Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

E.N.D.’S Total Victory (Fairy Tail)

E.N.D.’S Total Victory (Fairy Tail)

A/N: E.N.D.'s Total Victory was a commission written back in October of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy.

Summary: Tartoros won. Upon awakening, E.N.D. defeated all of their enemies, one by one. But now that he's conquered Fiore, he's bored. What's he to do while waiting for Hell's Core to be repaired?

Themes: Foursome, Dom/Sub, Breeding


It was done. Complete and total victory was his. Face, the weapon designed to wipe out all magic on the continent of Ishgar, had been used to great success. Tartaros had gathered enough Curse Power to bring E.N.D. back.

Apparently, he'd been… less than himself for quite some time. Acting like some happy go lucky do-gooder, being a 'hero'.

But that was over now. He was E.N.D. and his purpose was clear. As such, in the wake of magic's destruction, E.N.D. had done what he was supposed to do and conquered Fiore. There was just one problem, when all was said and done…

… He was just so bored!

Sitting on a large stone throne, dragon-like claws on one hand tapping away as scales extend up his arms, E.N.D. finds himself bored out of his damn mind. Resting his cheek on his clawed hand, he frowns slightly as he stares off into nothing, trying to think of what to do next. Taloned feet scrape absently against the ground and a crown of horns sits upon his brow, nestled amongst his back-length hair. Out from behind his back comes a serpentine tail that wraps itself around his waist like a living belt.

There was no more challenges. No further battles. Without magic, Fiore had folded like a soggy fucking napkin. They hadn't put up much of a fight at all. A brave few had tried to stand against him, but… well, they hadn't succeeded, obviously.

And yet, he almost wished they had. No, that wasn't quite right. E.N.D. couldn't fathom defeat. He had never known failure. The… other version of himself, the one that was lackluster and incomplete… he didn't count. E.N.D. was the real deal. What he was before was just some… pale imitation, a failed copy of what he should have been all along.

That said, he would have preferred they all put up a little more of a fight. There'd been a few decent battles here and there. He'd even let a few of his more respectable and interesting opponents live as his prisoners, rather than slaughtering them outright. But they were still beaten, and he and they both knew they would never be able to defeat him. He was too much for any of them. He was too much for all of them combined.


"S-Sir! There's news, sir!"

Blinking, torn from his inner monologuing, E.N.D. glances up, eyes briefly lighting with interest as he beholds Lamy, one of the mass produced Etherious. With rabbit ears protruding from the top of her head, she was… well, a thing. E.N.D. glares at her wordlessly, demanding the update without saying a thing. She squirms for a moment, before finally blurting it out.

"L-Latest reports say that it'll be another few months before the Hell's Core is repaired, sir!"

That was… not news. That was something he'd already known, or at least suspected. Hell's Core was how Tartaros got away with calling itself immortal. Hell's Core was where their members were born and reborn as demons, brought back to life after dying in battle. Not that E.N.D. had ever needed such a thing, but his… lesser brethren were prone to losing fights and dying to opponents almost as much as their numerous enemies.

Their enemies didn't get to come back to life after failure however, and the members of Tartaros did. Or rather, they had. During the final battles that had taken place between Tartaros and their enemies, when the members of the adventuring guild Fairy Tail had been so desperate to stop E.N.D. from being awakened, they had struck out at the heart of the Etherious and done nigh-irreparable damage to Hell's Core.

Their thrashing about as their, heh, end had arrived would have been amusing, if it wasn't so damn annoying. Ultimately, E.N.D. had still been awoken. Tartaros had still won. However, as Lamy had just stated, it would be some time longer before Hell's Core could be repaired… and in the meantime, over half of Tartaros were dead as a result of those final battles.

Letting out a snarl, E.N.D. rises from his stone throne, causing Lamy to jolt with excitement. However, if she's expecting anything from him but a boot to the face, she's sorely mistaken. As his kick sends her flying off to the side, E.N.D. stomps out of his otherwise empty throne room, walking the halls of Tartaros' main base instead. He needed to move. He needed to DO something. Sitting around all day was all well and good, but he hated the inaction. He hated the lack of things to fucking do.

As he walks, he stomps right past his wall of trophies from the various battles he'd taken part in after his awakening. For a time, those trophies had made him quite happy just to look at. From the sword with its winged crossguard, to the collection of celestial spirit gate keys. There are many more trophies than just those as well, all taken from opponents E.N.D. had deemed worthy of his… mercy if not respect.

But right now, fresh off of the knowledge that Hell's Core wouldn't be repaired for several more months, E.N.D. pays the wall of trophies absolutely no mind. They bring him no solace now. All they remind him of was the short time when things were fun after his awakening. When he'd had people to fight and do battle with, even if he was pretty sure several of them held back due to their prior relationships with the fake version of him.

Either way, those times were past now, and rather than bringing him joy to think about, they only made him more resentful of the present, where there was absolutely nothing to fucking DO anymore!

Honestly, it was enough to-!

"Sir! You're out and about."

E.N.D. stops dead in his tracks and looks over to see Kyouka looking quite… surprised at the sight of him. In turn, he finds himself stopping and staring back at her for a long moment. The female Etherious certainly has a unique appearance to her. There's the massive chest and voluminous figure, of course. She's the picture of an hourglass, with a buxom bosom, itty bitty waist, and wide hips that slope down into a sizable ass.

On top of that, she wears a skimpy outfit, dark cloth sliding across her upper body that only covers half of her chest as it wraps around her back. Her bottoms consist of a thong, belt, and thigh-high stockings that end where her avian-like feet begin. That's the other bit. Her hands are sharp, bird-like claws and her hair is all over the place, jutting out on either side of her head almost like a bird's feathers.

She is… E.N.D. notes for the very first time, passingly attractive. There's a stirring in his loins alongside a stirring in his mind as he considers her for a long moment in silence. Long enough that Kyouka begins to squirm, the other Etherious flushing and wiggling under his gaze. He might have been incredibly late to the party, but he was ultimately their leader. The strongest of them, by far. His word was law, for to argue or deny him was to court death.

With that said…

"Kyouka. You and… hm, who else still lives? Ah, yes. Seilah and the one who calls herself Neo Minerva. Gather those two up and bring them to my chambers."

"Wha- I-I mean, yes sir! Of course, sir!"

He doesn't actually bother waiting for her response. He just assumes that it'll be done, so even as she's agreeing, he's already walking away. As Kyouka goes off to follow his orders, E.N.D. heads to his bedchambers himself, reaching there with plenty of time to prepare things ahead of the trio of female Etherious' arrival.

You see, he's had something of an epiphany. Laying eyes on Kyouka has reminded him that there are other ways to replenish their numbers while waiting for Hell's Core to be repaired. Things that never would have been acceptable back before his awakening and the conquest of Fiore. After all, they were on war footing, and needed every able bodied fighter they could get… women included.

But that was no longer the case. E.N.D. was here now, and there was no one in all of Fiore who could possibly challenge him. Perhaps no one in the entire world.

So long as he was around, Kyouka, Seilah, and Neo Minerva were not needed for their capacity as fighters any longer. They were… superfluous. But E.N.D. was loath to let them go to waste. Even if they were useless in one way, that didn't mean they were useless in every way, now did it?

He sets about lighting some candles around the room while he waits for their arrival. If he recalls, it's a way of… setting the mood, he's fairly certain. Eventually, he's done and finds himself waiting in the center of his chambers, feet spaced apart and hands clasped behind his back. Luckily, he doesn't have to wait long for them to arrive.

As the three women file into the room, E.N.D. takes stock. There's Kyouka of course, beautiful as ever and looking quite confused but also eager to make him happy by having fulfilled his orders. Then, there's Seilah.

Seilah, much like Kyouka, has a large pair of breasts that extend down into an hourglass figure. Unlike Kyouka, her demonic traits are not avian in nature. No, Seilah's most noticeably Etherious trait is her large, golden horns protruding from either side of her head. At the same time, the beautiful horned Etherious wears a very revealing kimono, blue in tone and leopard printed. It does nothing to cover up her shoulders and upper chest, as well as leaves quite a lot of her thighs exposed, leading down to the thigh-high stockings she's wearing.

Neo Minerva, meanwhile, originally Minerva Orland, is much the same while being unique in her own way. Beautiful of course, but not born an Etherious like Kyouka and Seilah. No, Neo Minerva had come to them later. After joining Tartaros, she had undergone a transformation, becoming an Etherious using Hell's Core, back when the facility was still functional.

These days she has two curled horns atop her head, a black eye patch over her right eye, and a long black cloak. At one time, she was covered in a multitude of bandages across her torso… but they'd managed to heal her injuries properly in the wake of their victory and these days she wore little more than a skimpy bikini under that cloak, something to give tantalizing glimpses of wherever she wanted.

E.N.D.'s gaze lingers on those tantalizing glimpses for a moment before he lifts his eyes and sweeps them back and forth across the three women. All three of them bow at the waist as he acknowledges them, showing him deference and respect. He is, after all, in charge here.


Seilah's voice is sultry and seductive, E.N.D. notes, even as she lifts her head and looks at him curiously.

"… Why did you call for us, Master?"

The others are just as curious, he can tell. And E.N.D., having nothing to hide and no reason to feel shame, shrugs as he explains.

"Its simple, really. Hell's Core is still several months from being fixed. But I see no reason we cannot begin the repopulation of the Etherious right here and right now. I will have sex with all of you. You will submit, I will breed you, and you will bear my children."

A ripple of shock goes through all three women at his words. Their eyes widen, and they quickly exchange glances with one another, as though to gauge each other's reactions. It's funny… E.N.D. is not blind. He can see a certain reluctance in their voluptuous figures, specifically in Kyouka and Seilah. However, Neo Minerva… her one visible eye is filled with avarice and lust, and her lips have curled up into a wicked sort of smile. She wants it.

The others do too, they just might not be fully ready to accept it yet. They are, all of them, Etherious at the end of the day. And E.N.D. is the strongest of them, the best of them. It is only natural that they would instinctively wish to mate with him, to submit to his power. They're only fighting their own instincts by feeling anything else.

"Strip and come to me."

There's only a brief moment of hesitance before they all obey. It is only natural. For all that they might have their reservations, HE is in charge here. E.N.D. watches as they slowly walk over to him, stripping naked as they go. For his part, E.N.D. reaches down and casually frees his cock from its confines, pulling it up out of his pants.

He smirks as their eyes fall upon his member. Large and only growing larger, it droops for a moment before steadily rising higher and higher as it gets longer and thicker… and of course, harder.

The women he intends to breed all stare at it, now standing a few feet away from him, naked as can be. Its obvious that they aren't going to make the next move themselves, so E.N.D. just snorts and steps forward.

Before she knows what's happening, he's grabbed Seilah by her golden horns and yanked her down to her knees. The beautiful, voluptuous Etherious' eyes widen and her mouth falls open in a gasp at the sudden rough treatment. E.N.D. takes advantage of this in order to thrust forward, shoving his fat, bulbous cockhead past her lips and forcing himself deeper into her mouth.


Seilah chokes immediately, even before he manages to get past the halfway point. His dick hits the back of her throat, and the kneeling beauty involuntarily jerks and struggles in his hold. He doesn't hold it against her, however… until that is, her hands come up and press against his legs as she tries to pull away.

"Hands behind your back. Submit."

His crisp orders take a moment to pierce through the panic falling over Seilah's mind… but the Etherious hears and obeys all the same. He gives her a second to do so, watching as she calms down and places her hands behind her back, causing her chest to jut out and jiggle a little as a result. Nodding his approval at her submission, E.N.D. waits for only a moment longer… before beginning to skull fuck Seilah right then and there, using her golden horns as handles and plowing away at her throat as he forces her lips all the way down to the base of his massive member, her nostrils flaring only to be buried in his crotch again and again.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

At first, the other two just watch in rapt silence, not sure what to do as E.N.D. thoroughly abuses the throat of their peer. But as time goes on and it becomes obvious that he's not just using Seilah as a fluffer for the main course, but fully railing her throat for his own amusement… a look of concern and consternation spreads across Kyouka's face.

"S-Sir… Master… I don't… are you sure this is, ah… conducive to mating, sir?"

Looking over at the avian Etherious even as he continues to fuck Seilah's throat without pause, he tilts his head to the side.

"Are you questioning me, Kyouka?"

Eyes widening, Kyouka's spine goes ramrod straight, making her own naked tits bounce and jiggle as she shakes her head wildly.

"N-No sir! Never, M-Master!"

E.N.D. just snorts, before gazing down into Seilah's eyes. Involuntary tears are flowing down her face now, past the bulging cheeks as her lips are stretched to the brim and her jaw is brought to the breaking point by his massive fat cock. The gorgeous horned Etherious is doing quite well though now. She's even involved a bit of tongue, while her hands remain behind her back, staying there just as he ordered.

Finally, he lets out a loud groan and begins to cum. He doesn't hold back or pull away either. His seed explodes out of his balls, down his meaty member, and into Seilah's gullet without so much as a 'by your leave'. The Etherious in question spasms and jerks as he does so, slowly asphyxiating on not just his cock but also his seed now while E.N.D. holds her head to his crotch, forcing her to take every last drop.

She still ends up spilling quite a lot down her front, the seed overflowing out of the bottom of her mouth, onto her chin, and down onto her breasts. When E.N.D. finally pulls back, Seilah's eyes are rolled back in her skull and she's twitching… but still breathing. Or at least, she starts being able to breathe again once he lets go of her horns and she slumps back off of his cock, flopping onto her back and spitting up his seed as she hacks and rasps for air.

Completely unmoved by her plight… more amused than anything, E.N.D. nevertheless notes how Kyouka looks distraught at the state of her… lover. Ah, of course. That was why they were both so reluctant, wasn't it? They were lovers, weren't they? Hm, that didn't change anything for him, if he was being honest. He was so damn bored, and this was the most fun he'd had since those last few battles he took part in. More than that, they truly did need to start working on refilling Tartaros' lost numbers.

Kyouka and Seilah would just have to take one for the team. Still, he wasn't a complete monster.

"Go to her, Kyouka. Tend to her."

Jolting at hearing her name, Kyouka all but bolts over to Seilah, getting down on her hands and knees and checking on the other woman. Seilah just gurgles and shudders as his seed continues to flow out of her mouth and across her gorgeous body.

"S-Seilah? Seilah can you hear me? I-eep!"

Crouching down behind Kyouka, E.N.D. grabs the avian Etherious by her hips and then her ass, forcing both up into the air and using his hands to spread her ass cheeks apart.


"Hm? Why are you questioning me? I gave you permission to clean up Seilah. Clean her up. With your tongue."

Shivering, Kyouka does as she's told. And she continues doing as she's told, even as E.N.D. presses the tip of his massive cock, only lubricated by Seilah's throat, into Kyouka's asshole. The avian Etherious lets out some muffled squeals as he begins to fill her anus with his dick, pushing deeper and deeper into her bowels by the moment.

He doesn't stop for nothing either. Not for the tightness of her ass as it tries and fails to push her out, nor when she throws her head back and lets out a bird-like shriek at the top of her lungs. As he bottoms out inside of her ass, Kyouka sobs, finally finding her voice.

"P-Please Master, it hurts! Please, w-what does this have to do with b-breeding?! I-mmph!"

Blinking, E.N.D. tilts his head to the side to see that Seilah has recovered enough to reach up and grab hold of Kyouka's head. Whether she's delirious or what, the horned Etherious has dragged her avian lover down into a sloppy, cum-coated kiss, silencing Kyouka with her messy mouth and leaving the other Etherious squirming as she finds herself double teamed, trapped between E.N.D.'s unkind buggering of her anus, and Seilah's nicer but no less crass and messy makeout session.

Chuckling at the display of… affection between the two women, E.N.D. continues to fuck Kyouka's ass. He doesn't even consider switching to her cunt, not right now. Instead, he pounds into her backdoor with all his might. He does so because she questioned him. He does so to teach her a lesson about defying his authority. He will not tolerate disrespect. He will not tolerate anything but complete and total submission, especially from these… lesser beings.

He is E.N.D., and they… they are all beneath him. Now, quite literally. With a grunt as Kyouka and Seilah continue their makeout session, E.N.D. finally cums inside of the former's ass, causing her to squeal into her lover's mouth all over again, her body shaking from the experience of being anally creampied.

While he COULD have immediately moved onto Kyouka's cunt after that, or perhaps Seilah's… he's loath to leave the third woman in the room unattended forever. Instead, he pulls out of Kyouka's ass and then places his cock between her and Seilah's lips, making them clean it up with their tongues and mouths. Eventually, he pulls away from them altogether and stands up, leaving the two lovers to each other for just a moment. He looks over… and grins at what he sees waiting for him over on the bed.

Sprawled out, entirely naked, the eye-patch wearing figure of Neo Minerva awaits him with much more eagerness and enthusiasm then her fellow demons. Spreading her legs wide, Neo Minerva uses her fingers to splay open her pussy lips with one hand, while the other grabs a tit.

Moving to join her on the bed, E.N.D. climbs up and positions himself between her legs, his massive cock riding against her slit.

"Good girl."

Shivering in excitement and delight as she looks down at where they'll be joined together momentarily, Neo Minerva glances back up at him, nothing but pure arousal and delight shining in her one visible eye.

"… I've had a crush on Natsu Dragneel since I was a child. I honestly can't believe this is actually happening. Please, Master. Please breed me. Please fuck me silly and make me your baby mama!"

It wasn't her fault. E.N.D. can acknowledge that. She was very willing and didn't realize she'd stepped on the proverbial landmine by bringing up the pale imitation he'd once been. The 'Natsu Dragneel' she had mentioned was little more than a false copy of the real deal. A weak and worthless 'hero' who had taken E.N.D.'s body and done all sorts of idiotic things with it for a long time.

Worse still, E.N.D. had all the memories of those times afflicting him at any given moment. He remembered every second of his time at Fairy Tail… and it all made him fucking sick. But that wasn't Minerva's fault. She didn't know. And so he decides to be… relatively considerate, even as he punishes her.

Grabbing the beauty by her ankles, E.N.D. proceeds to fold her body up on itself, even as he drives his cock into her in one deep thrust. He doesn't even bother with going slowly or letting her poor pussy have a single second to adjust to his size. No sir, he goes in and he goes in deep right there on the spot, slamming home into her cunt and stretching it out.

For a moment, Minerva's eye widens and her jaw drops open in a silent scream as he pins her to the bed, filling her with his cock. For a moment, E.N.D. doesn't move, simply leaning into her and holding her down by his grip on her ankles. Looking into her eye, E.N.D. grins a savage grin.

"Don't mention him in my presence ever again. He was weak. He was nothing. I am here now, and he is gone."

His words are spoken into the silence of that first thrust, arriving just in time. A moment later, he begins to piston in and out of her, and the beautiful human-turned-demon's screams are no longer quite silent. She doesn't get a chance to say another word. He doesn't allow her an opportunity to apologize or anything like that. Frankly, he doesn't require an apology. He's laid down the law and given his orders, and Neo Minerva will either follow them… or disobey at her own risk.

Instead of speaking, there's a whole lot of squealing and shrieking as E.N.D. fucks the gorgeous one-eyed woman silly right there on the bed. Plowing her nonstop for what likely feels like an eternity to her, E.N.D. doesn't let up, not even for a moment. He jackhammers in and out of her, making her pussy his bitch, taking her and using her like the Etherious cum dump she now is.

They all are, really. His cum dumps, to use and abuse. His fuck toys… his broodmares.

Admittedly, E.N.D. had claimed he was doing all of this for the purposes of procreation, and it wasn't until now that he was actually buried in one of their twats. He had yet to cum in any of their cunts, had yet to seed any of their wombs with his very virile seed.

… Perhaps it was time to change that, wasn't it? With a hoarse growl, E.N.D. picks up the pace and further increases the volume of Minerva's shrieking and squealing. Until finally, with one last thrust, he proceeds to bury himself all the way in her womb itself, busting past her cervix and depositing his load directly into that most sacred of places.

The end result is Minerva's eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. She doesn't look all that cognizant of her surroundings by the time E.N.D. pulls out of her creampied pussy, having left her taut stomach bulging with his load. She certainly looks pregnant already, though he knows she isn't yet. Still… it was only a matter of time…

With her done for now, E.N.D. turns his attention back to the other two female Etherious in the room.

Kyouka and Seilah are still with each other, still making out. They've gotten more heated in his absence though, their hands starting to wander while he was busy with Neo Minerva. They seem very… enthusiastic with one another. Each has one hand on the other's breast, and the other hand buried down between each other's thighs.

If nothing else, they're prepared for him E.N.D. supposes as he approaches. He considers briefly who to fuck first… before ultimately deciding that there's no reason he should have to choose. With how they are now… wouldn't it be easier just to fuck them both at the same time.

Instead of crouching like he did previously to fuck Kyouka's ass, E.N.D. fully kneels behind the avian Etherious. Before she can even properly notice his presence, his hands are on her wide hips again, his thumbs sinking into her plush, freshly abused behind. She stiffens but doesn't fight him… she's more than learned her lesson by this point.

Yanking her hips down, E.N.D. forces the two women to pull their hands away from each other's crotches, mostly because he's suddenly grinding their pussies together for them, pressing their lower bodies down on one another for his purposes. Moaning into their lover's mouth, the two Etherious wiggle and writhe before him, a combination of flesh that E.N.D. decides he quite likes the look of.

… He'll let them have their little relationship, he firmly decides then and there. If only because it enhances HIS pleasure. With a lustful growl, E.N.D. thrusts forward. Not into either woman, however… but BETWEEN their pussies. His hands on Kyouka's hips make sure that their pussies are grinding together, allowing him to hot dog their cunt lips and experience a tightness almost on par with Neo Minerva's actual love tunnel.

Thanks to their earlier ministrations, they're both sopping wet by this point. Their sexes wiggle and writhe on either side of his throbbing, fat prick. Thrusting in and out of the middle of their bodies, using their shifting forms as a fuck hole in and of itself, E.N.D. simply enjoys himself for a little bit. But eventually, he gets down to business.

It was like Kyouka said, after all. Can't get a woman pregnant by fucking her face, or her ass, or even hot-dogging her and her lesbian lover's pussy as they moan and writhe before you. No… if you want to get a woman pregnant, you've only got one option.

With a growl, he thrusts into Seilah first, fucking her hard and fast for a good solid sixty seconds. The horned Etherious cries out beneath her lover, even as Kyouka moans, able to feel it a bit since she's on top and riding the top of his dick as it disappears into Seilah's cunt again and again.

Around when that first minute is up however, E.N.D. pulls out of Seilah altogether… and thrusts into Kyouka next. He fills her gushing, engorged twat to the brim with his massive, throbbing pilar of man-meat right there on the spot, and grins wickedly as this results in her squealing like a stuck pig.

Fucking the avian Etherious for a time, E.N.D. quickly finds his tempo, a rhythm if you will, as he effectively plows both women simultaneously. He's soon back inside of Seilah… and then just as quickly returns to Kyouka. In and out, in and out, swap, in and out, in and out, swap. Going back and forth between them, he doesn't let up for a second. Neither of them truly gets a break either, because with how close their pussies are to one another, with how he's making them grind on top of each other, they both are constantly feeling it, even when it's not their turn.

For Kyouka, it's the feel of riding the top of his pistoning prick as it slams home into Seilah again and again. For Seilah, it's the feeling of his ball sack slapping against her slit and clit with such force that she squeaks each and every time as he plows into Kyouka without hesitation and without mercy.

Eventually… they break. Eventually, they begin to cum for him. He's looking for it, of course. Well aware of their affection and love for one another, E.N.D. still wants them to submit to him as well. He still needs to know that they cannot fight their instinctive needs when he's with them. They are, all of them, Etherious. He is the strongest Etherious of all. It is natural for them to be bred by him. It is natural for them to belong to him.

And so, when they start orgasming helplessly on his cock, a wide and wicked smile spreads across E.N.D.'s face, for that's exactly what he wants to see. He growls happily and continues to fuck them both silly practically at the same exact time. Of course, eventually there comes the time when he's finally ready to cum. And then he has to decide… which of them does he creampie first?

Except, does he have to decide? Repositioning his hands, E.N.D. experimentally uses his thumbs to push down on Kyouka's hips in exactly the right way. He brings her and Seilah's pussies together in such a way that there is no space between them for his cum to slip through. Then, he pulls back just as he's about to ejaculate, the tip of his massive, bulbous cock pressing into their sexes at the same time.

A moment later and he starts to cum. The hope is that his load will be split evenly between their two pussies, pumped into their wombs half and half. But alas, there's quite a bit of blowback. Only maybe half of his load E.N.D.s up inside of the two of them, meaning they each get a quarter. The rest ends up splattered across the inside of their thighs. Will just a quarter of his load apiece be enough to get them each pregnant?

… Does it matter? He's still rock hard, after all… and he's really just getting started. Pulling Kyouka off of Seilah, he sets her aside and goes for the horned of the two Etherious first, plunging back into her cunt right there on the spot. He's far from done fucking them after all. He's far from done fucking ANY of them. The day is still young, and this is the most fun that E.N.D. has had in a while…

Hours later, after a long hard session filled with numerous creampies, the four of them are laid out on the bed. As E.N.D. stares up at the ceiling, the three beauties arrayed around him, he hums. He COULD go again… but he's satisfied for now.

"You all are dismissed. But come back tomorrow at the same time, or else."

"… Y-Yes Master…"

"As you say, M-Master…"

"O-Of course, Master."

As they all give their assent, E.N.D. keeps waiting for the bed to shift with their departure. But it never does. Furrowing his brow, he looks down at them in confusion to find all three of them blushing in embarrassment. It's Minerva who explains after a moment.

"A-Ah, apologies sir… but I don't think any of us can move right now. Is it okay… if we rest here for the night?"

Hm. Well… he was a magnanimous tyrannical overlord. So, he inclines his head in easy agreement, and lets them all stay.


"Master! Excellent news Master! Hell's Core is completely repaired!"

As Lamy comes 'bouncing' into the room, its to quite the sight. One might even imagine E.N.D. hadn't heard her at first, not over the noise that a very pregnant Neo Minerva is currently making as she bounces up and down on his cock.


Meanwhile, down on the floor before E.N.D.'s throne are Seilah and Kyouka. The two other female Etherious are just as pregnant as their third, and currently fucking each other on a double dildo that's not nearly as big as their Master's fat hog. Still, they're happily ramming either end into one another while scissoring like crazy as they lick and lap at E.N.D.'s balls all the while.

Seeing all of this, Lamy pouts massively, her hands curling into fists at her sides.

"Master, did you hear me? I said Hell's Core is repaired! So you don't have to take other precautions any longer! O-Or if you wanted to, you could breed me instead!"

Still not paying her any mind, the foursome continue to enjoy themselves immensely, Minerva's voice the loudest but both Seilah and Kyouka moaning and groaning as well, even as E.N.D. grunts, slamming Minerva down on his cock via his hands on her hips. Finally, he cums again, his seed exploding down his shaft and coating Kyouka and Seilah's faces as it overflows back out of Minerva's already pregnant body and all the way down onto their own naked and gravid forms.

As he finishes up with her, E.N.D. pulls Minerva off of his cock and lets her get on her own two feet. Not that its easy for her. Not only is she pregnant, but she's also incredibly weak in the knees after such a pleasurable and amazing reverse cowgirl session bouncing up and down on his dick. She teeters back and forth for a little bit, even as the other two Etherious happily lean forward to take over the task of cleaning up his dick.

Seilah and Kyouka end up kissing and licking each other's mouths and faces almost as much as they kiss and lick and slurp at E.N.D.'s, but he doesn't begrudge them that. They've both proven to be quite loyal… and after that very first session, quite EAGER as well over the last few months. They know their place at his feet as his broodmares, and so long as they continue to recognize where they belong, E.N.D. is happy to let them have their affection and love for one another.

Seeing all of this, Lamy's cheeks puff up, the rabbit eared Etherious whining and whimpering at the sight before her.

"D-Damn floozies, stealing the Master from me, hogging all of his attention and-!"

With a simple flick of her hand, Neo Minerva summons a giant rock that smashes into Lamy, crushing the mass produced Etherious in a heartbeat beneath its weight. The sudden loud sound causes both Kyouka and Seilah to jolt in surprise, their hands instinctively going to their bellies protectively as they look around to figure out what caused the crashing noise. When they realize what it was, the two Etherious both glare at Neo Minerva, who just grins wickedly and shrugs unrepentantly.

"What? Hell's Core is repaired. She'll be fine."

E.N.D. just throws his head back and laughs at the casual cruelty, prompting Seilah and Kyouka to return to their task with a pair of shrugs of their own. As they lick and slurp at his cock, E.N.D. looks back down at them, placing a hand atop either of their heads, sliding his fingers through their hair and across their respective scalps.

A wicked smile spreads across his face as he considers them, already thinking towards the future. Hell's Core was repaired and that was all well and good… but these last few months had awakened something of an appetite in E.N.D. He wasn't quite so bored anymore. Sure, there was no one who could challenge him any longer… but that didn't mean he couldn't make his own fun.

Though, these three were nearing the point where he wouldn't be able to fuck them until they gave birth and he could knock them up all over again. Sure, they could still perform oral and the like, but it wasn't the same as folding a beautiful bitch up and using her as his fuck toy, as E.N.D. had come to enjoy so much.

… He would need to find alternatives, to maintain the hedonistic lifestyle he'd become rather accustomed to these past few months. Luckily, he already had some in mind.


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