Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The S*x Club (Tangled AU)

The S*x Club (Tangled AU)

Commission (Parts 1-5)

Themes: Public Sex, Pole Dancing, Threesome

Summary: Modern AU where Rapunzel breaks up with her boyfriend and gets dragged to a very interesting sort of club by her friend. Things spiral from there...


Part 1:


Rapunzel can’t help but sigh as she stares out the passenger-side window, face resting on her palm, watching the city pass by before her. How had it all gone so… wrong? How had she wound up in this place?
“Ugh, you’re brooding again, aren’t you? Put him out of your mind, Rapunzel. He’s not worth it.”
Blushing, Rapunzel glances over at the driver, one of her few remaining friends in the world.
Cassandra just rolls her eyes and smirks at her.
“I’m serious. You broke up. The reasons why don’t matter. HE doesn’t matter anymore. If he didn’t recognize what a good thing he had with you, then he doesn’t deserve you, plain and simple.”
Rapunzel can’t help but smile a little bit at that, feeling slightly strengthened by her friend’s words. And Cassandra was right… right? Though at the same time, Rapunzel was still struggling to wrap her head around it. It’d all gone to shit so damn fast.
One moment she and Eugene were the happiest couple in the world. They were high school sweethearts, the kind who took their relationship on into adulthood too. He hadn’t proposed to her yet, sure… but they were definitely made for each other. True Love. Or so Rapunzel had thought. But just one argument had resulted in… in this. Them broken up and her a teensy bit homeless.
Oh, she wasn’t on the streets or anything. Cass was letting her sleep on her couch. Still, Rapunzel did not currently have a place to call her own and that was… well, that was hard. But it would have been even harder to stay with Eugene after the fight they’d had and him all but kicking her out. To beg to be allowed to stay… Rapunzel had too much self-respect for that.
“Though I have to admit, I still can’t believe you cut your hair. It looks good on you, but it’s still a little jarring.”
Rapunzel bites her lower lip and raises a hand to touch the short pixie-cut her golden-blonde locks were now in. She’d barely cut her hair throughout her life. It had literally been her pride and joy, going all the way down to the floor at certain points in fact. She’d always made sure to take great care of it and Eugene had always told her he considered it her best feature.
Perhaps that was why after they’d broken up, Rapunzel had chopped it short in a fit of pique. She hadn’t been able to contain herself. One moment she’d been holding the scissors, the next she was hacking away at her tresses like they’d personally done her wrong or something. She’d made a complete mess of things, but fortunately when Cass came home she’d been able to help Rapunzel turn the mess into this cute little pixie cut she had on now.
It was a little jarring for Rapunzel herself though to not have all that weight on her head. To be able to turn her head back and forth without her hair going every which way. Honestly? It was a little freeing. Though there was one issue with it… Cass had demanded a favor in exchange for her help fixing up Rapunzel’s hair. A favor that the other girl had cashed in on now.
“Are we… are we getting close, Cass? To this… erm, club of yours?”
Grinning wickedly at her, her more adventurous and daring friend nods happily.
“Oh yeah, almost there. You’re going to love this, Rapunzel.”
Rapunzel wasn’t so sure about that but after her little mental breakdown with her hair, she also wasn’t in a position to argue. Cassandra assured her that what she really needed was to get out and about again. That going to this club was as much for her as it was for Cass. Rapunzel honestly didn’t know if that was accurate or not, but here she was all the same.
Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately for poor Rapunzel’s nerves, Cass wasn’t lying about almost being there. Not but a couple minutes after she says that the other girl turns them into a clandestine parking garage that Rapunzel wouldn’t have even noticed before. She gets them all parked and the two of them climb out of Cassandra’s car, both of them admittedly dressed to the nines.
Rapunzel feels out of place in the tight little black number that Cass has put her in. It wasn’t her dress, it was Cassandra’s, but the other girl was borrowing it. Meanwhile, Cass was rocking it in a scarlet dress and heels, completely owning the look while Rapunzel felt so absurdly out of place that it wasn’t even funny.
She’s almost tempted to say she’ll stay in the car, but before she can pitch that silly idea, Cass hooks their arms together and begins to drag Rapunzel along. The blonde assumes that they’re going to have to walk a couple blocks to get to this club… but instead, Cass takes them to the center of the parking garage where an elevator with a literal bouncer outside of it awaits them.
“Going down, handsome~”
The bouncer looks at them both for a moment as Cass gives him that line and a flirtatious wink. Rapunzel blushes as his gaze seems to trail over HER for longer than Cassandra. Was she really that out of place here? She knew it couldn’t be because he thought she was hotter than Cass or something like that. Rapunzel’s pixie cut might have removed her somewhat from the Girl-Next-Door vibe she’d always given off before, but she still felt completely out of her depth here.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity but is only a few seconds, the bouncer nods and steps aside, allowing them to enter the elevator. Rapunzel blinks as, true to her words, Cassandra sends them down deeper underground rather than up. What kind of club is under a parking garage of all places? Oh and what kind of club doesn’t have a massive line out front of it? Had modern media lied to her?
Before Rapunzel can ask Cassandra to clarify exactly where it is they’re going however… they arrive. The elevator doors open and Rapunzel is hit in the face by sensory overload. There’s music and lights and… and just so much noise that she can’t even resist as Cass pulls her out of the elevator. And on top of the noise… there are the sights too.
The blonde immediately goes bright red when pretty much the first thing she sees is a woman pole-dancing on a stage a few dozen yards away from her. Big bright smile on her face, the girl is all over the pole, discarding clothing and looking down at all of the men watching her dance.
But that’s just the centerpiece. Everywhere Rapunzel looks, she sees women and men getting it on. Also women and women. There are girls grinding on guys’ laps in suspicious ways, and then there are girls who are straight up bent over tables and visibly getting railed from behind. There are also girls cuddling with each other, lost in their own little worlds, making out and fingering one another brazenly in full view of the rest of the club.
Gawking at her surroundings, Rapunzel shakes her head and looks over at Cassandra in disbelief.
“C-Cass… did you… did you bring me to a s-strip club?!”
Looking back at her with a wide and wicked grin, looking like the cat who caught the canary, Cassandra just laughs.
“Of course not, silly. This isn’t a strip club. You can’t touch the ‘merchandise’ in a strip club. You can’t so much as cop a feel, let alone have sex in a strip club. It’s illegal. THIS, sweetheart… is a SEX club.”
Rapunzel’s eyes widen as she takes that in. Her friend had brought her to a sex club?!
“No one here is being paid anything darling. The girls dance of their own volition… or don’t dance at all. Of course, it can sometimes look like a strip club, because the gender ratio is something like sixty-forty in the favor of the guys and some girls only prefer other girls… but ultimately, it’s all for fun. Everyone is here to blow off some steam, to let down their hair and live a little.”
Cassandra glances at Rapunzel’s pixie-cut pointedly at that last part.
“I think you need this, Rapunzel. Recent events notwithstanding. But you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do… and if any guy asks anything of you, you can always say no. Kay?”
Looking around some more, Rapunzel could tell Cassandra was right. This wasn’t a strip club. There weren’t dollar bills being thrown at the girl dancing on stage, only catcalls, praise, and invitations to have fun once she was done. At the same time, Rapunzel didn’t see a single unhappy woman in the place… save for maybe herself.
Except, was this really that bad? Sure, she wished Cass had told her where they were going to begin with, but at the same time…
She could do this. She could be more adventurous. She could be more outgoing.
“Great! I’ll go get us some drinks!”
Wait, no! Rapunzel tries to reach for Cass, but the other woman is far too fast for her. Suddenly, before she can react, Cassandra has disappeared into the crowd, leaving Rapunzel all alone. Fuck.
Feeling incredibly self-conscious now, Rapunzel hesitates and then stays next to the elevator, waiting for Cass to come back. At the same time, she finds her eyes drawn every which way. She knew she shouldn’t be looking… but she couldn’t deny that her curiosity had been piqued by… by recent events.
See, the reason her and Eugene had broken up… that big fight they’d had? It was actually to do with sex. They weren’t virgins, obviously. They’d had sex before. Rapunzel had had sex before. But only with Eugene and only ever vanilla. What Eugene called ‘boring’. He’d wanted to spice things up a bit and Rapunzel had allowed herself to be talked around to it.
Honestly, it wasn’t like she WANTED to be the sheltered girl-next-door for the rest of her life. So sure, why not see what else there was to experience when it came to the world of sex? She’d agreed to try new things, and a very happy Eugene had immediately suggested a threesome with another woman. Specifically… with Cassandra.
Rapunzel had been a little surprised by the idea, but not repulsed in any way. In fact, it had sounded like it might be fun. She’d even agreed to bring it up with Cassandra and try and get her on board. Cass was their most adventurous acquaintance from High School and Rapunzel’s good friend, so it seemed likely she would be interested in a threesome.
However, when Rapunzel brought up the idea, Cassandra had turned into a damn bloodhound. She’d started asking Rapunzel all these questions, like whether Eugene had suggested any other ways to spice up their sex life before jumping straight to adding another woman into the mix. He hadn’t, which Rapunzel had realized was a little odd. They hadn’t even done anal. No whips or chains either. Cassandra had seemed disquieted… before sending Rapunzel back to Eugene with a simple request.
At her friend’s urging, Rapunzel had asked Eugene if they could have a threesome with him and another man first. Then she and Cassandra would have a threesome with him. That… that had blown their entire relationship up. Eugene couldn’t stand the thought of another guy being with her. But HE wanted her to let him be with another girl… her friend at that.
One thing had led to another, and their fight over his own insecurities and hang-ups had caused them to break up and Eugene to kick her out of his apartment. Rapunzel hadn’t thought anything of it when they’d only put him on the lease after moving in together. But suddenly she was stuck sleeping on Cassandra’s couch, living off of her friend’s good will and guilt.
Cass had been a little guilty that she’d caused their break up, but at the same time she’d felt rather vindicated in the end. Rapunzel had to admit, she thought Cassandra was right about her suspicions. Ultimately, Eugene just wanted an excuse to fuck Cass without it being ‘cheating’. But he couldn’t stand the idea that Rapunzel might be fucked by another man, even if he was there and actively participating.
“Hey there, beautiful. You seem nervous. First time here?”
Jolted out of her thoughts, Rapunzel blinks as she looks into the kindly face of an older gentleman dressed in a suit. He’s handsome in a silver fox sort of way and Rapunzel blushes as she slowly nods.
“Y-Yes sir. Err… sorry if I’m l-loitering. I was just waiting for my friend to come back with d-drinks…”
Humming, the older man looks around for a moment, prompting Rapunzel to do the same. It’s only then that the blonde realizes the truth… Cassandra isn’t coming back with the drinks, is she? No, she’d left her here, abandoned her to either sink or swim. Likely, the other woman was somewhere else in the club getting her back blown out by some handsome stud already.
When he looks back at her, the man in the suit has a knowing expression on his face and Rapunzel just knows he’s come to the same conclusion she has.
“Well darling… it’s perfectly okay to watch, especially on your first time here. Why don’t I show you to a nice vantage point and you can just… soak it all in?”
She doesn’t think he’s trying to trick her. In fact, she’s petty sure he’s the club’s owner or manager or something. And yet… the very idea of just watching and not participating somehow rubs Rapunzel the wrong way. Cassandra had said she needed this. Maybe she was right.
The owner raises a brow at that.
“No, darling?”
Blushing, Rapunzel shakes her head… and then looks over at the stage in the center of the room. The woman who was previously dancing on the pole has vacated the spot and is probably being fucked somewhere else in the club by this point. Which means it’s open to a new dancer right now.
“I-I want to dance… could I do that?”
His eyes follow hers to the stage and then widen at her words as he realizes what she wants. Looking back at her, he smiles faintly.
“That’s rather advanced, my dear. Are you absolutely certain? You’ll be the center of attention, not just while you’re on the stage, but for the rest of the night as well.”
Rapunzel bites her lower lip, appreciating the gentle warning in the spirit it’s given. And she almost backs out after all… almost.
“I’m sure. I want… I want to dance.”
Chuckling, the club owner nods.
“Then that can be arranged.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we don’t normally do announcements, but this one is a bit special. We’ve got a newcomer tonight who’s decided to jump straight into the deep end. Please turn your attention to the center stage and give it up for Rapunzel~”
Rapunzel blushes but nevertheless climbs on stage, only barely stumbling in her black strappy heels as she straightens up. Looking out around the club, she sees plenty of eyes on her… and several men even whooping and cheering as she moves to the pole and wraps a hand around it. Of course, most of the sex club’s denizens are busy with each other, so it’s not like everyone in the club pays the voice coming over the intercom any mind.
Still, the song that was playing before comes to an end and a new song starts up. As it does, Rapunzel lets out a low breath and starts to move with the beat. It’s not… easy by any stretch of the imagination. She’s a whole-ass bundle of nerves. However, there is ONE thing that Rapunzel has going for her. Namely… the pole in the center of the stage is loose. Meaning that it moves with her, rather than forcing her to burn her palms sliding around it.
With a loosened pole, even the most amateurish pole dancer can look like a pro. Which is fortunate for Rapunzel, because she’s very much an amateur here. She’s never really done anything like this before, never had so many eyes on her either.
Still… still, she wants to do this. She wants to expand her horizons. So she dances. Moving up and down the pole, sliding this way and that, Rapunzel lets herself get lost in the music.
“Woohoo! SHAKE IT GIRL!”
“Looking sexy up there, Rapunzel!”
She almost startles for a moment at that last one before remembering that the owner had mentioned her by name in his introduction. Blushing up a storm, feeling VERY sexy indeed, Rapunzel grinds the pole some more, really getting into it and even trying some more… daring maneuvers.
Fortunately she’d been a cheerleader in high school and hadn’t lost ALL of her upper body strength quite yet, allowing her to get away with doing a ‘pole-stand’… meaning that she wraps her hands and arms around the pole and flips her body upside down. Of course, this results in her flashing the entire club with her panties, the tight little black dress she’s wearing flipping up a bit in the process of pulling off the maneuver.
This provokes even further catcalls and wolf whistles from all corners. Mostly men, but even some women getting in on it too. Rapunzel had known she was going to expose herself of course, but she’s still a little embarrassed when she comes back down as gracefully as possible, shifting to shimmy her borrowed black dress back down over her hips and ass.
“Just take it off, darling!”
“We’ve already seen what’s underneath! Give us more!”
“No point in hiding a body as beautiful as that, babe!”
Rapunzel didn’t think she was ‘hiding’ much at all to be honest. Cassandra’s little black dress didn’t leave much to the imagination to begin with… but at the same time, they sort of had a point. This might not be a strip club, so she didn’t have to go any further than she wanted to… but what was the purpose of coming up here in the first place if she didn’t bare it all, right?
Kicking off her heels first, Rapunzel makes sure to make a show of it. She bumps and grinds to the music, which has now transitioned into a second song. A good way for Rapunzel to gauge how long she’s been on stage, she supposes. Though with most of these sorts of songs being between three and five minutes, the fact that she’s only been up here for that long is a little bit jarring for her. It feels like a fucking eternity.
And yet… she’s never felt more energized. Flashing the crowd of faces who have gathered around her stage a mega-watt smile, Rapunzel leans back against the pole and shimmies up and down it for a moment… then, she reaches down and grabs the hem of her borrowed dress, biting her lower lip coquettishly as she slowly but surely begins hiking it up.
More wolf whistles ensue as dozens of men stare at her hungrily, watching as she once again reveals her hips and eventually her panty-covered crotch. The black lacy underwear she has on goes with the dress, or so Cass had told her. It’s just as borrowed as the tight little black number she’s wearing… or rather, she WAS wearing.
As soon as she gets the dress up to her belly button, Rapunzel springs off of the pole and hikes it over her head as fast but also as gracefully as possible. The crowd goes wild as she manages to get it wrapped around one hand and grabs hold of the pole with the other. Suddenly clad in nothing but her bra and panties, Rapunzel swings around the pole in a strut, walking around and round as she breathes heavily, her chest heaving up and down and an even bigger smile on top of her face.
“Holy SHIT look at that body!”
“Fuck, she’s gorgeous!”
“I would give ANYTHING to have a chance with a cutie like that!”
That last comment reminds Rapunzel that this really isn’t a strip club… it’s a sex club. Even as she’s drawn all of these watching men into her own little world and gotten them hooked on her dancing, everyone else in the club has continued fucking. And she’ll be expected to fuck afterwards as well. Or maybe not expected to… but Rapunzel expects herself to. It’s why she’s here after all, even if she didn’t know it in the first place.
With that in mind, Rapunzel starts to actually pay attention to the men who are crowded around her stage as she drops her dress to the ground and continues her pole dancing in nothing but her lacy black undergarments. She intends to find some good-looking, safe-looking guys that she can fuck after this is over… only to damn near stop dead in her tracks when she sees a familiar face staring back at her.
She doesn’t stop entirely, thankfully. But it is jarring to be looking at Lance Strongbow, Eugene’s childhood best friend, as the tall, dark, and handsome black man stands there staring right back at her with unbridled lust and hunger in her eyes. Rapunzel blushes crimson but keeps moving, her body bumping to the music almost of its own volition at this point.
Very briefly, she has the completely irrational fear that Lance is here for Eugene. But no… that wouldn’t make sense. See, while Lance and Eugene had known each other since they were children, the two men had had a falling out shortly before they’d all graduated from high school. Rapunzel didn’t know what it was, only that suddenly in the middle of their senior year, Eugene and Lance weren’t talking anymore.
So no, Lance wasn’t here on Eugene’s behalf. Which meant he was here for himself. Which meant… Rapunzel blushes as she moves around the pole again and once more makes eye contact with him. The big man is looking at her with eyes that make it clear how badly he wants to fuck her. She’d INTENDED on choosing a stranger… or three… but Lance was right there. And she wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings by NOT picking him, now would she?
Just as Rapunzel is feeling decidedly indecisive about it, the situation gets even more complicated a moment later. Because no sooner has the blonde spun away from Lance’s side of the stage again… then she runs into ANOTHER familiar face on the opposite side of the stage. Someone that Rapunzel would NEVER have expected to see here.
This time she does stop for a brief moment as she lays eyes on Varian, another boy that Rapunzel had known from school. In fact, while they’d never actually dated, she and Varian were the closest she’d ever gotten TO dating before she got with Eugene. They were friends since elementary school, and as close as could be. He was her best friend for the longest time… until they’d drifted apart in high school when Rapunzel and Eugene had started going out.
She’d never understood why Varian had just… stopped talking to her after a certain point. Eugene had always said it was because he was carrying a torch for her, and that when she got with Eugene instead, Varian had ‘moved on’ since he no longer had a chance with her. Rapunzel had always thought that sounded out of character for Varian, but now as she dances and gives him QUITE the show, she finds herself wondering if Eugene might have been right.
Varian is staring at her like he’s seen a ghost. In stark contrast to the hunger in Lance’s eyes, Varian looks… he looks shocked to see her up on the stage. He’s watching though. He’s watching every move she makes in fact. It makes her feel desired. It makes her feel powerful.
Sweeping her gaze across the rest of the crowd, she doesn’t see anyone else she recognizes fortunately… or perhaps unfortunately. She DOES finally find where Cassandra got off to, seeing the dark-haired woman with her dress discarded being tongued out by another girl. As Rapunzel lays eyes on this sapphic scene, Cassandra’s own eyes drift up and they lock gazes for a single, long moment.
Smirking wickedly, Cassandra mouths the words ‘do it’ to Rapunzel. She can’t possibly know what Rapunzel is considering, she can’t possibly have seen Lance and Varian… but even still, that’s what tips the blonde over the edge. That’s what makes her decision for her.
She might have been considering going hog wild at the end of her dance and grabbing a whole boatload of men before, but now Rapunzel knows exactly what she wants to do. With a surety and sense of resolve that surprises even Rapunzel herself, she straightens up and begins to dance on the pole even harder than before… and now she reaches for her last garments, for her bra and then her panties.
The crowd goes wild as she removes her bra, but Rapunzel doesn’t listen to what they have to say. She just makes sure the bra gets where it needs to… into Lance’s hands, the big black man’s eyes widening in surprise as he catches it. Giving him a flirtatious little grin and a wink, Rapunzel is pretty sure she can’t make the invitation more obvious. He grins back at her and nods, and she knows he has him.
That said… Varian could always be a little more stubborn and oblivious from Rapunzel’s experience. So she’s not taking any chances with HIM. Shimming her way out of her black lacy panties, pulling them down her legs and giving everyone in the crowd a nice, brazen show in the process, Rapunzel tugs her panties off of one foot and then the other. At which point, she stands up and holds them aloft… before strutting across the stage completely naked.
Everyone is reaching for them, but Rapunzel only has eyes for Varian, and when he doesn’t come closer on his own, she crouches down and beckons him forward with a crooked finger. Finally, he’s right up against the stage and Rapunzel makes sure to hand off her panties to him directly, balling them up and putting them in his hand, even going so far as to curl his fingers over them as she gives him a saucy smile and a knowing wink.
Varian looks down at her panties for a moment before letting out a shuddering breath and nodding. Giggling, Rapunzel takes him by his other hand and hops down off the stage, tugging him around the circumference to where Lance waits.
The two young men jolt at seeing each other, but that doesn’t stop Rapunzel from grabbing hold of Lance’s free hand as well. Then, still naked as can be, the nubile young blonde with her pixie-haircut pulls both of her chosen boys along, dragging them away from the center of the sex club and off to the side. There’s some groans of disappointment behind them as they leave, but most of the crowd are still wolf whistling and catcalling, sounding actively happy for the three of them.
Finally finding a secluded corner, Rapunzel sits both Varian and Lance down on the couch with her and moves their hands to her body. Lance gets her tits, because she gave him her bra. Varian gets her sopping wet slit because she gave him her panties.
Not even hesitating, Lance begins to play with her tits. One might think given his large hands that he wouldn’t be very good at it, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He turns out to be surprisingly dexterous and soon enough Rapunzel is moaning under how his fingers glide across her soft breasts, toying with her nipples and pinching them between his digits.
The large black man even leans forward after a moment and places his lips on her chest, suckling at one of her teats and nibbling at it for good measure. Rapunzel moans and arches her back, pushing her tits further into his touch as he goes to town on them. His hunger and lust are addictive and Rapunzel finds herself responding to him quite eagerly.
Of course, it’s not just her and Lance. It’s her, Lance, and Varian. Varian’s fingers are at her sex, but not actively pushing in and out of her. After a few moments, Rapunzel looks over to see Varian staring at her, still looking a little lost.
“Rapunzel, I-!”
But Rapunzel cuts him off, placing a finger against his lips and shaking her head with a soft smile. She suspects she knows some of the things he might want to say to her, but right now in this place isn’t the time.
“The only words I want to hear out of your mouth right now is how much you want to fuck me, Varian. Nothing else.”
Varian stiffens at that, looking conflicted for all of a moment before his gaze drops to her crotch where her legs are spread invitingly for him. His fingers rest on her slit, able to feel her wetness. Finally, he lets out a shuddering breath and nods, driving his digits deep into Rapunzel’s cunt. The blonde moans as he makes eye contact with her.
“I want to fuck you so fucking hard, Rapunzel.”
His voice rough and gravelly, his desire obvious, Rapunzel just smiles and grabs Varian by his wild, untamed brown hair, pulling him into an adventurous tongue-filled kiss as Lance continues to go to town on her tits.
This? This was going to be fun…


Part 2:


Rapunzel is in Heaven. With Lance’s hands all over her breasts, proving to be surprisingly dexterous despite the black man’s size, and Varian’s fingers in her cunt… Rapunzel is floating on cloud nine right now. But it’s not just that. Varian is kissing her as well, and Lance has even leaned in to nuzzle the side of her neck with his beard hair and suckle at her flesh in what will almost certainly produce a hickey.
Naked and entirely vulnerable under their touch, Rapunzel moans as she’s felt up and played with by the two men. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt where this is going next, even without Varian’s last words to her before their tongues became entangled. She’s going to get fucked. She’s going to get plowed hard by both of these guys and pounded silly in front of the rest of the club.
The short-haired blonde is VERY aware of the rest of the club’s eyes on them. Every time her gaze flickers over from Varian’s red face, she sees dozens of people looking their way, both men and women… though mostly men. Their gazes feast upon her body as it undulates and writhes under Varian and Lance’s tender ministrations.
She loves it. She loves being watched, knowing that every bit of her uncovered, on-display, nubile form is being studied by other men. She only wants to fuck Lance and Varian right now, don’t get her wrong… but she wouldn’t mind coming back another time for a blowbang or gangbang. The idea sounds incredibly hot… just not as hot as getting spit-roasted in a threesome by two of the guys from her not-so-distant pass.
That said… as much as Varian and Lance were seemingly enjoying playing with her, they had yet to make a move towards divesting themselves of their own clothes. It would seem that responsibility would fall to Rapunzel. And so, Rapunzel reaches down and inexpertly but eventually manages to unbutton and unzip their pants with one hand apiece. Said hands then slip into their boxers, where Rapunzel curls her fingers around two very hard cocks.
A broad smile spreads across her face even as she and Varian continue kissing, and she tugs his and Lance’s cocks into view without so much as a ‘by your leave’. Look, her entire body is already on display as it is… so what’s a little exposure for the two of them, right?
Neither complains… however, the reveal of their cocks DOES cause the murmuring from those watching them to reach a fever pitch. The volume grows loud enough that Rapunzel starts to hear snatches of conversation and words reaching their little corner of the club… all about her and her chosen boys.
“Tch… lucky fucking dogs…”
“-amn those bastards… why them, huh? I could show that sexy little slut a good time…”
“Fuck, I wanted to see her dance some more… encore! Encore!”
“-ncore! Encore! Encore!”
Most of it is just jealousy, something that nevertheless turns Rapunzel on because… well, they’re jealous of Varian and Lance because of HER. She’s the one provoking the jealousy. However, when they start up a chant of ‘Encore! Encore! Encore!’ it becomes rather impossible to ignore. Even Varian and Lance pull away from her to scowl at the watching crowd. They look at her with concern in their eyes.
“Should we get a private room, Rapunzel?”
“Away from all of these assholes?”
Rapunzel fully recognizes that they’re worried for her sake. That they want to protect her from the men she didn’t choose as her very own Knights in Shining Armor. They don’t realize that if they hadn’t both been here, Rapunzel would probably be getting a train ran on her right now. That’s just the sort of mood she’s in. And honestly… something about an ‘encore’ appeals to her. But only if it involves her boys.
Smiling at Lance and Varian, Rapunzel strokes their rock hard cocks and then gives them both a tug as she rises from the couch.
“Actually… I’ve got a better idea. Trust me?”
“… Sure.”
Lance’s hesitant answer is followed by Varian’s breathless agreement, but Rapunzel just giggles at both of them, leading them back towards center stage by their cocks.
“Grab a couple of chairs, boys.”
They follow her instructions and then follow her up onto the pole-dancing stage as well, much to the slightly confused cheers of the onlooking audience. The main stage had remained empty in the handful of minutes since Rapunzel’s first departure. Not only did no one else want to try to follow her performance, but the moment they heard the crowd chanting ‘encore’, nobody wanted to be the one to stop that from happening.
Rapunzel doesn’t quite recognize this, unaware of the TRUE impact she’d had on the club so far tonight. She’s just grateful that she and her boys can retake the center stage so easily without bumping anyone else off. Regardless, once they’re up there, Rapunzel has Varian and Lance set up their chairs on either side of the stage, placing themselves right on the edge of her radius for her.
With their cocks still out and twitching with need, the two men sit down at Rapunzel’s instruction and watch her as she slaps her hand back down on the pole. She feels even more alive than she did the first time she did this, smiling out at the crowd as they hoot and holler and shout catcalls and jeering comments at her.
Meanwhile, the latest song is just coming to a close… and the next is starting up. Rapunzel, in all her naked, slightly sweaty glory, waits for it to begin… and then starts moving to the beat once more. She doesn’t have any clothing to discard this time around. There’s no stripping this go… it’s all just dancing. But that’s alright. As inexperienced and amateurish as Rapunzel might be, the pole is there to do a lot of the heavy lifting. And she? She’s not willing to hold back even slightly this time around.
Swinging around the pole, shimmying up and down it, and all around showing off her naked body to the crowd, Rapunzel dances with the music, letting it wash over her, letting the crowd’s adulation wash over her as well. She’s moaning as she grinds against the pole, she’s squealing as she flies around it at greater and greater speeds.
However… unlike last time, she has a pair of certain someones to focus on over the rest of the crowd. Last time, Rapunzel had listened to the crowd’s words. She’d followed along with a lot of what they were saying and even made decisions based on it. She’d stripped naked for all of them. She’d pole-danced for all of them.
This time around, the cute, nubile blonde treats the crowd as background noise. As little more than scenery. They’re definitely there of course, but they aren’t where the majority of her focus is. No… that’s on Varian and Lance.
The two men are both sat on opposite sides of the stage, making it so that every time Rapunzel spins around the pole, they see her and she sees them. Her eyes twinkle as she makes eye contact with them, and she gives them coy, sultry grins that promise they’ll get to have all of her in just a little bit longer. They just have to be patient.
Rapunzel can tell just a couple minutes in that this was the right decision, because both men are positively vibrating in their chairs. Neither tries to get up at least, but they are clearly in awe of her. She’s glad to see not a hint of jealousy in either of their gazes either. They don’t want to possess her, to own her as Eugene did. They didn’t want to control her bodily autonomy like he did.
Don’t get her wrong. Rapunzel was fully happy being completely polygamous while she and Eugene were together. HE was the one who started pushing for a threesome, but then balked at the idea being reversed on him. However, now that she and her high school sweetheart aren’t together anymore… Rapunzel finds the idea of being tied down again any time soon too stifling to even consider.
She wants to be happy. She wants to be free. And as she rides the pole and swings back and forth, dancing and shaking her young nubile body to the music, she’s never felt happier or freer in her life. As she undulates up and down the pole, her nipples standing on end and her pussy dripping with arousal, Rapunzel begins to get more… serious. She starts to get more aggressive.
There’s no point in having Varian and Lance sitting on the stage with their dicks out if she doesn’t ever actually interact with them, now is there? She’s never done this before… but she goes for it all the same. Pushing off of the pole, she first steps towards Varian.
Turning and presenting him with her ass, she proceeds to give him a lap dance that very NEARLY results in penetrative sex. She backs her ass up into his crotch, his cock slapping up against her cunt for a moment before the head digs into her folds. His hands even close around her hips, but before he can pull her down… Rapunzel slips out of his grasp and back to the pole.
A look back over her shoulder shows Rapunzel how aroused Varian is and she makes sure to give him a teasing grin and a wink before moving around the pole and switching to Lance next. The big black man could easily manhandle her into submission if he wanted. He could grab her and impale her on his cock right there on the stage and given his size and stature, no one would probably even try to stop him. They’d just watch as she squealed for him.
But Lance can tell that’s not what Rapunzel wants. And so unlike Varian, he doesn’t even go as far as to try to grab onto her, because they both know that if he gets ahold of her, she’s not going anywhere. Instead, Lance clutches at the seat of his chair with both hands as Rapunzel saunters up to him, giving him a grateful smile.
He smiles right back at her, though it contorts into an expression of pure concentration as she straddles his lap for a moment, letting his thick black cock hot-dog her folds but nothing more. Grinding up and down the underside of his length, feeling his hefty, warm ball sack against her taint, Rapunzel moans for a moment and then pulls back again with another teasing wink sent his way.
Lance just snorts at her antics, even as Rapunzel returns to the pole. She’s loving this. The crowd is too, from what she can tell. They’re still going wild and she’s still not listening closely enough to make out what they’re actually saying, but all of the faces she can see whenever she glances past Varian or Lance for a moment are happy. Thrilled, even. Downright overjoyed.
Well, so is Rapunzel. She’s never felt so at home in her own skin before. And who knew all it would take was stripping naked and poledancing in front of a bunch of strangers? Ah… but not just strangers. No, not just strangers by a long shot.
For a moment, Rapunzel’s eyes find Cassandra in the crowd again. Her friend is hooting and hollering with the rest of them, even as a NEW girl continues eating Cass out. It seemed like her friend was quite the ladies’ woman… and quite a domme too from the look of things. But Cass is small potatoes compared to the boys right in front of her.
With a grin on her face and sweat covering every inch of her trembling, quivering body at this point, Rapunzel begins to climb the stripper pole in the center of the stage. A new song has started and she feels this express need to outdo herself yet again. She wants more. She wants to blow all of their socks off… starting with her boys.
Her insides clench at the very idea, even as she goes for a move that she hasn’t tried before. Namely, leg-locking the stripper pole and going no-hands. Winding around it, Rapunzel slowly descends the poll like this. She really shouldn’t have the leg strength for something like this, but somehow… somehow it just works. The blonde is motivated more than she ever has been before.
As she descends to an appropriate level, Rapunzel stretches out… and this time reaches for Lance’s crotch first. Both he and Varian are positioned with their chairs on the stage to be just in range of her when she’s like this. Her small breasts and rock hard nipples jiggle as her chest heaves, while her hands reach out and stroke Lance’s cock.
She stops moving on the pole, holding herself in place as she strokes his member and reaches out to plant the most chaste kiss possible on just the tip of his dick. Well… it would be chaste if Rapunzel were kissing him on the cheek or something. But no, there’s nothing truly chaste about a kiss planted on a cockhead, regardless of how cute and dainty it and its giver both are.
Regardless, Lance grunts and as Rapunzel pulls back, she looks up to see a vein throbbing on the side of his neck. He’s holding himself at bay, trying to keep from blowing his load too early. But doesn’t he understand that that’s exactly what Rapunzel wants from him? It’s not too early… she wants him to cum all over her.
Alas, the moment passes and she reaches the floor again, turning her soft landing on the stage’s floor into another dance move as her legs both climb the pole and she does an assisted handstand for the audience… before doing the upside-down splits, her long legs spreading wide to show off just how flexible she is.
As the crowd goes even more wild in the background, Rapunzel does a quick tumble and comes back to her feet with a wide smile, feeling as though she’s on top of the world right now. But she’s just getting started, even then.
Moving back to the pole, dancing with the music, she doesn’t immediately climb it again… but as soon as it feels right, as soon as it feels proper to once again ascend the pole, Rapunzel does it. And this time, as she leg locks the pole like it’s her lover and comes slowly sliding back down it, she makes sure she’s facing Varian.
He might be shorter than Lance and not nearly as broad chested, but Varian is rocking the size where it counts. Both he and Lance are similarly well-endowed and as Rapunzel wraps her hands around Varian’s cock, she can see that he’s struggling with her teasing just as much as Lance was. Even still, he’s now mimicking the other man’s actions, his hands clutching at the edges of his chair’s seat as Rapunzel strokes his member up and down while looking him in the eye.
Like with Lance, she plants a chaste kiss on Varian’s cockhead… and like with Lance, he’s clearly ready to blow but refuses to do so too soon.
As Rapunzel reaches the ground, does her handstand and shows off her upside down body again, she reflects that both Varian and Lance are rather cute… if a little irritating to say the least. Coming up onto her feet, Rapunzel runs a hand through her short blonde hair, glancing between both men. Their cocks are twitching and throbbing and ready to blow at any moment. Frankly, she’s shocked that they haven’t cum yet.
Except… no, it makes sense doesn’t it? Maybe they don’t mind that she’s showing off to a bunch of other people. Maybe they aren’t going to threaten her sexual freedom like Eugene did. However, one thing is for sure… they’re still a pair of boys, and boys HATE to lose. Rapunzel hadn’t meant for it to turn out like this, but in letting the crowd convince her to get back on stage for an encore, she’s turned this into a competition for Varian and Lance.
Neither of them can be the one to blow first. Neither of them can allow themselves to cum before the other, no matter how much they want to make her happy. If they do, it’ll be humiliating. And while Rapunzel IS having the time of her life here… she has no desire to humiliate either of her boys.
Which means she needs to find a way to make them cum at the same time. The only problem is, she’s put them so far apart from each other that it seems impossible to do so. Unless…
The thought comes to her and for a moment she thinks it might be crazy. But then again, everything about this was crazy, wasn’t it? Her beautiful young body was fully on display in the center of a sex club. She’d been poledancing on the main stage of said sex club for what felt like over half an hour now… and she’d even ran into two of her former friends from high school and drawn them up onto the stage with her.
Nothing about this could be possibly described as ‘sane’, but then if this was what insanity looked like, Rapunzel wasn’t sure she even wanted to be ‘sane’ anymore. Being crazy… was so much more fun.
With that said and her course decided, Rapunzel gives Varian and Lance both a wide and wicked grin. She sees the way they both stiffen at that look on her face, correctly deducing that she’s up to something. Meanwhile, the third song has started and comes with a full new beat to it. Rapunzel bumps and grinds for a few moments to the new melody, her eyes drifting shut, her arms over her head, and her body shaking and twisting for all to see.
She’s positively drenched in sweat at this point, but that only accentuates the effect. Her whole body glistens in the sex club’s artificial lighting, her nude form looking like it’s been oiled up when it really hasn’t. She’s just exerted herself that much… and she’s not done just yet either.
Reaching back behind her, Rapunzel grabs the pole with both hands above her head… and then flips herself upside down again. There’s more cries of excitement from the crowd, and closer to her, Rapunzel can hear Varian and Lance’s breath hitching as they both pant a bit more heavily. Her focus is on them and herself though, as it has been from the start of this second session. The crowd might be getting a show, but at this moment the whole world might as well not exist outside of this stage.
Through concentration and sheer force of will, Rapunzel does the splits again, still upside down as she slowly descends the pole. And on either side of her, her legs stretching out in either direction… Rapunzel’s toes find purchase on two very hard, very needy cocks. Both Varian and Lance grown as Rapunzel’s big toes slowly slide down the undersides of their members.
The short-haired blonde can just BARELY reach them on either side of her with that single digit from her feet. She presses her big toes into their shafts, feeling how HOT and THROBBING they are… and very nearly cums herself from the experience. She did that. She made Varian and Lance so fucking pent up. She made them fit to blow with her beautiful body and her sexy sensual sultriness.
Even knowing that is nearly enough to send Rapunzel over the edge, but she holds back. She holds back and she focuses on THEIR pleasure instead. And as each of her big toes slides down their respective cocks and finally hits the base, coming into contact with their hefty, churning ball sacks… Rapunzel gets what she wants.
With a loud groan, both Varian and Lance go ‘pop’ right there on stage. The two men can’t help it, coming to climax at the exact same moment… and coating Rapunzel in their seed as a result. Much of it lands on the stage itself to be fair. Not all of it covers Rapunzel’s shuddering, quivering, trembling form. But plenty of it does all the same, with Varian and Lance’s seed landing mostly on her outstretched legs and her upside down body before dripping down towards her chest and neck.
Rapunzel holds her toes against the point where the bases of their cocks meet their nuts for one moment longer… and then pulls her legs back together, enjoying the stickiness of their seed along her inner thighs. Rubbing for a moment, Rapunzel has a big, shit-eating grin on her face as she brings her legs up against the pole and then walks herself out of the latest handstand she’s been doing, coming up back onto her feet with Varian and Lance’s fresh cum reversing course and slowly starting to slide DOWN her body the other direction now.
Smiling a wicked smile, Rapunzel looks to her boys and sees that they’re both gasping for breath. Holding back an orgasm that long has left Varian and Lance both in desperate need of a recovery period… one that she’s happy to give them.
Finally, Rapunzel focuses on the crowd itself at long last. They’re an eclectic bunch, as always. Some are just staring at her in jaw-dropped awe… some even have stains on the front of their pants that make it clear that Varian and Lance weren’t the only two men to cum as a result of her little performance. Some are hooting and hollering still, as expected.
Well… that was actually rather fair, wasn’t it? Varian had cum. Lance had cum. Even some of the audience had gotten off to her performance. And yet, Rapunzel herself had not cum just yet. That just wasn’t right. And maybe if she gave them what they wanted, maybe if she gave them a Grand Finale of a show… they’d be less inclined to budge in on her threesome with her boys. Because that WAS still happening, damn it. Rapunzel wanted nothing more than to be drilled in both ends in a variety of different ways by Lance and Varian.
But first, she would give the crowd what they wanted. Strutting to the edge of the stage, the short-haired blonde proceeds to drop to her knees, spreading her legs as far as she can in the process. Immediately, a hush falls over the crowd. The third song comes to an end… and though Rapunzel waits a second, another one doesn’t start in its place.
There’s still plenty of background noise to fill the sex club, of course. Moaning and groaning, the wanton sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and dicks going in and out of holes. Not EVERYONE in the club is focused on Rapunzel and the main stage at this moment, that would be ridiculous. But plenty are… and of those who are, every last one of them goes quiet and just stares at her as she kneels in front of them all on the raised stage they’re gathered around.
Giving them all a wide smile, Rapunzel runs her hands down her cum-stained body. It’s really not THAT much cum. Most of it landed on the stage itself. But there’s some of it here and there, even as she brings her hands down along her chest, playing with her nipples. Her lips part and she moans as she rolls her teats between her fingers for everyone to see, mewling.
Then, after a moment, she keeps going. Her hands continue downward, coming off of her heaving chest and moving across her undulating abdomen. Dancing her fingers lightly along her own flesh does things to her that Rapunzel has never experienced before. Truth be told, she kind of loves it. Just like she loves the attention of all of the men and women gathered around the main stage in front of her.
Finally, Rapunzel reaches her navel and then her sex. Her fingers dance along her folds, which at this point are positively throbbing with need of her own. Her pussy lips are particularly puffy from Varian’s fingering of her earlier, and easy enough to spread for all to see just how glistening wet her pink little cunny is.
Rapunzel is no virgin… but in this moment, kneeling on the stage of a sex club being watched by so many strangers, she certainly FEELS like a virgin. She’s had sex before, but never done anything like this. She’s never exposed herself to strangers, never showed off her body to so many eyes. And she’s certainly never touched herself with an audience.
And yet… that’s exactly what she does. After spreading her glistening folds for all to see, after showing off her pretty pink pussy to them all, Rapunzel leans back, putting one hand on the stage behind her. The other, she keeps down between her legs. She begins to finger and rub herself right there in front of all of them, starting off as slow as she possibly can.
However… keeping things slow is all but impossible. She’s already so turned on. She’s already so fucking aroused that it’s not even funny. This whole experience feels downright magical, and her body is THRUMMING with need. She can’t keep her fingers moving slow because they know what she really wants deep down inside and eventually, she can’t hold back any longer.
A particularly lewd and wanton moan leaves the short-haired blonde’s lips as she begins to finger herself more aggressively for all to see. Her thumb rubs against her clit at the same time, making her produce cute little groans and mewling noises. Her hips buck up into the air, going absolutely wild from her own touching.
She’s too far away from the edge of the stage for them to reach out and touch her, but she can see more than one of those watching her have their hands down below the stage. Both men and women are very obviously jacking or jilling themselves off to the show that Rapunzel is giving them.
It’s so fucking hot, to know that they’re all enjoying her body that much. They can’t touch. They can only look. But what they see is enough for them. What they see is good enough that they’re staring at her naked form, absolutely mesmerized.
Rapunzel is a little mesmerized too, albeit in a different way. She’s mesmerized by her own movements, but her own pleasure. Eyes threatening to roll back in her head, she gurgles as she bucks her hips higher and higher into the air. She now has not one, but two fingers in her cunt, working away at her clenching insides and spreading her folds for all to see. And her thumb continues to go wild at her clit, the taut little nub buzzing with sensitivity under the pad of her digit.
Finally, she pulls her hand back from behind her and brings that up to her chest. Her heaving breasts and her rock hard nipples deserve no small amount of attention as well, and Rapunzel gives it to them. She masturbates in front of the crowd, for there’s really no other word for it. Fingering her cunt. Flicking her clit. Pinching and tugging on her nipples with after the other.
After everything that’s already happened, it’s a wonder she’s lasted as long as she has. Twitching, trembling, and quivering… Rapunzel finally reaches her peak and tips over the edge. The young woman cries out and experiences the most explosive, blissful orgasm of her short life. Her body shakes and spasms, seizing up as her eyes finally do roll fully back in her head.
The pleasure is so intense and so immense that Rapunzel whites out for a moment. Her entire body shudders as she loses consciousness oh-so-briefly. Long enough, however, that she would have fallen back onto the stage in a dead faint if it weren’t for her boys.
When Rapunzel comes back to herself, she’s being held up by four strong hands. Both Varian and Lance have come to her rescue, reaching her and propping her up before she could fall backwards and hit her head or something. They’ve got their hands on her body and Rapunzel smiles at the feel of them holding her aloft, of them being there for her.
“Rapunzel, are you okay?”
Giggling at Varian’s worry, Rapunzel is quick to recover. She reaches up and caresses his cheek for a moment… before doing the same with her other hand on Lance’s face as well. They both look concerned for her, but Rapunzel has never felt better. She’s not even tired, not as tired as she should be anyways. Which is good… because they aren’t done yet.
“I’m more than okay, Varian. Let’s get back to it, shall we boys? The encore is over… and now it’s time for you both to fuck me~”
Varian and Lance exchange a glance at that… before slowly nodding as they work together to lift her up into their arms. Carrying her off the stage, they don’t let anyone get in their way as they take her right back to the large couch where they’d been previously. Still in full view of the crowd of course, but also out of the way.
Still, there will be plenty of people watching them, perhaps even more after that second poledancing performance. Rapunzel doesn’t mind though. In fact, she wants nothing more than for everyone to see as she gets railed by her boys at long last.
As they sit down, Rapunzel moves onto her hands and knees, not even bothering to check which direction she’s facing or who’s where. She just does it, reaching out for the cock in front of her without even seeing its coloring, while bumping back into the cock behind her at the same time.
Finally… she was going to get the spit-roasting she so desperately desired. Finally, she was going to have a threesome with Varian and Lance.


Part 3:


The world shrinks to a pinprick… or more specifically, the world shrinks to a pair of pricks, heh. Rapunzel giggles at her own internal joke, even as the backdrop falls away around her. She knows she’s in a sex club. She knows her friend Cass is somewhere out there, getting eaten out by another woman and maybe taking some stranger’s dick for good measure.
And she also knows she has an audience. Even in this state, Rapunzel can feel their eyes on her naked, nubile body. The short-haired blonde can positively sense their gazes burrowing into her from what feels like every direction. She supposes she should have expected it, of course. Even though she, Varian, and Lance have moved out of the way of the crowds, they’re still in full view of the club’s denizens.
But it’s not their turn anymore. Rapunzel has given all those men and women as much as she’s willing to give them… for the moment, anyways. Maybe later on she’d be up for more, but right here and right now there’s only one thing that the bright young blonde wants… Varian and Lance’s big fat cocks. And they are big, to be clear. Throbbing. Pulsating with heat.
As her world shrinks down to nothing more than their pricks, Rapunzel finally crosses her eyes and focuses on the dick in front of her enough to makeout its coloring. Black. Lance is the one right in front of her, which means Varian is behind her. She can feel his hands on her hips. His cock is likely mere inches away from her cunt.
But… he doesn’t immediately penetrate her. He hesitates, something that Rapunzel finds she can actually appreciate. She’d thought she wanted to jump straight into things, to go right for the spit-roast that she’s sure would knock her socks off… if she were actually wearing any. More accurately, she’s sure that it would be toe-curling, pussy-tightening fun, to get spit-roasted between Varian and Lance.
First though… well, there’s so much to explore, isn’t there? Nothing wrong with slowing down and seeing the sights. In that fashion, Rapunzel does not immediately lean forward to engulf the head of Lance’s cock in her mouth either. Her lips part and her tongue traces out to lick at them, but she doesn’t move any closer to his twitching, pulsing, bulbous cockhead.
Instead, Rapunzel finds herself inspecting Lance’s dick. Big and black and veiny, it feels amazing in her hands. As she wraps her small white hands around his cock, the contrast in colors is obvious. Her fingers barely close around his girth, and Rapunzel’s breathing comes out in short, anticipatory breaths as she enjoys just fondling his rod.
There’s no real give to his meaty member, of course. Oh sure, it’s still flesh and blood… but it’s clearly a WHOLE lot of blood. Lance isn’t even remotely soft by this point, despite already cumming once for her back on stage. Not just cumming for her, but on her. His seed is dried on her flesh, Rapunzel wearing it like a badge of honor. It’s the first time she’s done such a thing.
She can’t help but explore every inch of Lance’s sizable mast. From the bulbous tip already leaking precum, to the veiny shaft throbbing with need for her. And then, further down, to his hefty ball sack, already churning with his next load. Needless to say, one of Rapunzel’s hands drops to that in short order as well, her fingers fondling Lance’s balls as she studies his cock and all around soaks in every inch of him.
“Fuck, Rapunzel… you little tease…”
Lance’s words startle her from her inner thoughts, but when she glances up at the bearded black man, he’s grinning to show he doesn’t mean anything by it. His tone is as carefree as it is strained. Clearly he’s definitely feeling what she’s doing to him and then some… but he’s also happy to continue at HER pace. The realization makes Rapunzel feel something fluttery in her stomach. Especially as she realizes Varian is doing the exact same behind her.
“Rapunzel… fuck…”
His hands are on her hips and ass, massaging and kneading both, but his cock, rather than going to her slit, goes between her ass cheeks longways, hot-dogging her backside as Rapunzel mewls from the sensation. She’d actually never thought she HAD enough of a booty to properly hot dog a man’s dick, let alone one as big as Varian’s. And yet… he seems to be right at home back there, sliding his meat back and forth between her cheeks, his precum providing lubrication as his throbbing shaft is so HOT against her flesh.
Shuddering, Rapunzel’s eyes become lidded as she kneels there, ‘trapped’ between the two boys. Except, she’s not really trapped at all. And they aren’t boys… they’re men. She’s reminded in that moment of their history, of course. How could she not be? Varian and Lance were… they were her friends, and they’d all pretty much grown up together.
But Rapunzel would be lying if she said she never wondered about it. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t ever think about them. Fantasize about them. She’d never fantasized about this though, it should be said. Put bluntly, before tonight, Rapunzel hadn’t been creative enough to fantasize something like this into existence. No… it’d always been one or the other of them, never both. Still, she’d definitely thought about it.
She’d wondered how it would feel to have Varian’s hands on her body, running roughshod over her. Varian was a craftsman after all. He was in all of the different electives at school, like woodworking and what not. She could only ever imagine how his rough callouses would have felt on her nubile young form. But she wasn’t imagining anymore, was she? No… now he was actually touching her. That fantasy of hers had become a reality.
And then there was Lance, obviously. Certainly, Rapunzel had wondered what his dick would be like. She’d been curious. How could she not be, with how perverse the internet was and how raunchy and fetishized different races were? Even someone as sheltered and innocent as Rapunzel heard things. Like “once you go black, you never go back” and how black men were always bigger than white men.
Obviously, there wasn’t much truth to that second one. Lance was pretty damn big, don’t get her wrong… but Varian was too. Lance might have had some height and stature on Varian, but down below where it both counted, they were similarly well hung. And… Rapunzel didn’t think that having sex with Lance tonight would ruin all white men for her either. Especially not when she’d be having sex with Varian right alongside him.
But she’d be lying if she said she didn’t worry about it back then. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t have some… late-night fantasies of Lance ‘claiming’ her and making her ‘his woman’. She’d imagined his cock, what sort of monster it might be… and yet now it was right in front of her. She was staring down the barrel of Lance’s big fat black dick and honestly? It looked spectacular.
Suddenly, Lance reaches under her and casually grasps at one of her tits. Rapunzel blinks and looks up at him, where he’s grinning all the wider at her.
“Heh. Figure if you’re just going to fondle me, I should be allowed to fondle you as well, babe.”
Blushing, Rapunzel nods. That’s only fair. Of course, she’s still a little surprised when Varian does the same from behind, one of his hands reaching up and around to fondle the exact opposite tit from the one Lance is groping. Rapunzel moans, still on her hands and knees on the couch, still completely unpenetrated. And yet… she doesn’t mind. She’s having the time of her life, getting her ass hot-dogged by Varian, and sliding her hands around Lance’s shaft and nuts.
Though, having each man dedicated to a different tit is quickly driving her haywire. Varian’s touch is calloused but surprisingly gentle. He plays with her breast like it’s something he’s afraid of hurting, his palm rolling over her nipple but never directly interacting with it because he doesn’t want to cause her pain.
Lance on the other hand, has slightly less calloused hands, but is a bit rougher in his treatment of her. His fingers quickly go to the nipple on the breast he’s toying with, and pinch and tug at it, making Rapunzel squeak involuntarily and moan wantonly. Her cunt clenches around nothing at all, and her nubile and naked form shudders and flexes between the two men.
They’re way too good to her, to be honest. She could easily just lie back and let them spend the next several hours doing whatever they wanted to her body. But… that kind of anti-participation doesn’t really appeal to the Rapunzel that’s just waking up to the world around her. Maybe before tonight she might have considered that acceptable, but after the things she’s seen… AND the things she’s done, Rapunzel doesn’t have it in her to play a dead fish or anything like that.
No, she wants to be a part of the fun. She NEEDS to be a participant in this delectable and downright depraved debauchery. To that end… she finally slips her tongue out of her mouth and leans forward the last inch that separates her and Lance. She makes sure she’s looking up at him when she does it, so she can see the moment that her tongue touches the tip of his cock happen on his face.
She isn’t disappointed. Lance’s eyes widen from where they’d grown lidded as he fondled her tit and received an enthusiastic handjob in turn. His gaze snaps down to her, as Rapunzel sticks out her tongue and presses it against his leaking cockhead, tasting his precum directly. The sensation alights upon her tastebuds and Rapunzel moans again, her cunt clenching down harder around nothing at all and leaking more pussy juices all over the couch.
It’s funny… only now is Rapunzel beginning to really realize that it went both ways. On the one hand, Lance and Varian were the ones that got away for her. They were friends that she might have liked to become more, and that she’d fantasized about once upon a time. But they were also men she’d had to put out of her mind and not think about so much, so she could focus on being the best Rapunzel that she could be for her relationship with Eugene.
At the same time though… she was the one that got away for them as well, wasn’t she? That sends a thrill down Rapunzel’s spine. She’s usually so self-deprecating, so unwilling to even consider the idea that she might actually be worthy of love, of praise, of worship. But… it’s true, isn’t it? She’s the hot and sexy number that every guy wanted to be with back in school. The one that Eugene staked his claim on, the one that they all lost out on because of his possessiveness and Rapunzel’s innocence.
She could have been doing things like this all along. Obviously, Cassandra had been. And Lance and Varian were here at the club too, engaging in debauched tomfoolery. If only she hadn’t been so caught up in making Eugene happy… if only she hadn’t let herself get stuck in a stifling dead end of a relationship, she could have felt this free so very long ago.
But the past is in the past and Rapunzel knows she can’t focus on it any longer. She might not have been free to do what she wanted back then, but she’s free NOW. No more rules, no more restrictions, nothing left to hold her back. Just her and whoever she wants to share herself with tonight. This was her night. Nobody could take that away from her. Nobody could rob her of this night.
With that in mind, Rapunzel laps at Lance’s cockhead, continuing her stroking of his shaft and her fondling of his balls. She moans lightly, even as she feels Varian back between her ass cheeks as well, and both men on her chest even now. Though, after a moment Varian moves his hand down from the breast he’d been monopolizing… and to her slit instead.
It’s Rapunzel’s turn to go wide-eyed as the craftsman dips a finger into her sex right there on the spot. It slides in quite easily, despite the blonde being pretty tight. Her pussy spreads around his digit, slick and wet from her arousal. God, she’s hopelessly turned on by this point. There’s simply no denying that. Varian’s finger encounters pretty much no resistance, and as he begins to push it in and out of her sex, Rapunzel finds herself moaning all the more wantonly.
Eyes fluttering, she tries to focus on what’s right in front of her. After all, she can’t let herself get too distracted. Not when Lance is there, his cock twitching and throbbing, his precum leaking out onto her tongue with every swipe she makes across his glans. It tastes salty. But not in a bad way. In fact, Rapunzel finds she quite likes the taste of Lance’s pre, even as she slides her fingers along his dark, meaty shaft.
She also likes the feel of Varian’s throbbing member, still slotted between her ass cheeks. The way he’s continuing to hot-dog her backside while fingering her sex… Rapunzel has to admit, it’s damn near making her see stars. And all the while, Lance’s hand remains affixed to her nipple. More than that actually, his other hand also comes down below her body, grasping for her other nipple. His fingers pinch down on her sensitive teats and tug at them both, pulling her breasts out from her body.
Rapunzel is not particularly well-endowed. She has a modest pair of tits, the sort that are definitely there, but barely bounce and jiggle when she jumps up and down. And yet, Lance seems to be fascinated by her small chest, playing with it, molding her breasts one second and tugging on her nipples the next. It feels… good. Better than good, it feels great. Having Lance’s attention on her, having his focus be on her pleasure just as much as her focus is on his pleasure… Rapunzel loves it.
That said, it’s about time to accelerate things a little bit. Her tongue slides down from Lance’s glans and moves along his cock-length, sliding across his shaft as she moans throatily. Her moans leave hot air ghosting across his flesh, which trembles with goosebumps and twitches in need. Not just licking, but also kissing, Rapunzel works her way down Lance’s dark shaft, all the way to his equally dark balls.
They’re a little sweaty from everything that’s come before, but they aren’t unclean. But then Rapunzel supposes that makes sense. The man knew what he was doing today after all. She imagines everyone in this sex club came here with intentions of getting down and dirty, but to do that… they had to come clean and sanitary first, right?
Regardless, she doesn’t mind the sweaty, salty taste of Lance’s balls as she lets his big black cock drape over her pale white face for a moment, moaning into his nuts and breathing in his scent. Her nostrils flare as she takes in his aroma, his musk. Then… she begins to move back, sliding her tongue and lips back along the underside of his shaft, causing her nose to be pushed back into the shape of a pig’s snout for a moment as well.
Until finally, she arrives back at the tip of his cock. Looking up into his eyes again, this time Rapunzel finds Lance looking right back down at her. His gaze is dark and stormy, his need evident as he speaks in a rough, gravelly voice.
He knows better than to demand anything of her. This is HER night after all, and she could replace him with any number of men that watch them even now. But… the need in his tone is clear and Rapunzel luxuriates in that for only a moment before finally leaning forward and engulfing his cockhead in her mouth.
At long last, she takes Lance’s dick in between her lips and begins to suck it properly, causing his breath to hitch before a loud groan leaves his mouth. Rapunzel smiles, even though her own mouth is full. He’s bigger than she expected. It’s one thing to look at it and play with it, but it’s another thing to have to wrap her lips around his cock. His tip is one thing, bulbous even though it is. But the rest of his shaft… that’s where the real challenge begins.
But Rapunzel is nothing if not in need of a challenge. This whole night is one big challenge for her. A challenge to look past her preconceived notions from the past. A challenge to open her mind to a world of possibilities. A challenge to do things she’s never done before. And she’s certainly never taken a cock as big as Lance’s into her mouth.
Of course, for all that she’s focused on sucking Lance’s dick at the moment, he’s not her only dance partner for the evening. Varian is still right behind her, his cock still hot dogged between her ass cheeks, and his finger still delving deep into her cunt. She wants him to fuck her, obviously. But equally obviously, she can’t tell him that. Not only because she’s got a cock in her mouth now, but also because it needs to be Varian’s choice.
She wants him to want her so badly that he doesn’t wait for some ‘go ahead’. She already told him before this began how much she wanted him and Lance to fuck her after all. If Varian can’t take the plunge, if he can’t take that final step himself… then she’s not sure what else to do.
And so Rapunzel dedicates herself to the task in front of her. Even as her cunt lips grip down on his finger, even as her ass cheeks squeeze along his thrusting member, Rapunzel directs the majority of her focus away from Varian and towards Lance. Her lips are stretching wide to accommodate his throbbing black shaft, but she’s still managing to take him deeper and deeper all the same. Her tongue, pressed down to the floor of her mouth, wriggles and writhes back and forth along the underside of his dick.
She has to flare her nostrils to keep oxygen coming in, but the further down Lance’s cock she gets, the more of his smell pervades her nose, filling it up and making her moan in a gurgling, muffled fashion around his dick. She likes the scent of his musk, Rapunzel decides. She likes it a lot. And she’s more than willing to do anything to get more of it… including deep-throating Lance’s cock.
This isn’t something Rapunzel has ever done before, truth be told. She’s performed fellatio before. Oral sex. But she’s never going as far as using her throat to satisfy a man. And yet, just a few more moments later, she feels Lance’s dick tip tickling the back of her throat. She chokes a little bit at first and has to pull back slightly, but then she goes right back at it, trying her damnedest to tackle Lance’s cock with not just her mouth and lips, but also her gullet and esophagus.
“Fuck Rapunzel… you’re so fucking eager…”
She’s not going to mess this up. This isn’t just an eye-opening awakening for her, it’s the chance of a lifetime. After her double show on stage as well, Rapunzel is PUMPED. Adrenaline flows through her veins, and all she can think about is showing Lance and Varian what she can do.
To that end, the amateurish blonde isn’t about to let a little choking stop her. Even as she gags on his cock, Rapunzel forces herself deeper, until she’s effectively face-fucking herself on his member.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Not quite the slow pace she’d taken before, but now that she actually has Lance’s dick in her mouth, it’s as though a switch has been flipped. How can she go slow now? How can she take her time anymore? She wants it all and she wants it NOW!
“Careful man, you’re choking her.”
“Hah, don’t look at me. That’s all her. Look, see… no hands.”
“Glughk… Glughk… Glughk…”
Distantly, Rapunzel hears Varian’s concerned voice and vaguely registers that he’s worried for her. She also hears Lance’s response and feels the hand that HAD come down to rest atop her head leave it as he raises his hands into the air in surrender. But she doesn’t stop or slow down. She keeps going, diving her way down Lance’s thick dark shaft again and again. Her eyes are crossed as she finds herself staring at the finish line… the base of Lance’s big fat cock. She wants to bury her nose in his pubic hair. She wants to feel her chin rest against his balls.
“Oh… Jesus, Rapunzel…”
“I think she’s ready man. At this point, you’re insulting her by NOT fucking her…”
“Fuck… alright then.”
Varian’s cock finally leaves her ass crack. Rapunzel barely registers this at first, because she’s so zeroed in on her current task. She’s dead set on deep throating the entirety of Lance’s impressive member, on completing her goal of burying her cute button nose in his pubes and inhaling deeply. But even as focused as she is, there’s no way that Rapunzel fails to notice when Varian finally takes his finger out of her sex and replaces it with his cock.
To his credit, he doesn’t hesitate for more than a moment after fitting the thick, throbbing head of his member up against her drooling slit. She’s so ready for him… and he finally seems to get that as he grabs her by her hips with his rough, calloused hands and thrusts into her from behind. Varian is an engineer. He’s a craftsman. He always knows how to make the pieces fit together and he always has a plan.
Somehow though, Rapunzel gets the impression that he doesn’t have very much of a plan this time. As his cock drives deep into her slick wet cunt, all his plan truly seems to be is “thrust forward”. Which to be fair… he does very, VERY well.
Rapunzel’s eyes flutter, threatening to roll around in her head as she lets out a gurgling muffled moan that reverberates up the length of Lance’s cock as a consequence.
“Oooh fuck~”
Lance lets out a groan of his own, damn near doubling over her head as his hands both go to her hair. Fingers slide through her short blonde locks, gripping down harshly for a moment before relaxing a second later. Rapunzel shivers, loving the way his digits feel massaging against her scalp, especially with everything else that’s going on.
It’s really happening. The threesome that Rapunzel never knew she was even waiting for. Here she is, on her hands and knees on a couch with a cock in her mouth and a cock in her cunt. But that… that was oversimplifying things by a hell of a lot. In reality, the whole situation was infinitely more complex than that.
She was with her boys, now full-grown men. She was with Varian and Lance, two of the guys who she KNEW had a thing for her back during their school days, and who she’d had a thing for in turn. They’d all been kept apart by Rapunzel’s own inability to realize just what sort of free spirit she truly was.
She couldn’t blame Eugene for all of it, honestly. Sure, he’d been overbearing, possessive, and all around a chore to live with in hindsight. But she hadn’t ever even realized that… settling down and being some stay at home wife for one man? That wasn’t her. That wasn’t who Rapunzel was. She was this. All of this. And Varian and Lance… they understood that in a way neither she nor Eugene ever had. They accepted Rapunzel for who they were.
Lance’s big black cock is in her mouth as Rapunzel drives herself back and forth along his length, happily deep throating as much of his dick as she possibly can. And Varian’s own throbbing, hulking mast is buried in her twat. He’s going deeper with every thrust and her tight but sopping sex is accepting his efforts, his driving motions. She can feel her pussy walls giving way before him… until they aren’t.
Varian bottoms out in her cunt, reaching her cervix and slamming into it with his next thrust. Rapunzel’s eyes snap wide open at this, as she’s never had anyone so deep inside of her before. Then again, she’s never been so turned on before either. Varian grunts, pulls out… and thrusts in again, squelching noises filling the air around the three of them as his cock slides so deep into her pussy that Rapunzel feels like every inch of her cunt is on fire.
It's a good kind of fire though. The kind that stokes the raging inferno in her chest, which brings it all the higher in heat, her entire body burning up with lust and arousal and… pure blissful ecstasy.
This was what she was made for. This was what Rapunzel didn’t even know she was looking for all her life. And as the two men spit-roast her between them, Rapunzel even finds herself reaching her goal… with some help. Because Varian has bottomed out inside of her cunt, his hips slamming into her ass cheeks with every thrust, he’s jolting Rapunzel forward each and every time.
And because she’s being jolted forward each and every time, Rapunzel finds herself sliding down Lance’s dick, not entirely of her own volition. Her choking and gagging on his cock becomes a little more violent… but Rapunzel can’t bring herself to mind all that much.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Because, as a result of this… she’s staring down the barrel of victory. She couldn’t get all the way to the base of Lance’s cock by herself. Oh how she wishes she could have. But she just wasn’t experienced enough yet. She needed more training. She needed more practice. However, she COULD do it with some help from Varian, the man currently fucking her doggystyle in the middle of a club while a bunch of strangers watch them go at it.
Every pounding thrust that Varian delivers to Rapunzel from behind gets her a little further. Until finally, at long last… they make it. After what feels like an eternity, Rapunzel’s cute button nose finds itself buried in Lance’s public hair. Her chin smacks against his balls. And her lips suction down around the base of his big fat prick.
Rapunzel’s nostrils flare as she breathes in Lance’s scent straight from the ‘source’ as it were. She gurgles as her eyes roll back in her head; her neck fully distended from having Lance’s entire length buried in her throat. And finally… finally, she tips over the edge as well, her pussy walls clenching down HARD around Varian’s dick as she cums climactically and explosively right there on the spot.
The incredibly powerful orgasm takes Rapunzel completely by surprise truth be told. She hadn’t even known she was on the edge until she was already falling into an ocean of pleasure. Drowning had never felt this good though, even as the raging bonfire in her core reaches that crescendo, her entire body shaking and spasming.
“Holy fuck!”
“Oh shit!”
Both Lance and Varian receive their own… invitations to share in Rapunzel’s magnificent experience. Her gurgling and choking is replaced by reverberating squealing that travels up and down the length of Lance’s cock until eventually he can’t take it anymore and tips over the edge as well. His seed explodes out of his member and right down the back of Rapunzel’s throat, only to come back up again as she chokes on it.
It comes right out of her nose and the sides of her mouth, making an utter mess of the young blonde’s face as her eyes remain rolled up in her skull. Lance lets go of her hair immediately, not trying to drown her… but Rapunzel just gurgles, blowing a cum bubble out one nostril as she takes his entire load.
And then there’s Varian. Rapunzel’s pussy has never been tighter. It flexes and squeezes down around Varian’s dick like there’s no tomorrow and as her pussy juices gush down the length of his shaft, he’s thrusting forward with all his might. The extra lubrication proves to be just enough for the tip of his cock to push in past her cervix, providing additional grip and milking his member all the harder as a result.
It’s no wonder that he can’t hold back after that. He might be the last of the three of them to cum, but it’s a matter of mere seconds before he’s letting out a hoarse shout of his own and releasing his seed directly into Rapunzel’s womb. Creampied in one end and with cum coming out of her nose and the sides of her mouth at the other… Rapunzel has never been happier.
As a matter of fact, even as both Lance and Varian both pull out of her… she’s delirious with happiness. But not just because of how amazing her first threesome was, even though it very much WAS amazing. And not just because of how it ended either.
No, Rapunzel is delirious with happiness… because she knows this is just the beginning. The world is her oyster now. She’ll never allow herself to be tied down again. She’ll fuck who she wants when she wants… and Rapunzel figures she’ll start with that right fucking now…


Part 4:


Rapunzel wants to keep going right then and there. To grab Varian and Lance and guide them back to her body, whether it’s for them to fuck or suck or lick or finger her some more. There’s just a few problems with that impulse, and ultimately Rapunzel is forced to admit that pumping the brakes a little bit is probably for the best.
Number One, they’re not the center of the universe. The Club might have been catering to their needs so far, and Rapunzel might be the new hotness, but she’s not the only slutty bitch eager for some stage time. So even if Rapunzel wanted to go back up on the stage with Varian and Lance right that moment, she couldn’t because someone else had already finally taken it back over.
She didn’t have a problem with THAT, to be fair. She wasn’t going to become some sort of slutzilla who made the entire thing about her always, all the time. And frankly, the girl poledancing to the music up on stage looked like she was having the time of her life from what Rapunzel could see. She almost felt bad for drawing some attention after her, and it was probably for the best that she, Varian, and Lance all exited the club’s main area shortly after their VERY public threesome.
Which brought them into Number Two. There was a distinct difference between messy and filthy. Messy was fun. Messy was sexy. Getting all sticky and wet from her boys was all well and good, but Rapunzel had quickly graduated from messy to filthy at some point down the line. There was just a point where the sweat, jizz, and pussy fluids all coagulated together to make a very unsexy mix.
She couldn’t very well expect Varian or Lance to use their mouths on various parts of her body when various parts of her body were caked in their own dried cum, now could she? That was probably a little too gross. Fortunately, the Club came equipped with showers. Showers that the trio found themselves shown to and using to get all nice and clean again. An hour worth of sweat from the dancing and other bodily fluids from all of her sexual escapades was washed off Rapunzel’s body, while Varian and Lance both got clean as well.
Of course after they were all showered and freshly cleaned, things started getting a little handsy… but Rapunzel put a stop to that. Not because she didn’t want to have more fun with Varian and Lance, she certainly did… but because her own stomach betrayed her, growling like a starving animal in desperate need of sustenance.
And that was Number Three. Turned out that fucking and sucking two men after a couple of incredibly physical stage shows was thirsty AND hungry work. Put bluntly, Rapunzel needed food to refuel and be ready for more action, and after her embarrassing stomach growl, both Varian and Lance admitted that they were famished as well.
And so, the three of them slunk back out of the showers and over to the club bar, ordering some nachos and other foods to replenish their starved, overworked bodies. Honestly, it was a nice bit of downtime and for a little while Rapunzel had fun just watching everyone else in the Club being sexy and silly with each other. Cass even stopped by at one point and brought Rapunzel a new dress before buying them all a round of drinks while making teasing remarks to the three of them that had Lance and Varian both blushing more than a little.
Of course, if anyone was going to embarrass the two boys, it WOULD be Cassandra. After all, much like Rapunzel, she’d gone to the same school they all had right along with them. They weren’t necessarily a clique or anything like that, they’d grown too far apart over the years for that. But Cass was certainly aware of both Varian and Lance, and she knew how to make them self-conscious.
Which was exactly why Rapunzel, once she had some more food in her belly and some alcohol to wash it all down with, grabbed both men by their wrists and dragged them back over to the main stage. It was recently vacated, and from what she could see, there wasn’t a line or anything… of course, when the owner sees her, he’s more than a little exasperated, albeit in a fond way.
“Well… I suppose I can’t exactly stop you from having fun. I’d have a riot on my hands if I tried to ban you from the stage anyways. Still, you’re all making sure to practice plenty of self-care, right?”
Beaming, Rapunzel nods as she looks at her men on either side of them. The three of them are freshly showered and freshly fed, with Lance’s dark skin still glistening slightly from the shower and Varian’s tousled hair even more tousled than normal. Sliding his gaze across the trio, the owner grunts before nodding as well.
“Alright then. Head on up.”
Gleeful, Rapunzel drags Varian and Lance up onto the stage, not that either man is really fighting her on that. Music begins to play, but Rapunzel ignores the pole this time. Instead… she treats the two men she’s brought with her as her ‘poles’. Positioning them both on either side of the stage, but this time standing up and closer together, Rapunzel begins to dance and strut to the music as she moves between them.
She starts with a sensual, slow, lip-biting kiss with Varian, before moving over to Lance and running her arms up and down his broad chest while kissing down his chin, chiseled jawline, and neck. At the same time, she takes them by their wrists and pulls their hands to her body, happy to let them molest her and touch her right back.
Their hands feel amazing through the new dress that Rapunzel is wearing. Their fingers slide across the fabric, and they touch her in their own unique, special ways. Varian has the hands of an engineer, always exploratory but careful about it. He’s not rough, but he is firm in a way that someone without any confidence in themselves could never be.
Lance, meanwhile, has a rougher touch. Just as sure of himself as Varian, but with less of a focus on the details or being careful. He doesn’t need to explore Rapunzel quite as much… a big strong man like Lance knows exactly what he wants and focuses on it, playing with her tits through her dress and fondling them to his heart’s content as they kiss.
The three of them go through the motions, working their way down to naked again while Rapunzel dances to the music. Soon enough, Varian and Lance’s cocks are out once more, rock hard and standing up straight. Rapunzel’s dress goes the way of the first, but this time she doesn’t have a bra or panties to discard as well. It’s just her, with the short-haired blonde’s nubile but also sensual body on full display for the crowd that’s watching her and her boys.
Finally leaning back against the pole she’s been ignoring up until now, Rapunzel flashes her best sexy grin, her eyes lidded as she looks at Varian and Lance.
“Drive me wild, boys. Make my body your playground. Tease me and toy with me to your heart’s content. I want to really feel it. I want to feel like every inch of me is on fire. And… I want you to take me to the edge and then pull me back again and again~”
Slowly, Lance and Varian approach her on either side. Her words were a little drowned out by the music, but they’d heard her quite clearly. Only the first few layers of the crowd around the stage had heard her as well though, but they look excited all the same.
“You want us to edge you, Rapunzel?”
“You don’t want to be allowed to cum?”
As Varian and Lance confirm what she desires, their hands slide up and down the left and right halves of her body, the two men splitting her between them like a particularly choice bit of land. Biting her lower lip, knowing full well that she’s signing up for what might be absolute torture, Rapunzel nevertheless nods.
“Y-Yes… please, I want it. I want you to control my orgasms. I want you both to decide when I cum and not a moment before.”
Varian and Lance exchange a glance at that, seemingly communicating silently for a moment. When they turn their gazes back to her however, they’re all smiles.
“Sure, we can do that.”
“You’re in for a treat, babe.”
With that, Lance is the first to take charge. As expected, the large black man focuses his efforts on her tits immediately. His big hands come down upon her small breasts, causing Rapunzel to gasp and arch her back into his grasp. However, he’s suddenly showing a degree of carefulness that he hadn’t before. The roughness is still there, it’s a part of him that he can’t just discard Rapunzel figures. But at the same time, he’s now more measured in his movements… a direct consequence of Rapunzel asking him to edge her, she supposes.
His fingers flick across her nipples sparingly, before digging into her sensitive chest. Meanwhile, his mouth is on her mouth but only for a moment. Just long enough to get Rapunzel engaged. Just enough that when he pulls his lips and tongues away from hers, she tries to unconsciously follow him, her face flushed and her mouth open slightly as she pants noisily.
Lance starts off strong and simply doesn’t let up. Her body is his playground, and he’s fully intent on making her see stars. Rapunzel moans under the onslaught, but at the same time she’s concerned that he’s hogging her. He’s not the only man on stage with her after all, and she doesn’t want Varian to feel like he has to wait his turn or anything as asinine as that.
Fortunately, before Rapunzel has the chance to speak up and remind Lance to make room for Varian… the other man takes matters into his own hands. Turns out, she was being silly… Lance wasn’t monopolizing her entire body. No, he was only monopolizing her top half. Rapunzel’s eyes widen as she feels another pair of hands on her lower hand, sliding up and down her legs and playing with her thighs in particular.
She moans even louder when Varian’s teeth suddenly alight upon her clit, biting it for just a split second. But that split second is enough to send a powerful jolt of sensation through Rapunzel’s body, making her jerk for all to see, her breasts jiggling for a moment before Lance grasps them again. The boys have figured it out before she could. She’d got it in her head that because they were on either side of her, they’d split her vertically between them.
But no, they were actually splitting her horizontally. Lance’s hands stay above her waist, fondling her tits and her belly, toying with her belly button while also kissing her up and down her cheek and neck. Meanwhile, Varian was down below, on his knees between Rapunzel’s legs.
The young man’s hands once again prove to be the steady hands of an engineer, with fingers positively made for delicate, difficult work. He brings his fingers up along her thighs, tracing incredibly intricate patterns into her flesh. Rapunzel shudders under Varian’s touch, being driven wild as he nibbles at her clit but does almost nothing else. His teasing efforts, combined with Lance’s actions, are soon driving the blonde absolutely wild.
Shuddering in their grasp, Rapunzel can feel herself getting closer. As sweat pours out of every pore on her body, as her flesh trembles with fresh goose bumps, Rapunzel gets closer and closer to the edge of a truly spectacular climax. They’re drawing it out of course. But it feels almost inevitable.
Until they pull out the big guns and just… stop. Lance and Varian both stop playing with her body at the same exact time, like they’ve got some sort of hivemind or something. The two men pull away from her, leaving Rapunzel leaned up against the pole for support, eyes wide as her chest heaves up and down. She feels… she feels good, but she also feels her arousal slowly tempering. The orgasm she’d been on the verge of… it steadily ebbs away. She’s still turned on as all fuck of course, but no longer going to cum at any moment.
Rapunzel almost asks them why they stopped. Fortunately, she’s able to bite her tongue in time to stop the words from coming from her mouth. That would be embarrassing, especially since she knew why they’d stopped. She’d asked them to do this, after all. She’d told them to tease and edge her. She just… she didn’t know. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling right now. Pleasure? Check. Frustration? Check. Wanton desire? Also check.
Varian and Lance glance at one another again and before Rapunzel can speak up, they nod and move in on her once more. This time around however, Lance is the one who drops to her knees, while Varian comes up to her chest, a soft grin on his face.
“Oh fuck…”
The words slip out of Rapunzel’s mouth unbidden, causing Varian’s grin to widen into something wicked.
“Having fun, Rapunzel?”
She opens her mouth to answer, only to choke on her own spit as Lance attacks her pussy. He’s not like Varian, who never actually penetrated her cunt but instead toyed with her flesh all around it. No, the large black man thrusts his tongue right into Rapunzel’s sex from the get-go, making her almost double over the top of his bald head as she clutches at Lance’s broad shoulders for support.
“Oooooh fuuuuuck~”
Snickering, Varian tucks two fingers under Rapunzel’s chin and lifts her head up so she’s looking him in the eye. When he speaks, however, his words are meant for Lance, directed down at the other man.
“Careful down there, Lance. She’s enjoying it a bit too much~”
Rapunzel blushes, even as Lance slows down a fair bit. His tongue is still DEEP inside of her, but he no longer has it writhing around like a mad man. Instead, its movements start to become more meaningful, more considered and direct. Rapunzel is still left gasping of course, until Varian leans in and captures her panting mouth with his lips.
He kisses her firmly, deeply, and gently. He kisses her like they’re a married couple, like there’s no one else around. It’s a shockingly tender kiss, completely ignoring the fact that they’re in a Sex Club right now where debauchery and depravity are the name of the game. Rapunzel’s heart flutters in her chest, and if she wasn’t currently being eaten out by another man, she might have thrown her arms around Varian’s neck and wrapped her legs around his waist.
As it is, Varian ends the kiss after a moment and gives Rapunzel a wink.
“Just a taste of what you could have with me, Rapunzel~”
Rapunzel blushes at that, not entirely sure what Varian is implying. Whatever it is, it seems to go beyond this night. Beyond this club, even. And she’s not sure what to think about that. Thankfully, she doesn’t have to do much thinking at all afterwards. Not when Varian lowers his mouth to her supple, freshly groped tits a moment later.
Her nipples, already rock hard from Lance’s ministrations, are captured in Varian’s mouth one after the other as he casually gropes and squeezes her tits. It’s not the same way Lance played with them, but then to be fair, they’re two very different men with two very different ideas of what it means to pleasure a woman. Rapunzel can only squirm with her back against the pole at their actions, her eyes fluttering even as she looks out at all of the grinning faces watching their antics on the main stage.
One thing is for sure. She, Lance, and Varian are making a lot of club goers very happy tonight. Rapunzel can’t say how often they get a new girl as slutty and eager to let loose as her in here, but it can’t be THAT often, she figures. She’s all too happy to give them a show, writhing her nubile body under Varian and Lance’s attentions, her skin glistening with a fresh layer of perspiration as she moans and cries out.
Of course, once again, the boys pull back before she can cum. They’re almost scarily in sync with one another as they draw away from her… albeit reluctantly. Seeing that reluctance, Rapunzel lets out a moan and all but pounces on their weakness.
“Please… please let me cum. I need it. I need to fucking cum so bad…”
Looking at one another, Varian and Lance tilt their heads to the side in consideration. Rapunzel whines and her hands move all on their own, sliding up to her body as she starts to touch herself since they won’t do it for her. She’ll do it-!
“Ah-ah, none of that now.”
Stepping forward, Lance and Varian each grab a hand by the wrist and pull them up above her head, forcing Rapunzel to grab onto the pole up there.
“Don’t let go. Or else you won’t get to cum at all.”
Rapunzel whines some more at that, but she also obeys. They didn’t have handcuffs or anything like that in order to shackle her to the pole, so they’d just have to settle for the honor system. Regardless, with her arms stretched high above her head, her body is laid bare for both of them. Her supple, nubile figure is theirs for the taking. They can do whatever they want to her… but while they move their hands over her trembling form, they don’t actually touch her.
“You told us not to let you cum, Rapunzel.”
“You told us that we get to decide when you climax.”
“Do you think you’ve earned it yet?”
“Mm, I don’t think you’ve asked nicely enough. Try harder.”
Her eyes dart back and forth between the two men. They’re really messing with her head. But… this is what she’d asked for. She’d wanted to be toyed with. She wanted to be teased. Everyone watching her as she was helpless and under the control of the two men even now hovering their hands right over her twitching, fidgeting form.
“P-Please… please touch me some more. Please let me cum! I’m a naughty, nasty slut and I need it! I need your hands! Your tongues! Your lips! I need it all on my slutty body!”
Picking up steam, she gets louder and louder as Varian and Lance watch on, amused. Her voice easily carries to the rest of the club, managing to even overtake the music in terms of volume.
“I want to be your good girl! I want to do as I’m told! But I need to be able to cum! Oh GOD I’m so close, p-please!”
At her intense begging, as she grips hard at the pole above her head and grinds her back and ass against it, Varian and Lance… turn to the crowd of onlookers. Lance’s eyes twinkle with delight as he throws the ball in their court.
“What do you all think?! Does this slutty little bitch deserve to cum?!”
Rapunzel’s heart sinks at first. In her experience, people could be cruel, especially when they found themselves in the relative anonymity of a group. And indeed, the first cries out of the crowd all but confirm that for her.
“Fuck no!”
“Edge the bitch more!”
“Make her really squirm!”
But just as Rapunzel is starting to whimper in dismay, more voices pipe up, contradicting the first few.
“Let her cum!”
“I wanna see her squirt some more!”
“Fuck yeah, she’s earned at least one orgasm!”
“Let’s watch that body shake and spasm its way through another climax already!”
They’re not really saying it for her sake, admittedly… most of them just want to watch her cum for their own pleasure. But in the end, it doesn’t really matter because ultimately, they wind up drowning out the men who want to see her edged into eternity purely for the sake of cruelty. More then enough of the people crowded around the main stage urge Varian and Lance to finally let her cum.
When the two men turn back to her, they have matching smiles on their faces. Rapunzel gives them a hopeful look with her eyes… only to squeal as they both lean in to attack her flesh at the same time. Their hands are all over her, even as they both kiss and suckle at either side of her neck like a pair of vampires from the trashy romance novels she’s always enjoyed. They grope her tits, play with her clit and slit, and all around drive her wild even faster than before with their efforts.
Rapunzel squeals, shuddering and shaking and spasming in their grasp. She continues to grip down hard on the pole above her head, her entire body stretched out before them to do what they want with. And finally, this time around, as her orgasm comes closer and closer to completion…
Varian pulls back and gives Rapunzel a grin.
“You can cum now, Rapunzel.”
Lance does the same a moment later, chuckling.
“Cum for us, you slutty little thing.”
And so Rapunzel tips over the edge. With not just permission but it turned into an order, the blonde squeals, shudders, and climaxes. Varian and Lance pull off even further to the sides, exposing the view of her naked nubile body and her arching back as she winds up going all the way up onto her tip toes while her crotch juts out from her body, her squirting juices spraying across the entirety of the main stage.
Everyone in the onlooking crowd watches her cum as hard as she’s ever cum in her life. They all watch as she’s tipped over the edge after being denied an orgasm for what feels like an entire eternity and a half. And they grin as she shakes and shudders, until finally Rapunzel collapses back against the pole again, still holding onto it, now for dear life as she pants and mewls noisily.
For a moment, Rapunzel just rests and recovers. Varian and Lance are looking at her hungrily, clearly expecting to jump right back into another threesome. Maybe this time Lance would take her cunt while Varian took her mouth and together the two of them would spit roast her a second time, this time right on the stage for everyone to see every lurid detail. She can see the ideas dancing in their eyes.
But of course, Rapunzel has other things in mind. Smirking, she pushes off the pole and even manages not to stumble as she stands on her own two feet. Strutting forward a few steps, she turns around, giving the onlooking crowd a nice solid view of her ass as she plants her hands on her hips and looks her boys in the eye.
“Mm… my turn, right boys? After all… if you want to play, you should be able to take whatever you can dish out, right?”
Varian and Lance both jolt at that, looking a little less than certain as they exchange another glance. At the same time though… while they’ve been working together pretty well so far, there’s also a competitive vibe between them. Like both men are trying to see which will back off first so that the other can have her all to themselves.
That’s not likely to happen though, because at this point Rapunzel almost wants to let the whole club have its way with her. If one of them does back off, she’ll just pick another man out of the crowd to take his place. But THEY don’t need to know that. And because they don’t know that neither is willing to actually back down. Neither of them wants to be the one to leave Rapunzel entirely in the other’s hands.
And so, they look at her, their eyes tracing up and down her beautiful naked body, their hard cocks twitching with need.
“Sure, Rapunzel. Give us your best shot.”
“Just so we’re clear though, if we cum… it’s your fault.”
Rapunzel flushes at that. Hm, by all rights, they should be at fault if they cum without permission. Except this isn’t really THAT kind of thing. She’s not trying to dominate them or anything like that. In fact, Lance is right. This is a test of her as much as it is of them. If she wants to be able to say she properly edged them both, she needs to prove it…
“F-Fine. But you won’t cum. Not until I make you beg for it~”
Smirking at her challengingly, both men cross their arms over their chests and stand there, letting her approach them. Rapunzel does so with a sway to her hips, making sure to give the crowd around them a show as she approaches them. With about a foot of space between them, Varian and Lance have positioned themselves so that Rapunzel can reach out for both of them at the same time. That’s good, because it means she doesn’t have to play favorites.
Her hands come up and tug at their crossed arms, forcing them to open them for her. She bats her eyelashes and gives them both a coy smile, even as she trails her fingers along their bodies. She can see the effect that she has on them, just from that much… and she realizes she’s going to have to be very careful. Lance was right, they would probably cum easier than she had.
That meant she had to be careful not to go too far with them. She could… she could rely on dirty talk and light touching, maybe. She didn’t dare let her hands go any further down then their waists. Their cocks are both so erect and hard that she’s sure they might blow the moment that she touched them, and then where would she be?
Instead, as she runs her hands across their chests, playing with their nipples in the same way they played with hers, Rapunzel bites her lower lip and then gives them both her best sultry, sensual look.
“Do you like it when I touch you? Do you like it when this horny, naughty slut plays with your bodies?”
Staring at her, their gazes intense, both Varian and Lance nod, not seeming to trust themselves to speak. Rapunzel steps in closer and then gets up on her tip toes, pressing her lips to Lance’s lips and then Varian’s. She kisses both boys for a long moment… but that feels too vanilla. She knows she’s inexperienced, that she’s coming into this whole situation at a disadvantage compared to these two, but Rapunzel has always been a fast learner.
Moving her lips down from theirs, she alternates kissing them both on their cheeks, and then their jawlines, and then their necks. They both stand there, letting her have her way with them, letting her play with them. Neither raises a single word of complaint… at least at first.
Running her fingers across their flesh causes goosebumps to pop up wherever she goes. Their bodies start to shiver at their touch, and she can tell that she’s driving them both absolutely wild. But at the same time, they aren’t moaning quite as much as she was. Perhaps because she’s just one gal with her attention split between the both of them, instead of it being two on one body like it was before?
Either way, she knows she wants to hear them ask for it. She wants them to beg her like she begged them. So she continues to push for that. Minutes drag on. The club music continues pounding down from overhead. That’s probably the main reason that things aren’t almost entirely silent. Nobody in the crowd watching them is talking right now. Instead, they’re watching Rapunzel play with the two men in front of her. They’re watching a newborn slut learn how to be debauched and depraved right before their eyes.
Honestly, that’s almost more embarrassing for Rapunzel than everything else that’s happened so far. Knowing that they’re watching her learn in real time? It’s a little bit harder for her than knowing they’re watching her be a slut. Being debauched in public is fun. Learning on the job so to speak? That’s a lot harder. But it’ll only really be humiliating if she accidentally makes Varian or Lance cum early. So she’s very careful not to. She avoids that at all costs, even as she continues to play with their bodies.
But… she can’t ignore their cocks forever. She’s basically playing this on ‘easy mode’ right now, isn’t she? If she wants to truly prove herself, she needs to tease them properly. To edge them for real would mean touching their big fat throbbing dicks but not too much that they cum.
Their twitching members stare up at her, almost as if challenging her to go for it. Rapunzel’s breath hitches and she begins sliding her hands down their fronts. She’s not sure about this. She’s less sure about this than she has been about anything so far, in fact. She might literally make them both cum all over the place the moment she touched their schlongs.
Or she might not. She might be able to manage it. To keep the edging going for a while longer. There was really only one way to find out, wasn’t there? Rapunzel couldn’t be afraid. If she was going to be more adventurous from now on, then she needed to be ready to go all out…


Part 5:


Forcing herself to push past her hesitation, Rapunzel finally clasps hold of Varian and Lance’s cocks. Her slender fingers wrap around their throbbing masts and her breath hitches for a second, her heart pounding in her heaving chest. As she kneels there on the stage between the two of them, Rapunzel half expects for them to blow right then and there the moment she touches their dicks… but they don’t, thankfully.
They buck and pulse in her grasps like a pair of living things, making her jolt as she feels them up. They truly are… magnificent. Her boys, her stallions. Looking down at her with unfathomable lust and need in their eyes, Varian and Lance remain quiet aside from the occasional grunt and groan as she feels them up.
… She wants to make them beg. She wants to hear them say it, just like she did. She wants them to ask her for permission to cum. But she’s also afraid that she’s going to make them blow any second now. And as Varian and Lance had made abundantly clear, if they came… it was on her. This wasn’t a case where by cumming too early, they’d disappointed her. No, this was her showing off her own prowess. Her own ability to keep them both on the edge but not let them finish until they finally broke and asked it of her.
They still had an audience, of course. A bunch of men and women, though mostly men, all watching them up on the stage. The pole is all but ignored at this point, and none of the three of them have a stitch of clothing left for a strip dance. And yet… they’re still putting on quite the show, aren’t they? Except Rapunzel can’t really bring herself to care about their onlookers. She’s too focused on Varian and Lance. She has to be, because the moment she falters, the moment she gets distracted… she’s sure that she’ll go too far.
Rapunzel might be largely inexperienced compared to both of the boys as well as most of the people in this club. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t tell how close the two men on either side of her were to blowing their loads. She had to be very careful if she wanted to win here. Her fingers deftly slip up and down their rock hard shafts as she looks back and forth between them, her lips pursed together.
Their cocks both throb and pulsate as precum beads at the tips of their dicks. She thinks… yes, she’s definitely getting the hang of giving them both handjobs and not going too fast or too hard. In fact, as time goes on, Rapunzel starts to find her pace. She even catches Varian getting exceptionally close to the edge, causing her to stop moving her hand upon his cock altogether.
As he groans at being denied his release, Rapunzel just smirks and looks over to Lance, keeping a careful eye on the large man’s thick black cock. It wouldn’t do to keep one of them from cumming but have the other drench her in his seed. That would still be a failure, after all. Instead, Rapunzel realizes she can alternate between the two of them. Moving back and forth, she can stroke them both off until the edge, and then focus on the other while the first calms down.
However… as much as this tactic works in keeping them from cumming, it does not yield the ultimate result Rapunzel wants. Varian and Lance remain stubborn, neither man willing to give in to her. It makes Rapunzel pout at them, her eyes big and soulful… but even then, they don’t break. Belatedly, she realizes that their competitiveness is now working against her rather than for her.
Neither wants to be the first to ask Rapunzel to let them cum. Which means both are holding out far longer than they would have if it were just a one-on-one situation. She can’t expect to get them to beg with just her hands, Rapunzel figures out. No, she needs to go further than that in enticing them towards the edge with their big… fat… cocks.
Leaning forward, Rapunzel swipes her tongue across Varian’s dick tip, catching the bead of precum on his glans upon her tongue and watching his reaction. He jolts in response, his cock literally jumping in her grasp as he gasps and stares down at her in wide-eyed surprise. But Rapunzel is smart. She’s carefully gripping the base of his member as tightly as she dares, holding off any impending orgasm that might have accidentally come out from the feel of her tongue across his cockhead.
Once she’s sure she’s not going to fail then and there, Rapunzel turns and repeats the maneuver with Lance. He groans as she swipes his own precum with her tongue, the lick having a similar effect on the big black man. Both are looking at her more cautiously now… and Rapunzel thinks she might have really found her trick now.
Giving the two men an impish little smile, Rapunzel continues stroking them with her hands, even as her nipples twinge with need, rock hard and twitching. Her pussy also clenches with desire, wanting nothing more than to be filled with a cock. But… Rapunzel can’t allow herself to get distracted. She can’t lose her focus, not even for a second.
Those big fat members in her hands are her only purpose right now. Her only reason for existing. The heat coming off of Varian and Lance’s fleshy, thick cocks is palpable, leaving Rapunzel sweating all over. As sweat beads across her broad and arms and chest, all the blonde can do is keep it up. She has to be close, right? She has to be…
And so she falls into the new routine, swiping her tongue across their glans every once in a while to collect the newest bit of precum threatening to drip from their throbbing members. They’re both so close to the edge Rapunzel can taste it… literally. Their precum is salty. Not as salty as their actual cum, she notes, but still plenty salty. And she likes it. She likes the taste.
Eyes fluttering, Rapunzel moans softly, her hot breath ghosting across Varian’s member as she finds herself taken back to being spit-roasted between the two boys. Of being face fucked by Lance while Varian plundered her tight pussy to his heart’s content. It had been some of the best sex of her life, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Her body had been on fire throughout the experience, and not just because people had been watching them, but also because Varian and Lance knew exactly how to treat her. They knew her better than Rapunzel knew herself.
And then it happens. She’d just been telling herself to stay focused. And then she’d gone and gotten distracted. Rapunzel’s panting breath on Varian’s cock sends him right over the edge and he lets out a heartfelt groan before painting her face and tits with his cum. So surprised, Rapunzel doesn’t even realize she’s squeezing Lance’s cock too hard until he cums as well, the tall dark-skinned man tossing his head back and growling as he unloads all over her hair.
In an instant, Rapunzel has lost. She could hardly believe it. The boys… she’d failed them. They hadn’t had to beg. They hadn’t had to plead with her like she’d pleaded with them. Under the coating of cum now covering her features, Rapunzel’s face begins to get hot as the audience gathered around the stage starts to speak up.
“Oi! Wasn’t she supposed to make them beg?”
“Heh, I guess in the end the little one wasn’t quite ready for that sort of thing.”
“Oh yeah, it’s her first night isn’t it? Shit… probably cut her some slack then, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’d say so. She did her best!”
Rapunzel blinks rapidly at hearing all of those surprisingly supportive voices. She smiles slightly but then bites her lower lip as she looks up at Varian and Lance. The proof of her failure stains her features, covering her from hair to belly button.
“… I guess I still have a lot to learn, don’t I?”
The two men exchange a glance at that, before both of them chuckle softly and nod.
“You do, Rapunzel.”
“… But we’ll be more than happy to teach it to you.”
Rapunzel blushes at that thought, even as they gently but firmly tug her to her feet. She’s not really surprised when she’s subsequently bent over in front of the crowd and finds herself face to face with Varian’s throbbing member despite the fact that he just came mere moments before. And at the same time, she feels Lance’s cock sliding along her ass crack, hot dogging her pale backside with his big dark member.
“Oh yeah baby! Another spit-roast, fuck yes!”
“Take that bitch to Paris!”
“Give her the ole Eiffel Tower!”
When they first mention Paris, Rapunzel is confused. And then the Eiffel Tower… she doesn’t get it. That is, not until Varian slides his cock into her mouth and down her throat while Lance plunges into her pussy from behind. Then, even as she lets out a gurgling, muffled, wanton moan of pleasure and excitement, Rapunzel realizes what they must look like.
… More of a Golden Gate Bridge than an Eiffel Tower in her humble opinion, but who is she to question all of the perverts and freaks in this very crowded Sex Club, right?
In the end, she just resolves to join in on the fun and be just as perverted and freakish right alongside them. As cum drips down off of her breasts and chin, Rapunzel gurgles on Varian’s cock, looking up into his gorgeous brown eyes as he grins at her.
“Ready, Rapunzel?”
She struggles for a moment to lift her arm, but when she does she gives him a proper thumbs up for all to see. The crowd wolf whistles and catcalls at that, but Varian and Lance take it for the consent it is and proceed to run with it.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Rapunzel’s eyes half-roll back in her head as her throat is plundered by Varian’s cock. Her tongue does what it can, but with how big and thick the young man’s member is, she can’t really swirl it. Instead, she writhes and wriggles her tongue along the underside of Varian’s dick as it slides down the back of her throat again and again. The position Rapunzel is in makes it a straight shot down her esophagus and gullet, allowing Varian to bury her face in his crotch over and over as he lets out heartfelt groans, his fingers sliding through her short blonde locks.
And then there’s Lance. Lance with his big, strong hands. Lance with his large, fat cock. The taller of the two men has Rapunzel’s hips gripped rather harshly with his fingers. So harshly that she thinks she’s definitely going to have bruises by tomorrow. Not that she’s at all worried over that. She’s pale and bruises easily in the end, and she’d rather experience this pleasure and have bruises over not having bruises but having to miss out on… all of this.
Lance’s big thick cock punches just as deep into her core as Varian’s had back on the couch. He pounds her pussy into the shape of his dick the same way Varian did as well. Though he has an easier time of it, given it’s only been a little while since Varian fucked her and stretched her out into shape. They’re using her as their own personal cock sheath and honestly… Rapunzel finds that unbelievably hot.
She’d definitely bitten off more than she could chew. This was her first night in a completely new life. Trying to make a pair of far more experienced deviants like Varian and Lance beg her for anything was… silly to say the least. And yet, Rapunzel couldn’t really bring herself to regret it. She’d shot for the moon and still landed among the stars!
Her pussy walls clench and squeeze around Lance’s pistoning prick. Her tongue slides this way and that under Varian’s thrusting member. She gags and gurgles but she does so happily the more they fuck her up on the stage. Her cunt has never felt better. She doesn’t even care that she might not be able to speak without a raspy tone by morning. It all feels too damn good to stop, her body lighting up with goosebumps as she realizes… this is what she wants the rest of her life to be.
She never wants to be tied down again. The slut inside of her has been well and truly awakened. Rapunzel wasted enough time investing so much of her life into a lopsided relationship. She’d put her all into loving a man who… in the end, hadn’t done the same right back. She didn’t think Eugene was necessarily evil… but he was selfish. Flawed. And now he was out of her life.
As she’s spit-roasted up on a stage by Varian and Lance in front of a huge crowd, Rapunzel knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Eugene would never approve of this. He would never be able to accept the new her. And that… that was okay. Because whether he ever found out or not, he would always be the catalyst for this new life she was entering. He was the impetus for Rapunzel to take this first step down a much brighter, happier, more pleasurable road.
She just can’t get enough. Before long, she’s moaning into Varian’s throbbing cock as she cums all over Lance’s thrusting dick. She’s squealing, even if it comes out as gurgling gagging all the while. Her reverberations up the length of Varian’s shaft make the young man groan, while her constantly clenching pussy causes Lance to grunt and pick up the pace. Which in turn brings into play his size.
See, while Varian and Lance are the same size down below… Lance is definitely taller than Varian. Taller than Rapunzel too. And as a result, he’s been crouching ever so slightly, bending his knees in order to accommodate her height so she can keep her feet on the ground. But… the harder they fuck, the more he unconsciously straightens up. Until eventually, Rapunzel is on her tip toes. And then, shortly after that, her feet leave the ground entirely.
She’s dangling, she realizes… and being pushed further into Varian’s crotch as a result. As her hips lift higher and higher into the air, held up by Lance’s big strong hands, Rapunzel gurgles, blinking rapidly. She has a choice in that moment. To push back on Varian’s legs and try to get herself off of his cock… or embrace the helplessness she’s currently feeling… by embracing Varian himself.
In the end, Rapunzel chooses the latter. Instead of pushing Varian away, she reaches out and grabs hold of him with all her might. She grips at his legs while gagging on his cock, causing him and Lance to groan in unison as her pussy flexes around the latter’s shaft.
She’s well and truly fucked from that point on. Both physically and metaphorically. There’s nothing Rapunzel can do but go along for the ride as her nubile body is used by the two men to their heart’s content. To be fair… it doesn’t last much longer after that anyways. Because her body is made for sin, and with all the pleasure they can get from it, they can’t last forever.
With a pair of groans, the boys cum at the same time, filling her up from both ends just like they did on the couch. Rapunzel’s toes curl, her pussy clenches, her nipples twinge and her entire body shakes its way through one final explosive orgasm of her own. It is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, as amazing as everything else that’s happened so far today.
As they pull free of her holes, Rapunzel shudders and slumps down to her knees. She barely hears Varian call for some towels, but she definitely feels it when he and Lance begin wiping her down and getting the cum off her face and tits along with the sweat off of the rest of her body. Soon enough, she’s more presentable… and even slightly recovered. Enough that when they help her to her feet, she’s only a little wobbly as she looks out at the crowd of onlookers.
Before any of the three of them can say anything however…
“One more time!”
“She’s got one last go in her, I know it!”
“C’mon new girl, really impress us!”
Rapunzel blushes… but also feels her engine revving up again. They’re right. She does have at least one more go in her. Both Varian and Lance give her worried looks, clearly ready to step forward and shut the audience down if need be. But she just smiles at them, her entire body damn near vibrating with excitement.
“Well, boys? What do you say? Ready to finish me off?”
And thus does she find herself lifted into the air between the two big, strong, strapping lads. After all, what better way to give an encore than to do something completely new right at the last second, right? It was Rapunzel’s idea, of course, and in the end, while Varian had been reluctant, Lance was fully on board. Which of course meant that it would be Lance going into her ass.
It’s done with little fanfare. As Varian and Lance sandwich her between them for all to see, Rapunzel reaches back and spreads her ass cheeks apart, providing access for Lance’s cock, still covered in plenty of lubrication from their fornication, to begin prodding at her backdoor. At the same time, Varian plies her creampied cunt with his own spit-polished cock, sliding into her messy pussy without hesitation.
Rapunzel moans as her boys stuff her in both of her lower holes. It’s an experience, having anal sex for the first time. Especially like this, with everyone watching and getting to enjoy the sight of her face contorting in pleasure and discomfort at the same exact time. Rapunzel shudders as her eyes go crossed and her lips form into a small o. Her body quivers and goosebumps alight across her flesh again as her ass is stretched and stretched by Lance’s massive cock.
Varian does his best to take things slowly on his end as well, even as Rapunzel lifts her legs up and wraps them around his waist for support. After all, if he went too fast, then he’d wind up thrusting her back onto Lance’s member, causing his sizable shaft to push into her asshole too fast and risk injuring her. Instead, the two men work together with surprising skill, setting aside their earlier competitive nature.
Honestly… being stuck between them, forced to rely on the both of them for support… Rapunzel loves it. She loves being their fuck toy. She loves being used by these handsome, big dicked men. As they drill her holes with their cocks, DPing her right there in front of the club’s audience, Rapunzel finds her head lolling back onto Lance’s broad shoulder, her eyes sliding across the room, across the entirety of the Sex Club.
In that moment, as she’s stuffed in both her cunt and ass, Rapunzel makes eye contact with Cassandra. The other woman, the one who brought her here in the first place, has a broad smile on her face as she enjoys the attentions of yet another nameless, faceless girl between her legs. The only reason Rapunzel knows it’s not the same woman who was eating Cass out last time is because the hairstyle and hair color have changed.
Obviously, her best friend is quite the Queen Bee at this place. A regular with a whole stable of bitches all eager to serve her like she’s some sort of Sex Club Royalty. It’s super-hot and Rapunzel wonders if that makes her, Varian, and Lance the other girl’s court jesters. Are they just here for the Queen’s amusement, perhaps?
Licking her lips, Cassandra mouths two words to Rapunzel as she’s drilled in both holes by the men up on the main stage. ‘Let go’. Rapunzel flushes, immediately understanding what Cass is getting at. See, she’d thought she had already done that… and to be fair, she had earlier. But then at some point Rapunzel had grabbed back on again. She’d tried to take control. A silly thing, given her inexperience.
Cass was right. She needed to let go. She needed to embrace this. Moaning as Varian and Lance fuck up into her from below for all to see, Rapunzel lets go. She lets herself get washed away in the pleasure. Her body shudders and bounces as she’s DPed by the two men. Her rock hard nipples twitch with need as her back rubs against Lance’s big burly chest. Her body quivers and her core gets hotter and hotter until she’s honestly tipping over the edge every few seconds.
Cumming again and again and again, Rapunzel honestly loses track of just about everything. The pleasure is intense, and the feeling of being joined together at the crotch with Lance and Varian is just… exquisite. All the while, the crowd continues to watch on. Some of them are transfixed. Some are mesmerized. Some are just grinning from ear to ear and enjoying the debauched show taking place right in front of her.
“Fuck that’s hot.”
“Watching a baby slut get railed properly by a pair of studs always is.”
“She’s like a newborn just starting to make her way in our world.”
“I wish her the best of luck… she’s going to need it.”
They’re right, Rapunzel realizes. She is a slut. She wants to fuck and suck and do all sorts of nasty, naughty things for the rest of her days. Hell, even Lance’s cock buried in her ass feels good by this point. You’d think it would be uncomfortable, maybe even painful… but not for Rapunzel. Whether it’s because Lance is well-lubricated, or because Varian’s cock in her twat feels too good, or whatever… in the end, it doesn’t matter.
Rapunzel LIKES being fucked in the ass. Just as she likes everything else. From the oral to the anal to the vaginal. From the stripping, to the poledancing, to the edging. She likes being watched, she likes being used, and she LOVES having sex.
… But they’re all right that she’s basically a newborn opening her eyes to a completely unknown world. Maybe Cass could help her out from here… but she can’t really rely on the other woman. After all, Cass’ first choice upon arriving in this Club was to immediately abandon Rapunzel, leaving her to her own devices. That was very much Cass, really. She could be pretty cutthroat at times and ultimately she was so sink or swim about things that it wasn’t even funny.
She’d helped Rapunzel get here… but unless Rapunzel wanted to wind up on her knees between those thighs like so many other girls in the Club seemed to, she couldn’t expect Cass to help her any further. And while the idea of sucking and slurping at Cassandra’s cunt was appealing in its own way… Rapunzel didn’t want it to become her whole thing. She didn’t want to be pigeonholed.
Which meant she needed Varian or Lance to show her the way. She needed one of the two men to take her under their wing on a semi-permanent basis. She didn’t think either of them would care that she wasn’t looking for an exclusive arrangement. They wouldn’t be at a club like this, partaking in such lewd behavior, if they weren’t both very open about their desires.
Still, she also didn’t know if they’d want to ‘share’ her mentorship. Because what Rapunzel is currently thinking… is that one of them should take her home. The Club is nice and all, don’t get her wrong, but she doesn’t want to spend the night here. Rather, as she’s railed up on stage in front of so many men and women, Rapunzel can imagine exactly how spending the night here would go.
… No, she needs some sleep. She needs to rest, recover, and reset before coming here again. Letting go is one thing. But letting the entire club take their turns running a train on her all night long sounds like something far more advanced than Rapunzel is ready for. Ultimately… she’d get there eventually. Down the line. For now…
Varian and Lance both pause as her quiet voice reaches their ears. Leaning back against Lance’s chest, Rapunzel glances first to him and then forward to Varian. She speaks quietly enough that only the two of them can hear her over the Club’s constant music and the catcalls and wolf-whistles coming from the audience even now.
“We’ve got… a problem.”
Brows furrowed, Varian and Lance both frown, with Varian asking the obvious follow up.
“… What sort of problem, Rapunzel?”
Panting, moaning, and shuddering upon their cocks still, Rapunzel clenches down both her holes before answering.
“I want… to go home with one of you tonight… but I don’t know which to choose. Promise n-not to hate me? Maybe… we could flip a coin?”
There’s a brief pause at that as Varian and Lance exchange a glance. For a second, even as she feels their cocks sliding in and out of her orifices, Rapunzel wonders if she’s screwed up. Maybe neither of them want to take her home with them. Maybe she was foolish to ever think that they cared enough about her to take things outside of the Sex Club.
When Varian slowly begins to grin and Lance starts to chuckle into her ear, Rapunzel’s insecurities grow even worse as she becomes all but certain that she’s made a fool of herself in some way and overstepped her bounds.
“S-Sorry… stupid idea… don’t…”
Before she can say anything further, Varian reaches up and pinches one of her nipples, making Rapunzel squeak and shudder under the sudden pleasurable assault. Then, Lance adds to it by reaching up and around as well, his fingers finding her other nipple. Suddenly, both men are pinching and pulling on her teats, rolling them in between their fingers and all around making Rapunzel squirm and whimper even more than before.
“Silly woman. You think either of us would pass up the chance to take you home for the night?”
Rapunzel blushes as Lance’s husky words and hot breath ghost over her ear. Varian, meanwhile, nods right along with the other man.
“I suppose it’s time we told you the truth, Rapunzel. Something we sort of kept from you. Basically… Lance and I are roommates. So you don’t have to choose between us at all. That’s why we found your idea so amusing.”
Wait, what?! Rapunzel gapes, but her shock is only compounded by Lance scoffing and correcting Varian.
“What he means by roommates is that Varian here employs me as his bodyguard and head of security. He’s a rich, young eligible bachelor, Rapunzel. He pays me to keep him safe from shit like corporate espionage and the like. Oh and don’t give me that look, ‘boss’. She would have found out soon enough once she saw your penthouse, man.”
Varian, who has been scowling as Lance gave away his secrets, lets out a sigh and shakes his head.
“… I wanted to ease her into it a bit more.”
Rapunzel, meanwhile, feels like her own head is spinning. They live together? But not just live together… Lance is Varian’s employee? His head of security? How rich is Varian that he would even need something like that? How had she not even known about this?
“She would have known all about you already but it’s obvious that fucking Flynn was keeping her in the dark about your success. Probably afraid she’d realize what a waste of space he was after all.”
As Lance uses Eugene’s old nickname from their school days, Rapunzel jolts… and realizes then and there that it doesn’t matter. Draping her arms over Varian’s shoulders, laying her head back upon Lance’s at the same time, she smiles.
“Let’s not think about him. And… I don’t mind the secrecy. It’s alright. Please… keep fucking me. Finish me off, boys. And then… take me away.”
Neither Varian nor Lance need to be told twice. And truth be told, even knowing their true dynamic now… it doesn’t change anything. Their big fat cocks still stir up Rapunzel’s insides like nothing else, their bodies smashing her body between them, compressing her down and sandwiching her in the most satisfying fashion she can imagine.
They fuck her in front of the audience until both of them cum at long last, with Rapunzel shuddering as she’s filled and filled with their seed. She loves how good it feels to have that hot, sticky sensation in not just her cunt but also her ass. She’s not sure she ever wants to go a day without it, ever again.
Afterwards, Varian collects her belongings while Lance carries her bridal style out of the Club and to their car. It’s a very nice car, Rapunzel tiredly notes, even as they all get in the back and she finds herself laid out across the laps of both men while Varian’s driver takes them back to his penthouse.
Rapunzel doesn’t know what the future holds. But one thing is certain… she’s finally free. And so long as she has her boys to show her the ropes, she knows that tonight’s events are just the beginning. She can hardly wait to truly spread her wings and fly. To be the slut she always knew she could be, and to pleasure and be pleasured by as many people as possible.
Oh yeah. She can hardly wait.


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