Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

What They Both Need (Worm)

What They Both Need (Worm)

A/N: What They Both Need was a commissioned one shot originally written in February of this year. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Danny sees it coming, but doesn't do enough to stop it. Which is good, because Taylor is confident that this is what they both need.

Themes: Incest, Bittersweet Sex, Loving Sex


He was going to hell. There was no doubt in Daniel Hebert's mind. He'd passed the point of no return and was damned to hell for what he was about to do.

It'd all started when Taylor found her mother's belongings in the attic. What had led his daughter up there, Danny couldn't have said. He knew that she was struggling with something, that not everything was alright between them or anywhere else, but he didn't know what to do or say to fix that. Annette was dead, his wife and the mother of his child was gone, and all Danny could do was wallow in that when he was at home.

As such, he tended not to be home very much, preferring instead to distract himself with work at the Dockworker's Union. Unfortunately, that probably led to all of this slowly coming to a head. Taylor found her mom's old things… and started wearing Annette's clothing. This was fine, at first. Danny did a double take a couple of times and made a half-hearted 'you look great' and 'I think your mother would be happy to have you wearing her things' here and there.

But ultimately, it was just a thing he had to get used to. Except, Annette had always had odd tastes, and an even odder way of looking at the world. She was a feminist to the point that she'd run with Lustrum's Crew back in the day, before they'd become criminals. She was an English Professor, so to say she wasn't intelligent would be an understatement.

And yet, Annette had enjoyed playing the housewife, from time to time. Sometimes just in the bedroom, as a form of sexual roleplay. But also, sometimes she just liked to dress up in the attire of a stereotypical housewife, complete with the modest high neckline of a floral dress that went down to her knees, along with an apron and heels as she bustled around the house, doing some housework and making dinner in the kitchen.

It was those times that Danny figured Taylor vaguely remembered from her childhood. Because if not… he wasn't entirely sure where she got the idea from. The resemblance between mother and daughter was already fairly uncanny the older Taylor got, but the way she acted while wearing Annette's old housewife cosplay, bustling about the place, making him dinner, and making sure he got home in time to enjoy it… it was so much like Annette that Danny didn't know what to do.

Slowly but surely, as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, he'd become almost accustomed to having his daughter acting like… like his wife. His dearly departed wife, her mother no less, but all the same, they'd both settled into a routine where Taylor did everything that a wife would have, save for… the things that normally took place in the bedroom.

Danny never wanted to cross that line, truly. He had no intentions of doing anything sexual with his daughter. Except, as time had gone on, Taylor had put in more and more of an effort. Not just in the way she dressed, or the way she did her makeup, but also in her body. She'd started exercising, started going on morning runs that Danny feared weren't a good idea in Brockton Bay, but couldn't bring himself to stop.

More than that though, she'd also started… she'd started acting more like Annette, in a dozen different little ways. And she'd… she'd started to flirt with Danny, both physically and verbally. They were just little touches, nothing too overt, but they were the way Annette had used to touch him, the way she'd always known how to calm him down, to relax him.

And the way she spoke to him… it was like Taylor thought she was his wife, not his daughter. She chided him like they were a married couple, she mixed the submissiveness of a housewife with the concern a woman should show her man. It worked, after a fashion. Danny had slowly but surely adapted to the situation, even as Taylor's actions… well, they left him with an unpleasant tightness in his pants more often than not, if he was being honest.

But all in all, Danny was convinced that this couldn't go on. Especially not when Taylor had announced she had something Extra Special planned for Valentine's Day. He and his wife had always done something special, on the Fourteenth Day of February. But for the last two years, Annette had been gone and Danny had been so very hopelessly alone.

It was Taylor's announcement at the dining table last night that had made him realize his daughter was trying to replace her mother in his heart. The Annette-shaped hole that had been left behind by her passing was gaping, and yet… Taylor had been filling it in bit by bit over the last few months. And now… now she thought she had to go a step further.

To say he'd spent the entire day at work fretting over it would be an understatement. But it wasn't like he could talk to anyone about it, or anything. All he could do was go in circles in his mind, until finally he was forced to head home and confront the situation. Part of him just wanted to ignore it… but he knew he couldn't.

And so, he'd come home. He was fully ready to sit Taylor down and have a talk about what… what parts of her mother were appropriate to emulate. Because while it was fine for Taylor to want to take after her mother, it was another thing entirely for her to try and take her place in his bed. It was wrong, Danny knew it was wrong…

Unfortunately, the moment he'd stepped inside and been confronted by the trail of rose petals, he knew he was having this epiphany a tad too late. Following them with a sinking feeling in his chest, he'd found himself in the doorway of his and Annette's bedroom. There, on the bed, is his daughter… but she could have been Annette herself Reborn if Danny didn't know any better.

Taylor, at least, doesn't completely claim to be Annette in this moment. She looks at him, bites her lower lip, and spreads her legs wide. Clad in her mother's lacy red lingerie, she looks… she looks ravishing as she gazes up at him.

"Please daddy… let me be this for you."

… Danny was going to hell. There was no doubt in his mind anymore.


As her father slowly approaches the bed, taking off his tie and then his shirt and more, Taylor waits with bated breath. Heh, if her bullies could see her now, they would be crowing. Amusingly enough, despite all of the horrific rumors they'd spread about her at school, they'd never caught on truly terrible thing about Taylor… she was in love with her own father.

It hadn't always been this way, Taylor reflects, even as she scoots up to sit on the edge of the bed as Danny gets closer, and helps take his cock from its confines, pulling it free of his boxers and placing her lips on it as she stares up at him lovingly. For a long while, Taylor had been just as lost as her dad, just as adrift, and more than a little resentful.

Then she'd found her mother's old things. Not just Annette Hebert's clothing however, like her daddy thought, but also her mother's diaries. In them, she learned a lot more about her parents than any girl probably ever wanted to know. And yet, for Taylor, it was everything she didn't know she needed. She'd been so alone, ever since her mother's death and Emma's betrayal. So very, very alone.

Her mother's diaries have given her a look into the love story that was her parents' life… and had allowed her to take up her mother's role in the household. In her best moments, Taylor liked to think Annette would approve… but she wasn't kidding herself, most of the time. She was doing this because it was what her and her daddy needed. No more, no less.

Bobbing up and down on Danny's cock, Taylor swirls her tongue in a way that Annette had said would drive him crazy, while also reaching down under him to massage his balls in a way that Annette said he liked quite a bit as well. Her mother's diaries could get quite crass, and early on in her relationship with Danny, then her boyfriend, Annette had written down every last scrap of knowledge she was gleaning from the encounters, probably for her own sake… but Taylor was all too happy to make use of it all.

She'd used her mother's diaries to seduce her own father. Gazing up into his eyes, tickling his glans with her tongue, watching as Danny tosses his head back and groans moments before cumming in her mouth, Taylor knows what type of person she is. She's an awful, terrible scarlet woman… but she doesn't care, not truly. She's doing what she has to do to survive. She's doing what she can to carve a piece of happiness out for herself. If she can't find happiness at school, then it'll have to be at home.

Her mother's techniques, unknowingly passed down to her daughter via her diaries, have shown results time and time again, and now is no different as Taylor swallows her father's load, before pulling back and crawling backwards on the bed. Turning over onto her front, she gets on her hands and knees and then arches her spine, reaching back to tug her lacy red panties aside and show Danny her sopping wet pussy.

She knows doggystyle is her father's favorite position, thanks to her mom. Annette's diaries talk about times when a particularly adventurous Danny would take her from behind when she was even cooking dinner, just coming up behind her in the kitchen and… making use of her. It also talked about how long it had taken Annette to get him to do so, how she had to make the invitation abundantly obvious by going pantyless and flashing her then-fiancé more than once before he went for it.

Taylor had tried the same, wearing her mother's floral dresses and no undergarments while making her father dinner more times than she could count these last several months. Unfortunately, she'd never made any progress on that front. He'd never fucked her in the kitchen. Maybe that would change after today though, because now her father grabs her by her hips and slides his cock into her from behind, as Taylor cries out, mewling in happiness.

Her pussy walls clench down around her daddy's dick, even as the feeling of taboo fills every ounce of her body. There's something so unbelievably hot about having sex with her own dad. Not least of which because she got such an insight into her mother and father's relationship through Annette's diaries. Her mom clearly never intended for them to be read, because parts of them were like a bad romance novel, with Danny as the main character. How could Taylor not want a taste of that, after everything?

Clawing at the bedding beneath her, the young woman gasps and pants as Danny fucks her. He groans… and murmurs her mother's name under his breath as he plows into her from behind. Taylor doesn't let it get to her. She half-expected it, after everything. She'd spent the last several months all but embodying her mother in every possible way. If Danny wanted to call her Annette from now on, Taylor wouldn't even mind then.

Annette Rose Hebert wouldn't have let those girls at school bully her, after all. She wouldn't have let them ruin her life. Taylor… Taylor Hebert was a weakling, a coward who couldn't stand up to herself, who was so contemptible apparently that her own best friend betrayed her so terribly. It was kind of nice, to be Annette instead for a while. To slip into the role of Danny's wife, after his daughter proved to be so useless.

Tossing her head back, Taylor cries out in ecstasy as she creams herself upon her father's cock. Her mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, but her body knows what it wants. She thrusts back into his pistoning prick as he fucks her hard, trying to give as good as she's getting, trying to show him how badly she wants this, how much she NEEDS this.

Danny, meanwhile, doesn't let up. He's rough with her, but that's okay, Taylor knew what to expect from the diaries. She was looking forward to it and had been for quite some time. All of Annette's little tips and tricks for seducing her husband, the things she'd written down so she herself could presumably go back and read over them again, Taylor had been using for months now to try and coax Danny into fucking her.

Tonight had been now or never though. If she couldn't get him to take her to bed on Valentine's Day after all of these preparations, then it was never going to happen. Thankfully, it had worked. She'd laid out the path of rose petals, she'd worn her mother's sexiest lingerie… and she'd convinced Danny to fuck her, right here on her parents' bed.

After all of her hard work, including getting rid of her paunch so she would be more physically attractive to her father, though she wasn't quite to the point of having abs just yet, Taylor was finally getting what her heart desired. She and her daddy, together at last… where they belonged.

Danny grunts and groans, before suddenly breaking out in a panting voice.

"F-Fuck, darling… I'm getting close…"

"I-Inside. Cum inside, daddy!"

For just a second, Danny freezes up and Taylor knows its because he'd let himself get caught up in the fantasy for the moment. However, her calling him daddy has broken him right out of the illusion that she's anything but his daughter. That's on purpose, she wants him to make an informed choice. Is she disappointed, when he pulls out of her at the last second instead?

Turning over onto her back, Taylor takes Danny's second load all over her body. As it coats her front, she scoops some of it up and brings it to her mouth, deciding ultimately that no, she's not disappointed. Because now that they've passed the point of return, it's only a matter of time. She has all the time in the world to work on him… there's no going back now, and they both know it.


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