Canon Fodder



I stalked behind Mirio and Midoriya as they patrolled around the neighborhood. I had forgotten Nighteye completely, but this part I remembered. It stuck out to me in the manga and anime, because it was a turning point for Midoriya. He was able to see the real world victims of villains and beat himself up for not helping more. The entire situation was short but a defining moment for Midoriya. My goal was to make it have a happier ending. 

The duo walked around in their costumes out in the open. Mirio pointing out this or that for the successor to All Might. I was glad he got the internship he was supposed to. My work with Midnight was on the downlow so classmates had offered to talk to the heroes that took them in for me. But I was fine being seen as the only one without an internship. It gave me plenty of opportunity to train and keep an eye on these 2. 

It was currently Saturday. My clone was still in Bangkok probably having a blast with Midnight. They should be back tomorrow. If not I was going to have to have a clone get on the next plane to relieve the current clone. He had plenty of chakra but it wasn’t infinite. He would have to end himself sooner or later. 

I pushed that worry out of my mind as Mirio stopped to talk to an elderly woman. “Oh my what big muscles you have,” I said in an weak older woman’s voice. 

“Why thank you ma’am. Most things I let pass right through me. But your words have really struck me,” I said in my best Mirio voice. 

“Oh gee what about me?” I asked in a whiny Midoriya voice. 

“Oh I thought you were a trick or treater. Are you actually an adult?” I asked as the old woman. 

“That’s the 3rd person to say that since we left. Should I change my costume so I look less like a green bunny rabbit?”

“Of course not,” I had Mirio say. “I’m sure some villain is afraid of rabbits. You’ll scare the pants off em.”

“Go fuck yo self,” I said for the old woman as she waved bye to the duo. 

I may have been watching them a little too much lately. Most every interaction they had I provided helpful commentary for them. I doubted they knew the work I put into it. But I was sure they would appreciate me someday. 

“Boy that old lady sure had the hots for you,” I said for Midoriya as he talked to Mirio. 

“She is not the only one. I like any woman that-“ Mirio and I stopped talking as the white haired girl ran into Midoriya. She was short. I guessed about 8 years old. In gray rags for clothes she was dirty and looked about the most pitiful I had ever seen any kid. 

“Here we go,” I said, jumping closer. Shadow chakra all around me I moved in on my target. A man with dark hair stood in the alley. He wore a suit and had a bird beak mask covering his mouth. I wanted to kill him right then. But I wasn’t about to risk a little girl's life for my revenge. I’d kill him when she was safe and sound. And probably not when 2 heroes I went to school with weren’t right there to watch.  

“That’s my daughter,” the man said to Midoriya. “Eri, come here.” The small girl latched onto Midoriya more tightly. 

“How about we go to the police station and figure this out,” Midoriya said. I could hear the tension in his voice. 

“It’s fine,” Mirio said. “I understand how kids can be.” Trying to deescalate the situation. 

“I’m glad you do,” the man said. “Now dear, get over here. You know you’re in trouble.” She turned to look at him. I could feel the fear from her Haki. I began to pour chakra into my body ready to pounce. 

“How about you tell us your story,” Midoriya said to the girl. “Maybe we can help.”

“Fine,” the man said. “You heroes sure pick up on the littlest of things. Come here. I’ll show you the issue.” Heading further into the alley Midoriya and Mirio followed after him. I watched as the man began to remove his white gloves. As he did so the small girls' fear spiked to huge levels. She released Midoriya and ran toward the strange man. 

That’s when I swooped in and grabbed her. Jumping down, the girl yelped as I wrapped my arms around her then leapt back up. Holding her tight I stood on the building horizontally. 

“Chisaki!” I yelled the 20 feet down. The man and the heroes looked up at me. I was in my Villain Slayer guise as I stood over them. “You are next on my list.” Without hesitation Chisaki grabbed onto the wall of the building I was on. I felt the Spiritual Energy shift as the building was broken apart and formed into large jaws to trap me. 

I jumped to the other building and ran up the wall. Easily evading the man as he weaponized the building. The small girl in my arms screamed as we came to the roof and I continued running. 

Taking her as far as possible as quickly as possible, water poured out of me. I froze the water and jumped on. Lifting off and away as another building behind us was destroyed by the man’s quirk. When we were far enough away I stopped on the roof of a large factory. Pulling the girl away from my chest she stared up at me with wide eyes. 

“My name is Kakashi. I’m here to save you,” I said. 

She wiped away tears as she began to cry. “Are-are you a hero?” 

“Something like that,” I said, jostling her hair. “You won’t be seeing that bad man anymore. I’ll take you somewhere safe. Okay?” She bit her lip to keep from crying more. She slowly took in deep breaths as she nodded. 

“Hold on tight, alright?” I asked. She yelped but held onto my chest. I could feel the fear still radiating off of her but it was mild in comparison to before. 

Lifting off once more I headed off. Changing directions often. I wasn’t sure if Chisaki had someone with a tracking quirk or not. Either way I didn’t want to go to my home in a straight line. 

When we were a few blocks away I used a transformation jutsu to give me normal clothes. Holding the scared girl I noticed that she had fallen asleep. Carrying her to my house I set her on the couch. Sitting in the spare chair I turned on the TV and waited until she could handle being asked some questions. 

“Where am I?” The small girl asked while sitting up on the couch. Fear in her voice she scrunched her body up smaller, trying to protect herself. 

“My house,” I said, still wearing my Villain Slayer face. “You are safe. Chisaki hasn’t found us, and if he did, I would stop him.” 

“Why did you do that?” She asked. The red eyed girl had tears in her eyes. “He will hurt you.” 

“I am…not a hero,” I said. “I doubt you have seen the news, but I am called the Villain Slayer. You can call me Kakashi. That man in the alley, Chisaki, he is a very bad man, isn’t he?” She sniffled but nodded. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”

“Like what?” The girl asked. She had long gray hair that was tinted blue. On the right side of her forehead was a small horn just below her hair line.

“Your name, age, anything you remember,” I said. 

“I’m Eri,” she whispered, her eyes zoning out as she spoke. “I’m 6. Other than that…” She had a haunted look in her eyes. I guessed she didn’t want to talk about it.  

“Wow, you’re really tall and brave for a 6 year old, Eri.” I could tell that getting more out of her was going to be unproductive. From what I could remember, she was an orphan, so I had no hope of finding any family members. “Did you know I had kids your age once?” I asked. She shook her head. “A boy and a girl. They would have kids of their own now. I haven’t seen them in a long time, but I couldn’t imagine either of them putting up with what you have. You are very brave.”

“I was so scared,” she mumbled, focused on her knees. 

“Well, you are very dirty. Would you care to take a bath? I can get some hot water set up for you if you know how to bathe yourself. I bought you some clothes as well. And some sweets. Would you like something to eat?” With that her stomach growled. I chuckled, getting up slowly to not scare her. 

“Let’s go. Is there any food you like?” 

“I don’t know,” she said. 

“How about pancakes,” I offered. 

“What’s that?” 

“I’ll show you,” I said. With that I extended my hand. She took it slowly and I walked her to the kitchen. Talking while I made pancakes I tried to get her out of her shell. 

“Chocolate chips for you. I think you’ll like them. After we get cleaned up I’ll take you to a lot of heroes that will help you. And then I’ll deal with Chisaki so you don’t have to worry about him ever again.” 

“How?” She whispered. 

“I’ll beat him up and throw him in prison,” I lied. “Did you know he did something bad to me once?” She shook her head. “He did. He is not a good man. He has hurt a lot of people. I’m glad you had the courage to run when you did. How did you get away?”

“I just ran,” she whispered. “I-I-” She started to cry but I plopped a pancake on her plate. 

“No crying. Try this, I think you’ll like it,” I said, pouring a bunch of syrup on it. Cutting it up for her she was soon munching on the pancake happily. Pouring her some juice I ran her a bath. Throwing some toys in the bath I helped her to the bathroom and left her to it. My Haki watching her at all times she was easy to monitor. First scared, but as the heat of the water seeped into her she played with a few of the toys. 

“Make sure to wash up with some shampoo,” I announced. She jumped and began using it. As she cleaned herself I mentally went over my plan for what needed to happen. Unfortunately as I ran through it, one of my clones ended himself. 

“Eri, we need to go,” I announced. “The heroes have said they will meet us soon.” She hurried up and got out. Closing my eyes I wrapped a towel around her and ran us to the small room I had set up for her just in case. 

“What’s all this?” She mumbled. 

“Some clothes for you. I bought them just for you. We need to hurry though,” I said, a wide smile on my face as I gave her a wink. “Puppies or snowmen?” I asked as I lifted small dresses adorned with them. 

“Puppies,” she said with a smile. 

“Mighty fine choice, Eri. That’s what I would pick,” I said as I put it over her head and slid it on while moving the towel. “Now, we are on a timer. And I want to play a little game, okay?” I asked. 

“A game?” 

“Yep, it’s called Three-Card Monte,” I said. “I’m going to pick you up like before. I want you to hold on as tight as possible, and I will explain the game when we get outside.” She nodded, lifting her hands up. Like any kid that preferred to be carried than walk she reminded me of my own kids. Grabbing her I held her to my chest as we walked outside.

Heading out of the house I walked through the front gate. On either side of the road outside my house was a roadblock. Cars littering the street, men with guns pointed the weapons at us. 

“Don’t shoot,” Chisaki ordered as he stepped out from the line of cars. Eri began to shake as she recognized the voice. 

“It’s alright,” I assured as I patted her back. “Chisaki, you were supposed to wait for me to come to you. Unfortunately for you, I am not ready to end you just yet.”

“I don’t give a fuck! Give me back my daughter!” He ordered. 

“I really doubt she is your daughter,” I said. “Now, Eri, are you ready to play the Three-Card Monte?” She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling with tears. I did a hand seal and 3 clones of us appeared in front of me. Lined up and ready to go. 

“The point of this game is to guess which is the real one!” I announced and the 3 clones ran in different directions. I draped myself in shadow chakra, hiding behind the wall. The men at the cars fired a shot or 2 but stopped as Chisaki began to roar. My clones already out of sight they rushed to drive off, chasing after our clones. They must have forgotten whatever quirk they used to track us. As they got away I stepped back into the street. 

“See, we are safe. They’re not very good at this game.” 

“What did you do?” She asked, her voice quiet with awe. 

“I made a few decoys. Come on, let’s go to the safest place there is,” I said as I walked us in the direction of the school. “Would you like to fly or walk there?” I asked. 

“Fly?” She mumbled. I pooled water under us and we began to rise. Moving her to sit on the crook of my elbow she actually laughed as we raised higher than the houses. A short distance away the 4 towers of UA could be seen. I headed there slowly, allowing her to enjoy the view as a flock of birds flew just above our heads. 

When we landed in front of the school I walked in like I owned the place. No hiding myself this time. I let them know I knew my way around as I headed toward the principal’s office. About half way there the alarm went off. 

“An intruder has been detected on the premises. Please evacuate to the nearest shelter.”

Eri stiffened in fear. “Don’t worry, they are talking about us,” I said. 

The announcement repeated 3 times then cut out. Another announcement soon followed. “Please disregard the last message. This has been an unscheduled drill.” I smiled wide, that meant that they practically gave me the red carpet acceptance at the school. The administrators must have been positive I wasn’t a threat to any of the students. I whistled as I moved through the halls. 

I came to the end of the hall where the principal’s office was. Outside his door were the teachers assigned to be there over the weekend. All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, and the sharpshooter hero I couldn’t remember. 

“Villain Slayer,” All Might said. “What are you doing here?” 

“This is a school, isn’t it? I brought a kid that could use some learning,” I said, lifting Eri up a little so they could see her more easily. “I assume the principal is in.” 

I was only a few paces from the heroes as I stopped. We stared at one another, the men judging whether I was a threat or not. But I had a small girl in my arms. They wouldn’t start a fight if they could help it. 

“Eri, do you know who All Might is?” I whispered. She nodded her head slowly. Her eyes wide. “He used to be the number 1 hero. He is still strong enough to protect you from the bad men. Okay?” She nodded, again. “Shall we?” I asked the men. 

They frowned but soon walked into the principal’s office. The white dwarf sized mouse sat behind his desk. “No sneaking in this time, Villain Slayer?” He asked, as chipper as ever. 

“Not this time,” I said. “Eri, I am going to talk to these men for a minute. Can you sit here?” I asked. She nodded again. I set her down, then put her to sleep with a Genjutsu. She curled up into a ball on the chair as I looked up to the men. “Story time,” I said as they stared at me. 

“I’ve been on the track of a new drug that has been on the market. One that buffs quirks. The same group has also been selling bullets that eliminate quirks for a short period of time. My investigation brought me to a local Yakuza group,” I said. “You all with me? Good. I was monitoring where I knew this was going on when low and behold a small girl escapes from an underground hideout.” I pointed at Eri. 

“Soon after she escaped my target, a man named Chisaki, aka Overhaul, came running after her. This small girl was desperate to get away. Luckily for her she ran into 2 heroes. Both are students at this fine establishment.” All the teachers stiffened with the news. Principal Nezu acted like it was no big deal. 

“A blond haired boy that goes by Lemillion, and a green rabbit kid that goes by Deku,” I said, eyeing All Might. He was a little too obvious how much the news bothered him. His Haki leaked worry. 

“I watched from a safe distance. Chisaki claimed this girl was his daughter. Your students were very professional. But Chisaki could not risk this girl being taken. He was about to kill your students when she ran back to him. I stepped in, grabbing her and running away.” 

“Is this related to those buildings that were destroyed downtown?” Aizawa asked, showing more emotion in his voice than usual. 

“It is, Chisaki has a very special quirk. He can destroy anything he touches. He can also remake what he destroys any way he wishes. 1 touch from him and you are dead,” I said. Aizawa nodded but All Might was soon on the phone. I had full faith in Deku and Lemillion escaping harm though so I wasn’t too worried. 

“That catches you up to why I am bringing you a little girl,” I said. “Now, how it relates to you heroes…She is the key to the drugs going around. Eri here, has a very special quirk that supposedly can turn back time. With her blood, the yakuza was able to insert it into bullets. Turning back time for them until they didn’t have a quirk anymore…somehow. She is probably related to strengthening quirks too, maybe aging their quirk until it matured fully, who knows.”

“I will need you to take care of her,” I added.

“What?” Principal Nezu asked. His first instance of emotion since I entered. 

“Eri is an orphan. 6 years old. From what I understand, all she remembers is being poked and prodded as they used her blood to make their drugs. Chisaki has already tracked us down once. I plan to end him, but I would prefer to not do it while carrying a 6 year old. Thus I need the safest place in the city with the most heroes to stop him if he tried.” 

“We are a school, not an orphanage,” Principal Nezu said, surprising me. I ground my teeth. 

“So you would abandon her?!” I asked. “This girl has a quirk she can’t control. She has no one. I have a mission to complete here. You need to do some-” I stopped as Nezu raised his hand. 

“Of course we will take her,” he said slowly. “But this is the first I am hearing of a mission, Villain Slayer. This is the 2nd time you have barged into my office. I would like to understand you a little more. If you want something from us, I would like something from you.”

I understood then. Principal Nezu had a very interesting quirk. Extreme intelligence. A scary amount, he probably had an IQ off the charts. Able to potentially plan for every outcome of any fight he was a scary foe to go up against. He had been trying to fish for information. But was it time to reveal my cards?

We had this, then probably the fight with the League of Villains, some minor arcs, until I planned to finally reveal myself and my intentions. Potentially changing the world for the better. 

“What do you want to know?” I asked. 

“Everything,” Principal Nezu said. 

“Too bad,” I said. “I will tell you a little…but I think it will satisfy your curiosity.” He eyed me for a while, but slowly nodded his head. “Okay, just you 3,” I said pointing at Nezu, Aizawa, and All Might.

“Why?” Present Mic asked. 

“We all know there is an infiltrator in the school. I don’t know who it is. These 3 are the only ones I believe I can trust,” I admitted. There was some grumbling but Present Mic and the sharpshooter relented and left. 

When I felt them head down the hall I looked back to the 3 educators. “What do you know about me?” I asked. None answered, because they didn’t know anything. “I’m strong. Experienced. I’m sure the Hero Safety Commission has been trying to gather all the information they can on me.” It was sad but they could simply get my fingerprints and know who I was. Luckily I had been watching out for that. 

“No one knows anything about me because…I am from the future,” I said, a wide smile on my lips. “A future not too far from now. The world that we are being led to is a dark and desolate place. Heroes have reverted back to being vigilantes. Anarchy reigns. And you all are dead.” 

I could tell that they didn’t like the story I was telling. And they didn’t quite believe it either. “A few years from now a friend of mine awakens a quirk that allows you to go back in time. The further back, the more it takes it out of him. We became desperate as the villains continued gaining strength. We looked at all the events leading up to our present, and chose a few months ago as the linchpin. He sacrificed his life to send me back.” I had been trained in acting by Evey a long time ago. To seduce the Mizukage I had learned how to convey which emotions were most needed all to maximize my ability to seduce her. Currently I put in as much sorrow into my voice as I could manage. 

“How do you think I have been able to step in on big events?” I asked. “You were supposed to die against All-for-One, All Might,” I lied. “Why do you think I helped out? Was so sure he had to die? Back at the summer camp, why do you think I stepped in? They wanted Ragdoll’s quirk. Her Search quirk would have been a huge boon for the faceless villain.” 

“The others you have killed?” Aizawa asked, his voice struggling to hold it’s bored tone. 

“Big names someday. Right now they are nothing special.” I turned my voice stern, trying to express the seriousness of my words. “Your method of being a hero screwed us. Letting the villains live. Only to break out and come back stronger, made it impossible for us to recover. Do you really think All-For-One is down for the count? He will escape. And cause the country to become a dark world that he is the king of.” 

“That’s impossible,” All Might mumbled, his voice unconvinced. 

“It is not,” I said. “I don’t have an infinite amount of time here. My friend’s quirk will slingshot me back to the future someday. Until then I have a plan and I am following it. I would appreciate it if you didn’t get in my way until that point.” 

“You are still breaking the law,” Aizawa said, cracking his knuckles. “The Hero Safety Commission-” 

“I will deal with them soon enough,” I said. “I plan to change this world, gentleman. For better or worse, who can say? But you’ve seen it. You can’t walk past 3 buildings without seeing a posting of someone asking for my services.”

After announcing myself to the support groups I had been ending many villains. My email was soon shut down, but people began posting on the sides of the support group buildings. Explaining their stories. Who hurt them or those they loved. Others started posting on buildings I had been seen patrolling around. The police couldn’t tear them down fast enough.  

“You will see that crime will start to drop again. I will continue to end these people that the justice system has let slip through the cracks, and before I am done the country will accept my way,” I assured. With that I turned and headed toward the door. 

“You say you’re from the future,” Aizawa said before I stepped out. “Is your younger self currently alive?” 

I hesitated a moment, but gave him my best smile. “Of course, Aizawa-sensei.” I winked at him. “Take care of Eri. I will end the trouble chasing her soon enough.” With that I was out the door and on my way. 

My heart pounded in my chest. I hoped they believed the story I concocted. So many super powers out there, of course someone had to have a time traveling one. I doubted they would guess that my supposed younger self was Weston. If they did I trusted those 3 would keep it under their hats. Heroes one and all, my younger self hadn’t killed anyone, they would leave me be. 

One more step completed in my plan I left the school and went off to prepare. I had a war to fight, and it was going to take all the strength I could muster. 

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