Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Working Things Out (Game of Thrones)

Working Things Out (Game of Thrones)

A/N: Working Things Out was a Patreon Poll Winner that was originally written back in 2019. Posting it here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After the Battle of Winterfell, Jon takes matters into his own hands to put an end to Daenerys and Sansa sniping at each other.

Themes: Threesome, Loving Sex, Happy Sex, Incest


As Jon stands there in the war room, listening to Daenerys and Sansa snipe at one another, despite the fact that they've won, despite the fact that the Night King is dead, mere hours after they've finished burning their dead… he realizes how utterly foolish he's been. Perhaps it has something to do with his greatest contribution to the Battle for Winterfell being him screaming at an undead dragon for what felt like an eternity, but Jon… Jon finally sees that he's been a complete and utter moron about… well, everything.

Jon likes to think he's not stupid. In particular, after his ill-fated relationship with Ygritte, he's always tried to keep her in his thoughts, to keep her oft spoke words in his mind. You know nothing, Jon Snow. That was what she'd said to him, time and time again. And Jon agreed with her. The young bastard boy who'd gone to the Wall to join the Night's Watch truly had known nothing.

But even today, even knowing everything he now knew… it still felt like he was missing the obvious, what was right in front of him, staring him in the eyes. Perhaps he'd chosen to ignore it, perhaps he'd thought it would wash away on it's own, but that was… stupid. He couldn't ignore this anymore. He couldn't pretend it wasn't the reality of their situation.

So, when Sansa storms out of the war room and Daenerys looks at him somewhat plaintively, Jon doesn't turn away, as is his first instinct. Nor does he exactly go to her and take her up in his arms for a deep, passionate kiss, as is his second instinct. He moves over to her, and takes her hand in his, leaning in close.

"… We need to talk, Daenerys."

She looks at him, both surprised and hopeful, and he offers her a soft smile. They are the last two dragons, her and him. Perhaps it's time he finally embraced that.


"If you are truly loyal to me, you will tell no one, ever. You will swear your friend Sam and your brother Bran to secrecy, and nobody will ever know your true parentage."

"… I have to tell Sansa and Arya. I can't keep this from them."

"I-If you love me, you would. You would keep it from them."

Jon's jaw clenches, and he squares his shoulders as he looks into Daenerys' pleading eyes. He reaches up and caresses her cheek. Then, he kisses her. She happily leans into the kiss, her love for him as evident as ever, her need to be with him so abundantly clear. But it won't be enough, he can already tell. Not unless he takes drastic action.

When they both eventually pull away, Jon speaks a single answer.


Daenerys' breath hitches, and her face falls, but when she tries to flee the room, tries to leave him standing there, Jon doesn't let her go. He takes her hands in his and holds her fast, forcing her to acknowledge him, forcing her to SEE him.

"We'll tell them together, you and I. But Arya isn't the problem. She can be told any time. The one you're worried about is Sansa, isn't that right? It's Sansa who seems intent on fighting you at every turn. And I know why. We can fix this, you and I… but I'll need something from you, Daenerys. I'll be asking quite a lot."

Daenerys has stopped trying to pull away as he speaks, and her lips are pressed tightly together as she looks at him. In the end though, she smiles.

"Anything, Jon."


Sansa steps into the room, face completely emotionless, eyes small bits of blue ice.

"Jon? I was told you-."

She stops dead in her tracks just inside the door when she finds Daenerys Targaryen waiting for her within, rather than Jon Snow. Except, when she turns to leave, Jon is there at the door, closing it behind her and standing between her and it.

"Jon. What is the meaning of this?"

Jon stares at her, with those deep, soulful eyes of his, and not for the first time, Sansa feels something of the young woman she once was try to stir deep within her. She quite ruthlessly beats it back down, of course, using the weight of her experiences to rip and tear that weak little thing to pieces. She was a Stark. She was the North. She could not afford such… such weakness.

"Sansa, we think it's time the three of us had a talk. I know Dany has tried to speak with you alone, but that didn't go well. So, I think now, we'll speak to you together."

Sansa turns back to face Daenerys, seeing the Queen sat there, placid.

"Is that what this is? I'm not sure what there is to say. Winterfell is already yours, Your Grace. Our King saw fit to that when he decided to abdicate his throne."

Here, Daenerys steps in.

"Winterfell belongs to the Starks, Lady Sansa. And Jon… Jon will not be without a crown for much longer."

Sansa's eyes widen slightly at the admission, at BOTH admissions to be frank. She steps away from Jon then, turning so that she can look at both of them. Her eyes slip back and forth between her father's bastard son and the Targaryen Queen. When no immediate response is forthcoming, Jon steps forward and speaks in a low voice.

"Sansa… she is your Queen. She is the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And once this is all over, I will be her King. We will rule Westeros together… and the North will not be forgotten."

Her breath hitches, as much as she tries stop it. A raging inferno ignites in her chest, as much as she tries to fight to keep her exterior cold and emotionless. It's hard though. It's so, so hard.

"I… see. I s-suppose that I will have to settle for that then."

Jon looks pained, for a moment.


He trails off, leading to Daenerys jumping in.

"My Lady, you don't like me. I understand that. But I did not understand the reasons behind your dislike, not at first. Only now, with more time to learn of the situation here in the North, and of you, do I truly know what's going on."

Whipping her head around, Sansa narrows her eyes at Daenerys.


But the Queen silences her with a single raised hand, and Sansa quiets down. She'd been raised to be subservient to royalty, after all. Even if all the royalty in her life had done nothing but abuse and harm her.

"Me. Yes, I know I am the cause of your woes, Lady Stark. But I also know that it is not the North you truly care about. It is not the men that hurt you, betrayed you and your family, abandoned you in your time of need that drives you to be so antagonistic towards me. They are simply a convenient issue, as is the North's sovereignty, for you to latch onto."

She can't possibly… how? Sansa's heart is pounding in her chest, and she knows her blue eyes are wide as she tries and fails to keep her composure. All she can really do is fall back on the talking points that she's invented. But before she can say a word, Daenerys delivers the killing blow, speaking the words that not even Sansa herself, in her darkest, most private moments, has said.

"You despise me because of what I've taken from you, Sansa Stark. You despise me, because you love Jon Snow."

She wants to deny it. Obviously, she's been trying to deny it for a long time now. After all, they can never be together. They can never have that sort of love. But it is true. The Dragon Queen is not wrong. Ever since they'd been reunited, ever since Jon had effectively saved her from Ramsay, and then led the charge in retaking their family home… she'd been falling more and more in love with him. It'd taken all her life to realize it, but the true knight in shining armor that she'd always read about and longed for was neither a knight, nor did he wear particularly shiny armor. He was not a King; he was not a Lord… he was her father's bastard son.

Suddenly, Jon is at her side. Sansa realizes distantly that she's shaking, even as he gently turns her to face him. She expects to see surprise and condemnation in his eyes, but instead, he's smiling softly at her… and before she knows it, he's kissing her as well. Sansa's eyes go wide at that, and for a brief moment, she tenses up. But then her treacherous mind decides that she's getting what she wants, finally, and screw the consequences. Slumping forward into Jon's arms and just kissing him back… it's the best feeling in the whole wide world, and the best moment of the past several shitty years.

Of course, she's a little surprised when a second pair of hands, far more feminine, slide around her waist from behind. She tenses up all over again when Daenerys nips at her ear and then trails sweet, gentle kisses down her neck. It's unexpected… and yet, as the two of them double-team her, just in a far different way than Sansa expected when she first walked in, she finds she doesn't mind, all that much.

The armor that she's cloaked herself in comes off, both physically and mentally. Clothing is pulled away, and bodies are laid bare before them. Sansa finds herself exploring the nude forms of a Queen and a King, even as they in turn explore hers. Soon enough, they've moved to the bed though, and the moment has come when Jon is leaning over her, looking down at her. Daenerys is off to the side, watching, trailing fingers through Sansa's red locks.

"Is this okay, Sansa? We can stop, if you want. I'm not… I'm not him. I'm not any of the men who have hurt you in your life. I'm doing this for you. To show you that we don't have to choose anymore. We can all love each other. We can all be together."

Sansa bites her lower lip at that, and for the first time in a long time, she allows herself to be that vulnerable young woman, allows herself to be… herself. She looks to Daenerys and finds nothing but warmth and understanding there. Her mind goes back to their meeting in the library for a brief second, and she can't help but feel like an utter boor, the way that she treated the Queen just because she was upset about Dany and Jon's relationship.

But what Daenerys said to her there, about how they were both strong women who had had to rise up despite cruel men… it finally sunk in, just how alike they were. There was no need for either of them to be enemies, no need for this hatred and anger to fester between them. They loved the same man, yes… and that man loved them both back, very much.

"It's alright, Jon. I want it. I want you i-inside of me."

And then she wraps her arms around his neck and draws him down into a kiss. Their lips meet, just as Jon sinks into her, just as he pushes deep into her dripping wet passage. It's everything that Sansa has wanted from him for months now, and she's finally getting it. Daenerys is there too, of course, but all things considered, it seems like the Dragon Queen and Jon already have a relationship. Sansa imagines that they've already done the deed, and that Dany definitely beat her to it, the 'it' being Jon Snow.

But it's not a race, she finally realizes. As Jon fucks her and seeds her, as he takes Daenerys next right beside her, as the three of them luxuriate in the pleasures of the flesh, basking in one another, exulting in one another, Sansa Stark finally understands what happiness truly is. Daenerys was right. As much as Sansa had latched onto the North and this idea of it as an independent Kingdom in order to get back at the Dragon Queen for stealing Jon from her, she doesn't truly care about this land, or it's people.

Oh, she cares about the women and children who have suffered for so long under the yokes of evil men. But the Lords and their Knights? Where were they when Robb was killed at the Red Wedding? Where were they when Ramsay Bolton was raping her night after night? Even when she escaped him, she knew better than to go to any of the Lords who once swore her father loyalty. She'd had to go to Jon, because at the end of the day, he was the only man in the entire North she felt she could truly trust.

It was only because of Jon that the men of the North had finally rallied against Ramsay for the Battle of the Bastards. Because at the end of the day, Sansa was just a woman. They wouldn't let her lead. They wouldn't stand for it. Even if she could get the North named independent, the Lords wouldn't thank her… they'd simply set her aside and put a man on the throne, if Jon wasn't interested.

But if the North were beholden to the Dragon Queen, if Westeros was once more united into Seven Kingdoms and under a woman's rule at that… she would be Lady of Winterfell, most likely. And perhaps the North, and beyond that, the world itself could be changed. All of this runs through Sansa Stark's head as she watches Jon and Dany make love, as she watches him fuck the Dragon Queen in a deliciously rough manner, leaving her no doubt as sore as Sansa herself feels down there.

It's a good kind of sore though, a good kind of tender. Sansa would know the difference. Regardless, when Jon pulls out of Daenerys after seeding her just as surely as he seeded Sansa, the red head leans in, and steals a deep, tongue-filled kiss from the Dragon Queen. When they pull apart, she smiles at Daenerys Targaryen, and dips her head.

"Allow me to try again, Your Grace. The North is yours, Daenerys Stormborn, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Now and forever."

Dany beams at her, and Sansa understands how Jon could fall in love with the Targaryen woman… she's beginning to fall in love with her too. But at the same time, she does pull back and sit up with a slightly sardonic tone in her next words.

"That said, I was not trying to sabotage you or your chances at the Iron Throne when I said that our men needed time to rest after the Battle. So, do yours. I hope you'll listen when I advise waiting a few weeks before we march the rest of your armies to King's Landing. Cersei Lannister isn't going anywhere… and with some extra time, we can find out additional intelligence that will make the taking of King's Landing, and the dethroning of that Lannister bitch easier, and all the sweeter as a result."

Daenerys looks contemplative for a moment at that, before looking to Jon.

"Do you advise the same, my King?"

Jon gives Sansa a smile.

"I believe the Lady of Winterfell has much more of a head for logistics, and the general health of the men then I do, your Grace. I'd advise that we listen to her in this instant."

Sansa's heart swells at having Jon back her up. And when Daenerys nods, signaling her assent, she can't quite help herself as she pulls both of them into an embrace, which quickly descends into further debauchery between the three of them.


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