Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Women Only Gym (DC Universe)

The Women Only Gym (DC Universe)

A/N: The Women Only Gym was a commissioned one shot originally written back in October of 2022. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Supergirl has recently joined the Justice League at long last. She quickly learns that Diana isn't just the Princess of the Amazons, but also the Queen of the Women Only Gym in the Watchtower.

Themes: Public Sex, Futa Sex, Dom/Sub


Kara Zor-El could admit, with the passage of time and the benefit of hindsight, that she'd been a little… miffed when she'd first arrived on Earth. Her whole reason for being sent there had been to look after her baby cousin after all, but when she finally landed, Kal was no longer a baby and their whole dynamic was inverted instead.

It had taken a while for Kara to come to terms with that. Suddenly being the 'kid' of the family wasn't fun, though eventually she'd matured enough to realize that having all of that weight on her shoulders at that young of an age wasn't very healthy anyways. Sure, she could have handled it, she was confident she would have been able to… but it was better that she didn't.

In the end, she'd figured out how good she had it with enough time to actually get to be a teenager. She'd gotten to have a fun rest of her childhood. And the best part was, while Kal might have been the older cousin all of the sudden, acting like her big brother in a lot of ways, Kara still had lots of things to teach him and tell him. Things about their people and culture and the way things were on a ground level that his dad's AI program couldn't exactly convey with the proper emotional depth.

That was all to say, the perky blonde was all grown-up now. She'd been on Earth for a few years and been fighting crime under the alias as Supergirl for a little while. Only recently however had she turned eighteen and become a full-blown adult in the eyes of the world. Not that Kara needed to be an adult to go out and use her powers for good, but she DID need to be an adult to join the Justice League.

Her cousin's worldwide heroic organization was aspirational in Kara's totally unbiased opinion. Everyone in it was a hero of some caliber, each and every one of them dedicated to protecting the Earth from both internal and external threats. Though, given the way the Justice League worked, most of the time they only came together for the big bad external threats.

That was just fine with Kara though. She loved being useful, she loved saving the day… and being a part of the Justice League magnified all of her efforts in that regard tenfold.

Of course, that was why Kara had wanted to join the League originally. She'd never expected to find some… admittedly glorious side benefits that made themselves apparent only AFTER joining.

"Supergirl! With me!"

Perking up, the cute blonde's eyes widen in excitement, her blue eyes sparkling with glee as she hops and skips and all but floats across the floor of the Women Only Gym in the Watchtower.

"O-of course, Wonder Woman! R-Right away!"

When Diana, Princess of the Amazons, gave you an order, you made sure to obey it. More than that, she wasn't just a Princess. She was also Wonder Woman, one of the original founders of the Justice League and part of the unofficial Big Three that constituted its equally unofficial leadership. She was right up there with Kara's cousin and Batman, and while Kara still wasn't entirely sold on Batman's inclusion with the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman, she'd been assured that his contributions more than made up for his lack of personal powers.

Still, Batman was neither here nor there. This was about Wonder Woman. When Kara first joined the Justice League, she'd been a little confused by the way the Workout Facilities on the Watchtower were set up. There were actually three different gyms on the Watchtower for Justice League heroes and heroines to workout in. This made sense given the sheer size of the Watchtower, as well as the size of the Justice League.

What had surprised Kara was learning that only one of the three gyms was coed. The other two were split between genders, something Diana had apparently fought heavily for when the Watchtower was initially being built. There would be a place where women could go to workout without any men to ogle them, or else there'd be hell to pay.

Hearing that, Kara had assumed Diana was just being overzealous in her commitment to protecting her fellow heroines from any source of harassment. While the men of the Justice League were stalwart defenders of humanity, one and all, Kara could acknowledge that not every single one of them was as morally uncorruptible as her cousin.

Still, Kara was a young woman who didn't mind a little attention here and there… so she'd gone to the coed gym for her first workout, only to find it utterly deserted. Apparently, ALL of the women of the Watchtower used the women only gym, and because of this, the men tended to use the men only gym as well. The coed gym went largely unused as a result.

Kara had mentally filed that away for any time she wanted to just be alone with herself during a workout… and then promptly went to the women only gym the next day, her curiosity demanding she find out what was so much better about it.

That was where she'd found out the truth, and as she makes her way over to the padded mats with Diana, her heart thudding in her chest, Kara can't help but stare at the Princess' crotch. See, she'd originally thought Diana had insisted on the gendered workout facilities to protect the other heroines from the depravations of men.

But no, as it turned out… Diana was simply making sure she had them all to herself. Reaching the mats a little before Kara, the beautiful Amazonian woman swings around and yanks down her shorts, unveiling and unfurling the largest, fattest cock that Kara has ever seen. Not that this is her first time seeing it.

See, she'd quickly learned upon working out for a few days in the women only gym, that while Diana was the Princess of the Amazons… she was the Queen here in this workout facility. Her and her big futa cock were taken care of here, with Diana loving nothing more than to cap off every single strenuous exercise routine she has with grabbing one of the other ladies in the gym and emptying her fat, churning ball sack into them.

And to be fair, the ladies of the Justice League are MORE than happy to let her do it. Kara has been working out here for over two weeks now, hoping for something like this to happen. Each and every time, Diana had picked someone else and Kara had been forced to watch from afar as the lucky heroine got railed to hell and back.

But finally… finally, it was Kara's turn. At seeing Diana expose her massive futa cock like that, the perky blonde doesn't hesitate to shuck off her tank top and her booty shorts, stripping naked in record time. Only after she's done so does she get a little self-conscious, blushing as she sees just how amused Diana is with her.

Planting her hands on her hips, the Amazonian Princess tilts her head to the side, her cock twitching. Even half-drooped, its humungous… Kara can't wait to have it fully erect and buried inside of her however Diana sees fit.

"You've been watching, Supergirl. Been enjoying the show these past two weeks, haven't you?"

Blushing profusely at being called out, Kara nods her head enthusiastically all the same.

"Y-Yes ma'am! V-Very much so, ma'am!"

Smirking, Diana reaches down and begins stroking her massive futa prick.

"Is that all you want to do? Just watch and drool?"

"N-No! I want… I want more!"

Her smirk transforming into a wide, wicked grin, the Amazonian Princess chuckles.

"That's what I like to hear. On your knees. Grab your ankles. And whatever happens, don't you dare let go."

Kara immediately does as she's told. Dropping to her knees, she reaches back and grabs her ankles, her back arching and her thighs splaying apart as her tits jut out. Not that she has anything on most of the women in this room. Even the big dicked futanari currently approaching her has a bigger rack than Kara does. But she's still got time. She might still grow into it!

Humming her approval, Diana wastes no time. As soon as she's in range, she grabs Kara by her blonde hair, yanking them into a makeshift ponytail that she then wraps around her fist securely. With her other hand, she slaps her humungous futa dong down upon either of Kara's cheeks, prompting the perky young heroine to open her mouth as wide as possible and loll out her tongue.

If nothing else, the past two weeks have shown Kara how to handle Diana. The answer was… you didn't. She handled you, and you were along for the ride. The best thing to do in such a situation was to be as accommodating as possible.

Diana's wide grin goes even wider and a moment later she's feeding her massive cock past Kara's lips. The blonde had thought she already had her jaw as wide as she could possibly get it… and to be fair, she did. However, there was a difference between how wide SHE could get it, and how wide Diana could get it. Kara lets out a muffled groan as her jaw creaks from the sheer volume its being expected to contain. Her lips stretch and stretch around the girthy circumference of Diana's futa cock.

But the beautiful Amazon doesn't stop, not even for a moment. She continues to slide her length down Kara's throat, until the perky young blonde's neck is bulging obscenely and she's gurgling and gagging on it. That big, fat dick… it's everything Kara hoped it would be.

See, from the very first moment Kara saw Diana wield her massive schlong against another heroine, the young alien woman had realized… she was a Size Queen. It wasn't something she'd ever really had the chance to explore before, in all honesty. She'd had sex, but while it was possible for her and her cousin to have sex with humans without killing them, it was also very, very difficult. Taxing, even.

Her cousin basically had to stay absolutely still and let his female partners do all the work, while Kara had it even harder, because if she got too worked up, if she got too excited, her pussy walls would clench and… well…

The worst had never happened, to be clear. Mostly because of some incredibly mortifying lessons where her cousin taught her self-control for the express purposes of making sure that the worst never happened. Unfortunately, that very same ironclad self-control meant Kara had never enjoyed sex with any of the few human partners she'd tried to date. And dating a big dicked man was straight out, as they couldn't even enter her Pussy of Steel.

But that wasn't a problem with Diana. She wasn't human, she'd never BEEN human. She was very literally a clay golem brought to life by the Greek Pantheon and made absolutely amazing in so many ways. What was important about that was how strong she was. How tough she was. She could go toe to toe with Kara's cousin… and she could fold Kara up like a tissue and use her like one to boot.


As Diana begins to drive in and out of Kara's throat, bouncing her head up and down that massive Futa Schlong of hers, Kara chokes and gurgles, gagging on the humungous cock. All the while, her hands continue grasping at her ankles as she was told to. If not for Diana's orders, she'd be vigorously fingering herself by this point.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

They have an audience, of course. That makes it even sexier, knowing the likes of Power Girl and Hawk Girl are watching her get railed, along with a dozen more. It honestly feels like a rite of passage, so to speak. She's not the newest member of the Justice League at this point, but she is the newest woman, and the only one by her estimation that HASN'T gotten to gargle one of Diana's loads by now.

Well, wait no longer Kara, because here it comes. Diana doesn't give any sort of warning. She never does when she's using one of her fellow heroines like a cum rag in front of the rest. She just lets out a hoarse groan, and a moment later begins to pump. Kara can only do her best to swallow and swallow, gurgling all the while.

But alas, her best simply isn't good enough. As Diana's seed flows down Kara's esophagus into her gullet, the perky blonde chokes mightily after only a few moments, causing a serious amount of cum to overflow out from the bottom of her mouth, pouring down off of her chin onto her heaving, trembling, supple titties.

When Diana finally pulls back, even more of the Futanari's cum ends up pouring out of Kara's wide open mouth, her blue eyes no longer sparkling with glee, but glazed over as she shudders and heaves with every breath.

For a long moment, Diana just looks down at her in amusement, cock still hard, still twitching right in front of Kara's face. As she slowly recovers herself, the blonde's focuses on that cock, dripping cum even now, her eyes going crossed just staring at it. Finally, Diana tilts her head to the side and the movement prompts Kara to meet her gaze.

"We done here, Supergirl?"

It's an honest question. For all that Diana is the undisputed Queen of this place, for all that the others are commonly reduced to little more than her playthings… she actually cares for all of them deeply. She knows each of their limits, she knows how much they can all respectively take, and she never goes too far with any of them. It's probably why all of them love her so much.

The thing is, Kara is new blood. This is her first time. And so Diana doesn't know her limits yet. Truth be told, Kara doesn't know her own limits either. What she DOES know is… they haven't found them yet.

"… Mooooore~"

Covered from chin to navel in Diana's cum, Kara moans as she begs for more, her hands coming up to rub the Amazonian Princess' seed into her pale flesh. Diana jolts and then grins savagely, chuckling a little bit as she reaches down to grab Kara by her hair again.

"That's what I like to hear, slut."

Yanking the perky blonde up onto her feet, Diana then hoists Kara into the air, spinning her around and folding her up just like that tissue Kara was thinking about earlier. If she didn't know any better, she'd say the Amazon was a mind reader, because the full nelson that Diana proceeds to put Kara in while standing there in front of everyone is EXACTLY what Kara was hoping for.

With cum still dribbling down off of her lower lip, slowly drying across her body, Kara looks out at the rest of the gym, making eye contact with quite a few heroines she's idolized and looked up to over the years. Growing up as the cousin of the most powerful man in the world, with your own sort of power… you ran in very specific circles. Some of these women, Kara has known since she was a preteen newly arrived on this world.

ALL of them… she's seen railed by Diana's futa cock in the past two weeks. Now? Now it's their turn to see her supple, nubile young body get railed.

Diana drops Kara down onto her fat cockhead with little fanfare. One moment she's holding Kara's folded form aloft over her shaft, the next she's impaling Kara right then and there. The blonde's eyes go wide and then crossed and her mouth forms into a small o as she lets out a positively delirious squeal. In an instant, half of the Amazonian Princess' futa prick is inside of her. In a single thrust, she buries half of that absolutely massive fucking dick in Kara's coochie.

It's everything that the blonde dreamed of and more. Her cunt walls clench like crazy, but Diana is just as tough and solid as Kara or her cousin would be. As a result, there's no phallic puree to worry about. Kara doesn't have to exercise perfect self-control like she would have to with a human. She doesn't have to do anything but enjoy herself. She can… let go.

And let go Kara does, as Diana reams her in front of the entire Gym. She bounces Kara's folded up figure up and down on her dick like there's no tomorrow, her powerfully built arms up under Kara's legs and her hands wrapped back behind the blonde's neck where her fingers are laced together and locked in place.

She fucks up into Kara with the force of a raging sun, and all Kara can do is squeal and scream in ecstatic glee as she sees stars. Her crossed eyes soon roll all the way back in her head, and her tongue ends up lolling out of her now-wide open mouth. Distantly, a small part of her knows that there's absolutely nothing redeemable about the face she's making right now. All those heroines she idolized are witnessing Kara making the stupidest, dumbest, fucked silly expression she's ever made.

However, they've all made similar expressions on the end of Diana's fat futa cock. They've all experienced the same nirvana and bliss that Kara Zor-El is experiencing now. Not a single one of them truly judges her for it. It's simply the way of things here in the Watchtower's Women Only Gym.

Kara can't say how long Diana fucks her. Time loses all meaning when she's impaled on Diana's amazing member. Its all the way up inside of her now, pushing into her womb itself. It feels like Diana is rearranging Kara's damn organs, and it's so, SO good. She cums her blonde brains out, losing track of just how many times Diana makes her climax like the hopeless, helpless, Size Queen fuck doll that she is as well.

But all good things come to an end, and finally, Kara feels it. The building pressure. The sensation of Diana's balls churning as they slap against Kara's slippery, exposed clit. The feeling of the Amazon's cock throbbing and pulsating harder and harder.

Finally, Diana cums and Kara squeals. For a bit, it just builds and builds… but eventually, it reaches a cresting point. Eventually, everything boils over. The sheer velocity with which Diana proceeds to creampie the blonde, combined with the pressure of that much jizz packed into Kara's womb is such that Kara ends up shooting out of the full nelson hold. She ends up rocketing off of Diana's cock, flying through the air NOT of her own power, and landing face down on one of the padded mats a few dozen feet away.

Diana's cum load follows her, connecting the two of them with a splattering of sticky white across the gym floor, going from the tip of Diana's cock all the way to Kara's upturned ass and the sticky, hot mess that's flowing out of her overstuffed cunt even now.

Face down, ass up, Kara twitches there, completely insensate. Head empty, dick good. That was about all that was going through Kara's mind, even as she distantly felt an arm wrap around her abdomen and hoist her into the air with Diana carrying her.

"Heh, c'mon Supergirl. Let's get you to the showers."

Kara just gurgles in response, eyes rolling around in her head, still fully stunned from the experience. But that wouldn't keep her from saying it was the best damn sex of her life once she fully recovered later. Nor would it stop her from returning to the Women Only Gym every single day in the hopes of getting some more.

She and her fellow heroines were like addicts and Diana was their dealer. And they wouldn't have it any other way.


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