Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Vindication Of The Shield Hero (The Rising Of The Shield Hero)

Vindication Of The Shield Hero (The Rising Of The Shield Hero)

A/N: Vindication of the Shield Hero was a Patreon Poll Winner originally written back in 2019. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: The Shield Hero can scarcely believe it. But it seems a little bit farfetched, the idea that they'd go so far just to betray him and ruin his life again.

Themes: Submission, Rough Sex, Breeding


Naofumi Iwatani, otherwise known as the Shield Hero, was still a bit wary. Or at least, by his standards, he was a bit wary. It all felt like he was going to get punked any minute. Really, since when had things actually managed to go his way? Once upon a time, Naofumi had been an extremely trusting, and altogether positive person. The fact that he'd been summoned into another world, named a hero, and given a legendary magical item in the form of his Legendary Shield? Yeah, all of that was fantastic.

What had happened next though, when he'd been betrayed by that… that BITCH… well, he'd been left penniless, framed as a rapist, and all around hated by pretty much everyone in the new world. So really, was it any wonder that he'd been left distrustful, cynical, and spiteful towards the world around him? Was it any wonder that he was having a hard time accepting all of THIS as real?

Despite everything, despite having a King and Princess working around the clock against him… Naofumi was being celebrated properly, as the hero he was. This entire feast he was currently attending was in his honor, and on top of that, he was seated next to the Queen herself. But then, it was the Queen, Mirellia Q Melromarc, who had finally seen justice done… if he believed it.

Okay, fine. The fact that she'd gone so far as to make a royal decree renaming her husband the King as Trash and her daughter the Princess as Bitch (or Whore or Slut) seemed to point to the idea that she was a fair, benevolent ruler. She certainly held the true power behind the crown, which was interesting to Naofumi. All that she'd done for him so far, all that she'd done to right the wrongs against him… he WAS grateful for it all… if any of it was true.

It seemed a little farfetched for it to all be a practical joke though, if he was being honest. His reputation had already been in shambles because of the King and Princess beforehand after all, so really, what would be the point of going this far just to hurt him further? At this point, all they could really do to him was kill him. Unless that was just what they wanted him to think!

What if they were building him back up even now, just to knock him back down again? What if they were trying to lull him into a false sense of security? Naofumi refused to fall for it. He refused to-!

"Shield Hero…"

Blinking, the young man looks to his left, where the Queen is seated at the middle of the highest table in the Banquet Hall. She gives him a hesitant sort of smile, which honestly looks rather out of place on the face of a woman as distinguished and royal as her. After watching how angry she looked while she tore the King and Princess to shreds in front of everyone, it's a bit disconcerting to see her looking so uncertain.

Still, despite his altogether cynical outlook on life in general and all of this in particular, Naofumi knew he had to at least play lip service to the Queen after she'd effectively righted all the wrongs against him. Even if it was the least, she could have done given what he'd gone through. Clearing his throat, Naofumi gives a perfunctory bow of his head towards the royalty.

"Yes, Your Grace?"

And then she does something rather… unexpected. Reaching out, Mirellia places a hand on his leg, and squeezes it as she looks into his eyes.

"Would you be willing to retire with me to a more private location, Shield Hero? There is much we have to talk about."

Just like that, it felt as if the walls were closing in around him once more. Naofumi was not… oblivious. Even if he sort of had stopped paying attention to the signs that women were interested in him, after the Princess' betrayal. But it was kind of impossible not to notice this one, and like that, Naofumi was SURE he was being set up again. This time by the Queen herself.

What for? He didn't know. Why? He couldn't possibly guess at her reasons either. But he knew in his heart of hearts that that was what this was, and he wanted nothing more than to flee the Banquet Hall right then and there before anything else could happen. Except he couldn't do that, now could he? She was the Queen, and he was effectively trapped.

Biting her lower lip, the older woman looks at him with an interesting stare, even as she rubs his inner thigh with her slender fingers, careful not to bite into him with her nails. She's trying to be enticing right now, not intimidating… but in the end, she might as well be the scariest shit he's had to deal with for a while. Still, even as a shudder goes through his body, Naofumi resolves not to be used again, like before. Even as he gives the expectant Queen a slight smile and a nod, he bites his tongue, knowing that soon, everything will go to shit once more.

Still hesitant, but smiling far more brightly, Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc rises from her seat and begins to make her goodbyes to the other people in the Banquet Hall. Naofumi rises with her, and has to feign a smile, feeling distinctly ill when everyone cheers for him. Then, the Queen turns and leaves, and he follows her out, feeling like he's walking towards his grave.


As soon as they're in private, Mirellia begins to strip down. Naofumi grits his teeth at this, and longs to leave the room as quickly as possible, but he knows there's no true escape. There might already be guards waiting for him right outside. So instead, he stands there in silence, waiting as the Queen sets aside her crown, and then her fan, and then the outer layer of her garments.

She looks back at him as if gauging his reaction at one point and gives another hesitant smile.

"I hope you don't mind if I get comfortable… feel free to do the same, Shield Hero."

Naofumi's nostrils flare at that, and he makes no move to do so, even as she stops with much more of her skin bared than is appropriate. Still, she's still 'dressed' for a given value of the word when she finally moves over to a bottle of wine, pouring two glasses in full view of him. When she holds one out to him, Naofumi takes it, waiting for her to sip from her glass before he sips from his.

"Melromarc has done you a great many disservices, Shield Hero. Trash and Bitch harmed you in ways I can't even begin to say I understand. I apologize for their crimes. As the Sovereign of this Kingdom, they happened under my gaze, and that is something I must be held accountable for."

She's very close to him right now. Very close, with her neck exposed, and some of her shoulders exposed, and a view right down the front of her shirt, due to the differences in height between them. Naofumi just frowns though, his libido not even remotely stirred. Definitely not, even if the Queen IS objectively stunningly beautiful, at least physically.

"You know, Your Grace… your daughter already falsely accused me of raping her. So, if you're going to do the same right now, people might not buy it. Unless your plan is to overturn your decisions regarding her and your husband…"

Shit, he hadn't thought of that last bit until he was saying it. A grimace spreads across the young man's face, while a shocked, confused expression appears on Mirellia's. Then, the wine glass held loosely in her grasp falls to the floor, and she's suddenly pressing up against him, looking into his eyes with the most earnest expression Naofumi has ever seen. He's a bit startled by the close proximity, but before he can pull away, she speaks.

"You… this is not a trap, Shield Hero! I swear it, on all that is dear to me… I-I… you have done so much for my Kingdom, so much for ME. You have exposed the vile evilness in my daughter, the wicked laziness in my husband. I do not want to see any further harm done to you. You are a great man… and you deserve happiness."

Suddenly, the Queen reaches down and takes hold of his free hand, the one not currently still holding a wine glass. Naofumi blinks, watching and still processing what she's saying, even as she brings his hand up and has him curl it around her delicate throat. Holding her head high, chin jutting out, she looks into his eyes.

"Please… take out your anger on me, Shield Hero. My daughter accused you falsely of rape… so if you like, you may have my body, to do whatever you please with. To use to your heart's content… you may even breed me, if you like. Give me another child, assign me the task of raising this one better. A fitting punishment, wouldn't it be?"

The funny thing is, he thinks she might actually be sincere. And to be perfectly honest, this is all doing it for him in a way nothing has for far too long. For the first time in a long time, Naofumi feels his libido rising. The young man feels an erection growing in his pants, and as he holds the Queen of Melromarc by her throat and stands there staring into her eyes… he wants nothing more than to take her up on her offer.

And why shouldn't he, huh? Hadn't he continued to do his duty as a summoned hero, even after everything that had happened to him? Hadn't he earned this, in a way? With a growl, Naofumi decides then and there that he's going to have the Queen, whether she's being serious or not. To test said sincerity, the Shield Hero reaches down and grabs the front of Mirellia's remaining garment, a light-weight shift, and pulls, HARD.

It comes away with a tear, and the surprised MILF of a Royal lets out a cry as he does so. For a moment, Naofumi pauses, half-expecting guards to barge in the moment that they hear their monarch's exclamation, or for Mirellia to scream for help or something. Neither of those things happen, however, and when she sees that he's stopped, the purple-haired Queen helps by pulling the rest of her torn shift away from her body, exposing the gorgeous, shapely form beneath.

"I am yours, Shield Hero. Use me as you will."

Such simple words, and yet the more he hears them, the more Naofumi is daring to believe them. Swallowing thickly, the young man is none-too-gentle with the Queen as he frog marches her backwards, over to her bed. He tosses the naked MILF onto the mattress and then quickly begins working open his trousers. She watches him in anticipatory silence, her gaze unreadable and fixed on his crotch. Naofumi doesn't bother getting out of all of his clothes. After all, all that he really needs is what's between his legs.

As soon as his cock is out, he practically leaps on the Queen, surprising her a bit all over again. The Shield Hero spins the Queen of Melromarc over onto her front, forcing her onto her hands and knees. Perhaps it's disrespectful to do it like this with royalty… Naofumi doesn't care though, in the end. His palm comes down on Mirellia's pussy with a smack, and though he half-expects her to be incredibly dry, he's pleasantly surprised to find she's already wet.

Rubbing at her dripping lower lips for a second, the young man hesitates only briefly… then, he applies her juices to his cock like lube, stroking his member briefly before bringing it to bear on the Queen's cunt. He thrusts in without fanfare, without foreplay, without hesitation, still expecting at any point guards to rush in and the Queen to accuse him of rape, just like her bitch of a daughter did.

As a result of this expectation in the back of his head, Naofumi is perhaps a little… rough with the Queen. He fucks Mirellia hard and fast by what he believes to be necessity, causing the purple-haired monarch to cry out in an ugly fashion as she claws at the bedding beneath her, her voluptuous, beautiful body bouncing and jiggling and shaking with each and every thrust.

"S-So forceful, Shield Hero… a-ah! I did say to u-use me as you will though… please, don't hold back on my account~"

She sounds like she's enjoying it, much to Naofumi's surprise. And her inner walls are tightening and squeezing around his pistoning prick in a way he's pretty sure no woman could truly fake. When eventually she climaxes, he doesn't just hear it in her ecstatic cry, he feels it inside of her, feels it in the way her insides flex all the harder around his cock. So yeah, he keeps fucking her. He fucks her, and he fucks her, and he fucks her. She might be the Queen, but she's also offered herself up to him on a silver platter.

His balls churn and his member throbs and pulses with desire pretty damn quickly, but through sheer force of will alone, Naofumi holds himself back. He holds himself back as he fucks Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc from behind doggy style. He holds himself back when he turns her over onto her side and pulls one of her long, splendidly pale legs up over his shoulder to change things up a bit.

He holds himself back from cumming even as he reaches out and sticks one of his thumbs in Mirellia's mouth, holding her by her face with the rest of his hand, and making her suck on it most lewdly in the meantime. She does it without complaint, her purple eyes staring up into his face, her expression one of pure pleasure and happiness.

She's actually enjoying it, him fucking her. She's enjoying him pounding into her with all his might, she's enjoying him treating her not like a Queen or a Mother, to be respected, but like a woman, to be fucked and bred. It's as he realizes that, it's as he finally recognizes that this all isn't some sort of trap to ruin his life even further, that Naofumi comes to a decision regarding her offer.

Leaning in close, the Shield Hero locks eyes with the Queen of Melromarc.

"Yes. I will breed you. I will pump a baby into you. You're going to take it, all of it, and then you're going to raise our child the right way, to be a good person, as penance for your failure with your daughter. That's what's going to happen. Understood?"

The Queen moans throatily and nods her head up and down, biting her lower lip as she's bounced and jostled by his every thrust. With a forceful shout, Naofumi finally lets go, unleashing a thick load of seed right into the woman's womb, pumping his ejaculate directly into her cunt, just like that. He likes to imagine his sperm is already on its way to her eggs to fertilize them properly. But if they're not… well, he'll just have to do it again and again, until eventually… it takes.

As Naofumi pulls out of her and falls to the Queen's side, already wrapping his arms around her naked, sweaty body and drawing her soft form up against his chest, Mirellia looks back over her shoulder at him without resistance, seeming happy to be the little spoon as she smiles at him.

"Thank you, Shield Hero… thank you for this. I will endeavor to make things right between my Kingdom and you. I know it will take a long time to repair our relationship… but I'm ready to do whatever it takes."

She lets out a yelp of surprise when Naofumi responds by grabbing one of her tits and giving it a rough, but not entirely vicious squeeze. Grinning, the young man with his libido once more fully awakened just nods at her.

"I'll hold you to that, Your Grace."


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