Canon Fodder



The Search quirk was overpowered. I had regretted not taking the Explosion quirk at first. But I literally used the Search quirk all the time. Finding who I needed with a thought it also supposedly told me health of those I was focusing on and their state of mind. 

Normally I would have to spend a long time running around to find someone. Now with a simple thought I knew right where they were. I stood outside the mansion, feeling my prey inside. He was pacing back and forth, probably trying to think of a way to get to Eri. UA was basically a castle filled with pro-heroes. With home field advantage it would be near impossible to try to grab her. It was all going according to plan. 

“Let’s go,” I said and the quest popped up. 

My Hero Academia Quest* 7:

End the threat to Eri.



Full Heal

Body Modification Resistance

Pet Evolution


“Fancy,” I said. “I love all 3.” With the reminder I summoned Nibi to me. I had let her out now and then, but she didn’t appear to mind being put into the status screen or wherever she went. 

“I’m going to kill a lot of people, care to join?” I asked. The black and blue fire cat meowed and looked straight ahead. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.” 

With that I walked up to the large wood door out front. Extending my hand out my Tremor cracked the air in front of me. The door splintered then burst into a million pieces. Blowing back 2 guards inside I walked up to them and put them to sleep. I had to let some live to tell the tale. 

“Chisaki!” I roared as Nibi stopped by my side. It wasn’t long until I felt the villain walk closer to me through the house. What preceded him was a long line of lackeys streaming out. Some had guns in hand, but most wielded bladed weapons. Chisaki trailed after them. Wearing his bird beak mask still I wasn’t sure what was up with it, but a few others sported the same style of mask. 

“You!” The Yakuza leader spat from the back. “Give Eri back to me.” 

“Fuck no. You won’t need her in hell. I’ve come for you and all your little lackeys. But if any want to run away now, I won’t stop you.” The men looked to one another, a few considered it, but none ran. I nodded as the concrete in front of me burst open. 

A giant of a man dug himself out of the ground, like he was escaping hell as he pried himself out. “You are dead!” The giant said. I frowned as I did a quick summoning jutsu. Smoke pouring out of my feet Nibi and I were raised up into the air as a medium sized sea turtle materialized underneath us. 

“Weston! Been a while!” The sea turtle said. 

“Don’t say my name, Kamoji!” I yelled. The sea turtle eyed me. “Just do me a favor and destroy the men and building in front of us.” The sea turtle growled but did as I asked. The men below us didn’t know how to react to the appearance of the giant turtle. Staring at us in awe they were hit with a high pressure stream of water. Many were split in half by the power of it as it hit them. 

The large mansion not faring any better it caved in where the water hit as the giant and Chisaki were blown back. When the attack stopped I yelled, “Thanks. That’s all I needed.” The turtle huffed but disappeared. Nibi and I landed easily to find that they were all down. Most dead, I felt bad about it but they made their choice being villains. I moved through the knocked over crowd, killing them with ice bullets. Kamoji hadn’t been too loud saying my name, but I would rather be safe than sorry. 

The giant man was down, but not dead. His Spiritual Energy was strong. Gathering up the left over water from the attack I coalesced it into a giant spike. Freezing it with a wave of my hand it stabbed into the giant. Piercing his chest it stabbed into the Earth below him as he gargled his last breaths. As I finished him off, Chisaki ran. Going inside the house I finished off the rest and walked after him. 

Chisaki ran down a set of stairs but flipped a switch, making the secret entrance to the stairs disappear behind him. I looked for something to open it, but ended up using my Tremor Devil Fruit. The vibrations broke the floor away and made more of the building collapse. Nibi and I jumped down, the small cat landing on my shoulder as we went into the depths of the underground layer. 

Coming out into a long concrete hallway Chisaki was running much faster than before. I began to jog after him. As I did, the concrete path began to deform. The concrete a living breathing thing I could feel some Spiritual Energy emanating from all around me as the hall moved. Guessing someone with a quirk was doing this I sped up. Sensing everything around me as my footfalls echoed in the hall. 

A wall appearing in my path I punched through and continued on. I slid to a stop as I felt a man in the ceiling. He was right over me. Charging my fist with Nen, Haki, Chakra, and my Tremor fruit I jumped up and hit the thick concrete. It burst open as I grabbed his heart. I ripped it out of his body and the energy disappeared from the hall around me. The concrete was now frozen in a distorted path. 

“This is going to take a while,” I mumbled as Chisaki got further away. I thought about what to call my ultimate attack as I ran. It was annoying to think of it as Nen, Haki, Chakra, and my fruit. As I ran I considered what they were. Nen was the strength of my own lifeforce. Haki was spiritual energy. Chakra was a mix between physical and spiritual energy. And my devil fruit was…from the devil? There was my quirk too. 

“Damn, so many moves. I’m fucking awesome,” I said. My tailed beast meowed in my ear. I skidded to a halt as someone burst through the wall next to me. 

What followed was mini-boss after mini-boss. A man that could punch hard was partnered with one that could make a barrier. I broke the barrier and defeated both with a single punch. A trio of men came next. One that tried to eat everything was lit aflame by Nibi. Screaming his head off as the black and blue fire melted him. I was happy that she was actually helping me. A man made of crystals was shattered and I didn’t learn the last guys quirk as I killed him in one blow. 

Next was one that was actually dangerous. A man that could make people drunk appeared. My Mental Resistance kicked in and I killed him with one of my lasers. A skill I had been working on since my blowback was eliminated. It was now easy to build up power then shoot it out in a hot beam. Slicing him in half the drunk spell he brought on me soon passed. 

A psychic guy attacked next but whatever he tried was useless to my resistance. He was cut in half as well and I came to the boss room. Finally Chisaki stopped running as he stood in an impossibly large underground room. 

Beside him were his support but I pulled them to me by the water in their bodies then sliced through them with a slash of water. Chisaki hadn’t expected it and stood stunned as the last of his lackeys breathed a final time. 

“Why?!” He roared. His hands clenched into fists as I walked toward him. “Why are you doing this?!” 

“Besides the fact that you used a little girl to make drugs? Experimented on her? Kept her locked away in a room like a prisoner? Never let her outside? Is that not reason enough?!” I yelled, stopping a few paces away from him. He didn’t have an answer for that. 

“Despite all that you did to one girl, I have my own bone to pick with you,” I said. My voice quiet in the large room. “You, a yakuza, didn’t get your start by taking advantage of kids. You were part of a small crew of bank robbers. During one such robbery someone died. Someone close to me. And I have made it my goal to end you and your partners.” 

The words grew louder, echoing in the large room as I let them hang in the air. “I killed Landslide first. He was quick to give up his partners. I got Muscular over the summer. And now, you Overhaul, are the final piece of the puzzle.” 

“That? Seriously?” He asked, disbelieving. “That was years ago.” 

“Doesn’t matter. I would have killed you for what you did to Eri. I will torture you for what you did to my mother,” I assured. The man stared at me for a long time, not risking any movement as my eyes glared at him. 

“The old man,” Chisaki said. “If you do kill me. I want you to-” 

“I’m not doing shit for you!” I said. “If you have regrets about your life. That’s on you.” I moved forward. Chisaki ducked down, his hand touching the ground I felt the energy of the floor shift as it broke away and became giant spikes trying to stab into me. I coated my body in Haki where they tried to stick me. The concrete breaking apart I grabbed Chisaki’s leg and slammed him into the rock. 

His mask falling off I let him know, “This is going to really hurt.” And slamming my elbow into his knee it broke, turning to a 90 degree angle. He cried out but I didn’t stop there. Throwing him hard into the wall it cratered with the force. I jumped and punched into his gut causing him to spit up blood. 

“My mother,” I growled. “My sister. You took that from me you sick fuck. When I’m through you’ll regret ever starting up a life of crime.”

I threw him again, but when I did he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small vial. Swallowing the contents he landed by the bodies of his underlings. His hands reaching out to them he began to roar in anger. A white light coated his body and the bodies of the men glowed and absorbed into the light from his body. 

Standing up the light dimmed around him, revealing he now had 4 arms and was over 10 feet tall. Red streaks in his skin his broken limb was now healed. “You messed with my plans! You killed those under me! I will end you, Villain Slayer.” 

“Fuck you, Goro!” I said. The man looked like a science experiment gone wrong. I slowly realized that he had absorbed the bodies of his dead men and added their bodies mass to his own. Making him larger and terrifying. “Taking drugs now too? Since you can’t beat me on your own?” 

“You lose when you don’t use everything available to you!” He yelled. I could feel the Spiritual Energy of the 3 people inside him, making him stronger. I had to take it up a notch. 

“Let’s do this then,” I said, cracking my neck. That’s when time froze. I tripped, caught off guard as Chisaki stopped breathing, Nibi as well. Dust in the air freezing in place I didn’t know what the hell was going on. 

Difficulty deemed lower than current strength.


Would you like to increase difficulty for increased rewards?


“What?!” I barked as I read the notification over and over. I was kicking his ass but was I that strong? Midoriya fought this guy with his quirk, and he had to get powered up by Eri. Then again I had Chakra, Nen, a Quirk, Haki, and Devil Fruit, also about 4 to 5 years of training more than he did. 

“Do I want to?” I asked. I looked up to Chisaki. I had wanted him dead for a long time, did I want it to end so soon? And I needed every advantage I could get. Rewards were always good. After trying to talk myself out of it I clicked Y. 

The screen disappeared and time picked up again. Chisaki roared, his already big body growing larger he kept expanding out. His eyes now black I doubted he knew what was happening to him. My only option was to use everything I had or die in the process. 

Walking up to him I began to focus strength into my arms as my steps became wider. Speeding up as I ran at him. Pouring Chakra, Nen, and Haki into my arms I began to use the Dual Processing as I felt my arms become filled to the brim with strength. 

Chisaki roared, his hands reaching out, and then he was on me. He had rushed forward instantly, far faster than I thought possible. One touch from the guy and I was dead. My body acted on instinct, leaning back to be missed by his open palms like Neo dodging a bullet. His leg kicked out and hit me hard. I felt my bones creak under the pressure of the blow. I regretted clicking Y as I was thrown into a far wall. 

Coughing up hard I gritted my teeth and moved as he slammed into the spot I was. I had to take it up another few notches. Treat this guy like Hisoka and give him my all. Chakra poured into every part of my body. Pulling in heat from my back I centered it on my chest, holding it there for the right moment. 

No longer waiting I jumped at the powered up Chisaki. Armament Haki in my fist I hit his face. His head thrown back he stayed standing as I continued to hit him harder. I sped up insanely fast as I hit him with all I had. Sliding under his arms as he reached for me I hit him in the leg with my fist. Sending the Tremor out as my punch landed his leg was broken apart. 

Stronger, he immediately reformed the leg but I sent the stored up energy out of me in a huge laser. His arm was blown off from the intense heat. But to my horror I couldn’t dodge his other arm reaching out for me. So much training with Angiea I instinctively moved Armament Haki to where he was grabbing. A part of my arm was blown off as Chisaki broke it down, but not near as much damage as he could have done. Haki had lessened the power as it had against Mirio.

I ignored the pain as I moved around him. My other arm punched at his spine. I sent a huge tremor and chakra out at the same time as I had learned from Sakura. His guts were blown out his front. He screamed, reforming himself again, but I continued punching over and over. Getting in the zone as I kept my powers up. 

Chakra strengthening me, Armament Haki coating my arms, and Nen surrounding my punch, it was the best I could do. As each hit landed I poured chakra into him while also sending a strong Tremor into his body. 

Chisaki screamed, his body reforming with each hit. But he lost momentum as he used his quirk over and over again to reform his body. A big bloody mess in front of me he started adding the broken rocks underneath him to his body. Forming more wounds as I gave him my all. Punching him I roared, feeling the anger of my younger self. Letting out all the rage that had built up in me.

I thought I had been angry before, but I felt the difference now. Back when I went to One Punch Man I had ripped off the doctor’s arm with a tug. I felt that strength enter my body for real. Each punch whipped air around my fist causing gusts of wind. I only focused on dealing as much pain as I could to him. The part of my arm ripped out of me the last thing on my mind as I roared with each hit. When I was out of breath I found that only his chest and head were left. Blood everywhere he had stopped reforming himself some time ago. 

“Kill me,” he whispered through ragged breath. Just stumps for arms and legs it wasn’t pretty. I was used to doing this in a Genjutsu where there was no mess, but now there was blood coating me and the floor around us.  

When I was about to end it I found that I felt others I knew running my way. I sat on the carcass that used to be Chisaki while I waited for them. It took them time but soon enough Nighteye, Mirio, and Midoriya ran into the large underground room. Aizawa and a few other heroes joining him they stopped far away from me. 

“Book him, Nighteye,” I said as a pillar of ice went through Chisaki’s head, ending him for good. His body jerked and I could feel him with my Search Quirk no more. 

“Why did you do this?!” Nighteye yelled. His eyes filled with rage as he stared at the carnage around me. 

“Some people deserve to die extra bloody,” I said. Seeing Mirio and Midoriya alive I gave them a nod and pooled water underneath me. Jumping onto the saucer of water I raised in the air until I was at the ceiling. Punching through easily I came out to see that it was now night. 

Sirens going off in the distance where the mansion had been I left to go find some company for the night. I missed Toru, but I was supposed to be in Bangkok. There had to be someone I could fine to help me celebrate finishing the main goals of my revenge. There was still one man left, but he could wait. I had plenty of time to finish him in the coming months. It wasn’t hard to find one of the top 10 heroes in the country. 

As I flew through the night I washed my body of the blood as I looked at my notifications. 

My Hero Academia Quest* 7:

End the threat to Eri.



Full Heal

Body Modification Resistance

Pet Evolution

Bonus Upgrade

Weakness Eliminator


“Fuck yeah,” I mumbled. It was basically a wishlist of all the goodies I liked to get as quest rewards. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.