Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 98: Eyes Healed

Chapter 98: Eyes Healed

[ Location: Richter-Grimshaw House ]

" How's my son's eyes, medic!? " mom shouts as she can't take it to see me struggling to open my eyes due to me, trying to peek at dad's battles, using my shadow's eyes.

As I sit there, feeling my eyes getting better using the medics' healing magic.

< HP +2.000 >

< [Blind] effect lasts for 5 minutes. >

< " Stay strong user Donovan! " >

"( Dammit! )" I said while these eyes slowly recovered for the Healing Magic slowly cures them, as I can see my eyes got so much treatment and energy.

" Are you feeling better, young master? " the Medic says to me, asking me if their healing magic works.

" I... " I responded while opening both eyes, trying to focus my sight as it slowly gets normal again, my sight definitely.

" Yes, I can see... " I said to myself as the System then tells that the [Blind] Effect is over and my HP is already full again thanks to the medic.

< HP Fully recovered >

< [Blind] effect ended. >

" Thank you, Mr. medic..., um... " I say as I see his name on his ID.

" Hayden Hall. " I call the chief medic's name, which made him assured that my eyes had already been healed.

After he decides to check on me with some of the medical procedures, Chief Medic Hall then concludes that I'm healed which made my mom feel relieved and joyful as she immediately hugged me, telling me her worries as she sees me in that worried state.

" Donny, thank goodness you're alright! " mom says to me.

" What happened to your eyes back then? " mom asks me about it she recounts that the medic examined me as having 'photo-oxidative damage' which mean I was suddenly getting a great amount of light entering my eyes which as a result made me have a hard time seeing for a while.

Knowing that, my mom immediately wondered how the hell I get that kind of thing in my room, like..., what the hell did I do? what am I seeing actually?

" I don't know mom, I'm... I'm... " I obviously had to lie, to my mom, not because I'm a bad kid, but I can't tell that I have a shadow, that I can Link with, and see dad battling his enemy Tenebrae Nyx Nocterra, the man who possesses investigator Richard in my school's medic room and confront me, and I also definitely can tell that I'm actually just following that into the Dungeon like hours ago, becoming 'Draven', giving born to the second persona that I will use probably, and tell him that after I left, I see dad doing his unknown spell that blinds me like hell, I'm not going to tell her that.

Which is why I've decided to lie. Of course, not just because I need to protect my secret activities outside their sight, but also...

I consider if I reveal it too early then...

They wouldn't believe me, thinking I'm crazy, which they should've thought about it, knowing full well, who or what I am.

Since I'm not an ordinary child, having some powers outside the normal standards such as the System and the Black Shadows, etc, etc, etc, which are powers unknown to man, I've seen it on the Maginet or in the Libraries I've searched, there's no record of the things that I've owned right now which means that my powers, my whole existence...

Is new to humanity, even I don't know what I am really...

Was I a shadow monster? a human? I don't know about that, my only thought, for now, is to be accepted in the community, in the family I'm in as my priority.


( Minutes later. )

As I tell mom some random things like, I don't know what happened and I don't see what's happening at that time all the stuff. My mom immediately believed me as I tell her while confused, I make my face look confused in order to prove my own statement for now.

Using that, my mom believed me, probably knowing that since I'm not natural from the start makes she believe that there will be times that I would experience some things that the other kids would never experience.

" It's alright Donny, we lived in the world where magic exists... "

" Random unexplained things could happen sometimes, even during our resting times. " mom explains as she told me that things could happen to a mage, to those who had the Mana inside of them, it often happens despite them not knowing why.

As she tells that, while we return to the living room, I asked my mom about it, things that often happen to those with Mana like all of us.

" So mom, what are you saying that we magic users often had some abnormal things that happened to us? " I humbly asked.

Mom went silent for a minute, as she hugs my sister, Adria into her, before putting her in her baby chair, and asking the maids to feed her also.

When she does that, mom returns to look at me and tells me what her statements were.

" Yes about that... " mom opens her conversation.

" It's the common mystery that often happens in our world, the probability of magic abnormalities in our body," she told me, telling me that in this world, there will always be an incident that a person's mana would abnormally change everything in their body, making them different as suppose to empower them at some state.

She also tells that, these 'incidents' often happen over many years, to the 10% of the magic users' population which usually happens to kids or teenagers.

" So, you're saying that I was having this abnormality, huh? " I asked despite I know actually what hit me in the eye, definitely not some abnormality thing she talked about.

I stayed with her, asking her many questions to get more information from my mom since she's a Knight, a Royal Knight. My mom should've known more about things due to her Royal Ancestry privileges.

So, as I did earlier, I dig many things from her, many knowledge from her, things that even the Academy will never teach me which I definitely can absorb into my brain, gaining more knowledge, and experiences.

< Congratulations, you've got an Achievement! >

< Achievement: [Learning from mom I] >

< Rewards: >

< Intelligence +17 >

" Wow... " I replied to not only mom but also to the System that told me I've gained another achievement.

As I learned all of this from her.

" Hello, all of you... "

" How's evening? " a voice says, which his dad, coming home, wounded with Guildmaster Resha holding him.

" Duncan! " mom was shocked to see him.

" What happened to you!? " she says which I also followed to be shocked despite my knowing about it as.

< [Black Shadow Tania] has returned to the User. > The System notifies me as I also see Tania returned to my shadow.

< Extracting information from [Black Shadow Tania] using [Shadow Link] >

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