Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Senator’s Relief (Star Wars)

The Senator’s Relief (Star Wars)

A/N: The Senator's Relief was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written in 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Themes: Sexually frustrated, Padmé decides to discreetly borrow some toys from Sabé, currently off-world, with every intention of giving them back once she's done.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Bondage, Mind Break


It was a strange situation the young Senator from Naboo found herself in. One that she was somewhat unused to, despite how… mundane it ultimately was. After Padme had finished serving her term as Queen of Naboo, she and Sabe had ended up moving in together, getting an apartment in Theed for them to share. Neither of them necessarily needed to share because of financials, they were both relatively well off and capable of finding gainful employment. But it was nice to have a roommate and they'd wanted to stay close to each other.

Of course, almost immediately after that, Padme had been asked by the next Queen of Naboo to be the planet's Senator on Coruscant, and from there she'd ultimately found herself away from home and on the Republic's Capital more often than not. Still, she made sure to find time to come back to Naboo whenever she could.

Sometimes Sabe was with her on Coruscant, sometimes she was with her on Naboo, but the most often set of circumstances involved Padme being away and Sabe being in their home, all alone. As such, the apartment they'd initially purchased together had become inundated with little touches here and there from Sabe, while Padme's bedroom remained relatively spartan by comparison and ultimately was left untouched more often than not.

This was not one of those times, however. This time around, it was Padme who was at the Theed apartment all on her lonesome, taking a small sabbatical while Sabe was in turn off-world and wouldn't be back for another day. In the meantime, Padme had to find ways to amuse herself… and she thought she just might have found one.

Going from being Queen of Naboo in an incredibly tumultuous period to being the youngest Senator Naboo had had in decades had ultimately left Padme without much time for a social life. Specifically, she was still a virgin, even now. That did NOT mean she was pure or innocent or naïve to sex, however. With the Holonet at her fingertips, there was no possible way for her to remain some innocent white dove of purity.

Still, while she'd certainly splayed herself open with her fingers here and there, Padme hadn't done anything more than that. And she certainly hadn't engaged in a dalliance with any sort of boy, not while she was Queen nor as Senator. Not only was she far too busy for such things most of the time, she also had her reputation and 'honor' to think about. She couldn't afford some stupid scandal about her getting caught kissing some man, or the rumors that would result from such a thing about her 'head being in the clouds'.

Naboo wouldn't care, but the denizens of Coruscant would surely rake her over the coals if they got even the slightest whiff that the young firebrand Senator from Naboo wasn't the perfect little angel she seemed to be.

So yes, Padme was… looking for some fun, perhaps? At least, that was why she was checking hers and Sabe's basement. She may have mentioned to her former handmaiden that she was in need of some relief while she waited for Sabe's return. And Sabe may have in turn given her a secretive smile and a cryptic suggestion to check out the basement.

And so, Padme descends the stairs and flicks on a light switch to reveal to her amazement something straight out of a bad romance Holoflic. The place is built like some sort of sex dungeon, and Padme's face goes a little red as she looks over some of her former handmaiden's toys. Obviously, Sabe has had a lot more time to have fun then Padme has, though with who, she can't begin to guess.

While not as high profile as a former Queen, a former Queen's handmaiden would still easily make the tabloids if anyone caught wind of her nasty predilections. And yet, this was the first Padme was learning about any of this. And SHE was supposed to live here!

Curious beyond belief, Padme creeps further into the sex dungeon… only to nearly jump out of her skin when she sees a humanoid shape standing shadowed against the far wall. For a second she has the irrational thought that Sabe's mysterious paramour is waiting for her down here somehow… but a moment later she realizes how silly it is… only to THEN a moment after that realize she's not far off from the truth.

It's not a man, or an alien. It's a droid. However, while the droid is powered down at the moment, it's clearly visibly equipped with all of the equipment necessary to show any girl a good time. Padme's mouth is paradoxically dry and watering as she creeps ever closer to the droid, looking up and down his sleek metal chassis and spending an inordinate amount of time staring at his… attachment.

His cock is undeniably mechanical, but for some reason looks quite… fun as well. Padme has only ever used her fingers on herself, but she's been on the Holonet, she knows what half a dozen species' genitalia look like at this point. The droid Sabe has in their basement has a dick all his own, but nevertheless, she definitely thinks it would do the trick.

The only thing is… how the hell does she turn him on? Stepping even closer, Padme reaches up to run her hands down his body, looking for a switch. She goes to check back behind his neck since that's where most droids have theirs, but before she can reach it, his eyes suddenly light up and he comes to life, stepping away from the wall as Padme squeaks and stumbles back.

"S-3X80T, coming online. Processing. Roleplay Mode Engaged."

Roleplay Mode Engaged? But she hadn't even said anything yet! An exasperated smile plays across Padme's lips as she realizes Sabe hadn't properly cycled him out of whatever she'd had him doing last before shutting the sex bot down. Her handmaiden always had been a little absentminded at times. It seemed that extended to when Sabe was in the after-throes of a period of sexual gratification.

Padme opens her mouth to speak up… only to have it abruptly covered by a strong, surprisingly warm hand. For all that he's a droid, his hands are clearly made to mimic the feel of a human despite their overwhelming strength.

"Silence, slave. You have been entirely disobedient today, and there is only one answer to an unruly slave. Punishment."

Padme's eyes widen at that, and then her pupils shrink to pinpricks as she realizes that she and Sabe really aren't that different when it comes to their… darker fetishes.

"Hmph, what is this that you have on? Who did you steal these fine clothes from? No matter, I will make sure they are reimbursed."

And then he just reaches down with his other hand and yanks, a loud tearing sound filling the air as he RIPS her Senator's garments off of her. Padme squeaks as she's rapidly exposed right in front of S-3X's robotic eyes. The sex droid wastes no time in stripping her down, and even goes so far as to bat her hands away when she instinctively tries to cover herself.

"Did I say that you could hide your body, slave? Naughty, naughty."

Even with the robotic tinge to his voice… this is all doing quite a lot for Padme. It's a little shameful, she knows. Especially after what she'd seen on Tatooine. Real Slavery was alive and well in this galaxy and no joke, not at all. But there was a difference between a fetish and the real deal, a difference between a fantasy and reality. Padme had always liked the idea of having control taken away from her in bed. She'd always… she'd always wondered what it would be like to just let go of the act she put up day after day as a Senator so she could give in to some big, strong man.

It seemed Sabe felt similarly or at least had similar predilections because here Padme was, having some of her deepest darkest fantasies played out on her by a sex bot.

As soon as he has her naked, S-3X begins moving over to a nearby bench. Pulling a spool of silk from within his chassis, he begins using it to tie her up. Padme yelps and squeaks and struggles here and there just to feel his hands grapple her and manhandle her into submission, but in the end she really doesn't fight back all that much.

Soon enough, the young Senator from Naboo is trussed up like nobody's business, bound and helpless, albeit in silk rope that will hopefully not chafe or maybe even leave marks. Proceeding to bend her over the bench in front of them, her 'Master' lets out a digitalized huff and proceeds to slap down his hefty metallic phallus upon her perky behind.

"I'm not sure you will ever learn, slave. It seems that we're constantly back here to teach you the same lesson."

Biting her lower lip, incredibly turned on by the faux exasperation in the droid's voice, Padme looks back over her shoulder at him and bats her eyelashes.

"Perhaps just once more, Master?"

The photoreceptors he has in place of eyes flicker for a moment and then he produces a gag, from where Padme can't really say. He has it in her mouth between her teeth in no time, and as she bites down on it, she groans, not even able to speak now, let alone beg like she so desperately wants to.

In the end though, she doesn't need to beg. Her 'Master' is already set on his course, and his course is fucking the disobedience out of his 'slave' on the double. That thick fat droid cock that Padme had been marveling at mere minutes before slides down between her ass cheeks and for a moment she fears Sabe has programmed him to punish the wrong hole. But no, thankfully he goes right past her back door and dips betwixt her thighs to where he sopping wet pussy is ready and waiting for him.

"As wet as ever, I see. You get off on this, slave. Such a shameful whore of a slave."

His lines might be stilted and robotic and clearly scripted (by Sabe herself, or did he come with them?) but Padme doesn't care, because it's doing it for the sexually frustrated Naboo Senator regardless. And then, on top of that, he's inside of her a moment later. Padme lets out a cry as she loses her virginity to a sex droid of all things, and in turn, S-3X confirms he has some programmed lines as he pauses briefly before continuing to fuck her.

"It would have been my preference to sell your virginity for credits, but you've forced my hand. I'll have to be extra harsh on you to make up for it."

Padme can only gasp and moan and mewl through her gag, bound and helpless as she is. As S-3X fucks her, she's left cumming around his phallic appendages in no time at all. His cock pierces deeply into her cunt, bottoming out quite easily inside of her, but he doesn't let that stop him from jackhammering away at a harsh, fast pace.

There are tears streaming down her cheeks in short order, though in all honesty, the pleasure is far greater than the pain. Is this how she thought she'd lose her virginity? No, but that didn't mean Padme wasn't enjoying herself. The young Senator had never had the chance to truly let go before and submit… and now here she was, getting what she wanted.


Squealing through her gag as he spanks her ass, Padme's eyes go wide before becoming hooded as his cock continues to thrust inside of her. S-3X meanwhile, just laughs out a digital-sounding laugh.

"Now you are learning your place. Keep it up, slave. Beg for your Master's cock."

Had he forgotten he gagged her? Padme does the best she can anyways, muffled 'Pweeease' coming from around the gag in her mouth as she begs for 'her Master' to fuck her harder. And fuck her harder he does, until her eyes are rolling back in her head and she's biting down hard on the gag, appreciative of its existence. Without it, she's afraid she might have bitten through her own tongue.

Cumming around his faux dick again and again, Padme isn't sure what she's expecting when it comes to a finisher. But she's nevertheless caught completely off guard when the sex bot proves capable of ejaculation, pumping SOME sort of thick, viscous fluid deep into her womb. It has to be safe, or else Sabe wouldn't use him, but Padme still wonders what it is.

Slumping forward over the bench, she pants noisily through her gag as she slowly begins to come down from her pleasure high. That had been… intense to say the least. She might even go for a Round Two before Sabe got back tomorrow. But for now, she-

Padme's eyes widen as she's suddenly pulled back by her hair and forced onto her knees. Standing over her, S-3X smacks his flexible metallic dick across her face a few times, lightly of course but no less humiliating as he hums down at her.

"I hope you didn't think we were done, slave. I'm not finished with you yet."

He removes her gag and Padme makes a token effort to shut him down as she coughs and sputters.

"W-Wait, I'm finished. S-3X80T, s-shut down. We're done roleplaying for no-mmph!"

"Quiet, slave. You don't decide when we're done here, I do."

It's in that moment, as he shoves his cock into her mouth and forces her to clean off the metal surface with her tongue, that Padme realizes… she doesn't know the safe word. She has no clue how to get S-3X to stop this. No clue how to get him to deactivate or what. Presumably there's a point where he finishes his programmed routine and just shuts off… but there also might not be.

As S-3X proceeds to put his new rebellious slave through her paces, Padme consoles herself with the knowledge that Sabe is but one day away, so she's in no real danger. In the end, she might as well just relax and enjoy the moment. Sabe would be around soon enough to get her out of this sticky situation… or the hopeless horny handmaiden would join in.

Padme couldn't quite say for sure which one she actually wanted. One thing was for sure though… she was in for a long and pleasurable night.


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