Canon Fodder



I was in the red room of course. “Shit, 30 days…” I mumbled. “Need something for the next challenge.” Looking around the rooms I made a quick plan. Bringing up my status screen I had forgotten to use what I received for beating Chisaki. Using the Pet Evolution on Nibi, making her Level 3. My Bonus Upgrade I tried to use on Medium Psychic Resistance, but received a message. 

WARNING: Higher Tier Upgrade Required.


“Damn,” I said. Using it on Mental Resistance it was upgraded to Minor Mental Resistance. Last I used my Weakness Eliminator on myself.  

Please choose which (1) weakness to eliminate.


Empathic Psychic Link (3)

Devil Fruit Lock

Haki Impurities


It wasn’t really a contest. I used it on Haki Impurities. After a few seconds I felt the reservoir for my Chakra harden further. With Conqueror’s Haki it was already thick, but as the Impurities were removed I felt the strong reservoir become stronger somehow. Brighter as I felt the power grow inside me. I let out a sigh as pain passed and I studied my screen. 


Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:

One Piece


World 1 Quest:


World 2:

My Hero Academia*


World 2 Quest:


World 3:



World 3 Quest:


World 4:

One Punch Man


World 4 Quest:

Get to S-Class


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Dual Processing



Nibi - Level 3


1 Challenger Slot


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


6 Challenger Slots

World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk


Conqueror's Haki


Cross World Summoning


Chakra Sense


Berserker Mode


Search Quirk*




Tremor Devil Fruit



Increased Intellect


5 Challenger Slots

Hardened Skin


Increased Vision


Drug Resistance


Medium Psychic Resistance


Venom Resistance


Minor Identity Theft Resistance


Smooth Tongue


Minor Mental Resistance


Fertility Control


Body Mod Resistance



Chikyugi Necklace


3 Challenger Slots

Seastone Jitte



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights*

Stored (3)


Hero Costume


Reject Dial

Stored (2)


Gantz Armor

Stored (40)


Gantz Sword



Baria Reef Map



Stored (402)


Anti-Hero Costume



Chakra Paper

Stored (4996)


Full Heal



World Choice






1 Challenger Slot
















I could use the World Choice to find a new world in a different hall, but decided to leave it for later. No, after more and more thought I knew that a door had been calling to me lately. I had fought Chisaki, and it had been so easy that I was given a quest to make it harder. It was time to truly challenge myself. 

“Who knows, maybe they’re not as strong as I remember,” I mumbled as I stared at the Dragon Ball Z World Door. Letting out a sigh I stepped forward into the door. 

I was in Central City. I guessed it was called that because it was near the center of the continent. But I didn’t know the area well enough to verify. I’d been on the trail of Yamcha, and it was high time I found him. 

With plenty of cheat skills at my beck and call I made 8 shadow clones. The clones ran off in 8 different directions. Now I had time to handle other matters. I looked down at my body. I was wearing a simple shirt and jeans, but the top of my head was still bald. I wasn’t a fan of the bald look so I began channeling Lust chakra into my head. 

Back in Naruto World during my long training arc I had learned to use the second phase of my Endurance skill, Epitome. When building up chakra I could change my body how I wanted. At first this took months to take effect. Changing a little bit at a time as I made myself taller or my jawline more defined. 

I had been doing it with most of my younger bodies. Layering a huge amount of chakra to make myself a quarter-inch taller each day. The work was a slow process and didn’t happen overnight. Now I really wanted to change my hair. 

Hair was much easier to change than bones and flesh. The body knew what to do. Simply charging the top of my scalp with chakra I kept the mental image of what my hair normally looked like forefront in my mind. 

Ever so slowly hair sprouted on my head like a chia pet. My scalp itched like crazy. But I pushed on. More chakra moving up I was stimulating growth. I was also able to do this method to speed up healing, but it was taxing. When my hair was a good half-inch long I stopped the work. 

Waiting on a park bench my clones were doing plenty of work searching for Yamcha. I decided to play with my Search quirk. I was always interested in how the quirks worked. Like my own was simply the transfer of energy. Todoroki who could make ice was the conversion of his own energy into fire or ice. Midoriya…who the hell knew how his quirk supposedly worked. 

The Search quirk, what was it? When I met someone did some of my energy leak into them, allowing me to track them? Did that energy then keep an eye on them, linking us together forever? Or was it as simple as knowing them made it so I could hone in on their specific energy? 

All of these skills and quirks had to work somehow. You couldn’t do something without giving up something in return. The energy of my body was typically the fare required to use the skills, but as I tried to learn my skills, I had an ultimate goal. Could I mix them?

Chakra was explained to me as a mix of spiritual energy and physical energy. Haki was pure spiritual energy. Nen was my life force. My quirk was…something special about me. Just like my devil fruit. But there had to be something different about my body that was able to change and interact with the world. Whether that was causing vibrations or pulling and pushing energy. 

The reason that I was thinking about this was the fact that I could potentially learn Chi. I couldn’t sense anything different about the body of me in this world. Where was my chi, and how was it different from my other powers?”

“Let’s start at the beginning. Chakra. I was able to sense that when I was about 10 years old in Naruto World. What do I know about chakra? Some people have a huge amount like Naruto. Others not so much. In Naruto World people didn’t have chakra originally. The rabbit goddess ate the fruit and awoke it. Which was why no other world or people should have chakra. How I understand it, chakra is your spiritual and physical energy mixed. So as your body and spirit become stronger, so does your chakra. Got it,” I said with a nod. “It is centered at my core and travels throughout and outside my body via pathways like veins.”

“Next I learned Haki. Back in the day I was able to sense it right away when I got my One Piece World body. A change from my Naruto body, the Haki was a container for my chakra. Everything has Spiritual energy. Observation Haki would be useless if they didn’t. So technically I could teach my girls to call upon their Haki. But it takes forever to learn to harness it. I am sure that there is something special about the people in One Piece world that allowed them to sense and use it more easily. Or maybe my supposed royal blood in that world made it easier for me.” I let out a sigh. Sitting on a park bench as I thought people gave me a wide berth as I talked to myself. 

“Haki is spiritual energy, plain and simple. So my soul’s energy? I can see that. I can sense other spiritual energy with it. But also bring it out to my skin to make me stronger and defend me.”

“Next I learned my quirk. How the fuck does it work? Back when I was 4 I accidentally pulled energy from a glass of water. Freezing it. The power simply happened. But there has to be something special about me. How does the quirk work? I’m a medium for energy transference. So I am controlling all the energy around me. Is my body talking to it? So freaking confusing,” I grumbled. 

“Toga’s body aches for blood to activate her quirk. Midoriya’s body supposedly yearned for a quirk after his was taken. So my body has the answer, somehow,” I said. “Need to think on that more. My Search quirk as well is powered by something. I just don’t know what.”

“And finally my Devil Fruit,” I said. “I had to eat a fruit to awaken the power. So that means I absorbed some type of superpower.” I could feel a part of my brain that knew how to access the power. A simple shifting of my mindset to call upon huge tremors. 

“Sound is simply vibration. My power is basically a huge vibrator… moving on. Vibration is energy. So I must be forcing energy out into the air around me. Causing vibrations to happen.” I accessed the power and flicked my finger. The finger stopped against the air, like hitting an invisible wall. Tiny spiderweb fractures in the air appeared where my finger hit. The air in front of me vibrated and pebbles shook. 

“So cool,” I said. “Back  burner on my quirks and devil fruit. The other powers are energy inside my body that I can train and make stronger. My body should have Chi. So how do I use it?”

As I considered it I was surprised to gain memories of one of my clones. “That was quick,” I said standing up. “Time to get Yamcha.”

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