Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Grand Master’s ‘Padawan’ (Star Wars)

The Grand Master’s ‘Padawan’ (Star Wars)

A/N: The Grand Master's 'Padawan' was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In an alternate universe where Ahsoka never left the order and Anakin never turned to the Dark Side, they have a regularly scheduled meeting in the Jedi Council Chambers.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


The Jedi Council Chamber rests at the highest peak of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Currently, it lays nearly empty, only one sentient inside of it. Sat in the spot most commonly reserved for the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, a human male meditates, a soft smile across his handsome yet weathered face. With streaks of silver through his lush brown hair, Anakin Skywalker gives off a silver fox look as he rests there, waiting.

This is an Anakin Skywalker that never turned to the Dark Side. Like many Jedi, he had his brushes with it. His mother's death resulted in the slaughter of an entire village of Sand People on Tatooine. He'd been persuaded to kill an unarmed Sith Lord by that Sith Lord's Master when he'd cut Dooku's head from his shoulders aboard Grievous' flagship.

But when push came to shove, when the moment in Palpatine's office had arrived and he'd been forced to choose between helping Master Windu or helping the Supreme Chancellor, Anakin had realized in a moment of clarity that the darkness before him could never be used to save Padme and their unborn child. It would only hasten the destruction that he'd foreseen.

Together, he and Mace had put Palpatine down before his true machinations could come to fruition. The Clone Wars had come to an end, and with Anakin's defeat of the last Sith Lord from Bane's line had come his ascendance to Jedi Master and the Jedi Council in full. From there, it'd been less then a decade before a wise but tired Yoda had finally fully stepped down from his position. Meanwhile, Mace had been left… weakened by the final confrontation with Sidious and had wisely left the position of Grand Master to Anakin.

Now here Anakin sat, leading the Jedi Order into a new age as it's numbers swelled back to what they were before the Clone Wars took so much from them, and then went even beyond that. Under Anakin's leadership, the Jedi WERE changing, that was impossible to avoid when their Grand Master was married with twin children… but it was for the better. And frankly, he was just getting started.

A chime sounds and Anakin pulls himself from his thoughts as a smile graces his lips. The Jedi Grand Master waves his hand and the door to the Council Chambers opens with a hiss under his power, allowing in the one waiting outside. The moment that Ahsoka Tano enters the room, Anakin's eyebrows raise and the corner of his mouth quirks up as he looks upon his once-padawan in consternation.

"Knight Tano. Just what are you wearing?"

Ahsoka just smirks, the much older, much matured Jedi Knight gliding towards the center of the chamber in her standard, nondescript brown Jedi robes. But then, that was just it. The form-concealing bulky Jedi robes that the majority of the Order uses when traveling or even when making their way around the Temple itself… those have never been Ahsoka's style.

The fact that she's wearing them now is pinging Anakin's sus-o-meter rather hard, the Grand Master quite aware that his former padawan is a little minx who can hardly go a week without doing something ridiculous.

He remembers, back near the end of the Clone Wars, when they'd tried to frame Ahsoka for the Temple Bombing, when they'd wanted to execute her. Only his hard work in uncovering the true culprit in Barriss Offee had kept Ahsoka from losing her life. Only his equally hard work and a choice confession in the aftermath of the trial had kept Ahsoka from leaving the Order entirely.

It was an… intimate moment between them that had kept her by his side. Frankly, if she'd actually gone through with it and left, Anakin isn't entirely sure he would have been in the right frame of mind to choose the right path when the moment had come to decide between Windu and Palpatine. And with a couple of decades between then and now, he could safely say that that had been part of Sidious' reason for arranging the Temple Bombing in the first place.

Removing Ahsoka from the equation had been the first step in the Sith Lord's endgame, his plan to isolate and weaken Anakin so that he could turn him to the dark side. It all began with getting rid of Ahsoka Tano, and he'd very nearly succeeded in that, just as he'd very nearly succeeded in all of his other plans as well. But… only very nearly.

Ignoring Anakin's query, Ahsoka bows deeply, her much longer lekku hanging down as she gives him the respect he's owed. Another oddity, Ahsoka has very rarely given him the respect he's owed, judging him to have 'too big of a head' at the best of times.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting, Master. I was just seeing my padawan off to her own training."

Anakin's face lights up at that, and even though he knows he's being diverted, he allows it all the same.

"And how is Leia?"

As Ahsoka straightens up, she has a grin on her face a mile wide.

"She's doing quite well, Master. Very brash and perhaps a little reckless. Takes after her father like that. I hear Luke by comparison is practically Prime Jedi material if Obi-Wan's praise is anything to go off of."

At Ahsoka's faux moaning, Anakin laughs and nods his head. Yes, of the twins, Leia Skywalker is the one who is most like him. Luke is more like his mother, a boy after Padme's own heart. Anakin says as much and Ahsoka gets a certain twinkle in her eye.

"Oh? How is Padme by the way? I do hope she knows I miss her."

Grinning more easily, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order nods his head.

"She's doing quite fine, our beloved Senator from Naboo. And she knows you miss her… she misses you too, she told me as much just the other day. She wants us all to get together the next time she's on Coruscant, if that's not too much trouble."

Padme HAD been Supreme Chancellor for a period of time, after Bail Organa who had succeeded Palpatine. But it wasn't the kind of position she believed anyone should spend too much time in. With the Jedi's support, Mon Mothma had been elected in Padme's place and the mother of Anakin's children, the light of his life, had taken up her position as Naboo's Senator once more at the insistence of the current Queen.

It left her off world more often then either of them cared for, but with the twins now in the later stages of their apprenticeships, it wasn't too terrible. Everything was… just fine.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka has an interesting gleam in her eye as she licks her lips.

"Oh? I would certainly like it if all three of us could get together again, Master. But I'm afraid I can't wait that long for you."

Anakin just raises an eyebrow in mild amusement as Ahsoka finally reaches up to open her Jedi robes and reveal what she's been hiding beneath them. As she shucks them off of her shoulder, he sharply inhales at the sight of his former Padawan, all grown up… and looking like she had to positively stuff herself into her old Padawan clothes in order to get them on.

The thick strip of dark red cloth that had once been more than enough to cover her flat chest when she'd been younger, now strains against a massive pair of squished orange tits that look like they're positively being squeezed out of her tube top. Likewise, her old skirt, while form-fitting when she was just starting out as his Padawan, is definitely no longer up to the task of hiding a single thing, her thick orange thighs and sizable derriere sticking out of the skimpy piece of dark red cloth. Only that small blue cloth that hangs down from her belt keeps her pussy lips from being visible.

Finish the whole thing off with her knee high boots and nothing else and you had an ensemble that would look absolutely gorgeous on any female Jedi, really. But on Ahsoka, all grown up and clearly having matured out of it… it was definitely doing things for Anakin. Things that the Grand Master couldn't deny.


Dropping her robes entirely, Ahsoka grins as she prowls up to where he's seated.

"Like what you see, Master? I knew you would. I knew it would get you all riled up."

Once she's right in front of her, Ahsoka drops to her knees and does a little spin, ending up on all fours as she arches her back and pushes her ass up into the air. There is no piece of cloth to cover up her derriere, and Anakin gets quite the view of both her orange, plump posterior and her glistening wet pussy lips, nestled between her thighs.

"I'm all yours, Master. Unless… you've suddenly become celibate when I wasn't looking."

With a lust-filled growl, Anakin finally comes up from his Council Seat and drops to his knees right behind his former Padawan. His hands, one mechanical and the other still flesh and blood, clap down on Ahsoka's orange behind with considerable force, drawing a squeak from the Togruta Jedi Knight as he grips and squeezes at her ass cheeks.

"Tano… you're as incorrigible as ever, you know that?"

"Mm, yes Master. Perhaps I need to be punished? I've been a naughty, naughty Padawan."

Shuddering, Anakin reaches out with the Force to peel back his own robes and let his cock free of its confines. He can't bring himself to remove his hands from Ahsoka's ass in order to do it the normal way. And so, she lets out a surprised moan when his cock flops down between her cheeks and begins hot-dogging her ass without his hands ever ceasing in their groping, kneading ministrations for even a moment.

"Oooh, Master~"

Not one to waste time, especially when there's something he wants in front of him, Anakin slides his cock back across Ahsoka's ass until it flops down, only to spring back up and slap into her undercarriage, smacking against her slippery, wet pussy lips. She moans again, only for that moan to turn into something exceptionally wanton and bordering on a scream as he finally slams home into her unprotected Togruta cunt, plowing deep into her sopping wet folds.

This isn't the first time that the two of them have done it, in case that wasn't already abundantly obvious. In fact, their first time together had been in the wake of Ahsoka's acquittal for the Temple Bombing. After he'd managed to clear her name, Anakin hadn't been able to just let his Snips leave the Order without a fight. They'd gone somewhere private to talk, both about his own problems with the Jedi Order and his intentions to use his status as their precious Chosen One to FIX things in the future.

One thing had led to another and they'd fucked. Unable to bear the guilt of what he'd done, Anakin had confessed to Padme his infidelity the following day… only to discover that the Nabooian woman was actually incredibly free about her sexuality… and thought it was about damn time that he and Snips had got it on.

From there, they'd ended up in a three-way relationship for the remainder of the Clone Wars, and with Ahsoka there to stabilize things and act as a rock, Palpatine and his evil machinations simply hadn't stood a chance. Killing Dooku was the last time that Anakin Skywalker listened to Darth Sidious' instructions.

Right now though, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order buries his cock inside of his former Padawan's extremely tight cunt, groaning as Ahsoka uses the Force and her complete control over her own biology to make her inner walls tighten and flex around his cock all the more. If he doesn't do something, she's going to milk him of his load right fast… so Anakin acts.

His hands come up to her montrals, the hollow horns atop every Togruta's head. He grips them for a moment and yanks back, feeling Ahsoka cream herself around his cock as he hears her loud squeal echo through the Council Chamber. Then, he slides his hands down to the Togruta beauty's lekku, tugging on the thick, long head tails and pulling them back behind her.

It was a testament to Togruta ferocity that a race with such a sensitive weak point literally on their heads was still widely regarded as a hunter-predator species. After all, their remote cousins, the Twi'leks, were easily stepped on more often than not, and had a reputation as a species too dumb to look after themselves, leading to their enslavement, more often than not.

Now, Anakin didn't agree with any of that, and didn't abide by stereotyping of any species. But there was no denying that the lekku of both Togruta and Twi'lek were exceptionally sensitive, and as he fucks Ahsoka from behind, he takes complete control of the encounter by using her head tails as reins, pulling on them and making her eyes roll back in her skull as she cums again and again around his thrusting cock.

Alas, all good things come to an end. Finally, Anakin lets out a hoarse shout as he thrusts forward one final time before filling Ahsoka with his seed. Pumping a thick, hot load of cum inside of his beautiful former Padawan (and the teacher of his daughter) as she wears her old Padawan Training garb is… quite salacious and utterly satisfying.

But there's no Darkness in the moment. Padme is quite aware of his and Ahsoka's relationship, as are many of the Jedi in the Order, Anakin is pretty sure. They don't skulk in the shadows; they don't hide what and who they are to one another. This is the Jedi Order that Grand Master Skywalker has begun to build. One of acceptance, one of freedom, and one of life, liberty, and happiness.

That was what Anakin had learned from his exceptionally dark upbringing. He'd been born a slave and spent his final formative years as a Padawan in the midst of the largest galactic war that the Republic had seen in far too long. And what he'd taken away from all of that was this; The Jedi Order had become stagnant and complacent. They'd become too restrictive. People needed to be allowed to be themselves. The Darkness that resided within them all needed to be addressed and acknowledged, not suppressed and bottled up.

Anakin's Jedi Order would be an improvement on the old. It would be a change for the better, while paying homage to what came before it. He wouldn't let them forget their past, but he also wouldn't allow the Jedi to drown in it and forget to look towards the future.

With people like Ahsoka and Obi-Wan and the twins at his side, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order knew they had a very bright future indeed.


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