Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 97: Dad vs Tenebrae: Result

Chapter 97: Dad vs Tenebrae: Result

[Territory Dungeon]

(After the massive light explosion.)

" Garrkkkggrrhhh!!! " a man comes out from the massive rubbles, exploding it up using his magic

" What happened here? " the man says as he wipes the dust, it is Investigator Frank who had come out from the depths of the Dungeon, with some other men he brings with him, to find something inside, whatever it is.

" I swear that there's a massive explosion here, thank goodness it only blows up. "

" But,... " Frank tries to see around and then sees a Dark Cocoon.

" Lord Tenebrae... " Frank says and then approached the Dark Ball.

" Is it lord Tenebrae, Frank? "

" Is he? "

" Shut up! " Frank disses them off, approaching the dark cocoon thing.

" Lord Tenebrae, are you inside, what happened? "

*Frank was given a silent answer*

" My...- "

" Oh... " Frank says as he sees the Cocoon dispersing.

" Do I look alright to you? " Tenebrae says, revealing that he's been hit brutally by the attack.

As he came out, covered in his dark magic covering his whole body, neck-to-toe, eyes covered with his black hair, and then stands up and looks around.

" Where is he...? " Tenebrae asks his men.

" Where is who? are you actually fighting someone here? " Frank asks which was met with Tenebrae's sharp eyes.

When he looks at him, Frank was shocked as Tenebrae's eyes turned pitch black, so dark as if his pupil and sclera were all black as if there was no light coming out of it.

Seeing that pitch-black eyes, Frank was shocked to see it, for he and the other men never see this before from their 'lord' to which Tenebrae responded by tilting his head to the right (his left) and telling them.

" Well, it seems you lot finally see another of my true features again, for being with me too long. " Tenebrae tells them, as he looks at them with his pitch-black eyes.

" Yes, if you are all thinking before me right now, you were right, this is my 'real eyes'... "

" It was like this since my innate magic is 'Dark Magic'. " Tenebrae explains swiftly as he then walks past them.

" So did I get myself clear for my 'change-of-appearance'? " he asks to his men and just walks, leaving them silent as he looks for the person he wondered for.

" Damn, he really did surprise me again, didn't he? " Tenebrae says to himself.

" 'he', sir? Frank asks.

" Duncan Grimshaw, Frank! "

" Our most powerful disruptor is here just now if you didn't know! " Tenebrae says which shocks Frank.

" Duncan Grimshaw, was here? " he asks and he then immediately remembered that his partner, Richard Tracer is with Tenebrae back then went he was exploring the depths, so...

" Lord, if it was true, then...? " Franks asks, seeing the destruction he sees which Tenebrae immediately responds by summoning a Dark Cocoon out from his hand and putting it down.

" He's here, fool. " Tenebrae says as from the Cocoon he spawned, the body of Investigator Richard that was knocked down by Duncan earlier was now preserved, unconscious, making Frank get a bit of relief.

" Thank goodness, you didn't forget him. " Frank says to Tenebrae.

" Of course not, he's a part of me now. "

" If I live, he lives... " Tenebrae says as he walked further to see all of the rubbles.

" Ah, let's get to the main topic after being distracted so long, shall we," he says.

" DUNCAN! GET UP HERE! " Tenebrae calls for Duncan in midst of the rubble that his spell made.

" I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE, YOU HIDEOUS LITTLE S##T! " Tenebrae calls for Duncan.

" Maybe he's dead, my lord, should we... "

" No, he's definitely not... "

" That slick Duncan will never have the balls to use a spell that costs his life! " Tenebrae cuts it and immediately continues, mocking Duncan to draw him out, spilling all of the things he knows about him, like a freaking stalker in the dark which even made his men feel awkward.

" How much does he know about him? did he stalk him all day... " they said silently to each other.

" I know that he is obsessed with the S Rank Hunter after 'that time', but... " they questioned their master for being too obsessive over this, too passionate that it seems he himself didn't care for his own purpose anymore while Duncan Grimshaw is around.

As he calls for Duncan, Tenebrae sees and looked at the rubble being destroyed, and from that rubble, he can see the Warblade Guildmaster, Agniz Resha bring Duncan's body out.

" Well look who it is, it's the Warblade chick! " Tenebrae mocks Agniz with his very mouth, approaching her.

" You... " Agniz responds, showing her blade, while holding Duncan's unconscious body after he performs that spell, earlier.

" Don't even try to get close... " Agniz points the blade of her [Scarlett Bloodburn Sword], the greatsword she adored.

Seeing the sword, Tenebrae burstingly laughs at Agniz, immediately can't hold the unquenchable laughter he's trying to hold all over back then.

" Well, look at what we have here, the [Scarlett Bloodburn Sword]. " Tenebrae says, knowing about the sword too from Equipedia.

" Are you trying to slash me with it, that weapon? " Tenebrae asks Agniz and she tells him that she could give him an experience out of it.

Hearing it, Tenebrae smirks after hearing it, instead of going lock-and-loaded, he calmly approaches the Warblade Guildmaster and offers his chest to the tip of the sword's blade.

" You think you can strike me? Guildmaster? " Tenebrae asks.

" You think I won't, I've been aiming at you after you decide to call me back then*. "

" Of course, I will waste no time to find and strike you, knowing what you've done to the killed from behind the scenes. "

" For I will never let such a trickster pull the strings on our guild's warrior ways! " Agniz tells Tenebrae.

" Aha, I see... "

" So you're like this because you become the guild's master, didn't you? "

" Guildmaster Resha? " Tenebrae asks, after understanding the whole reason himself without even being given a hint by Agniz herself, for he figured it out immediately.

" Tsskk! "

" Hey, don't blame me for figuring it out, of course, I know that you're so confident in front of me because there's no one in the guild that could ever silence you for good, isn't it? "

" Hence why you owe our friend Duncan so highly is because he freed you from the torches of Ardun, am I right? " Tenebrae tells the question again, telling her that the reason why she's so brave right now is because of the freedom that Duncan gave her, unknowingly helping her by killing his nemesis, Ardun back then.

Hearing it, Agniz's emotions go very furious as it really came into her mind and heart without her even noticing.

" You..., you... " Agniz remembers those old days before her coronation as the guild master, remembering how the guild was near the edge back then, during Ardun's waste of leadership.

As she remembers the past, at the tip of her emotional trigger, a voice tells her.

" Don't let him get on your nerves... " Duncan says as he coughs.

" Mr. Duncan...? " Agniz asks as he sees him waking up from her hold.

" You're awake...? " Tenebrae asks which his men decided to immediately advance but he holds them.

" My lord...! "

" Halt! " Tenebrae orders them to stop as he kneels.

" It seems you get me again, how surprising you are always, Grimshaw? " Tenebrae says as he sees Duncan still coughing after waking up, his mana circuits are all in chaos as it tries to go normal after he did the spell earlier.

" Hmph of course... "

" I know a lot more of things, sometimes. "

" Even you couldn't see it coming right in front of you. " Duncan mocks Tenebrae and smirks, looking at Tenebrae happily which made Tenebrae lose it.

" Well, you know what, then our conflict here is done. " Tenebrae quickly says which shocks the others as they protested about it.

" Wait, we're not...- "

" We're done here, Agniz... " Duncan says to her, telling her that result belongs to both of them, for now as both of them see Tenebrae and his men pack things up.

" Our work here is done. " Duncan says.

" Despite him not dead yet, but for now we're done here... " Duncan says as he looks at Agniz and sees her too in a sorry state.

"( I should've not pulled that one spell off. )"

"( It's not worth it when you're with your allies. )" Duncan says to himself as he sees Tenebrae leave with his men, not seeing them again from afar.

" Let's leave, Resha. " Duncan says, trying to walk his leg out of the Dungeon.

As he walked, he then sense something.

" Hmmm? "

" What is it? "

" Nothing, Resha... "

" Let's just go..., let's leave this place for now. "

" You really just want to leave? "

" Yes, let's leave... "

" Leave this incident privately for now... "

" Don't ask any more questions. " Duncan says while behind him and her, there's something in the shadow that is watching them, seeing all of the conversations that happened.

"( I must report this. )"



*Remember Chapter 70: Dark of the Dungeon

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