Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The White Dragon Emperor (DxD/SAO)

The White Dragon Emperor (DxD/SAO)

Poll Winner

Themes: Dom/Sub, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: In a world where a female Issei isn't growing as fast as Rias needs, the Gremory Heiress is willing to do ANYTHING to get out of her engagement to Riser. Including selling her body to the White Dragon Emperor... Kirito Kazuto. 


A/N: This story was intended by the prompter to be the first of multiple parts, but Part 2 never won the Prompt Poll so it might feel a little open-ended.


Rias had no other choice. To fight a bastard like Riser, she needed someone who was equally bastard-like. Issei was… well, she tried her best. The brunette who had ended up consuming all eight of Rias Gremory’s pawns had been growing in leaps and bounds, and had proven herself of late, especially against the Fallen Angels. And in doing so, she’d also managed to secure Rias Twilight Healing, though of course, to Issei it was just a simple matter of saving a friend.
And… Rias was glad that she was able to give Asia Argento a second chance at life. The cute young nun hadn’t deserved what happened to her, that was for sure.
Still, just because she’d added Asia and Issei to her peerage recently, didn’t mean she was ready to face Riser. In a rare moment of enlightened thought, the Gremory Heiress had recognized that, if she accepted Riser’s invitation to settle things with a Rating Game, she’d be absolutely and truly fucked. There was just no way. No matter how capable her peerage, filled to the brim with beautiful girls, was, it still wasn’t complete. Meanwhile, Riser had a full set of chess pieces assigned and had had years of Rating Games to hone them on.
It wasn’t a fair fight, not by a long shot. And so, Rias had done the smart thing and demurred, asking for a few days to decide whether the Rating Game was really what she wanted or not. It wasn’t, of course, but thinking that she had no other options, Riser had been willing to give her all the time in the world, the smug bastard.
Little did he know, Rias did have another option. She’d just been avoiding it like the plague. See, there was another power in Kuoh Academy besides her and Sona and their peerages. She and Sona were the joint rulers of Kuoh, and the town was still devil territory… but there was a dragon in their midst, and she wasn’t talking about Issei. No, the brunette was a new discovery… though really, it only made sense.
Kirito Kazuto. Born Kazuto Narusaka. Adopted into the Kirigaya family and becoming Kazuto Kirigaya. And then… and then the tragedy happened. His adoptive parents killed and his sister in a coma, while Kazuto… Kazuto had awakened his Sacred Gear and slain their attackers. But it wasn’t just any old Sacred Gear. No, the young dark-haired man just had to have the Dividing Gear and be the next White Dragon Emperor.
From what Rias had been told, the previous White Dragon Emperor had been like a favored son to the Fallen Angel’s leader, Azazel. His death had hit the Governor General of the Grigori hard, and so it was decided by her brother and Sona’s sister that to avoid causing trouble and possibly inciting Azazel’s wrath, Kazuto would be left to his own devices for a time.
If any Devil were to rush in and try to snap Kirito up for their peerage, well, the Grigori might take that as a sign that the previous White Dragon Emperor’s death had been arranged by the Underworld. And that… that would NOT be good.
Rias understood the reasoning, but it didn’t mean she had to like it. Especially since, by the time the moratorium on trying to recruit Kazuto had finally ended, everything had already changed. Rias still didn’t quite understand HOW it happened, but the results were as clear as they could be. When the dust had settled, when they finally turned their eyes back in Kazuto’s direction… it was Kirito who stood in his place.
The White Dragon Emperor had grown into his power INCREDIBLY fast, to the point that even Rias’ brother, a Great Satan, was taken aback. By the time her and Sona were given leave to try and convert him, it wasn’t even possible for them to do so anymore. He was that powerful.
… Luckily, he was also reasonable, to an extent. Rias still rankled at the fact that she hadn’t gotten to be involved in the negotiations, neither her nor Sona were allowed in the room where it happened… but the end result was that the two of them kept their authority in Kuoh Town, with Kirito above said authority, but not inclined to disrupt the peace or rock the boat. Apparently, all he wanted was to be left alone.
Well, Rias couldn’t afford to follow that rule any longer. Rather than a Rating Game… she would instead demand a duel for her honor, and thus be allowed a Champion. Such a Champion could come from outside of her peerage, unlike the Rating Game where she would be forced to use only those who were her pieces.
But before she could go that route, she needed to get Kirito on board. And so, she found herself visiting him at his home one day after school, fidgeting as he opens the door to her knocking. Raising an eyebrow, Kirito steps aside, the White Dragon Emperor allowing her to enter. He doesn’t say a word as he leads her into the living room and sits down in a La-Z-Boy like its his throne, leaving Rias standing in front of him.
For a moment, she just squirms… and then drops down to her knees, pressing her forehead into the floor as she prostrates herself before him.
“P-Please! I need your help and I’m willing to do ANYTHING to get it!”
There’s a beat of silence, before Kirito just chuckles.
“You want me to fight Riser for you, don’t you?”
Rias jolts at that. How could he know? Still, he’s not wrong.
“I-I… y-yes. I don’t want to marry him. I don’t… I don’t want to marry anyone I don’t love!”
There, she’s finally said the words. They come out as a sob, even as she trembles there on her knees before the White Dragon Emperor. Tears well up in her eyes, until suddenly his feet are right in front of her, and he’s crouching down to lift her chin up by his fingers. He’s smiling as he looks down at her, but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“You want me to intervene on your behalf… and you’re willing to do anything for me to do so. You must know what I would want. Not only am I a young man, but I am also a dragon. We have quite voracious appetites.”
Shivering at the look in his eyes, Rias hesitantly nods.
“Y-Yes… I… you can have me, White Dragon Emperor. You can have my body in exchange for Championing me against my fiancé. You can have s-sex with me… though…”
Rias hesitates here, not wanting to say it but also knowing she needs to. Kirito just raises an eyebrow questioningly.
“I b-believe we will be stopped from doing anything before you’ve defeated Riser and my betrothal has been dissolved. I fear that my family has a way of tracking me and making sure my virginity stays intact…”
Kirito’s other eyebrow lifts to join the first, and for the first time, his smile actually does reach his eyes. All of the sudden, he’s helping her to her feet like a perfect gentleman.
“My oh my, I always wondered if there was a mind behind that beautiful face and large set of tits.”
Rias flushes at the backhanded compliment. Did he even know what he sounded like?! Still, it wasn’t like she could slap him, no matter how badly such a comment made her want to.
“You’re smarter than I gave you credit for. And you’re right… or rather, you were.”
That gets a blink from Rias, as he snickers and shrugs.
“I noticed the spell on you when you entered my home. Its finely made, if we’d even gotten close to looking like we were going to do anything, there would have been a response. Of course, while I couldn’t break it without letting those on the other end know about it, I could suppress it. No one is going to interrupt us here.”
Rias just stares for a moment, mouth agape and eyes wide. That… that meant she could actually lose her virginity here, to Kirito. And even if he went on to lose a duel against Riser or Riser’s Champion, then… she would still be tainted goods. She would no longer be pure. The marriage might end up being off right then and there!
Overcome with emotion, Rias tries to leap into Kirito’s arms.
“Please, take me!”
He, of course, laughs as he grabs her and holds her at arm’s length.
“Hold your horses… I’ll take you up on your offer. Your body, and in exchange, I’ll Champion you versus Riser. But first… show me what I’m getting. I want to see every inch of you… slowly.”
As he speaks, Kirito sits back down in his armchair, once again looking like a King holding Court. Blushing as she stands there before him in the middle of the living room, Rias nods slowly, understanding what he wants. And so, she goes about giving it to him, reaching up and starting to unbutton her blouse, even as she sways her hips to music only she can hear.
Having come here straight after school, she’s still wearing Kuoh Academy’s female uniform. But of course, the skirt on said uniform is already incredibly short, and the blouse does nothing to hide how big her tits are. The whole uniform is already bordering on a slutty version of a schoolgirl’s uniform, and Rias has always been aware of that… she and Akeno had fought Sona and Tsubaki tooth and nail to have it that way, after all.
It was why Sona was Student Council President, in fact. Rias had graciously deigned to let the other girl have that position of public power, so long as Rias got to come to school and show off her assets every single day. The red head had never had reason to regret that, nor did she now.
Stripping naked for Kirito, showing him every last inch of her pale body, Rias bites her lower lip and stares at him, her green eyes smoldering with desire. This young man right here in front of her… he was going to offer her a path to freedom. And all she had to do was sell him her body. How could she say no to such a thing?
As she pulls down her skirt and panties, Kirito reaches down and frees his cock from its confines. Rias’ eyes widen at the sight of his sizable member, already growing hard and still in the process of thickening and reaching its full length. She shivers as she imagines him inside of her… and finds her anticipating that moment with great excitement.
Fully naked, having even removed her socks and shoes, the Gremory Heiress saunters forward. This time, Kirito doesn’t hold her at arm’s length. He doesn’t stop her from climbing onto his lap and grabbing hold of his cock. She places the head of his member at her entrance and moans, rubbing her virgin slit against his bulbous dick tip a few times.
“F-Feel how wet I am for you, Kirito?”
“I do. You want this, don’t you slut?”
Rias whimpers and nods her head excitedly.
“Heh, it’s almost like I don’t even have to give you anything more than my dick. You’d probably be fine with me just fucking you, wouldn’t you?”
Rias freezes at that, suddenly worried. But Kirito just grins and grabs her tits, groping them and even biting a nipple before giving her a wink.
“Not to worry. I’m a man of my word. Riser is going down.”
A surge of excitement at the thought of no longer being engaged to Riser rushes through Rias, and even as she’s moaning at Kirito’s attentions to her large breasts, the red head SLAMS herself down onto his cock. Its probably ill-advised… he’s VERY big, and her poor virgin pussy wasn’t prepared for him at all. She could have taken it slow… she should have taken it slow.
Eyes widening, pupils shrinking to pinpricks, and mouth dropping open, Rias chokes on air, shuddering as her pussy walls clench down hard around Kirito’s cock, a small trickle of blood marking the passage of her virginity. It’s just like the White Dragon Emperor said. No one comes to stop her. No one shows up to prevent her and Kirito from having sex.
Its just the two of them, and in that moment, Rias feels freer than she has in years. She’s no longer a virgin, no longer ‘intact’. Surely now, they can’t force her to marry Riser. But no… no, Rias doesn’t for a second think that will actually be how it goes. If she returns without Kirito now, there will be consequences… severe consequences.
As she rides him, as she lets herself get somewhat lost in the pleasure, Rias’ mind is going a mile a minute. She is NOT stupid. She knows that what she’s doing in this moment will have far-reaching ramifications, no matter how good it feels. As she bounces up and down on Kirito’s cock and he leans in to suckle at her teats, Rias looks down at him, meeting his eyes. Seeing this, Kirito disengages from her breasts for a moment, letting them bounce up and down freely with the rest of her as he cocks a brow in her direction.
“Y-You will truly Champion my cause?”
Kirito grins and nods his head.
“Oh yes. Though… not just for your sake. You should be aware; I intend to do this for my own benefit as well.”
Rias blinks at that, even as Kirito reaches around and grabs her by her ass, beginning to fuck up into her harder and faster than before. It makes it harder to think, harder to focus, but she hears his words all the same, even as he fucks her silly, even as he tips her over the edge and she cums, squealing as she creams herself all over his cock.
“I’m going to offer Riser a deal. A wager, to make things interesting. We’ll see if he goes for it. But even if he doesn’t… you’re mine now, Rias Gremory. You’re mine, and I won’t let anyone take you from me. You… or your peerage.”
Rias freezes at that, seeing the promise in Kirito’s eyes. He’s claiming her, in this moment, and as she shudders her way through another orgasm, she realizes there’s nothing she can do to stop him. But her peerage… she’ll do her best to protect them all. She’ll just have to… have to prove that she’s enough to handle him alone.
As if sensing her thoughts, Kirito just grins up at her smugly as if to say that she has no chance. But they would see about that. Rias could be stubborn as a mule.
For now, though, she bounces up and down on the White Dragon Emperor’s thick, throbbing member, moaning up a storm. Her Riser Problem is all but solved… but somehow, she thinks she might have gotten herself into more trouble than she was in before…


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