Canon Fodder



Our date continued on after dealing with the fake Straw Hats. Hancock wanted to check out this or that store. Acting like a couple of regular people as we moved throughout the area. Apparently there were less slave auctions after the drama we caused 2 years ago, so we didn’t have to worry about Tenryuubitos. 

Unfortunately I had an ulterior motive as we walked through the town. It wasn’t long until my Search quirk proved invaluable. I moved us in the path of my targets as we leisurely made our way to the bigger shopping districts. The duo came into view as we walked. The 3 women didn’t notice at first, but when we were within 10 paces the 3 stopped walking, staring at one another. 

Nami was somehow more beautiful. Bright orange hair she wore tight jeans and a blue bikini top. Her chest had increased in volume too. D-Cup now, I thanked Oda for the magic he did on the girl. Robin was more refined as well. Her chest was a little larger, in a tight blue jacket it was only able to zip-up about halfway up her chest. Wearing a red skirt that was tied at the side she wore sunglasses as she eyed Hancock up and down. 

“Fancy meeting you here,” I said with all the confidence I could muster. Pushing away the fear I had of these 3 women, it was time to be a pirate. I released Hancock’s hand and moved over to the newcomers. “Nami, you became more beautiful somehow. And Robin, damn that zipper is working hard.”

“Weston,” Nami said, still staring at Hancock. “Robin tells me this is your wife.”

“Ah, the Revolutionary Army?” I asked, Robin. “Not surprised they have a better spy network than the Marines. This is my wife, Boa Hancock. We have 2 kids.”

“Kids?!” Robin yelled, more loudly than I had heard her yell in a long time. 

“Yes twins, they are what…a year and 5 months old now,” I said. “But we can talk about that and other things later. Let’s get some food.” I moved back, grabbing Hancock’s hand. Pulling her with me I moved to the closest bar. 

Setting her down in a circular booth I walked back to the door to find Nami and Robin debating just outside the door. “Don’t want to hear it,” I said. Grabbing their hands I pulled them inside and practically dropped them opposite of Hancock. The 3 women eyed one another again. 

Waving down a hostess I said, “get me rum. Strongest you got. You all want anything?” The girls didn’t say anything. “And 3 of the fruitiest and strongest drinks you make.” The waitress nodded and was soon off. 

I sat awkwardly facing Nami and Robin. But they were content to stay silent. “Nami, how was the sky island?” I asked. 

She shook, noticing me again. An angry look in her eyes she said, “fine.”

“Robin, where were you at? Or is it a secret?”

“Secret,” Robin said with thin lips. 

“Well I went to the Isle of the Sea Kings,” I decided on. “Wasn’t much to it. Met a merwoman there.”

“Marry her too?” Nami asked with an angry glare. 

“Nope, I would have asked, but she hates humans,” I admitted. No one else said anything. I was getting annoyed. The waitress set my drink down and it was warming my belly in an instant. “Another,” I croaked and she reluctantly left. She could tell something juicy was going on and wanted to listen in. 

I grumbled. It looked like this was going to take the hard way. “I got this souvenir for you,” I said lifting my Chikyugi Necklace up. All 3 turned and were thrown into my Makuramoto. 

Unlike before, I made it smaller this time. Only 3 walls, I had 1 pillow at the center of the small room. I sat upon it while the ladies were chained to the 3 walls a pace away from me on every side. Tape covered their mouths as they tried to yell at me. 

“I gave you chances to talk,” I said in a calm tone. “You decided to stare one another down.” They continued to yell. I snapped my fingers and all 3 came at once. 

Completely nude, Robin, Hancock, and Nami, writhed on the walls around me. Their legs became wobbly, and arms shivered as they groaned behind the tape. 

“All 3 of you have been in here. All 3 of you have chakra and could have blocked this. I apologize for not showing you the trick. I will amend that later.” I stood up on the pillow, eyeing each of them. Post orgasm they were quieter as I studied them. And by god were they beautiful. 

Hancock had the largest chest, but by a thin margin. Her skin pale, she was completely shaved and almost glowed in the dim light of the room. Because her body was her mental image of herself I wasn’t too surprised she was more beautiful now than in person. 

Nami was tan. Nude, her large breasts were still perky and had a distinct tan line for where her bikini top sat. Her orange pubes were slight and in my book, made her all the more beautiful. 

Robin was a bronze goddess. Dark tan skin, her black hair hung in front of her face as she stared angrily at me. I moved to her first. My hand moved across her skin and she moved into a continuous orgasm. 

Body shivering. Multiple tiny orgasms moved through her wherever I touched. First her side, her legs shaking, then up to her nipples as she felt pleasure shoot out from them like lightning. All the while she poured out liquid from her quivering pussy lips. 

“Robin, the one that just wanted to get laid,” I said as I continued to make her cum. She locked eyes with me, struggling to not focus on the pleasure. “You are the strongest of us all, your childhood is one I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Because of it, I never worried about you during these last 2 years.” She shivered as I added my other hand to her pleasure. She tried to yell out as she came from both breasts. 

As I finished another orgasm in her, one hand moved to her throat, slightly choking her as the other moved to her drenched pussy. She came harder as I increased the chakra. “I love you, Robin. Everything that you’ve been through has made you who you are today. And I love you for it. The first time I saw you I knew I wanted you and would do anything to keep you. You are smart, beautiful, and an animal in bed.” Her eyes bulged as the orgasm reached a peak. Her arms and legs going rigid as it only became stronger. I could hear her moan my name as it continued. Me simply increasing the chakra to keep it going, it was child’s play to make her cum her brains out. 

When she was done and I released her. She sighed as I made the tape disappear from her lips and the chains from her limbs. She dropped to the floor. Weak but did not voice a complaint. 

“Nami,” I said. “My first love… from what I can remember of my life anyway.” Her eyes bulged as I moved to her. She jerked this way and that as if to escape. Her Spiritual Energy was telling me a conflicting story. She was internally struggling between lust and anger. Angiea had taught me a long time ago to feel emotions, and I had been slowly understanding it as I continued my Observation Haki. My hand touched her lightly and her lust took over. No longer angry as she locked eyes with me.  

“You know I love you, right? I knew it on Skypiea. We hadn’t had sex. We had been close to it, but the pirate life got in the way. And the surprising thing was that I was fine with it. All I could think about was making sure you were comfortable. That I didn’t push you. I could have used my skills to make you want me. But that would have been cheapening what we had. We are connected, you and I.” 

I finished her up with the continuous orgasm as well. A huge amount of Lust Chakra entering into her. The woman’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she came harder and longer than ever. It was only the beginning. I held her there for a long minute as one hand kneaded her nipple and the other played with her clit. 

When I let her go she probably would have passed out if we weren’t in my mind. I released her and moved to Hancock. Unlike the others, Hancock was actually turned on. Standing up she accepted the treatment. 

“It’s no fun if you don’t fight, my love,” I said with a wide grin. She smiled behind the tape and began to fight and yell. Her tits jostling this way and that, I grabbed her nipples and twisted them. The pleasure and pain caused her eyes to cross as I poured as much chakra into her as I could. 

“You are mine. Just as much as I am yours. But I won’t play any games with you. I love these 2 women. You will have to accept them.” I stopped pouring chakra into her. “Understand?”

She nodded frantically as I reached down. Pushing chakra into her pussy with one hand and her ass with the other. She came almost violently. Stretching out to her tiptoes, her body began to convulse as I only made the orgasm stronger. 

I held it for a full minute and when I was done I eased her to the ground. She shivered in aftershocks as I set her on a pillow I made. Making the room larger I filled it with pillows once more as I turned to Robin and Nami. Both women were sitting up now. 

“Why her?” Nami asked, pointing at Hancock. 

“Why her what?” I asked. 

“Why were you fine having kids with her?” Nami asked. 

“I met Hancock before I had access to condoms,” I said. “Neither of us planned to have kids. It happened. I won’t regret my children. And I’ll be damned if I let my kids be bastards.”

That quieted her. I guessed she was mostly upset that I had adamantly pushed condoms on her. 

“Do you really love me?” Robin asked, in a calm tone. 

“Of course,” I said, my eyes locking with hers. “I’m not the best at words. This is where I show how I feel. With sex. I try to show it in other ways. But I love you both. I know I didn’t say it before, but I figured it out while we were separated. I don’t want to give up this journey. Neither do I want to give up on what we have.” 

I eyed both women. “I’ve done my best to be truthful with all of you. You deserve not to be lied to. I told you about Hancock. She is the reason we were able to save Luffy’s sister. Risking her position and people to help Luffy and I sneak into Impel Down.” That was news to both of them. Nami and Robin finally turned to Hancock as she sat upon the pillow. Unashamed in the nude she gave them her most stoic stare. 

“I thought I came upon her by accident. But now I see it as fate. She is my wife. But you 2 are my girlfriends. We only spent weeks in the same bed but I love you nonetheless.” I tried to convey the truth to the words to help sink it home for them. 

“I want to continue on our journey. Trusting my back to you. And giving my all to ensure your safety as we try to reach One Piece. You all know I see a little of the future. That is one thing I haven’t seen us reaching. But I know we will. It will take everything we have and then some. There will be plenty of blood sweat and tears until we get to that point. But we will. So my question is, do you want to allow our relationship to grow? My love for you only becoming stronger as we finally have some time together.” I quirked my head to the side. “Do you want to have the best sex of your life on the journey?”

I didn’t wait for an answer. Pulling us out of the Makuramoto I revealed that we were now in a hotel room. “Your fruity drinks are there,” I said pointing to the table with the drinks from the bar. “This is a hotel made from a hollowed out Grove tree. We are at the top floor.” 

“Is this real?” Nami asked. 

“Yes,” I said. “To fight or check that you aren’t in a Genjutsu simply push chakra into yourself.” I moved my hand to my forearm acting as if I was doing so. “You can’t channel chakra in a Genjutsu. I carried you here with some clones.” I admitted. The girls channeled chakra into themselves. 

“Now, no more games,” I said. “Hancock, I told you that Nami and Robin would be here. Why the cold shoulder now?”

“I…” she said shyly. Moving over she grabbed one of the fruity drinks. Downing it in a single gulp. She turned to eye my crew mates. “I didn’t think they would be so beautiful. I got…a little jealous.”

I nodded. “Yes, you all are beautiful,” I said. Having used my Epitome skill to change my body over the last 2 years, I now towered over them. “And strong. And the most important people in the world to me. I don’t know my past, but I hope to find out. With you by my side while I do.”

The women eyed me. Nami moved to the table. Chugging her own drink she took it easily. I guessed her tolerance for alcohol was as good as ever. 

“What is your plan?” Nami asked, her eyes boring into me as she glared. 

“My plan is to live my life, with those I love. You 3 accepted me knowing that it wouldn’t just be you and I. And I’ve always gone easy on you. That was no mind trick in the Makuramoto.” I snapped my finger and sent Lust Chakra into the trio. Centering it on them they came instantly. Nami grabbed onto the table to steady herself. Robin and Hancock tried to power through. I sent more chakra into them, causing all 3 to stumble. 

“Sex is the greatest thing in the world,” I told them as I moved to help them up. “It’s where I see the true you. And you can see the true me. A part of me is with all of you at all times. My chakra. I was able to gift it through sex and I believe I can do more with it. Something I’ve never done before.” I looked at each of them. Studying them as they caught their breath. 

“Will you stay by my side? And let us continue to become stronger together?” 

My hand moved to Nami’s chin. Raising it up so she could look at me. “When does it end?” She mumbled. 

“It ends when we agree it ends. You 3 make me stronger. You Nami, help me ensure I’m not lost,” I told her. Kissing her, she didn’t fight me as our lips collided. Our tongues in one another’s mouths, it was exactly what I needed as I felt her melt at my touch. The kiss only became more heated as I felt her curves against me. 

Eventually she pulled away, catching her breath. “You help me to grow,” I said, turning to Robin. She didn’t fight the kiss either. I could almost feel her grow wetter as my hand moved to around her neck. Controlling the kiss as her chest and hands moved to my body. 

“And you help me to love,” I said when it was Hancock’s turn. I was referencing their Devil fruit powers, but they were great representations for who they were as people.  

Hancock rushed to me. No longer caring as she disrobed and pushed me to the bed with each kiss. “I love you so much,” she gasped. Her chest was soon swinging as she desperately removed my pants. My dick was barely out before she impaled herself on me. Cumming instantly she took it all. But I got serious. 

Chakra poured into every part of her. She came harder. Unable to move as her body was lost to the pleasure. Her pussy lips squeezing me as she tried not to cry out. I showed her that the Makuramoto was only the start of what I could do. 

The orgasm continued on and she lost her will to stay quiet. Her perfect skin pressing against mine she gripped me for all she had as pleasure transferred from my dick into her. 

At the peak of the torrential pleasure I was forcing her body to feel I came inside of her. Huge amounts of cum poured into her with each pulse from my dick. Her body reacted as the pleasure made her eyes shut and tongue hang out of her mouth. 

When I was done she had passed out. Rolling her off of me I sat up staring at the other 2. “You’re next, my slut,” I told Robin. She was no longer hiding how turned on she was. Unzipping the top she dropped the long skirt. 

I stood and picked her up. The long legged woman stared down at my dick. “I missed you,” she whispered. 

“Missed you too, my love,” I said. Pulling her mouth to mine I lined her lower half up and dove in. She went through the same pleasure. Unable to talk I stayed there with me simply sheathed in her. Liquid dripped down to the carpet as she came over and over. 

“You’ll stay by my side, you’re mine. No one else’s,” I told her. She nodded, her voice cracking as I made her body react in a whole new way. Every tiny movement sent an orgasm through her body that grew with strength as it went on. When I released my cum into her she held onto consciousness at the start, but then drool escaped her mouth and a sightless gaze stared back at me. When I was done I laid her next to Hancock. 

I turned to Nami. “You should have run,” I told Nami as I walked up to her. She had a deer in the headlights look as she noticed the state the girls were in. “Because you didn't, that's all the information I need.”

She bit her lip but put her hand on my chest as I stopped in front of her. “You know I love you too, right?”

“I know,” I said. “I assumed since you kept putting up with my antics. But it’s good to hear.” She nodded and untied the bikini top. I grabbed her by the waist and moved her to a wood table in the room. Setting her on it I lined my dick up with her cunt. 

“I want your baby,” she whispered. I stopped. Staring at her. “I want the marriage and all that. I want what you gave her.”

“I assume not right now?” I asked. She shook her head. “Then we will figure it out. Nami, I meant what I said. I will do anything for you. Besides, for all I know, in my homeland, polygamy is legal.”

Her Spiritual Energy leaked joy as I undid her jeans. Pulling them off, my hands went to her breasts. This time I went slow. Building the pleasure up as I actually pounded into her. 

She came with every thrust, and was soon continuously cumming as I increased the chakra. “I’m going to give you another heart of mine. It will evolve this one,” I said. Touching the heart hidden in her short pubes. “You are mine, Nami.”

She nodded. Her eyes fluttering as I began to pour cum into her again. she didn’t fight passing out as she cried out in pleasure. When she was asleep I moved her to beside Robin. 

All 3 were still passed out. I moved my hand to their muffs. Pouring a huge amount of chakra into each of them, one by one, the Watanabe heart more than tripled in size. Before it was about the size of a nickel, now it was the size of a half dollar.

The first stage of my Lust Skills had been Lust Aura, Pleasure Touch, and Endurance. Lust Aura caused those around me to get turned on. Pleasure Touch increased the pleasure that was felt, and Endurance allowed my body to not be overly sensitive. The 2nd stage of those 3 Lust skills were Mark, which was an evolution of Lust Aura. This allowed me to give them chakra as a Watanabe Heart formed on them, storing it’s own chakra. Then Love, which was the evolution of Pleasure Touch, increasing the pleasure they felt further. Then Epitome was the evolution of Endurance, allowing me to change my own body. 

The last stage of all of these skills were Harem, which was an evolution of Mark. Increasing the size of the Watanabe Heart so they could store more of my chakra. Mindless which was an evolution of Love. I was fairly certain that is what I had been doing to them as they came harder than ever. And the last evolution was Link, which was an evolution of Epitome. This would actually Link me to the girls, and potentially link the girl’s minds as well. 

I hadn’t done this before, because I hadn’t felt the need. Here now, I knew that these 3 would be by my side for a long time. It was time to take things a step further with them, and start using my 3rd stage Lust skills. It had been over 2 years since I learned the 2nd Stage, so I was confident I had worked it out. 

As the hearts stopped growing, the Harem skill was completed. I then poured chakra into the 3 hearts on my junk, 1 on my dick, and 2 on each ball. The hearts of mine and the girl’s glowed pink for a moment as they attuned to one another. I could feel all 3 girls in my mind, and what I guessed were their emotions. What I felt from them was contentment. 

I let out a sigh. Moving to sit down I would let them rest as I thought on my Lust Element. Evey had said she never bothered with the 3rd stage because it made the sex drive too strong. I felt the 3 hearts on my member begin to pulse with power, and more chakra pour into my dick. It was a struggle to push it back. Trying to keep a levelhead as I meditated on my power I wanted to try to awaken the last stage of my lust. 

“What was it called?” I thought back to when I awakened it. “Tenkyugi or something. Heavenly balls?” I smiled, thinking about it. The sun began to set and it was long into the night until Hancock awoke. 

“You have been going easy on me, husband,” she said with a smile. 

“I have. Again?” She nodded quickly and was soon bouncing on my dick as I sat in the chair. It wasn’t long until the other 2 woke up. It would take time, but they would get used to one another. I planned to be with them always. I simply had to find the One Piece and win all of my challenges to make it happen. Nothing too big. 

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