Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Osborn Supremacy (Marvel)

Osborn Supremacy (Marvel)

Commission (Parts 1-9 combined into a single long-form story)

Themes: NTR, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex

Summary: In which "Harry" Osborn isn't quite Harry anymore. But that's alright. He knows Harry would have done anything for him. He was a good boy.


Part 1: Prologue


“F-Fuck! Yes! Nnngh! H-harder! D-Don’t stop!”
For anyone who could see the two going at it, it would be incredibly obvious that there was little chance of that happening. The man wasn’t going to stop for anything or anyone… not even the woman. Luckily for the woman, she’s enjoying herself immensely.
The first thing someone observing the pair might notice was the expression of pure pleasure on the busty blonde’s face as she’s railed from behind. On all fours, she’s being fucked hard and fast doggystyle with no end in sight. Covered in sweat, her naked body glistens, even as her abs and other muscles ripple from the constant impacts her ass is taking from her lover’s thighs.
She’s very clearly having the time of her life getting fucked from behind, all while the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the room, an accompaniment to the symphony that is her squealing and shrieking and begging for more, more, MORE!
Meanwhile, the second thing someone observing the pair might notice was the man making her feel all of these things. Tall, handsome, with brown hair, he has the blonde’s locks gathered up into a makeshift ponytail wrapped around a white-knuckled fist. He’s vicious as he fucks her, his other hand holding onto her side just to make sure she stays in place as she takes the punishing, penetrating thrusts of his prick again and again and again.
At first glance, the man and woman are a matchmade in heaven. Both conventionally gorgeous in all the right ways, and clearly built for each other given how physical they both seem to be.
What a more perceptive observer might notice, however… is that while the woman is very much enjoying herself and has had multiple orgasms just in the last few minutes, the man is clearly only focused on his pleasure. Grunting away, fucking her like she’s his bitch with a primal ferocity that cares little for her own enjoyment of the act, the man doesn’t stop for even a moment… and likely wouldn’t have stopped, even if she suddenly changed her tone and began to beg him to let her rest.
Luckily, that does not take place. The powerful penetration continues on for a few minutes longer, with the busty blonde continuing to beg and squeal at the top of her lungs for him to keep on fucking her. Then, with one final savage thrust into her cunt, he grits his teeth, a vein popping out of his neck as he finishes inside of her.
For her part, the blonde’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth for a moment, her own body going taut with her back arched by his grip on her hair. She quivers and shudders and spasms her way through one last explosive orgasm, before finally going limp as he releases his hold on her.
As she collapses onto the bed face first, he in turn drops onto his back beside her, grabbing her and flipping her over, pulling her to his side. While one hand does remain on her body, roaming and playing with her sweat-covered flesh to his heart’s content, his attention has clearly already diverted, split as it is now as his other hand grabs a remote and turns on a massive TV dominating one side of the room.
Said room is actually the Master Bedroom of an incredibly lavish, insanely expensive condo. Adorning its walls are pictures of the man and his father mostly, along with a diploma that reads Harold Theopolis Osborn on it.
As the television comes to life, the man and woman find themselves watching the middle of a news broadcast.
“-oming to you live from downtown, where Spider-Man is currently engaged in pitched combat with the villain known as the Green Goblin! Police cannot get close enough to have any effect on the battle and are currently urging civilians to evacuate the area with all haste!”
There, on the screen, one can see the red, blue, and black colors of New York’s ‘Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ going at it with a man in a green suit… the Green Goblin. On his glider, the Goblin flits about, zipping this way and that with Spider-Man barely staying ahead of the pumpkin bombs he’s throwing every which way by using that webbing of his to swing from building to building.
However, the webslinger certainly looks more harried than usual, with the Goblin seemingly backing him into a corner if something doesn’t change soon.
Watching this for a moment in silence, the blonde finally speaks up, her voice tired and her eyes lidded.
“… I hope the Goblin finally kills Spider-Man once and for all…”
As she nuzzles into his side, ‘Harry’ Osborn chuckles and pulls her all the closer, hugging her tightly as he stares at the television screen hungrily.
“Not to worry, Gwen. I’m sure he will.”
That is the identity of the two fit, gorgeous people in the bedroom. The beautiful busty blonde with a body to die for is Gwendolyn Stacy, a very intelligent girl who some might say had fallen in with the wrong crowd. But then, some might also say that those original folk were jealous, because it was a little hard to fall when you were with one of the richest men in the world, wasn’t it? By attaching herself to Harry Osborn’s star, you could argue Gwen was climbing higher than ever before.
Of course, something she and no one else knew was the true nature of the man beside her. As ‘Harry’ Osborn lay there on the bed, basking in Gwen’s soft body pressed against him and the heat her now-slumbering form gives off, he can’t help but smile at the television screen. Whether Green Goblin manages to kill Spider-Man or not this time is ultimately immaterial. They’ve already won. Or at least, HE’S already won.
See, ‘Harry’ Osborn… isn’t really Harry Osborn at all. It was a shame what had had to happen, but sometimes sacrifices must be made. He liked to think the real Harry would understand. He liked to think his son would happily jump on a grenade for his father. Then again, maybe not. It wasn’t like he’d given the previous inhabitant of this body much of a choice.
His real identity was that of Norman Osborn, if it wasn’t already obvious. He’d body hopped into his son’s body and was now living it up as Harry Osborn, young and rich beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, with an absolutely gorgeous woman like Gwendolyn Stacy to use as his personal fuck toy to his heart’s content.
… To be fair, he wasn’t this world’s Norman Osborn. That’s where things got a little convoluted, you see. This world’s Norman Osborn was currently dressed up as the Green Goblin and having a pitched battle with Spider-Man in downtown New York. He was nowhere near there, laying in bed as he was with his delightful blonde toy sleeping next to him.
No, ‘Harry’ was actually a Norman from an alternate universe. In that universe, Oscorp had received the largest contract of its existence when it was hired by the United States Military to reverse engineer the Super Soldier Formula. Unfortunately, there’d been very little success and what had seemed like the Golden Goose had quickly turned out to be a poisoned apple.
Norman had been so certain of success that he’d allowed the contracts he signed with the US government to be a little… draconian in nature. He had been so confident that Oscorp could deliver that he’d made promises he ultimately proved unable to keep. In the end, not only were they hemorrhaging money after a certain point, but the government was threatening to cut off ALL of their Military Contracts with Oscorp… and that would have ruined everything.
He'd been rushed. He’d been panicked. Nothing was working. Even with all that taken into consideration, Norman had still managed to push Oscorp’s work on the Super Soldier Serum to the point that only human testing could further things.
… That was when someone had smashed their way into the lab to steal the formula. Spider-Man had shown up in the chaos, and a fight had ensued. By the end of that fight, Norman had been exposed to the experimental Super Soldier Serum against his will, a fault of Spider-Man not being as careful as he could have been.
Thanks to the webcrawler, Norman had become the unwilling human test subject he’d been considering using. And… the Serum worked. Partially. While it did enhance Norman’s already genius-level intellect, making him the smartest man in his universe bar none, it also came with severe debilitating physical effects. He had lost the ability to so much as walk without losing his breath. He had become frail, his bones as weak as tissue paper. The slightest wrong movement would see him shattering something.
He was the smartest man alive… but his body had become a prison, a cage from which he could not escape. On top of that… despite those debilitating effects, the Super Soldier Serum extended his lifespan significantly, so that even as he deteriorated further and further, he would continue to live on, a tortured existence that Norman honestly wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy.
No, if he had his worst enemy in front of him, he wouldn’t force Spider-Man to go through such a thing. He would just kill him outright and be fucking done with it.

Regardless, two centuries later, by the end of his time in his original universe, Norman Osborn had built himself a life-support suit. It was a suit of armor to keep him safe, but also keep him alive. Not just surviving but thriving. And yet, even that wasn’t truly enough. To thrive, he needed to be able to move around without a fucking armored suit. To thrive, he needed to be able to function without life support.
Unfortunately, even two hundred years hadn’t been able to restore his original health or something better. Even with two hundred years, Norman had been stopped at every turn by outside forces. If it wasn’t the government, it was Spider-Man. If it wasn’t Spider-Man, it was some thief stealing from him. Again and again, Norman had been stymied at every fucking corner.
In the end, he’d given up. Not on life. He wasn’t suicidal. No, he’d given up on the future. On a future where he could regain his physical health and live outside of the suit. Ultimately, Norman had decided that his true victory… lay in his past.
All he had to do was transfer his vast intellect back in time to his past self, and he would be able to not only stop everything bad from happening, but also lean on his intelligence and experience to create a new dawn for Oscorp. A new golden age for him and his company.
… That had been the plan. In all fairness, he had never intended to involve Harry in any of this. But… well, mistakes happen. Unintended variables disrupt a carefully laid plan. Science, when you got into the higher end of it, could get… messy.
He had successfully transferred his mind into the past, or rather into what was now an alternative universe where HIS future would never happen. But he had missed the mark a fair bit. Rather than installing himself into his old body, he had inadvertently overwritten his son and become the new Harry Osborn instead. Rather than living as Norman Osborn, hale and hearty once more, he was now Harry Osborn… younger, healthier, and all around smarter than even his father by a wide, WIDE margin.
Ultimately, ‘Harry’ had decided that this actually worked out rather well. He’d been Harry for a few years now, and in that time he’d gone and gotten things done. One of those things was claiming Gwen for himself, making the beautiful blonde into his loyal, submissive pet. Another thing was sticking to his original plan. Using the vast amount of knowledge and experience he’d accumulated over the past two centuries, ‘Harry’ had stepped up and thoroughly impressed his unaware ‘father’ with his seemingly completely instinctive business sense.
It had started as just a suggestion here and there. Small things over the years to make Harry seem like he was seeing things that not even businessmen with thirty years of experience could see right off the bat. Once he had Norman hooked after feeding him a steady dripline of good ideas for several years, he’d gone ahead and escalated things.
These days, Oscorp was a true father and son venture. ‘Harry’ was in fact the COO of the entire company. And sure, some idiots loved to scream about nepotism, but the Osborn Family owned a controlling share of Oscorp. It was THEIR company through and through, and thanks to Harry’s advice, there was no one they had to answer to, not even the US government.
At this point in time, Oscorp was a multi-billion dollar, international business with plans for expansion over the next several years that would leave them rivaling if not outright surpassing Stark Industries. They’d already done so with other companies like Pym Technologies and the Rand Corporation. And frankly, he had little doubt they would succeed. Stark was intelligent, sure… but he wasn’t Super Serum Intelligent. Nor did he have a couple centuries of experience in his back pocket to draw upon at any time.
Everything was going just fine… though, as ‘Harry’ watches Spider-Man manage to escape the Goblin on the television, he frowns a little, a tick in his jaw forming. His expression of consternation relaxes a moment later however when he feels Gwen shift against him and is reminded that once again, Spider-Man, aka Peter Parker, doesn’t truly matter.
He’s already taken everything that matters from the young man. And he’d happily do it again. Especially when it resulted in such delicious treats as Gwendolyn Stacy being his submissive, needy little fuck toy.
How that had happened was actually QUITE the story…


Part 2: Gwen's Fall


Shutting off the TV, he pulls Gwen up by her hair. In a moment, the beautiful blonde draped against his side is awake and obediently rising off the bed. Wearing nothing but a collar around her pretty little neck, Gwen drops to the floor, kneeling there as Harry Osborn, for that was who he was now, swings his legs off the side and places his feet on either side of her.
His cock is already rising into the air even before Gwen grabs hold of his member and spreads her lips over the tip of his dick. Looking up into his eyes as Harry in turn stares down at her, she eagerly sucks on her Master’s shaft, bobbing up and down. Harry, for his part, slides his fingers through Gwen’s hair and smiles, thinking about the series of events that led them to this point.
He’d replaced his son at the start of High School. Getting his bearings and adjusting to being Harry Osborn instead of Norman Osborn had taken some time, but he was nothing if not adaptable, and with a genius mind like his as well as the experience of hundreds of years of life, he’d made it work.
Not quite in time to stop Gwen and Peter from getting together in the first place though, unfortunately. The two were dating by the time Norman-as-Harry had realized he wanted the blonde for himself… and more than that, wanted to ruin Peter Parker’s life. They were even dating before Peter became Spider-Man, in fact.
During that time, Harry had almost been willing to let things lie. As long as Peter wasn’t Spider-Man, he could control his anger at their past. He was Harry now after all, not Norman any longer.
And then the webcrawler had suddenly shown up one night, swinging through the city and making an irritating mess of things as he was prone to do. Before Harry even knew what was happening, his ‘father’ in this world had ended up the Green Goblin, Spider-Man’s Nemesis. In the aftermath, he’d managed to stabilize this timeline’s Norman Osborn, fixing the mental issues that came with the physical enhancements, but it was still irritating to say the least.
And so Harry had turned his considerable intellect towards making Peter Parker’s life a living hell. Killing him would have been easy back then. Peter didn’t know anyone of Harry’s caliber was truly after him. He trusted Harry implicitly as well… it would have been so, so easy. But Harry had wanted something else. He’d wanted Peter to hurt.
Gwen was the first thing he took from Peter, though he didn’t claim her for himself until later on.
“Fuck Spider-Man! Death is too good for that bastard!”
Gwen’s father was dead. Police Captain George Stacy had been killed in the line of duty by none other than Spider-Man himself. Or at least, that was the official story. Harry couldn’t help but watch with carefully hidden amusement as Gwen went on another curse-laden tirade about the webcrawler, unaware that she was standing next to his secret identity in the form of her very own boyfriend.
The blonde is so caught up in her despair and rage that she doesn’t even notice how her words are destroying Peter inch by inch. He’s been working tirelessly night after night as Spider-Man to try and clear his name. Being known as the one who killed a Police Captain, even if some of the News Networks tried to spin it as an accident, put Spider-Man firmly in the category of villain. Jonah was having a field day with the news, that was for sure.
And yet, Peter couldn’t manage to find any evidence that would exonerate him. Mostly because Harry had hidden it all too damn well. And best of all, the Osborn Heir was the only one who was aware that Peter had been intending on telling his girlfriend his secret just a day before George Stacy’s death. Not because Peter had confided him… no, despite their seemingly close friendship, the webcrawler hadn’t told Harry a thing.
Rather, it was because Harry had Peter’s home bugged, and he and his Aunt May had talked about it. May was the only person who believed Peter when he said he had nothing to do with George Stacy’s death, but even she had to admit that it was no longer safe to tell Gwen his secret, despite having been the one to advocate for it in the first place.
Harry could see it was tearing Peter apart, having to listen to a heartbroken, grieving Gwen rail against his superhero identity day after day. Even as he awkwardly puts a hand on the blonde’s back and rubs soothing circles into it, he’s visibly uncomfortable. It’s only a matter of time until Gwen notices as well…
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Deep throating his cock much more intensely now, Gwen bobs up and down all the faster while maintaining eye contact with him the entire time. Her beautiful blue eyes shine with loyal and devotion, her naked tits bouncing with the force she’s impaling her throat on his dick. The collar around her neck marks her as his property, as his woman… and Harry wouldn’t have it any other way.
Gwen had indeed eventually noticed Peter’s awkwardness, though she’d never quite managed to put two and two together. Still, the damage was done and the situation was such that there were irreconcilable differences by the end of that school year. When they broke up, everyone at school was shocked. Harry himself acted all surprised, though he made sure to carefully navigate the break up so he could remain ‘friends’ with both of them.
It would have been all too easy to snap up Gwen immediately, but instead he’d held off. He was, if nothing else, incredibly patient. He could wait a few short years after spending literal centuries trying to achieve his goals. Instead, he stayed a steady rock in both Gwen and Peter’s lives, remaining a strong friend that they could both rely on and turn to. Peter still never told Harry his secret, likely because he knew the identity of the Green Goblin and didn’t want to force his best friend to pick a side.
Both Peter and Gwen dated a couple of other people in High School, though nothing that lasted. It was in their Senior Year that Harry had finally taken Gwen aside for a private talk at his apartment. She’d been curious enough to go… and ended up learning more than she bargained for, by far.
“What’s this all about, Harry?”
Keeping his head down, Harry lets out a slow, shuddering sigh before acting as though he’s ripping the band aid off all at once.
“… Oscorp created Spider-Man.”
Gwen had frozen in place, her eyes wide at his declaration. The young woman had lost her father, and his presumed killer had never been brought to justice. Worse than that, Spider-Man had continued to prance around the city, doing his thing. People even eventually forgot about Police Captain Stacy as Spider-Man’s more recent good deeds overshadowed the tarnish on his past. He was still a dangerous vigilante according to the authorities, with a warrant out for his arrest… but the people of New York forgave and forgot much too easily.
However, Gwen Stacy had never forgotten. She had never stopped hunting for Spider-Man. Unfortunately, she was just one girl. Smart, yes… supervillain-material… not quite. Not without the right push anyways.
By herself, Gwen had only managed a handful of sightings of Spider-Man over the years. And now Harry was dropping a bombshell on her.
“… What?”
Making a show of grimacing as if physically pained, Harry had held up his hands at the time.
“I don’t know who it is. I don’t think Oscorp does either, to be honest. I don’t have all the info, but what I do have… I’m pretty sure I’m right.”
Due to their friendship, Gwen hadn’t stormed out. She’d stayed to hear him out. It had undoubtedly proved to be her undoing. Staring him in the eye, Gwen had resolutely demanded answers… answers that Harry was all too eager to give her.
Not letting his eagerness to pull her further into his own web show on his face, Harry hangs his head and does precisely that.
“Oscorp was involved in an experiment where we were genetically altering Spider DNA, Gwen. Two of the genetically altered spiders escaped containment. One ended up biting someone and they were… under medical observation when they underwent a transformation.”
Gwen had blinked at that, properly curious at that point alongside being incensed by the thought of Spider-Man being created by Oscorp.
“… What kind of transformation?”
“They turned into a… Man-Spider, Gwen. Upper body of a spider. Lower body of a man. It wasn’t pretty, I’ll tell you that much. They offed themselves while Oscorp was still running tests and trying to see what they could do with their new abilities. That said, the second spider was never found. I think the second spider bit someone and the change was a lot… kinder to them. And that’s where Spider-Man came from.”
Mouth opening and closing in silence for a few moments, Gwen had looked utterly poleaxed for a beat before finally scrunching up her face cutely in consternation and confusion.
“Why are you telling me all of this, Harry? How does it help my situation?”
That was when Harry had struck, not that Gwen had realized what he was doing. Looking fatally serious, he had stepped forward and taken Gwen by her hands.
“It’s because of your situation that I’m telling you all of this, Gwen. It’s not right. Your father’s death, the way everyone has all but forgotten about it. Not even Jonah Jameson is reporting on it anymore, and he’s Spider-Man’s number one hater in the Media. They’ve all just… let it go, just because it happened a couple years ago instead of yesterday.”
Staring at him with wide, teary eyes, Gwen clearly hadn’t known what to say. Luckily for her, Harry had the words for the both of them.
“I didn’t want to get your hopes up, so I never told you… but I never stopped looking for answers for you. You were my friend, Gwen. You ARE my friend. You deserve closure. More than that… you deserve justice.”
“H-How? How will this get my j-justice? Is Oscorp going to… sue Spider-Man or s-something for patent infringement?”
Harry had just chuckled and shook his head.
“No Gwen. It’s not about what Oscorp is going to do. It’s what I want to offer you. We graduated from High School in a month. College is the next obvious step… but what if there was something else? Something better?”
He could see a spark of interest in Gwen’s eyes, and so he’d seized upon it.
“I continued Oscorp’s experiments. I refined the process all on my own. I can offer you the same abilities Spider-Man has, along with the training to use them and the equipment to make you a force to be reckoned with… one that Spider-Man won’t see coming. All I ask in return is that you let me study you throughout the process. Together… we’ll take Spider-Man down and avenge your father, once and for all.”
Gwen had stared at him with wide eyes in silence, but Harry wasn’t worried. He could tell immediately… he already had her.
And indeed, looking down into Gwen’s flushed face in the present day, her cheeks bulging as he finally begins to cum and fills her throat and mouth with his jizz, Harry had in fact had her. Gwen couldn’t possibly pass up an opportunity to try and avenge her father by taking down his killer, and with everyone else just letting Captain Stacy’s death fall to the wayside, she was primed to want to see vengeance.
Of course, Harry had been lying, after a fashion. Technically, he had given Gwen everything he promised her. She now had the same physical enhancements as Spider-Man, with all of the strength and speed that came with it. Frankly, her abilities were amazing.
Only, Harry hadn’t quite told her about the other side effects. Like for instance, the fact that she would feel loyalty, devotion, and adoration towards him after the change. Making her all but his slave, he had gone on to ‘train’ her properly… into his own personal fuck toy. And the best part was, Gwen didn’t even mind it.
She didn’t mind being his slave. She didn’t mind wearing nothing more than a collar when they were alone together. She didn’t even mind that he had yet to let her try and kill Spider-Man. Ostensibly, Harry claimed it was because she wasn’t ready yet. That her training wasn’t complete. But he’d been stringing her along for quite a while now.
At this point, if not for the changes he’d made to the serum, he was certain she would have pulled a runner, leaving him behind to go and hunt for her vengeance properly. Instead, she couldn’t fathom disobeying him. She couldn’t comprehend doing anything but obeying his orders. He told her she wasn’t ready yet, and she believed him wholeheartedly.
There was a very real chance that if he did let Gwen loose on Spider-Man, she would succeed in killing him. And Harry, for all that he hadn’t stopped his father from trying to end the webcrawler’s life as the Green Goblin, didn’t quite want Spider-Man dead just yet.
No… he wanted Peter to suffer. And there was no better revenge on Peter Parker than taking his women. Gwen was just the start. Peter didn’t even know what had happened to her. But Harry… Harry was just beginning. And when he was done, his revenge would be total and complete.
Looking down into Gwen’s eyes as she finishes swallowing his load and pulls back to show him her clean tongue, Harry grins wickedly.
“Good girl.”
Gwen cums on the spot from the praise, bucking her hips as she moans happily like the enslaved bitch in heat she is. She’s Harry’s property, and thanks to the serum, she wouldn’t have it any other way.


Part 3: The Black Cat


Leaving Gwen to return to sleep, Harry Osborn makes his way to his penthouse office. No rest for the wicked after all. The world doesn’t wait for anyone, something he learned quite well in his past life. Centuries of trying to keep up, centuries of constantly feeling like he was falling behind no matter what he did.
Well, he wasn’t Norman Osborn, doomed yet immortal man anymore. No, he’d upgraded to a younger model while keeping all of the experience and memories from the older. It was the rest of the world that was trying to keep up with HIM now. However, he also wasn’t stupid. Harry knew full well that there were plenty of incredibly smart people in this world. If he rested on his laurels too much, they WOULD catch up to him, and then he’d be falling behind in the rat race once more.
With no intention of letting that happen, Harry slides into his seat behind his desk, booting up his desktop and getting to work. It’s all pretty normal stuff… not everything can be superpower serums and exciting new technology. Oscorp is bigger than it’s ever been before, and Harry has every intention of growing it even bigger than this. That requires just as much in the way of good business sense as it does in innovation and new ideas.
They might be on the bleeding edge of technology, but the world of capitalism was a cutthroat one, with daggers in the dark around every corner. It was up to Harry and his ‘father’ to make sure Oscorp didn’t run into one of those daggers.
… Though, speaking of things that go bump in the night, Harry can’t help the smile that spreads across his face when a figure slips into his office. It’s not Gwen, he knows that for a fact thanks to his security systems. Hundreds of years ahead of their time, his state of the art security is from a future that would never be. If he wanted to, he could have stopped this individual from so much as stepping foot in his penthouse.
But that would be rather counterproductive, all things considered. Finishing up one last email, Harry finally lifts his eyes from his computer to look at the figure who’s entered his office. The very curvaceous, white-haired figure wearing an all-black catsuit that HUGS every last inch of her absolutely amazing frame.
Smirking, Harry doesn’t hesitate to spend a few moments truly admiring the gorgeous appearance of the Black Cat, aka Felicia Hardy. Her costume looks DAMN good on her, he has to admit. Despite coming with all sorts of advanced technology and features, despite being made out of futuristic materials, its incredibly skintight, almost painted on really.
Black Cat’s reaction to his gaze is immediate. She was just standing there initially, but the moment Harry gives her the time of day, she shifts into a more seductive pose that accentuates her already exposed cleavage, her beautiful swaying hips, and her long, slightly spread legs. Her tongue slowly lolls out to lick at her full, pouty lips before disappearing back inside as she stares at him in silence.
Felicia was no stranger to using her body to get what she wanted. She was all too willing to play the flirt or the seductress with anyone, so long as it allowed her to get what she wanted. Usually, it allowed her to distract or outright disarm an opponent, which in turn helped her accomplish her goals. Those goals, given her reputation as a world-renowned thief, were self-explanatory of course.
However, with Harry it’s visibly different. She cares a lot more about what he thinks of her than anyone else she might flirt with. She wants him to look at her, not so she can pull one over on him… but just to look. In fact, they BOTH know she wants him to do more than simply LOOK at her.
After spending a little bit more time just admiring the view of HIS pussy cat, Harry finally meets her eyes and gives her a grin.
“Was your mission successful, Cat?”
Rather than respond with words, Felicia responds with actions. Namely, she pulls the zipper on her catsuit down, down, and down some more, until she reaches her crotch. Slinking forward, she slowly sheds the incredibly advanced costume, stripping out of the skintight armor as she gets closer and closer. Her body is exposed inch by inch, first her sizable chest in all of its milky, pale glory, and then more of her.
“It went splendidly, Master.”
Harry raises an eyebrow at that, noting how the white-haired beauty leaves her catsuit behind on the floor. Completely naked now save for a black choker around her neck that they both know signifies his ownership over her, the Black Cat licks her lips again as she reaches his desk and walks her fingers along its surface.
“I’m here… for my reward~”
Harry hums in amusement, as she circles his desk and grabs hold of the arms of his chair, turning him to face her while looming over him. If Gwen was the pet he kept close by at all times, Felicia was an outdoor sort of pet. He’d bagged and tagged her long ago, tamed and claimed her for himself… but also left her with a greater degree of independence then Gwen currently had.
That did not, however, mean Harry was willing to just let her get away with her disrespect. Not that Felicia expected him to. It was all part of the game they played, and one she was all too eager for.
Surging out of his chair, Harry’s hand fists in the cat burglar’s stark white hair before she can so much as blink. Felicia yelps as he spins her around and promptly bends her over his desk right then and there. Her palms smack down on the surface of the desk, and she gasps as he forces her chest to compress into it as well. At the same time, her hips lift unconsciously into the air, helped along by the underhanded slap he gives her ass with his free hand.
“Is that right? Your reward… hm, very well.”
Felicia just moans, wiggling her derriere back and forth and pushing herself up onto her tiptoes with an eagerness that is only further compounded by how wet he finds her to be. His pussy cat is sopping as he feels her up, sliding his fingers up and down her slippery sex.
Pulling his hand back, Harry just snorts and frees his cock from its confines. As he slips into position behind her, he palms her ass and lines himself up with her cunt.
“We’ll have to make this fairly quick, Cat. I have some meetings to get to.”
A low whine of disappointment leaves Felicia’s throat at that, and she shakes her hips energetically as if to say ‘aren’t I so much better than those pesky meetings?!’. And to be fair, she definitely is. But Harry didn’t get here by letting his dick lead him around by the nose. He was in charge here. Not Felicia and certainly not his lower brain.
With a savage snarl, he slams into the white-haired woman from behind. Felicia howls, and Harry would have worried about waking Gwen up, but the office is soundproofed. Meaning that Felicia can be as loud as she wants and more importantly, Harry can make her be as loud as HE wants. Still gripping down tightly on her hair, Harry drags Felicia’s head back, watching the gloriously fit thief’s spine arch beautifully as he begins to drive in and out of her.
There’s nothing better than burying himself in this beautiful temptress’ drooling twat again and again. Indeed, the only thing that equals fucking Felicia Hardy for all she’s worth is fucking the others. Still, they’re his women… not the other way around. Harry doesn’t let any of them control him. Not even for a single second.

That’s why he’s not at all swayed by Felicia’s repeated attempts to turn this into a longer session. She pulls out all of the tricks too.
“Yessss! Harder, Master! Please, Master! Give this kitty some cream! Fuck me! FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEEEEE!!!”
If it’s not the begging and yowling for more, then it’s Felicia slamming her hips back into his thrusting cock. She’s trying to rile him up. She’s trying to piss him off and get him to be rougher with her. Harry lets her think it’s working to an extent. He even reaches up from her ass to around to her tits, grabbing one and mauling it as Felicia, masochistic cunt that she is, happily squeals and cums on his cock.
She’s only a masochist for him, of course. She loves pain when it comes from Harry, from her Master. Outdoor pet that she might be, but she ALWAYS came back for her… heh, cream as she put it.
Still, just as she’s no doubt hoping he’s decided to make this a longer session, one where he fucks her until she’s insensate and unconscious… Harry glances at the time and grunts, recognizing a need to bring these events to a close. He doesn’t immediately cut things off though. He makes sure to fuck her through a couple of orgasms more, pounding her harder and faster until finally…
It’s during one of her climaxes, while she’s barely cognizant of what’s happening, that Harry lets her clenching, flexing, incredibly tight pussy take him over the edge. By the time Felicia realizes he’s cumming inside of her already, it’s too late. If she’d known he was about to cum, his pussy cat might have tried to slow down or something. She might have tried to pull back and keep him on the edge for a little while longer.
But only one of them is in charge here, and Harry alone decides when he cums, especially inside one of his bitches like Felicia. With a rough snarl, he empties his balls inside of the white-haired thief, using her as his own personal sex toy. Then, just as quickly as he bent her over it in the first place, Harry yanks Felicia back off of the desk and spins her around.
To her credit, the Black Cat recovers in record time and drops into a crouch before he even has to do anything. Bringing herself to eye level with Harry’s cock, Felicia lets out a lustful groan and grabs hold of his messy dick by the base, even as her free hand goes to her sex.
She immediately takes him into her mouth, and Harry has to regulate his body’s response as he looks down at those perfectly pouty lips of hers, wrapped around his thick, softening meat pole. The look she’s giving him while she crouches there at his feet is… enough to get any red-blooded male erect in seconds.
But he’s not just anyone, and he was serious about needing to make this quick. Felicia does her best and pulls out all the stops, but in the end she quickly realizes he means business.
Proving that she CAN be a good girl when she wants to be, the Black Cat settles for cleaning him up, sucking off their combined juices with her mouth and tongue before pulling back from his soft cock with a pop. Even soft, he’s still quite large and she rubs her cheek against his length before letting out a put-upon sigh and tucking him back into his pants.
Once she’s fixed up his clothing for him, Felicia rises to her feet, his hand finally releasing her hair. Harry watches in no small amount of amusement and lust as the naked thief sashays her way back over to her discarded catsuit, making quite the seductive and sultry… and altogether pouty show of it as she bends over in just the right way, swooping down to pull a data drive from a concealed pocket in the catsuit.
Standing back up, catsuit draped over her arm, Felicia turns back to him and hands over the data drive with a wicked sort of smile.
“Mission accomplished, Master~”
Taking the data drive with a nod, Harry sits back down at his desk, already returning to work.
“Well done, Cat. Go and get cleaned up. I’ll be with you shortly.”
Felicia’s eyes light up at that as her entire perky body perks up even further, her breasts jiggling from the jolt of energy his words give her. Positively purring, she leans forward and runs her fingers over his hand.
“Mmm… I’ll hold you to that, Master~”
Then, she turns and walks away. Harry watches her go of course… he might have had work to do, but he wasn’t going to deprive himself of such a glorious view when it would only take a few seconds to truly enjoy her departure. As Felicia leaves the office, heading for the penthouse’s fully equipped bath, Harry smiles to himself, picking up the data drive she retrieved for him and eyeing it for a moment.
This was the true nature of Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat. Not that anyone knew, because it was not in his best interests for them to know. Everyone thought of the Black Cat has her own, independent entity. She was flighty and impulsive. She stole things at random, some of insane value, some because they were hard to steal, and some for seemingly no reason at all.
This… all of this was on purpose. Perhaps in his previous timeline that had been all there was to Felicia Hardy. But in this timeline, her reputation as a world-renowned thief was a cover for her true nature. That being, his own personal sex toy and retrieval specialist. The Black Cat was Harry Osborn’s creature through and through, and no one even knew it.
How that had come about was rather amusing to say the least. And quite the story, to be sure…


Part 4: The Black Cat Pt. 2


Sitting on the couch in his office a few hours later, Harry smiles as he enjoys a long, lavish blowjob from Felicia. The white-haired cat burglar is sprawled across his couch, her body now fully naked and on display as she sucks his cock and fondles his balls at the same time.
Acquiring her was indeed quite the story, and as he runs a hand through her white locks, petting her head, Harry finds himself reminiscing on just how Felicia Hardy, aka The Black Cat, had become his property.
It wasn’t long after Gwen and Peter broke up that Felicia came into Peter’s life. She’d gone to high school with all of them of course but hadn’t been part of their friend group initially. To Peter’s credit, Felicia wasn’t his immediate rebound after breaking up with Gwen, but it WAS obvious at the time that she was definitely a replacement for the sort of hole in his life that Gwen Stacy had left behind.
Why? Because back then, Felicia hadn’t been the Black Cat yet. She hadn’t been the white-haired, curvaceous cat burglar that lay sprawled on his office couch before him right now. No, back then Felicia had just been another slender blonde, and it was so damn obvious that she was little more than a pale imitation of Gwen from Peter’s perspective, at least from where Harry was standing.
Still, Peter and Felicia’s relationship had at least lasted longer than the few girls he dated between her and Gwen. None of them were truly worth Harry’s time, but as Felicia and Peter got more and more serious, Harry knew that he had another woman he’d soon be taking off of Peter’s hands and making his own. With his previous life as Norman Osborn and all of the foreknowledge that came with it fueling his plans, it was almost child’s play, making it all work out.
The slender and blonde Felicia Hardy dated Peter through the last year of high school and the first year of college. But around that time, the money Felicia’s dad set aside for her before he went to prison started to run out. Just as Harry knew it would, thanks to his own knowledge of Felicia’s backstory from the original timeline.
He’d also known right off the bat that someone like Felicia Hardy couldn’t possibly bring herself to get a real job. Not that he blamed her. See, Peter might not have been able to see Felicia for more than just a pale imitation of Gwen, but Harry knew better. Felicia was her own woman, with her own story to be told. Gwen was brilliant, don’t get him wrong… but Felicia was cunning, and agile, and all around one of the best thieves in the entire world.
Or rather, she would be. All Harry had to do was wait and bide his time.
Sure enough, as her bank accounts went into the red, Felicia had hidden her money woes from her boyfriend and started using all of the things her father taught her to start robbing homes while wearing a form-fitting black catsuit stuffed in the chest and a white wig alongside a domino mask. With the ensemble, she barely looked like Felicia Hardy. She was much too busty, and of course had the wig on to hide her natural blonde hair.
At first, Felicia didn’t take much. Just little things that could easily be replaced but would sell for quite a bit to the fence she’d found. Harry knew this because HE was Felicia’s fence in those early days. Working through half a dozen intermediaries, he bought the things that the cute thief stole for him and financed her budding criminal career, making it more and more lucrative for Felicia to go about stealing rather than living within the normal bounds of society.
He technically had evidence that she would have happily gone further down this path from how things had gone in his previous timeline, but Harry didn’t want to chance anything. He overpaid a good ten to twenty percent for the items Felicia stole, financing her preferred lifestyle and keeping her in good health by padding out her bank account for her.
This in turn encouraged her to steal more, until finally the thrill of it all was getting to her and she was starting to steal for fun and the adrenaline rush of bigger and bigger scores. This was where the Black Cat was truly born, as she’d gone through Harry, unaware of his true identity, to get a tougher suit and even claws embedded in the fingertips.
Before, she was just a seemingly busty white-haired thief who was robbing from the rich to pad her pockets. But after a certain point, she started showing off her skills in more and more extravagant ways, letting herself almost get caught just for the adrenaline of escaping, and all around letting herself even get filmed on security cameras so that more and more people knew who she was and just how good she was at what she did.
Smiling down at Felicia as he continues to pet her head in the presence, Harry chuckles softly, causing her to glance up at him. But he just turns her attention back to his cock by thrusting up with his hips, causing the gorgeous thief to return her focus to sloppily slurping at his dick, lavishing his member with her mouth and tongue.
After becoming a known quantity in New York’s criminal underbelly, it was only a matter of time before Felicia and Peter ran into each other. Or rather, it was only a matter of time before Black Cat and Spider-Man ran into each other. Needless to say, Felicia’s little disguise did nothing to prevent Peter from recognizing her. He immediately knew that the infamous cat burglar known as the Black Cat was his girlfriend, Felicia Hardy.
That alone was delicious to watch from afar for Harry. Peter couldn’t help but be torn up about it, and so very anxious over his girlfriend going out every night and stealing from people. Not just people either, but museums and art exhibits as Felicia got bolder and bolder. In no small part thanks to Harry of course, who had expanded his role from her fence to something of an ‘agent’ as well, offering her jobs and using the excuse of her infamy growing to explain where they were suddenly coming from.
Felicia couldn’t help herself, but Peter… well, Spider-Man was supposed to be a superhero, no matter what some people thought after Gwen’s father died. It was quite obvious to Harry at last that Peter was torn over what to do. Just as it was obvious to Felicia after a certain amount of time that Spider-Man was holding back against her.
The moment Peter had realized her true identity on their first encounter, he’d practically let her go, unwilling to go any harder on her. Initially, Harry knew Felicia thought this was because she was a woman… but eventually, the Black Cat realized the truth. Spider-Man WAS her seemingly mild-mannered boyfriend Peter Parker. Not only that, but he knew she was the Black Cat… and he DIDN’T know she knew he was Spider-Man.
Needless to say, this led to a sort of Golden Age period of their relationship, at least as far as Felicia was concerned. Riding high on the feeling of never having been caught, loving that she was not only thumbing her nose at all of the proper authorities while making a name for herself in the criminal underworld, Felicia had got more and more audacious. To know that her boyfriend was New York’s resident webcrawler and unable to catch her as well… well, that was just the icing on the cake, wasn’t it?
Ultimately, during that time period, Felicia loved taking Peter on all sorts of merry chases through New York City. She would get herself worked up on these chases, and when she finally managed to lose him, she would change out of her Black Cat outfit and go off to find Peter as Felicia to work it off. As far as she was concerned, she was getting the best of both worlds. She was nonstop winning as Black Cat, and also getting some real rough and enjoyable monkey sex as Felicia Hardy.
Poor Peter, if he was asked, probably wouldn’t agree that it was the Golden Age of their relationship. Harry was well aware that his so-called ‘best friend’ had had no small share of sleepless nights during that time, as he tossed and turned over knowing what Felicia was doing and not being able to stop her. He couldn’t confront her out of costume so long as he thought she didn’t know his identity, and thus had to settle for trying to convince her to give up her life of crime as Spider-Man.
This all proved to be the perfect storm for the catalyst that would eventually result in Felicia leaving Peter and ending up where she was now, laid out and sucking Harry’s cock like her life depended on it. To be fair, her life didn’t depend on it… she was just happy to serve him, and slavishly loyal to Harry Osborn and Harry Osborn alone at this point.
How that had ultimately come about was just the funniest story, though Harry knew he was the only one who thought so. Put simply, it was just another chase between Spider-Man and Black Cat… only, this one ended with Felicia being a little too slow and getting caught by Spider-Man. Once again, Peter tried to get her to stop and put down her life of crime, but she refused, confident that he wouldn’t actually turn her in.
Unfortunately for the two of them, it wasn’t up to Peter. Not at that point. With Felicia webbed to the wall where he’d caught her, neither of them was prepared for the police to show up out of nowhere and try to arrest them both. Peter, of course, had to flee to avoid getting shot to death by a bunch of police officers who were very gung-ho to get back at Spider-Man for the supposed killing of Police Captain Stacy.
Felicia, however, was rapidly arrested, with no way to escape thanks to Spider-Man’s incredibly powerful webbing. By the end of the night, the infamous cat burglar was charged with every theft that the Police Department could pin on her and had been facing quite a serious prison sentence. It was only ‘luck’ that kept them from figuring out her actual identity of course.
Heh, ‘luck’. Sure. More accurately, Harry had his fingers in all the proper pies from the very start. He wanted Felicia burned, but not so burned that she wasn’t useful to him anymore. And so even though she was in police custody for several days, no one actually ever properly identified her as Felicia Hardy. Funny, that.
Instead, it was the Black Cat that the lawyers descended upon the Police Station to save. No one knew who said lawyers were from, but when Felicia was finally released and ultimately given little more than a slap on the wrist and some community service, it was he who she found in the car with the tinted windows waiting to pick her up.
It was the perfect storm. A confluence of events that resulted in exactly what he wanted from her. Because Peter had been so guilty over both getting her caught as well as feeling like he failed to get her to stop her life of crime, he never once visited her. In his absence, Felicia was led to think that her boyfriend had set her up. Needless to say, she was more than ready to break it off with him by the end of her short stint in prison. The ‘Golden Age’ was over and so was their relationship.
But that wasn’t enough for Harry. Maybe it would have been for the original Harry, his son… but the Norman who had become Harry wanted more. He didn’t just want to leave Peter alone and bereft of love, he wanted to take the women who meant the most to his nemesis and turn them into useful tools for his own purposes.
That was why, with Felicia angry and primed, Harry had offered her an out in the car that day. He would transform her into more than she already was, and in turn she would owe him a small stint as one of his operators. A few missions and the debt would be paid.
Felicia had accepted without even thinking about it, and that… that had led to her transformation into the Black Cat that Harry had always known from his previous timeline. Her hair was now actually white and not just a wig, her body was actually curvaceous and busty and not just padded… and most importantly of all, her loyalty was to him and him alone.
She probably wouldn’t have agreed if she’d known that would be a consequence of the transformation. But alas, the fine print was a bitch, wasn’t it? Ultimately, he’d utilized her quite well in recent years. He’d even given her public persona a job on his private security team. She looked almost as good in a properly tailored suit with her white hair pulled back into a ponytail and faux prescription glasses on the bridge of her nose as she did in her catsuit with a domino mask barely covering her upper face.
Of course, she looked best like she was now. Naked, exposed, and ALL his. Gathering up her hair in a makeshift ponytail, Harry smiles as he pulls Felicia all the way down his shaft and holds her there.
She gurgles as she looks up at him with nothing but pure devotion in her watering eyes. His cock fills her mouth and throat, causing her neck to bulge even as she just lays there and takes it, happily asphyxiating on his cock all the while.
It might have taken years for him to bring her to his side and make her his plaything, but nothing worth doing was ever easy. And if something WAS worth doing, Harry fully believed it was worth doing right.
As he begins to cum, he groans and empties his balls down her throat, watching as she swallows every last drop of his seed.
“That’s right Cat. Drink your cream, you slutty little cunt. Enjoy every last drop.”
She very much does, and Harry lets his head loll back and his eyes drift shut as he smiles wickedly. Perfection.


Part 5: Harry's Wife


They don’t even make it up to the penthouse. They barely get into the elevator before she’s leapt into his arms, wrapping her limbs around him. Of course, being the gentleman that he is, Harry sets his stance and catches her with ease. Grinning wickedly as she begins to kiss up the length of his neck and jaw, moaning and making her way to his lips, Harry reaches around his current ‘dance partner’ and swipes his ID card before pressing the button to send the elevator up to the building’s top floor.
Then, he settles in for making out with his wife. Their bodies undulate against each other, rubbing and grinding as the flimsy yet also incredibly gorgeous dress she’s wearing does little to cover her at this point. Her perfectly sculpted body molds to his without question, her breasts pressing into his chest and her crotch grinding against his growing bulge.
He, meanwhile, gropes her ass, holding her aloft as he digs his fingers into her pliable, heart-shaped derriere. Her perfectly proportioned posterior has just the right give too, not quite plush, but certainly more pillowy than athletic. She’s the definition of feminine softness, the perfect woman.
When the elevator dings, depositing them at the top of the building directly into the penthouse itself, Harry doesn’t move for a moment. He’s too busy enjoying his wives’ aggressive and not at all tender affections. Still, he has hundreds of years of memories from his previous life as Norman Osborn, as well as the highest IQ on the damn planet. He can gauge when an elevator is about to close.
Just as the doors start to shut, he smoothly steps out of the elevator and into the penthouse. In doing so, he also rocks his hips and grinds his bulge into the crotch of the woman in his arms, prompting her to disengage their lip lock so she could throw her mane of gorgeous bright red hair back and moan wantonly into open air.
From there, it’s merely a question of whether they’ll make it to the bedroom or end up fucking on any given surface in the penthouse… again. But no, the night has been absolutely glorious so far, and he sees no reason not to make sure it continues to be spectacular. And so the master bedroom is their ultimate destination, where he grabs hold of his wife’s dress and rips it clean off her body, leaving her perfect figure on full display as he dumps her onto the bed.
Landing with barely a whimper, she’s immediately posing, sitting up on her elbows, arching her back, crooking one leg to give a perfect view of her glistening wet snatch. The grin on her lips is positively sinful, the look in her green eyes absolutely depraved. She bites her lower lip as she looks him up and down for a moment before zeroing in on his crotch.
“Well, Tiger? What are you waiting for?”
He really doesn’t need to be told twice. He’s out of his clothes almost as fast as he stripped her, though with less tearing. That’s not to say his own clothing is worth more than hers was… the dress he’d ripped off her body was actually worth more money than most Americans made in a year. But he wasn’t most Americans. Still, he’s a bit more careful with his suit, but nevertheless naked in mere moments all the same.
He pauses for just a moment after that, letting her eyes roam up and down his body again. Of course, those beautiful green eyes of hers eventually zero right in on his cock rather than anything else. She worries her lower lip between her teeth, staring at his throbbing erection with clear, honest need in her gaze.
And then, he’s on top of her. His wife cries out, as he thrusts into her right off the bat. No further foreplay, not an ounce of hesitation. He could have had her suck him off first he supposed, but he doesn’t. He’s too eager to get to the good part if he’s being honest. The entire night has been some serious foreplay, after all. His cock spears into her cunt and her eyes almost roll up in her head from pleasure right then and there. She moans throatily beneath him, happily submitting to his domineering and controlling way of fucking her.
She was his and they both knew it. Her perfect body, made for modeling and looking as though she were sculpted by the greatest sculptors in the world, undulates beneath him, shuddering in delight. Her pussy walls flex and cling to his cock, and it’s obvious she’s just as excited to cap off this lovely night right as he is.
But then to be fair, this really was the icing on the cake. As far as date nights went, it had been extravagant, but then Harry didn’t do anything by halves. Especially not where his beautiful, darling wife was concerned. He always liked to go all out with the red head, and tonight was no different. Technically it had only been dinner, and most people would claim that you were skimping if it wasn’t both dinner and a show. Those people were plebians who had no concept of what a true dinner date could be.
Some would claim there were only two types of people in the world. The have’s and the have not’s. But those people were either the have not’s, or they were grifters trying to convince the have not’s to give what little they laid claim to up for some scheme or other. In truth, there were multiple shades of have’s and multiple shades of have not’s. For instance, you might be living paycheck to paycheck and only ever have a handful of dollars in your bank account, but at least you weren’t homeless.
In a similar vein, a certain level of richness was required to get yourself a reservation at the finest Five Star Restaurant in New York City. It wasn’t even enough to have the money either, you also had to have the proper connections. Money and influence made the world go around. If you had enough of both, you could do many things that those who didn’t were restricted from.
However, it was a whole different level of wealth to be able to reserve the entire restaurant for you and your date, as he’d done tonight. Harry, even back when he’d been Norman, had long despised two things in particular. Large crowds of strangers he had no control over, and poor service. Luckily, he had the wealth to take care of those two problems. He’d bought out the entire restaurant, leaving it just him and his wife. Because there was no one else to serve, the service was absolutely exquisite, and so was the food.
It was an excellent dinner, to be sure. A sixteen course dinner, in fact. And none of that new age shit either. None of that single bite on a plate being passed off as a course. No, they’d both had their fills, eaten the best food that New York could produce, and rather than come away stuffed to the gills, they were randier than ever.
Harry had even considered doing something with her right there in the restaurant. They definitely could have gotten away with it. That was the difference between rich and wealthy. That was the difference between having a little money and having true power. Hell, if Harry had wanted to, he could have had the entire restaurant descend into an orgy.
He hadn’t, of course. Some of the restaurant staff were appealing to the eye enough for him to consider it, but others were… talented in other ways, such as service and cooking. They didn’t have the looks, but they still had skills that appealed to Harry greatly. Besides, the meal was wonderful as it was. He didn’t need his wife to get down under the table and suck him off while he partook in the fifth course. Nor did he need to bend her over the table and fuck her silly as the waitresses watched. But he’d definitely thought about it. It was honestly a very near thing.
As evidenced by the way he had her on her back right now, fucking his wife hard and fast into the bed. In response, her legs are raised high into the air on either side of him, her high heels locking behind his back as she crosses her ankles around his waist. Her arms reach up behind her, grasping at the sheets as cry after cry spills forth from her sweet, imminently kissable lips.
He could have silenced her, he could have muffled her moans and mewls, but he loved listening to her melodic voice far too much for that. Instead, Harry leans down to her chest, his mouth slipping over one of her perfectly sculpted breasts. Not too small and not too big. They’re just right, with the exact amount of heft that Harry absolutely loves. He could spend all night worshipping tits like these. They were made to be worshipped, made to be adored.
His hands soon join his mouth in fondling and molesting her chest. He lashes at one of her nipples with his tongue, while flicking her other with his thumb. In short order, but of her teats are rock hard, perfectly round pebbles protruding from perfectly round, incredibly soft breasts.
He COULD worship said chest forever… but he doesn’t. He’s a greedy, domineering man after all. His worship is limited. His selfishness is not. As his cock pistons in and out of her and the beautiful woman beneath him cries out in ecstasy for the umpteenth time, Harry begins to pull back. She’s just riding out her latest orgasm when he slips his cock out of her, his hands going down to her hips.
Abruptly, he spins her over onto her front. Pulling her to her hands and knees, he reaches up and gathers her voluminous red locks into a makeshift ponytail that he then wraps around his hand before making a fist. She gasps as he yanks her head back, forcing her spine to arch in a spectacular fashion. His other hand goes down to her ass, his fingers digging once more into her pillowy posterior, even as he sinks his cock back inside of her.
She’s no less wet than before, of course. Just as tight too. But there’s something undeniably primal in taking her on her hands and knees like a bitch. She might be his wife, but she’s still beneath him, just like everyone else is. It’s important to remind her of that. Important to remind her who owns her.
With a lustful growl, Harry picks up the pace. He fucks her from behind hard and fast, taking her doggystyle without hesitation and without mercy. Of course, she responds by cumming her brains out some more. Her body is greatly attuned to him and his cock. Having him inside of her is a nirvana that she can get nowhere else. The gorgeous woman can only cry out as he takes her, as he dominates her… and as he uses her.
Her body arches for him and her muscles ripple beneath her flesh. She’s more plush than toned, but even still, there’s something almost primal and predatory to her all the same. Her body is absolutely perfect in every way as far as he’s concerned, and all his.
She truly is something else. Better than his blonde assassin. Better than his white-haired thief. She’s the best of his women. There’s a reason she’s his wife and they are not, after all. His magnum opus. His greatest piece of art. Not his greatest achievement, mind. Not quite. But close to it. Top Five, easily, whereas Gwen and Felicia would be relegated to the Top Ten.
She stands above them for several reasons, not least of which is her adaptability. Her hips push back into his thrusting cock and her cries fill the room as she claws at the bedding beneath her. Her toes curl, even as her pussy walls cling to his thrusting shaft in such a way that it’s clear her body is trying to hold him in… but ultimately failing. Still, it’s the thought that counts.
Grinning wickedly as he continues to fuck her from behind, Harry finds himself sentimental. He just can’t help it. He’s plowed her through another dozen orgasms when he pulls out of her AGAIN and spins her over one more time before slotting himself into her perfectly tight, slippery wet cunny. Once more on her back, she winds her arms and legs around him without hesitation, as though they’d never changed positions in the first place.
He takes her like that, in a consummate mating press, his hands palm down on either side of her, his eyes staring into her eyes. He fucks her and fucks her, jackhammering in and out of her clenching, gushing cunt with an almost religious fervor. Until finally, he reaches his peak and tips over it. Not bothering to hold back, he cums deep inside of her, filling her to the brim and then some.
As he finishes, a shudder goes through her body down beneath him. Harry holds her still of course, keeping her from spasming too much as he pumps his hot, thick load right into her womb. Finally, it comes to an end and the two of them are left slowly coming down from their respective pleasure highs.
His wife’s face breaks out into a grin as she looks up at him with adoring eyes, looking like nothing in the world matters more than his happiness. Which to be fair, that’s precisely what she believes.
“Tonight was wonderful, Harry.”
Her breathless tone doesn’t hold an ounce of deceit to it. She means every word. Looking down into Mary Jane Osborn’s eyes, Harry chuckles throatily.
“It was made all the more wonderful by your presence, sweetheart.”
How he’d managed to bag Mary Jane Watson, how he’d made her his woman… well, that was certainly quite the tale. Perhaps even the most entertaining of all the tales of his revenge upon Peter Parker.
Flopping onto his back, he watches as MJ doesn’t hesitate to descend upon his cock with her plump lips and enthusiastic tongue. As she bobs her head up and down on his dick, Harry grins, running his fingers through her lush red locks.
It’d all started shortly after Peter and Felicia had broken up…


Part 6: Mary Jane Osborn


As the first, Gwen would always hold a special place in his heart. Meanwhile, Felicia could be considered the most dangerous. And yet… of his three main conquests since coming back in time, ‘Harry’ Osborn could admit, Mary Jane Watson was his greatest. There was a reason that he’d gone ahead and put a ring on her finger, even though she’d come last. Neither Gwen nor Felicia had ended up married to THE Harry Osborn. But MJ? MJ was special.
As his gorgeous supermodel wife goes down on him, bobbing up and down on Harry’s cock, he can’t help but grin while thinking about what led them both to this moment. Indeed, out of all of Peter Parker’s lovers in the future that would never be, Mary Jane Watson could be best described as his soulmate. The incredibly sexy red head was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the one that was there for Peter through thick and thin, no matter what happened.
So then… how had Harry gotten his hands on her? How had he made her his woman? Simple, really. The same way he’d gotten ahold of Gwen and Felicia. By ruining poor Peter’s life one step at a time until the other man crumbled.
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t particularly nice. But Harry didn’t really care. All that mattered was getting HIS happy ending. And part of that involved taking revenge on Peter fucking Parker. In that regard, taking the loves of his life away from him was just a handful of steps in Harry’s master plan. Still… MJ was definitely a special case.
After Peter and Felicia had broken up, there had been a few girls here and there that had caught the webcrawler’s eye. None of them were big names in Harry’s first life as Norman Osborn however, so he didn’t go out of his way to collect any of them. Instead, he just made sure they didn’t last, knowing full well where Peter’s… heh, destiny would lead him.
And indeed, after a handful of false starts, painful breakups, and all around piss poor luck in finding love, things worked out precisely as Harry intended them to. Peter Parker met Mary Jane Watson… and they fell in love.
The two of them were made for each other. Even Harry recognized that from the way they interacted with one another. MJ was Peter’s world, and Peter was MJ’s Tiger. Sure, they had their fights, no relationship was perfect, but it stood the test of time. Harry had expected as much, and let things continue as they were inclined to. After a few years, it finally happened. Mary Jane and Peter got married, with MJ becoming Mary Jane Parker.
Harry was the best man. Despite everything he’d done to hurt Peter, despite taking Gwen and Felicia from him, despite turning them into Harry’s own personal femme fatales, Peter had no clue what Harry really thought of him. Even then, he still thought of Harry as his best friend, not even realizing that Norman had replaced his own son in this timeline so many years before.
With Gwen and Felicia to… take care of Harry’s needs, and plenty of other things that he wanted to accomplish, he’d allowed time to stretch on a little bit. Just a couple of years, mind you. He let Peter have some happiness… to make it all the better when he finally tore it away from him. Hell, in that time frame, Harry had even gone out of his way to protect Peter and MJ more than once.
He didn’t want anyone killing the webcrawler but him, and he definitely didn’t want anyone hurting his greatest prize. Mary Jane was going to be Harry’s largest triumph over Peter to date, so there was no chance in hell he was going to let anyone hurt her… until, that is, it was time.
Alas, some sacrifices had to be made. MJ’s health and beauty had been one of the greatest of those sacrifices that Harry had chosen to make since coming back in time. It needed to be done… to make sure Peter would unknowingly deliver her right into Harry’s hands.
And so, when enough time had passed for the happily married couple, Harry had set things in motion. He’d made sure one of Spider-Man’s other villains came to the conclusion that as the webcrawler’s official photographer, Peter must have known who he was or at least had a way to communicate with him. From there, the villain had attacked Peter and MJ in their home, hoping to draw out Spider-Man while having no clue what he’d done.
On top of that, Harry had made sure to sabotage the villain’s equipment, resulting in an… unfortunate misfire and explosion that badly burned MJ across a good sixty percent of her body. Her spectacular beauty, her gorgeous looks fit for a supermodel… erased in an instant.
Still, she survived at least, and so did Peter. The villain was taken down, and all without Peter’s precious secret identity being discovered in the process.
In the aftermath, Harry had been by Peter’s side as they’d visited MJ in the hospital. There, the distraught young man had made an unforced error that Harry had been quite quick and happy to capitalize on. Peter had let slip that he didn’t know where they would get the money for MJ’s treatments. He’d immediately followed it up by promising he would find a way, but the damage was already done… the opening was already right in front of Harry.
Stepping in, he’d called Peter an idiot and told them both in an authoritative tone that he was going to pay for all the bills. Peter, being who he was, of course tried to turn it down right in front of MJ, causing further friction between the married couple even if Mary Jane didn’t say anything in the moment. Fortunately for her, Harry wasn’t taking no for an answer. After all… it wasn’t as though he intended to let MJ stay ugly and burned and scarred. Even if he didn’t phrase it that way to either of them.
No, as was obvious from the gorgeous red headed beauty currently sucking his cock in the present day, Harry had not just allowed MJ’s looks to stay destroyed. That was never part of the plan. But of course, neither she nor Peter had known that at the time. There had been talks between the three of them, especially after Harry muscled his way in and demanded to pay for everything. MJ’s modeling career was almost certainly over.
Once again, Peter had made several unforced errors in the ensuing weeks after the incident. It wasn’t as though the man had been stupid enough to say it out loud, but Harry could tell Peter was a little bit relieved. It was one of the few points of friction between the two of them, one might argue. Peter disliked the way men got to ogle his wife’s body in the same way MJ disliked how Peter endangered himself by going out to fight crime as Spider-Man every night.
They made it work all the same, by compromising as all good couples must. And yet… what happened when suddenly, one half of that compromise was gone? Peter was happy that MJ would no longer be ogled and jacked off to by an uncountable number of men on the internet. He wasn’t happy she was hurt of course, and he still loved her despite her lost looks, but secretly… privately he was relieved that she would no longer be able to work in her chosen field.
This wasn’t something Peter felt comfortable confessing to even Harry. As mentioned previously, he was smart enough to try and keep his sudden relief to himself. But that didn’t mean he actually managed to do so. If Harry was able to recognize Peter’s feelings, it was incredibly obvious that MJ was.
In the weeks following the attack as MJ healed more and more while also scarring over all of the burns, the beautiful red head fell into a depressive state. She was happy to be alive, but she’d been incredibly proud of her looks, and was destroyed by their loss. Especially since her husband, while doing his best to be supportive of the tribulations she was going through, was not only the indirect cause of all of her injuries, but also privately rejoiced in the loss of her career.
It was two months into this that Harry was alerted by the surveillance that he’d set up that MJ was beginning to move towards self-harm. Then and only then did he finally step in, approaching both Peter and Mary Jane as their best friend and announcing that he might have found a way to restore MJ to her previous looks.
Needless to say, they’d both been stunned. MJ had been immediately on board, and Peter had even been all too happy to back her up despite his poorly concealed feelings regarding her modeling career. After all, his wife’s happiness came before his own, did it not?
Of course, Peter started to have reservations when Harry explained the greatest downside to the procedure. Not only could he not guarantee success, but it would likely take up to six months… in which time, Peter would not be able to see MJ whatsoever. Needless to say, that was definitely a massive con for Peter. He and MJ had argued about it. Harry had left them to talk it out, knowing that in the end, it wouldn’t matter.
And he was right… ultimately, even though Peter only begrudgingly gave his blessing AFTER Mary Jane told him she was doing it with or without his approval… it still happened. MJ handed herself over to Harry, with him taking her to a secret lab that no one knew about. There, he personally oversaw matters as she was submerged in a pool of a certain… gunk, the procedure handled by an all-female medical team, save for himself.
Of course, the gunk wasn’t just gunk. It was, in fact, a genetically modified super serum based on Symbiotes. In the future that would never be, Harry had delved deep into Symbiote research as Norman. He’d been trying to figure out if they could be used to fix him, but he’d never gotten as far as he wanted to in the previous timeline because of several irritations always getting in his way.
In this timeline however, no one even knew that they should be irritating him. All of his former enemies were either dead now, or unaware that he was their enemy, like in the case of Peter. And so Harry had been able to finish his research into using Symbiotes for procedures like this one. It would have worked to restore him in the future that never was, but now that wouldn’t be necessary seeing as he had a perfectly capable body.
Of course, he’d still used some of the stuff to make him stronger, faster, and all around better. And in that moment… he was doing the same with MJ. It wasn’t a proper Symbiote, mind you. It didn’t have its own sapient intelligence like Venom or Carnage, despite having bits and pieces of both of them inside of it. Instead, it was almost brain dead, with a programmable interface that Harry had complete control over.
Not only had the procedure worked as he said it would, fully restoring Mary Jane, it had worked even better than that. When she’d finally come out the other side, she’d been a bit curvier, with large breasts and slightly wider hips and an hourglass figure that was honestly very nearly out of this world. Only the fact that she’d been so damn beautiful before the incident hid just how inhumanly beautiful she was after the procedure.
Of course, the most important modification was of the mind. When MJ went in, she was a lost, depressed woman covered in burn scars and at her lowest point in her life. When she came out the other side, she was completely loyal to Harry and ready to do anything he wanted… not because he’d healed her, though she certainly thought that was why she felt so much gratitude, but because he’d programmed the brain dead symbiote she was now fused with to be utterly loyal to him.
From there, stoking her resentment of Peter to the point of hatred was child’s play. Turning her against the love of her life was something Harry COULD have done immediately, but instead he let MJ go back to Peter, giving them a few precious weeks together. All the better to then tear her away from her husband by having her tell him she couldn’t take it anymore.
There were so many reasons for MJ to want a divorce. From Peter’s dangerous double-life as Spider-Man, to the fact that it got her so grievously injured in the first place, all the way to his poorly concealed happiness over her losing her modeling career because of said injuries. In the end, Peter was devastated, but not suspicious. Not even when MJ had ultimately ‘moved on’ to Harry in just a few short months after the divorce, and they’d been married.
For obvious reasons, Peter wasn’t the best man at Harry and MJ’s wedding, but he was still ostensibly their friend and had thus attended as such. And so Harry’s conquest of the three most important women in Peter’s life had been complete. He had taken Gwen Stacey, Felicia Hardy, and Mary Jane Watson… and made them all his eternally loyal slut-slaves.
Pulling MJ down his cock now in the present, Harry groans as he proceeds to fill her throat with his seed. Without missing a beat, the red head gurgles and swallows down his load, gulping away and not spilling a drop in the process. As she does so, he sits up and leans over her, giving one of her ass cheeks a nice hard squeeze as he keeps her head buried in his crotch. Not that she minds, given her ability to breathe through her skin and what not.
Finally, Harry lets go of MJ’s hair, allowing her to pull back off of his cock with a pop and a feigned gasp. His wife sits up and gives him a happy little smile, but just as she opens her mouth to speak, Harry watches in amusement as the door to the bedroom opens behind her and Felicia and Gwen stand framed in the doorway.
His darling wife looks back over her shoulder and narrows her eyes, even as Gwen and Felicia pose for him, drawing his eyes to their curvaceous bodies.
“We heard you having fun, Master~”
“And thought you might like it if we joined in~”
“After all, isn’t three better than one?”
Rather than call them out directly, MJ looks to him and gives him puppy dog eyes, clearly begging him to send them away. But while she might be his wife, she’s still his slave just the same as them.
“… That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

To her credit, Mary Jane doesn’t hesitate to change gears once he makes it clear this is to become a foursome. Before the other two can reach the bed, she’s already mounting him, taking first dibs as he chuckles darkly.  


Part 7: The Orgy


As MJ quickly begins riding him in earnest, moaning and mewling quite happily, Harry chuckles at his slave-wife’s antics. The beautiful, vivacious, incredible bombshell of a red head is all his… and they both know it. She belongs to him in mind, body, and soul, and wants nothing more than to serve him and spend the rest of her life with him.
But that doesn’t mean she has NO mind of her own. He’d wanted slaves, not automatons. Robots were actually incredibly easy to build, especially for someone like him with his history and his memories. But Harry hadn’t come back in time and usurped his son’s body to surround himself with sexbots. No, he’d wanted the real deal… and with some time and effort, he’d gotten it.
Mary Jane Watson was his bitch through and through, but she still had her own personality, she still had her quirks. As she rides him harder and faster by the moment here and now, Harry watches the beautiful supermodel throw a look back over her shoulder at Gwen and Felicia, smirking quite wickedly at the both of them.
Harry, meanwhile, watches them from around the side of MJ’s twisting, undulating, gyrating body. He’s greatly enjoying his wife’s cunt clamped down around his cock as well as the way her form is moving up and down his length, but he’s also curious to see what Gwen and Felicia will do next.
For a moment, the two freeze up in shock at MJ’s audacity. She’d JUST had him for a lengthy period of time after all. It wasn’t FAIR that she’d stolen another ride before they could even reach the bed. However, when they meet his eyes, they get the same reaction as MJ did when she tried to convince him to not let them join in. Harry isn’t going to interfere. The world isn’t fair, and MJ got to him first. They’ll simply have to wait their turns.
Recognizing this without him having to say a word, the two gorgeous, curvaceous women finally begin making their way forward. They probably don’t even realize it, but they unconsciously put sway in their step as they walk, their hips quite literally bouncing in sync with one another purely by accident. Harry enjoys the view of both them AND Mary Jane, even as the two finally climb up onto the massive bed.
There is no name for the size of bed that Harry has in his bedroom. It’s big enough to fit all four of them comfortably and then some though. As the two women prowl up the length of the bed, Harry runs his hands up and down MJ’s body… but it’s undeniable that he’s curious to see what they’ll do.
Gwen crawls right past MJ, the brilliant blonde making her way up to him directly. There, she runs a hand along Harry’s chiseled jaw, moaning as she carefully turns her Master’s face towards her before leaning down to steal a kiss. She’s going the direct route with him, Harry notes. By drawing his attention to her, she’s hoping to secure Round Two once MJ is done with him while also taking as much of his focus off of the red head as possible out of spite.
Harry, of course, is wonderful at multitasking. Even as he kisses Gwen back, easily dominating his blonde toy’s mouth with his tongue, his hands remain on MJ’s body, playing with his wife’s lovely figure to his heart’s content. Both women moan up a storm, Mary Jane cumming upon his cock again and again while Gwen shudders from the way he effortlessly splits his focus between the two of them.
Felicia, however… has her own plans. All of the sudden, MJ lets out a squeal and falls forward onto his chest, having to catch herself with her palms on his pecs. Harry looks at her in amusement, only to let out a low groan of pleasure when he feels a hand expertly fondling his balls. From over Mary Jane’s undulating, arching back and perfectly round bubble butt, Harry can see Felicia’s white hair bobbing up and down, and her eyes twinkling with mischief from over the rim of MJ’s ass.
Where Gwen has gone the more direct route, Felicia has chosen to be sneaky and underhanded… about as underhanded as she can get, really. Her tongue is buried in Mary Jane’s asshole, providing the red head with no small amount of additional pleasure. Meanwhile, her hand is on his balls, groping and fondling them to make him feel even better.
One might wonder what Felicia was playing at. Wasn’t she acting the part of the perfect third wheel? Wasn’t she just being a fluffer for MJ and Harry? But no… one only had to look past the curtain to see what she was really aiming for. By ‘helping’ the two of them, she was hurrying them along. She was rushing MJ off of Harry not by trying to physically pull her off him or anything like that, but by making her cum harder and faster while also bringing him to orgasm sooner rather than later.
Judging by the dirty look that MJ shoots over her shoulder at Felicia, his wife knows exactly what the score is. But that doesn’t stop it from being… extremely effective. Indeed, it’s not long before Mary Jane’s bounces are becoming more and more sporadic and uneven by the second. Her movements stop being quite so crisp and elegant and start becoming somewhat jagged and shuddering. She cums again and again, her mouth forming a silent O as Felicia’s technique drives her over the edge over and over.
Until finally, Felicia’s gambit bears fruit and the cat burglar tips them both over the edge one final time. Harry groans as he fills MJ up from below. He paints her womb white yet again, not for the first time that evening. He fills and fills her, but once he’s done… they’re done and the other two know it. MJ moans, still trying to recover as Felicia and Gwen pull her off of him, working together to remove their obstacle.
Then, however, they pause and look at him expectantly, waiting for him to make HIS decision. Harry smirks, already climbing up onto his knees on the bed as he considers them both briefly… before reaching for Felicia first. A flash of disappointment spreads across Gwen’s face at that, but she quickly hides it behind her arousal as she watches her Master pull his other pet onto her hands and knees.

Felicia, meanwhile, moans happily as Harry mounts her from behind. One leg up, the other kneeling, he smacks Felicia’s ass with a bare hand, watching her pale bottom jiggle for a second before he takes his cock and thrusts into her. Slamming his entire cock into her in one go, Harry grunts while Felicia squeals, her eyes already threatening to roll back in her head.
Sensing this, he reaches out and grabs the burglar by her hair, yanking her back by her ponytail. The white-haired thief can’t do much beyond cry out as her back is arched for his satisfaction, her breasts bouncing back and forth and her head pulled towards him. Her eyes do roll back in her skull then, her mouth wide open and her tongue sticking out.
Gwen, up to this point, has been watching all of this while touching herself casually. However, seeing the rough treatment Felicia is receiving as he fucks the thief from behind, a spark suddenly appears in the blonde’s eyes. She seems to have an epiphany of some sort and quickly moves forward, getting close to Felicia’s face without the other woman knowing of it due to her single-minded focus on Harry’s cock buried in her cunt. And then… she strikes.
Leaning in, Gwen captures Felicia’s tongue between her teeth before beginning to make out with the helpless cat burglar right there on the spot. But she doesn’t stop with just that either. Even as Felicia’s eyes snap forward, staring at Gwen incredulously, Gwen’s hands have come up and are beginning to maul the white-haired woman’s tits, fondling and groping them, squeezing them and pinching her nipples between fingers.
With Harry still pounding into Felicia from behind, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room, there’s not much that she can do to stop Gwen’s efforts. As for why Gwen is suddenly making out with her fellow slave and kneading her tits like there’s no tomorrow… well, it’s rather obvious. She’s taking a page out of Felicia’s book and trying to hurry things along.
There’s just one problem with Gwen’s attempt to copy what Felicia did. Due to the position they’re all in, she has no way of pleasuring Harry at the same time as she’s pleasuring Felicia. So while the white-haired thief was able to effectively tongue out MJ’s asshole while also fondling his balls, all Gwen is doing at the moment is adding to Felicia’s pleasure.
Now to be fair, every time Felicia cums on his thrusting cock, Harry does get a little closer to his own release. But it’s a miniscule amount, and eventually Gwen seems to realize that she’s not actually making any sort of progress. Finally pulling back, the brilliant blonde pouts for a moment before her eyes narrow.
Looking up at him, Gwen bats her lashes and gives him her best begging expression.
“May I, Master?”

At the same time, she gestures to Felicia’s ponytail. Chuckling, Harry lets her have it, releasing his grip on the cat burglar’s hair. Before her head can even fully fall forward, Gwen has already snatched up Felicia’s ponytail and DRAGS her fellow slave’s face down… right down into her crotch in fact. Laying back on the bed, her free hand playing with one of her own tits, the blonde mewls and moans as she humps Felicia’s face, forcing her to eat her out right then and there.
Harry just watches, even as he continues to plow his own personal thief silly from behind. The way Gwen’s face contorts in pleasure lets him know that Felicia isn’t being naughty. The tasty white-haired bitch isn’t so spiteful as to ignore what’s obviously right in front of her. She eats out Gwen even as his thrusts drive her forward further into the blonde’s pussy.
This spit-roasting continues for quite some time, but eventually Harry reaches his limit once more. Not before both Felicia and Gwen reach orgasm several times more of course. But finally… finally, he cums inside of Felicia, painting her insides as white as her hair. Once he’s done stuffing her just like he stuffed MJ, Harry pulls out and rolls her to the side.
All that’s left is Gwen. The last, but certainly not the least. First of his conquests in this timeline. First of his women. He’d taken her from Peter so long ago now and made her his own. And she loved him for it. She loved being his bitch. She loved being his property.
Moving in, Harry grabs Gwen by her ankles and folds her legs back against her body. Her incredible flexibility, shared by her fellow slaves, makes it incredibly easy of course. Once he has her in a proper mating press, he slaps his cock against her sopping wet pussy lips, her arousal and Felicia’s saliva making quite the mess of her puffy cunt.
“Is this what you want, Gwen? Is this what you want, slave?”
“Yessss… fuck me, Master! Please! Please fuck me!”
Harry grins and proceeds to do exactly that. He buries himself inside of her on the very first thrust, and then pulls out and does it again. Gwen is as tight and receptive to his cock as ever, of course. She’s his… they all are.
As he fucks Gwen, Harry glances over to the other women on the bed. Mary Jane, laid out on her side and watching them both, clearly already anticipating her next turn. Felicia, prone but still with her head turned to watch them as well.
They were all his. There was no going back to the way they were either. Even if Peter found out what Harry had done, he couldn’t hope to change them back. What they’d once been is lost by this point, Harry had made sure of that. Hundreds of years of being Norman Osborn. Hundreds of years of having all of his plans foiled by Peter Parker, or by his children, or by others.
He’d learned a lot. One thing he’d learned was that you didn’t so much fight Spider-Man face to face… you worked around him. Knowing all that he knew, it had been so easy to trick Peter into thinking they were friends. Even with the version of him from this timeline still running around as Green Goblin, ‘Harry’ Osborn had stayed squeaky clean. No Hobgoblin here. No attempts at killing Peter or his loved ones… well, none that the man knew about anyways.
Grinning, Harry reflects on his accomplishments over the years and realizes… it’s time. As he fucks Gwen Stacey into the bed, pounding into her in a mating press that has the brilliant blonde howling and begging him for more, Harry comes to the simple conclusion that it’s time to do away with Spider-Man. It’s time to kill Peter Parker.
Part of him wars against the epiphany. Part of him doesn’t want Peter dead. Not out of some fondness or because he LIKES the man, but simply because he’s enjoyed having Peter Parker as his own personal punching bag in this life. All this time, he’s been tearing Peter’s life apart from the background without the webcrawler ever even realizing it. He’s enjoyed ruining Peter’s future one woman at a time. He’s enjoyed ripping the other man apart piece by piece all while Peter thought they were friends.
But… no more. At this point, Peter Parker is the albatross around his neck. The shackles that he’s had the key to all along. Peter is the thing that’s holding Harry back from living his new life to the fullest. So long as the other man exists, Harry’s not sure he’ll be able to stop himself from messing with him.
With a grunt, Harry finishes inside of Gwen, but he barely even registers the way her eyes roll back in her head and she moans throatily beneath him. He fills her up just as he filled up the other women, but his mind is already on other things, admittedly. He’s always had plans for how he would do the deed. Not written down anywhere, nor saved to any sort of electronic device.
No, his foolproof plan for killing Peter Parker is only in his head, where it’s safest. But now? Now he’s going to make that plan a reality. He’s going to end this once and for all, so that he and his women can live happily ever after without the shadow of the spider overhead.
Laying back, Harry lets a contented, satisfied smile spread across his face as Mary Jane, Felicia, and Gwen all hurry to cuddle into his sides. In the end, Gwen is the one who winds up between his legs while the other two manage to get into position before her.
But Harry doesn’t pay any of them any real mind at the moment. He’s too busy plotting the finale.


Part 8: The Revenge


His greatest nemesis lays on an inclined examination table, strapped down and looking oh so weak. As Harry watches Peter begin to wake up, he smiles thinly. He’s about to break his biggest rule. But then… some rules were made to be broken.
“Wha-… where am I? H-Harry?”
Harry’s smile grows, ever so slightly.
“Hello Peter. Welcome to the End.”
His eternal enemy looks bewildered by that, gazing around the laboratory he finds himself in. He strains against his bindings, but the steel cuffs refuse to give away. That should have told the man what had happened, but Peter was still coming out of a months-long coma, so really… Harry didn’t blame him for not realizing immediately what Harry had done.
That was okay. Harry was about to tell him everything. Yep, Harry was going to break the biggest rule of being a successful supervillain. Well, the second biggest rule he supposed. The first rule of being a successful supervillain, one he’d managed to employ throughout the entirety of his second life as Harry Osborn… was simply don’t get caught.
No one had ever pinned Harry with a single crime. No one had even managed to be suspicious of him, despite his supervillain father. Those who knew that this timeline’s Norman Osborn was Green Goblin actually took pity on Harry for having to deal with his mad man of a father. That was how good he’d managed to make his cover. Nobody knew what he’d been up to all this life.
Of course, the second rule of being a successful supervillain fed back into the first. Specifically, don’t get caught monologuing. If you got caught monologuing, you were almost certainly caught in general, after all. But all the same… Harry was going to break that second rule. He was going to take his time and enjoy telling Peter… everything.
“I don’t… I don’t understand. What’s going on, Harry? You need to… you need to let me go. This isn’t you!”
Harry just chuckles at that, looking down at himself, running his hands down his own front for a moment.
“Oh… this is very much ME I’m afraid, Peter. This is ALL me. It always has been.”
The look of complete incomprehension on Peter’s face is absolutely delicious. Harry spends a moment savoring it, even as he reflects that he’s being honest in every possible way. Peter is technically right, in that he’s not Harry Osborn. Except… he’s also quite wrong. Harry has been Harry Osborn for a fraction of the time he’s lived as Norman Osborn.
But time doesn’t matter one wit. It doesn’t factor into his calculations even remotely. To put things bluntly, Harry hadn’t truly been ALIVE as Norman Osborn in his previous timeline. He’d not thrived, merely survived. It was only after transmitting his consciousness back in time and winding up in his son’s body that Harry had had the chance to properly thrive. That he’d been able to become more than that hollow husk of a man he’d been in his last timeline.
… So yes, he did think of himself more as Harry Osborn these days than Norman Osborn. This timeline already had a Norman Osborn after all, and he was the ONLY Harry Osborn left in it as well. So why not? Why shouldn’t he be Harry Osborn?
“You’re… you’re not making sense, Harry. What do you mean this is all you? What do you mean it ‘always has been’?”
Harry chuckles, considering his defeated nemesis for a moment. Peter is beaten… but not yet broken. That’s alright though, Harry has plans for that to still happen before the end of this all.
“I mean exactly what I said, Peter. Though I should probably start by letting you know… you’re dead. You have been for a couple months now.”
Peter’s brow furrows in confusion at that, but Harry is already continuing on.
“No one is looking for you. No one is going to come rescue you at the last second. At the instant that I took you from your bed, I replaced you with a clone of yourself. And then, that clone went on to die saving people in an apartment fire not a week later. It was as heroic as it was tragic. He misjudged just how much longer he could survive holding his breath among all that smoke. And yet, before he collapsed and expired, he managed to get one last pair of children out and save them. Very noble.”
Peter is now watching him with growing horror as Harry recounts all of this to him. Good, the other man is finally beginning to understand. Yes, Harry is a supervillain and has been all along. Yes, Harry is monologuing at him.
But Harry isn’t done. Not by a long shot. Cutting Peter off with a hand gesture, he continues on.
“I attended your funeral of course. As your best friend, I gave quite the stirring speech. Aunt May was convinced to cremate you, to avoid anyone trying to steal your body and extract the secrets of your powers from your remains. Of course, little did she know… I’d already done exactly that.”
Here, Harry can’t help but show off a little bit. He reaches down and grabs a nearby metal table with one hand, easily lifting it up and showing off his new super-strength to Peter. Peter’s eyes widen at that, even as Harry sets the table back down.
“Yes, I transferred your powers to myself. Had to, I suppose. If I’d just killed you, your connection to the Spider Totem might have seen you brought back later on. Resurrection is such an irritation. But if you were not just powerless, but disconnected from the Spider Totem… well, there would be no one to bring you back. No one to resurrect you.”
Gritting his teeth, straining futilely against his bindings, Peter growls.
“I’m not dead yet, H-Harry! I’ll get out of this, damn you! You can’t keep this a secret forever! People will find out! Your wife will find out! What would MJ think?”
Watching Peter go from angry to trying to appeal to Harry’s humanity like he just did drives home how desperate he’s already made the former webcrawler. No powers. Already publicly dead. Now, Peter finds himself grasping at straws as he attempts to reason with his former best friend. Chuckling darkly, Harry nods his head along as if Peter has made a good point… before snapping his fingers.
“You know… that’s a good question, Peter. Why don’t we ask her, hm?”
Right on the ‘hm’, perfectly on time, the door slides open and Mary Jane Watson walks into the laboratory. Right behind her are Felicia Hardy and Gwen Stacey. The trio strut in looking as gorgeous as ever, absolutely dressed to the nines and honestly some of the most beautiful women on the planet in Harry’s totally unbiased opinion.
Peter gawks at all three of them for a moment before his teeth click shut and his gaze turns pleading.
“MJ! Gwen! Felicia, please! You have to stop Harry! He’s gone mad, he needs help!”
The three women stride over and take up position around him, with MJ throwing her arms around Harry’s neck like the dutiful wife she is and cuddling into his side. As Harry wraps an arm around the red head’s waist, Gwen and Felicia stand to either side of him and MJ, both glaring at Peter angrily.
“Peter… didn’t you hear me before? It’s always been me. Every bad thing in your life has been me. Including the way you lost these three lovely ladies. I took them from you. Every last one of them. I made them mine. I own them now, Peter.”
Peter can only gape at that, his eyes traveling between the three former loves of his life in disbelief. Unfortunately, the longer he’s forced to gaze at them all, the more he’s forced to accept that Harry is telling the truth. In a panic now, Peter nevertheless tries to appeal to them once more.
“Ladies! Listen to him! I-If he ruined my life by tearing you away from me, it means he ruined yours as well! You have to help me stop him!”
Harry can’t help but grin, a wide and wicked one. Peter truly is desperate. So very desperate. It’s perfect.
“You’re not listening, Peter. I said I own them, and not a single one of them raised an ounce of concern over that statement. They belong to me in mind, body, and soul. Every aspect of them is something I’ve carefully curated. I’ve made them who they are today. Show him, girls.”
Gwen and Felicia both activate their costumes, which Harry has developed for them out of a nanite composite so that they can always ‘suit-up’ no matter where they are. In an instant, Gwen and Felicia are gone, replaced by the assassin Hunter Spider and the burglar Black Cat. Obviously, Peter knew about Felicia’s identity as Black Cat, though he’s never seen her like this before, in a much more technological version of her costume. But he’s never managed to unmask Hunter Spider. The Assassin has evaded him at every turn.
Then, finally, MJ steps away from Harry and has her own transformation. Rather than nanites, she commands her powers to morph her clothing into a queenly dress, complete with a crown of gnarled horns protruding from her forehead. A Goblin Queen, to stand beside her Hobgoblin King. Not that MJ has ever debuted as Goblin Queen before this moment. Nor is she likely ever to do so. This is for Peter and Peter alone. To know that he’s been totally and utterly defeated.
The dress MJ now ‘wears’ is scandalous to say the least, with a corset that pushes up her tits and offers a great view of her cleavage, and some exposure down below of her thighs before hitting her thigh-highs. However, Peter is in no state to enjoy the lewd state of his former lover. Not when the truth of Harry’s words is finally hitting him. Harry didn’t just steal these three women from Peter… he does in fact own all of them, wholly and completely.
“It did take time, of course. Removing your powers and usurping your connection to the Spider Totem with none being any the wiser. It was a little touch and go in fact. If any of your other spiders not under my control had thought to look for you, they might have realized you were alive. But as far as they were concerned, you died a hero and your loss was keenly felt as they grieved your passing.”
Harry grins wickedly.
“When they do finally realize that your connection to the Spider Totem has moved onto me, do you think they’ll suspect foul play?”
Peter latches onto that as a lifeline, trying to lunge forward in his restraints.
“Y-Yes! Yes! They will! They’ll stop you, Harry! You can still stop this! You can still turn back! If you don’t, they’ll come after you! They’ll-!”
Harry’s uproarious laughter cuts Peter off, sending him into silence. You know… it’s funny. He hadn’t ever realized how much he’d changed this Peter Parker from the Peter Parker he’d known in the past timeline. But now… now that the other man lays before him, restrained and powerless, he understands exactly what he’d done. He’d made Peter Parker weak without even realizing it.
His Peter Parker would have quipped and joked until the very end. He would have faced death down with courage. But this Peter Parker? The Peter Parker of this timeline had taken one too many hits and not had the women he should have had to lean on in the process. Whereas Harry’s original Peter had been reforged and reborn in the fires of adversity time and time again, this Peter had become brittle and easily broken.
A shame, because Harry would have liked to say he finally won out over his true Peter… but this would have to do. This moment would have to be satisfaction enough.
“They won’t suspect anything, Peter. As far as they’re concerned, we were best friends up to the moment of your death. When they find out that in my grief, I experimented and gave myself spider powers, and when they realize your connection to the Spider Totem has become mine… they’ll simply assume that it moved over to me because of our close relationship. Why would they ever believe otherwise?”
Peter’s eyes are wide as his mouth opens and shuts wordlessly. He recognizes the truth of what Harry is saying. Why indeed would any of the other spiders suspect otherwise? Peter had died a hero… and Harry… why, Harry just wanted to follow in his best friend’s footsteps. Hah!
That look of complete defeat on Peter’s face… Harry savors it for a moment, before nodding and gesturing to MJ.
“It’s time. My revenge will be completed by your greatest love, Peter. Mary Jane will be the one to kill you.”
MJ, currently clad as the Goblin Queen, steps forward at that. Peter watches her approach in horror.
“MJ! No… please, don’t do this. Fight it! Whatever he’s using to control your mind, you have to fight it! You can’t let him win! You can’t let him do this to us!”
Not saying a word, MJ smiles down at Peter almost tenderly, almost lovingly. She reaches up and even caresses the side of his face in a tender and affectionate fashion. For the briefest of moments, Peter thinks he’s getting through to her. Harry can see it in the former webcrawler’s eyes. The smallest fraction of hope.
Because he’s looking quite closely, he also gets to see the moment that hope dies, when his lovely Goblin Queen shoves the blade she’s formed atop her other hand right into Peter’s chest and through his heart, killing the depowered, completely normal human on the spot. Peter chokes, staring down at the blade through his chest, and has all of a moment to look back up at MJ and whisper her name.
… Before she savagely twists and then pulls it out. Peter dies instantly, his body slumping back on the inclined examination table, blood pouring from the wound in his chest and leaking from the corner of his mouth as the light in his eyes goes out.
MJ steps back to Harry’s side, and Harry snaps his fingers again. See-through walls, made of a material far more powerful than normal glass, rise up around Peter Parker’s corpse. A moment later and the facility’s automated protocols activate, beginning to destroy any evidence. Harry watches the entire time of course, a grim smile of satisfaction on his face.
Only once every trace of Peter’s existence in Harry’s labs has been erased does he turn and begin walking out with MJ cuddling up into his side again, and Gwen and Felicia following them. At some point, he starts to laugh. It’s the laugh of a man who’s finally free. Free of his obsession. Free of his greatest nemesis. Free… to do whatever the fuck he wants for the rest of eternity.


Part 9: The End


As Harry Osborn sits behind his desk in his study, he finds himself in a reflective mood. It’s been over a decade since he killed Peter Parker. A lot has happened in that time. This universe’s version of Norman had proved to be far less of a cockroach than he was and ultimately passed away peacefully a few years back. Perhaps because he didn’t have quite as much reason to keep on going at all costs. Not when Harry’s efforts had made Oscorp the biggest, most influential business in the entire world.
Indeed, there wasn’t a commercial enterprise that they didn’t have their hands in at this point. There wasn’t a household that didn’t use their appliances, nor a military that could say that one hundred percent of their equipment was free of Oscorp engineering. They had their fingers in every single pie… and some not entirely legal at that.
But then, that was what Harry had his girls for, if he needed them. The three women he’d taken off of Peter Parker all those years ago and then reshaped into his own personal property had all settled into their roles quite well in fact. MJ was his darling, doting wife, always by his side and forever loyal. It certainly made it all the easier to influence the religious nuts that sometimes ended up in government when he could point at his long-term, quite sustainable marriage to a beautiful woman as proof of his ‘fidelity’.
Meanwhile, Felicia as Black Cat was still the world-renowned burglar everyone knew her to be… but better. She stole without a care in the world about getting caught, bamboozling law enforcement, vigilantes, and even her fellow villains however she liked thanks to Harry’s support. And the funny thing was, they didn’t even know the half of it. They thought they were aware of all of Black Cat’s antics, but there was a good fifty percent of her efforts that went completely unclaimed. Efforts for Harry that he deemed unnecessary to ever see the light of day.
And finally… there was his assassin. Harry grins and runs his fingers through blonde hair as he enjoys the sensation of Gwendolyn Stacey sucking him off under his desk. Gwen as Hunter Spider was a killer, plain and simple. When he sent her after a target, she always saw it through no matter what. Of course, he made sure that she was equipped for every assignment he sent her on, which played a large part in her one hundred percent success rate. But even still, there was no denying her skill.
As Gwen sucks him off under the table, Harry just leans back with a smile, enjoying the birthday blowjob for what it truly was. The blonde would of course never deny him anything he asked of her, seeing how she was his loyal slave and he her Master. But the fact that it was his birthday and she’d asked him if she could crawl under his desk and suck him off made it all that more special~
If this were any sort of righteous world, he would have been stopped by now. But this isn’t a righteous world… it’s HIS world. And he’s spent his entire life making it so. He-
Harry blinks, more than a little amused that he would be interrupted in the middle of thinking about how some hero should have stopped him by now. However, a quick check shows that it’s nobody dangerous… though one of the two women standing outside the door to his study is certainly unexpected. Tilting his head to the side, Harry presses a button and the doors come open.
Down under his desk, Gwen freezes for a moment before returning to giving him a blowjob, albeit a little quieter now as her enhanced senses let her know that Mary Jane has brought a… guest along with her.
Striding in with her hand on the small of the other woman’s back, MJ has a gigawatt smile on her face, even as she escorts in the spitting image of one Peter Parker… albeit female and much younger. Harry just raises an eyebrow at MJ, before looking to May Parker with a soft smile.
“Good evening you two. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
May Parker had certainly been an… unexpected addition to their little family. She’d arrived only a few short years after Harry had killed Peter, and initially his paranoia had nearly seen him killing her as well. He’d feared that she was some sort of herald of comeuppance, arrived to unravel all of his plans despite his efforts to clear the way so to speak.
… But no. MJ had convinced him otherwise in the end. Despite being his loyal slave, despite being devoted to him and him alone in every possible way, she had convinced him to let young May Parker live. When May had first arrived she was just a little girl, after all. Perfectly harmless in the end. She was also the daughter of another universe’s Mary Jane Parker and Peter Parker.
Hilarious, once you knew all the details. Basically, there was another universe out there where everyone with powers was apparently being hunted down. Things had even gotten so bad that their loved ones were suffering similar fates. The MJ of that universe had died shortly after May was born, leaving Peter all alone to raise her as a single father.
In the end, with the hounds closing in on him, that universe’s Peter had made the only choice he could… he’d sent May Parker on a one-person, one-way trip to their universe, hoping against hope that she would find a better life there with the alternate version of her mother.
It still amused Harry to think about it sometimes. Would Peter have still done what he done if he knew that the MJ he was sending his daughter to was actually Harry’s dominated slave? Would he have sent May Parker to Harry’s wife if he knew this MJ literally killed him in this universe?
Well, no matter. Harry had done his research and identified the universe where May Parker had come from. He’d checked and that Peter had not survived long after sending his daughter on. After making sure to cut off all possible contact with that universe, Harry had been content to let May live, and to raise her in this world.
Not quite as his own of course. She was still May Parker… she was still Peter’s daughter. She called Mary Jane mother, but Harry had held her at a distance and so she had never called him father or dad or anything like that. Only…
“A-Apologies for the intrusion, sir… I… there was something I wanted to tell you.”
Tilting his head to the side, Harry hums as MJ nods encouragingly to May, smiling all the while. May fidgets for a moment, blushing and looking away… before finally pulling out a VERY familiar mask from behind her back and holding it up.
“I… I’m Spider-Girl, sir.”
Harry… doesn’t react. Mostly because he already knew, of course. He would have known even if he didn’t have all of the foreknowledge he did. He’d usurped Peter’s connection to the Spider Totem after all, so when May had started developing powers, he’d known about it before even she did. But on top of that… who the fuck else could Spider-Girl be, but the female doppelganger of his greatest enemy living in his own home?
May keeps waiting for shock or anger or surprise, and when she doesn’t get it, she looks nonplussed.
“S-Sir? Did you hear me? I said I was Spider-Girl… you know, the vigilante crimefighter?”
Harry finally grins, chuckling softly.
“I heard you, dear. And of course, I already knew. We all did.”
May’s mouth drops open and she looks like she wants to argue with him for a moment… before realizing that her mother is nodding along with him happily.
“You d-did? And you didn’t try and stop m-me?”
Harry raises an eyebrow, even as MJ giggles and fields that question.
“Why would we stop you, Mayday? You’re just following in your father’s footsteps. Ah… but that’s not ALL you have to tell my husband, is it?”
Here, May goes bright red. Now Harry is curious. This he doesn’t know about. What’s going on, exactly?”
Setting her Spider-Girl mask aside, May fidgets for a moment… before reaching up and beginning to undo the buttons on her blouse.
“I-I know about your… relations with Auntie Gwen and Auntie Felicia, s-sir… I know that you and mother and my aunts h-have that sort of… open relationship. And… I want to join in, s-sir.”
As she shucks off her blouse, revealing a lacy bra and then removes her skirt, showing off equally lacy matching panties, Harry’s cock in Gwen’s mouth throbs with desire. His eyes do widen in surprise now, causing his lovely slave-wife to giggle.
“Do you like your birthday surprise, sir?”
He didn’t know MJ was capable of surprising him. For a moment, part of him wants to make sure she’s not after this. To edit that part out of her. But… no. No, he was confident she could only surprise him if it was to his benefit. Like right now, with May Parker standing before him wearing nothing but her underwear and looking uncertain… but also eager to please.
He hadn’t even mind controlled the girl! He’d just simply watched her grow up from afar, leaving the parenting in MJ’s hands while providing a stable life and a healthy financial situation. And yet… somehow that had turned into an obsession with him. As someone who knew what obsession looked like, he could see it in May Parker’s eyes. She wanted him. She wanted him more badly than she wanted anything in the world.
Pushing back from his desk, Harry stands up, his cock leaving Gwen’s lips as he rises from his seat. He doesn’t bother hiding that he’s naked from the waist down, stepping out from behind the desk to watch as May’s eyes dip down and she gasps in surprise and excitement at his erection. The young heroine blushes even harder, looking a little dismayed.
“Y-You knew about this too?!”
But before Harry can answer, Gwen does for him, laughing as she crawls out from under the desk and rises to her feet, wiping her mouth with the back of his hand.
“Oh no, he didn’t know. You got him good. He was just busy already~”
May blushes at that, before looking back to him and his cock. She slowly moves forward and reaches down, grabbing his spit-polished dick. Harry lets her stroke it experimentally for a moment, but when she goes to drop to her knees he stops her and chuckles, shaking his head.
“Gwen took care of the foreplay, May. Which means you and I can move right to the main event.”
He grabs her and spins them both around at that, leaving her facing his desk and him behind her. A squeak leaves May’s lips as he so easily manhandles her, and he’s sure that later on she’ll think back on this moment and wonder at where his enhanced strength comes from. After all, her powers are just as strong as Peter’s were at his peak. Harry should not be able to wrestle her into submission so easily, even when she’s not fighting back.
But for now, she’s too aroused and too eager to think about those things. When Harry grabs her by the neck and pushes her down onto his desk, she moans and goes willingly. When he reaches between her legs and rubs his fingers against her panty-clad pussy, she eagerly lifts her hips up for him, standing on her tip toes.
Back arched beautifully, the young heroine shivers as he plays with her for a moment.
“I t-thought you said we could move onto the main event… s-sir?”
Laughing, Harry nods amicably and turns his rubbing into a grip, yanking hard.
Her panties tear off of her with ease as May Parker squeaks, exposing her sopping wet cunt. Placing his cock against her slit is the work of mere moments… and then he’s inside of her. No hesitation, no mercy, no warning. He slams home into Peter Parker’s daughter without any further fanfare. May, for her part, lets out a lewd cry and quivers, almost orgasming on the spot. She doesn’t but it’s clearly a near thing… and equally clear that she had been anticipating and fantasizing about this moment for years.
But then, while Harry had yet to alter her mind or touch her in any meaningful way before now, the same clearly couldn’t be said for his women. For obvious reasons, MJ and the others didn’t have access to his mind control technology… but that didn’t mean that May’s mother and aunties hadn’t clearly conspired to raise the girl so she would have an inflated opinion of him and want nothing more than to be his fuck toy like the rest of them.
Looking back now, Harry could pick out a dozen times where it was now obvious that May, Gwen, and Felicia were putting on a show for a hidden May Parker nearby, letting her see firsthand how FUN it would be if she was Harry’s pet just as they were.
And now here he was, plowing Peter Parker’s daughter from behind. Fucking Spider-Girl… hah. Honestly, he’d half-expected this confrontation to take a much different tone when it finally happened. He’d been watching May Parker run around as Spider-Girl for months now, ever since she started college and thought she could hide her vigilante activities from him and the others. He’d expected Spider-Girl to confront him before May truth be told, to uncover his villainous actions and force him to deal with her.
Instead… instead he was fucking the poor dear bent over his desk, plowing the horny young heroine from behind while Mary Jane and Gwen both watched on. Though of course, they weren’t content with just watching. Moving in, the red head and blonde both lean into his sides, rubbing their naked bodies against his arms and moaning as he slips his fingers into their cunts and begins to thrust his digits up inside of him at the same pace he’s fucking May.
All of their moans fill the room, a cacophony of melodic cries of feminine pleasure. And May is the loudest of them all, thrusting her hips back into his crotch with what might have been bone-breaking force on a normal man. But Harry is far from normal. For now, that just means May doesn’t have to hold back, even as he fucks her to climax after climax until finally unloading in her womb.
But even as he fills May’s womb with his seed, Harry knows that things are just beginning. Eventually she’ll find out the truth about him and the others. Whether she’ll fall willingly at that time or whether he’ll have to do to her what he did to her mother and aunties… well, they’ll cross that bridge when they get to it.
If nothing else, this new life as Harry Osborn has been so very interesting. And frankly, Harry wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.


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