Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Sage’s Gambit (Banished from the Hero’s Party)

The Sage’s Gambit (Banished from the Hero’s Party)


Themes: Mind Control, NTR, Master/Slave

Summary: After Ruti stabs Ares and leaves the party, he decides to do something about it. With the help of a new spell, he's MUCH more successful at getting her back than in canon.


“Ruti! There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you!”
That statement is somewhat of a fib. Ares had only been hunting for Ruti Ragnason for a little while now, despite it having been over a week since she stabbed him and quit the Hero’s Party. Which… that in and of itself was utterly ridiculous. She WAS the Hero. She wasn’t allowed to quit, even if all the others forsook their duties and abandoned them!
Ares had spent most of the week hunting down a spell instead to… rectify the situation. Only once he’d found it had he started looking for Ruti, only to find her here in Zoltan of all places.
The petite, blue-haired girl has abandoned her normal knight’s armor since last he saw her and is clad in only a sleeve-less blue dress. On top of that, she’s not alone. Beside her, standing at least a head taller than her, is one of the bustiest, most curvaceous blondes that Ares has ever seen. On top of that, something about her seems… vaguely familiar.
They both turn at Ares’ words, with the blonde looking confused by his presence while Ruti’s red eyes grow dead the moment she sees him.
“Ares. I’m not the Hero anymore. I would have thought I made that clear when I stabbed you.”
Unflinching in the face of Ruti’s disgust, Ares keeps his smile up as he lets out a chuckle.
“Oh, that’s all water under the bridge, Ruti! What’s a little stabbing among friends?”
Internally, he’s fuming over that stabbing of course, even now after getting it healed. The phantom pain still lingers. But if all went well, he would get his own back soon enough. Meanwhile, the blonde’s face is no longer confused. Instead she looks downright furious as she scowls at him mightily.
“YOU’RE Ares. Tch, what’s scum like you doing here? Leave, you’re not welcome here.”
Her imperious tone is enough for Ares to finally place just who the blonde is. He blinks at her, wondering at his good fortune.
“Hold on… you’re Princess Rizlet of Loggervia!”
The buxom blonde jolts back as if slapped, her tits bouncing from the movement before her scowl returns just as powerfully as before.
“It’s Rit, thank you very much! I’m Red’s girlfriend. You know, the guy who you kicked to the curb? And let me tell you, he’s a thousand times the man you are, you bastard!”
Such an angry girl, especially for a Princess. Oh… but this was perfect. As both women look at him, Ruti with her dead but also deadly eyes and Princess Rizlet with all of the anger and fury in the world, Ares can’t help himself. He begins to laugh.
“Ahaha… bahahahaha!”
“What’s so funny, you bastard?!”
“… Let’s just go. He’s clearly gone insane.”
Hearing that from Ruti, Ares immediately stops laughing. After all, he can’t let them leave. He considers, briefly, calling out to them before he does it… but in the end, for once in his life, the son of a failed duke has a moment of true genius… and doesn’t say a word. He just raises his hand as they turn their backs on him and casts the spell that he spent the better part of a week working on.
Ares’ lips split into a wide, almost wicked grin as the two beautiful women stop in their tracks. His magic washes over them both, and they each go stiff on the spot. Slowly, he begins to walk forward.
“We were having such a lovely conversation though, ladies. Turn back this way, please.”
When the two young women do so, Ares is delighted by what he sees. The anger has vanished from Princess Rizlet’s face, to be replaced by a blank expression that is in turn mirrored on Ruti’s. Certainly, neither of them look like they’re going to kill him at the slightest provocation anymore. Which is good, because the Mind Control Spell he just used on them would certainly count as provocation, Ares figures.
Chuckling softly, Ares considers them both for a moment before looking at Ruti in particular.
“Your Hero’s Blessing gives you Immunity to Confusion, Berserk, Sleep, and a dozen other status effects… but not Charm. I wondered why that was until I realized… it was for precisely this sort of situation. Where the Hero tried to drop her duties, and the Sage had to step in to… put her back on the right path. After all, Ruti, we’re a party aren’t we? Say it. Say we’re a party.”
“We’re… a party.”
Her trance tone sounds different from the dead tone she’d had earlier. A little more lifelike, even. Ares’ grin grows wider still.
“Tell me you love me.”
“I… lo… ve… you…”
There’s a minor hiccup there, but other than that it seems to be working. Glancing over at the Princess, Ares lets out another bark of laughter.
“When I came to retrieve Ruti, I never thought I’d get two for the price of one! You’re an excellent bonus prize, Princess. We’re going to have a lot of fun together. In fact, all three of us are going to have a lot of fun together. Tell me how excited you are to have fun with me and Ruti.”
“… I… am excited… to have fun with you and Ruti.”
Glancing around for a moment, Ares makes sure no one is watching them. Then, he steps forward into their personal space and reaches out, cupping their chests. Ruti is much smaller than the Princess of course, but Ares doesn’t mind. He grabs hold of both their breasts through their tops, giving them a good solid squeeze for a moment before pulling away and just looking at them.
He’s sorely tempted to have them strip right here in front of him, out in the open. To humiliate them both so publicly would be divine… but no. Ares is smarter than that. Looking at his two new toys, he continues to grin like the cat who caught the canary.
“… Take me somewhere private that Red would never look for the two of you.”
They end up going to a brothel that doubles as an inn on the far side of Zoltan. Apparently, neither Rizlet nor Red had ever been here before. The Princess only knew about it, and of course someone like Red would never think to look for his sister or his lover at a brothel. After securing a room for the three of them, Ares was now alone with his two fine catches. And he was more than ready to have some fun.
“We’ll eventually have to get down to business. Reform the party, defeat the Demon Lord… make sure I become King and all that. But first… I demand satisfaction. Both of you, strip naked.”
They begin doing so mechanically, still in their trances, unable to disobey his orders. Ares watches with open glee as Ruti and Rizlet strip for him. How often has he imagined the Hero submitting to him like this? It was always the plan to have her marry him, but he had never dreamed to be able to dominate her as he was now. He’d figured it would be a constant chore, keeping her happy while he used her to become King.
However, now her happiness was HIS happiness… so long as he finished the spell of course. It was the same with Princess Rizlet, Red’s apparent lover. Taking her would be just as sweet, and as her buxom body is exposed to him, he can’t help but admire her amazing curves. Chortling to himself, Ares reaches down and adjusts his crotch, before deciding to hell with it and freeing his cock from its confines entirely.
As he strokes his dick before the two mind controlled beauties, the Sage looks at Ruti and snickers.
“You really thought you had a chance with your brother when he somehow bagged this full feast of a woman? You’re lucky I came along to clear your head of such incestuous ideas, Ruti. You’re both going to be so much happier with ME as your eternal Master.”
Neither of them respond to that, he hasn’t given them an order after all. Ares, rapidly jerking himself to fully erect, grins a feral grin as he considers them both.
“You know, the spell I used on you two isn’t permanent. It’ll wear off within twenty four hours… unless, that is, I finish it. How, you might ask? Well it’s simple, really. If the spellcaster has their target imbibe their bodily fluids before the time runs out, then the spell’s effects become everlasting.”
Ares tilts his head to the side and shrugs.
“I could just prick my finger now and have you both drink a bit of my blood. But I’ve shed enough blood for you and our party, Ruti. So instead, I’m going to make you both drink down my seed. Starting with the Princess. Come here, Rizlet. Get down on your knees and wrap those fat melons of yours around my cock. Give me the best, most loving, most adoring titjob-blowjob of your life.”
The Princess takes one step and then another, her face as blank and slack as ever, but her movements making it clear she wants to do anything but obey. Ares had wondered about that. The spell hadn’t been clear on whether or not the target would still be capable of independent thought and trapped in their own heads until he made the effects permanent.
In the end, it doesn’t really matter. Ares has no intention of letting either woman go free… not ever again. Dropping to her knees before him, the beautiful buxom blonde reaches up and grabs hold of her prodigious tits, lifting them into the air and wrapping them around his cock. She squishes her chest against his abs and then lowers her mouth to the tip of his throbbing member.
The moment her lips touch his dick, its like a switch has been flicked. Ares’ eyes widen and brighten with delight as the Princess goes from tranced and moving mechanically to slobbering all over his cock and shaking her titties like a First Class whore in one second flat.
Suddenly moaning like a whorish slut, Rizlet slides her breasts up and down his dick, while gorging herself on the tip. She swirls her tongue this way and that, slurps and sucks and drools all over him, and all around does her level best to give him that loving, adoring titjob-blowjob combo he’d ordered of her.
Ares groans, tossing his head back in pleasure as his love rival’s girlfriend fellates him and uses those giant milk jugs of hers to pleasure him to the best of her abilities. Knowing how much of a limp dick Red was, Ares didn’t doubt that the Princess had never done this for him before. It wouldn’t be ‘proper’. If they’d even had sex yet was up for debate… it was possible they hadn’t even kissed!
Grinning a raucous grin at the idea, Ares reaches down and grabs Rizlet by her blonde locks, forcing her mouth as far down his dick as it will go without displacing her huge tits. He groans as his cockhead tickles the back of her throat but goes no further than that. Already though…
“I’m getting close! Welcome to the rest of your life as my slave, bitch! Swallow every last drop! Don’t you dare spill a bit of the seed that will seal your fate as my cum dumpster!”
A moment later he’s cumming, and thanks to his order, the Princess does indeed not spill a single drop. She swallows it all down, drinking and guzzling his jizz like there’s no tomorrow, gulping away until his balls have emptied and there’s nothing left for Ares to give her.
As he finishes, Ares pushes her away from him, taking a step back and panting as he recovers himself. At the same time, his eyes are on Rizlet’s kneeling form, waiting for any sign that the spell had done what it said it would do. If the effects weren’t permanent after all, he could still make it work… but it would be a pain having to refresh the spell every single day for the rest of his life.
Luckily, he sees what he’s looking for after a second of his seed settling in Rizlet’s stomach.
“Stand up, Princess. Let me see.”
Rising to her feet, the buxom blonde stands there as Ares watches a glowing purple tattoo form out of nothing right over Rizlet’s womb. The permanent mark of his ownership over her, an enchanted brand that would never let her disobey him, or indeed love anyone BUT him ever again. In fact…
“How are you feeling, Princess?”
Glancing up at her face, Ares can’t help but grin again as Princess Rizlet suddenly smiles a broad smile, looking at him with much more adoring eyes.
“I’m feeling… wonderful, Master. I’m so happy to finally belong to you. I’m complete, now that you own me.”
There it is. With the spell effects permanent, the trance is over and the Princess now believes she’s HAPPY to be his eternal slave. Wonderful indeed. And that meant… it was time to finish the set. Looking to the Hero, Ares’ eyes twinkle with evil avarice.
“Enjoy watching that, Ruti? You’re next. I want you to kneel down and grab hold of your ankles for me.”
Ruti does so, leaving her petite frame at a slight slant. Perfect for Ares’ purposes. Unlike Rizlet, Ruti doesn’t have much of a chest to speak of. She’s not completely flat, she has a handful apiece to be fair… but nothing worth wrapping around his cock, no sir.
And besides, he doesn’t want her to give him a titjob anyways. Ares steps forward and grabs Ruti’s head with both hands, his fingers sliding through her blue locks and gripping down on her skull.
“Open your mouth.”
As the Hero does so, Ares looks down into her red eyes and sneers.
“This is for stabbing me, bitch.”

Without further ado, he proceeds to stuff his cock into Ruti’s mouth and down the helpless, mind controlled Hero’s throat. Her eyes widen instinctively despite being in trance, even as her neck bulges with the size of his cock as he forces it down her esophagus right then and there.
No hesitation. No mercy. The bitch had stabbed him, after all! And for fucking what?! Because she was in love with her own brother?! Ares was doing them all a favor by keeping that disgusting sin from ever materializing, thank you very much!
“Stupid! Disloyal! Cunt!”
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
As he face fucks her, Ares is not gentle about it. He’s taking out all of his anger and frustration over the last few months on the Hero, because of everyone, she fucking deserves it. Kicking Red out of their party was supposed to be the start of something greater, something BETTER. For Ares, of course. But no. One by one, other members of the party had left as well. They’d started dropping like flies, as though Red was somehow the glue holding them together or something inane like that!
Ares hadn’t cared, however. They could always rebuild the Hero’s Party so long as he and Ruti had each other, and given how the Hero’s Blessing worked, Ares was confident that that would be the case. Unfortunately, Ruti’s perverted lust for her brother had proven so damn strong that she’d broken the fucking Hero’s Blessing somehow!
“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”
… Well, it didn’t matter anymore. Ruti might have tried to disband their party once and for all so she could run off after her brother, but that wasn’t her decision to make, despite her being the Hero. Ares understood now why he’d been given the Sign of the Sage. He understood now his role in the world at this point in time.
HE was in charge of making sure the Hero and her despicable incestuous leanings didn’t stray from the path. He was responsible for bringing Ruti Ragnason back to her calling… no matter what it took.
Princess Rizlet was just the icing on the cake so to speak. And what delicious icing she had proven to be so far.
He’s been skull fucking Ruti this entire time, and as he looks down at her, its to see involuntary tears streaking down from watery red eyes, and a whole lot of saliva, drool, and snot coating the lower half of her face as she chokes on his dick helplessly, again and again.
He’s beginning to reach his limits however, and so with a lustful growl, Ares forces the blue-haired Hero all the way down his cock and holds her head there.
“Swallow. It. All.”
Immediately, Ruti’s throat goes into overdrive, swallowing his cock continuously even before he starts to cum. His order is followed to the letter as he finally blows his load down the Hero’s stretched throat, filling her gullet and stomach directly with a hot, thick load of his jizz.
Ruti’s body jerks involuntarily as he does so, her eyes beginning to roll back in her head from the lack of air she’s currently experiencing. But finally, Ares pulls back, finished with her just before she can lose consciousness.
As he steps back a second time, his eyes are fixated on that currently bare, blemish-free spot right above her womb. He watches with bated breath… before crowing in delight as the womb tattoo, that magical branding, forms over the top of her pussy mound as well.
The proof of his ownership over her crystallizes into being, and Ares laughs for a moment, a little surprised he actually pulled it off.
“Can’t believe it. Can’t believe I made everything work out, in spite of everyone fucking working against me.”
Suddenly, there’s someone hugging him around the legs down below. Blinking, Ares looks down to see Ruti has scrambled forward to wrap her arms around his waist. His messy cock is draped over one of her shoulders as she looks up at him, her red eyes now filled with happiness… the first show of happiness he’s seen from her since he banished her weakling brother from the party in the first place.
“Thank you, Master. Thank you for reminding me of my purpose. Thank you for showing me that I’m your tool, to be used however you see fit against the Demon Lord. Please allow me to make up for my crimes against you by serving you faithfully for the rest of my days.”
A fresh grin slowly spreads across Ares’ face at that.
“That’s the plan, bitch.”
Looking at his two new slaves, Ares feels nothing but a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. He considers things for a moment… before reaching for the Princess first.
“Oh! Master, do you want to use me? Please fuck me, I-mmph!”
His mouth on hers keeps her quiet for the moment it takes Ares to drag her over to the bed and throw her down on it. He doesn’t hesitate to climb after her. He’s always been… less physically talented than he would have preferred. Frail, some might say. But his true power is his mind and magic, and with both he’s managed to put these two cunts, physically stronger than him though they might be, in their place.
Pushing Rizlet down onto the bed as he climbs on after her, he encounters no resistance from the newly enslaved Princess. She is his and they both know it. He is her Master, forevermore. And so Ares has no problem pushing her legs up into the air against her body and slamming the full length of his still-hard cock right into her cunt then and there.
Despite having a body absolutely BUILT for sin, from the fatness of her tits to the roundness of her ass and the itty bitty waist completing her perfect hourglass figure… Princess Rizlet is a virgin before that moment. He takes her virginity, making Ares bark out in laughter at the knowledge that she and Red had never even gotten to this point before. As he pounds into the blonde with all his might, he pulls back from the lip lock to question her a bit.
“You and Red… did you ever do anything more than kiss?”
“N-No Master! I wanted to, but he was too shy! Not like you, Master! He lacked the confidence to take the next step with me!”
Grinning ferally, Ares just nods at that.
“He always was nothing more than a limp dicked idiot.”
As soon as she hears his descriptor of her would-be lover, the Princess moans and nods enthusiastically.
“Y-Yes Master! He’s a limp dicked idiot! Nothing like you, Master! Nothing like you and your magnificent cock! Ooooh~”
Fuck, not only is she so damn tight and wet at the same time, with a plush body that Ares can’t get enough of, but she’s also shit talking his nemesis, her former boyfriend. It’s a deadly combo that Ares can’t help but cum from. With a hoarse groan, the Sage proceeds to paint Princess Rizlet’s insides white with his seed, creampieing her on the spot and filling her to the brim with his jizz.
In response, Rizlet’s eyes roll back in her skull and she makes a fucked silly expression as her entire body seizes up. She orgasms so damn explosively around his cock that it feels like he’s being milked, her pussy walls clenching tightly to his dick and refusing to let him go until her climax is finally done.
At that point, Ares pulls back… and realizes he has a choice to make. The spell he’d cast bound them together, and the seed he’d forced the Princess to imbibe made said binding permanent. They were connected now, the two of them. It was mostly a one way connection however, as Ares held all the power. Including whether or not Rizlet got pregnant or not, apparently.
He could see it in his mind’s eye, the decision he got to make. It would be as simple as thinking it one way or the other. For a long moment, he stares down at Rizlet, imagining her pregnant with his child. It would be the ultimate defeat of his nemesis… but in truth, Red wasn’t all that important anymore. Ares had to think about his future plans, and Red simply didn’t factor into them, not really. Let the other man live in despair and heartbreak at having lost his sister and now his girlfriend.
Meanwhile, Ares could always impregnate Rizlet later. He definitely would too, because the Princess might make an even better wife than Ruti. She might open up a path to being King that Ares hadn’t even considered before now. For the moment however, he can tell that Rizlet is a capable adventurer on top of being a Princess. B-Rank at least. And he and Ruti could use some help if they’re going to defeat the Demon Lord and collect all of the fame and accolades that come with that.
And so he says no for now to knocking Rizlet up, pulling away from her and leaving her insensate form on the bed as he looks to his other slave. Ruti is still on her knees where he left her, as Ares hadn’t given her permission to rise. However, he also hadn’t given her permission to finger herself while he fucked Rizlet, and yet that’s exactly what the petite Hero is doing.
She stops when he looks at her, blushing slightly as she stares at him panting. Her small chest lifts up and down with every heaving breath, and Ares considers her for a moment before deciding how he wants her.
“Face down, ass up.”
It’s an order, technically. And one Ruti is all too happy to follow now that he is her Master, now that he is her Lord and Savior. Without missing a beat, the short Hero whips around and plants her face down on the ground while lifting her ass high into the air. She does one better as well, reaching down under herself and using her fingers to spread her pussy lips nice and wide for him.
“Please, Master! Me next! Use me! Fuck me silly! Hurt me as much as you want! I need it! I need your cooooock!”
That’s the plan, but it’s so very nice to hear her beg for it after all this time. All his hard work, all of his effort to play the good man who Ruti could lean on in the hopes that she would realize they were meant for each other…
None of it had paid off. He’d been left with a stab wound and she’d run off to try and fuck her brother. Ares had been FORCED to resort to this, see. He’d been backed into a corner. And frankly, the Sage had absolutely no regrets.
Dropping to his knees behind Ruti’s slight form, he grabs her by her hips, noting how much thinner she is compared to Rizlet. The Princess has the figure of a Goddess though, and he’ll try not to spend too much time comparing them… oh wait, he doesn’t have to pretend anymore!
Grinning gleefully, he brings a hand up and then slaps it down on Ruti’s smaller ass, hard enough to cause her to cry out.
“You’re deficient, bitch. The Princess is much hotter than you are. Much sexier in every possible way. You’re too fucking tiny… but I suppose I’ll use you anyways.”
“T-Thank you, Master. I’m sorry I’m so-nnngh!”
He doesn’t bother letting her finish her apology, instead thrusting forward right there on the spot. He’s grown tired of waiting, and truth be told… he’s been waiting for this for a long, long time. Rizlet might be the new hotness, and she might have a spectacular body… but it’s not about looks when it comes to Ruti. Ares has been trying to get into the Hero’s panties for FAR too fucking long, and at long last she’s all his.
Sinking into her tight, gushing cunny feels like the greatest accomplishment of his life, to be honest. Finally taking the dumb bitch’s virginity, finally claiming her body like he’s already claimed her mind. A loud groan leaves Ares’ lips as he uses her like his own personal fuck toy, beginning to pound into her right then and there as she squeals and claws at the floor of the brothel room.
His cock pistons in and out of her cunt, and he hits the entrance of her cervix almost immediately. Her petite frame isn’t made for a real man’s cock like Princess Rizlet’s is, but Ares doesn’t let that stop him. He continues to ram up against Ruti’s cervix, even though he can tell it causes her some level of pain along with the pleasure.
Of course, loyal and adoring slave slut that she now is, Ruti just moans and shudders under the onslaught he’s delivering to her, not fighting back in the slightest as her hips push backwards to meet his thrusts. He knows he’s hurting her; he can hear her grunts and groans alongside her moaning, but Ares doesn’t care. She deserves at least this much for the suffering she’s put HIM through in turn.
Reaching down and around, the Sage grabs his new Hero Slave by her tits, yanking her backwards and up so that she’s no longer on her face but flush against his body. As he gropes her smaller handfuls, toying with and teasing her nipples until they’re rock hard and elongated under his fingers, Ares half-grins, half-snarls.
“We’re going to save the world, Ruti. You, me, and the Princess. Maybe some others if I’m feeling generous. Hell, with this spell I could reform our party minus dead weight like Danan. Yarandrala and Tisse though… we’ll, heh, give them a second chance.”
Putting that pink-haired elf slut on her back or having that little lithe assassin wrapping her spindly limbs around his torso as he fucked her… yes, Ares could easily imagine it. And it was glorious. Glorious enough that with a hoarse shout, he proceeds to cum inside of Ruti, filling the Hero to the brim with his seed and pumping another fresh creampie into the second of his slave bitches.
Like with Rizlet, the binding offers him the choice of whether or not Ruti gets pregnant. And while one day he’s going to make her give him plenty of offspring just like the Princess, for now Ares rejects the idea. He needs them both in fighting shape if they’re going to help him rebuild the Hero’s Party and keep him safe.
Together, they’ll defeat the Demon Lord. Together, they’ll make sure Ares rises farther than his family has ever risen before. With the Princess and the Hero by his side, he cannot fail. He WILL be King… and that pathetic loser Red will wallow in despair, knowing that he was never good enough to hold onto either his girlfriend or his sister. In the end… they both belong to Ares.
“Stand up both of you, let me get a good look at you.”
Moving to their feet, Rizlet off the bed and Ruti off the ground, the two naked women stand before him as Ares sits on the end of the bed. They show off for him, their eyes filled with adoration, love, and lust for their Master as they make sure to pose as sexily as they can. In the end though, he only has eyes for their crotches, where the glowing womb tattoos brand them as his slaves, and their cunts slowly seep his cum down their inner thighs.
It’s a beautiful, glorious sight to be sure, and Ares basks in it for a long moment before gesturing to his cock.
“Come here and clean me off, sluts. Once you’re done, get dressed. We have work to do.”
As they drop to their knees in unison and crawl over to begin licking him clean with their tongues and mouths, Ares smirks and rests a hand atop each of their heads while enjoying the adoring looks they’re shooting him from between his legs.
All according to plan.


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