterinarian. And then his cock is against her folds and Adam barely has a second to register that fact before she’s pushing him inside of her.
Of course, to really get him in her, she needs his help. Help that he’s all too willing to give the drop-dead gorgeous doctor as he thrusts forward and stretches her gushing quim wide along his shaft. Eve lets out a wanton moan at that, her hands going up to wrap around his neck as her legs wrap around his waist.
She’s very, very enthusiastic. But then, whatever’s going on with her has clearly had a pronounced effect. Adam tells himself that he’s only doing this to ‘save’ Eve. That he feels responsible and guilty because Mittens was the one who bit her. But the truth is… he’d be fucking Eve even if it wasn’t her cat that left her feeling so horny. He’d fuck Eve at the drop of a hat, that’s how beautiful she is.
And now that beautiful, sexy, super smart veterinarian is all his. At least until she comes out of the heat, Adam figures. And sure, maybe she’ll be pissed at him when they’re all done… but it’ll have been fucking worth it.
With that thought dominating his mind, Adam goes for broke. Grunting and groaning, he fucks the beautiful brunette into the floor as hard as he can, making her moan wantonly as the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the small clinic. His cock squelches in and out of her sopping wet cunny, and his hips slam into her soft pillowy thighs over and over.
If he’s being too rough for her, Eve certainly doesn’t say anything. Rather, she’s moaning up a storm, her eyes lidded and her mouth wide open to let out the continuous melodic noises signaling her pleasure. The only thing that gives Adam even the slightest bit of pause is that she doesn’t seem to be capable of intelligent speech anymore. Not a single intelligible word comes out of her mouth. It’s all mewling and cries of ecstasy, some of the sounds bordering on cat-like howling as he takes her to pound town.
But at the same time… her body is to die for. Massive tits bounce and jiggle in front of his face, her own facial features contort in ecstasy, and her pussy… fuck, her pussy is so unbelievably tight and yet paradoxically sopping wet at the same time. It’s crazy, and Adam simply can’t get enough of it.
Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. And he is only human. He does have his limits. At the very least though, he can say that he’s made Eve cum at least a dozen times before he can’t hold it back any longer. Closing in on his own release, he lets out a loud groan.
“Fuck… Eve, I’m getting close. Gotta… gotta pull out.”
It would never in a million years be his first thought. Cumming inside of her, that is. They barely even know each other. They’ve only just met. And frankly, her current circumstances are all his fault. So yeah, no… Adam has no intention of creampieing her. But alas, the best laid plans of mice and men and all that junk.
Finding her voice again, Eve signals her vehement disagreement with his words. And if it were just verbal denial, he still would have pulled out because obviously she wasn’t in her right mind at the moment. But on top of shouting ‘no’ at the top of her lungs, the beautiful brunette vet also grapples him, her arms and legs wrapping around him even tighter and holding him in place with surprising strength.
Nothing that Adam couldn’t have overcome with enough time… but he doesn’t have enough time. Grunting, he barely begins struggling against Eve’s hold before her flexing, clenching pussy walls milk him of his load and he cums deep inside of her. Creampieing her takes quite a while as Adam finds himself letting out the biggest, thickest, most viscous load of his entire life inside of the gorgeous doctor.
He knows he should feel bad about this… but fuck if it doesn’t feel amazing to fill her womb to the brim… and then some.
Unfortunately, he can’t enjoy it for long, with thoughts of the consequences of his actions immediately hitting him alongside post-nut clarity. He never should have done this. Any of this. Evelyn Pryde wasn’t in her right mind. He’d taken advantage of her, the same as if he’d drugged her or something. He…
“Fuck… Eve… err, Dr. Pryde. I’m so sorry…”
Slowly pulling out of the beautiful vet, he watches her carefully. She doesn’t seem to be… as desperate any more. Her face isn’t bright red and flushed with arousal at least. Instead she has a small contented smile on her face, almost cat-like in its satisfaction as she smacks her lips together.
“Mm… sorry? What for?”
She sounds almost lazy as she lays there under him. Adam tries not to stare at her naked tits, or her leaking cunt. At the same time, he’s struggling to find the words to explain how much he just fucked up. And then…
“You don’t need to apologize… I wanted you to do it. I want you to do more. I want you to fuck me all day and all night long~”
Adam blinks at that, even as Eve slowly pushes herself up off of the ground and gets onto her knees in front of him. He’s kneeling too… but he jumps to his feet when he sees something moving amongst her hair. This puts his messy cock right in front of Eve’s face, even as he stares at the… at the cat ears now resting on the top of the veterinarian’s head.
“Ooooh… a treat?”
Leaning forward, Eve takes just the tip of his dick in her mouth and begins to suckle on it. Adam, meanwhile, watches her cat ears twitch in wonder.
“Holy shit… what the fuck happened to you?”
Licking him clean, Eve pulls back and rests on her haunches in front of him. She blinks up at him… and then reaches up to feel at her new ears.
“I… o-oh, that’s a little weird, isn’t it? I also… a-ah… um…”
Right before Adam’s eyes, the good doctor undergoes ANOTHER transformation. This one isn’t quite as physical as her growing cat ears, but it is visible all the same. One moment Evelyn Pryde is acting very sexually forward and aggressive. In the next moment, she’s blushing and averting her gaze, refusing to meet Adam’s eyes as she whimpers and grinds her creampied cunt against the floor.
“Dr. Pryde? Are you okay?”
“… I-I thought I told you to call me E-Eve?”
Frowning, Adam slowly nods.
“Right. Eve… are you alright?”
“… If I say no, will you make it better, sir?”
Whoa, where was that ‘sir’ thing coming from? At the same time… Adam does feel a little beholden to Eve. But also, her current act, so much more submissive than before, has him curious.
“Er… sure?”
“Then no, sir. I’m not alright. Because… because I want more. But I also don’t want to upset sir. So I don’t know what to d-do~”
The soft moan at the end really sells it for Adam. His cock twitches as the cat ears atop her head also twitch.
“Well… well, we could do more, I suppose. If you wanted…”
“Would you take me home with you, sir? I don’t think I should be alone anymore. I don’t think I can look after myself anymore…”
Adam blinks rapidly at that.
“I mean… I’ve got Mittens… but there’s plenty of room for you, sure. What do you mean you can’t look after yourself anymore?”
Rather than answer him, Eve suddenly lights up at the mention of Mittens… and hops to her feet, scurrying across the room. Adam wants to say something, but with her skirt hiked up and her lab coat discarded, the sight of the newly minted cat-girl bending over to get something out of a drawer takes his breath away. She’s very, VERY beautiful.
Finally, she turns back around… with a pet collar around her neck. Beaming now, her cat ears twitching wildly, she all but skips back over to him… before immediately averting her gaze with a hopeful smile on her face.
“D-Do you like it, sir? I want to be yours… I want you to be my owner from now on… i-if that’s okay with you.”
This was all very sudden. And yet… and yet, staring at the half-naked veterinarian with her new cat ears, her tits out, his cum sliding down her inner thigh… and now a collar around her neck, Adam can only nod in agreement.
“Sure… I’ll be your owner from now on, Eve. If that’s really what you want.”
Dropping to her knees before him, Doctor Evelyn Pryde giggles as she nuzzles his cock and begins licking it up and down enthusiastically.
“That’s exactly what I want, sir. Please sir… please let me be your Kitty~”
Unbeknownst to Adam and Eve, while their situation might have seemed as isolated as can be at first glance, it was far from it. In fact, even as a cat-eared Eve was going down on her new owner in the back of the vet clinic, the rest of the world was going up in flames as a virus swept across the surface of the Earth faster than anyone could hope to react.
It would one day be called the Kemomimi Virus. Infecting ninety-five percent of the population, it turned anyone who contracted the virus into ‘Submissive and Breedable’… animal people. They were still mostly human, but each and every one of the ‘Kemomimi’ wound up with an animal feature of some sort, be it animal ears, or a tail, or something else.
On top of the physical changes, however, were the personality changes. While the immediate infection led to intense arousal and a need to mate… once that initial need had been satisfied, every single Kemomimi became too shy to possibly take the lead in bed. As a result, birthrates would plummet dramatically.
With the threat of extinction looming overhead and only five percent of humanity left naturally immune to the virus, it would fall to that remaining five percent to try to keep things going… one massive harem of Kemomimis at a time.
But Adam and Eve didn’t know any of that. And it would be quite some time before proper word would reach their cozy cabin in the woods…


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